OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY GO. A Grist of Personal Mews Gathered Up by the Wayside by The Plalndealer Repre sentatives Wm. Stoffel, Jr, WM an Elgin visitor last Saturday. Mrs. B. Mneser was« Chicago Visitor last Saturday. Miss Rose JOB ten wis a Chicago visit* or Wednesday. Miss Florence Howe spent last Satur day in Chicago. Wm. Bonelett attended to business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. John D. Lodtz spent Friday last in the windy city. J. J. Hille was a business yisitor in Chicago Saturday. Henry Frett of Chicago spent Sunday With relatives here. - C. C. McLain was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. . William McGee was a Harvard visit or one day(last week. Alford Ponse of Chicago spent Son- day at his home here. Dr. D. G. Wells was a business visit or in Chicago Monday. Jos. Miller boarded the Chicago train last Saturday morning. Miss Alice Waite was tbe guest of Elgin relatives Sunday. ; Stephen H. Freund WM a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Miss Florence Howe was a recent guest of Richmond friends. N. A. Huemann was a business vis itor in Chicago last Friday. Richard Wray of Richmond was the guest of friends here Sunday. Simon StorTei transacted business in Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Innessof Chicago spent Friday last in McHenry. F. H. Wattles was a business visitor in Chicago the first of the week. P. J. Cleary called on relatives in Spring Grove one day last week. Stewart Renwick of Chicago was a guest at Howell's Villas Sunday. Frank Taggert of Chicago spent Sun day at the home of Simon Stoffel. Arthur Bickler of Chicago was the gnest of home folks here Sunday. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago passenger last Saturday morning. Prof. F. M. Goodman attended to business in Chicago last Saturday. M. A. Howell of Chicago spent. Son- • day with his mother at the Villas. Mrs. Mary Carey was a recent guest of her son, Ed. Carey, at Spring Grove. Miss Dora Stoffel of Chicago visited at the home of her parents here Sunday. Wm. Stoffel and Jos. J. Mertes were business visitors in Rockford Monday. Dr. Carl Strueh of Chicago spent Sun day at his sanatorium at Orchard Beacb. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schau of Chicago spent Sunday at their Rosedale cottage. Miss Ony Turner of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with old friends here. . Misses Lizzie and Katie Kennebeck were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Mrs. Chas. P. Wright was the gueet of Chicago relatives the latter part of last week. Miss Edith Salamon of Chicago spent Sunday at the Salamon cottage at Pie- takee Bay. Mrs. John E. Freund and sister, Miss Hellen Adams, passed Friday last in the windy city. Glenn Thomas of Woodstock was a guest at the home of W. F. Galhtber last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Walsh of Grays lake were guests of relatives and friends here Sunday. Mrs. Reed Carr and Miss Ina James of Spring Grove were caller* here one day last week. Mrs. E. W. Howe was in the windy city l&st Friday purchasing millinery for her parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wooster were guests of friends in Woodstock a few days last week. Mrs. F. D. Shelton and children are ' the guests of Elgin relatives and friends for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of E. E. Bassett. Miss Mabel Granger was the guest of relatives in Chicago several days the first of the week, J. M. Preston of Chicago spent San- day with his wife here at the home of H. M. McOmber. Mesdames G. C. Boley, M. L. and John Worts spent Friday last in the metropolitan city. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, here. * Mr. and Mrs. John Glossen were guests of Chicago relatives a few days the first of the week. Miss Maud Ketr was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thos. Huggins, in Crystal . Lake one day recently. Miss Lucie Carey of Elgin spent Sat • nrday and Sunday at the hpine of her mother and sisters heria. Mrs. Charles Gaulke of Wobdatock passed a few days last week at the home of her parents here. Winfield Woodbnrn of Rockford Westfall Woodbnrn of Elgin spent Sun day with their father here. Miss Kate Howe entertained a num ber of teachers at her cottage at Or Items Ttypt Are of Vast t" - ®nr Bindsrs. .