Mi'vsm vA ' v f ^ f, J H s H t A f « r Ro^W'US RISER FANCY FAMILY FLOUR THAT'S THE NAHE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT --Why be without-- -0 ; the best family flour Qraham Flour Buckwheat Row Breakfast Food Cora Heal Rye Flour Pumpernickel Flour FEED GRINDING EVERY DAY, Satisfactory Work*Prompt service West MtHenry f iaur id feed WEST MvMKNk'V , II I INOIS. - - JOHN SPENCER, Prop, r. . OPENING SALE! X Until April 1, to those who bring this ad with them, we will give a \0 per cent discount on all cash sales of Auto and Boat Supplies. We have a complete line of accessories in stock. * RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. - - McHenry. 111. liie Hciieary Piflindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THCBBDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OBe* in Bank Building. Telephone, No.OT. •̂̂ KIIIUS Ol* SUBSCRIPTION. "ISAOFITAR •is month*, TScts. Three months. 40ota Thoridtj, March aj, «9®9- $S"* FACTS FOB VOTERS. . election, April 6, 1909. City election, April 30, 1909. - School election, April 34, 1909. Judical primary, April 18, 1909. Jodicial election, Jane 7, 1909. CAKDIi)AT£ BV PETITION. I hereby annoance myself a candi date, by petition, for president of the board of the village of McHenry, Mc Henry county, Illinois, and respectfully aak the support of my friends. 40-4t* F. H. WATTLES. CANDIDATES BY PETITION We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for the village board of the village of McHenry by petition, as fol lows:. For President, SIMON STOFFEL. For Trustees, ™ DE. R. G. CHAMBERUN. JOS. W. FREUND, FRED NICHOLS. AuflUil (ODlDiGatiOQ Sdie! George Vogel, Auctioneer . TILLAGE ELECTION. - Notice is hereby given that on Tues- day, the 20th day of April, at the city hall tn the village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry and state of Illi nois, an election will be held for the soilowing village offices, viz: One vii- v'^llage president, three village trustees -and one police magistrate. Polls will p'lf be open at 7 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock of the same day. ' ^ L;- .v. , ,<p' GKv«n under iny hand at McHenry, M Illinois, this 17thday of March, A. D. 1999., • ' H. E. PRICE, ' • J "Village Clerk. "PlNNJGAN'S FORTUNE*' Ta B* Freaonted »t Ring wood Tomorrow and SitnrdKjr KveulHf*. Jtv - AI'IJITOR'S MEETING • JSotiee is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, county McHenry, and state of Illi nois, will meet on Tuesday, March 30, 1909, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2 o'olock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans- act such business as may come before ? the meeting. Bills against said* town of McHenry may be left with tits supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated at McHenry this 35th day of Mraary. 1909. jf. H. PETESCH, Town Clerk Notlee! Ho insure publication in The Plain- copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to lake particular notice to this Read The Plaindealer. At the C. E. Jecks farm, 3 miles west of McHenry and 7 miles east of Wood stock, on the Woodstock and Mcllenry road, on Tuesday, March3o commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: --23 HEAD HORSES-- Ten head of good, ^serviceable farm horses ranging in weight from 1100 to 1500 pounds. The balance of these horses include several good 3 year old colts and drivers. The above horses must be as represented on day of sale or no sale. Nine extra choice Poland China brood sows, weight 300 pounds each, due to farrow April 15. The above sows bred to registered Poland China boars. Also sow with ten young pigs. Forty bu. of June clover seed, absolutely guaran teed free from all foul seed, and will be s)ld in lots to suit purchaser; 25 bu. timothy' seed, also free from all foul seed; » sets of double harness, one set nearly new; an assortment of wagons, buggies and farming tools; 1,000 fence posts, good size and length. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and nnder, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes drawing inter est at 7 per cent per annum. No prop erty to be removed until settled for with clerk. C. E. JECKS, Mgr. S. Stoffel, Clerk. To Sanday School Officer*. To the Sunday school officers and tsachsrs of McHenry county, associate helpers: Next Sunday, March 28, brings us to the first quarterly temperance lesson for 1909. I hope we shall be choro and practical in our teachings that day. To help you in the former, I have written to the county superintend fcnt for a list of teachers, and to each teacher whose name I have received, have sent Zillah Foster Stevens' card of Helpful Hints for the lesson of that day, and to each primary teacher the Primary Memory Gem. To help in a practical way. I have proposed a county temper ance Sunday school rail, which I shall send to each superintendent not later than Thursday, March 25. I hope it will be opened for signature the 28th in every school and that each member will sign it. From one to two thousand should be enrolled that day. Let us make it the greatest pledge signing day in the history of our county. Remem ber, as President Roosevelt recently said, In caring for the children of today, we are taking dfcre of the children of to morrow. The citizen, the Christian, the nation, the church of the near future is the plastic material in our home to day. May we have grace and sense to mold it well. W.M. A. CROSS. Supt. of the McHenry county Sunday School Temperance Work. "Finnigan's Fortune," which was very successfully produced at the Cen tral opera house here last Angust, will be presented at, the Woodman hall, I^ingwood, Friday and Saturday even ings of this week, March 26 aud 27. The sidesplitting Irish American three act drama will, be given nnder the Hospices of the M. W. A. camp of Ring- wood for the benefit of tfre repair fund aud, aside from Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith of this place, the cast will con sist of purely home talent, the east of characters being as follows: Larry Finnigan, an easy going tad J. VV. Smith Patrick, his son; rather too fond of dress.. Clarence E. Tuttle Rafferty, his friend thru thick and thin ... ... . James L. Conway Dutch Jake, his particular aversion WiHJ. Betji Countde Morney, a black sheep Ward E. Wood Lady Hannah Lovtvjoy, an adventuress. . Miss Nettie Whiting Katy, Jake's daughter. ..Miss Kdith M. Tuttle Mrs. Finnigan, Larry's ambitions wife • Mattleitastb Between acts will be introduced the lawn tennis quintette in the musical sleigh bells: Misses Nettie Whiting, Et*hel Harrison, Jennie Beatty, Leone Kelley, Mildred Wolkos. * SYNOPSIS OP PLAY": ACT I--The Home in "Finnigan's Alley," New York City--Mrs. Fiuni gait's Ambition--"An* Me a Dyin' to see th' Italian Opery" Rafferty's News --Finnigan Arrives--"They said 'strike' an' we struck"--Patrick the Dainty- - Katy--Jake and Finnigan - Katy Gets Mad--The Telegram--Fortune Smiles at Last--"Now I Will Lick That Dutch man.'" . • ; ACT 11-^A Month Later--Finnigan's New Home on Murray Hill--Mrs. Fin nigan Struggles With "Frinch"--The Count--Lady Hannah's Advice--A Dan gerous Game--Finnigan's Trouble-- "I'll Commit Suicide If It Costs Me Me Life"--Recalling Old Times--Finnigan Asserts Himself. ACT III--The Next Morning--Mrs. Finnigan's New Trouble--Finnigan a Wreck--Jake Brings Startling Informa tion--The Swindlers Compare Notes-- The Count is Cornered--.lake Gets His Dutch Up--The Attempted Murder-- Policeman Rafferty--Finnigan's Vow. Finales JUDSON THOMPSON DEAD Fella From Windmill and la Fatally In jured-Friday Lent. Read The Plaindealer "want" ais •f-'L: b • For Coughs and Colds Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just «es^. case.s 4yfr s Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. rc.Auer Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Act directly on the liver. Gently laxa* ©nly one pill. Sow for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about " « Sff- T X ilmm WAUKEQAN-ELGIN ROAD W|li Beffln Aetual Work of QbMtraittloii Next Month. • Judson Thompson, one of the tfest known residents of McHenry county, fell from a windmill tower at the farm known as the*Sumner Gates place, one mile from North Crystal Lake, last Fii- day and died from the effects of his in juries at his home in North Crystal Lake last Saturday. Mr. Thompson was a dealer in agri cultural implements and was adjusting the fans of a mill seventeen feet from the ground at the