! w; f' &1 ^ " }£•*:•••:•. <% *»'. ***%.«¥ ̂ = * * • - * . > ; mrm «&* Y f : . 1 V:-f . *•$ «kj*# r xTf" TS % ^ ..^*|4N ( i. /-* fc^TVV ' *%* " M - "*? • <• ' ' , J '" ^ v * **• ; ' .. . "• ^4! 4f * •ts * fc </ 1 „« * # , 1 ffi'--: The McHcnry Plainaealer Published by F. 0. SCHREINER. JfcHENRV, ILLtNOES. •skast* Thrr© is plenty ef busings for thos* wnc are de-«rn»ia»Mi to get it •• 1 • 'i' ... '-*•?>• The Paragnupbers' union will note With delight (hat Ambassador White'* daughter Is to marry a Count Josch. REPORT 2.000 SUM WARSHIPS SAIL TO STOP SLAUQH- OF CHRISTIAfff^ .BY MOSLEM8. '^C&P Oreat Britain can protect Its new antarctic possessions without an ex pensive navy. At Anti-Affinity league is being formed. Take a membership card home with you. Some think the last sparrow would be a more welcome bird than the fti*t robin. It is a matter of condolence when ft Han who desires to be a private clti* *en finds advertising thrust upon him. One test of a man's greatness seems lb he the number of old anecdotes to which posterity decides to arbitrarily attach his name. We are sorry to learn from the doc tors that King Edward is soft and pnlpy. Let him try the strenuous Uf© tor ft. Panama can promise something bet ter than inauguration weather when tlie opening of the canal Is celebrated IB 1915. Perhaps Duke d'Abruiii is going to rtimb the Himalayas In order that he Bay take a tumble with respect to his .standing in the Elkins family. r • An English scientist declares that €he Chinese had automobiles 1,000 years ago. Impossible, else there Wouldn't be so many Chinese living A conscientious Galveston man Is deeply chagrined to find that he had fobbed an old woman's home under tfce mistaken impression that it was in orphans' asylum. Hetty Green's daughter is teaching feer husband to walk and save cab tire. She feels that he should not throw money about recklessly now Ihat he has a wife to support. ife' "Flirt with your husband" Is a Chi cago woman's advice. And those who trill be the first to take it are the «Bes that weigh 200 pounds and have Weeps like a blacksmith's. A bill has been passed by the Ne- Vada legislature making bridge whist • gambling game. Some of us sus pect that is what it was a long time •go V Perhaps the duke of Braganza, who Announces that he has quit pretending lor the throne of Portugal, desires to remain among us for some time and 4oes not care to go hence by the dyn amite route. "The new hats." remarks the New York Evening Mail, "are what you fttight call flarebacks." And the com ments of various husbands and far there are what you might call swear- ftacks. i The shah of Persia has been "called "•own" sharply by Great Britain and SLussia because of atrocities perpe trated by Persian troops. It begins to look as though the chaotic conditions to the realm of the shah might invite * Active Intervention. A Boston woman, who is teaching the people of the Hub how to Increase <iheir health and beauty by eating a ^portion of sand every day, says she has •cured 70,000 patients of their ills. Sand may be a satisfactory food for the New Englander, but out this way the natives are not provided with TWO AMERICANS ARE DEAD CHAR6E CUDftHYS WITH FRAUD PACKING COMPANY INDICTED ON 959 COUNTS AT TOP6KA. Federal Grand Jury Charges Use tf Coloring and Evasion of Law--De nied by Company Official. Miaaionaries Rogers and Waurer Among Massacre Victims--Saloniki Troops Threaten to Invade Con stantinople and Civil War Feared. SO Comparatively few people learned to* "pronounce Mr. Roosevelt's name prop erly during the seven years of his pres idency. In comparison the name of the »ew president may seem easy, but per- -test !!S to ask whether yoti pronounce It with the "a" of "ask," or the "a" of •feat," or the "a" of "father"--not to faention the broad "a" of "want." The defense to be put up in a Bos ton atttruer case, the defendant having billed his wife, is that the man was driven to insanity by the woman's per petual nagging. It seems a reasonable defense enough. A woman who nags Is a fiend who ought not to expect any mercy after she has driven Iter victim to desperation. The official figures place the cotton «rop of the United States for 1908 at 13,408,841 bales, or, figuring the hales J;, . 