McHENRY PLAINDEALER Mchenry, ill., hay 2?, ises THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Official ProoMdlnp of the SgaebU April JtMtini, 1909. The honorable hoard of supervis ors of McHenry county, 111., met in special session, pursuant to request signed by more than one-third of the members of said board, at the court house, on Monday, the 26th day of April, A. D. 1909, at 10 a. m. Meeting called to order by the clerk and the follow ing named supervisors answered to their names at roll-call: D. M. Wright, W. H. Ward, John Baldock, William Desmond, F. D. Perkins, J. E. Williams, H. F. Heinemann, E. C. Jewett, C. W. Thompson, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, J. B. Richard son, Stephen H. Freund, Ben Throop, Luna E. Mentch. First in order being the election of a chairman for the ensuing year. On motion of Sop. Tarner, seconded by Supi Throop, Sup. Desmond was re-elected unanimously. Upon taking the chair, Sup. Desmond expressed his gratitude toward the members in a few well chosen words. Thereupon Sup. Mentch offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Carried. WHEREAS, by a vote, submitted to the people of this county at lh« agonal township election, held in the various voting precints on April 6th, 1909, it appears that the mode of sup port of paupers has been changed, be it there fore RESOLVED, that the Chairman of tbia Board appoint a committee of fire to draft rules governing the action of this honorable body-for the ensuing year, and that said com mittee report forthwith to this Board. Thereupon the chair appointed the following members as the standing committee on rules for the ensuing year: Sups. Heinemann, Throop, Bal dock, Jewett and Mentch. On motion of"Sup. Mentch board ad journed until 2 p. m. 2 P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call, all supervisors present except Sups. Whipple and Brotzman. The committee on rules made the following reports which were adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors: Yonr Committee to whom was .-deferred the matter of drafting rules for gov erning action of the board for the ensuing year would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Rules and regulations lor the government ol the i oard of Supervisors. 1. The ru'es of legislative assemblies con tained in Cushiug's manual shall govern the action of this Board ot Supervisors in the transaction of all its business, except where tile re is a special rule directing otberwise. 2. There shall be the following standing committees of Ave (5) members three of whom shall constitute a quorum for work, appointed by the chair, to-wit: Committee on Lands; Lots and Persoual Property; on Railroads; on Finance; on Roads and Bridges: on Education; OO Settlement with the Treasurer: on Relief of Blind Persons; on Rules; 011 Claims for Labor, Fees and Supplies: on Claims for Count- Poor. A1 so the following committees of seven (7) members each, as follows, four of whom shall constitute a quorum: On Fees and Salaries; oa Almshouse and Farm; on Public Buildings and Grounds Also a purchasing committee of three (3) members. 3. All matters relating to farm lands, city and town lots and personal property, shall be relerred to the committee oh Lands, Lots, and Persoial Property; all matters relating to railroads shall be referred to the Committee on Railroads; all matters relating to finance shall be referred to the Committee on Finance; all matters relating to education shall be referred to the Commi'.tee on- Education; all matters relating to roads and bridges shall be referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges; all matters relating to fees and salaries shall be referred to the Committee on Fees and Salaries; all matters relating to public and grounds shall be referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds; all matters relating to support of pocr, {other than inmates of the almshouse and farm) shall be referred to the Committee on Claims for County Poor; all matters relating to claims for labor, fees and supplies shall be referred to the Commit tee OR Labor, Fees and Supplies--(any claim before being so referred shall be sworn to, pre sented and re:wL before the board); all matters relating'to elections, shall be referred ic the Committee on Elections; ail matters relating to relief of blind persons shall be referred to