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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1909, p. 9

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":#s it II ASSEMBLY DOINGS 19 FROM THE LEGISLATURE „ • ••.*» AT" SPRINGFIELD. , ... - ' ^ % \ : tAST HOPKINS VOTI 18 76 IForty^Slxth Ballot In Jofht Session .;| Without Result--Crisis Coming :f|j According to Friends of ' %J| Aurora Mark -. IT VOTE IN THE SEN­ ATORIAL FIQWT. \ *.««? ' : / < <, I 'WM • Hopkins .7f ...... . . . * ..•/* • « . f.*y.*•#>• « • 18 Msson • /* ̂ *.v •* *v» • * ^ S h u r t l e f f K ; * > . # , * . . . . . • 1 # Lowden . 4 Calhoun *. *» .*. ..-.. 1 W. B. MeKlniey 2 Sherman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stringer ..... Lucius Potts.*...30 a£ Hopkins £ Foso .. .I8; Mason .... Its of Earlier Ballot*. 1 17 26 30 37 ..88 85 75 73 61 ..16 17 19 19 1 « 4 3 4 1 ShurtlefT .712 14 18 14 17 W. B. MeKlniey. . 1 1v 1 1 Lowden »" 1 1' 1 2 Stringer ^£V..|Ct4 « 53 6(T Calhoun \ 1 2 1 .. Sherman *.*• ». 2. 2 .. Eastman :t3 Harrison 10 .. .. K i t c h e l l . 1 . . . . . . • . . Aischuler.. *. t.«,»; .. .. .. 4 Callahan **.......«^ .... .. t Constitutional majority, 103. t Springfield.--The general assembly hursday took its forty-sixth ballot in n effort to break the gonatorial dead­ lock and failed to name a successor llor ex-United States Senator Hopkins, Although predictions to the contrary %*ere reade by the Hopkins men. In­ terest ran high and in many quarters the proceedings were regarded as the final try-out before the criBis that waB txrected soon to follow. The ballot Thursday gave: Hopkins, 76; FOSB, t8; Mason, 4; Lowden, 2; Shurtleff, 8; Sherman, 2; MeKlniey, 2; Cal-oun, 1; Stringer, 33; Lucius M. Potts Of Springfield, 30; Henry P. Bergen, Thirtyrfirst ward, Chicago, 2. Conditions forced abandonment of A general plan to force the issue Thurs­ day. The air was charged with rumors - *foncerning trades and deals by which *lhe candidacy of both Hopkins and Speaker Shurtleff was to experience a )om. The expected sensations failed develop, however, and another tame lint session was added to the more in two score already devoted to the Ikubject^ Hopkins Gains Two Votes. The forty-fifth ballot .or the election of a United States senator from Illinois showed little change from previous ballots in spite of the many rumors that significant shifts would be re­ corded. For the first time in many days the house galleries were crowded with spectators when the Joint balloting be­ gan. The vote of the joint session gave former Senator Hopkins 77 votes, against 75 last Thursday, when the forty-third ballot was taken. The Shurtleff vote showed no change from last Thursday's figures, 18 votes be­ ing given to him, two in the Benate and 16 in the house. The feeling of unrest which had led to the circulation of rumors was manifest in the expectant air w|th which the course of the ballot was followed. No Quorum on Fsrty Sivsnth Ballot. One senator and nine' members of the house voted .on the forty-seventh ballot Friday for the election of a United States senator. Former Sena­ tor Hopkins was .given the votes of Senator Hay, Representative Burgett, Perkins and Lyon. Representatives Browne and Naylor voted for L. B. Stringer. Representatives Shanahnn, Sxnejkal ana Beck voted for Speaker Shurtleff and the speaker voted for . oss. The speaker announced that j|o quorum was present and no choice Igiade. The joint session then arose. Summary of vote: Hopkins, 4; Sljtrut- Jeff, 3; Stringer, 2;* FOSB. 1. Quarantine l« Ended. - -; Gov. Deneen Wednesday issued a ; proclamation releasing the quarantine *|8n livestock imported from the states Maryland, Michigan and New Jer- ey, established several weeks ago account <?f the foot and mouth dis- indorse Tuberculosis Law. Illinois is to have a law for the con­ trol of animal tuberculosis. A num- P ber of bills, framed from different joints of view, have come to the leg- . jplature at Springfield. Such a law fjjay affect the