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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1909, p. 8

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if"' f Straw Hats JjJght Hosiery Sumrner Suits Summer Underwear ...AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION... JOS. W. FREUND WRST McHEtfftfV, - - ILLINOIS. FOR THAT H ungry Feeling! Per Can Tomato Soup 10c Mock Turtle Soup.lOc Pea Soup 10c Chili Con Carne.... 10c Corned Beef.. 15c, 25c Dried 3eef, jarl5, 25C Veal Loaf 12 l/4c Ham Loaf 10c Beef Loaf 10c Sweet Potatoes 13c Sweet Corn, 10c; 3 for ....25C Was Beans 10c Per Can Baked Beans. 10c, 15c Lima Beans, fancy. 13c Succotash, fancy... 13c Apricots 20c Cal. Peaches. 22c, 25c Plums .. . . 1 5 c Raspberries 15c Pineapple l^C Red Cherries 18c Strawberries in sy­ rup .... 20c COFFEE: Blend of select Santos and Cultivated African Java, per pound . ^20c John Stoffel West Side Cash iirocer ;v • ft; UP TO DATE is the proper word to apply when speaking alout our Hardware Store. Being thoroly familiar with every detail connected with our line of business and keeping ever in touch with the new things that spring up almost daily enables us to give a satisfactory account of ourselves whenever a business proposition in our line confronts. Not only does this state­ ment apply to our large and complete stock of Hardware but to our Repair Department, which is in the hands of competent help, as frell. A visit to this store will verify this. J. J. VYCITAL'S Centerville Hardware. V McHenry* 111* FM ConamlMfon Said to "Fartn Oat" t* Favored ParUM.. - .«*,> ItwuM Clipped from Tbe Pl«tude»l#r of jvk 8«pterabpr 8, 1884. Waukfegan Gazette: A system bf whicb the Illinois fish commission "farms" ont to favored parsons the privilege of taking carp ont of inland lakes and streams in Illinois has been brought to attention by disputes over the carp contract for Fox lake, where 260,600 pounds of carp were caught last year. For the right to take these fish in seines last season the state fish com­ mission received three-quarters of a cent a pound from the favored bidder, who owes his monopoly to Henry Eleine, a member of the commission in business at 200 Lake street. Mr. Kleine has been offered t cent a pound for the carp monopoly for the coming season, but refuses to consider the higher bid, and insists on renewing the old con­ tract. At the old rate the state re­ ceives $1,950 for the Fox lake carp monopoly, while the compensation of­ fered was $2,600. Speaker E. D. Shurtleff of the bouae of representatives and Senator Corbus P. Gardner, both of whom have inti­ mate knowledge of the machinery of state government, said that they never heard of a law which gave the fish com-> missioners the right to sell exclusive fishing rights. The Fox lake carp contract is said to be the most valuable of all. At three-quarters of a cent a pound it pays big profits to the holder. If fish of more delectable character happen to get into the nets, it is said, they are seldom thrown back. Persons putside the commission do not know where the money received for the carp privilege goes, and Mr. Eleine refuses to tell. The fish com­ mission has control of a considerable fund, not subject to appropriation by the state legislature, and it is supposed the carp money helps swell this fund, which ia used to pay salaries of com­ missioners and wardens, maintain the steamer, Illinois, on the Illinois river and defray any other expenses which Mr. Eleine and his associates wish to ' I - Just Arrived Carload of Cloverleaf Manure Spreaders and a carload of Mc- Cormick Corn Harvesters. Also have in stock Plows, walking, sulky, gang and breaking; Wag­ ons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Woven Wire, Twine, Asbestos Engine Packing, Spring Wire for all kinds of springs, Cap Screws, Stud Bolts, Machine Bolts, Set Screws, Key and Pin Steel, full stock McCormick Repairs. Re­ pair work promptly attended to. Make your troubles known to us Yours for business, W M . S T O F F E L , - M c H E N R Y PhnnAe* OFFlCB-773. * nones. residencb-79i. I'.' Vf L. C. AndruM Killed. Richmond Gazette: Lee C. Andruss of St Charles, stepfather of Mrs. J. I. Lang of this village, met death from be­ ing thrown from a street car at Geneva, 111., Tuesday of last week. Mr. Andruss was a traveling salesman, and while riding on a street car at Geneva he was thrown from the platform as the car rounded a sharp curve under full speed. Mr. Andruss' neck was broken as a result of the fall and death was almost instantaneous. The funeral services were held from the late home at St. Charles last Friday morning and the re­ mains were brought to this village on an afternoon train for burial. The de­ cedent wfcs fifty-three years old and is survived by a wife, two sons and two daughters. Mr. Andruss will be re­ membered by many people at Ring- wood, Green w6od and McHenry, he having been a former resident of these places. " < Get Ready to Laugh. Coming to the Central- opera house next Sunday night is that laughable Irish comedy, "The Irish Senator," with Mr. James McCabe in the title role, supported by a company who are en­ gaged to assist Mr. McCabe in making people laugh and enjoy an evening's entertainment of good, wholesome Irish comedy. The company is under the di­ rection of Martin Sheeley, who is also owner of the National Opera company, which alone is a guarantee that our theatre goers will get their money's worth. The prices for this engagement, will be 25, 35 and 50 cents, no higher, and it is the hope of the management that, at these prices for an attraction of this kind, the theatre will be packed to the doors. Seats are now on sale at the usual place. A Bird (n Harofii. Hurricane, the fleetest footed bird in the world, has been