the Committee on Relief of Blind Persons; all matters relating to rules shall be referred to the Committee on Rules; all matters relating to the purchase of supplies shal> be referred to the Purchasing Committee. Any other matters properly belonging to any other standiug com mittee shall he referred to and considered by snch committee, and every standing committee shall duly and properly report In writing1 on all matters referred to it. 4. The business of the Board ehall be con ducted in the following order; First--Calling the roll and reading the minutes of the last meeting. Second--Report of standing committees. Third--Report of special committees. Fourth--Unfinished business. Fifth--New business and resolutions. 5. No member shall be allowed to speak upon any motion until it shall have been seconded and is before the honse. The Chair man may require any motion reduced to writ ing and read by the Clerk for the information of the members. 6. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question without permission from the Chair. 7. No member shall leave the house while the Board is in session without permission from the Chair. 8. The right to appeal from the decision of the Chair shall be preserved. 9. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preserve order, and any member disobeying nisorders shall be considered in contempt and dealt with accordingly. 10. The ayes and nays shall be called when ever demanded by three members. . 11. No witness fees shall be paid by the county in criminal cases ezcept in cases where a conviction is secured, or where the Clerk of the Court and the trial Judge shall certify that in their opinion the prosecution was warranted ai:d that the fees should be paid. 1Z. In addition to the Regular meetings pro vided by law the Clerk of this Board shall call two special meetings as follows: On the first Tuesday of March and on the first Monday of December of each vear. 13. None of the foregoing rules shall be amended, suspended or repealed without first giving one day's no'ice of such intended amendment, suspension or repeal, except by a two-thirds vote of all members present. Your Committee would further report 4hat they have investigated the matter and find thattbis board has the right to adopt snch rules as are reasonable relating to the pay ment of claims for County Poor, and that they will make an additional report covering the matter, later. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. F. HEINEMANN. Chairman, BEN THROOP, L. E. MENTCH, JOHN BALDOCK. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee oa rules to whom was referred the matter of caring for the County poor would request further time in which to formu'ate a set of rules for the care of the poor by the County, and would suggest that this committee be authorized and era- powered to visit Counties jn the State, in which the poor are being cared for by the County that they may be enabled to ascertain the manner in which they are handling the question of County Support of the Poor and thereby be better qoali tied to formulate a set of rules to govern the support of the Poor by McHenry County. All of which la respectfully submitted. H. F. HEINEMANN, Chairman, BEN THROOP, L. E. MENTCH JOHN BALDOCK, E, C. JEWETT. The Chair authorized the clerk to read the following list of committees and the assignment of the members for the ensuing year: Lands, Lots and Personal Property--J. E. Williams, W. H. Ward, S H. Fretin-i, Jesse B. Richardson, N. Brotzman. Railroads--D. M. Wright, F. D. Perkins, N. Brotzman, L. B. Covell, H. M. Turner. Finance--John Baldock, D. M. Wright, H. £. Whipple, C. W. Thompson. J. E. Williams. Education--J. B. Richardson, C. W. Thomp son, H. M.Turner, J. E Williams. John Baldock. Roads and Bridges-- L. B. Covell, John Bal dock, N. Brotzman, J. E.Williams, s.H.Freund. Fees and Salar-es--H. M. Turner, E.C.Jewett, John Baldock, L. E. Mentch, J. B. Richardson, C. W. Thompson, W. H. Ward. Public Buildings--L. E. Mentch. W. H.Ward, J. E. Williams, F. D Perkins, H. F. Heineman, L. B. Covell, D. M. Wright. Claims (Labor, Fees and Supplies) -N. Brotz man, Ben Throop. H. E. Whipple, I* B. Covell, F. D. Perkins. Claims (County I*oor)--E. C. Jewett, L. E. Mentch. W. H. Ward, H. F. Heineman, J. B. Richardson. To settle with the Treasurer- Ben Throop. D. M. Wright, H. F. Heineman, J. E. Williams, S. B. Freund. Almshouse