500 pounds each, a total of 13,56*,- f *142. The final returns for 1907 put the % Aggregate at 11,375,461 bales, esti mated in the same way. This repre- ^ jgents a big gain for 1908, but the re- *jj'*>^ort appears to have had little effect ' Km prices, notwithstanding the efforts of the "bears." There is general be lief in continued industrial revival and that manufacturers will readily absorb the large product. Why is it that the bad man's revol ver doesn't miss fire so often as the {good citizen's does when he is shoot- , .*^4ng at a burglar?" • ' :.r iW-: ;•%$ Cougars, coyotes and bears are ter- >:*'< V* rorlzing the inhabitants of the Four- <®«ntb ward in Seattle, but this will .**°t cause any surprise to Europeans, I;, ' - remarks the Chicago Record-Herald, who believe bison continue to roam fcfc?- ' the streets of Buffalo and that Chica go is a frontier settlement where the men wear leather breeches and car IT bowle knives. Constantinople.--The report that two American missionaries were among the Inany persons slain in the* massacre by Moslems at Adana has been confirmed. They are Mr. Rogers and Mr. Maurer. The others connected with the missions were safe Sunday. Three French warships are hurrying to Mersina, where the situation is des perate and 2,000 are reported to have been slain. Foreigners and many Christians have taken refuge in the consulates. The local troops and the governor are doing their best to pro tect the town, but there is great fear that it cannot hold out much longer against the invasion of the Moslems, who are sweeping down in large num bers. The American vice-consul at Mer; sina, John Debbas, has been unable to proceed to Adana, owing to the inter ruption of communications. A British warship is proceeding to Alexandretta, which is threatened by the Moslems. Several Armenian farms in that neigh borhood have been ruined. Alarm is felt at Kharput because of serious depredations by the Kurds in the sur rounding villages, although the town itself has not been the scene of any particular disorders. The tension in Constantinople over the situation still is great, although there seems to be some prospects of a peaceful solution of the trouble. The people of the capital are more concerned with the advance of the Sakmiki troops than they tre with the massacres that are reported from various quarters. Several of the members of the parliamentary deputa tion which proceeded Saturday night to Tcnatalje to reassure the Saloniki troops, returned here Sunday. They report that the troops demand the safe conduct and protection of the Saloniki deputies, who fled from the capital, and the punishment of the ringleaders of the rising on Tuesday last, as an example, to prevent the recurrence of such events. The army, which is concentrating at Tchatalje, has promised not to en ter Constantinople, but to aawit there the fulfillment of its demands. The trouble at Mersina is in no way connected with the political up heaval at Constantinople of the last two days. It involves a recrudescence of the Armenian question, which is religious and racial, and has nothing to do with the internal policies of Turkey. Mersina is 86 miles by rail south east of the city of Adana. it counts 6,000 Mohammedans and some 3,500 Christians. It has a station of the synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America and an out- station of the American Board of Com missioners for Foreign Missions. The record of 1907 shows that Rev. C. A. DoddB, Rev. R. J. Dodds and Mias Evadna M. Sterrett were stationed at Mersina. The third day of the revolutionary movement in this city was marked by some disorders, the most serious of which was a demonstration by ma rines, who objected to the new min ister of marine,' Vice-Admiral Adjle- min Pasha. The marines gathered in force Thursday and seized and con veyed to the palace Arif Bey, com mander of the battleship Assar-i-Tew- fik, a member of the Committee on Union and Progress, who ordered the guns of his ship trained on the Yildiz Kiosk when the rising was at its height, with the intention of support ing the committee. Arrived at the Yildiz Kiosk the men lynched Arif Bey, notwithstanding the efforts of the palace guard to save him. Although public confidence is by no means restored by the formation of the new cabinet, an excellent impres sion has been produced by the appoint ment of Nazim Pasha as commander of the First Army corps, and this has been strengthened by the nomination of Memduh Pasha, another able Adrianople officer, to command the First division at Constantinople. Ed- hem Pasha, the new minister of war, and Nazim Pasha made the round of the barracks in the city and exhorted the soldiers to obey their officers. They were well received and cheered. Topeka, Kan.