secured at great trouble and expense aB the star attrac­ tion at the McHenry County fair at Woodstock, Sept. 7-10. The officials of the fair are to be congratulated on be­ ing able to secure this wonderful attrac­ tion for the patrons of the fair. This is the first opportunity the people of northern Illinois have ever had of seeing a bird in harness and driven to a four wheeled vehicle. In driving the ostrich the driver guides in a manner just the reverse to that of guiding ia horse. If he wishes the bird to go to the right he pulls the left rein, the contrary nature of the bird being to do just the opposite to that you wish him to do. I DiM--At Bifigwood, -Aug. *18, 1S84, Miss Eli#* M. Carr.agedSl years *m4 3 months. Chas. A. Kohl has rented the build­ ing one door north of the Riverside House and opened the sam& as ft. poo) room, Married--At the residence of <1. 3. Vasey, in McHenry, August 28, by Rev, S. Searl, J. H. Soothill, M. D . and Mrs. Fannie A. G*orton, both of Ringwood, 111. The McHenry driving park WH1 be formally opened on Thursday of next week, at which time a grand gala day may be expected. Purses will be offered for two trotting races, a game of base ball between the Lak0 View club of Chicago and £he McHenry nine, foot races and to end with a grand display of fireworks and a dance at Grand hall in the evening. The McHenry public school will open on Monday next, September 8, with the following corps of teachers: Prof. Lee, principal; Miss Stella Beck with, inter­ mediate department; Miss Nettie Paige, primary department; J. J. Vasey, West McHenry division. Mrs. A. Kennedy of Harvard, Neb., who, with her husband, has been visit­ ing in this section the past few weeks, had the misfortune, while at .Genoa Junction* Wis., one day last week, to sprain her ankle quite severely. She is now at her daughter's, Mrs. F. A. Parker, in this village and is doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. Henry Colby met with a severe and painful accident on Saturday even­ ing last, and one that will confine her to her bed for some time to come. To gether with Mr. Colby and their chil­ dren, she was coming from the depot and was riding in the rear seat of a two seated open wagon. When just south of the red bridge the seat gave way, throwing her and two of the children ont backwards. „Sbe was picked up aud carried home, and Dr. Fegers sent for, who found that her right collar bonej, was broken, and she was otherwise bruised about the back and shoulders. At this writing, Tuesday morning, she is suffering great pain, but is otherwise getting along as well as could be ex­ pected. -Fortunately the children'es­ caped unhurt. The Road to Success has many obstructions, but none so des­ perate aB poor health. Supeess to day demands health, bnt Electric Bitters is the greatest h&lth builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect ac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates the whold system Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run-down or sickly. Only 50c. Guarantees by N. H..Petesch, F. Masquelet and others. •The Irish Senator" at Popular Prices. Twenty five, thirty five and fifty cents --and nohigher--will be the prices for "The Irish Senator" which is announced to appear at the Central opera house on next Sunday night. This attraction last season played all the larger cities at dollar prices and the verdict at all cities they have played in this season is, that the gross receipts at the low prices far exceed th#it of last season at the higher prices. Yon are sure to get your money's worth if yon are fortunate enough to get a seat. A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Mr. Druggist--Quick!--A box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve--Here's a quarter--For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned himself, terribly--John­ nie cut hie foot with the axe--Mamie's scalded--Pa can't walk from piles--Bil- lie has boils--and my corns ' ache. She got it and soon cured all the family. It's the greatest healer on earth. Sold by N. H. Petesch, F. Masqnelet and others. The Smiletta Sister*. Lady contortionists and slack wiiu performers will give exhibitions each afternoon at the McHenry County fair; also in the Woodstock city park each evening of the fair. This is a very pleasing act, and one of the features of the LaPorte, Ind., fair August 24 to 27. Sales Thsosands Ham Kidney -• Irooble and Ne?»r Snpoct 8. & How To Find Ont. a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; SttskttI ^ a-brick dust sedi- AWW ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy c&di- tion of the kid­ neys ; too fre- quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are (tat of order and need attention. What To X>o. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the gfeat. kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects'inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity pf being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swam Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring prop* erties. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. Horn. ok Swamp-Hoot. You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing­ ham ton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remetnbertbename, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Yi, on every bottle. and square dealings. Quinlan, Woodstock, 111. D. F. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE OF PILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys. STATE OF ILLINOIS / County of McHenry f88* ! Estate of John Mueller, deceased. To all whom it may concern: Yon are here­ by notified that on Monday, the 4th day of October, A. J). 