: ? • , #$* &** ŵ 0/B> C€\f t \ U1 pv RUGS V AND « LINOLEUM * * time have offered any thing like the Assortment of beau tiful Floor Coverings which com prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. * * Jacob Justen, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. International Tailoring Co. New York .Chicago This a good name to go by when it comes to the question of Clothes. We ourselves are sa tisfied as to their high merit in pro ducing the f inest clothes for Men, and more than satisfied at the popularity of their prices. Call here and be satisfied too. See the latest style models and hundreds of the latest All Wool Fabrics. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. •PHONE No. 483 It's Simply This If you want the finest bread, from, the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for EARLY RISER JJOLLERMfj^ The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house wife. If you have not given it a fair trial, do so at your BISEfln earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will equal it. It's a home product F A N C V FAMILY FLOUR J.SPENCER^ 4 A M*HCNRY IlLS.3s West McHenry Flow and feed Mills WEST AWlibftRY, ILLINOIS -JOHN SPE^muk, Prop & NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Central Souse BlIWKIIIUh Wilbur Levey went to the city Sat urday. -...J,--- V M. Kiley and wife left for Chicago Friday. Mrs. Jane Ash too went to Bvuiton Saturday. . I sell farms. D.* F. Quinlan, Wood stock, 111. Miss Etta Levey Is vUitiog relatives in Rockford. Dan Kline was in the city as a bosinees caller Saturday. Charles Bullock went to the city the last of the week. Sales and square dealings. D-. F. Qninlan, Woodstock, 111. Mrs. E. L. Kimball was a pleasi at Crystal Lake caller Saturday. * Chas. Bullock is moving his family to the F. M. Lindsley farm this week. Mrs. C. Bqllock and little son were Woodstock visitors last week Saturday. Mrs. Theodore Shearer of Chicago speut Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Strattou. Miss Madalene Lynch entertained Miss Hattie Audersou of Woodstock "fiVer Snuday. Mrs. R. Kimball and children of Pop lar Grove visited with Crystal Lake and Ridgefield relatives last week. W. H. Jenkp ami family of Elgin vis ited with Mrj, Jenks' mother, Mrs. Wakefield, four days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewett of Harris. Mo., visited with the former's aant, Mrs. S. Wakefield, Wednesday of last week. Misses Lonise Groh and Lucy Haak of Chicago spent a delightful week at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Strattoii recently. Mrs. Marks and daughter, Hazel, of Iowa Falls visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. E B. Smith and Miss Mabel Skinner. Mrs. Lynch will entertain the Mission ary society Tuesday, Aug. 7. Everyone is cordially invited, especially those interested in missionary work. Lewie Johnson will move into the Peterson flat and it is rumored that LeRoy Skinner will occupy the Good man house in Crystal Lake soon. Mrs. Blanche Conerty returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday after a five weeks' visit with her relatives and friends in Ridgefield and Hartland. Mrs. Bennett and son of Woodstock, alscHOrs. Merchant and three children, Derwood, Eva and Russell, of Crystal Lake visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lynch, over Sunday. Mies Lois White gave a doll party to her many doll friends and their little uinmuias Saturday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served early and the dolls returned home with (heir hap py mothers. Misses Nettie and Bethel Shelt of Bessemer, Mich., spent Friday at Geo. Gorham's and visited with Woodstock friends Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nettie will teach in the Trnaz district the coming year. Miss Bethel expects to attend the Woodstock high school. Rid«[etield^church services Sunday morning at ll>:30. The sermon will be on "What Those Who Put Their Trust In God Find Under the Shadow of His Wing." Evening service at 7:80. The subject will be, "Some Things the Transfiguration Teaches About the Bible." Meeting for prayer, praise and Bible study Wednesday evening at 7:80 Special attention will be given to the book of Genesis. You are earnestly in vited to attend these meetings. Rev Sillers, pastor. SCHOOL NOTES. We are now ready for visitors. There will be no school next week. We will have an exhibit at the fair. We have the largest enrollment for many years. Work iB going nicely and the pros pects are good for a profitable year. The tuition will be four dollaas for the first and five dollars for the second if Orchaxd Beach Sanatorium McHENRY. V ILLINOIS. For the sick and those seeking rest and recreation. ...NATURAL. METHODS... Write for free illustrated booklet. * Dr. Carl StrueH, Chicago 100 State Street. Room 1409. TEKKA COTTA. I sell farms. D. F. Qninlan, Wood stock, 111. School books, pencils and tablets at Petesch's. Thos. Thompson of Barreville spent Sunday at A. T. McMillan's. James Burke and Edward Knox were Crystal Lake callers Friday morning. James, Burke of McHenry spent sever al days last week with his cousins here. Thomas and John Bolger of Emerald Park kpeut Thursday with relatives here. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of Mc Henry visited relatives and friends here Thursday. Miss Rath Anderson of Richmond is visiting at the home of her brother this week. Mrs. T. Phalin and daughter, Kath arine, of McHenry spent Sunday at J. M. Phalin's. Miss Salisman of Texas and Miss Byrant of Crystal Lake visited at A T. McMillan's Sunday. Mrs. E. Knox and daughter, Mayme, of Emerald Park were guests at the home of M. Knox Monday. Have yon seen our five and ten cent counter T If pot, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Florence Knox returned to their school duties at McHenry Monday morning, after a pleasant three months' vacation at their homes here. ( Low Rates Seattle Expoftltlon Via the North Western Line. Variable routes, covering all points of interest, including the Yellowstone Park, Yosemite, Colorado, Utah and the Pacific Ooast. Illustrated folder de scriptive of the Exposition, booklets and maps, free on application to any ticket agent The North Western Line. Pitted--lm. -T* •^OHNSRCBOH. Petesch *s for drugs. Mrs. Nye spent Monday in Chicago. 1 rent farms. D. F. Qninlan, Wood stock. 111. Miss Martha Mertes called on home folks Sunday. John Degen and sister; Eva, called on Math. J uenger Sunday. Sales and square dealings. D. F. "Qninlan, Woodstock, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Jnsten rode thru here Sunday in their auto. - Mrs. Joe Kaftner and faVnlly dro^» thru here one day recently* Nick Klein made his usttal trip to Pistakee Bay last Sunday evening. Henry Do we and Wm. Tonyan of Fox Lake were seen here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frennd of Spring Grove were visitors here Sunday. Michael Thiel of Chicago spent the first of the week with relatives here. Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove was seen in town Friday last. Joe Blake of Texas and Math. Blake of McHenry drove thru here Sunday. Mrs. Tony May and children of Spring Grove were pleasant callers here Tnes- day. Rev. Wolfgartenand Math. N. Frennd drove to McHenry Wednesday after noon. Robert Spangler of Crystal Lake Was a business visitor here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs Jos. Rothermel of Mc Henry visited with Mrs. Kathryn May Sunday. Joe Hneraann and Anton Thelen rode to Crystal Like in the former's auto Tuesday. Lou Althoff of Elgin is spending a week with his brother, Wm. Althoff, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Klein of Ingle- side spent Sunday and Monday with Joe Mich els. John Oeffling and Joe King and lady friends took a pleasure trip to Lake Geneva Tuesday. Wm. Hergott, who is employed!] in Chicago, visited with relatives here the first of the week. Mrs. Ben Laures and ohildren of Mc Henry visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Math. Juenger. Mrs. Jacob Miller of Ringwood visited Thursday afternoon here with her brother, Peter Rothermel. J. C. Debrecht and family and Miss Gertrude Ruentz spent Wednesday at Riverview park in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Rothermel and little sou, Louie, of Springfield, 111., are visiting with relatives and friend^here. Mrs. Beq Meyers and Miss Anna Thelen of Racine, Wis., are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers. Mrs. Joe Dledricb, Misses Rose Hne- mann and Lnlu Frennd of McHenry spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Joe Huemann. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frennd and dangh ter, Hilda, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frennd and Mrs. Anna Bugner spent Wednes day at Fox Lake. Mrs. Joe Rothermel and children Mrs. Jos. Michels and Mrs. Nick Roth ermel visited Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Klein in Ingleside. Rev. John F. Schmitt of Aurora was here Wednesday to celebrate high mass for hie niece, Miss Emma Schmitt, who was married to Henry Bertrang of Aurora. CUM riiyr r auH, m) MARTIN SHESLEY PRESENTS fir. James L. McCabe with an excellent cast In the refined Irish Comedy k ! if THE SENATOR PRICES *5t 35. So Scats on Sale at Petesch's Harriet II. Howe ...HLUMER BLOCK... MILLINERY - DRESSMAKINO Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. VOluO. Frost was in Grayslake GAMES NEXT SUNDAY AND MONDAY Next Sunday and Monday, Sept. and 8, the Johnsburgh boys will have as their opponents the strong Niles Center Athletic club of Chicago, who come here with a fine record. The Chi cagoans are said to be an exceptionally strong bnnch and will pnt np a game that will make the locals go 9ome, The Sunday game will be played at the local ball park, while the Labor day game will be pulled off at Columbia park. General admission, 95 cents ladies and ohildren, 10 cents. Every body turn ont and witness two good oon tests. WOODSTOCK IS THOROLY BEATEN. One of the easiest propositions that onr team has yet faced this season the Woodstock team that confronted the Germans here last Sunday \ after noon. Miller, who has not been well for some time past, was right again and held the county seat boys at a safe dis tance thruont the entire exhibition The entire Johhsburgh team showed a reversal of form from that displayed during the few previous contests and as result played a fast, snappy game. The final seore was 10 