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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1909, p. 7

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SiELAYA -MUST - GIVE •ATI*FA<V TION FOR ' OUTRAGE ON AMERICAN C1TIZEN8. ORDERS OIL TRUST DISSOLVED FEDERAL COURT SUSTAINS GOV­ ERNMENT IN BIG SUIT. Standard la Declared Illegal Corpora­ tion In Important Decision--De­ fendant Will Appeal. DICTATOR IN PERIL OF WAR States Will Adopt Extreme Measures to Obtain Reparation from Government of Nicaragua for Execution of Cannon and Groce. Washington.--The execution of the two American citizens, LeRoy Cannon «nd Leonard Groce, by orders of Pres­ ident Zelaya, will cause the United States to adopt drastic measures to Obtain reparation from the Nicaraguan government President Taft on his return to Washington Sunday approved Secre­ tary Knox's recommendation"' that President Zelaya of the central Amer­ ican republic be called upon to give immediate satisfaction for the out­ rage. The demand will be couched in stern language, and will require a for­ mal apology, a salute to the American flag, aiid perhaps the payment with­ out delay of an indemnity for the benefit of the heirs of the deceased. Failure to make instant compliance will cause the government to consider the observance of one of the three fol­ lowing plans: 1. Recognition of the belligerency of the insurgents, now operating in and controlling the eastern half of Nicaragua. 2. Seizure of the custom house at Corinto, the single port of Nicaragua, •which is held by the government. 3. Declaration of war. It is possible the first two measures may be taken simultaneously. An official dispatch received from the American vice-consul at Managua Saturday announced that President Zelaya admitted he had directed the shooting of Cannon and Groce after a court-martial, and that he did so over the protest of the commander-in-chief of the Nicaraguan army and the min­ ister general of the republic. , AJI ENTHUSIASTIC QEIXOAJfc Eating for Strength. STAB PEACEMAKER TO DEATH Police Battle with Mob Bent on Doing Harm to Hie Young Slayer. Chicago.--Andrew Heil, 27 years old, 1810 South Wood street, lies dead •because he attempted Sunday to be a peacemaker and defended an aged man from attack by a younger man. In his efforts to save the old man from a beating he was himself stabbed through the heart by Charles Benfleld, 28 years old, who was arrested. While he was being rushed to the patrol wagon, he narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of an angry mob of fishermen. The scene of the tragedy was on the lake pier at the foot of Sixteenth street, in the midst of a long line of fishermen. Benfleld had arrived early, and was getting his lines ready, -when he called upon George Krapp, who lives in a hut near the pier to per­ form an nrrand for him. Krapp is an old man and was not yet dressed. "Benfleld was in a hurry and because Krapp was slow in getting on his shoes he kicked him in the back. Hearing the aged man's cries a crowd of fishermen gathered around in pro­ test. Hell, however, was one of the •first to offer- active interference. After ordering Benfleld to desist he attempted to step between Benfleld and Krap. As he did so Benfleld •drew a long hunting knife and, with­ out warning, witnesses say, plunged it into the peacemaker's heart. St. Paul.--The government wen ft sweeping victory over the Standard Oil corporation Saturday. In an opinion written by Judge Walter H. Sanborn of St. Paul and concurred in by Judgea Vande venter. Hook and Adams, with a special concurring opin­ ion "by Judge Hook, the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Missouri handed down an opinion declaring the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey an illegal combination, operating in restraint of trade, and or­ dered its dissolution. The opinion of the court and the or­ der of dissolution were filed simultane­ ously in St. Paul and St. Louis. The decree takes effect 30 days from the date of its filing, unless suspended by an appeal to the supreme court. At that time an injunction will be is­ sued restraining the Standard Oil Company from a further continuance of its business under its present for­ mation. Thirty-three of the aeventy-odd con­ cerns in the Standard corporation are excepted from the order of dissolution and the bill is dismissed as against them. It appears from the concurring opin­ ion written by Judge Hook that the company cannot do business under any form with the object of stifling