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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1909, p. 10

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* • ,INOIS. ) r, J-88. and, ) the Kishwaukee creek between sec­ tions 29 and 32, Hartland, which had been filed by the highway1 commis­ sioners of said town in vacation on April 26, and presented to the chair­ man of the board, who appointed as a committee to represent the county in the matter Sups. John Baldock, H. M. Turner, and W. H. Ward. Petition as follows: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of Illinois: The undersigned, commissioners of high­ ways of the township of Hartland in said county, would respectfully represent that a new bridge needs to be built over the Kishwau­ kee creek where the same is crossed by the highway leading from Woodstock to Harvard, between section 29 and 32 in said township for which said work the township of Hartland is responsible; that the total cost of said work will b • sixteen hundred dollars, which sum will be more than twenty cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two preceditur years in said township was in each year for the full amount of forty cents on each one hundred dollars allowed byr law for the commissioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the or­ dinary repairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of high­ ways hereby petition yoti for aid, and for an appropriation from the county treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses «f the said work. Dated at Hartland, this fifteenth day ofApril, •. D. 1009. J. C. HALLISY, J. D. HURLEY, J. P. CALLIHAN, Commissioners of Highway*. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County, >ss. Township of Hartland, 1 Board of Commissioners of Highwava. We, the undersigned, commissioner of high­ ways of the township of Hartland, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the bridge, and we do estimate that the probable cost of U«e same will be six­ teen hundreds dollars. Witness our hands this fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1909. 3. P. HURLEY, J. C. HALLISY, J. P. CALLIHAN, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry County. Township of Hartland J. C. Hallisy, John D. Hurley and John Call! han, 'commissioners of highways of the town­ ship of Hartland, being duly sworn, on oath say, that the bridge mentioned in the esti-nate to which this affidavit is attached, is necessary, and that the same wil: not be made more ex­ pensive than Is needed for the purpose re­ quired. J. C. HALLISY, J. D. HURLEY, J. P. CALLIHAN. Commissioners of Highways Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of April, A. D. 1909. D. H. FLAVIN. Justice of Peace. Also petitions for county aid in building two bridges near Franklin- ville in the township of Seneca filed May 5th, in vacation, and presented to the chairman, who appointed as the committee to represent the coun­ ty, Sups. E. C. Jewett, C. W. Thomp­ son and N. Brotzman. Petition as follows: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of Illinois: The undersigned, commissioners of high­ ways of tbe township of Seneca, in said county, would respectfully represent that an iion bridge with a concrete cover needs to be erected over the north-east branch of the Kishwaukee where the same is crossed by the highway leading from east from Franklinville to Woodstock in said township for which said work the township of Seneca is he'd responsible; that I he total cost of •aid work will be twelve hundred dollars, which •nm will be more than twenty ceuts on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the load and bridge tax for the two preceding vears in •aid township was in each year for the full minount of forty cents on each one hundred dollars allowed by law for the commissioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the ordinary repairs of roads and bridges Wherefore, the said commissi'mers of high­ ways he eby petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from the county treasury of a •nm sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of the said work. CAted at Senec«, this 5th day of May, A. O. 1909. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT, ANDREW MORITZ, Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County. Township of Seneca* Board of Commissioners of Highways. We, the undersigned, i.omraissioners of high­ ways of the township of Seneca, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the orobable cost of«the above described bridge and lire do estimate that the probable cost of the ttme will be twelve hundred dollars. Witness our hands this 5th day of May, A. D. 1909. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT, ANDREW MORITZ, Commissioners of Highways. ' J-ss. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,} McHenry County, r**' Township of Seneca. ) . Charles Zeckur, Andrew Moritz and James Scott, commissioners of highways of the town­ ship of Seneca, being duly sworn, on oath say, that the bridge mentioned in the estimate to which this affidavit is attached, is necessary, aad that tbe same will not be made more ex­ pensive than is needed for the purpose required. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT, ANDREW MORITZ, Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this fifth day of May, A. D. 1909. E. C. JEWETT, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of Illinois: The undersigned, Commissioners of High­ ways of the Township of Seneca, in said county, would respectfully represent that an iron bridee with a concrete cover needs to be erected over the northeas- branch of the Kish­ waukee where the same is crossed by^he high­ way leading from WuodstocK to Marengo in said township for which said work the town­ ship of Seneca is held responsible; that the total cost of said work will be twelve hundred do lars, which sum will be more than twenty cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll of said towrfship, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two pre- cedings years in said township was in each year for the full amount of forty cents on each one hundred dollars allowed by law for the commissioners to raise, the major part of which is needed for the ordinary repairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of high­ ways hereby petition you for aid, and for an ap­ propriation from the county treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of the said work. Dated at Seneca this 5th day of May A. D. 1909. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT, ANDREW MORITZ. Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, j McHenry County, > ss Township of Seneca J Board of Commissioners of Highways We, the undersigned, Commissioners of high­ ways of the Township of Seneca, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the above described bridge and we do estimate that the probable cost of the same will be twelve hundred dollars. Witness onr hands this 5th day of May A. O. 1909. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT. ANDREW MORITZ. Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, j McHenry County, > ss Township of Seneca ) Charles Zeckur, Andrew Moritz and JameB Sco'.t, Commissioners of Highways of the township of Seneca, being duly sworn, on oath say, that the bridge mentioned in the estimate to which this affidavit is attachad, is necessary, and that the same will not be made more ex­ pensive than is i.eeded for the purpose re­ quired. C. ZECKUR, JAS. SCOTT, ANDREW MORITZ. Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn tok before me, this fifth day of May, A. D. 19J9. . E. C. JEWETT, Notary Public. The clerk presented a list of claims against the county for supplies, and primary election expense, and upon motion of Sup. Throop, they were re­ ferred to their proper committees. On motion of Sup. Mentch, hoard ad­ journed until 2 p. m. 2 P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. At roll call all supervisors present except Sups. Whipple and Thompson. The committee on .claims made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims, labor, fees and supplies, would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims pre­ sented to them, and recommend the payment of t^e following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer, to the claimants tor the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: P F Pettiboue A Co, snp for co officers...$416 35 Harvard Independent, printing ballots.. 154 00 Same, pub notice elec of coroner. 1 15 McHenry Plaindealer, same 1 15 A F Field, coal, co jail 147 35 Crystal Lake Herald, pub proc, etc. 25 00 Hall & Eckert, lumber, court h 23 04 James Sullivan, wire repair*, court h-- 1 95 G E Still, exp d«l, bal 150 AS Wright, paint & labor, rest room... 25 52 E F Booth, salary asst supt 70 00 MJ Wandrack, bailiff 5 00 M J Mortensen, services, janitor 50 00 City of Woodstock, light and water 67 25 C E Beardsley, auto, deliver'g ballots-- 16 50 B S Austin, groceries, etc, sheriff 42 30 Woodstock Sentinel Co, ptg. etc, coclerk 35 20 S a me , same for states attorney 29 00 Same, same for supt of schools 14 50 Sane, same for circuit clerk 12 50 G W Conn, expenses as supt schools 88 22 M N Gardner/trans, people vs Bedford.. 