•?, pharJ Leach Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lillian Keating, trict No. 75 in the town of Dorr, baa taken temporary leave of her school on account of poor health. She has taken great interest in her school and has al ways manifested a live professional spirit. It is the earnest wish of all tbut she will soon recover her health and ru- turn to her regular duties. The township exercises in Riley a* well as in North Coral weie indefinitely postponed on accouut of the prevalence of smallpox in the city of Marengo. Th* Marengo Rt-hooln have closed again aftn opening for one1 week- The smallpox epidemic still' prevails somewhat, but in a mild form. The Huntley exercises were well at tended. The chairman. Miss Morris, and her faithful helpers provided a good program for the evening. Most of the schools were represented. The door re ceipts were (21.50. The net proceed will be used to defray the expenses of candidates to the short term of thf state university next winter. The teachers in the public schools of McHenry county are urged to send in notes of interest concerning the work in their respective schools in order thai they may be sent from the office of the county superintendent to the press of the oounty. There is no greater force for good in the connty than the weekly papers that go to the homes of all the people. Theee papers have been the constant and progressive friends of the public schools of the county as well at- the teachers of theee schools. They have ever been ready to give space and time to the development of a better school sentiment in> the county and it becomes the duty of every teacher to enter into active and hearty co-opera tion with these agencies for the better ment of the schools. Send in the items. A very nice custom has been in vogue in the Cary schools for several years that is in having a reception and re freshments for the pupils about once every month. The county superintend ent and Supt. Shelton of Nunda wish to make acknowledgment of the courtesies extended to them on the occasion of one of those commendable functions at the Cary school on last Friday. The pupils of Cary know how to entertain in a royal fashion. The connty board of supervisors of McHenry connty passed resolutions at their special meeting on last Monday favoring the enactment of five educa tional bills now before the general as sembly of the state. They were the Codification Bill, Salary of County Sup erintendents, Certificating of Teachers, State Board of Education and Institute Bill. The .chairman, Hon. Wm. Dee mond, and Ex-Snpt. W. E. Wire of Hebron were called to Springfield on be half of these measures and did valiant services in their behalf while there. Miss Florence Howe, teacher in dis trict 32 in the town of Richmond, is do ing some good work for the country children in tbe way of nature study and agriculture. A school garden is one of the features of the work that she is in troducing. This district is badly in need of a new school building and we are glad to hear that the people of the district are contemplating tbe erection of a new schoolhonse. The directors are John Meyer, Henry Williams and Fred Wiedrich. The exercises for the township of Nunda were held at district 43 on last Monday evening. The attendance taxed the capacity of the building. The pro gram was one of the best that has been given in the history of the township ex ercises of the county. The debate on the tuberculin test by Messrs. Walsh Sutton, Bolger and Gracy was one of the unique features of the evening. The chairman and also the teacher of this district is Miss Margaret Ward. She deserves much credit for the way in which she assumed the responsibility of the exercises. The other teachers of this section also responded in a very praiseworthy spirit The directors in this district are Walter Walsh, Walter Bolger and M. A. Conway. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. A Miscellaneous Assortment of Mews Items In Condensed Form For Conven ience of Butty i'euple. The smallpox epidemic at Marengo has been checked. An effort will be made in Harvard to make week day baseball profitable this reason. The Rev. Mr. Roberts will preach a seruion to the senior class at his church ! on Sunday evening. All are invited to [ attend. v Do not fail to attend the cantata given by the fourth room this (Thursday) evening. Music and decorations will both be fine. Tomorrow we want all who are in' COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ON THURSDAY EVENING NEXT. Class of Twelve to Graduate From Mc Henry High School--An Kxceptlenally Good Program to be Presented. The McHenry public school closes for the annual summer vacation one week from today, on Thursday, June 3, after ah exceptionally fruitful year. Seventy-six men have been Uid off at I terested in ot*r work for the year to evening the seventh the Oliver factory at YVoodstock; owiDg j come and see what we have done, so far ' es wi presen e o- to a lack of bnaineta. las we are able to show it. Special The Richmond school closed last week [ programs of work will be the order of lowing program at the school house, to Items Clipped from The Plalndealer et May 28,1884. Wm. McCollum is no better, ' gradually growing weaker. B. Gilbert has erected two very hand some and convenient stores, with rooms in the second story for residences. Quite an improvement hits been made in and around the yards of the Meth odist church and parsonage by the set ting out of evergreen and other trees. John McOmber, more familiarly known as Esquire McOmber, is lying at A fine lot of aoap for the toilet and bath--buttermilk, oatmeal and glycer ine--at very low prices at MasqueletV drug store. East Side. Katertalns Little Friends. Little Metta Zue Wooeter was three years old Tuesday and to make tbe day a memorable one she invited little folkt- of her own age to the number of twenty to spend tbe afternoon with her. Th* little tots made things quite lively around the Galiaher home, where th«- event took place, not a dulj moment being experienced during the entire half day that the little ones had posses- ->iou of tbe premises. One of the espe cially pleasing features to take place wat the May-pole dance, in which all took tn active part. Many pretty tokens were left by the guests as a memento of the occasion. Refreshment* were served. Attention, Ooiuraues. Memorial services will be held nndei the direction of the public school and citizens on Sunday, May 30, at 10:80 a. tn., at the M. E. church. Let even comrade be present and help the chil dren to keep alive the memories of on< dead comrades while we may. ^ M.C. MEAD, Post Commander. with one graduate from the hi<h school. Miss E lith Schroeder. Grayslake will soon - be furnishing caskets for the "knockers," who will topple over when they hear the whistle blow, as the coffin factory is now a sure thintt. Two farmers residing near Genoa J nuction were arrested and fined $25 itach and costs by the federal court in the day. Dr. Mneller's lecture of last Friday I evening was better attended than for-1 mer lectures have been. We hope this is the beginning of an improved custom in | i this matter. The lecture itself was ex- I client, as we undertake that all our| public programs shall be. We are especially proud of our senior I I class of this year. They are an unusual McHenry Township Exercises TO BE HELD AT THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH ON THE EVENING OF JUNE 2. Milwaukee for selling milk from which class in that there are as many boys as •i part of the cream had been removed, girls, tho last year's class equalled them j Barbers are considerably interested in i» this, but they are an even dozen, and the new bill which has come before the a-e unusually well-matched in ability, legislature at Spriugfield calling for an There are no lazy onefe among them, and | examination of barbers and causing ap- j all have earned their way. They will | prentices to serve three years at the trade before taking the examination. In its effort to perfect the Elgin watch to the most minute detail, the Elgin National Watch company has definitely decided to erect a private ob servatory at Watch and Raymond streets, where it will establish and main tain an absolutely correct standard of time exclusively for its own use. Last fall, F. A. Busse, mayor of Chi cago, went to the expense of putting in sea wall on the lake front of his prop- arty at the east side of Fox Lake. The wall was set four feet below the surface of the ground, leaving three feet above. During tbe recent severe storms and the high water, the wall has been great ly damaged. Articles of incorporation for the estab lisbment and operation of a hospital at Lake Geneva have been drawn up and sent to the secretary of state at Madi •«on, and the work of soliciting for tbe enterprise is now in progress. It seems to lie tbe concensus of opinion in that idty that a hospital is