competition, for he says that with the end of the combination the monopoly will naturally disappear, but should It not do so, and the members of the combination retire from it, except one who might perpetuate the monopoly by the aggregation of the physical properties and instrumentalities, it would constitute a violation of the de­ cree of the court. The Standard Oil Company pre­ sented a formidable array of* legal tal­ ent led by John G. Milbura of New York. The defense waB that the pres* I ent organization of the Standard Oil ! corporation was the result of the nat­ ural growth of a great industry and that no statute had been violated. The gist of the decision of the court lies in the syllabus, which declares that the test of the legality of corpo­ rations under the anti-trust act is to be found in the necessary effect the combination or corporation has upon competition In commerce among the states and with other nations. This is, the court believes, a simple test to apply and one which is easy of appli­ cation. In judging the legality of a corporation or combination in the fu­ ture, the courts will, if the decision be followed, ascertain whether or not the restraint of trade, if there be any, is incidental or necessary. That is to say, that if by a combination of capi­ tal and effort made solely with a view to legitimately increasing the business of a corporation there be a resultant restraint of trade which is purely inci­ dental, then such corporation is not within the purview of the anti-trust act. If, on the other hand, a combina­ tion or corporation chances to be such that, by the very nature of its organi­ zation and its methods it results in re­ straint of trade, then it is illegal and should be discontinued. DR. CLEMINSON IS GUILTY APPROVES OF RACE SUICIDE Jury Quickly Reaches Verdict--Pris­ oner Sentenced to Life Imprison­ ment Wife Murder. Chicago.--Dr. Haldane Cleminson -was found guilty Saturday night of the murder of his wife, Nora Jane Cleminson, by a jury in Judge Mc- •Surely's court, and his punishment •was fixed at imprisonment for life. Only one jurist stood between the accused physician and the gallows. "The final verdict, was reached after the 12 men had deliberated less than three hours and four ballots had been taken. When the verdict was read, Clemin­ son, who had looked for acquittal, merely gripped the arms of the chair In which he sat more tightly. His face wore the same calm expression that has characterized his appearance since his arrest. Mrs. Cleminson was found dead in her bed at the family residence May 30. Her husband telephoned to Dr. Paul Hullhorst and told him that • "burglars had entered his home, chloro­ formed him and his wife, and stolen a Sold watch. Later Cleminson denied the burglary story, eaylng he had in­ vented it to save the honor of his •children and attributed his wife's death to suicide. Haakell Pleads Not Guilty. Chickasha, Okla.--Gov. Charles N. Haskell and his five co-defendants in the Muskogee town lot conspiracy cases appeared before Federal Judge Marshall Saturday and pleaded not guilty. Reward for Girl's Slayer. Milwaukee.--A reward of $2,000 Is offered for the arrest of the murderer of Hattle Kinda, the 14-year-old girl -whose body waa found in an aban­ doned building on the North side. Count Bonl Wants to Wed. Puis.--Count Bonl de Castellane has been in Rome two weeks trying to arrange for the papal annulment of his marriage with Anna Gould, now Princess de Sagan, so* he may re­ marry. Woman Murdered In Her Room. Chicago.--Mrs. Mildred Hart, 32 years old, whose parents are said to live in Grand Rapids, Mich., was found Friday, murdered in her room, by policemen, who broke open the door. Prof. Nearlng of University of Penn­ sylvania Ridicules Roosevelt's Sentiment. Philadelphia.--"Limit the number of children in each family and limit the Immigration to the United States or else there is a grave danger of the population exceeding the avail­ able food supply," is the advice of Scott Nearing, instructor in econom­ ics at the Wharton school of finance and commerce of the University of Pennsylvania. Speaking before the Hebrew Litera­ ture society on "Race Suicide," Prof. Nearing ridiculed ex-President Roose­ velt's pet theory of the advisability of big families, declaring that the anti-race suicide sentiment was re­ sponsible for the increased cost of liv­ ing expenses. Women's sphere in life was given a new definition, he declaring that woman's function was not to bear children, but to rear a few children