1 60 The Pennock Printery, type gauze, supt schools 1 4S Nye Welty Co, supplies for circuit clerk 6 05 D B Nichols, plumbing 28 52 Ben Throop, com work 3 90 E C Jewett, same. 3 001 J B Richardson, eante.... 4 50, L E Mentch, same. 4 30 L B CoveU, same. 4 10 Keefe Davidson Co, digest .... 8 00 Walters & Burger, coal for co 223 35 Callaghan & Co, 111 app rep vol 142...... 2 75 J C Hallisy, 2 cds wood -- .:.,... 14 00 James Burke, services,capture of Bedford 200 00 E F Booth, salary, asst snpt schools 75 00 M J Mortensen, salar- .janitor 50 00 M J Wandrack, services, bailiff, 1 day... 2 50 City of Woodstock, electric lights 15 00 Monroe&Southworth, stat'y for D Joslyn 30 00 H M Turner, com work 8 20 N Brotzman, same 4 30 G W Conn, exp as co supt schools 31 5S Dr. Fegers, post mortem of Chas Hoeft 25 00 Dr. H H Bay, same 25 00 L E Mentch. com work 13 70 W H Ward, same 3 50 Ben Throop. same 13 30 John Baldock. same 4 00 F D Perkin^(feame 3 70 J E Williams, same 4 10 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. BROTZMAN, CHM L- B. COVELL, F. D. PERKINS, BEN THROOP. The committee on rules made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: i Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Rules to whom was referred the framing of a set of rules governing the support of paupers by tha j county would beg leave to submit the follow­ ing report on the matters before them: j We would recommend that the following 1 rules for the support of County paupers be adopted by this Board: Rule 1. All business pertaining to thesup- port of paupers in this Countv shall be nnder the immediate supervision and control of the Committee on Cairns for Support of Connty Poor. Rule 2. Each supervisor shall be the over, seer i.f tbe Poor in his respective township and shall be charged with all the duties imposed upon him by law. Every person desiring relief as a poor person shall apply to the supervisor of his town. If, in the opinion of the Supervisor such person is entitled to relief, he shall give him an order, on a blank to be fiirnisiied by the County Clerk, directed to a dealer or physician, as the case may be, to furntsh such relief. Rule 3. Prior to any meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the supervisor or overseer of the poor shall procure bills for all relief ordered by him to be furnished, and after having the same sworn to before a proper officer,shall O.K. the same and lay the same before the Board. Rnle4 Every supervisor who advances montfy for U'gent and immediate temporary relief, shall be re-imbursed therefor upon rendering an itemized account thereof with vouchers attached at the next meeting of this board. Rule 5. In alt cases of smallpox there shall be allowed and paid for physician's services a sum not to exceed five (5) dollars per visit; in cases of scarlet fever or diphtheria a sum not to exceed two (2) dollars per vis't and ten cents per mile each way for actual and necessary travel where the patient resides in the country, or in a place where there is no physician, and two (2) dollars per visit where the patient resides in a city or village where there is a physician. In cases where a surgical opera­ tion is performed there shall be paid a sum not to exceed twenty-five (25) dollars, except in extreme cases when more may be contracted for by the overseer. In < ases of contagious diseases a sum not to exceed five (5) dollars and ten cents per mile each way for actual and necessary travel shall be altow'ed for fumigating the premises of such diseased patient. In extreme cases of contagious or other disease of indigent poor, nurse hire may be allowed by this board commensurate with the care so given by the person employed. In case of the burial of a pauper a sum not to exceed twenty-five (25) dollars will be allowed for burial expenses. Rule b. The Clerk of this Board is author­ ized and directed to cause a supply of blaok orders for use of overseers of the poor, and blanks for claims against the County for re­ lief of paupers, to be printed, and he shall fur­ nish to each supervisor such a supply as he may need. All of which is respectfully submifed. H. F. HEINEMANN BEN THROOP, Chm. L. E. MENTCH, JOHN