--The Cudahy Packing Company of Kansas City, Kan., is charged in indictments returned by the federal grand jury Friday with de frauding the government out of $125,- 000 by violating the law relating to oleomargarine. There are 695 counts, for each of which the penalty is $1,000. The revenue law^irovides that each pound of uncolored oleomargarine must bear a revenue stamp of a quarter of a cent, but that on each pound to y?hich coloring matter has been added to give It the appearance of butter, a ten-cent revenue stamp must be at tached. It is charged In the Indictments that the Cudahy Company has sold the col ored product under the quarter of a cent tax and consequently has de frauded the government out of large sums. Inspectors have been working on the case several months and have se cured samples sold in towns and cities from New York to Seattle and from Duluth to Jacksonville. Every sample now in the hands of the government experts bears the identification mark of the inspector I who purchased it, as well as the analy sis which shows that it contains color ing matter. It Is claimed by the government of ficials that the Cudahy Company has succeeded in monopolizing the oleo margarine market by selling the col ored product and paying the tax on the basis of uncolored, there being a dif ference of 9% cents a pound. By this means, it is claimed, they were en abled to undersell other manufacturers and control the market. While this criminal action, which provides for a minimum fine of $695,- 000, will be prosecuted, District Attor ney Bene says it does not end the matter. He will bring a civil action against the company to have the plant and machinery used In the manufac ture of oleomargarine confiscated. Washington.--Internal revenue offi cials said government agents have examined a very large number of samples of oleomargarine in many parts of the country sold by the Cuda hy company, and that while it would not be expedient to estimate the amount of taxes involved in the al leged frauds, it is known that the offi cials believe It will be in excess of $125,000, and possibly a much larger GOING ft ft CI.tVCj.ArtO OftlMINAL IN CHILD NATURE. Writer In New Orleans Picayune A* aarts We Are All Born with Tfi»* dernese Toward the Bad. ts?f sum. \ GOTCH AN EASY WINNER. World's Wrestling Champion Defeats Turk In Two Straight Falla Without Trouble. Chicago. -- Frank Gotch of Iowa, the world's heavyweight wrestling champion, Wednesday night in Dexter Park pavilion easily Mahmout, the latest "terrible Turks." Gotch won the match in straight falls. It took the champion . only . eight minutes to pin the shoulders of Mahmout to the mat in the first fall. The Turk stayed one minute longer when they faced each other the next time and went down after nine min utes of struggling. Gotch showed his superiority at every angle of the game and the great crowd was sur prised as well as disappointed at the poor showing of Yussif. Gotch won both falls with a crotch and half nelson and made no effort to get his famous toe hold on the Turk. **11 children," said a psychologist, "are born criminals. Instinctively fiteey Me, steal, slander, torture--I don't know what. The saintlisst man. a very Dr. Parkhurst of a man, were he to grow up as he began, would have a long career of bank robberies, as saults, debauches and murders, and he would die on the gallows. "A child, as soon as it begins to toddle and lisp, steals. Till you have trained a child to know that thefts are followed by spankings, would you dare to leave It alone In a candy shop? "It also lies. After a raid on the jam or cake, does 4 child admit Its guilt? Of course not. It lies earnest ly, doggedly. "A child slanders and libels. Did you ever hear a beautiful, lisping child speak In praise of its play mate? No. On the contrary, it ac cuses the playmate continually of horrible crimes. "A child will get drunk If you give £t the opportunity. Lack of opportu nity is all that prevents children from j becoming confirmed inebriates. j "It is needless to go on. Look back on your childhood. Study your evil little child heart. You'll wonder then th&t no curio collector cherishes a piece of your rope."