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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1909, p. 5

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«• 1 - 4 ' • f" ••* % ' •i,* • mmmwwmmmm&m A ; • - s- r* <•-" v ; .•*•- ^ -*J , '* -r '•%••"/"*•< >.V ,» A,}"', 1 * ~ S ^ *" y «p ,~ty ^ v V f 5 ;rf V' -Ji£j i , >1 SI ^ l"4?* ' RUGS » AND « LINOLEUM # ili At no time have We offered aiiy- thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rug's which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have thereon. Call and see. * * Jacob Justen, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ij»i» -OUR STOCK OF- Slit [IRLSS WDS is very complete,In plain and fancy Veavea, stripes and figures, rangiyg in price from 8c to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have the finest line of Shoes and Oxfords |» town, new lasts and all the popular colors* Call and see them. .'4. \ . / Hats, Baits, in the popular Green shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 to $3.00 for the dressy sorts. Blacks also. Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to $3.00 each. A new li^ of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors.? ©all and leave your measure for a new Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interi|$t* tional Tailoring company. We guarantee a perfect fit and will positively save you several! cellars on your outfit. Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth­ ing is best for the money. Have you seen our new Rubber Boot?--leather sple, heel and inner sole, hob nailed, fully war- jilted. Groceries, Tea's, Coffees, Canned Goods, Flour, Graham, Meal, Etc. Yours truly, J. WALSH <Ss GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. 483 It's Simply This If you yirant the finest .bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize hone industry and ask for EARLY RISER , The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house- wife. If you have not given ft a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will k e"ual '*• u'8 a home product West McHenry Flour miil teed Mills UlSEff FANCY FAMILY FLOUR WEST IttcMBNKY, I1.LIN015 JOHN SfENCER, Prep «««»»»« »»n»»« hllllll 1 • ' V, "A NEIGHBORING NEtVS AS CHRONICLED BY f OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I JTOHKSRCBOV. Mr*. Toe Bnemann called on Jin. Geo. Nell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick of Pistakee Bay drove thra here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams are the happy parents of a baby boy. Miss Martha Mertes of McBeppxy^ vis­ ited with home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLangblm of Ringwood called on Otis Murray Mon­ day. Mra John Schumacher of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. 1. C. Debrecht recently. Mrs. Joe Michels and Mrs. John Niesen were Ingleaide callers one day last week. Messrs. and Mesdames John Freand and Joe Michels spent Sunday with John Niesen. Mrs. Peter Britz, who has been visit­ ing with Wm. Britz at Yolo, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Frank Schumacher and Mrs. Nick Schmitt visited with Mrs. Anton Myers Sunday! Nick, Michael and Math. Frennd of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. Susan Freund. Misses Maggie Huemann and Rena Nieeeu of McHenry called, at Joe Hue- mann's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith went to Fox Lake in a steauier Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leickem, Mrs. Theo. Winkel and Mrs. Webster of Chicago were callers here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Niellson of Schaefer's Grove celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at Mrs. George Nell's last Sunday. Refreshments were served and dancing took place in the evening. Messrs. and Mesdames Herbert Mich­ els, Jacob Miller, Frank Miller; Messrs. Jo'm Begen, Michael Pitzen, Anton Miller and Math. Blake; Misses Lizzie Miller. Eva Degeu, Eva Miller and Susie Frenn^; Mrs. Devott and two sons of Kenosha yisited with Jake A. Miller Sunday. ROUND LAKE IS EASY. The Round Lake basebaU team, which was here last Sunday bo cross bats with our Itoys. proved to be the easiest prop osition that has faced the locals this season. The score at the close of the farce was 21 to 1. but should have been a shut-out and would have been had not the Johnsburgh boys switched their line up in the last inning of the after- nopn matinee. Miller, the curly-haired gent who has made every team that has faced him thus far this season look foolieh, was again on the mound for the German's and the way he had the visitors swinging at his speedy twisters was a joke. Next Sunday the Johns­ burgh boys will face a team that is more in their class, the Chicago Im­ perials. The Chicago team is made up of a fast bunch and last year succeeded in putting one over on the Richmond team. The Johnsburgh team is in