in the elements of future good citizenship. J The greatest pleasure to he rived from eating is the pleasure pni gets in the knowledge that his food ii giving him greater strength and vi­ tality. Because of this fact there is a con j stant increase in the consumption of Quaker Oats; every time the strength making qualities of Quaker Oats have been tested by scientific investigation or by experiments in families it has been found to be a food without an eoual. It builds the muscles and brain with-, ont taxing the digestive organs; it costs so little anyone can afford it, and it is so carefully prepared and packed that it is absolutely pure and clean. A Quaker Oats eating family is always a healthy family. 11 Quaker Oats is packed in regular size packages and also in large size family packages. The latter very con­ venient for those not near the store. FIVE CUPS FOR ONE CENT is certainly atr economical beverage,̂ ? i ̂ i yet this is all that A costs. One pound will make 220 cups JL JLL/JLJL of the purest and most delicious tea. Taking No Chances. "What did Barker do when he dis­ covered that his wife and chauffeur had planned to elope in his car?" "He oiled it thoitwighly, and put It In first-class shape." important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTdRIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children* and see that it Bears the Signature in Use For Over ,*tO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. uu ciiiHiiHU, sua see it stops itching. Is the most effective applica­ tion known for rtiris The best dressing for burns or scalds, a RESINOL prompt and effectual remedy in all forms of inflammadoa, eraptfaas aad irritation of the skin. 50 cents a jar, all druggists or sent direct on receipt of price. A certain cure for itching piles. ' RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. "I have found in my experience nothing to equal RESINOL for aS diseases of the skia.N <1.3 S, S. Stewart, Stewart Station, Pa. Well Posted. "Is he well posted?" "Yes, at every club he belongs to." He Is for Deeper Waterways and inland Routes First, Last and All the Time. MRS. READ FOUNfr GUILTY Woman Who Sought to Extort a Gift of $400,000 by Dynamite Is Convicted. Denver, Col.--The Jury in Judge Sheafor's court, after X8 hours' con­ sideration, found Mrs. Allen P. Read guilty of attempted extortion. The penalty is imprisonment of from one to 14 years. A year ago this month Mrs. Read attempted to force Mrs. Genevieve Chandler Phipps to give her $100,000 by threatening to blow her up with dynamite unless she complied. Attorneys for Mrs. Read set up the plea of insanity. Steamer Burns at Sea. Los Angeles. Cal--The steamer St. Croix, carrying passengers and crew to the number of more than 100, was destroyed by fire ofT Point Duma, 14 miles from here Saturday. The pas­ sengers and crew, after a hard fight with the waves, all reached shore. Judges Get $21,000 a Year. New York.--Tfie board of estimates has increased the salary of New York justices of the supreme court from $17,500 to $21,000 a year. Cairo Sheriff Removed. Springfield, 111.--Sheriff F. R. Davis of Alexander county, from whom the Cairo mob took the negro James and lynched him, was removed from of­ fice Thursday by Gov. Deneen. The governor acted under the mob vio­ lence act of 190& which leaves lite no discretion. Editor Richarf* W. Gilder Dead". New York.--Richard Watson Gilder, author and editor of the Century Magazine, died Thursday of heart die- ease. ASTOR'S NQURMAHAL IS SAFE LINER CARACAS BRINGS NEWS TO WILLEMSTAD. Captain Says Missing Yacht Was An­ chored in San Juan Hjufeor November 1F». PLOT TO KILL FINANCIERS Willemstad, Curacao.--J««hn Jacob Afttor's steam yacht Nourmahal was safe in the harbor of Sac Juan, Por­ to Rico, on November 15, accord­ ing to the report brought here by the Red D liner Caracas. The Caracas reports that the Nour­ mahal arrived at San Juan on Novem­ ber 14 and that she was still there on the fifteenth, safely anchored in­ side the harbor. Tampa, Fla. -- At 12: SO Monday morning wireless communication with Guantanamo waB. established here and a partial confirmation of the safety of the Nourmahal at San Juan was secured. The wireless Btation at that point reported having heard a message to the effect that the Nour­ mahal was safe in port. Efforts to raise San Juan have been unsuc­ cessful. "CLEANED UP" HIS PASTOR Treasury Officials State Bank Wrecker Allen Forged Note on His Min­ ister for $200. Washington.