needed and that the enterprise will be a paying one from the start. April, 1909, will go down in the his tory as a record smashing month in the matter of rainfall in the period between 1879 and 1909. Whi taker Holden Aurora's official weather man, in his figures for the month just past show? that the rainfall in the thirty days reached the enormous depth of 8 3N inches, that being 5.45 inches aboye the normal rainfall for thirty years aud 2 40 inches above the rain fa) 1 of lb82, which had previously held the record. Carl Lundgren of Marengo, for the oast eight years a pitcher on the Cub baseball nine, is no longer a member of the champion nine. His arm has gradually slowed up in the past two summers and Chance, in his cVusade for a winning corps, found it necessary to weed out a few of the veterans. He was released to tbe Brooklyn club and the dodgers immediately asked for waivers on "Lundy" to push thru a deal with the Toronto Eastern League for the services of a young flinger. Altho several papers are stating that the thirteenth decimal census of the United States will be taken this year, it is not to be begun until May 15, 1910. Guessing on the population of the United States to be revealed by the coining enumeration has already be- *un. It was 75,994,570 for the conti- ueutal United States, exclusive of Alas lea, in 1900, and in view of the very heavy immigration during most of the lecade, it would not be surprising if a population of 90,000,000 were found in the same territory next year. Richmond Gazette: J. B. Rotnonr was in Chicago Saturday last receiving treatment for his crippled limb and a specialist in tbe city informed him that in a short time he would again have tbe use of the disabled member. Mr. Rot- uoar's crippled condition is the Result of tiAving tbe measles when he was nine years old aud he has since been de prived of the use of his limb. For tbe past three years be has been obliged to .wear a brace on his leg continuously ind to know that he is soon to regain the use of the member is not only grati ying to Mr. Rotnonr, but to his many friends as well.--Mr. Rotnour is well Known here as manager of the Flora DeVoss theatrical company. Prof. Bashford, th« world 'a. greatest hernist, who has made andppst for tunes, landed in Elgin last week penni tess and ill and was finally taken to the ounty almshouse. Endowed with re markable genius for compounding chem icals, he used it against humatiity and ince early in life has spent the greater part of bis time getting up formulas for firge manufacturing concerns by which adulterated and bogus food and liquid preparations could be made at small ost so cleverly that they could hardly t>e detected from the pure articles. He •idmits that he has caused millions of people to snffer aud many thousands to lie prematurely because of the prepara tions he has made, and says he is now getting his just reward because his abilities were misdirected. He hopes, thru the assistance of friends, to publish book, "Trade Secrets," which will ex pose all the frauds in adulterated and boerus foods and hopes by this work to undo some of the great harm be has done In bis lifetime. present an unusual program for com mencement, a discussion of their high j I school work, which will at the samel | time be in s6me degree an exemplifica tion of that.work. . Our bnggy and wagon paint will make your old buggy and wagon look like new. Cost little and is little work to| apply it At Petesch's. A Good Ouesser. Mrs. Julia Bishop, knownto a great many Plaindealer readers, is a remark ably good guesser, as the following arti cle taken from the St. Paul (Neb.) Re publican will youch for: Mrs. Bishop won the prize in the guessing contest at Hartleys store which ended on last Sat nrday afternoon. The contest was that each lady who visited the store for ten da3's prior was' given a guess on the number of pieces of candy in a large jar in the west window, the prize being a $5.00 waist. The guesses ranged from 400 bo 200,000. No-one knew how many pieces of candy there were as they were put in without counting or computing. The correct number was 1833, Mrs. Bishop guessing it exactly. Who says that the'number 13 is unlncky, and who says that 23 is a hodoo? PRAYER CHORUS, *4America" RECITATION DUET - ' - RECITATION SONG RECITATION DRILL, nine girls SOLO RECITATION DIALOGUE SONG - RECITATION SONG, "Illinois" VERBAL REPORTS REV. A. ROBERTS - LESTER SHERMAN