above mentioned farm when he made a misstep and fell, striking on his head. He was uncon scious when picked up, and was con-' veyed to his home^ where physicians were called and efforts made to arouse him. It was seen that he was suffering from concussion of the brain, and he died without having regained his facul ties or having recognized any of the family. A Chicago specialist removed a blood clot from the brain Friday, bnt be could not be rallied. He was born in McHenry county and was a son of one of the early settlers, and had resided in that neighborhood during his entire life of fifty years. After leaving the farm he engaged in the implement business and was a re spected and popular man. A widow and three children reside in North Crystal Lake. Taxes! Taxes I Taxes! Having received my tax books I am now prepared to receive taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places for that purpose: Mon days at J. C. Debrecht's store at Johns- burg; Tuesdays at> Bradley & Foes' store at Ringwood; Thursdays at the atoreof M. J. Walsh West McHenry; Saturdays at the drug store of N. H. Petesch at McHenry. 32 tf JOHN NIESEN, Collector. Kills Would-Be Slayer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver an<l bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Consti pation, Biliousness, Chills, Malaria. Headache and Indigestion. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and oth ers. , Low Colon Ut B»N| to Pacific CoMt Dally Thrttoat Mar^h and April. These special low rate tickets are available on our daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars thru to the coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. For full particulars write S. A. Hutch ison, Manager, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, III., or address nearest ticket agent^ 38-4t It Saved His Le(. "All thought I'd lose *ny leg, 'Kwrltea J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis., "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, . Salt Rheupi, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts- and Piles. 25c at N. B. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others . Nuud* Towhitbtp Tiiti. I will be at the following places for the collection of taxe<t for the township of Nnnda: At West McHenry State' Baul^ on Mondays; at store of Ben Throop in North Crystal Lake on Tues days and Saturdays. '\/V 38-tf T. L. FLANDERS, Collector. The Waokegan, Rockford and Elgin Traction company, R. D. Wynn, gen eral manager, will begin actual work of construction with the opening 6f spring, probably April 15. Simultane ousiy the work of construction will begin at Waukegan aud at G rayslake.. Grayslake is ambitious and is eager to have part of the electric road done by midsummer or sooner so that the lakes district may feel its benefit. Therefore, at the same time that the first shovel full'of earth is turned at. Waukegan, a spade will also sink inte the turf at Grayslake and the construe fciou of the road between Grayslake and Drnce Lake will begiu. The building of the three milen be tween the two lakes will mean the opening of the lakes district on that side of Fox Lake to the world as never before. People in the vicinity of Grayslake are taking up the proposition eagerly and are willing to spend their money with the road because they see a great amusement park locaated in their; neighborhood and a great augmentation of the summer trade, perhaps as much: as 500 per cent. In addition to this, they see, when the road is completed between Wauke-« • gen and the lakes,. a traffic agreement with the boat ahd trolley lines that will bring to them many people and more dollars. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. (teoui Clipped from The PI«io4*4Itr o( March 26,1884. The public school will close on Fri day of this week for one week's vaca tion, and will open for the • spring term on Monday. April 7. ' The ice broke up and floated down the river on Friday last, and went s#quietly that few knew it until the river was clear. Spring has indeed come. Win. McCollum of this village has been quite sick the past week, and at one time grave fears were entertained as to the result. He is now raufcb bet ter, and his friends hope to see him around again soon. Hunters are bringing in a good many ducks these days. We saw at the depot on Monday about one hundred in one lot. There will be -muscle enough wasted on the river in the next six monthB to work half the farms in the county. This will be the last week- of the skating rink, the proprietors having decided to elose on Saturday night. We understand the comuiittee ap pointed by the board of supervisors to purchase a farm for the county poor, bought one near Kishwaukee station, in the town of Hartland. It contains one hundred and twelve acres, for which they paid the sum of $6,000. They will probably go on and put up the buildings and arrange for its occupancy at once. Nothing like knowing what's going OIL We keep you posted Iocallv, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world, By our special ar rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the yerv low rate •1.75. Electric Bitters Succeed wlieM everything else foils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it in the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Renting Pairvt That's what it means to paint an empty house with Slierwin Williams Paint . W. P. PREPARED; The house won't stay empty long. S. W. P. makes old houses -look new and makes new houses stay new. It wears longer ^hd is the most economical pa,int to use. Call on us for color cards. N. H. Petesch, McHenry, : : Illinois everything la Wm. Stoffel. term machinery F ashionable Millinery New ideas, new colors* and new shapes are here in abundance. Every hat on display is a model of per fection^ reflecting the latest style in ideas of the fore most designers. You can find here exact copies of the expensive model hats in styles made famous in the world's greatest fashion centers, priced so moder ately that choice of style will be your only problem. flissL. Hiller West McHenry, : : Illinois THEATRE TALK NO. 4, *Wkt; THERE IS ALWAYS A SWEET FEELING OF REST, conteatmeiit and simplicity in the far away country Tillages and Cross road hamlets far from the hum and bustle of city Ufa. There Is a truthfulness that admits o£ Vhpn doors and hospitsl>l@ wsl~ Come. A newcomer is looked upon as a friend until proven jjtherwise. Each individual in the hamlet knows. the move- ments of his friends and neighbors. inhabitants of the mountain HOW TO GET A HAPPY FEELING The ragged life led by the districts of old Virginia admits portrayals which evolve themselves into the acme of stage pictures. "THE HIDDElf HAND" IS A HOMELIKE, OLD FASHIONED STORY OF OLD VIRGINIA written by Mrs. Sottthworth and appeared as a serial in the New York Ledger whea that famous stwry paper was riding on the top wave of success and prosperity. The story has been dramatized by Eugene Moora and will bo presented in thi city before many days. Both play and company have received unstinted praise from both public and pross. It is so* seldom in this up -to-date world of ours that a homsliko and interesting drama with a taste of the hills a real flavor of the woods and valleys is seen, that "THE HIDDEN HAND" comes lis a relief. Concerning this production the Cincinnati Enquirer of a recent date made these few pleasing remarks: tfush? Slie a AsIeep There ?w. & ••THE HIDDEN HAND" COMPANY appeared last night la tills city in time for the opening at the Lyceum Theatre, where they were kindly welcomed by a large and appreciative audience. The motif of the play deals with the good old times in old Virginia with darkies, laughter, music and a love story with the inevitable villain to overcome. "THE HIDDEN HAND" COULD NOT FIND FAVOR UNLESS PRESENTED BY A CAPABLE CAST. It is pleasant to note that those who took part gave a good account of themselves and the earnestness with which the different actors entered into their work gave a distinct value to the character of the play. There was enough action in the play to mate it interesting and thrilling and the scenery showing some interesting spots in Virginia is well worth seeing." ' GLAD CROWDS LEAVE THE THEATRES. WHAT MORE COULD BE SAID. NOTHING SO GOOD HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED IN THIS CITY* AT SUCH PRICES. IF YOU DON'T THINK THTS IS A GOOD SHOW, WE WILL -REFUND YOUR V :i£Y. USUAL PRICES WILL PREVAIL. - ; ̂ ' Central Opera House, Sunddv, April 4 LOJALITY KOUNTS ITHE I PACKAGE AMi fc*«ti»e Cess |M*r It would be too bad to dtco» rate your home tn the ordl« nary way. simply becauae ol not knowiufi you could do it better for leas uioney with Alabasttne. Better find out all about Alabaatlna first, anyway. Call at our atom and tha Alabastiaa Portfolio ol Prize Designs !