--New Orleans Picayune. GOfNQ THE PAC£. fm Catarrl of tfee ThrMt Years' Standing. •M was afflicted for two years wltll catarrh of the throat. At first It wast very aiigm, Cut w.sry CO§6 I Issk ma4||rv it worse. • "I followed your directions and InS. very short time I began to Improve. J. took one bottle and am now taking my second. I can safely say that my throat and head are cleared from c*» tarrh at the present time, but I still continue to take my usual dose for ^. Spring tonic, andfl find there is notlft^ ing better."--Mrs. W. Pray, 26$* Twelfth 8t., Brooklyn, N. Y. IS DIE III k HOTEL FIRE FRI8CO HOSTELRY ABLAZE A» •ATRONS SLEEP. Nearly 200 in Bed When Flames 8tart--Bodies Taken from Rulna. TWO BLOWN TO ATOMS. Explosion of a Nitroglycerin Factory at Gordon, III., Is Felt Twenty- Five Miles Away. Sullivan, Ind.--With a_ detonation which was heard for 26 miles, the shock of which was felt in an area of 50 miles, the nitroglycerin factory at Gordon, 111., across the Wabash river from this place, was destroyed by a terrtflcT explosion late Thursday after noon. Charles Dewels and Moses Lants were blown to atoms. Owing to the fact that Gordon has no long distance telephone communication and that its connection with the farm lines was destroyed by the explosion, the first rumors of the loss of life were exag gerated, one report putting the num ber of killed at SO. The fact, how ever, Is that only two men were al lowed to work In the factory at one time. Nelson to Fight McFarland. Chicago. -- Battling Nelson and Packey McFarland Friday signed an agreement to fight for the light weight championship of the world before James Coffroth's club ait Colma, Cal., July 5. The winner gets 75 and the loser 25 per cent, of the receipts. They are to weigh 133 pounds at eight o'clock In the morning and the battle Is to take place at 2:30 in the after noon. Church War Reaches Court. Nashville, Tenn.--The federal courts have again been called upon to say who is entitled to possession, the use and the enjoyment of property claimed respectively by Cumberland Presby terians and Presbyterians of the U. S A., who went into the latter church from the Cumberland. An American woman created a sen sation In English society by appearing at court adorned by an entire absence of jewels. Most fashionable ladies will find this way of making themselves the center of interest and admiration en- tlreiy too Inexpensive. Milling Company Bankrupt. Chillicothe, O.--An involuntary peti tion in bankruptcy was filed by the Marfield Milling Company of this city Friday. tfcere Is a report that Mr. Rockefel ler will finance an expedition to the north pole. We hope it is true. The • nearest anybody ever has come to do ing this hitherto has been to finance tin expedition in search of the north 1 ,,f .• I r s *Y. San Francisco.--Six bodies recov ered and eight or ten others buried in the ruins; six injured, one fatally, and property loss of $125,000, are the results of a fire Friday that destroyed the St. George hotel; a lodging house for laborers at Howard and Eighth streets, and eight other small build ings. The bodies taken to the morgue were so charred that identification was impossible. The hotel was a three-story frame building and burned so rapidly that none of the 180 guests had time to dress, and many escaped by jumping to the roof of an Adjoining workshop. Scores clambered down the ladders of the firemen and the fire escapes, and defeated Yusiff | at least four jumped to safety into the importation of net held by the fire fighters. When the fire was discovered short ly after three o'clock, Night Clerk Ar thur Gronhk, three or four other em ployes, and Policeman W. F. Kruger ran through the house arousing the sleeping tenants. In the smoke-filled halls they direct ed the half-crazed men to the exits. Great confusion and panic prevailed, so that it was with great difficulty that men were able to find their way through the labyrinth of halls which threaded the 400 small rooms. • Firemen and police worked he roically, and but for their efforts the loss of life would have been much greater. Two hundred'people were in the ho tel when the fire broke out One hun dred and thirty of these were regular boarders, and the rest transients. Of the regular boarders 30 were unac counted for, but many of them es caped in the confusion, and neglected to report their safety. Rochester, N. Y.--The act of a fire bug which Tuesday rendered 1,000 per sons homeless, when flames swept the city, has caused terror here. The militia is parading the streets guarding the few articles of furniture paved by the victims. Swept along in the face of a 25- mile gale, the fire destroyed several sections of the city and did damage estimated at $1,000,000. It Is believed the fire is of incendiary origin and the police are investigating. SAYS HAINS IS INSANE: Counsel for Army Officer Whos* Trial for Murderlng Ann|a Starts Mon- , t- day Outlines Defense.