WHIM Straw Hats Hosiery Summer Suits Summer Underwear ..AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION... JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS J Fruit Jars-Canned Goods The canning season is here. We have a good supply of Fruit Jars, which we sell on as close a margin as safe merchandising permits. Buy now, before prices ad vance sharply, is our best advice. :: :: :: Our line of Canned Goods is still quite complete. If in need of anything in this line let us figure on your wants. We are making attractive prices in half dozen lots, one kind or assorted to suit, rather than carry them over for next season. A share of your trade Appreciated, •s Fresh Stock of Pillsbury's Flour Just Received |John Stoffel West Side Grocer & UP-TO-DATE ; • -- - ,jyf Is the proper word to apply when speaking about our Hardware Store. Being thoroly familiar with every detail connected with our linfe of business and keeping ever in touch with the new things that spring up almost daily * enables us to give a satisfactory account of, ourselves whenever a business proposition in our line confronts. Not only does this state- tnent apply to our large and complete stock of Hardware but to our Repair Department, which is in the hands of competent help, as welL A visit to this store will verify this. J. J. VYCITAL'S Centerville Hardwa.ro. V McHenry, 111* J) u. ....iSO ARE WE..... with a full line of New Tiger Cultivators; McOormick Mow ers in 5, 6 and 7 foot; McCor- mick Grain Binder; McCormick Hay Rakes in 26, 28 and 32 teeth; McCormick Binder Twine in Standard and Sisal; Ignition Batteries; Hay Loaders, Hay Carriers and Track; Truck Wag ons and Milk Wagons. Janes- Ville Buggies in steel and rubber tires. Engine, Mower and Bin der repairing a specialty. We know how. Mak© your wants known to us. :: :: :: WE STOFFEL, - McHENRY m iT ^ ^ ' ' ' < r % *> 'fe '>•» '• ^ *• •Ivf'f. ' 'iW- ° ll fcis.V'fc*,. v. Lij, A.v'Silfe. WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND TMton During: Kai#ri*ia. ,r WMk-Wliom W« Richard spent TneMhH |a Chicago. Peter Dohertywaaa Chtasgo visitor Tuseday. E. Boater atteoded to basinfes in Chicago Monday. S. H. Freund was a badness visitor in Elgin Monday. Simon Stoffel transacted bosindu in the windy city Tuesday. Mr. Minke of Elgin spent Monday at the home of Fred Block. Hubert Neumann boarded the Chica go train Tuesday morning. Win. Stoffel, Sr., transacted business in Elgin and Chicago Tuesday. Wui. Bonslett was a business trans actor in the windy citv Tuesday. B. Mneaer transacted business matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Miss Edna Hunter of Elgin is being entertained by Miss Cassie Eldredge. Miss Mayme Van Dyke spent Wed nesday and today with Chicago rela tives. Mflames T. W. Winkei and C. B. Webster spent Thnruday last at Wood stock. s Meedames E. E. Bassett and W. D.. Wentworth spent Tuesday in Wan- conda. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schock of Elgin were guests at the home of Fred Block Monday. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and daughter boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Miss Helen Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., is a guest at the home of J. H. Miller this week. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. George Ewers and little son of Keokuk, la., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Fegere. Rev. A. Royer was among the Chica go passengers from this station Tues day morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Colby of Clifton, 111., are guests of R. Sherburne and fam ily this week. C. M. Adams of Johnsbnrgh boarded the Chicago train at this station Wed nesday morning. Miss Celia Geary of Wanconda visit ed at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Sunday. Michael Gilles of Kenosha, Wis., is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Karges this week. Martin A. Howell was among the Chicago passengers from this station Tuesday morning. The Misses Nellie and Jennie Crook of Chicago are visiting their parents here for two weeks. Misses Rose Anhalt and Minnie Ul- rich of Chicago