HON.-- (to. Whitney ..OF WAUKEGAN.. CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE OF THIS JUDICIAL DIS TRICT. - - - - --PRIMARIES-- Tuesday, April 13,1909. WHITNEY WILL BE NOMINATED Will Receive a Heavy 5Spte in Each One of .the Four -Counties and is Likely to Lead All Other Candidates. Itis apparent to atl impartial observers that Hon. Charles Whitney of Waukegan will be nominated by an overwhelming majority. Many of his supporters believe that th^i^ candidate will lead all others in the race for nom inations. / ? V The Harvard Independent of last week with a heading "Lake Will Have a Judge" said ed itorially of Mr. Whitney's candidacy: "As the judicial primary approaches thq "candidacy of Hon. Charles Whitney of Waukegan is being more and more favorably received thruout the district. Lake county's claims to the office are well known and admittedly just. Her candidate is making the right kind of a cam paign, and everything points to his election by a large majority." One of the strongest Republican papers of Winnebago county in speaking of his candidacy recently said: V *• ~ ;,*«r "Mr. WhitryeySs friends in Winnebago county declare that Lake county has too long been without a resident judge; that the honor should be passed around; that a judgeship should iiow be given to Lake county, which ranks very close*to Winnebago county. With this end in view, many voters here are now supporting Mr. Whitney's candidacy, and, with the big vote which Mr. Whitney is certain of in Lake and McHenry counties, victory for the Lake man is-positive." The Woodstock Republican in its issue of last week, with the heading, "Whitney Gains," said: 1 "There is no gainsaying the fact that Charles Whitney of Waukegan is a strong candidate for circuit judge. • * "The clean,, thoro campaign he is conducting, his county's claim to the office, his ability as a lawyer, his recordvas a man, and the fact that his county is solidly for him, all are factors whicty strengthen Mr. Whitney's position. "McHenry county is going to give Whitney a good vote. "We are bound to Lake county by ties that cannot easily be broken. We are not only neighborly, but are politically indebted to Lake county, and here is a chance to clean the slate. '^Mr. Whitney's friends are confident of his nomination at the primaries, April 13.M JSjr. Whitney is only asking of each Republican voter one of their three votes, and with Lake county first entitled to one of the three judges it is a foregone conclusion that Mr. Whit ney will be nominated. - A BILL FOR AN ACT This illustration shows oor New Spring Soft Style No. 481. A hand some, tailored model, strictly high class in every particular and a most wonderful value for only $tS'50. I shall be pleased to show yon at any time samples of the beautiful materials from which it is made, also large fashion plates and samples of materials representing the complete line of high grade Suits, Skirts, Waists and other Ready to-Wear Apparel for Women shown by . Chas. A. Stevens & Bros., Chicago areitest EsUblishmpnt in tfee World Devoted Exclusively to Women's Weir Especial attention is called to the beautiful cnsttfni tailored style* in Suits, Skirts and Silk Dresses which are made to order strictly according to your own individual measurements and from yonr own selection of (materials, a perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. The House of Stevens, through their agents, successfully supplies thousands of women every season, who know by# experience that they can depend absolutely upon receiving the very latest styles, the best materials at the lowest prices and that entire satisfaction is guaranteed with all gMrchaees made through the local agent. ~ As their representative for this town I hope to have the pleasure of •erring yon at an early date and assure yon prompt nod courteous at tention. Miss F. Hillebrand HcHENRY, ILLINOIS. REPRESENTING Chas. A. Stevens & Bros., Chicago To Protect the health of Domestic Animals in the State of Illinois " and Making an Appropria tion Therefore. Introduced by Mr. Humphreys, February 16, iqoij- Read First Time, Ordered Printed and Referred to Committee on Live Stock and Dairying. Notlc* to Firmtn, Baniy Bros., having leased the cau sing factory formerly owned by the Mc Henry Canning company, will operate same this season, and are now ready to aoatractfor corn and will pay $6 per tOpfUTiMM. HAWLYBBO*. * .v. • X? • ' - • . ^ u * . -v* •' -<• . S t / w i e * . . . - • Nottee! To insure publication in The Plain dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect PUiiidtal*, -v.* Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can eecure both papers for one full year for the very low rate fl75. • :./** Section 1 Be it enacted by t.he people of the state of Illinois represented in the general assembly: That the imports t.ion or bringing into the stnte of Illinois of auy cattle for dairy or breeding pnr paies is hereby prohibited, excepting when ench cattle are accompanied^ by h certificate from an inspector, whose eoinj»etency and reliability are d«l\ certi£ed to by the authorities charged with the oontrol of the diseases of do uie8tic animals iu the sttte, territory, district, province or country from whence such cattle came. certifying Hi%t they hpve beeu examined and sub ie -ted to the tuberculin test and are free from tuberculosis. Snch certificate shall be in such form as may l»* pre •scribed, by the board of live sbwk com missioner* of Illinois, and shall inclnde tne tuberculin teat record of theauimals, and shall be made in triplicate, one of which shall be forwarded by mail to the hoard of live stock commissioners ol Illinois, one to go to the railroad or imusportation company to be attached to the bill of lading for such animals, mid one to be given to the purchaser. The board of live stock commissioners of Illinois shall adopt such rules as they may deem necessary for conducting snch tuberculin test for the pnrpoae ol insuring reliable results therefrom. lection 2. No shipment of cattle lor dairy or breeding purposes from any point outside elf this state destined to any point within this state, shall be re vived or brought within this state by auy railroad, steam boat or transporta tion company, or by any express corn- paay, or by any electric line, doing busi ness in this state, from any person, firm or corporation, or fiom any connecting railroad or transportation company, nor shall auy such cattle be brought within this Btate from any point outside of this state by any person, firm or corporation, on the hoof or otherwise, unless the same be accompanied by the certificate provided for in section 1 of this act, aud unless the regulations restricting such »inpments have been fully complied with by the consignor; and no person, company or corporation shall purchase or receive such animals unless the same be accompanied by such certificate. Section 3. Any dairy or breeding cattle imported or brought into the state of Illinois in violation of the provisions of sections 1 or 2 of this act, or in viola tion of any regulation adopted by the board of live stock commissioners as herein provided for, shall be placed in quarantine by said board of live stock commissioners, and held until tested with tuberculin by^nd under the direc tion of said board, at the expense of the ..ifc-ner, shipper or couaignee; and all ex pense connected with such quarantine bhiill be paid by the owner, shipper or consignee, and together with the coats of conducting the tuberculin test, shall constitute lien on such cattle. Any such cattle that may react to the tuber culin test shall be slaughtered and ex amined post mortem under state super vision as provided by lftw; aud no in demnity Bball be allowed the owner, shipper or consignee, beyond the net proceeds realized from the sale of the carcass of such reacting animals. Section 4. The board of live stock commissioners Is hereby anthorieed and empowered to prohibit or restrict the importation of any domestic animals into the state of Illinois, whenever in their judgment snch measures may l»e necessary for the proper protection of the health of the domestic animal of this state. Section 5. Said board shall have power in like manner to regulate and prohibit the running of any cars or tioats into this state or within the state, that have been nsed for the transporta tion of animals affected with any con tagions or infectious disease, or the con dition of which may be snch as to render them liable to convey the infection/and to compel the proper disinfection of the same. Said board shall also have power to regulate aud prohibit the importation into this state or the carrying within this state of hay, straw, fodder or other commodities, and to regnlate and pro hibit the importation or carrying of the cArcasses, or any part of the carcases, of any animals--including the hides, hoofs, bones and hair--thru which any dairy or breeding stock In this state may become infected. Section 6. It shall be unlawful to offer for sale, or to purchase, any cattle for dairy or breeding purposes, known to have reacted to the tuberculin test, or to be affected with tuberculosis, ex- <wpt to1 porpoaw of slaughter, at * point where adequate inaction exists, or fo> breeding purines to go in quarantine under the direction of the state board o live stock commissioners. Section 7. The hoard of live stock commissioner* shall prescribe nniform rules for the tnlvercnlin testing of cattle nsed for dairying or breeding purposes, •tnd upon request of the owner thereof shall cause such test to be joade, at the expense of thv state. All such cattle so tested which shall react to the tnhercn lin test shall become at once subject to the charge and control of said board of live stock commissioners. Thereupon snch reacting animals shall be appraised as provided by law, and shall be dis posed of by said board in one of the fol lowing ways, at the option of the owner to be exercised at that time: First.