BALDOCK, E. C. JEWETT. County Supt. of School^, G. W. Conn, presented the matter of new school laws, now pending iij the leg­ islature, and by consent of the chair­ man, read the following resolution, to-wit: RESOLVED. That we, The Board of Super­ visors of McHenry County In session this seventeenth day of May, 1909, express ourselves as emphatically favoring the passage of the following educational bills now before the General Assembly of this State, or to be pre­ sented in the near future. and that we urge not only the representatives of our district but, the whole membership of the General Assembly, to give these measures their entire support. We feel that these bills stand for the promo­ tion of the highest interests of the children of the public schools of this state and should re­ ceive our unqualified support. We furthermore request that our chairman, Wm. Desmond, be furnished with copies of this resolution and that he present the same In person to the Chairman of the Committees on Education in the two Houses and that he be authorized to appear in the support of these bills before either or both committees of the Houses, if given the opportunity. Bills: S. B. 96 Codification. S. B. 360 Stat« Board. S. B. 493 and H. B. 698 Certification. S B. 492 and H. B. 695 Institutes. S. B. 494 and H. B. 689 Co. Supt. Salaries. : Woodstock, 111., May 17th, 1909. On motion of Sup. Turner, resolu­ tion adopted. . - „ The committee on elections made the following report, which was adopt­ ed, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tbe Board of Supervisors: Yonr Committee to whom was referred the expenses of returning poll books and tally sheets for the election on the pauper question held Ai ril 6th, 1909, and also election expenses of primary election held April 13th, 1909, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: J T Kitchen :..$3 00 G H Dike 3 9 i »H E Whipple 4 20 W H Ward 4 20 J W Groesbesck 4 20 Asad Udell 5 01 Wm Desmond 3 70 F D Perkins 3 40 J E Williams 4 50 H F Heinemann 4 20 Fred W Hartmann 3 00 C W Thompson 3 70 C T Eldredge 4 au John Buehler 4 30 Dorr Thomas 4 5 0 Riley $39 80 Marengo 1st 3 ) 20 Marengo 2nd .39 20 Dunham 39 20 Chemung 1st 39 2>) Chemung 2nd 39 20 Alden 3? 30 Hartland 38 70 Seneca 38 80 Coral.. 39 S) Gratton....*, 39 20 Dorr 1st 33 00 Dorr 2nd 38 00 Dorr 3rd 33 00 Dorr *th 38 00 Greenwood 38 70 Hebion 39 go Richmond 39 60 Bnrton 40 00 McHenry 1st 39 20 McHenry 2nd 39 30 Nunda 1st. 39 20 Nunda 2nd 38 90 Algonquin 1st 39 5Q Algonquin 2nd 38 0*' Algonquin 3rd.... -- ' 39 30 They wnld fn-rther recommend that the polling place In the town of Richmond be changed from Bower's opera house to Memorial hall; that Chas. Ehrke be substituted in place of T. F. Leonard as election judge in 2nd dis­ trict Algonquin; that the polling place in 3rd Algonquin district be changed to Village hall and the polling place in 1st Chemung be changed to Sounder's opera block, first floor, picture room. All of which is respectfully submitted. W H WARD, Chm., J B RICHARDSON,* S H FKBUND, F D PERKINS. Clarence Short of Chicago ap­ peared before the board in behalf of the sale of a Wales adding machine- On motion of Sup. Jewett, the mat­ ter was referred to the purchasing committee to report at the June meet­ ing. J009. On motion of Sup. Brotzman, D. R. Joslyn, state's attorney, was allowed an appropriation of $150, for the use of the state's attorney's office, he to report an itemized account of the ex­ penditure of the same to this board. On motion of Sup., Mentch, board adjourned. WM. DESMOND, Chairman. G. F. RUSHTON, Clerk. A Simple Water T««t. All drinking water should be tested In town or country frequently, as there are other impurities besides sewage which are quite as deadly, and every cistern of water Is liable to be a source of blood poisoning. Mice, rats and other pests must have water, and many a case of typhoid is set up by such as these falling into the cistern and remaining there for months in a decomposed state. To detect this im­ pure condition is very simple and un­ failing. Draw a tumbler of water at night, put a piece of white lump sugar into it and place It on tbe kitchen mantel shelf or anywhere that the temperature will not be under (50 de­ grees F. In the morning the water, if pure, will be perfectly clear. If contaminated by wwape or other im­ purities the water will be milky. This Is a simple and safe test, well known In chemistry.

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