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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1909, p. 5

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-- N| RUGS % AND « LINOLEUM m * s~=f= At notime ha*e we offered ati^r thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more th^n the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and -- * * Jacob Justen ' / - • II I IkTAK McHENRtf* ILLINOIS. /? --OUR STOCK OP'-- SUMMfK DRESS HOODS it very complete, lit plain and fancy weaves; stripes and figures, ranging in price from 8c to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, FJaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have the finest line of Shoes and Oxfords in town, new lasts and all tbe popular colors. Call and see them. Hats, Hats, in the popular Green shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from SI.50 to $3,00 for the dressy sorts. Blacks also. Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to S3.00 each. A new lint of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors. Call and leave yonr measure for a new Suifc Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interna* tional Tailoring company. We guarantee f perfect fit and will positively save you several dollars on your outfit. i- Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth­ ing is best for the money. Have you seen bur new Rubber Boot?--leather sole, heel and inner sole, hob nailed, fully war­ ranted. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Good#, Flour, Graham, Meal, Etc. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH aOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. 483 It's Simply This If you jwant the finest bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for EARLY RISER QBiai The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house­ wife. If you have not given it a fair trial, do so at you^ earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will equal it. it's a home product b in 81 f t tt 5 FANCY I FAM/LVFLOUfi I«J. 8PENQEK 1 West McHenry floor id Feed Mills WEST McHfcNKV. ILLINOIS - - JOHN SPENCER. Prop h< NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS XoHNSKI! It." 'S"" Mrs. M»ry F. Sclimitt called on Snaan Frennd Friday*. George Smith of Elgin was a caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin on Otis Murray Tuesday. Mi- and Mrs. Joe May of were callers here Sunday. Am oh Smith of Ringwood was a business caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Klein of Ingle- side visited with Joe Michels Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Diethorn were New Maneter visitors SatnrdAy and Sunday. Miss Anna Frennd of Chicago made a short call at Mrs. Joe HnetnannV Tuesday. Miss Emma Meyers of Elgin is spend­ ing this week with her sister, Mrs. Oas* sidy, at Columbia Park. • Mrs. Emma Givens of Chicago, Messrs. and Mesdames John Meyers, Joe Miller, Peter Miller and Joe Mich els, Jr., visited at Frank Miller's Sunday. Messrs. and Mesdames Hubert Mich- eia, Jake Miller of Spring Grove, Simon Michels of Ringwood and Mr». Simons and lady friend of Chicago spent Sun- day at John Niesen's. One dollar a year for The Weekly In tor-Ocean; f 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. JOHNSBUBGH AGAIN DEFKATED. The Johnsbnrgh baseball team jour­ neyed to Long Lake last Sunday, where they met defeat at the hands of the local team headed by Ole Olson, he of the Three I league fame. Ole was right and that tells the whole story. The Johnsbnrgh boys had not recovered their batting eyes and that is why they were forced to take the short end of the score which, at the end of the contest, stood 10 to 2. Another obstacle that made it hard-going for the Germans was the fact that Miller wa* anything but in form. Miller, dnring the past three weeks, has been uuder the weath­ er, which naturally affeocs his pitching. In spite of this fact he showed himself game by going iuto the pitcher's box and holding the hard hitting enemy to such a low score. The team back of him was also a trifle lame and these two tanlts were more than enongh to make it rather easy going for the Long Lakers. Next Sunday at the local grounds the boys will oppose a strong Chicago team, imaded by one Hon. George Seger of Pistakee Bay. Mr. Seger, who claims for himself the distinction that he at one time was one of the minor leaguers, informs the writer that he will bring to the place next Sunday some tossers who will give a good account of themselves. Miller hopes to be in good condition again for this contest and if be is the Chicagoans will have to go some to win The Germans say tuat the present slump that the team has taken will not last forever and feel quite confident of tak iug next Snnday's exhibition! 