DISTRICT NO. 14 % - - - RINGWOOD LILY LAKE SCHOOL RINGWOOD HARSH SCHOOL. ELEANOR WHITING * - - OSTEND SCHOOL . - ^ LILY LAKE SCHOOL MCHENRY RINGWOOD MCHENRY TEACHERS OF TOWNSHIP PRESENTATION OF ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES AND EIGHTH GRADE DIPLOMAS - - G. W. CONN, JR. Decoration Hall. A decoration bail will take place at the Lily Lake dancing pavilion on Sat urday evening. May 39. Metzger's cele brated orchestra of Woodstock has been engaged to furnish the music, and a good time is promised those who attend. Floor committee: McHenry, John P. Weber; West McHenry, Henry Heiiner, Jr.; Wanconda, Glenn Cook; Lily Lake, Ed. Wegener; Woodstock, Walter tieske; Volo, Frank Nicholls; Round Lake, Phil Flary; Ringwood, Oliver Lawrence; Johnsburgh, Will Smith; Ingleside, Tom Larkin; Lincoln, Neb., Wm. J< Bryan. Dance tickets 50 cents. A complete stock of patent and family medicines at Masqnelet's drag store, East Side. Union Services Sunday. On Sunday morning, at 10:80 o'clock, the Rev. Mr. Ailing will deliver a Memorial sermon at the Methodist chnrch. The Universalist congregation will unite in this service. The children will have« part in the program. The members of the G. A. K. and all old soldiers are especially invited to take seats of honor in the front of the house. .Special music is being prepared, and floral decorations will be a feature of the occasion. In the evening, at tbe Universalist church, tbe Rev. Mr. Rob erts will address tbe senior class of the high school. The Methodist congrega tion will attend this service and all are invited to be present. Special music and flowers are likewise a feature of these exercises. "Atlas" is the best cement made, for sale at Wm. Bonslett's. At the Ceutral. Many new novel features are prom ised in the Yankee Doodle comedy "The King of Tramps," which will be at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, May 30. The company is bead ed by one of the best comedians known to the stage, who is supported by a cast of well kuown players, including the little singer and dancer, Clyde Long, who has been especially engaged to( in troduce his latest and most novel spe cialty "The Scarecrow," so familiar to the little folks who Iiave read of the wonderful adventures of the "Tin Woodman" and "The Scarecrow" in tbe beautiful story book of "The Wiz ard of Oz." "The Scarecrow Dance' as done by Mr. Long is pronounced by press and public as being in a class by itself. Seats now on sale at N. H. Petesch's drug store. which a general invitation is extended the pnblic: Duet... Selected Misses Mary Burke, Katie Bach May A. Bltleter Chorus A Norse Lullaby. W. W. Gilchrist Chorus SOUR Selected Miss Rogneveen Daffodils SUMMER"--A Cantata P. Abt Argument--The description of a suinmerday. Soloists: Miss Mary Burke - Soprano Miss Alice Kict: Mezr.o-Soprano Miss Cecelia Freun'l--Ooutralto I'shers--Edward Freund. Edward Nlchels, James ttoyle, Setli Richardson, Walter Krause. Pianist .. Miss Katie Bucii Music Instructor Miss Aliua KoRKeveen Urade Teacher Mrs. Alice Patterson Next Thursday evening, June 3, at the Central opera house, the annual commencement exercises will take place. There are twelve in the class this year, six boys and six girls, and the program, as prepared for the occasion, is an extraordinarily good one. Those to make up this year's gradu ating class are as follows: Lucile Byrd, Pearl Iva Claxton, David William En sign, Mande Granger, Chancey Lee Harrison, Gilbert H. McOmber, Alice Sophia Olson, Leonard G. Phillips, Het tie May Randall, Flossie Beth Randall, Joseph J. Sutton, Howard Francis Wattles. The class motto is "Attende tunn ipus;" class flower, carnation; class colors, pink and white. The program in full is given below: DUBT,"LKS C'HASSEUBS A CHEVAL*'--Fantaisie Militaire W. A. SMITH Hettlc RsMMI, Peart Clsxtea Bona FOB COMMENCEMENT" J. W. Terrs PRAYER A MB(I CHORUS" GROROK HENRT HOWARD SALUTATORY: "TRKASURRS GATHERED FROM THE FIEMM or LITERATURE" Maude Granger THE FUNCTIONS or UKOMKTKY AS A SCHOOL STUDY" Gilbert McOmber THKOUUH TUK AUKS OMK INUTISATFIMO PUR POSE RUNS".....Hettlc Rsndsll A J USTIRICATION or THE STUDY or COMMER CIAL BRANCHES IN THE HIUH SCHOOL".... Lsenard Phillips A WARRIOR BOLD" STEPHEN ADAMS Song by/leaibers of High Sdiool "OOR ENULIBH LANGUAGE AND THE ART or USING IT" LucKc Bytd BOTANY APPLIED; OR SCIENTIFIC AGRICUL TURE" Joseph Sutton AW ECONOMIC VAMIE IN THE STUD* O* LAT IN" Alice