property "of the farm- fir in a very serious way, and the lead- farm organizations of the state gave voiced their convictions as to the jhain provisions, after consulting both the science and the practical common snse of the situation, as set forth in le tuberculosis conference at the Uni- *r«tty of Illinois. * - louse Adopts Frid*y fhirt#;1' A resolution, Intended to make lembers stay in Springfield on Friday , Hereafter, was adopted by the house, ti was introduced by Representative jHerson and provided that the roll Hiall be called each Friday hereafter, the record shall show the ab- jntees. Meve for a Peep Canal. The deep water project for Illinois to result in the creation of a channel from Lockport to Utica as a part of the final development of the waterway plans was introduced in the house Thursday In a bill presented by Rep­ resentative Smejkai. The bill is drawn In broad terms to conform with the project outlined by the internal improvement commission in its report submitted to the last legislature. In order that there might be full discus­ sion and ample consideration of the final provision of the measure, the method of selection of the deep water- erway commissioners is omitted from the bill, as well as provisions fixing their pay. The measure recites that the ultimate depth of the channel shall not be less than 24 feet and that- all structures on the channel shall be installed to that depth. It provides for five locks of 108 feet width and 960 feet long. It provided that the Joliet level shall be made at the out­ set of the ultimate depth of 24 feet and not less than 400 feet between masonry walls, but that the channels in the three levels between Joliet and Utica shall have a preliminary depth of 14 feet on a bottom width of not less than 290 feet. a Waterways Fight Is On. The first rotrnd in the fight Is on, with Lyman E. Cooley aa<t I sham Randolph opposing each other in their estimates of Che cost of the projected ship canal through the IHi* nois water power 'tone. The state administration forces have printed copies of the internal improve­ ment commission^ report ready for distribution. The title is somewhat misleading, in that it is in reality the observations and personal estimates of Mr. Randolph, the sanitary district engineer, who proposes to do all in his power to stop the federal govern­ ment from co-operating with Illinois in the work throughout the water pow­ er zone. The feature of the report is the contention that the |20,000,000 will do the work without federal aid. The sanitary district engineer pro­ poses that Illinois refuse federal sup­ port in constructing -the locks, even though 9"wh refusal may mean a shal­ lower suip canal and even much nar­ rower one. For the present at least the state administration will support Mr. Ran­ dolph, and all the Influence of the ad­ ministration will be thrown behind the sanitary district'engineer's bill. Mr. Cooley, as do most of those who are now fighting for the deep water­ way, rather than a mere water power project, takes the stand that the chan­ nel should be properly constructed at the outset, and that it can be if the state will accept federal aid to the extent of lock construction, which would give the state that much more money to spend in deep channel work. TalH of Judicial Apportionment. The judicial apportionment occupied the attention of the house Tuesday^ further consideration of senate bill No. 176 having been postponed until that time, after the house had voted down the Brownback Amendment to It. With some changes the senate bill has a chance to pass the house. The time for filing circuit judge nomina­ tions in the rearranged districts has passed long since under the primary law, making it extremely doubtful if any new apportionment at thts time can be made operative for the June elections. / 'Phone Pest Hit In Bilk Telephone "mashers," jokers and those who swear at central are hit in a bill introduced in the legislature by Representative Charles Lederer of Chicago. The