fine fettle for the contest and if the visitors win they will have the satisfaction of knowing that they had met a real base- bail t»am. The game will be caiied at promptly 3.45 p. m. General admission, 35 cents; ladiee and children, 15 cents. Tnrn out and watch the coming Mc­ Henry county champions in action. Sees Mother Orow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick of Danforth, Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered un­ told misery from dyepesia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up ahd all rem­ edies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They in­ vigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles, induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masque let's and others. mm TOUh Rempe we in Chicago last Rev. Jos. Thursday. Henry Sutherland of Waukegan is staving at the Ranght farm. Miss Laura Smith of Mendota, 111., is visiting her sister, Miss Elsie Smith. Mra. John Richardson is entertaining relatives from Des Plaines this week. Mrs. Bud Husoh of Liberty vi lie is vis iting Mrs. Charity Raught at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leonard of Chica­ go are spending this week at the Stadt- field House. Mrs. Chris. Dillon of Waukegan is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon for a few days. Mrs. Kate Efflnger spent the last of the week with relatives at Grayslake and Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Banr were called to Chicago Thursday by the death of Mr. Baur's brother. Mesdames Raymond and Raught called on frieuds at Long Lake and Monaville Wednesday. Freeman Snyder of Bristol, Wis , was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charity Rangbt, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son, Chester, spent a few days recently with relatives at Fremont Center. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Arville St. Peter and children of Highland Park Sunday. / A Night Rider's Raid. , 99W worst sight riders are calomel, crotop oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never dis tress 'or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Head­ ache, Constipation, Malaria, 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others. Fitewh'i for drag*. - V' • J* /*•- - \ v iiM m ^ . ;.*J \ < a-4 KBa Ti 111«»Ml--*--«--«-- RINGWOOn. ;- jruy 22. Mrs. H. P. Buckland was k McHenry caller Monday afternoon. Miss Mary Knox of McHenrjf^ Spent Sunday with Mm Ida Adams. Mrs. Win. Kelly is visiting with friends in Woodstock at this writing. Mrs. J. C Ladd is entertaining com­ pany from out of town at this writnig. W. E. Smith; John and Mosely Bnek- land took a ride to Burlinaton, Wis., last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs are the happy parents of a bouncing baby boy,' born July 16 Mrs. Lillian Marvin of Morseville, Vt., is visiting at the hoiqe .of W. E. Bradley this week. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Conway and daughter. Florence, visited with rela­ tives in Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Beatty and family tobk an auto tour thru Rich­ mond and Genoa Junction last Sunday. After much excitement J. S. Brown succeeded in having his barn moved. Well, anything for a little excitelment. Mr. and Mrs S. H. Beatty were cpunty x seat callers Thursday, where Mr. Beatty purchased a second hand Rambler a uto^ s Mrs. Fannie Dodge who has been staying with Mrs. I. Harsh for the past three years, left on a recent day for New Mexico, where she'expects to visit with her daughter and family. W hile in the act of changing a hay carrier last Monday, Chas Peet lost his balance and fell from the peak of his barn to the floor below, the distance of sixteen feet. Luckily no bones were broken, but be received. • severe shak­ ing up. Mosely A. Buckland of Burlington, Wis , and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dixon and child of Union Grove, Wis., came down to attend the Tompson-Gratton wed­ ding at Greeuwood last Wednesday and also to visit at the home of Mrs. H. P. Buckland. jwnuv 15. J. V. Buckland was at Pistakee Bay Saturday last. J. V. Buckland was a business caller at Powers' Lake Friday. Joe May was a pleasant caller in Richmoud Sunday afternoon. Delbert Bacon of Terra Cotta visited with his parents here Sunday. James Green attended to business matters in Richmoud Tuesday. Clyde Randall of Elgin visited with his family in Ringwood Sunday. Martin Kuox of McHeury was a pleas- aut caller in town Tuesday evening. Miss Maude Abbott of Ostend visited with Mrs. Buckland Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty and family visited with relatives In Richmond Sun­ day. Mr and Mrs. C. E. H. Tuttle were passengers for the wiudy city Wednes day last. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beatty and daughter were calling on relatives in Woodstock Tuesday. Wm. Beatty and mother of Richmond spent a receut day with S. H. Beatty and family in Riugwood. Misses Jennie Beatty and Ethel Har­ rison visited with relatives in Richmond from Wednesday until Sunday. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100, 000 years ago, when life was in-con­ stant danger from wild beasts. Today the danger, as alio* n by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from dead­ ly disease. "If it had not Seen for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have lived," he writes, ' 'suf­ fering as I did from a severe lung trouble and stubborn cough. "• To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs and prevent Pneumonia, it's the beet medi­ cine on earth. 50c and{£l.ti0. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Peteech, F, Masquelet and others. KlOUKiriKiaj. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Whyte Stw- dayed in Genoa. Harley Thayer spent one day recently with his parents here. Misn Raat rice Shephard WM a caller in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Andrew Peterson and daughter, Rose, were Crystal Lake Bhopperfe Sat­ urday. Miss Glenys Jacobs returned Sunday from an extended visit with relatives in Elgin and Aurora. Mrs. W. L. Risley was yisiting rela­ tives in Beloit. Mies Maude Hardyman returned with her. Misses Sadie Ormsby, Ethel Salisbury and Alice Baker, with friends, are camping out at Crystal Lake. Mrs. H. Thayerand daughter, Dolores, of Chicago are visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Thayer. W. Reed, wife and infant son, Lester, of Pasadena, Cal., are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reed. Mr- and Mrs. H. Cooper and infant son of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wills. \ Howard Jacobs and Ralph Thayer started for Aberdeen, Si D., Sunday evening. The boys drove to Woodstock and took the limited train with the best wishes of their Ridgefield friends. - Mrs. A. Cadwallader received a postal shower on her eightieth birthday, and in the afternoon gave a reception to about twenty-five of her friends and neighbors. A short program of Instru­ mental and vocal music was enjoyed and Mrs. EL B Smith read a poem, "Eighty Today." Ice cream and cake were served about five o'clock, and after congratulations and best wishes the guests departed. iPetesoh's for drugfe House Sun., July 25 THE BIQ FJUN SHOW It's All on the Quiet "pffipiilJiH.JItlMi All Fun, Singing* Dancing W Prices, - - as. 35, SO Seats on Sale at Petesch's Venetian Night --AT* PISTAKEE BAY Next Saturday ..JULY Evening 24.. The Motor 'Boat, "Alice," will leave the Riverside pier at promptly 7:00 o'clock, arriving at Pistakee Bay in ample time to witness the gorgeotiH display of colored lights and the boat parade. The motor boat will also upon application make daily excur­ sions to Pistakee Bay, Fox Lake and Wilmot, Wis. :: :: WM. KOEPPE, - - Captain Telephone, McHenry 8ai EJatn season brings special demands in the drug line and whatever the demand is wel meet it. We have remedies for all summer ills, cures for all summer hurts, killers for all summed insects, and pro­ tection for all summer com­ plexions. :: :: :: N. H. PETESCH, JDR.UGGIST, - Telephone 274 '" -it %4 -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line iff the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. Ladies! Do you know that the finest and best Kne of Mourning Bonnets and Veils are obtainable here? t£ LOTUS niLLINERY Spauldiag BMg„ Wwt McHaory Harriet H. Howe ...HiilMBR BLOCK... RX /-y C\ MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Low Rates to SutU*. Special low reduced rates daily via The Chicago & North V»T6ct*i u Ky. to the Exposition at Seattle, the Yellow­ stone Park, Yoeemite, Colorado and the Pacific Coast. Choice of routes. Illus­ trated folder descriptive of the Exposi­ tion, booklets, maps and itineraries of personally-conducted tours to all points of interest, free on application to any Ticket Agent, The North Western Line. o iu: Endless Apron Manure Spreaders^ ̂ ; j.. New 5-foot Mowers, no better made. 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better . .. Plymouth Twine, no better made, only.. * 3U C All other Farrm Machinery, Wagons and Bug- ^gico at correspondingly low prices to close oiit. We sell 4'ATLAS" Portland Cement. -r ; -r- GRAIN and FEED of all kindp »t lowest ket prices. :: ^ . During the summer we grind feed every TUES-. DAY, THURSDAY and SAXURDAY^afterr noon. " -* f t WM. BONSLEtt JL »> ; rMi. jfe.'i Titr A* fr • j' t ? , t*'i Our Hardware line of summer hardware tto never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual ityand price. Can you afford time to investigate this assertion? We believe it wjlj pay you to do so u F.L. flcOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE. '-'"Ml H/'- "5 » \ . r - . : - • J L i ^

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