and Farm--H. E. Whipple. E. C. Jewett, L. E. Mentch, L. B. Covell, Ben Throop, N. Brotzman, H. M. Turner. On Elections--W. H. Ward. F. D. PerktnS. H. E. Whipple, J. B. Richardson, S. U. Freund. Committee on Relief of Blind--C. W. Thomp son, H. E.Whipple, U. M. Turner, S.H. Freund, D. M. Wright. Rules-- if. F. Heineman, Ben Throop, John Baldock, E. C. Jewett, L. E. Mench. Purchasing Committee--F. D. Perkins, E- C. Jewett, C. W. Thompson. A petition for aid in building a bridge across Kishwaukee river, was read to the board as follows, to- wit: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of Illinois: The undersigned, commissioners of high ways of the township of Marengo in said county, would respectfully represent that a steel bridge needs to be constructed over the Kishwaukee river where the same is crossed by the highway leading from the State road north to the Belvidere and Crystal' Lake Road in said township for which said work the township of Marengo is responsible; that the total cost of said work will be twenty-seven hundred and fifty ($2750) dollars, which sum will be more than twenty cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two preceding years in said township was in each year for the full amount of forty cents on each one hundred dol lars allowed by law lor the commissioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the ordinary repairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of high ways hereby petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from this county treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of the said work. Dated at Marengo, this 20th day of April, A. D. 1"W. T. J. RILEY, B. R. OLCOTT, W. S. KKBNKY, Commissioners of Highway*. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County, fss. Township of Marengo, I Board ol Commissioners of Highways. We, the undersigned, commi-si'-ners of high ways of the township of Marengo.herebv state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the above stated bridge, and we do estimate that tbe probable cost of the same will be $2750.00. Witness our hands this 20th day of April, A. D. 1909. T. J. RILKY, B. R. OLCOTT, W. S. KKENKV, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County. Vss. Township of Marengo, I T. J. Riley, B. R. Olcott and W. S. Keeney, commissioners of highways of the township of Marengo, being dulv sworn, on oath say, that the above mentioned in the estimate to which this affidavit is attached, being twenty-seven hundred and fifty dollars, is necessary, and that the same will not be made more expensive than is needed for the purpose required. T. J. RILEY, B. R. OLCOTT, W. S. KEKNHY, Commissioners Of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of April A. D. 1909. j. M. EBV, Justice of Peace. On motion of Sup. Throop, the board appointed Sups. Perkins, Mentch and Williams, as a special committee to answer to the petition. The committee on almshouse and farm made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committe on almshouse and poor farm would beg leave to submit the follow ing report: The committee met at the poor farm, on Tues day. March 23rd, 1909, for the purpose of audit ing the bills and ascertaining tbe cost per week for keeping inmates from September 1st, 1908, to March 23rd, 1909. Members of the committee present: Covell. Throop, Richardson, Jewett, also Chairman of Board, Win. Desmond. Tbe following bills were presented and ordered paid: H A Stone, boots and shoes $ 73 in Thome & Son, clothing, boots and shoes 152 85 Alt-Havdeu Clothinjar Co, clothing 85 65 Lake, Harris & Backus, coal 494 45 T B Merwin, blacksmith 49 75 Buell & Olmstead, feed 18 45 A B Pratt & Son, meat 85 21 Mead & Charles, groceries 132 82 W llis Disbrow, groceries, etc 36 73 Bunker Bros, grocer es and hardware.. Ill 46 J J Stafford, furniture 54 78 E G Griebel. machinist * 00 C D Barker, harness, etc 13 85 Schnett & Schaaf, implements to 50 A D J A Kennedy, groceries I 2 78 M I) Hoy & Sons, corn Ifc 87 H H Bosshard, feed ¥8 00 C F Gaulke, meat 34 09 E R Goodrow, stabling, »tc 9 85 Ike Miller, groceries and tobacco......426 56 T B Robertson Soap Co, soap 45 64 The I.ake Chemical Co. chemicals 80 00 Frank C Sinding, wood {0 00 B S Austin, groceries and tobacco 46 16 Walters & Burger, implements... .,... 14 30 Hall & Eckert, lumber S>1 A Mclnt> re, threshing. 