bill reads: "Whoever shall call to any tele­ phone any person for the purpose of communicating a false message or with intent to deceive or maliciously annoy, or whoever shall use any ob- sccne language in any telephonic con­ versation, shall de deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding $100 or imprisoned in the county jail not ex­ ceeding three months." Kill Sttvtnson Recount Plan. By a vote of 120 yeas aud 64 nays joint assembly Thursday afternoon adopted the majority report of the Stevenson-Deneen contest committee, which recommend that the petition for a recount of the vote on governor be dismissed. By a vote of 119 to #6, the minority report, which provided for a recount, was laid on the table, and the two roll calls, in which party lines were strictly observed, disposed finally of the Democratic contest which had been Gov. Deneen's bugaboo, and had been pleaded as an excuse for delay in ending the senatorial deadlock. Fighting loyally, united for the first time this session, the Democrats ma4e an able effort to force a recount of the gubernatorial votes. "Recount the votes, and if Mr. Stevenson is not shown to be elected, we will pay the expenses of the in­ quiry," cried George A. Cooke, secre* tary of the state Democratic commit­ tee, in pleading. But his appeal found the ears of the Republican majority closed. Adlai E. Stevenson's contest for Gov. Deneen's seat was thrown out Wednesday when the joint legislative committee, to which the subject was referred, adopted the report of the ma jority, recommending that the petition be dismissed. This action, which de­ clares Charles S. Deneen legally elect­ ed governor of Illinois, was taken against the vehement protest of George A. Cooke of Aledo, who was chairman of the speaker's bureau in the Stevenson campaign. Gov. Deneen was represented by Orviila l* Berry. PREVENTING PAINT TROUBLES* - It's easy enough to recognize the symptoms of poor paint, after it has been on awhile--after its inherent tendency to crack and peel and scale and blister, etc., has developed into trouble. You know these paint "dis­ eases" usually indicate adulteration or substitution in the paint materials. And you know the only remedy is re­ painting. A little knowledge of paint and painting requirements, and how to made sure of the purity and quality of materials, would prevent all trou­ ble, and save the big extra expense of ire-painting; just as a proper knowl­ edge of simple health-laws, and ob­ servance of them, prevents sickness. A complete painting guide, includ­ ing a book of color schemes, specifi­ cations for all kinds of painting work, and an instrument for detecting adul­ teration in paint materials, with di­ rections for using it, can be had free by writing National Lead Co., 1902 Trinity Bldg., New York, and asking for Houseowner's Painting Outfit No. 49. A very simple guide in the pur­ chase of white lead (the only sure and safe paint material) is the far mous "Dutch Boy Painter" trademark; that trademark is an absolute guarant­ iee of parity and quality. INADEQUATE. Present in Senate.^ , ^ The senate met with three memoers •.fresent, held the uaual Friday perfunc- • <i|ry session, but no business was -0anaactNL,: A ' - r • For Filling of Lake Michigan. Bills to permit the Illinois Steel Company to fill in Lake Michigan ad­ jacent to Its South Chicago plant and to allow the installation of equipment by which Illinois coal will be made into coke for blast-furnace use, while the gas and other by-products will sup­ ply power for the manufacture of rails and structural iron, were Introduced into the senate and house Thursday. Senator Clark presented the meature Doctor Monk--Did those mustard plasters that I left seem to relieve the pains in your chest, to any consider­ able degree? Ostrich--Well, no; I cant say that they have; but (apologetically) I've eaten only five of them! A TRAIN LOAD OP TOBACCO. VWenty-four Carloads Purchased DMT Lewis' Slngta Binder Cigar Factory. What is probably