* . * :c& ' - 1 • v-r- , •'•U-'gk I RUGS « AND « LINOLEUM * * time Bave offered aav* , A ' * - thing like the assortment of beau tiful Floor Coverings whicji com prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we Jhitve placed thereon. Call and See. •, .fa m m McHENRY, ILLINOIS. r5"! -OUR STOCK OF- SUMMER DRESS GOODS ' fi v^ery complete, Iti plain find fancy Weaver Stripes atad figures, ranging1 in price from 82 to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have the finest line of Shoes and Oxfords m town, new lasts xaawJ a$b the popular colors. Call and see them. V\ - ' ' * '. . Hats, Hats, itt the popular Careen shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 if) Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi^dress, from 50c to $3.00 each, A new li|i£ Colters and Ties, proper shapes and colors.^ and lea^f your measure for a new Suffer Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interna* .. tional Tailoring company. We guarantee -a-:i perfect fit and will positively save you several v : ; V • ; • . Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth ing is best for the mpney. Have yon seen our new Rubber Boot?-^leather sole, heel and inner sole, hob sailed, fully waife*- ^ ranted. _ • .V * : ^ Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Goods, Flour, , Graham, Meal, Etc. Yours truly , M. J. WALSH GQpDS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. 483 PATRONIZE YOUR HOME QWUSTRY AND ASK FOR EARLY WHMRY jfOlLERMfl^ HISEB FANCY FAMILY FLOUR THAT'S THE NA/1E ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT • --Why be withou|-|::pi| f-^jthe best' ' -c-T <J.SP£NCER^ A M*H£WRY IlUA Oar fresit WTOTO Wkeat PHNOT nukM cxcelieat •tUraham Flour flreakfast Food Cora flea ,. iiuckwheat Flour Rye Foar Pamp^mlclal Flour O V4; SEED BUCKWHEAT FOR West NcHenry flour dud Feed Mills WEST McflfiNRY, LCNOIS JOHN 5PeNCE«. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRQN1CLED B Y 1$BLEJCmP&W1 iini>iiiiinl> Klfit-SFiEm Mre. Q. W. W heeler went to the city Taeeday. Mr. .ToaephenBon was a Woodstock visitor Sunday. Mrs. E. B. Smith has had some paint ing done by Scott Thayer. Miss Mary Peterson of Wooditock viBitt*l relatives here Snnday. Mr. Doolittle of Chicago is doing some carpenter work for Will Yanke. Mr. Alfred is having his honse re- rnodled inside and a new roof pat on. Mrs. H. Wille was a Crystal Lake business caller Wednesday of last week. Mrs. D. O. Klioe was a Crystal Lake bnsinem caller Tuesday and Wednes day. A. F. Davis and daughter, Mim Lara, of Chicago itm ont for the summer months. Mrs. W. H. Monroe yisited her daugh ter, Mrs. F. R. Jackman, of Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Frances Kiffihall of McHenry is visiting- Ridgefield and Crystal Lake relatives. ' Elston Harback of Galeebrirg, Mich., was caning on friends here Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R L Dafield were calling 00 Crystal Lake relatives one day last week. Mrs. Sophia Senne of Woodstock spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. Wille. Mrs J. F. Whvteis visiting friends at Bath, N. Y. Mr. Whyte accompanied her as far as Chicago. ,Mra. E. E. Shephard entertained Mrs. Ream ore and Miss Helen Windmneller of Woodstock recently. Ray Frydendall and Miss Lillian Houghawoat are visiting with Mr. Fry dendall's parents at Batavia. Miss Genevieve Goddard entertained her friend. Pearl Zenk, of Crystal Lake Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. F. E Fay and two sons, Clinton and John, of Ringwood visited the former's sister, Mrs. Roughs wont, last week. Mrs. A. Anneru and Mrs. W. Jaynes entertained the Ladies Aid society Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jaynes. The Misses Minnie, Hilda and Emma Pinnowof Crystal Lake called at the home of Miss Madalene Lynch Sunday afternon. Mrs. B. C. Rudolph and children of Richmond visited Mrs. Rudolph's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Heeselgrave, Saturday find Sunday. Mrs. Lolo Benaett and son of Wood >tock and Mrs. Mabel Merchant and three children of North Crystal Lake attended the township exorcises last Friday evening. The Ridgefield achpol closed the school year with a picnic in Mr. Hartiuau'a woods, where the pupils had the best time of the year, according to reports. E. L. Kimball has been untiring in try ing to please both in and ont of ectiool. TKRKA COTTA. Petesch s for drugs. Miss Frances Knox spent Tuesday in McHenry. Miss Hazel Robisoo is visiting rela tivcs ia Chicago. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a Cryital Lake caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and son visited at Algonquin Sunday. W. Bryant of Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Phalin and son of Alabama were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mrs. L. R. Anderson and Mrs. Marion Havens were Chicago visitors Saturday, Miss Mary Burke of McHenry is vis iting at the home of M Knox this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan of Emer ald Park visited relatives here Sunday. Get your Paris green at Petesch s. New fre^h stock, itt>, 10c; ifc, 20c; lfc, 35c. Mrs. Shephard of Chicago is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. Robi- son. Miss Rath Anderson of Richmond vis ited at the home of L. R. Anderson Sat- day. Mrs. Thomas Phalin of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of her son, J. M. Phalin, and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner were in Chicago Tuesday attending the funeral of the latter"s aunt, Mrs. Buck. Mrs. Brantingham and sons, Frank and Raymond, are spending this week at the Bay cottage at Crystal Lake. HOLCOMBV1I.LK. Fred Colby passed thru here Satur day. Wm. Zenk was an Elgin visitor Toes- day. Mrs. E P. Flanders visited""** T. L. Flanders' Thursday. W. H. Harrison returned from his Western trip Friday. Mrs. Leickem of McHenry spent Wed nesday in this vicinity. Wm. Doherty and daughter called at David Powers' Friday. William Dettner spent the first of the week at Jay Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowley spent Snnday at Will Pbmrening's. Miss Grace Doherty and brothers called at Sherman Hill Sunday. Wm. Powers and daughter, Ansa, spent Sunday at David Powers". Mrs. Wm. Zenk and sons were Crys tal Lake callers one day last week. Mrs. E. Flanders returned home Thursday after spending a few da^p in Ringwood. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert and Miss Vera Doherty called at M. H. Conley's in North Crystal Lake Friday. Messrs. and Mesdames C. W. .Harri son, W. B. Gilbert and Claude Hutson spent Sunday at James Ladd's. Have yon seen our five and ten oent I'onnterf If not, better call in and save niont/. J. J. Vycital. **ad tte Pklsrtwlw "*M*"ad« JOBSSRCSGU. Nick Adams was a Pistakee Bay call er Monday. Jacob Engine of McHenry was a call- where Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Palmee called on Mrs. John Thelen Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Biila called on Joe Miehels, Jr , Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May of Ringwood were callers here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid of Volo visited Math. Juenger Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. WUJ. Klein of Ingleside visited with Joe Miehels Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Joe Freund of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Susan Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers, Mrs. Frank Miller and daughter, Lizzie, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Jacob Justen and little «on visit ed a few days l&st week with her mother, Mrs. Anton Meyers. The marriage of Fred Schxhitt of this place to Elizabeth* Weber of McHenry took place at St. Mary's church at Mc Henry on Wednesday morning. Wm Thiel, Martin Schmitt and Peter L. Freund drove to Round Lnkt: Sun day, where Peter Freund pitched ball for the Round Lake team. They play ed with the Anticch team. J. C. Debrecht left Wednesday morn ing for Quincy, II!., to#ttend the grad uation exercises of the St Francis Solomns college. His eldest son was among the class to gradnate, he having completed a commercial course in that institution. Both will retard to their home here Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonyatt enter tained the following Sunday: Messrs. and Mesdames John Freund, William Kirkman, Jacob Freund, Joe. Schaefer, Wm. Winderbnm, Joe