McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1909, p. 10

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«! r, * : '1 1 Chm »jpi 11 its! •'SL ._* > r <*c. • ŵ -or*1' glfl*;::,- i .v". rJ K » «%* , ,$?C r t PorfcsmnxDtiith 3 .i*ffl*tll •• * * CN " - N>-- " • SINCERITY CLOTHES Copyright New styles, new colors. Ready made or made to order at ^ ^ ^ ^ Come, inspect the line, see why we CAN SAVE YOU . o o ON A SUIT AND GIVE YOU BET­ TER. THAN TAI­ LOR. MADE, O H Tow Future at the present time by opening a savings account with Our Sav­ ings Department and in­ creasing your deposits as fast as your salary permits! Too many people live without a thought of Saving for the future, only to think of it when their earning days are over--then it is too late! This bank assures safety for your savings--also 3 per cent interest compounded, :: :: :: WEST MdlEllf STATE BANK PLOWS-PLOWS her BINOWOOD. Jos. Miller was up at Twin Thursday last. Mrs. H. Allen is - entertaining mother this week. 1 Miss Ellen Hall entertained company frqm oat of town Sunday. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was a Mc- Henry caller last Saturday. Sam H. Beatty and Jos. Miller were over at Spring Grove Monday. v Irving Dodge and son of Nebraska are visiting in this vicinity this week. Mrs. Swan of Elgin spent from Satnr? day nntil Tuesday with Mrs. Jane Carr. Jos. Lynch and Walter Harrison were on the streets in McHenry Sunday even­ ing. Wm. Bonslett and family of McHenry were on onr streets in their anto Sun­ day. Clyde Randall of Elgin visited' with his family in Ringwood Sunday and Monday. Jos. Selig spent several days recently with relatives and friends in Chicago and Aurora. Word from Wm. Brown states he is getting along nicely and we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Colby of Spring Grove were business callers at the Ring wood nursery Friday. James Green has been quite ill the past week, but under the skillful care of Dr. Hepburn is now on the gain. DecQration ball at the Lily Lake danc­ ing pavilion Saturday evening, May 29. Music by Metzger's Woodstock orches­ tra. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hall of Elgin are vis­ iting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hall, in Ringwood thin week. | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jnsten are enter taining a young son who arrived on Sunday night and expects to remain with them. oktKKNW ooi> f r• •. • Dr. Adams was a Richmond visitor Sunday.' . ' J Mrs. Brady "WM^a Hebron' yisitor Wednesday. *,•:] "f „ .j Miss Edith Carr was a Etnntiey vis­ itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Garrison were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Flave Thomas is a guest at the home' of Chas. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. O. GarrisOn- WWf® Heb­ ron callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. llobt. Crwickfthank were, visitors in Huntley over Snwlay. : Miss Hattie Westlftke of Solon visited at Jos. McCanuon'n Sunday last. Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Miutzer were quests at the hothe of Mrs. Carr Suu day. Roy Harrison and son of Ringwood were guests at the home of John Harri son Sunday. Mr and Mrs. BV L" Westerman and Mrs. Herrick were callers at Mrs. West- ernian's Tuesday. Mesdamas Brady and Allen were in El^iu And Chicago Tnesday seeing about the plana for the new church. The decoration services will be held in the town hall Saturday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. The ladies will serve supper in Dailey's hall. ^ The nest number on the lecture course will be given May 2f», in the town hall by Rey. A. D. Klontz, reader and impersonator. . E'lton-Hurlbut'i fine box pnpar, ibc to 65c at Petesch'e. , . Want Column, A!! advertisements Inserted under this head at the following Five linen or less, 25 cent** for tint insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than five linen, 5 cent* a line for first Insertion, aixl •' eeiits a line for additional insertions. CEBD CORN for sale at 8AM MCDONALD'S, ^ West McHenry, III- WANTED--A first class cook In large fam­ily. Address WILLIAM LORIMER, flOli Douglas Blvd., Chicago, 111. 44 tf TfOR SALE--Seven acres of good plow land, J- located in Jolmsburgli, 111. One hundred dollars per aPre takes it. IiKiuire or write MATHIAS KAKI,S, JolinshurRh, III. 4n-2t* tpOR SALE:--Ten acres land wlvh bouse and J- barn at Johnsburgh, HI,," at very low price. Call t>n PKKRY & OWEN, at Bank of ftlcllenry. 