the biggest lot of all fancy grade tobacco held by any factory in the United States has just been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, of Peoria, for the manufacture of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars. The lot will make twenty-four carloads, and is se­ lected from what is considered by ex­ perts to be the finest crop raised in many years. The purchase of tobacco is sumcient to last the factory more than two years. An extra price was paid for the selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Binder Cigars will appro* ciate this tobacco. --Peoria Star, January 16, xgog. Why She Shut Down. "A charming gentleman, about four years old, used to pass my house every day on his way to kindergarten," said a lady, "and in course of time I made his acquaintance and gave a penny to him each morning when we parted. "Eventually his mother requested me not to give any more money to him. The next morning I did not pre­ sent the usual penny. He did not seem to notice the omission. The succeed­ ing day, when the penny was not given to him he said nothing. But on the morning of the third day, when the penny was not forthcoming, he sidled up to me and whispered: 'What's the matter. Ain't your husband working?*" Quaint Oath Taken in Court. What is regarded as the quaintest oath still in use is that taken by the' high court judges in the Isle of Man, the terms of which are as follows: "By this book and the contents there­ of, and by the wonderful works that God hath miraculously wrought in the heaven above and the earth beneath in six days and six nights, I do swear that I will, without respect of favor or friendship, loss or gain, consanguinity or affinity, envy or malice, execute the laws of this isle justly between party and party as indifferently as the hei> ring backbone doth lie in the midst of the fish. So help me God, and the contents of this book." Some Resemblance. A little girl in a California public school complained to her tcacher that a Mexican boy had struck ber. The teacher took Joe, the only Mexican boy in the school, sharply to task for the offense, but the boy denied It. "Mary," said the teacher, "Joe saya he didn't strike you." "Oh, no," said Mary, " 'twan't Joe; twuz that tother boy over there," and she pointed to the blackewt of negro boys in the school. , "But Mary, that boy isn't a Mexi­ can," said the i teacher. "We'l, anyhow," said Mary, "he's very nu<;h tanned." LESS MEAT Advice of Family Physician. '.iff1 In the senate and Representative Poulton, also from South Chicago In I •N g«n«Ut. true. 1 Wortnerly people thought meat neo- essa> y for strength and muscular vigor. The Tifan who worked hard was sup­ posed tp require meat two or three tlmP3 a day. Science has found out diff f rently. It is now a common thing for a fam­ ily physician to order less meat, as in tbo following letter frcm a N. Y. man. '*1 had suffered for years with dys­ pepsia and nervousness. My physician advised me to eat less meat and greasy food's generally. I tried several things to take the j-lace of my usual breakfast of chops, fried potatoes, etc., hut got no relief uatil I tried Grape- Nuts food. "After using G~ape-Nuts for the cereal part of my meals for two years, I am now a well man. Grape-Nuts benefited my heal' h far more than the $500.00 worth of medicine I had taken Wore. "My wife and children are healthier than they had been for years, and we are a very happy family, largely doe to Grape-Nuts. "We have bo*n so much benefited by Grape-Nnts that It would be un­ grateful not to ^knowledge it." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Bver read the above letter? A »ew mi* npprara from time to tint. They fall of kuua EXPERT ADVICE. Butler--Pardon this interruption, but there Is a deputation of unem­ ployed waiting for you at the door. His Excellency--Tell the people to go home quietly. (Drains a glass of champagne.) People In this world can get on very well without work--at lettat I find it so. Pleeing Out the Prayer. Of curious prayers a writer says: "I have heard a layman utter this petition during the prayer: 'O, Lord, be thou with us in our upsittings an our down- risings'--a variant of the. text in the psalms. "Thou knowest my downslt- tinge and mine uprisings.' A minister occasionally introduced a Latin sen­ tence into his prayer, and forthwith proceeded to translate it. Another min­ ister in his early days experienced con- siderabl© difficulty with the long prayer before the sermon. In nonconformist churches this usually occupies a qua*" ter of an hour, but long before this pe­ riod had been reached he was wound up. On one occasion, while in this di­ lemma, he startled his hearers with the words: 'And now, O Lord. I will re­ late unto thee a little anecdote!'" Humiliation. -« A certain small boy of six is rapid­ ly assuming manly ways. Not long ago his "room" at school planned an en­ tertainment. There were to be little songs and recitations and a myste­ rious grab-bag. The small boy waxed eloquent concerning the coming gto- rles of this show, and 'more especially the part he would take. On the morning of the entertainment his mother suggested that he should take his little sister, aged four, with him. He hung his head. "Don't you want to take her?" hia mother asked. * < ."No, I dont," lie answered. "And why not?** ! The reply came quickly. '• '"Cause there ain't none of th* oth^r. fellers has to bring their children.", \ What a Woman Will Not Do.'H" There is nothing a woman would not "do to regain her lost beauty. 8he ought to be fully as zealous in preserving her ^ood looks. The herb drink called Lane's Mra- ily Medicine or Lane's Tea is the most* ef­ ficient aid in preserving a beautiful skin, and will do more than anything else to re­ store the roses to faded eheelcS. ' At all druggists'and dealers', 25c. .v- The faces of some men look like, accidents--and some others look like disasters. ' . , A pessimist needs Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative which regulates the liver, corrects constipation and brings good health and good spirits. Nine men out of a possible ten wear a sad look after they have beea mar­ ried a year. PU.ES C1HKO IN « TO 14 DATS. PAJEO OLNTMKNT S s guafanleod to cure any MM of Itching Blind, <>r Protruding Pile* In 144aysor aioncv refuaaod. AOo. A man's Idea of values depends on whether he wanta to buy or sell. a a rich Factory, Lewis' Single Binder Cigar hi taste. Your dealer or L«»^. Peoria, I1L Travel expands the mind, tat eon- tracts the pccketbook. Mrs. Wiuilow'8 Soothing Symp. Tor children teethlog, nofteae the gunm, reancea Is flMUMtlcm, p»ln, ciytsi wlftd colic, ate* twit la. The professional tramp never punc­ tures his tire. a USE Allen's FL Ntttied, aching, sweating feet. 8c. A. H. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N, T. It is what it la "cracked up to be,' It is ice. If One of the Important Duties of Physicians and jsgiKthe Wdl-Infoimed of the World ; ' r" is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactar- ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product,has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the namo of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc­ cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact thqt it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physiciaps and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed,because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, arid the original method of manufac­ ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Cb. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of~~ Syrup of Figs--and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians arid the Well-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of--Syfup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs--and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of fhe Company -- California Fig Syrup Co.-- plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for--Syrup of Figs--or by the full name--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--as--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name -- Syrup of Figs -- which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States, in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle* ? Every bottle is sold tinder the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, K$» San Francisco, Cal* U S. A. London, England. New York, N. Y. Do Ton Love Tour • Child? Then protect it from gen of croup to which every child is subject. Keep DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT in your home all the time, then you're ready for the sudden attacks of croup and colds. Neglect miy cost you the life of your child. It's safest to be on your gusrd. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant Is the best remedy known for croup: It civss quickest relief. Sold ooerpwAcn tm Am ites tstf&s $f.00. 30c. 2U m 1 South Bend Watch Frozen in See Keeps Perfect Time. South Bend Watches are accurate to the uiui2t6Si uibtiuu ui h second. They ftrc This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute uarantee of pur­ ity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you "buy., MTl<m IEA0 C0WMT 1«1 fault; Building, MOT M Ex. GOT. HOMO •wtodwlthta t OF OTW sea.oe Sis Qttm, man Awk ffcatr tarn, prof--on doaMtd, itotbwitovnalM we*wto.S tela •d. *nd ' ibuMKn ttitBiMrttoMnnMi wbcM u« pUattm SalaarM Billion Oolfct flf Vow til doabtai Se«a co«t* but s«s *0 SO* pwwweaad the yield* centlujjMMNl OWSRS (MMINM OiWMlTClMUmMt ^LUHS sun Mi •• BWLAY.COMLTIU.Oati AAD WIIM*eaveebUly'reoommeadsd ead lotrotfaeed BY tkeS«H- eoitonr <MB«g«s el Wlaeeeeln, lew*, North PtfcesOnsnfnt*. Sorth Dakota, etc. VMSTASUI MIH the tors** IIWSI «t into we bmwi l» issls, nwlt»« Weiwilwt«e«d» toprodaeethe--rtt--t. flatrt,fniMto |wr«. Ottrwede aroatmajmmkm**. Iamb** • .-.j t mv Mnei nmi ww *>• VHV . 1 ImMmkC | •etstec tette wky «*• have tfce rSiwhwumirtiifMMeininiiiliiiK for tut NMRN >10 00 OIR ANY sura MM? rouse tn rt»wn« well free of »U <wt --«p»-- at SUrer " " lUoeroei Wheet, yleldlac *4 fen. p«r eete: BllUe* Doller G~ together with timothy, tiorer, tnaeee, e«e^ et&, eoy otte term, will be worth tl&Mef any money to (e«e atari there* 14«and weaddi rth of maenlBntnt Mr * ef AUkSTaMn. MMHMSferVM JOHN A.SALZER SEED CO. LA CROSSE. WIS, 1 n DO YOU LIKE RUN !! I TfcSn Why suffer It when RHEUM ATOID8 wtli pufiU.elj CUilc •"'? case of RHEUMATISM. This le a remedy which acts on the Kidneys, eliminating t h» URIC acid. Has oared Thousands, will cure you. One Dollar a Box, by mall, postpaid. If you suffer write at once. THE THY-MEN.TOLE CO.. M Mm Ufa, For Flak Eye, l̂ bootto liai rvvwr tarrkal Fsvur DISTEMPER _Ss*»«gieaiid soelftoe preventive, no matter bow hortee at any eore are "Wjmea" Uquia.ttim on the tongue; acta on the Blood and uiande; poleonousjrerms from the body. Cur«e Distemper la Don and Sheep and Poultry,,uu«erteelllBirlivestock remedy. Curee La Grippe siwse heasaa i tuid 1s a One Kidney renwdy. tocandtlo bottle.*--dSMa Jaesa. Pel tats oat. It. Show to your ciniciM*t. wbo will get It foryow. fne Booklet, "Oletsasyer.t *Dd Curat, ** 8pwi4l Af<nti wtnttd. tnw MEIKU to.. SKMI, n. •. I. L FREE CATALOG i Hstchm^esgilMlf price. 30 Barred rlymuuth Rock SI. Bamnins blooded farm stock. Collie doss. Hounds. Wanted Fox Cube. Dick Mason, KLrksvlllc, SUisowL not affected by heat or cold; yon can freesa a So nth Band Watch la tea without affecting Its timekeeping qualities la the slightest degree. They are proof against variations caused by railway travel, horseback riding, auto- mobiling or any of the many jolts and jars and bangs of every day use. Your jeweler will be pleased to show you our line of these watches and explain to you how, through the wonderful South Bend Bal­ ance Wheel, a South Bend Watch adjusts itself to every temperature automatically. FOR SALE BY JEWELERS ONLY. ^ Rednew In Now, Faee and Haiidt: If w you are annoyed by any of above blemishes no matter what cause) writ© os for effective remedy. Particulars froe. Wrlu» Unlay. Comptoi r Francali Casmetlque, P. O. Bo* 882, New York City. GALL STONES ^ Will U-ll of a our.