- ^ New York.--Insanity, not of the momentary and vanishing character usually invoked as a defense for emo tional crimes, but permanent and In surable, will be urged, it is stated^, as a defense in the case of Capt. Peter C. Hains, Jr., whose trial for the murder of William E. Annis on the float of the Bayside Yach club last August began Monday at Flushing, L. I. John F. Mclntyre, chief counsel for the defense, has announced that no re course would be had to the expert tes timony of alienists for the establish ment of his client's mental condition. District Attorney Dewitt, who is con ducting the prosecution, believes the prisoner is in full possession of all his faculties, just as, in his opinion, he was at the time of the killing of Annis. He has intimated that Mrs. Hains, whose alleged infatuation for Annis was the Indirect cause for the shoot ing, would take the stand as a witness for the prosecution, but this la re garded as very unlikely by the law yers for the defense. IOWA STUDENTS POISONED. Col. Augur Dies Suddenly. Manila. -- Col. Jacob Augur of the Tenth cavalry died suddenly of apoplexy at Fort McKlnley Saturday. He had called a meeting of the regi ment's officers at ten o'clock in the morning and soon after they had be gun to gather, he was stricken. Ac cording to private cablegrams it was the intention of President Taft to ap point Col. Augur a brigadier general in the near future. Longest Named Man Drowns. Paducah, Ky.--Death by drowning came to the man who claimed to have the longest name In the world. He disappeared Friday and confirmation of the drowning was obtained Sunday by finding the body in Perkins creek, near here. His full name was Arthur Hugh Thomas T. de Witt Talmadge Hardin Eddy Lane Arland Linnle Mar lon Branch Sam Jones Pigg Reuben Walker Chiles. The deceased was the son of Rev. R. C. Chiles, superintend ent of the Rescue mission of this city, and each name was for some minister. Illinois Bank-la Robbed. Blount Vernon, III.--The bank at Woodlawn, a small town seven miles west of here on the Louisville & Nashville railroad, was robbed Thurs day. Five masked men dynamited the safe, wrecking it and the Interior of the building, and escaped with $1,900 in currency. The bank was insured against robbery. Wellsvllle, Mo.--Four masked rob bers blew open the safe of the post office here and escaped with a small quantity of stamps and one registered letter. The explosion aroused the town, but citizens were held back at the points of revolvers. No Aigrettes In New York. Albany, N. Y.--The assembly by vote of 94 to 11 has passed the Reed bill to prevent the sale in this state of the plumage of any species of the heron family. The effect of the law will be to do away with the f'H of the aigrette for women's hats. Limits Iowa 8aloons. Des Moines, la.--Gov. B. F. Carroll Thursday signed the Moon liquor bill which limits the number of saloons in any city In the state to one for every thousand ' Adlai Stevenson Better. Chicago.--Former Vice-President Ad lai '£. Stevenson, who has been a pa tient for the last week at the Presby terian hospital, has so far recovered that he expects to return to his home in Bloomington, III., the first part of next week. Gen. Stevenson came to Chicago last week and had a minor operation performed. Pastor Raps Christian Science. New York.--Christian Science, de fined as "Eddylsm," was denounced Sunday by Dr. Robert S. Mac Arthur In his morning talk to the Current Events class in Calvary Baptist churcsh, and was classed among frauds and fakes that Impose upon the human credu- Uty. 8even Co-Eds and 8even Male Pupils of Des Moinea College IjM After Club Dinner. Des Moines, la.