Olson THE VALUE or A COMPREHENSIVE KHOWL- EDGE or THE HUMAN BODY" . William Ensign THE COMING or THE FRESHMEN," Song writ ten by JOSEPH BUTTON. "THE LAW^ or PHYSICS THE FOUNDATION Of PROGRESS" ... Flossie Rsndsll ALQEBHA, A UNIVERSAL ARITHMETIC". Ckancey Harrison STANDING ON OUR FATHERS' SHOULDERS"... Howard Wattles . ADVANCEMENT IN GEOGRAPHICAL ICNOWL EDGE" Pearl Clsxtoa * ADDRESS FaoM THE JUNIORS... Agnes Dodge VAI.EDICTORY .Pesrl Clsxtoa PRFW^NIATIO.. or DIPLOMAS DAMASCUS CHORUS"--Costa ... Song by High School the point of death at the residence of his son, Henry McOmber. Old age and general debility is the canse. Later. Mr. McOmber died at 4 p. tn., Tuesday. Again we ask, is land in this part of the county full of watches? Another was plowed np near Johnsburgh last week, and has been left with J. P. Smith for repairs. This makes three within the last year. The Centennial Children's day will be obseryed at the M. E. church in Mc Henry on Sunday, June 8, both morn ing and evening. This year is the Cen tennial of the organization of the M. E. church in America, and a good time is expected at this gathering. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A8 SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up Abont Onr Busy Little Bars That May Concern Yon or Tour Friends. Everything in the line of millinery at the Lotus. Tim Cemetery Aid Society. The Cemetery Aid* society will meet with Mrs. J. B. Perry Tuesday after noon, June 1, at which time we hope to have as ,many lot owners ont as con-. - venient and if not possible for you to be | b® g|ven f°r . ** present, please send in your dollar, as Universalist Church Rev. Arthur Roberts, pastor. Tbe regular service at 10:36 a. m., will give away to Memorial service at the M. E. church. The pastor of that church is to give the address. An invitation is extended to all to attend. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m., as usual. 7:30 p. m.: The baccalaureate service will we need the money to carry on the good work. MRS. JAMES B. PKUKV, Pres. MBS. E S. WHEKLKHI Vice Pna, MHS. TS J. WALSH. Sec. PBTKBSON, Trw* McHenry high school. The pastor is to I give the address. Everybody oordially | invited to attend and to participate. Alabastine, all colors, at Masqnelet's drag store, East Side. PMc**'* to drag* Nothing in the Lotns milliqery win dows iti children's bats over fl.95. See them. Don't miss the big sale of millinery at the Lotus Friday and Saturday of this week. _____ We have just received a fine line of fine gasoline and kerosene stoves. Call and get our priceB. J. J. Vycital. FOUND--Floating down Fox river, a green row boat. For further infor mation apply at this office. The Lotus windows will be dtecorated with children's bats tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. Nothing in tbe window over |1.95. - A nine-pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Thurlwell on May 7, and "Ossie" just cannot keep his face from smiling. James R. Graham of Long Lake won the Board of Trade diamond medal at the Illinois State Sportsmen's tourna ment held at the Chicago Gun club's traps Tuesday, Graham's score being 91 broken targets out of. a possible 100. The high wind marred the day's sport- to a considerable extent. ITEMS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWM DURING THE WEEK. *1 Wl»at People are Doing In Onr Masy Llttl*" City--News as Sean by The PlslsMto Representatives. Butter Market. The price of butter was advanced 25 cents on the Elgin board of trad®! Monday. A few of our resorters are already here for the summer season. S A babyt boy was born to Mr. umA Mw Harry Dunnill at Fox Lake last Thm** day. A night shift is now working at Terra Cotta and the factory is away behind orders. Dr. R, G, Chamber]in has disposed of his auto to Jacob Leickem. The dftfttny expects a new Ford soon. Several cases of measles are reported about town. However, all are of a vary light form and not serious. FOR SALE!--A second hand snrny in excellent condition. Apply or write F. Masquelet, McHenry, 111. * : The water wagon is again on tlM jo* and from now on the streets of the Til lage shonld be kept in a dustless condi tion. ______ Joe, J. Mertes, the popular proprietor of the Oak Park summer resort at Pie- takee Bay, now drive* a fonr-passengec International auto. The Alumni association will Hold a meeting at the home of Miss Florence we tomorrow (Friday) evening. Ev- ery member is urgently requested to be present. Work at the depot during the past few days has been devoted exclusively to the digging of ditches and tile laying for sewerage, together with the build;* ing of a cesspool. Gilbert McOmber represent! the l(o» Henry high school at the interscholastlo ^ meet at Evanst̂ n next Saturday. Ha is entered in the twelve pound shot put and also the discus throw. 