to 1, but shonld have resulted in a shut out, a wild pitch by Miller in the last inning allowing a man to score after two men were out and two strikes had been called on the last man at bat. Miller redeemed him self, however, by striking oat the last man up. Woodstock played a fair game in the field and succeeded in smashing out a few clean singles, but their performance on bases' resembled that of wooden men. The Johnsburgh boys expect to meet the Antioch team at the Liberty ville fair tomorrow (Fri day) forenoon. A large delegation from here will undoubtedly drive over to the Lake county oity to witness the game and the fair. Auditors* Meeting. Notice is hereby given, that the Board of Auditors for the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office in West McHeAry, 111., on the 7th da; September, 1909, at the honr of 2 0^6] p. in., to audit any and all bills against the town that may come before said board. - Bills must be left, on or before above date, with the Supervisor or with the undersigned. I^ed.this 24th day of August, 1909. CHARLES B. HARMSEN, Town Clark. Bead The Phrinrteakr "waat" ads. D. F. .Qninlan, Wood-1 a Liberty ville Miss Kate Saturday. I rent farms. stock, 111. School books, pencils and tablets at Petesch's. Oscar Hanson was oaller Sunday. Wm. Dillon and SOB, Arthur, spent Sunday in Wankegan Mrs. W. M. Huson is visiting friends in Grayslake this week. Miss Genevieve Eftitiger spent part of last week in Wankegan. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and daughter spent last week in Wankegan. Mrs. P. L. Stadtfield was in Wan kegan one day last week. Sales and square dealings. D. F. Qninlan, Woodstock, 111. Miss Annie Rossdeutscher of Wan oonda was in Volo Monday. Miss Sarah Fox of Round Lake was in Volo Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Laura Huson is quite ill at her daughter's home in Chioago. Mrs. Rosing and ohildren of Round Lake were in Volo Sunday. Mrs. Sabel entertained relatives from Kenosha a couple of days last week Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lnsk and children of West Fremont were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray of Wan- oonda were Volo oallers Sunday fore noon. Mrs. John Richardson returned Thursday from a visit with relatives In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner of Wankegan visited their son, Sylvester Wagner, one day last week. Miss Mary Raught of Libertyville was the guest of relatives and friends here last week. Miss Lucy Dannill has returned to her home here after a week's visit in DesPlaines and Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snell moved their household goods to Wankegan, where they will reside in the future. Mrs. Frank Zuelsdorf and children of McHenry were guests at the Nioholls home Saturday night and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamlin and son, fester, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ayery of Lake Villa were Sunday gnests at the Robt. Paddock home. Last Saturday evening, while mi the way to Wauconda, the hone driven by Harvey Hanson and Art Frost became frightened and ran away, throwing Art out with such force that his leg broken. He is now at the home of his parents here. Ball Came* at the Valr at Woodstock. Arrangements have been made fori ball games each day of the McHenry County fair, and lovers of this sport anrgiy find deliglit in the events to I be pulled off September" 8, 9 and 10. Jack" Easton of Woodstock will act as I superintendent of these games. The following games are scheduled: The I Woodstock Reds and Beloit White Sox will meet Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 2:001 m. The Marengos and Elgins will j struggle for the honors on Thursday, Lnndgren or Wilson pitching for tbel Marengoe and Peroe er Eldrige for the Elgins. The Richmond and Palatine j teams will fight It out on Friday. The ' above teams are well matched and some { fast ball is assured. Do not miss these games. I sell farms. D. F. Qninlan, Wood stock, III. F" School Books At Petesch's • V ' • -'4 -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and riarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries ^nd Meats. Phone, 552. :: :: CHAS. Q. FRETT, McHENRY, --PROPRIETOR- LL1NOIS. jja Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware was never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and? when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual ity and price. Can you afford the time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay you to do so* F. L. ricOmber THE WEST SIDE HAKBW^^p. A' iS ^ . syf A hi'-! i-Ts?-1' •? How do tec prices look to you? Endless Apron Manure Spreaders...._.. $100 New 5-foot Mowers, no better made $40 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better.... $23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug gies at correspondingly low prices to close out. We sell "ATLAS" Portland Cement. GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar ket prices. During the summer we grind feed every TUES DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY after noon. WM. BONSLETT 3 m, i SI.:. r.̂ /k . /:%i 1 :' aASiN 1% •1 Mi 4 v.-i? J . v*|H n.rp'^' 3® -i ' I s i i t , -J 31. "•'VV'S