*•/ te * ?"->*fr #"i< y ^ «-,,v ' "" ' ' j£ * ~~WX'. i , X? "" \{ •' ^ ^ - . f'OT*. "** '"~ H-- *" *' J\ < * . •' %*-* » rvr^X" "* * .'V'jh -=*T-A .» A, ' :-jp"-i':ij / " ,V?l2a..--U-'T-'^j' McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1909. p • THE PLAINDEALER this week inaugurates one of the biggest subscription campaigns it has ever attempted aiid before the week comes to a close we hope to be enriched to the extent of several hundred new subscribers. It is our ambition to grow and with this end in view we take this opportunity to pre sent to the public a proposition which we believe to be an important one to every reader residing within the territory covered by The Plaindealer. For a limited time only we will give absolutely tree to new subscribers to The Plaindealer A BEAUTIFUL $2.00 FOUNTAIN PEN, together with filler and hold er. In order to obtain this handsome as well as useful prize, however, it will be necessary to pay for the paper one year in advance. The offer also holds good to old subscribers paying us one year's subscrip tion in advance. This beautiful pen may be seen by calling at this office. No boy or girl of school age should be Without one, especially when they are GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE. Don't forget that this offer holds good for a limited time only and will be withdrawn without further notice. Send or hand us your subscription at once, thereby becoming a reader of The Plaindealer as well as obtaining a prize never before offered by any paper published in McHenry county. This exceptional offer holds good for a limited time only NUMBER 46 Li ' / . £$1 i 1 vTJUk* • • n »v< V : f - v > " < >. »V ' rtf r V > i * f" - U • XJ.. .nfl roue AMI0IL PLEASE In assuming the ownership of the grocery store formerly conducted by Win. Sitnes, located in the Heimer block, I feel it my duty to respectfully ask a share of the pub lic patronage. 1 will at all times keep in stock staple and fancy groceries and fruits, and also handle the Early Riser and White / Swan flour and am in a position to fill youp kerosene and gasoline orders. I will at all times give the public prompt service and delivery and conduct my business on the square deal order. Soliciting a part your patronage, I am, Respectfully yours, M. M. NIESEN s WHEN you, get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you. the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on ' a first-class job. We guar antee all of our work. :t' *'*-* > f. "IyV- e. MZa & a West McHenry. Now, Ladies! If you want to see some thing extraordinarily pretty in hats call at this store. It will do your eyes good to gaze upon the exceptionally beautiful display of the latest and most fashion able hats known to the millinery world. Also have a grand display of children's hats and la dies' bonnets at prices that are jusjt right. :: The LOTUS HILLINERY Spawning BMf.t W«t McHenry QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Ipwna Clipped from Tht Plala^Mltr •< April SO, 1884. Don't lay aside your overcoat yet, for the icebergs are flying lu the air and blizzards are becoming fashionable. Fishing is now beginuiug to oecnpy the time of tbe sportsmen. It is royal fan to ait on the banks of tbe river nil day and soak a worm in the water. Cbas. Going, who has been in Cbiaago for tbe past few months, came borne last week. Hb will work for the Mo- Henry Brick Manufacturing company daring the summer. Tbe firm of Mayes & Bartlett has been dissolved, Mr. Bartlett retiring from the firm, and will move with bis family to Hastings, Minn. Mr. Mayes will continue the business at tbe old stand. Farmers in this locality are unani mous is sayiug that spring work is not as well advanced this year as it was at tbe same time last year, there being not as mnch small grain in and not nearly as much plowing done for corn. C. B. Curtis bit sold his forty acres in the north part of tbe village, opposite Woodland cemetery, to M. E Sander son of Ohio, who will immediately erect thereon a fine residence. We are glad to welcome Mr. Sanderson as a resident of oar village. We understand be in tends to go qaite extensively into "hen farming." The McHenry Brick Manufacturing company, Whiting & Went worth pro prietors, has commenced work on their yard, and will, as soon as they can get ready, continence putting up a kiln. They are daily receiving orders, and so popular have their brick become among tbe builders they find it bard work to make enongb to supply tbe demand. Tbe store of Mayes & Bartlett in this village was burglarized on Snnday night or Moudity morning last, and altho but a small amount of goods was taken, the indications were that tbe thief or thieves had made preparations for a good hanl. It was not discovered until Mr. Bartlett went to the store on Monday morning when he found numerous evidences that they bad had callers when they were not at home. Tbe clothing and other goods were strewn around the counters and on tbe floor, and everything had tbe appearance that tbe unseasonable vis itors were looking for something they could not find. It appears they gained entrance tbrn tbe cellar, by crawling thru a small window, and in some man ner unknown unfastening a trap door leading into the store. In and around the premises were found a large sledge hammer, several chisels, three bit-stocks end i •••bar of dctUfc wfcJok tools would indicate that they expected to find a