1 Quite a number of K. of C. from ftfcli• place attended the laying of the ooraec stone of the new Catholic church at Woodstock last Sunday. Archbishop P. J. Mukloon of Rockford performed the ceremonies that characterize auch an event, and an immense crowd waire present. | An undecided question among bis friends is: "Did Peter B. Freqnd place a $10.00 gold piece in the tin box -that was placed under the corner stone at Woodstock last Sunday?" The story goes that he really did do it, but Ma friends are shy of the absolute truth re garding the matter, A total eclipse of tbe sun is scheduled i to occur on June 17, visible in all por tions of the CTnited States, except the extreme south. The eclipse will begjn in this latitude about 6:10 in the mora? C ing and will continue'until after sun* set. At the time of the disappearance of the sun, the eclipse will cover abont one-half the area of Old SoL > « "The King of Tramps," which will be at the Central opera house Sunday evening, May 30, is a Yankee Doodle comedy in fonr big laughing acts, ex* pertly aoted, staged with taste, elegance of tone, above tbe average, rouses audi* ence to laughter, clean, tuneful and lively, designed for laughing pnrposaa only. W. F. Riley of Chicago, who spendji much of his leisure time at Lily Laket is the proud possessor of a beautiful gold medal that his good marksmanship won for him. W. F. is a most enthusiastic trap shooter and has just recently join ed the Chicago Gun ciub with the ejf-* press purpose of competing against aouta of the big fellows. His many McHenry friends will watch his work with kee* interest. f encampment at tha Mr8„ F. L. McOmber and daughter, Irene* entertained the senior class of tbe McHenry high school at a six o'clock supper at their home last Friday even ing. The supper was an elaborate one in every respect and was greatly appre ciated by the class. After supper an hour was devoted to a social time. A distinct rocking of the earth was felt by McHenry people at 8:40 yester day morning, the shock lasting about fifteen seconds. Not only was the shock felt here, .but thru the entire northern part of the state. While no damage was done here, quite a number of onr people were thrown into a state of anxiety. Mc Henry has not celebrated oor na tion's birthday for somey|ars, so why not get together and do the job up right this year? McHenry has seen the time when it did not take a back seat toit any of the towns around here when it oame to celebrating the Fourth of July and there is no reason why that glorious spirit should not exi&t here the coming Fourth lrttt talk it ©•*, The annual state Aurora last week proved one largest and beet gatherings of this kin|| ever undertaken by the state. Among tbe old comrades from McHenry in at tendance were H. C. Mead, James B> Perry, W. H. Harrison, C. S. Howard^ John R. Brents and Thomas Power*. Mr. Mead was elected as a delegate at large to the national encampment to hp held at Salt Lake City this ooming fait. "The King of Tramps," a Yanke* Doodle comedy in four • big laughing' acts, comes to the Central opera hom>|^ - | Snnday evening. May 30. This com- ^ ~ pany is unquestionably the beat equip- :| ped organization that has ever been seen in this city. Coming direct her* " ^ from large city engagements, we are assured of an entertainment difiereufc - - .Jpy from the usual ran of so-called musical - '!Vr. comedies. The company carries ita ¥ i own equipment of special scenery, ^ comes here highly recommended. , / Thru his attorney, John J. Cooney, y ' ' of Woodstock, George Meyer# last Sal- ^ urday seenred a claim by the sale of ^ chattel property of the McHenry Ligb^ N, . i Heat and Power oompany last Sat up- ^ day, Mr. Meyers is perfectly satisfied. J 'J with the way the work was baud led * | for him by Attorney Cooney and fe**!a " ' safe in recommending that gentlewtua • Y°- to the McHenry people. Mr. Coouey i§ £ '% one of the connty seat's beet practicing ' attorneys and gives hie clients the very } j t»et aernea tfeara ia in fcin at all tuna*- /'A * ̂ mms-