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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1909, p. 5

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, t '-4V. »i' Wl7$: ^ Y" & **'<- fr sa !§?? > r": RUGS «* AND 4 LINOLEUM « m At 00 time have we offered any­ thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which coifa- prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is ^rorth .more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. m m mr. ten % - aS? SZZ *• <V- * " ^ McHENRY, - . ^ ^ ILLINOIS. P •vl THINGS YOU NEED AND CAN FIND At McOMBER S American Field Fence, six heights ; American Poultry Fence, four heights Chicken Netting, eight heights Barbed and Plain Wire Fencing House Paints, *'Crown Cottage Colors" Barn and Implement Paints Buggy and Decorative Paints Varnishes and Brushes Alabastine, Japalac and Permalac Lawn and harden Tools • A big stock of General Hardware, House' Furnishing Goods, Sporting Goods, Etc* ̂ F. McOMBER, est Side Hardware. Hill V w'l Dignity of Style--Plus ALL WOOL FABRICS-PLUS POPULAR PRICE ^ 1VHESE are the three most prominent • features in International made-to* * % • order Qothet-which if added together, make a total of matchless service, > ;ffew • Wkitf Linen Skirts from $1^25v;;ft' y'^#3.00 each. Popular styles. f "^Jphirt Waists from $1.00 to $3.00. ;; - # jA„ f* A fine line of Ladies' Dutch Collars from ^* 25c to 50c. :: :* • *" :s- ^; V|3ur line of shoes and Oxfordsis rerycotn- ."'ijilete in the popular shades and leathers. Men's Shoes in everything from the heavy »^ work to the finest dress shoe frazil. 50 -r%to $5.00 per pair. - J' ;Men's Ties, Shirts and Hats, newest styles > >opular * * n 'sip' -"-i* '%• JWi-- tK "$J ours M. J. WALSH, PHONE PROMPT DELIVERIC. J:- 'vj'K'r >&r . Vl./r, V>*- », k y* * • V->. JtfElGHB QRING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY |QVR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KIIHtKFEKU*. E. L Kimball meat to Crystal Lake Saturday. W. H. Monroe w&b in Woodstock one day last week. Minor Lock wood wu a ttidgefield caller Thursday. P. Honghawont was ia th« city the first cf last week. Mrs. R. J. Risley was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. Mrs. F. Wille and son, August, in McHenry Saturday. Mrs. F. R. Jackman called on her parents here Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Thayer was a caller in Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. Nora Skinner was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. A. P. Peck, recently of Madison, sppot Sunday with his family. Mrs. F. Reed and daughter, Ethel, we&e in Chicago Monday. " v Mrs. Pngh of Woodstock spent Sun­ day with Ridgefield friends. Mrs, A. Josephsnson wag a Wood­ stock caller last wsek Wednesday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and mn, are visiting Chicago relatives this week. Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Ma­ bel, were Crystal Lake callers recently. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake was a caller here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Harlev Thayer and daughter are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Thay- er.. Mrs. A. Hanson and two sons. Tom­ my and-Karl, were Woodstock callers Saturday. Mrs J. H. Parks of Crystal* Lake spent Thursday or last week with Ridge Held friends. Mrs Sophia Senue of Woodstock, vis­ ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille. Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. Henry spent several days shopping and visitihg with their son. Frank, last week. Mr and Mrs. Resselgrare were called to Richmond to attend h funeral of a near relative last week. Charles Bollock snd F. W. Hartman were business callers in Woodstock Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs P. Bennon and son, Thurston, visited with Mr. and »Mrs. E S. Wheeler at McHenry Friday. The annual school election at Ridge- field will be held Saturday, April IT, for the purpose of electing one new director. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller and two children, Alice and Theodore, of Mc­ Henry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Benson recently. Harry Cooper has. moved his family to McHenry where he has gone into business for bitnself. Hie friends here wish him every success. Mrs. Frank Risley entertained her sister, Mrs. Nellie Shaw, of Fort At­ kinson, also a friend, Miss Rose Patter­ son, of Whitewater normal last week. Arthur Skinner was a Crystal Lake shopper Friday afternoon. Mr. Skiuner has resigned his position at the Borden ftictory and is helping D. O. Kline in the store. Quite a number from here attended the Freeport Missionary Presbytery Tuesday. Those who went by train Were Mrs. E. B. Smith, Mrs. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. W. E Dike, Mr. Button and Rev. A. Dickey. Mrs. E. Snyder and son, John, spent Easter Snnday with her parents at Hammond, Ind. Mr. Snyder, on ac­ count of business,^ was detained nntil Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder will return some time this week.* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson enter­ tained at luncheon Sunday of lsst week Mr. and Mrs. Valein and sod, Mr. and Mrs. A. Berg and son of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Holm and Mr. and Mrs Johnson and daughter of Crystal Lake. The Royal Neighbors will give a pov­ erty social in the church parlors Friday evening, April 16. Rules and regula­ tions require a fine of those who come with th^ir fine clothes on. The ladies will please wear calico dresses and aprons or pay a fine. The gentlemen Will do well to wear a calico shirt and overalls and clean finger nails or pay a- fine. An excellent supper is ad­ vertised to be served for the small sum of 10 or 15 cents. Everyone is cordially expected to come out and help out the fan. Please don't forget the date. SCHOOL, NOTES. We are waking original stencils. Basket ball two nights in the week. Come and see onr blackboard border. The second grade have history read­ ers. The first grade are reading "Two Little Indians", The third grade are reading "Chil­ dren of the Palm Lands." The eighth grade and other helpers will give a musical entertainment at the church, April 80. Leaders in spelling contest April 9: Grade5, Emma Weiland, Agnes Risley; graded, Helen Whyte; grade 7 and 8, Ethel Thayer and Harold Lncas. The latest sensations W». Sloffel'a. in buggies at Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings--growing ripples and faster current--Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need at­ tention if you would escape fatal mala­ dies--Dropsy, Diabetes or Brigbt's dis -•aae. Take Electric Bitters at once nil' «e« BackHche fl.v ao<1 all your best feelings return. "After long suffering fr-nu weak kidneys and lame biu-k, one *1 .00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. R. Blankenship, of Bell, Tenn. Only •>o<* at N. B. Petesch's, F. Masqnelei's »ud others. Get vonr alahaatiBS odor card at Vy eitai's kmtdmmm - . , y r"<* T •rnHx&mjzum. Math Blake of McHenry drove thru here Tuesday. C. M. Adams Chicagoed Tuesday and Friday of last wsek. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein of Ingleside were in town Sunday. Miss Margaret La Fountain Was a McHenry caller Saturday. Mrs. Jos. Justeu of M c tienry was seen in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht drove to McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lena Michels returned home from Chicago Friday evening. Miss May me Heimer oj^WcHenry is a guest at the Christ Blake home. M iss Hellen Adams and Mrs. John E. Freuud went 10 Chicago Wednesday. Mis* Susie Thiel of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Jos Rotherme] and family of McHen­ ry Sundayed at the home of Mrs. Kate May. Mesdames John King. Anna Bugner and Jos Freuud visited Friday in Mc­ Henry. . Misses Kate and Gertrude Williams of Spring OroVb w*re shoppers here last Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. flatten and little daughter of Spring Grove were callers here Saturday. Miss Lizzie May and Mrs. John E. Freund Jtoarded the train for Chicago Monday morning. Mr and Mrs. Sam Skifano of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thiel. August. Huff and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Barbara Sohuiitt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kattner of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with the latter's sister, Mrs Jos. M. Schmitt. Words to Freeze the Soul. "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These appalling words were spoken to Geo. E Bleyens, a lead­ ing merchant of Springfield, N. C., by two expert doctors--one a lung special ist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Or. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks' use," writes Mr. Blevens, "be was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." In­ fallible for Conghs and Colds, it's the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c and f 1 00 N. H. Peteech, F. Ma^qnelet and others guarantee satisfactios. Vital bottle free. : • Bank of ESTABLISHED i88» * This Bank receives deposit^ payfe 8 pear cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a mim BARKllKs BUSINESS respectfully solietiii^ public pat­ ronage.* « *7 -y'j "• Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. f REAL ESTATE Fafm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or Mil, caU on as. Abstracts ordered. V INSURANCE in Slrst Class Companies, the lowest rates. , Perry Notary Public. - Bankers.; --THE BEST-- Harness i rota • • Frank Dowell of Ronad Lake was ia town Sunday. C G. Huson of Libertyvilte attended to business here last week. Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fre­ mont was a Yolo caller Sunday. Miss Ruby Cook of Wauconda visited at the Raymond home this week. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago visited her parents here the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Rosing of Ronad Lake spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Maude Walton of Waukegan visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Harry Nicholls and daughter, Edith, were McHenry callers Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Murl, of Round Lake called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent Friday night and Saturday with relatives at West Fremont. Mrs. John Walton entertained Mrs. R. Cleveland and daughter, Kate, of Long Lake Friday. Miss Hellen Raymond was the gnest of her cousin, Miss Ruby Cook, in Wan* conda Saturday and Sunday.. Mrs. Chas. Raught spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Attertury, in Waukegan. Sam Tarrant. Joe Rosing and Miss Kate Rosing of Chicago were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing Sunday. Mrs. Earl Townsend and son of Round Lake were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Peter Hanson, Snnday. "I'd^Rather Die, Doctor, v than have my feet cut off," said M. t" Bingham, of Princeville, 111. "Bnt yon'11 die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if yon don't," said all doctors. Instead, he used Buck- len's Arnica Salve till wholly enred. Its cures of Eczema, Fever Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world, 25c at N. H. Peteech's, F. Masqnelet's and others. TEBRA COfTA. Mrs. T- R. Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Mr and Mm Chas. Buck were capers in Crystal Lake Saturday. Misses 'Xatie and Anna Buss wars McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and children spent Sunday in Richmond. Miss Frances Welch at Griswold Lake spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock vis­ ited her sister, Mrs C. Martin, Sunday. Miss Frances Knox visited with rela­ tives in McHenry from Friday till Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry visited with relative^ere Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. P. Foerster of Highland Park visited at the home of S. fit Leisner Saturday. Mrs. Martin C'ynway and children of West McHenry were recent visitors at JOS. Bnrts'. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and son and Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Sunday in Spring Grove. Mrs. B. F. Peck of HolcombviHs vis= ited at the home of her granddaughter, I'moiS at the lowest pft» ces. Harness oiled here at 75c |j^r .double set. :: M. A. Thelen McHENRY, ILLINOIS. r«fit A STABLE BUSINESS is our business. Made It so at the start by selling only worthy goods. Never han­ dled the trasny things. Never want to. Right through our stock of Harness, hor»e Oood* and Stable Necessity* runs that good quality which would muke them de­ sirable even If the prices were a half more than they are. The leather is excellent, so is the workmanship. Less than these prices will not buy anything that you ought to buy. G. A. Barker Bonslett Block - McHenry, III. H. Hnwp ...HEIMER BLOCK... Q /'J* _jcvo IT Is? MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses. . and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. ;; McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Chicago & North-Western. Leave . CaicagQ. 7.00 a rj... 9.00 a in... 3.% p m... 3.45 p rn. • • 5.12 pm... Effective Nov. 15, 190H. WHK DAT THAIHS. NORTHBOCITO Arrive MeHenrjr. Via Elgin.... 10.17am ....Via Des Plaines .......10.17k m ..».Via Des Phiines... 6.00p«a .Via Elgin. ..Via DesPlaiDM. .. .<t.40p m ..6.40 pm sipl H. '* :vyt WW SVhen* • -*<• a4 •• -v Or anything that drnggiets 'Mil is wanted, please remember Tbrt Hlft to te fcetf r uyi« That If ft b hm tt to best to be had. That whatever the prioai* It hi itmaath. That If it to not right In . «wry way we mkt It rfgfct. Onr assortment, quality and service is of higheet character. We have praeticalSy every lead­ ing patent medicine, no matter whether advertiaed as here or not. N. H* Petesch Druggist. • -A " McHenry. TslephOM^.' - <•« • 274. -CENTERVILLE- Qrocery and flarket ftways afresh and ptete line of the choiceat of Groceries and Meats. Wone, 542. :: :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT PROPRIETOR S ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS. I '* f ;• ',4fi . . is v *' i ' S3 .sWi y J,| J' " V* m: • 4 ' >, 1 *' 4 ^•-(1 - J ' ̂ 8.45 a m. . 9.10 a 19... t.oopm... Leave McBeiuv* 7.15 a m.. BCWDAT THAin. Via Elgin ...11.14am ..Via Des Plaiuee........ 11.14 aip Via Elgin........... 4.55 pm WBEK DAT TRAia*. SOUTH BOO n n. Ohicigo. . VlaDes Plaioes v#.06a tu 7.15 a m..» Elgin 9.55 am 8.29a in... Via I)eb Plaf*es 4.23 pa. Via Des piaiaea. 4.23 p m Via Elgiu 8DMOJT THitin. Via Elgia.... Via Des Plafaee RICH DESIGNS In the Imported Fabrics are in greater demand by fastidious dressers who pajy high prices for the best Tailoring effects^! while we continue to give our ever itf^| creasing patronage the latest patterns and the finest materials, made in approved, style. Our workmanship, fit and finish are never surpassed, while our Spring and Summer Suits, strictly tailor made, products of our own shop, are th<j;^ joy and astonishment of our customers^ the despair of all who try to compet#p with us and the TALK OF THE TOWN J. D. LODTZ ILLINOIS ^ 'i i r ' T \ I • . . . iM . ^ "" A ; * *, y ;• m '4 ^ I-* McHENRY, ? ' -V - . *• *" V . i Si PICKLES 75c PER BUSHEL for vat run PICKLES, ONE TO FOUR INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE :::: "NATIONALS PICK1E & (MM il .. ^ >wr * " " « v * » v * . ^ 1 ff ^ •M iMm, . • f$?.; '£W: ? • 9.55 a m :A •' ̂6.85 p m ..7.10p m 9J» a m JUO P D3 rv - -5 •3 '>

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