37-tf T^OIl SALE--North and South Dakota land; -1- $15 to $25 per,acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. HOWE, McHenry, III. 40-tf T\AHLIAS! All varieties, almost every XJ color. Those wishiug roots for this season please call Saturday evening or Sunday, not later than May :t0. FRED R. GOODMAN. 46-4t* TpOR SALE at a bargain and must be sold -1- quirk. Crystal Luke, McHenry county, III., 240 acre farm within two miles of town, together witli buildings, etc. Price. $75 per acre. U. O. STONE & Co., 125 Monroe St., Chi­ cago. 48-4t /"11RL WANTED--For general housework. v 1 Must be reliable and able to do anything in the way of housework. Will pay $5.00 per w<*ek to the girl whocau fill the position. In quire or write JOSEPH HAAS, Rohema cottage. Pistakee Bay, near Kingsley's hotel. 43-tf WK SALE:--A seven-room cottage, togath- A er with a frontage of :120 feet, divided in- to five separate lots. Good cistern, cefcs-pool and out-door buildings ou premises. Good reasons for selling. Will be sold at very low figures if tak«n at once office at this 33-tf Thouuds Hm Hlitf Tremble aid Merer Sispect R. ^ How To Fladl Out. 1r3|£ b^ic or common glass with yomr wat6^j)|w4et it stand twenty-four hoars; isT' "v * s brick dust ssdi- xneut, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy condi­ tion of the ..kid­ neys; too fre­ quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell yon the kidneys and bladder are out ot order and need attention. What To So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it,' or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring prop­ erties. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent ? and one-dollar sizes. dome ot bwamp-lloGl. You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. , ' OSTKND. C. E. Jocks wa8 a Woodstock caller Monday. William. Thomas, Jr., was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Mrs. T. A. Abbott and daughter, Mand, spent Wednesday in Chicago. C. E. Gaylord and danghter, Daisy, were shopping in Chicago last Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs. Shep- ardson visited in Woodstock last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisco of Wanconda spent Saturday anil Snnday with Henry Hobart and wife. Mrs. Frank Martin and Mrs. Bern Harrison attended the W. C. T. U. meeting in Ringwood last Saturday. Decoration ball at the Lily Lake danc­ ing pavilion Satnrday evening, May 29. Mnsic by Metzger's Woodstock orches­ tra. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Francisco re­ turned to their home in Elberon, la., last Friday, after a week's Visit with relatives and friends here. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or deatL in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully receited. Tailored Suits! See that little girl lift her father with one foot? He weighs 190 lbs., and she is only 6 years old--yet she can lift him with only one foot. WHY--and what does the "WHY" mean to yon? Simply this--it means that the Emerson Foot Lift Plows are the easi­ est handled in the field of any plow made,--FOOT-CONTROL AL­ WAYS--in or out of the hardest soiL Manage the Plow with your JFeet--your Horses with your Hands. The name EMERSON meanseasiest to handle--lightest draft--and most durable. Every EMERSON Gang Plow is equip­ ped with 2000-mile magazine bo* and axle. When you buy an EMERSON you buy for a lifetime, not for a few years, because an EMERSON will last as long you live. IN PLOWS THIS IS IT, YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPEC­ TION SOLICITKD. EMERSON FOOT LIFT GANG EMERSON MANUFACTURING CO. Farm Implement Builders Since 1852 ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS WM. S&les Agent, STOFFEL, Centerville, McHenry, Illinois H' & 4 P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALS OF Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldeat house on the street. Tags and price lists fnmished on application. , COLD STORAGE FREE Stall i A 3, Fulton St. WM*HI< Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. TOIA Plutie Houghton of Wanconda was in town recently. C. G. Hnson of Libertyville attended to business here Satnrday. Harry Ford of Wancoada was a gnest at the Froet home Snnday. Mrs. Scott Snell and children were Wanconda callers Tnesday. Mise Lucy Dunnill of Long Lake spent last Friday with her parents here. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and Miss Elsie Wal­ ton were recent Wanconda callers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Avery of Lake Villa spent Sunday at the Paddock home. / Mr. and Mrs. John Brown spent Tues­ day at the home of their son in Wan­ conda. Meadamea Chas. Parker and Edward Lnsk were guests of relatives at Ivan- hoe last Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Ranght visited relatives in Waukegan from Wednesday until Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bacon of McHenry visited the latter'a father, Chas. Potter, at his home near town Snnday. Mrs. Sarah A. Howard of Waukegan and Miss Bessie Howard of Grant called on friends here one day last week. Deooration ball at the Lily Lake danc­ ing pavilion Satnrday evening, May 29. Mnsic by Metzger's Woodstock orches­ tra. Mrs. Richard Compton has retnrned to her home here after a visit with her danghter, Mrs. Jennie Coestnan, at Ronnd Lake. The death of Joseph Miller, who has been ill for abont three months, occurred at his parents' home in Volo Saturday afternoon, May 15. There are left to mourn his death a father and mother, three sisters, two brothers, two sons and a daughter. Burial at the Catholic cemetery in McHefiry. your own self respect, trading with us. You can see for yourself that the clothes we make have a distinc­ tion in style and tailoring which is quite unusual. There is an­ other fact about our goods which gives them a unique position among clothes. We use none but all wool fabrics, and that means iii these days when cotton adul­ terations are the common, al­ most universal, rule in clothes makes a quality distinction which is very significant. You want all wool for the sake of the wear, the better tailoring, the better shape keeping, for the sake of You may be sure of getting it by J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, ILLINOIS tr m V, lar&er than ever before, and look over our before buying. , i - 1 '• iPiiim iiiliifi iiniiit SILKS, WAISTINGS, DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES. WAISTS, ALL STYLES, FROM.. -75c to $4.00 WALL PAPER! We are closing oirf all our odds and ends from last year^ stock at 50 per cent Olfl We also have a large line of'new Wall Pape$, justJn. ALL PRICES. :: :: ' F A. BOH LAN DER, ' WfeST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. M, Is Feed High? NO! We are selling ©tie of the best milk producing feeds on the market International Sugar Feed for $24.00 per ton. Do yon call that high? WEST McHENRY, * ILLINOIS ITHt Ipackasc Alafceatla* Cta^wr It woo W be too bad to dec©* rate your kom® I® the ©nil" nary way. aimply becam* of not knowing you could do It better for less money Mfitb Alabastlae. Better find out all about Alabaatlna first, anyway. Call at our store and M tbe Aliibaitiine Portfolio of Price Designs It to worth looking; at evm tf you have no uumwliiUi iiitNfc* Hon of (tooorattBSr NOW is ihe time to think about spring painting and decorating. We car­ ry a full line qf Sun Proof paints and v a r n i s h e s . A l s o brushes in all sizes and prices. Our stock is larger than ever before. Call and look over our line before buying. We guarantee ~to Save you money. J. J. V CENTERVILLE HARDWARE f? % Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean and thie paper delivered for one year at onr "•pedal deal" prloe of fl.TO lor fhi two , t BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRY. ILLINOIS Pick-up Values Standard American Calico, y a r d . . . . . . . . . . . : all shades, per be Fast color Turkey Red Table Damask, good assortments of patterns, per yard .... >4c£>Q Ladies' Percale Wrappers. $1.30 - "table damask Union Mercerized and Pure Linen Table Damask, bleached.. 29c, 39C, 40Ci 75c PERCALE ~ 15c Percale, 36 in. wide, good assortment of patterns, while they last, per yard.«• • lOo VELOUR . We are showing a fine assortment of uphol­ stery Velours at per yard -45c TELEPHONE NO. 54'- Shoes and Oxfords I/adiea' Tan and Black Oxfords and Shoes in Patent Colt, Kid and Ciun Metal, button and lace, at • • • • $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.75, and $3.00 Our line of shoes are shoes of quality and style. :: :: Men's fine Shoes and Oxfords in Tan, Black, Oxblood and Green; Gun Metal and Patent Colt; the most dressy line in town, nothing better anywhere, at... -$3, $3.50, $4 Men's and Boys' heavy Work Shoes in black and tan at . . . . $ 2 , $ 2 . 2 5 , $ 2 . 5 0 , $ 3 Remember our Grocery Department will stand your most critical inspection. Always pure, fresh and clean. s: -- 1 1 "1(1 We deliver goods to any part of town. :: :: " f > 4 ' . . 1*1. %* j -w t » .t iit.,... "UfJ'd.*# ,y '

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