10 28 A S Wright, drugs, etc •••• 214 50 L T Hoy, drugs, etc 35 45 J C Hallisev, wood 50 00 E L Hanaford,Oil <*"29 John Tong,labor 3 50 Abott & Hollister, labor, etc 14 05 Whitsou Bros, hardware, etc 461 24 Murphey&Mullen, dry goods&clothinjr 81 46 Woodstock Dry Goods Co, same 73 13 I)r E V Anderson, medical attendance. 275 00 Geo K Mills, wages from Sept 1. "8 to March 23,'09 613 40 Geo K Mills, same, hirod man 175 00 Geo K Mills, incidentials 135 05 J H Williams, carpenter 302 00 Vaughn Seed Store, spray pump 10 00 Joe Mills, buz saw 15 00 1 Running expenses as above 3162 24 , Plus supplies on hand Sept 1, W....... 1145 2S Tetal ..$ 4307 49 Less as follows; Supplies on hand March 23,W $1469 29 Farm products sold 276 95 Board of private patients......101 50 Total ~777 1847 74 Total * 5574 64 The above bills were divided as follows: Permanent improvements S 1519 36 Running expenses 3162 24 C'othing 381 74 Medicine and medical attendance 402 40 Totacco - 108 90 f 5574 64 Net running expenses $ 2459 75 Total number of weeks 1207 3^7 Rate per week $2 04 Bills #ere sent to towns and individuals as follows: N Brotzman, supervisor. Riley twp $ 72 99 A A Crissey, Marengo 210 39 H E Whipple, Dunhnm, 64 SO Wm H Ward, Chemunjf 220 86 John Baldock, Alden 146 78 Wm Desmond, Hartland 204 85 Fred D Perkins, Seneca 73 57 J E Williams, Coral 147 37 H F Heinemann, Grafton 166 92 E C Jewett, Dorr 423 74 C W Thompson, Greenwood 88 84 H M Turner, Hebron 71 24 J C Ladd, McHenry 188 06 Ben Throop, Nnnda 294 69 L E Mentch. Algonquin 293 02 McHenry Cou*ty 579 44 L A Walkup for Jas White 101 50 All ot which is respectfully submitted. BEN THROOP, L. E. MENTCH, L B. COVKLL. E. C. JEWETT, Committee. The committeo on education made the following report on matters of assistant superintendent of schools, which was adopted, to-wlt: Woodstock, III., April 25,1909. - Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: The Committee on Education won Id beg leave to submit to the Board tfee -following report: We have made an examination of the average expense* of the assistant county superintend ent in his work of school visitation and we recommend that his salary be estimated at eleven hundred dollars a year in order to en able him to render to the county effective ser vice, to take effect May 1, 19t>9. Signed: J. B. RICHABPSON, J. E. WILUAHS, H. M. TojHim*, JOHN BALDOCK, C. W. THOMPSON. - . Com. on Education. The following named persons were selected to serve as grand jurors at the May term of the circuit court, A.D. 1909, McHenry county, 111., and on motion the list was approved, and the clerk of the board was directed to certify the same to the clerk of the circuit court, to-wit: H H Barber, Riley; M D York, Charles Tan ner, Marengo; L. M. Lillibridge. Dunham; N A Cross, J H Vickers, Chemung; Wm McLain, Alden; John Sbeahan, Hartland; James Lyon, Seneca; Charles Gilkerson. Co-al; James Law- son, Grafton; E J Heimerdinger, George Bur ger. Dorr: Earl Toles, Greenwood; Edward Clancy. Hebron; Homer Hastings, Richmou4; N N Weber, Burton; E C Hawley, M D Weber, McHenry; Robert Wingaie, E G McCollua, Nunda; John W Schroeder, D M Brown, Al gonquin. Sup. Jewett moved that the pen sion as a blind pel-son due Cyrus Lew is before his death be allowed Mrs. Alice Smith, his daughter, tor the care of said Cyrus Lewis, during his last sickness, and the county clerk be and is hereby authorized to draw an order in favor of Mrs. Alice Smith, of Harvard, 111., for 137.50. Carried. Sup. Jewett presented the matter of repairs necessary to be done at the poor farm. On moticn of Sup. Turner, the committee on poor farm was authorised to cause said repairs 10 be made. On motion of Sup. Jewett, James Burke of Harvard, 111., was allowed $200 for his labors and expense in ap prehending and capture of John Bed ford. and the clerk authorized lo draw an order for the same. On, motion of Sup. Mentch, board adjourned to May 17, 1909, at 10 a. m. May 17, 1909. Board met pursuant to adjournment, at roll call, the following named sup ervisors present: N. Brotzman, D. M. Wright, W. Hi Ward, John Baldock, William Desmond, F. D. Perkins, J. E. Williams, H. F. Heinemann, B. C. Jewett, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, J. B. Richardson, S. H. Freund, Ben Throop and L. E. Mentch. The clerk presented a petition for county aid in building a bridge over