--The owner may elect to hAve such animals separated from non-react ing animals in accordance with what is known as the "Bang System," aud re tained ui>on the farm or premises under snch quarantine regulations as the board may prescribe; or Second.--He may take as compensa tion for such animals a sntn equal to threefonrths of the appraised value thereof; or Third.--He may agree to receive as compensation for such animals the net proceeds of the slaughter and sale there of. Any slaughter and sale of saeh an imals shall be done aud had by the board in the manner provided by law. In auy case of appraisement as provided herein, where upon post mortem examination there is found to be no tuberculin lesion, then the auiinal shall be regarded as healthy, aud the owner shall receive the full appraised value thereof. If upon application of the test for tuberculosis, there is found to exist opeu tuberculosis, the said board shall make such further tests of such cattle as it may find neces sary or expedient to repress the disease or prevent iufectiou. f Section 8. After any test of a herd has been made by tne board and the dis ease of tuberculosis is found, the said board of live stock commissioners shall have snch supervision oyer such herd and the premises where they are kept, and may prescribe snch rules and regu lations in reference thereto, as may be necessary to prevent reinfection of such herd or the spread of disease among them. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any corporation, company or person operating any creamery or cheese fac tory. with milk or cream gathered from miscellaneous sources, to return to the patrons or offer for sale either skim milk, buttermilk or whev, until the Bame is properly pastnerized by heating to eighty degrees centigrade H715 degress Fahrenheit), as determined by Storch's color test: Provided, that the board of live stock commissioners shall have power to release any such creamery or factory from the limitations of this pro vision when to their knowledge tuber culosis does not exist in the herds con tributing to their supply. Section 10. The board of live stock commissioners is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this act, and is aqthorized and empowered to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necesparv for *uch purposes'. Section 11. For the purposes of tb' act the board of live stock commission 1 ers shall have power and authority t . control aud restrict the sale and use of tnbercnlin.... Section 12. Any person who shall use or cause to be nsed by afcy other person, tuberculin or any other agent npon cattle, by injection or otherwise, for the purpose of preventing a proper reaction when the tnbercnlin test is made by an intending purchaser or other person, shall l>e deemed gnilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall lie punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than RVe hundred dollars, or by imprison ment in the county jail not more than one year no* less than six months} or by both such fine and imprisonment. «- Section 13. Any railroad, steamboat or transportation company, or any ex press company or electric line, that shall violate any provision of this act, or any regulation of the board of liye stock commissioners authorized by this act, shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemean or and upon conviction thereof shall l>e fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more thau ten thousand dollars for each offense. Section 14. Any person or persons that shall by himself or themselves, or by his or their servants or employes, oiove any snch prohibited animals on foot, or over any ferry into this state, •>r shall violate any provision of this act >r any regulation of the board of live ^tock commissioners authorized by this -tct, shall be deemed gnilty of a misde meanor and n<H>n conviction thereof ahull be fined not less thau tweuty-five dollars nor more than two hundred d«»i* lars for each offense and shall be coin mittfcd to the comity'jail nntil such fine and eost.H are paid. Section ir» AH fines 'recovered under the provision* of this act shall be paid into the conutv treasurer of the county in which the *uit. in brought \to recover the same, to l»e nsed for county pnr- poses, and it shall be the dnty of the .stale's attorneys in their respective conn ties to prosecute forall violations of this act. • . Section 16. ; To carry into effWt atnl to enfofce the provisions of this act. th» nui of oue hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($130,Mfl0) annually is hereby ap prt iated for the years lfiu'.t him! 1SMO, the same to lie expended by the lioard of live stock commissioners. Section 17. Inasmuch as the health of the dairy and breeding stock of the state is endangered from