-»>-«.. Udmt C. E.COVKV, It. F.I).5.Lansing, Mich. BLOODHOUNDS. terea. Btemp for Lexington, Ky. bounds Irish Wolfhounds Register catalog. Kwiknood Kennels, L< II1S8ATI8FIED: If yon own OIL or MINING » SHAKES tnat yoa will sell f;- writs at Mice. MINES INVESTIGATION CO., S05 Hibernia Bldg., San Franciaoo, CtL PATENTS W stMR E. Coleman,Waal) ington, D.C. Booksfrse. High-«K Ntemtcea. Beat isaulta. A. N. K.--A (1909--13) 2275. 320 Acres 0,LT„T' IN WESTERN CANADA WILL MAKE YOU RICH Fifty bushels per acre have been grown. General averagegreatcrthan in any other part of the continent. Under new regulations it is poagihli" to secure ft hosnsstiad of 160 seres free, and additional 1C0 acres at $3 per acre. "The development of the country has made marvelous strides. It is a revelation, a rec­ ord of conquest by settlement that is remark­ able."--Extract from correspondence of » National Editor, iuho visited CmrutdM tn August lest, t The grain crop of 1908 will net many farmers $20.00 to $23.00 per acre. Grain* raising, mixed farming and dairying are the principal industries. Climate is excel­ lent; social conditions the best; railway ad­ vantages unequalled; schools, churches and markets close at hand. Land may also be purchased from railway and land com panics. For "Last Best West" pamphlets, maps and Information as to how to secure lowest rail­ way rates, apply to Superintendent of Immi­ gration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Government Agent: C.J.BR0UGHT0N.4I2 Merchants'leaa <T»«alB!4t, CMttsgs. Hi.; W. H. S08ESS. Sbiii Bwr. Traettoa aiaal Bldg,, Indianapolis, Inl.; m T. 0. CU1I1C, lit M Street. Milwaukee, Wit. Trial Shipments Less Than Ton Lots @•1.00 per tfirt. Old Proeess Linseed Meal 1.70 per Middlings.. 1.30 per «wW Alfaliuo Feed... 1.80 per eirt Feedin g Tankage -- .. @ 1.50 per cwfc. GEO. 5. aJniTii, m Stock Yards Cottoa & Linseed Heal Cfc 40*44 Exchange Ave., Chicago, ML Long Distance Phone, Yards 4401. Readers MAPLEINE A flavoring that la used tne same as lemon or vanilla. By dissolving granulated sugar in water and adding Maplelne, a deiicioui: syrup is made and u syrup better than maple. Maple!no i a sold by grocers. If not S&c foi 3 os. bot. and reel iw book, Cttwul Sf«-1«., Sttlilt. of this paper de­ siring t o buy anything adver­ tised in its columns should irnid upon having what ihey ask lot* refining all subftitutes oc imitation!. P I L E S "I have with piles lor iharty- tit years. Ouc ycau agO Just Ajnil i be­ gan taking Cascarets for constipation. the course of a week I noticea the piles began to disappear and at the end of six. weeks they did not trouble me at aO. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Cotorniocsassds WnMsran* (MlsrcsisfStlNuiattystssrttes. Ose lOe sscksis estsrs sll Ibsis. !»•» 4y» is esM water better than an* ether dj». Youcsatp lOMtiiiSMittipiagasaft «IMtsisrliMtwBM«t--4iswtoOis.Blsselis^llliMsis. mOKKOC OttUO OO,, Cascarets have done wonders for me. I am eulkcly cured and feel like a IMMP , man." George Kryder, Napoleon, <X Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste OooC Do Good. / Never sicken.'Weaken or Gripe. IOc,25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The atia nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed I# Core or your money back. W ONION SEED Per Salser*s catalog pats it: Largest, growers Of onion and wtes. is in the world. Big catalog free i 16cm stamps and receive catalog <> kernels each of onions, carrots, cell ishes, i;oo each lettuce. ru:<*t«M2a. [nips, too paisley, loo tomatoes, too ^ Iuoo charming flower seeds, ia sW I kernels, easily worth St.OO of a99 money. Or. send XOc and we wUt m pkg. of Earliest Peep O'LJay Sweat C< [8ALZER SEED CO., BMW. LAWLMMK O* thttnmy, Mlnmtm, J- „ '.%*• OVER STANDARD ,'"4. ' J' . ' . _

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