are spending their vaca tion at Bnch's hotel. Miss Irene Peate of Ottawa, III., is being entertained at the home of F. L. McOmber this week. Miss Lillian Heimer has been the guest of Chicago relatives and friends during the past week. Jesse A. Simpson spent the fore'part of last week with his schoolmate, Al]en Osmun, in Woodstock. Mrs. Lewis Seiger of Kenosha, Wis., is visiting at the home of her father, Henry Miller, here this week. Mrs. S. N. Gardinier of Volo spent several days recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice Simpson. John Held of Hartford, Wis., is the guest of relatives and friends in Mc Henry and Johnsbnrgh this week. Miss Lucie Carey of Elgin visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Carey, last Saturday and Sunday. August Larsen of Chicago was out the first of the week looking after his interests at the Orchard Beach hoteL Mrs. Perry Short and Miss Schneider of Lake Geneva are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Fegers this week. Mrs. Mary Karges and daughter, Kathryn, of Kenosha, Wis., were guests at the home of Fred Karges here last week. Mips Frazer and Miss Kathryn Frazer of Peoria are guests at the home of their aunt, Mrs. C. C. McLain, for the summer. Mm. C. B. Webster and children and Mrs. T. W. Winkei and children spent Tuesday at the home of Jacob Miller at Johnsbnrgh. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kamholz and son of Cary spent Sunday among rela tives here. Mr. Kamholz returned Sun day evening, while his wife and son remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Peter Braliau and son, James, of Butte, Mont., and Miss Bridget Braliau of Elgin are the guests of McHenry and Ringwood friends this week. Jos. J. Frett, who with his family is spending the summer at his cottage at Cottage Grove up the liver, was a Chi cago passenger Wednesday mording. Fred Eldredge, who is in tlte employ of the Chicago Telephone Co., and sta tioned at Chicago Heights, is spending his vacation at the home of his father, C. T. Eldredge, here. Mrs. Jos. Pekovgky and daughter, Lillie, returned to their home in Chica go this (Thursday) morning, after spend ing a week among Johnsbnrgh and Mc Henry relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn R. Dignan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Preston, Misses CaSSie Eldredge, Bertha Wolff and Katie Lau ras were Wilmot, Wis., visitors Wed nesday of last week. The trip was made in Capt. Koeppe's excursion boat and »?&s highly sujoyed by slL Messrs. and Mesdames F. •, Boh lander, B. W. Starritt, R. G. Chain ber- lin and children, F. L. McOmber, C. JU. Page and &on, B. Harrison and Mrs. Mueller comprised a jolly automobile party who visited Woodstock, Marengo, Belvidere and Kockford last Sunday, , reporting John P. Schreiner spent with Elgin friends.* Miss A1 vera Schuenemann of Chicago is a guest at the home of Mrs. Josephine Heimer. EIHKKALD PARK. 7 . Peteaoh's for drags. Mrs. J. R. Smith spent Sunday at Lee Lookwood's. . F. O'Flahrity of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. M. Knox of Terra Gotta visited relatives here Thursday. Mrs. N. S. Colby of West McHenry visited at E. Knox's Tuesday. Messrs. R. M. and Ed. Fleming were callers in this vicinity Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Walsh of West McHenry visited &t R. J. Sutton's Saturday. W. M. Barns and Miss Grace Burns spent Sunday at the Burns cottage. J: J. Paul and Tony Fry of Chicago spent Sunday at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frisby and family spent Sunday with the former's mother. Miss Ellen Cleary of Sioux Falls, S. D., visited with Miss Irene Frisby Tues day. Messrs, Jas. Doherty and P. J. Ayl ward were callers in this vicinity Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wagner of Yolo and Mrs. C. Sabel spent Thursday at J R. Smith's. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Verhaaien of Mil waukee, Wis,, spent Thursday at J. R. Smith's. Miss Margaret Blom of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks at J. R. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Selig and daughter of Ringwood visited at Mrs. E. Walsh's Tuesday. Miss Ella Kelter of Chicago is spend ing this week with her father at Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown came out from Chicago Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul. Dr. Jas. Morrison of Chicago was call ing on old acquaintances in this vicin ity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh of West McHenry called at R. J. Sutton's Sat urday evening. W. Walsh and Thos. Bolger were callers in the vicinity of Johnsbnrgh Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and Mrs. Devine of Maywood are occupying their cottage this week. F. Romano came out from Chicago Monday to spend a few days with bis family at the Park. Thos. Frisby returned to Elgin Sun day after spending a few weeks' vaca tion at his home here. Mrs. F. O'Flahrity and Miss Nancy Frisby visited at J. Fleming's in North Crystal Lake Tuesday. Armstrong Bros, drove their auto out from River Forest Satnrday and re turned the same evening.. Miss B. Brahan of Elgin and sister-in- law, Mrs. P. Brahan of Butte, Montana, visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BInm and family came out from Chicago Saturday to spend the summer at the Park. Messrs. C. D. Whiting of Ringwood, Floyd Thompson and Miss Anna Cleary were Sunday callers at E. Knox's. Mrs.. M. Coulihan and sonq, Willie and Eddie, of Chicago are visiting at the home of E. Comisky this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher and Messrs. M. and J, B. Kelter, ail of Chi cago, visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mrs. E. Larkin and daughters, Eleanor and Marion, and Miss Alice Sutton vis ited at E. Knox's and J. Gibbs' Thurs day. Miss Alice Smith spent Sunday at home. She was accompanied to North Crystal Lake Snnday evening by Miss May Burns. Mrs. F. O'Flahrity, Misses Nancy Frisby and Ellen Cleary and Messrs. Jas. and Thos, Frisby spent Saturday in Woodstock. Ed. Larkin of Elgin spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. He was accompanied home Sunday by his wife and family, who have been spending a few weeks here. Miss Benlah Larkin entertained the following young ladies at the home of her grandfather on Saturday: Misses Ellen and Pender Walsh, Marion and Eleanor Larkin, Carrie, Clementia and Helen Romano, Mary, Dorothy and Eleanor Walsh and Minnie Ella Arm strong. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be cause of its remark able health restoring I properties. Swamp- Root fulfills almost every wish in over coming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid neys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kid- ^ ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hone oi^wunp-Koot. Binghatnton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bmghamton, N. Y», on every bottle. OSTEND. Allen Colby is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gilbert. C. E. Gaylqrd and wife transacted business at the county seat last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord and daughters were guests at S.. W. Walk er's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. During the storm,last Saturday night Mr. Adelbert Whiting had some sheep killed by lightning. . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger called on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, Sr., last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Harrison accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page to Rockford last Sunday. Mrs. Hollarbush and daughter, Nina, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whiting and Mrs. Frank Martin and son, Loren, started last Wednesday to visit rela tives and friends in Vermont. 