Justen, John Dowe, Michael Bauer, John Kennebeck, Henry Tonyan, Henry Brefeld, Frank Miller, Peter Blake, Peter Miller, Ben Tonyan and Jos. Miehels; Mesdairtes Stephen Freand and Jos. H. Justen; Messrs. John Freund, Nick Kennebeck, Joe and Ben Tonyan; Misses Caroline and Emma Tonyan, Ida Dowe and Katie Freund. Refreshments of all kinds were served. All reported a fine time. Jos Schaefer was, t<wenty-one years old last Sunday and on that evening in vited a large number of his friends to his home to assist him in celebrating the event. Those present were: Wm. Kattner and family, Joseph Kattner and family; Misses Dena Kattner, Katie Williams, Katie May, Mary Kattner, Annie Oeffling, Celia Schaefer, Mary and Katie Frett, Josephine Schaefer and Tillie Schaefer; Messrs. Peter May, Mathias Smith, Joseph- Lay, Joseph Schaefer, John Engles and Peter Oeff ling. At the appropriate hour refresh ments were served, and, after • wishing the host many happy returns of the day, all returned to their respective homes, KHKKALI) PARK. Chas. Cgban and a friend spent San day at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox were callers at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Ray Corr of Woodstock was a Sua day visitor at E. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Romano and a friend are at their cottage this week. Miss Ruth Peck of Chieago spent few days recently at J. R. Smith's. Mrs. John Gibbs and danghter, Mary, visited at R. J. Sutton's Weduesday. Miss Mary Gibbs visited the Misses Fleming at Barreville one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bending of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at their cot tage. Mrs. E. Comisky was called to the city Saturday by the serious illness of her father. Joe King and Miss Alice Smith of North Crystal Lake spent Sunday at J R. Smith's. Mrs. H. Bacon and sons, Weston and Harold, of Chieago visited at R. J. Sut ton's Friday. Ade Waal Malyft and brother of Chi cago spent Sunday at their newly con structed bungalow. Misses Lillian Wheeler and Myrtle Wattles of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Tuesday. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago and G. E. Hoelscher of Elgin visited at the former's home Sunday. Messrs. John and Richard Fleming were exhibiting their fine driving team in this-vlcinity Sunday. Messrs. J. B. and Eld. Kelter returned to Chicago Monday evening after spend ing a few days at Lake Defiance. Messrs. D. W. Hill, J. Frey, Jas. Qax- ton, Geo. Fraser and E. Armit spent Sunday at their respective cottages,' EAST SIDE . . THE HOME OF F R E S H , P U R E MEATS, SAUSA- ; GES, ETC. OUR P R I C E S W I L L P L E A S E Y O U . J. J. BUCH, Prop. Tel. 841 v YOUR ATTENTION Ladies, is called to the beautiful display of millinery goods that continually adorns this store. Our hats are the talk of the town and innst be seen and worn to be appreciated. Many wonderful bargains are also obtainable at this time here and if you are among the number who have not as yet purchased a summer hat now is the time to invest. When purchasing a hat here you have the satisfaction of knowing that the bat is high class and strictly up to date in evefy respecl; \ r: / The LOTUS niLLINERY Spaulding Bldg., West McHenry A VOlJO. Mrs. Chas. Parker spent (Hie day last week in Chicago. Chas. l .irker transacted business in Waukegan Monday. Peter Myer of Round Lake called on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone of Wau kegan were in Volo Sunday. * Miss Lucy Dunnill, who is employed at Long Lake, was home Thursday. Chris Dillon of Waukegan was a vis itor at the Dillon farm over Sunday. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent her vacation at the home of her parents. Miss Annie Rossdeutscber of Wau- oonda spent Wednesday night in Volo. Mesdames C. Sabel and A. ,J. Ray mond were in McHenry Friday after noon. Mrs. Josephine Denlien of Liberty- ville was the guest of relatives here last week. 1 Miss Anna Compton has gone to Chi cago where she will visit friends for a few weeks. Miss Alice McCullache of Chicago was a guest at the • Fred Dunnill home over Snnday. Mrs. Walter White of Ronnd Lake and Mrs. Kate Waite of Waukegan |««r» in town Sunday foreuooa; a Iwiet H. |we I^ M.HBIMER BLOCK*» 1 ' I *•' MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Want Column. All advertisements uiictor h*A<i At the following rAte®: Five llnt'ti or Je*«, 25 cents for first Insertion, 15 cents for twh Bubaeiiuent Insertion. More thAn five linos, 5 cents A line for first insertion, And S A Um for AdditiouAl insertion*. TJH)R HA LE--TWO horses, welulit 1050 each. C 51-tr DRAYMAN, F. c. KELTS. XpOK SALiE--A LHseriiiK mower aud rake, ul A most new; also lumber wagou with hay rack. Inquire at this office. , < 5J5*-tf I7H)K SALE:--Ten acres land with house and " barn at Johnsburgh, III., at very low jK'ice. Call on PERKY & OWM, at Bank of Henry. 37-t.f p^OH SALE--North and South Dakota land: •*- ®15 to 135 per acre. Also farms In Minne sota. Fur further information apoly or write E. W. HOWE. McHenry, III. 40-tf OK SALE--Share No. 48 of the Ringwood Butter company. Price, FOO.OO; pays 12 r cent annual dividend. Address F. W. COLE, Oswego, 111. 52-It LOST--SonfBwhere between the railroad tracks and river, a gold cuff button. Owner will consider it a great favor If finder will please leave same at this office. TJ*OR SALE--Black mare with colt by side. -E Will drive single or double. .Would make an Ideal family horse as any woman can drive For further information apply or write her. For furt& E. J. HANLY, West McHenry. 50- it T^OHSALE ut a bargain and must bo sold r quick. Crystal Lake. McHenry county, III., 240 acre farm within two miles of town, together with buildiugs, etc. Price, 175 per acre. U. O. BtONS & Co.. 125 Monroe St., Chi cago. - 48-4t TJMJR SALE:-- A seven-room cottage, togeth- er with a frontage of 320 feet, divided in to flvt* separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises, (iood reasons for selling. Will be sold at very low figures if taken at once. Inquire at this office 33-tf OSTRNDw C. B. Jecks started Taeeday evening for Mountain Park, Obla. Miss Alice Richardson spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. lira. Ben Harrison and Mrs. Lon Bishop visited in Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Ida Gaylord and son, Mason, visited at C. E. Gaylord's last week. Mrs. Warren and Wm. Thomas and Hazel were over to Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Merle Hollarbash spent Snnday with ber'siater, Mrs. Warren Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Del Whiting and son, Clarence, visited in the windy city one day last week. Mrs. T. A. Abbott and daughter, Mand, were shopping in Woodstock Tneiday. ». i*r -v<. i r*' .... ' V<-- '-Na ti". %2^-rS: ? -a • • • C-t About Our Methods a • > ' i „ . . i ; ̂ j Ow way of selling means money for yoa t : a s w « u « . • • - ' • r ' • ' ; i J •••• Our (are the least bit dissatisfied. - " • i That means money for you because yq® % f J if can't lose. It means 'money for us because it means satisfied customers--and • holds them. Here's Satisfaction All Around- • * for you and for us--it protects you and it pays us. ' We want you ^e one of our satisfied customers. We'll make you one if given the chance. . H. PETESCH, DRUGGIST, - Telephone 274. V: -CENTERVILLE Grocery and fliarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: GMAS. O. FRETT, MCHENRY, PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. flow do these prices look to you? In order to reduca stock w^ will sell for * limited time: c ' W' New Dqere 14 in. Gang Plows*......... Deere No. 9 Corn Planter -- $38 Five Shdvel Cultivators, complete..... $4.50 Kingman Sulky Plow, sweepstakes winner Eight Foot Steel Land Rollers Good Farm Harness, with Collars. $23 50 bti. Endless Apron Manure Spreader {j£105 We have on hand a full stock of all kinds of Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Utc. Also of Grain and all kinds of Feed, . \ WM. BONSLETT • "I • - •M -4 •rf" ' Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and when you make your purchase here you know ̂ what you buy is right, both in qual ity and price. Can you afford the time to investigate this assertion? We baUeve it will pay do F. L. rtcOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE. ^8 MM riAii ri'i lilt r :"Sill 1 f'liiii Jm