--Seven Des Moines college co-eds and seven male stu dents were in convulsions Sunday and one of them was expected to die, fol lowing an attack of mysterious poi soning after dinner at the Kamarad- erie and Altruria clubs. Milk is the one article taken in com mon by all the 14 sufferers, but an examination of the fluid by State Chemist W. F. Friable and State Dairy Commissioner H. R. Wright failed to disclose ptomaines or other injurious bacteria. Among those stricken are: Miss Margaret Estel, Minnie Baker, Edith Anderson, Ruth Calvert, Dorothy Tin- land, Edith Johnson, Emery Pease, Edward Hawkins, B. J. Powers, E. E. Clayton, Elmer Carter, Fred and Clar ence Workman. Powers fell In con vulsions at the door of his room and was striftken blind. , Celebrated Defaulter Free. Osslning, N. Y. 1- A celebrated defalcation case was recalled by the release from Sing Sing prison of Cornelius J. Alvord, formerly note teller of the First National bank,of New York city. Alvord was sentenced to a total of 13 years' imprisonment on January 16, 1901, for making false entries In the books of the first Na tional bank to cover up defalcations said to have aggregated $620,000, ex tending over a period of several years. Tortoise--What, have you started • motor car? Snail--Yes, one must move with tlM limes, you know. $100 Reward, $100. Ite leaders of this paper will be pleased to laMS 4bat there at !e**t (iiKsin that Mteen has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh Cure to the only positive cure now known to the medlcni fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires » constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is iaken In ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous •urtaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient Strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors haw so much faith In its curative powers that they oOsr One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails M •are. Send for list of testimonials Address F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo. Oft , Sold by all Druggists, 75c. * Take Hall's Family Pills tor oos«tlp*tloa<t : •« : Letting Him Down Easy. A young man of very limited means, •Iter the marriage ceremony, present ed to the minister 27 large copper •ents, all spread out on the palm of his right hand. "This is all I've got, parson," he said. Seeing a disappoint ed look in the minister's face, he add ed: "If we have any children we will send them to your Sunday school."-- Sucoese Magazine. ' •. -------- --- r • Natural Solicitude. ' Invalid Husband--Did the r doctor say I was to take all that medicine? Wife--Yes, dear. Invalid Husband--Why, there'* enough there to kill a donkey. Wife (anxiously)--Then you'd bet* ter not take all of it, John!--Tit Bits, Guar**11 Eftn €11 C--26,000 acres of land in Brule, Bnf« rwll 9AI.E lalo, Lyman and Charles MIE Coon- fib Sin SICK HEADACH Positively cured tyjjk.; these Little They also rejieve Bilife tress from Dyspepsia, d i cest *on and Too Heart|r Bating-. A. perfect raos>'- edy for Diztlnesa, sea, Prowslneae, Taitte in the Month, Cow* «d Tongne, Pain iis ti|Q Side, TOUPXD LIVEJ^' They regqiata the Bowels. Purely VsgaiabUfc, SMALL Pill, SMALL BOSE. SMALL Genuine Must Bear > Fac-Simlle Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTE ̂ CARTERS PILLS. There's Danger, Ahead .. - .•„*>• J ••• ,'-; if you've been neglecting a cold. Don' texperiment with your health. Get a remedy that you femur will cure--that remedy is DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe. In the severest cues of conghs, colds, bronchitis, croup, In flammation of chest and lungs it is the UiOkL cucCuVc iniwu/ kuwivu. It decs its work quickly, removes the eaaw of the disease Sold everyufittt tn that tU* bottle,. $f.00, 50c, 25c. JUST DOUBLE 320 ACRES INSTEAD OF 160 ACRES ws As further to settlement of the wheat-raising land* el Western Canada, the Canadian Governmest has increased the area that mew he taken by a homesteader to 320 aens--160 tree and 160 (• be purchased at $3.00 per acre. These lands lie in the grain-raising axes, where mixed fannies is also carried on with unqualified success. A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Bay, bring* ing the world's market® a thousand miles neaitf these wheat-fields, where schools and churches UK convenient, climate excellent, railways dose mil settlements, and local markets good. '"It would take time to assimilate the revel** tions that a visit to the great empire tyinff M the North of us unfolded at every turn."-- Correspondence of m National Editor* Xuho Irtstttd Western Canada in August, 1908. Lands may also be purchased from railway mI companies at low pikes and on easy ten* ^or pamphlets, mtpi and information as to . low railway rates, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or tha authorized Canadian Government Agent: C. J. BR0U0BT0N.412 Merchants' loan iTrust BUf, Ckicago. 