*$» .w hi tion yt worth looking at «ve» if yd,l have no immadtaM intm- 1 J\J0W is the time * ^ to think about spring painting and, decorating. We car ry a full line of Sun Proof paints and v a r n i s h e s . A l s o brushes in all sizes and prices. Our stqck is larger than ever before. Call and look over our line before buying. We guarantee ^ Save you money. 'ICENTERVILLE HARDWARE Horses For Sale! atf Col. P. J Berry's Mountain Meadow Stock Parn. • i ca alle* north ot WOUCOIKU, Lake Co., IH„ can be a st.oeW of fli st.-cluss farm and genera purpose horses aud mares suitable for th6 road aud all iarm work, welRhliig 1100 to 1400 lbs. Also several pairs of drafts; I-U100 to XJflO lbs. Prices $85 to 1800. So plugs. All the best ages «fihd a serviceably sound lot. All horses guaranteed as represented at time of delivery, t'ome and see them, and Joseph Peter son. superintendent. j*lll take pleasure lu showing Stock and sell everyt hing at lowest market price. Fresh consignment from Iowa and Minnesota tfs- celvttd aud sold weekly at the farm. COL.. F. J. BERRY The sad news annooucing the death of Frank Page at his home in Slay ton, Minn., on March 18, has reached Mc Henry. The deceased, was a former McHenry resident and a brother of Charles L. Page, who resides west of town. Mr. Page left McHenry souie twenty ycarti ago. He is survived by his wife. . Mrs. Henrietta Groe*beck, daughter of Mr and'"Mrs John R Wiphttnan of Chenoa, who have a summer home at Pistakss Bay and are well known her#, Profeaaton&l. Society > and Buainesss Cards DAV1DG. WELLS, M. D. " J pHYSICIAN,SilBGEON AND OCULIST ~~ Office and residence corner Elm aotl Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. 311 vEuESS PHYSICIANS AND 8UROEON8. KcEtta&r . r ill. Office at Residence, corner Oourtwa£ Kim streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATT¥,1i!WC.Y AT Woodstock, IUMpi Wttrwij| v^li.8iness ,ntrusted to his care wtllpii property apd promptly attended to, , ^ DRNTI8T ' Off lea and RoaMeaco *v«r n. J. Wolab'a Hours: ' 8:oo to 5:30. WMTMOHCMINR, Tctepkoao N*. 6 Office la! , jz DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeons -r ; •< IVEST McHENRY, ILMlfcre. < R«L«PTM7IE N», *9$ W& r" SIMON STOFFEL, ? IittnKusce Agent for all olaeaeaof t, property in the best Companies. "West McHearjr, StllnoU, T 1 • J Mohn J. Vycital DEALER IN General Hardware "Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 048 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. H . C . M E A D * r..s „ JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop* «rty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Efee Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III: HELLO! Oolng to Glial* today? YEP! All rlfbt, win meet you at tko LiinbertQ. SfK BUFFET fi Fifth Ave. McHenry, liiiipte*.. PORTRAITS, -OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 493.L % WHEN you get readyj for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar antee all of our work. :: R. P«tzke & (0. West McHenry. in" •1 Or was married March 17 to Man rice Mou- rpe at the home of her parents 111 ("henoa. Mr. Mouroe is vice president and cashier of the Farmers' baok iu that city. : Spring Ufovti Jonrnal: A. (i. Stev ens, the popnlar farnitore dealer at WHiikeKSn. and hin family had a narrow escape from death by ptomaine poison inR Wednesday. The family had eaten beef liver for dinner, which bad been kept on ice and Mr. Stevens believes was decomposed. The husband, wife aud ysvo children were taken violently ill and only prompt medical attention ca .1 V* jj J"t frlton-l fnAm ilnntk We strive \o please the ever in creasing demand for something better thaii <:the .ordinaf)u» t ease ».•? the most exacting^ ^ trial order will restrit favorably. It's aston ishing how mucb^ mon ey we can save you. * ^ - •PMOMIi tleirocr Block, - ricrtenry m ' ' ; * A- ^ "if: