•'* r «i > PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY AND ASK FOR EARLY RISER THAT'S THE NAHE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT --Why be without^- the best family flour WHENRY JfflLLfR/W^p R I S E f l FANCY FAMILY FLOUR .'J.SPENCER^ A Xr •m*H£(VRV HLI>.3S FOR SALE-^Haird Spring Wheat for seed. Our fresh ground Whole Wheat Floor nukex excellent pancakes. tiraltam Flour Buckwheat Flour Breakfast Food Corn ileal Rye Flour Pumpftraickel Flour West MtHenry flour M feed Mills WfiST MellENIO , ILLINOIS. JCHN 5PI;NCi.«. 'Prop, aA Have you seen that CRAWFORD ROADSTER? It's a daisy and only $1250. It can't be equaled for less than $1500. If you are interested in the purchase of a car kindly call McHenry 611 and ask for a demonstration. Also come and see that Gray engine, 4 H. P., complete outfit for $86. Look over your boat and auto and see if you need any sup plies, as we have them here. RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. McHenry, 111. I#' ; lie McHenry Pldiadedler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHRE1NER. •dfo1 Met In Bank Building. Telephone, No. fit. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION t Onyur M-W •lx months. 75eta. Three months. 40ctt. Thursday, April i, 1909. a : : FACTS FOB VOTERS. . •3%xwn Section, April 6, 1909. City election, April 30, 1909. School election, April 24, 1909. Jtudical primary, April 13, 1909. judicial election, June 7, 1909. CANDIDATE BY PETITION. I hereby announce myself a candi date, by petition, for president of the board of the village of McHenry, Mc Henry county, Illinois, and respectfully ask the support of my friends. 4fr4t* F. H. WATTLES. vi CANDIDATES BY PETITION' We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for the village board of the village nf McHenry by petition, aa fol lows: For President, SIMON STOFFEL. F01; Trustees, DR. R. O. CHAM BERLIN, JOS. W. FREUND, i-; ; %FRED NICHOLS. ,P;V V-- -- VR". ^S?,#LLAGE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 20th day of April, at the city hall in the village of McHenry, in the county of .McHenry and state of Illi nois, an election will be held for the following village offices, via: One vil lage president, three village trustees and one police magistrate Polls will be open at 7 o'clock iu the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock of the ~ same day. / ;.?• Oiven under my hand atMlcHenry, Illinois, this 17th day of March, A. D. 1909. .H E. PRICK, Village Clerk. ' I;' AUDITOR'S MEETING IfWiee is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, oounty Df McHenry, and state of Illi- A flay That' uoia, will meet on Tuesday, March 30, 1909, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans act such business as uaay come before the meeting. Bills against said town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated at McHenry this 25th day of February, 1909. N. H. PETESCH, Town Clerk FOB COBOMEB OF McHKNKV COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coroner of McHenry county and will appreciate the support of the voters of the county at the pri maries to be held on Tuesday, April 13 Very respectfully, DR. CHARLES C. PECK, 41-2t ' Harvard, III. FOB COUNTY COKONEB. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county coroner for the coun ty of McHenry, subject to the decision of the primaries to be held on Tuesday, April 13. Respectfully, DR. S» C. WEHNHAM, 41 2t Marengo, III; Sherman Hill School Keport Pupils neither absent nor tardy for the month ending March 20, are as fol lows: Clara Frifcby, Lyle Hutson and Agnes Frisby. Number days attend ance, 214. Daily average, 9 8.11. Num ber tardy. 0. Pupils enrolled, 11. NELLIE M. NEWMAN, Teacher. In every country town there is a sign at the railroad crossing like this: "Look oot for the cars." Now everybody knew that it was a railroad crossing the day the line was laid and finished When the Bign was pnt up it took two days for every inhabitant to become familiar with it. In a week every small child could read it backward. Did the railroad take it down? No, if they had the warning would baye Been forgotten in a week and smashups and damage suits would have resulted. One tune advertisements act the same way. You mast keep everlastingly at it, like the railroad crossing sign. Now is a good time to take a glance over the backyards and devise some plan to ostracize the fruit caus and rnb bish which have accumulated since the last installment was removed. RINGWOOD. •J. V. Budkland Sundayed *t Pisttfkee Bay. A. Smith received a carload of cattle Monday. Wade Sanborn was a recent Spring Grove caller. Will S. Brown was a reoent business caller iu Chicago. W. E Smith was a tfnsioess caller in Solon Saturday last. Wm. Coates and Joe Miller drove to Pistakee Bay Mondav Miss Pearl Woods of Lake Geneva is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Florence Smith was an Elgin shopper last Wednesday. C. H. Stephenson entertained com pany the last of the week. H Mrs. Frank Fay spent a recent day with relatives iu Ridgefield Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon visited Greenwood relatives Sunday- Clarence Dates of McHenry is visiting his aunt, Mrs. James Conway. John Walsh of McHenry was a caller in Ringwood Wednesday last. J. W. Lawson' of Park Ridge was a caller here Wednesday morning. James Conway and Oliver Lawrence were McHeury callers Saturday Constable John Collisoii of Richmond- was on our streets Wednesday last. Mrs. John Carey spent several days of the past week with relatives in Elgin There is no school the first of this week on account of the teachers insti tute. • The Ringwoodmill is running only Saturdays and Mondays until further notice. Mesdames Grace McCannon and Lu- ella Stephenson were Solon visitors Tuesday. Mrs. James Conway and daughter, Flossie, visited Elgin relatives part of last week. Mrs. Eva Wagner of Lily Lake was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. Mrs. Jane Amelia Carr of Greenwood is spending the week with her sister, Mrs; Elizabeth Simpson. J. V. Buckiand is now busy filling orders in his nursery. Joe Miller, Wm. Coates. Lewis Tonyon, Samuel Beatty and Geo E Adams are assisting him. Joseph Merditb and Vivian Esh of Spring Grove were looking over the in terests of the Spring Grove telephone the last of the week. They contemplate ted pdtting a swith board in Ringwood iu the near future. Edwin Randall gave a party to about twenty.five of his friends on Tuesday evening in remembrance of his twelfth birthday anniversary. Games were played and the usual good time had by all. Wm. Harwood died Monday morning, March 29, 1909. Be would have been twenty one years old had he lived four days longer. The funeral services were held at Greenwood Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless thfy. are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. The Central theatre will be occupied next Sunday evening, April 4, by Fred G. Conrad's production of Eugene Moore's new and much praised drama tization of the "Hidden Hand." No previous play taken from this famous story has won such immediate favor. Mr. Moore's reputation as an actor adds interest to the production. The marriage of-Miss Dora £oates to Calhoun C. -Williamson took place Wednesday evening, March 24, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Williamsop left Saturday evening, mid a shower of rice and good wishes, for Pauls Valley, Okla., where they will make their future home. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN; WHERE WE GO. If«Henry Rntertalun a Urge Company or Via!tor* Dnrlug the Week--Whom We Entertain. J L. E. Nordstrom Chicagoed Tuesday. Mrs. M. D. Weber spent Tuesday in Ghioago. . Chas. Schiessle was * windy city vis itor Tuesday. --^ • Theo. Betbka transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. . S. B. Hanly attended to business^ In Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a bnsiness visitor iu Chicago Tuesday*) Wm. Bonslett was a business trans actor in Chicago Wednesday. C. M. Adams of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train Wednesday. Philip Meyers and, Leo Meyers Were Crystal Lake visitors Wednesday. Mrs. F. D. She)ton is the guest' of Chicago relatives for a few weeks. E. Hunter attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Geo Meters" visited her daugh ter, Mrs. W. ft. Marshall, at Morton Grove last week. ^ Miss Rot& Jnsten was the guest of Chicago relatives and friends the first of the week. . - "• • Mr. and Mr$. Ifakon and two sons, Harold and Marshall, spent Tuesday with Mr. aud Mrs. Merriman. Little Margaret Ovprton was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Overton, at Solon Mills last week. Hon. Charles Whituey of Waukegan, candidate for circuit judge, was in town last Thursday interviewing the voters and soliciting their support at the com ing primary. LOCAL NEWS QF M'HENRY i|kt Col. P. J. Berry's MeuaUia Meadow Stock Farm, 1 «-a milts north of Wauconda, i.akeCu., III., Can he seen a stock of first-class farm an d genera furpose horses and mares suitable for the road and' II larm work, weighing 1100 to 1400 lbs. Also several pairs of drafts. 3000 to 3200 lbs. Priees fS5 to No plugs. Alt the best ages and a servicmthly sound lot. All horses guaranteed as represented at time • if delivery. Come and .see them, and Joseph Peter- sou. superintendent, will take pleasure iu showing stock and .sell everything at lowest marjeet price-. Fresh consignment from Iowa and Minnesota re ceived and sold.weekly at the farm. COL. F. vJ. BERRY EXQUISlTI: Easter MILLINERY ^ What you should pay for your halter hat is not so great a problem as where you should buy it After all, a hat that does not become yon, that does not possess chic, and grace, aud is not in perfect style will not please yon at any pric e. The more you consider fchiR the more yon ap preciate the advantage of choosing .y«ur spring hat here, where not only do you find style, grace, character and bticomingness hut, absolutely the lowest millinery prices as well By making sbillfnl copies of'the'richest models obtainable and using less expensive materials we are enabled to offer you superbly beautiful head- wear -at ihe most ordinary prices. Our millinery parlors are now in full Easier array and youSwe cotdi ally invited to inspect aud criticise the new spring styles. :: The LOTU& niLLINERY Spaulding Bldg., West McHenry A3 SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up About Onr Busy Little Burs That May Coueeru You or Your Friends. All the very latest spring creations in the line of millinery may be found at Hellen Adams' store, Johnsburgh. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for t wenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unleas other Wise ordered, Try it. Slipping on the frozen ground nea r the Riley cottage at Lily Lake early last Thursday morning resulted in the fracture of W. F. Holtz's right leg. Mr. Holtz was spending a few days hunting at the lake when the accident happened. Dr. Wells set the fractured member, and, altho the leg is causing Mr. Holtz considerable pain, he is get ting along as well as can be expected. "Finnigan's Fortune" was presented at Ringwood last Friday and Saturday evenings and drew good houses. The drama was presented by Ringwood people, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Smith of this place. Those who wit nessed the show were well pleased with the manner in which it was produced, the ltingwoodites, who took part, going thru the entire piece .without a blunder. We understand that the company in tends putting on another play Boon. Yes, you are pretty certain to find things in the paper that you don't care for and some things that don't exactly suit you. It iB to be expected that you will and it makes vno difference what paper is referred to. If the paper was gotten out solely and exclusively for you it might be arranged differently, but it is gotten out for the other several hun dred as well, Do with newspapers as you would with the dinner course at the hotel --take what you want and pass up what yon don't ca^e for. Part of it is served up for the other fellow-not all for you. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are tie supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Chi-Namel a liquid finish for floors, interior woodwork and met al that's really far superior to any other made. Chi-Namel wears wonder fully well. It is elastic, tough and durable. Thump ing, scraping, walking and washing won't mar its high gloss surface. A blow from a hammer indenting the wood will mar the var nish. .< Linoleum or Oil Cloth given a coat of Chi-Namel regains its original brightness and a new lease of life. Boiling Water"will not af fect Chi-Namel. Nothing equal to Chi-Namel for fin ishing new floors, old floors, window casings, bathrooms, etc.- . s. w. Ringwood, BROWN : : Illinois Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will prob ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer s noii-a!colio!ic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. Follow his advice. He knows, /. c. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma^ The first great rule of health "Daily movement of the bowels." Ask your dot tor if this ift not so. Then ask him Aycr't* Filk Sold ibf nearly sixty y&utt. KNKKAI.II PARK. John Gibbs, Jr., spent Saturday last in Chicago. R. J. Sutton la visiting relatives iu Elgin this week. - \ D. W. Hill of Chicago WM a visitor at the Park over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs visited at R. J. Sutton'8 Sunday. Miss Irene Frisby of West McHenry visited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Mrs. M. Conway and Mrs. John Rail han were Elgiu visitors Saturday. John Bell and son, John, of Chicago visited at H.'Felmeten's the past week. Miss Harriet Welch of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at her home her*. L. E. Walmsley spent a few days the past week with Chicago relatives and friends. Messrs. Ed. and Karin Walsh of Chi cago spent Thursday laat with their mother. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Mary Pender, and son, Earl, spent Thursday at Grandma Walsh's. Mrs. John Gibbs and Mrs. B. Walsh visited with Mrs. Fleming at North Crystal Lake Tuesday. Misses Anna McGee and Irene Frisby and P. J. Aylward were calleqi in this vicinity Tuesday evening. Mrs. Cly<Je Wingate and daughter, Edna, and Miss Alice Smith of North Crystal Lake spent Sutjday at J. R. Smith's, N v > R. H. Uorr and C. S>». Whiting of Woodstock and F. E. McAndrews of Cherry Valley ware visiting at Ed. Knox's Sunday. Walter J. Walsh has been nominated tax collector for the township of Nnnda and is no doubt well qualified to till the position and deserves hearty support. The schools are closed this week for spring- vacation, and all the teachers, including the Misses Knox and Miss Ward, are attending the anuual insti tute held this year iu Harvard, III. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return ai^dress printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelopes at the store? Fashionable Millinery New ideas, new colors and new shape* are here in abundance. Every hat on display is a model df per fection, reflecting the latest style in ideas of the fore most designers. " You can find here exact copies of the expensive model hats in styles made famous in the world's greatest fashion centers, priced so moder ately that choice of style problem. rt i ssLHil ler West McHenry, : : Illinois Renting Pairvt That's what it means to paint an empty house with Sherwin-Williams Paint ts. W. P. Pr*p*r*4> The house won't stay empty long. S. W. P. makes old houses look new and makes new houses stay new. It wears longer and is the most economical paint to us©. Call on us for color cards. N. H. Retesqh, MtHenry, : : Illinois If you have entertained company from a distance, gone oil a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. J u s t Right Mk S p e a k i n g o f laughter, you c a n f i n d t h e real simoii pure article, the sort t h a t f i l t e r s t h r o u g h y o u r s y s t e m a n d m a k e s t h e w h o l e w o r l d g l a d , R i g h t h e r g i n t h i s play. ^ l.v L -#•-» ~*i Am BUic ft DorialdN*" Smiles is WhatYour -Face Needs One of those natural plays that has no wicked women with painted faces and white- washed car eers, no loath some men nor any shocking episodes. I: "Your Money's Worth, or Your Money Back." MRS. E. D. N. SOUTH WORTH'S GREAT NEW YORK LEDGER STORY THE HIDDEN HAND. WOOLUBfRATOCAPITOlA i'4 V- r ' ' " * 4 l . - V ; _ t r •J * **! \ ;'i, • , ^ * V V f' Iwuse, Sunday, fHpril Professional, Society > DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. g pHVBIOIAN, 8UEGEON AND UOTCfcWT 1 „ Office and residence corner Eh* awl M Green stteets. McHenrv- Telephone No. Ml % PEGER8& PEGERfi PHX,8I9J£Nh and 8URGEONB, MCHSBT* Office at Resldeuce, corner OotKttiiC ^PJJSPHOBEAITIK. I ijfJ, ---4^ D. T. sMiLinr ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois nrtx,>t~u business Intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. i DR. R. G. CHAM BERLIN DENTIST Office aa4 ResMeaee ever 11,1. WaMi'a Mmi f j'. * 4®ur»: 8:oo to 5:3#, WK»T MOHbnnt. Tub. Telephone OIHceln 8*nWi| •DR.-ARNOLD Physician and Surgeon T MoHENRY, ILUNO • rtjn • "'•*y "5 j<*" \ Teleptoene Ne. 393 SIMON ft liisuranee Agent for all classes of.^ property in the best Companies. West McHenry, John J. Vycitail DRALF1B IN Genera.1 Ha.rdware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all ki^ds. 'Phone 648 McHENRY, v . ILUNOI8. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have it special line of Insurance un Live Stock insuring against ri"n.>h/r^'T lf"y West McHenry^ i* 111. HELLO! Gelng to Cklni* May? • YEP! All right, will «eet yam mt the Umfcert Q. ScK BUFFET " PHth Ave. Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 493. WHEN you get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a firstrdass job. We guar antee all of pur work. R. PMC & (o. West McHenry. W: 7 :h $ * it..,. iW. . ... ' r,s We strive to please the ever in creasing demand for something be&fcer than the ordinary. To please the most exacting, a trial order will result favorably. It's aston ishing how much mon ey we can save yoS>iv*i Wm. Simes PHONE 694 Heiner Block, - rMleary i l i&-