750,000 Acres tlo vermneut Lands open for registration daily July 15 to August 5, in the Coeur d'Alene Reser vation in Idaho, the Spokane Reserva tion in Washington and the Flathead Reservation in Montana. These lands are to be opened under the U. S. Homestead Laws, at $1.35 per acre up to $7.00, payable in easy annual installments. Registration takes place at Spokane, and application may be sworn to at Coeur d'Alene, Spokane, Kalispell or Missoula. Round trip homeseekers' tickets at special low rates via The Chicago & North Western Ry. July 20 and August 3. For information apply to Ticket Agents The North Western Line. 4 2t ASSIGN HE'S NOTICE. Lam born & Guernsey, Attorneys, 184 LaSaMc, Street, Chicago. Estate of the McHenry Electric Service Coinpany, a corporation, debtor County Court of MoHenry County, Wood stock, 111. The undersigned hereby gives notice that The McHenry Electric Service company, a corporation of the Village of McHenry, State of lllinoiH, did on the atth day of June, A. 1J. lilCS). voluntarily transfer to the undersigned, as assignee, ail its property, real and per sonal, for the benefit of Its creditors, accord- : to the provisions of the statutory act con cerning assignments. All persons having claims against said The Mcllenry Electric Service company, are here by notified to present said claims, under oath or alllrmatiou.Xo rue at the electric plant .of The McHenry Electric Service company, in the said Village; of McHenry, County of Mc Henry State of Illinois, within three months from this date. McHenry. I I I . , July 13 , A. D. 190» Ci,ahkm(jk C. MoLaik, Assignee. Lamborn & Guernsey, Attorneys. Auk. To Whom Ic May Concern. V. 8. Lumley, Attorney. To whom It may concern: Take notice that I have filed my final re port as executrix of the estate of Joseph H. Jubten, deceased, in the County Court and shall on the first Monday in August ask to have 1 he same approved and 1, as .such ex ecutrix, be discharged, at. which time and place any that may desire may appear and resist the same if they see, fit so to do. Annik Jcstkn, Executrix of the Estate of Joseph 11. Justen, deceased. 4-3t- R«*a<i The Plaindealer "want" ads. JULY (LEAR % t#- wfin ihfr following •<., a * ^ * * {- Jk 'Jr:-/ ,*• .* W-.' 4 DRY GOODS, SKIRLS, WAIST5, ETC. F. A. BOHLANDER, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. I »0 to See Some of Our Friday Bargains! WEST M^HENRV, 'PHGNli 651 The First Dollar Deposited here to your credit is the stepping stone to better things. If from One Dollar you increase the amount to One Hun- . dred Dollars, to Five Hundred, to One Thousand Dollars, you have a comfortable sum await ing y our disposal. Our Savings Department helps you increase your amount by adding 3 per cent interest to all savings and meanwhile keeps your money safe from theft and fire. Deposit the first dollar today! WEST McHENRY STATE BANK Where your Dollar buys the most. Block & Bethke McHENRY, - - TELEPHONE 541- One Price to ALL. Are you satisfied with the coffee you have been get ting? Have you been getting your money's worth? If not, call and let us give you a sample of coffee that will please you. We carry in stock Seal Brand Teas at per |lb. package ;. 25c. Other good grades of un- colored Japan Tea at per pound....39c; 3 lbs. $1.00 Chase and Sanborn Cof fees at per pound 15, 20, 25, 80, 40e. None anywhere as g°°d. Dundee Brand Evaporated Milk, unsweetened, per call... - .... ...........,,,.... .., . .. ....... . . ..10c; 3 for 25c 31b. can Hominy. 10°; ,f* ^or -,r>c 31b. can Lima Beans 10c; 3 for 25c - Good Salmon, j»er csin •...15q; 2 for 25c K. C. and Calumet Baking Powder ..10, 15, 25c Waists for the Present Season! TliatVs what we mean. Ladies' waists that are cool and stylish. Just out. Ladies'Waist made .of a sheer white lawn, handsomely trimmed with lace insertion, lace trim med Dutch collar, rogular price $1.50, now $1.00 Another shipment of those $2.50 all over embroidery waists. We are sliowing the tnottt extensive line of Ladies'Dutch collar waists to be louiul anywhere at..$1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2V50 Other waists at ,... ,60c, 89c, $1.00, 1.39, 1.50, 2.00 MKWuiiti-- .»• . . mnH |i T I T I N i n' n r " * ~ "• 1 I -- M I Lace net waists »*<-, <. *«»« .*¥.*. -$2.6U and 5.00 Ladies' black and (kjlored petticoats that you will have to s e e i n o r d e r t o a p p r e c i a t e t h e i r v a l u e . S e e t h e m a t . . . . . . . . 50, 75, $1.00, 1.30, 1.98, 2.60, 2.75 Another lot of those ladies' hose to sell at. .10, 15, 25 riNB •. ^ j. K V # ? J 1 !?,V t 'X4 Sift • ^ *