safe to work upon in tbe store. But in Ibis they were disappointed, as there was no safe or money there. The only things missed, as yet, by the firm are a few silk handkerchiefs and other small articles to tbe value of perhaps ten dollars. The tools foand in the store proved to have been taken from tbe blacksmith and wagon shop of Phil. Hauperiscb, which bad been entered thru a window. In this shop burned matches were found all over tbe floor and among the shavings,'and tbe great wonder is that they did not burn the buildings. PROBA TE NEWS A bstr&ct OfBce iu Ar- ea-st side public square. Ab tKuruislied by McHeury Couuty Oouipuuy, Woodstock, Illinois. stracts of title and cou veyajueiug. Mouey to iius of five buudred to teu thousand dollars. Time and payments . Fboues tf34, fl03 aiid VII.1 uold Block. stracts of tit loan ou real estate iu suuua to teu t housand to suit borrower HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anton Hcbaefer &, w to Kutbarlna Scbaefer, It s, being yart of Matitlas SctuMifer's sub div, McHenry, r v $ 500.00 John A. Arado & w to Frederick A. KfUer. It 15 Orchard Beach. belnf A. L. Howe's sub dlv. sees 34 A 3ft, Mc Henry. r 8. 400.00 O. J. Hendricks, master in chancery, to Mattbew Steffes, It II, neM sec 13, lie- Henry, r 8 M60.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Archie Anderson, 28 Marengo Josie Young, 19 (Jnion Ezra K. Elgin, 28 .Dixon, 111 Helen Hepfcorn, 98....... ... Union Place Your Order Now, The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poei- office in the oonntry circular letter to the public, urging everyone to ose en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have bis name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Gall at Tbe Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pat up in first-class manner. If you have «nt9iuttiMd company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in tbe family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Watch tbe label upon yo»r paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr lists since the new pot toffies ruling went Isto effect April I. ___________ Bosi Tte PlaiidoataK. * ' . The Country Editor. The country editor is an animal corn* mon to all parts of the United States, portions of Europe, Asia and Madagas car, says the Meridian (Miss ) Star. He is a biped, quadruped, centipede and every other kind of a "ped" known to natural history. If he did nit have so many bands and legs he couldn't per form the duties of a country editor. Your Uncle Toby was once an editor. But he had a strong constitution and re covered, lp a majority of tbe cases the patient does not recover. The disease is not contagions; you have to run after it. After that it has got you. As a rule the country editor is not ornamental, but is useful. Everybody uses bim. Tbe regular duties of a country editor are to gather news from all over the county, and all other counties where bis sub scribers have relatives living, write ed itorials, obituaries and accounts of wed dings, co set type, make up forms, do job work, print, fold and mail the paper, solicit ads and locals, smoke a cob pipe, swear at the devjl and throw the sboot in# stick at the cat. He is also expected to attend all political meetings, church socials, baseball games and funerals of his delinquent subscribers. In addition to the above be must in bis spare mo ments cnt wood, boe in tbe garden, feed the pigs, sweep the floor, pot up tbe ash hoppers, plant peas, patch the roof, re pair tbe fence, put new hinges on the gate., It is also his duty to get in debt as much as possible to every merchant in town, as this will induce them to "take more space" in the paper. Iu the midst of all of these duties ths editor is expected to have a good time, wear a ginger cake Binile, a brass finger ring and at least one "gallus." A country editor of light weight can't afford to tell the troth. If be did he'd get tbe stuffln' licked out of bim every day. If tbe brids is hump shouldered, freckled, cross-eyed and has a wart on ber noee, the editor is expected to say she is "beautiful and accomplished." If a cauuidatehas a record that ought to put him iq the penitentiary, the editor is expected to say he is "honest, upright and capable." Mottm! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon Qf each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect We have arranged with The Weekly Iiiter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.76 for one year. This is a rare op- portunitf and should be taken advant age of. R~«d Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds, Onion Sets, Peas, Beans. SOMETHING NEW! Fancy Gold Decorat ed Water Sets. Also Table and Berry Sets to match. I can save you money on assort ments of can goods. JOHN West McHenry. Telephone joi Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 322. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, bnt The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our spec ial ar rangement vou can secure both p§per» for one full year for the very low imte $1.75. •waar'aii. > 9*mek%1m4swm. % •i'k MS V. . */k... - . . . : V * . .. ' •. •• H ; f - - * " T-A-. t" •r*#- MEATS ,11 * ^ That are fresh, juicy and tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line of Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea son. We know we have juf| want.' " --^r- • v" * .• i . E. F. Matthews West V.' v/ -