111.; W. H. 10SERS, third floor, Trsctlon t3 •3ns! Bldf., Indianapolis, III.; ar T. 0. C(MUtlE» A Vd Street, Milwaukee, Wis. VOE 8AUE--GOOI> iTABMS, CHEAP i JT proved and unimproved, near station, 20 to V miles from St. Paul; very ew terms: Send for 11% Address Forest Lake Land & Loan Co., Forest Minnesota. $3,5SO takes 160 aere farm, all tillable, one mils from live towr Wbeat soil, clay h< Sought for $3,800.00. F^fet^o crop'falTwresf Excellent marti Mtv six miles. Climate delightful. Also larw gjjry Address 0. H. Rutherford. Jerome, Arlsonfc «A7ANTED--Men of ability who can do thlngk vv -yon can make quick money If you haveabUMr and nluok. If you can Bell stocks, address BDWIs WALLACE, 323 Conn. Mutual Bldg.. Hartford, Confc 8,550 takes 160 aere farm, an unaDie, ouemw from live town, 100 acres broke, nne wau$ sat soil, clay bottom. Quarter joining; can M ifiht for t3.800.00. Claris Allen, Plaza. N. 1>. -Irrigated FamaJn^rleli^Ver Also <ra. These lands are located in the famous Missouri , ver Valley, in the corn and alfalfa belt of South j ota, ana will advance from 30 to 100 per oent In t _ next Ave years. Send for my 84-page, 111ns- : trated booklet, free. No trades considered. . , J. A. STBANSK Y, Pukvaos, South Dakota. ! BUY AN ORANGE SHOVE, oramse itro pay a very large P*o£t- If fo^ouWllk buy one write to W. |S7 WilaoB, U Fox Buildi Houston, Texas. rov«s e !• Building, PATENTS sir LITER PlSSiSfc e. Hlctf rssufi. OALL STONES win teUof a cureFwfc uanrn C. E. COVEY. B. 36'. D. 6, Lansing, BKleh» Write me AIL about H» ~ lte - HMPLEINE A flavoring iuni iSuSSu the same s_ * or vanilla. By dissolving granulated suga* in water and adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and a syrup better than mapl* Mapleine I s sold by grocers. If not send 85a tc0 3os. bot. and reoipe book. Cr«w*ai Mfg. Co., Secretary Wilson Is Uphold. Washington. -- Attorney General Wickersham has rendered an opin ion that the referee board appoint ed by Secretary Wilson of the depart ment of agriculture to investigate foods and food products, was a legally constituted body.. Russia Orders War Balloon. St.' Petersburg.--The Russian war office has ordered a dirigible balloon of the Republique type from Paris. Its cost will be $60,000. Fatally Burned by- WUrnUL Buffalo, N. Y.--Michael McQarvey was fatally burned in a lire in a room* tac house on Huron siroet Friday. . m. Egg Prohibition PrsaokiK Chillicothe, O.--Rev. C. W. Eldredge of Cincinnati, while delivering a speech In favor of "drys" at Adelphl, a small town near here, was given a shower of rotten eggs by a crowd of "wet" by- •taaders. 1111 r Mistaken for Burglar; Killed# ! Emporia, Kan.--Griffith Hughes, aged 18 years, died Friday as the re sult of having been shot by his younger brother, Owen, who mistook him for a burglar and fired upon him in the dark.. v A*/ 'Vs"' 8tart on Panama Trip. » Washington.---Secretary of War Dickson and his party who are to ac company him to Panama, left here Sunday night by the Norfolk boat on their way to Charleston, S. C., where they will embark on the president's yacht Mayflower for the isthmus Tues- morning. - llead of Asphalt Trust Dies. tfe# York.--Amzl Lorenzo Barber, head of the Barber Asphalt Paving Company, died Saturday night from pneumonia, at Ardsley Park. Women Clean Capital 8treeta. Washington.--Carrying out their pledge for a cleaner Washington, "white wings" in the persons of so ciety matrons and others were out In full force bright and early Thursday supervising the clearing the streets of the city of all floating paper and de- : bris not gathered up by the rubbish carts. The sbheme which was in augurated by the women of the Twen tieth Century club, was that the cltjr should be free of all floating debris. The appearance of the streets Friday indicates the mtovoxmctn^. n nurrsa)i Your Last Chance to Get Good Land Cheap : </ lies in Idahtt. Good land at audi prices will soqtt be gone forever. Fine farm tracts can be h&S now at low prices, on easy terms. By the time your last payment is made the lend will baft doubled in at least. New towns--needing trades are powing up fast in the wonderful Snake River country. Men who went $|\ere poor a few years ago are now well to do. Own '•1R; Idaho's variety of resources is unsurpassed any where in the world--money is made easily and Quickly in farming, in fruit, stock and dairying, Alfalfa alone is making hundreds rich. Save money, that might otherwise be spent In tickets and hotel bills, by going direct to Idaho .. ^^nd buying • fefi» *v^.jfree booklet. ' " ^ ^ ' '• , -• W S VS3,f; V " * 1, «>..*: * •