'Twas A Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pep"per of deadly tang hemorrhages. "I could not nor get about," he writes, "and the doc­ tors did me no good, bnt, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, 1 feel like a new man, and can do good work again." For weak, sore or diseased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands nnrivaled. Price 50c and $1 00. Trial Bottle free. Sold and guaranteed by N. H Petesch, F. Masquelet and others. HOLOOHBV1LLE. 'a for droop. tent Wednesday at •a at John »!£*' Tg" KHKKAU) PARK. Miss Irene Fmhy visited Gibbs' Snnday. Mrs. F. Romano is week in Chicago. John Button spent Sunday with tivea at Wnnronda. M i O r a c e B u r n s o f C h i c a g o . ! * s p e n d ­ ing a couple of weeks Were! Mrs. F. O'Flahrity of Elgin spent Fri­ day at the home of R. J. Sntton. Mr. and Mrs. John Babel of Chicago vif.ited at J. R. Smith's Monday. ,, R. J. Sntton ami brother, Frank Sut­ ton, speut Taesday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. E J. Cohan of Chicago were cAllers at the Park Tuesday. M . Kelter and daughter, Ella, of Chi ctlgo visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Richard AjUward of Elgin visited at the home of/his uncle, Ed. Knox, Sun­ day. Mrs Geo. Scrivner of Rogers Park is spending ft few weeks at the Bock cot- Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkftl and son, Leo, of McHenry spent Monday at J. R. Smith's. Miss T. Nardi of Chicago came ont Monday to spend a few weeks with the Misses Romano. . M r . a n d M r s . E d . K e l t e r a n d X B . Kelter of Chicago are onting at Lake Defiance this week. Ed. Knox and children of Chicago are visiting with the former's nncle, Ed. Knox, and family this week. Misses Mary Gibbs, Ellen Cleary, Lucy Sntton and the Misses Romano spent Thursday at LakeTieneva. Miss ba Nette and Clarence Whiting of Ringwood and R. H. Corr of Wood­ stock visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Don't forget the ice cream social to be held on the lawn of the Misses Knox at McHenry, tomorrow night, Aug. 18. Mrs. P. Costello and children re­ turned to EUin Monday, after spending several days with her mother and other relatives here. Mrs J. Campbell and Miss Anna Cohan of Chicago are spending their Vacation with their brother, C. A. Cohan, and family. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the Sunday at Chicago Geo. Zenk sprat Wednesday at Wm. Zenk's. Wm. Zenk was an El itor Tuesday. August Pomrening spent his home here. Miss Ella Knoblauch spent Sunday with Miss Vera Doherty. Fred Davoll and Fred Powe at Jay Doherty's Tuesday. Miss Theresa Harrison of is visiting at C. W. Harrison's. Miss Nellie Doherty visited Tuesday afternoon with Miss Villa Flanders. Mr. Plure of Indiana is visiting his daughter, Mrs Wm Zenk, at present Miss Grace Diherty and brother, Willie, spent Saturday at Sherman's Hill. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. CSnley and chil­ dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert Mrs. Claude Hutson and Miss Theresa Harrison were callers at M. H. Conley's at North Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and chil­ dren and Mrs. O. Flanders visited Sun­ day with relatives near Ringwood. Messrs. and Mesdames C. W. Harri­ son, W. B. Gilbert, Clande Hnteon, M. H. Conley and children and Miss The- spent Sunday The Crime of Idleness means trouble for any ontf. It's the same with a lazy liver. It caus­ es constipation, headache, jaundice, sal­ low complexion, pimples and blotches, tea, but Dr. King's (jss of, appetite, Cew Life Pills i N\ H. liver trou- build up your health. 25c. at F. Masquelet's and •la the North Wentei Variable routes, covering all of interest, including the Yellowstone Park, Yoeemite, Colorado. Utah and the Pacific Coast. Illustrated folder de­ scriptive of the Exposition, booklets and ixitta, free on application to any Washington's Plague Spots lie in the low, ^marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of ma­ laria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and agne, biliousness, janndice, lassitude, weakness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thou­ sands yearly. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all round tonic and cure for malaria 1 ever used," writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Tp- phoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet and others. Thos. Phalin is spending^ few at Griswold Lske. S. B Leisner is the guest of relatives this week. T. R Anderson spent Sunday with Richmond relatives. Mrs. T. R Anderson and daughters were Richmond visitors Friday. Miss Ruby Peck of Chicago is spend­ ing this week with her cousin here. Miss Edna Phalin spent last week with the Misses Carey in Ringwood. Miss Florence Knox was the guest of Mctienry relatives Thursday and Fri day. Isses Mary and Frances Fleming of Barreville visited at M. Knox's OPERA HOUSE Sun., Aug. 15 iiiiil iV kA WFAAHN HtEKHTS I 1 AARRIED IN HASTE • M I SPECIAL CAST SPECIAL SCENERY SPECIAL EFFECTS Ah. how aw« until we ha< evte such flowers, plucked and wortt they f&dt upon ovir pluck fresh Reserved at Petesch*! THE MOTOR BOAT "ALICE" NEXT SATURDAY Boat will leave Riverside pier at i o'clock, sharp, for trip to the Lotus Beds. 75c for the round trip. :: :: This boat will, on application, make trips to Pistakee Bay, Fox Lake, Lotus Beds, along Fox River and to Wilmot, Wis. Call up No. 821, McHenry. WM. KOEPPE, - Capt. Henry McMillan wit- at Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. the bill Thursday. , Edgar Laudgren and Iver Berg of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with Ed­ ward Knox. \ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and son spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Griswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. son, Howard, and daughter, Marjorie, spent Snnday with relatives at Griswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs F. H. Wattles, daugh­ ter, Myrtle, and sons, Howard and Glenn, we're callers in this vicinity last Wednesday evening. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant- of. Seared With A Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned kettle--cut with a knife--bruised by slammed door --injured by gun or in any other way-- the thing needed at once is Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the pain. It's earth's supreme healer, infallible for Boils, (Jlcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles. 85c. at N. H. Petescb's, F. Masquelet's and others. VI* the North Western Bxcursiou tickets to Now York ©rty, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Niagara Falls, Atlantic City and the mountain and seashore resorts of the The Best of Everthing enroute. For full particulars, apply to any ticket t. The North Western Line. 8-2t Harriet H. Howe ...HEIMER BLOCK... (>'g> SBfrsg MILLINERY - DRESSM A KING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A Your Service Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- copy must be in the than Wednesday noon of week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this .'x? *'! The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other - * try Ik With the finest line of G r o c e r i e s , F r u i t s , Canned Goods, Etc., to be found in Mc­ Henry. Call us up and give us your or­ der. 'Phone No. 233. M. n. NIESEN flcHenry, - Illinois. Another man has been added to the force of cigar makers at the Barbian Bros.' cigar factory, making a total of seven men now making the celebrated "Our Monogram" ten cent cigar. The smokers of McHenry are evidently be­ ginning to boost the McHenry indus­ tries. Good thing, keep it up, gents. The Willing Workers will meet in the church parlors next Thursday after noon. A good attendance is hoped for, aa there Is plenty of S See our stock of Toilet Supplies Toilet articles are an essential part J of a drug store stock. They are com­ monly classed as druggists' sundries and a druggist often has opportunities to secure exceptional qualities cfr low prices in these goods. We are espe­ cially fortunate in this respect and any advantages we secure are shared with- our customers. Keep in mind onr stock of Hair Brushes, Combs. So&.ps, Perfumes, Cosmetics Etc. when items of this nature are wanted. We have the right qualities, our prices are right and every sale is * made under a guarantee of satisfac­ tion or money refunded; N. H. PETESCH^ DRUGGIST, - Telephone 274 CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY, - - - - ILLINOIS. noon. WM. BONSLETT Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware was never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and'when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both inequal­ ity and price. Can you afford the time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay you to do so. 4*;: F. L. ricOmber " v ' ' T , - ? ' : • f t . •-M How do tfiesg prices look to yon? Endless Apron Manure Spreaders...... $100 New 5-foot Mowers, no better made $40 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better $23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only... 8%C All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug­ gies at correspondingly low prices to close out. We sell "ATLAS" Portland Cement. GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar­ ket prices. During the summer we grind feed every TUES­ DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY after- : ' ' -----' -

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