contagions dis ease known as tnbercnlosis among cattle, ah euiergencv exists requiring this act to take eff »ct immediately' therefore th's act shall take effect and he in force from nnd after its passage. REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETS And Kn«t«n-*rn ill* fnmliataey of Hon. «:II » I -I*>H H. Donne l l y . The McHenry County Republican Central committee met at the court house in Woodstock on Thursday, March 11. Present: 'W. K Wire, chairman: E C. .lewett, vice clmirman; S. A Green leaf, secretary ; Theo. Hauler, treasurer. Members: M. F. Walsh, M. M. Wake ley, A. S Peak. F W. Hartiuan, .T E Harrison. .Joint Huehler. Chairniin Wire stated that this m^et ing was called for t he purpose of taking some action, if deemed advisable, rela tive to the candidacy of Hon Charles H. Donnelly, McHenry connty's candi date for circuit judge. It. was moved and seconded that the chairman appoint a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions to further the interests of Judge Donnelly. Mo tion carried. The chairman appointed as snch committee: Theo. Hamer, J E Harrison and M F. Walsh. A discussion as to the form of snch a resolution was taken np aud every mem Iter present was asked to express his views. With one exception, it was the unanimous opinion that, to further the interests of Judge Donnelly, every mem her of this committee,, as well as every friend of Judge Donnelly in this connty, should give his~ hearty snpport to the three present incuiuheuts of the office of circuit judge in this 17th judicial cir cuit. A recess whs taken nntil 1:30 o'clock p. ui., to give t,he committee time to frame snitable resolutions. The committee reconvened in the afternoon and chairman Wire stated that he had tried to communicate with all the absent members o^the commit tee; that he had talked with the follow ing members: Harry Dunbar, E. D. Patrick, Bnrr ClawBon, J J. Pountain, William Sullivan, William Kegebein aud E. J. King, all of whom had ex pressed themselves favorable to any action that might lie taken by the com mittee to further the interests of Judge Donnelly. The committee appointed by I he chairman offered the following result! tions, which were unanimously adopted, to-wit: Whereas, there will be held a primary election on the 13th day of April next for tl?e nominat ion of candidates for the offices of circuit judge of the 17th jndi- cial circuit, and Whereas, it is universally recoguized thrnout the 17th judicial circnit that the present incumbents of the offices of circuit judge, to wit: Hon. Charles H, Donnelly, Hou. Arthur H. Frost and Hon Robert, W Wright, have been uii>«ntly fair, able and well qualified for th^ office held by each of them and ih • their services have been highly sat isfactory to the people of said district; that the said judges, in rendering their able services to the people of this dis trict. have made great personal aud fiuancial sacrifices, and that therefore, for all the reasons mentioned, they should be retained in their present posi tions by the people of thin district. Therefore, l»fc it resolved, by the Mc Henry Connty Republican Central com mittee, in social meeting assembled, that we heartily endorse the candidacies of our present circnit judges, Hon. Charles H. Donnelly, Hon. Arthur H. Frost and Hon Robert W. Wright, and we hereby pledge onr hearty support and loyal co-cqieration for their nomina tion aud election. Dated this 11th day of March, 1908. Tumi. Hamkk ( Committee. M. F WAI.sh t On motion the couimittee adjourned. & W. E. Wikk, Chairman. Attest: s A. (Ireenleaf, Secretary. " Did it ever <x*-nr to you that you can bny envelopes witb^our return address printed on them just as cheap as you e$p bny the blank envelops* at the store? Petescb b Bank of « McHen ry KSTABLISHED I88S ' This Bank receives deposits^ pays 8 p»-r cent interest on time<!epo£ it* e* Jends all courtesies consist ent wtih good bnsiness principles and does a ' tflintAL BAHKIIK BUSIH[SS respect fully rolicting public pat ronage. , floney to Loin on real estate and other first claso Security. • kKAL ESTATE | Farm lands, residences and vil lage prefperty for sale: If you want to bny or sell, <mll oa us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. • Bankers. THE BEST at the lowest pri ces. Harness oiled here at 75c per double set. :: n 4 M. A. Thelen McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. •| UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- i Steam Heat, Hot .and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All liomecooking. Rates jfcl r»0 per da v llO.SatUSSLE.Pr*- WEST McHENRY. > FRESHFIM 1. •. v This market will on all Fridays and Fast Days be in a position to fur nish to tlfe public the iinest line of Fresh Fish «irer brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let fill them for you in a manner that̂ JsiU pittas*. ' ,v% . * v' £. F. Matthews, West McM--ry» MU TOUJPHONE - •m Ms