1909, we, as administrator's of the estate of said deceased, will present-to the County Court of McHenry Cqunty, afthe courthouse in Woodstock, Illinois, our final report of our acts and doings its+»such admin­ istrators, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsi­ bilities connected wit h said estate and our administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such ap­ plication. if you cliiX)se so to do. D&ted at Woodstock, Illinois, this 30th day of August, A. D. 1909. John Hukmann, John H. Kknneiikck, Sept. 2-4t Administrators. Something to V-augh at. Next to a kiss a laugh is the most popular thing in the world. The supply of kisses is limited, being largely con­ trolled by a, fair but capriciou^ trnst. The supplyjof laughs, however, is prac­ tically unlimited so long as you doii't get too grumpy to look for thdin. One reason for the remarkable success of the Chicago Record-Herald is its daily recognition of the value of kindly, wholesome fun. The "Alternating Cur­ rents" column of S. E. Kieer, the hu­ morist and poet, is one of the brightest things in American journalism. There is always a smile or a good laugh in Ralph Wilder's cartoons, bringing a cheery greeting'as you pick up the paper each morning. Bnt it is in The Snnday Record- Herald that oue'finds the most chuckles. The colored comic section is full of laughter for younic and old, and these amusing illustrations are free from the vulgarity and mischievous suggestions that have barred so many comic sec­ tions from" refined homes. Then there is always a lot of high class humor in the Sunday magazine of The Record- Herald, led by Sewell Ford's inimitable Shorty McCabe stories. The delectable Shorty, we understand, is to appear every other Sunday thruout the present year. No other character in fiction, un­ less it be Mr. Dooley, can match him as a funmaker. As long Shorty and his devoted Sadie are on deck there will be something worth living for. The Re<&- ord-Herald has the right idea. Clean humor doubles the welcome of a good newspaper. Go .With a Rush. The demand for that wonderful Stom­ ach, Liver and Kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills--is astounding. N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet and others say they never saw the like. It's/because they never fail to enre Sonr Stomach, Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness; Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only 25o,,- The Laurent trio and the Smiletta Sisters will give performances at the fair grounds in Woodstock each after­ noon during the fair and at the city park in the evening. Sow oil in the following lines! DRY GOODS, :vi* '"'.Si • m WAISTS, ETC. F. A. BOH LANDER, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. |V Wilbur Lumber Co. Lumber, Coail, Feed Lath# Shingles i S&sh, Doors* Mouldings • •••'" / Lime, Cement Etc. Telephone 651 West McHenry. 1(1. & SMALL As well as largglones are wel­ come at otir Sav­ ings Department-- don't try to wait nntil you've saved up $25 before depositing here! Start with any amount from one dollai up, and deposit as often as you can. Small deposits made often grow to large accounts quickly--with 3 per cent interest added to them. Why not start your account to- WEST MilMY SI Alt BANK & Night on Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor, tortured by Asthma, bent on enring him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had enred himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. Later it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions believe it's the great est Throat and Lung cure on Earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are surely cured by it. Best for Hay Fever, Grip and Whoop­ ing Cough. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet and others. Ladie»' Cttfnetery Aid Meeting. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid society will meet with Mrs. J. B Perry Tues­ day afternoon, Sept. 7, at 2:90 o'clock. Mrs. J. B. Pkhky, Pres. 1: Mrs. E. S. Whket-er, Vioe Prei; Mus. T. J. Wat^sh, Sec. Mits. C. C. Colby, Treas. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. - Sales and square dealipjto- D. F. Quinlan, Woodstock, mTT-^ - " . We must make room, hence the cut. Block & McHENRY, TELEPHONE 541. Big Savings in all Depart­ ments. Special Cut Price Goods Full size embroidery trimmed Ladies' Parasol, the $1.00 kind, at • -69c All 15c 32-in. wide Batiste Lawn 10c All $2.50 all-over embroidery Waists....... .$2.00 All Children's White Hose now p,er pail 10c Gingham Petticoats SOfc, 75c, $1.00 Suit Cases that are strong, well made and within the reach of all now selling at * . . . .$1 .35 , 1 .49 , 2 .00 , 2 .25 , 2 .98 , 3 .50 , 3 .98 , 5 .00 Men's Dust Automobile Coats made in full length,* elastic wrist, high button neck, at . . . .$2 .25 , 2 .75 , 4 .00 , 5 .00 Lkdies' Hose, fast black, 10c pair 3 for 25c Children's Hose, fast black, 10c pair... .3 for 25c Men's Half Hose, fast black, 10c pair... 3 for 25c '€ • * * ' BiGIO-day SHOE OFFERiNG We have taken our entire stock of Ladies' $2.25, 2.50 and 3.00 Oxfords and placed them in one lot, which means the largest assortment to be found in town. All good, clean, up-to-date Oxfords, such as Patent Colt, Gun Metal, fine Kid, Tan and Oxbloods. Get in while the sizes are com­ plete and take your;choice of the lot at per pair $1.95 MEN'S OXFORDS Those who havetjarorn the celebrated Thompson shoe know what it means when we offer the best of the factory's out­ put at such a low price, but we must dispose of them. Our loss is your gain. Tjan, Oxblood, Gun Metal, Kid; fancy oxfords, regular retail price $8.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. 'Take your choice of the lot at per pair. $2.95 & p . . . . 1 iia.

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