--Phil Allen, Jr., held for trial by the federal authori­ ties on the charge of wrecking the First National bank of Minearai Point, Wis., is reported to treasury de­ partment officials as having made such a "clean up" as even Included his own pastor as a shining mark. Receiver Scofleld reports that he has ju'st discovered a forged note of his on the pastor for $200. Allen, from reports which reach the treasury department, was versatile. In addition to being vice-president of the bank and a leading citizen of the town, he was known throughout that locality as a wonderful man for prayer. Pre­ sumably with a view of maintaining his reputation, Allen Inquired of the authorities when they placed him under arrest aft«r their failure to find something of the bank's that be had left: "Do you think they will let me de­ liver the prayers at the penitentiary if 1 am sent there?" Mysterious Letters Reach Stock Ex> changes Threatening Assassina­ tion of Rich Men. Chicago.--A plot originating in Spain to assassinate a number of well- known American financiers was brought to light through a series of mysterious letters sent to the various stock exchanges of the country from Barcelona, Spain. Members of the Chicago stock ex­ change are reticent regarding the mat­ ter. The American men of finance, to whose funeral various members of the stock exchange were invited in the black bordered letters, are James B. Duke, the bead of the tobacco trust; John B. Cobb. C. C. Dula, Pierre Lorlllard, George Arens, August Bel­ mont, Thomas F. Ryan and John W. Gates. At first it was thought the letters were from some fanatic, but their continuation and their viclousness caused them to be considered serious enough to warrant an investigation by the board of directors of the stock exchanges of Chicago, New York and other cities. Shake into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Base, the antiseptic powder. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Always use it to Break in new shoes. Sold by all DrugK'9^*- 25c. Trial package ni.itled Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, New York. There is no surer and no readier remedy for your own cares than to try to lessen the cares of other people. incor from slight cuts or wounds s blood poisoning. The immedi­ ate application of Hamlins Wizard Oil blood poisoning impossible. The dar I always If man were not vain the pow>jr of woman would cease.--8mart SeL ALLKK'S LCJIO BAI.8AM will ear* not only a f fesh cold, but one ot tboM «tuD bornroitis that usually hang on tor months. CJl*« It a trial and prore Its worth. 25c. 50c and fl.00. A philosophical man when consider­ ing ht* own troubles Isn't. Mr*. Wlnslow'n Koothin* Syrnp. For children teething, aoftena the jrtrroi, imim !*• Banuoadon. allay* pain, cores wtadoollu. Xoabottta. The greatest necessity in a woman's life is love. - MSSCftSOSOBMO0MO8MO8Oer^^C0O0O8O8Cecei^ S C I A T I C A TRIED FVF1YTHING? -SURELY' NOT ST JACOBS OIL If you had, you would have stopped the pain and the limping. It is a mighty hard case that this tried, old-time remedy won't alleviate after a few applications. All druggists, 25c„ and 50c. IT CONQUERS PAIN ST. JACOBS OIL, Ltd., Baltimore, Md. -1 WILL BE PAID WHILE JAILED Gompers and Morrison Will Receive Their Official Salaries If Sent to Prison. Toronto, Ont.--The American Fed­ eration of Labor at its conven­ tion here In addition to indorsing the attitude taken by President Gom­ pers in the Bucks Stove & Range Company Injunction proceedings, vot­ ed to continue the salaries of Gompers and Secretary Frank Morrison and to compensate Vice-President John Mitchell, who is not a salaried officer, during their terms of imprisonment in case it is eventually decided they must go to jail for contempt of court. They will be paid at the rate of $5,000 a year, Guar®1: From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes WAR-LIKE TALK FROM TAFT Mitchell Indorses Boycott. Toronto, Ont.--Indorsing a report of the committee on boycott, John Mitchell, one of the three officers of .the American Federation of Labor who are under sentence for contempt of court, made a dramatic speech to the convention of that organization Wednesday. He declared that, as far as he was concerned, regardless of consequences, he intended while at liberty to declare for the rights guar­ anteed him by the organic laws of his country. The convention broke into loud cheering for Mitchell as he con­ cluded. Mr. Mitchell said he real­ ized that every statement made by those on the convention floor, and es­ pecially by those who on next Mon­ day will have to deliver themselves to the courts, is being closely scrutin­ ized. Demand Probe of Mine Horror. Chicago.--Resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Chicago Federa­ tion of Labor Saturday demanding of Gov. Deneen that a thorough investi­ gation be made as to the causes of the recent disaster at Cherry. Stillwater to Try New Plan. Stillwater, Minn.--The charter com­ mission has declared in favor of the commission form of government and named a subcommittee to prepare a draft of features along that line Its approval. Owners Abandon Lake Boat, Duluth, Minn.--The steamer James H. Hoyt of the Wolvin line, ashore on Otter island reef, has been abandoned by the owners to the underwriters. The crew will remain on board de­ spite warnings of danger. Killed by a Train. Chicago.--An unidentified man, a laborer employed by the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, was instantly killed Friday when he was struck by a north-bound passenger train on the C. & N. W. R. R. Edison Park, 111. President Urges Erection of Irnpreg* nable Fortress at Hampton Roads to Repel Possible Foes. Norfolk, Va.--To build an impreg­ nable fortress at Hampton Roads, the greatest naval base In the world, was the declared purpose of President Taft in an address here. He furthermore said that by the time his administration ends the moBt powerful guns In the world will be ready for foes that may attempt to enter Hampton Roads. The speech was delivered at the At­ lantic Coast Deep Waterways con­ vention. No oil heater has a higher efficien­ cy or greater heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device)' - With it you can go from the coldt of the Arctic to the warmth of dip- - Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Automatic ^ Smokeless Device •; "t ' "* ** prevents smoking. Removed In |p instant for cleaning. For Pain in Chest Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil--sufficient to give out a glowing fie* "for 9 hours--solid brass wick carriers--damper top--cool handle--oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. It Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Ckad# ^ to the Nearest Agency of the ; STANDARD Oil COMPANY1 (Incorporated) MINISTER HANGS HIMSELF Body of Rev. J. C. Hathaway of Mary- ville, Mo, Is Found Hanging from Bridge Rafters. Maryville, Mo. -- The body of Rev. J. C. Hathaway, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, was found banging from a Wabash railroad bridge in the northeast part of the city. No reason is known for his sui­ cide, unless it was that be was dis­ satisfied with life. It was known that he was ambitious, but was unable, because of the small- ness of bis congregation, to carry out plans that he had in mind. Peru and Ecuador Accept Award. Lima, Peru.--The award of King Al­ fonso of Spain, who was made arbi­ trator of the boundary dispute be­ tween Peru and Ecuador, has been announced and has been accepted by both nations. Orange Race Is Won by Woman. New York--The honor of landing the first car load of California winter navel oranges in New York, for which all California growers strive, has been won by a woman--Mrs. W. Newhall of Exeter, Cal. Thousands Homeless In Floods. Constantinople. -- Thousands are homeless, 500 homes are destroyed and an immense area is flooded, with losses of millions of dollars, as the result of floods in Adana. Asia Minor. The scene of the recent massacres is desolated again. Bomb Wrecks a Church. Terre Haute, Ind.--An explosion of dynamite destroyed the front of the new Sacred Heart Roman Catholic church at Clinton, In the coal flelda near this city. For sore throat, sharp pain in lungs, tightness across the chest, hoarseness or cough, lave the parts with Sloan's Liniment. You don't need to rub, just lay it on lightly. It penetrates instantly to the seat of the trouble, relieves conges­ tion and stops the pain. Here's the Proof. Mr. A.W. Price, Fredonia, Kanfc, says : "We have used Sloan's Lini­ ment for a year, and find it an excel­ lent thing for sore throat, chest pains, colds, and hay fever attacks. A few drops taken on sugar stops cough, lag and sneezing instantly." Sloan's Liniment is easier to use than porous plasters, acts quicker and does not clogupthe poresof the skin. It is an excellent an­ tiseptic remedy for asthma, bronchitis, and all inflammatory diseases o f the throat and chest; will break up the deadly membrane in an attack of croup, and will kill any kind of neuralgia or rheu­ matic pains. An dragcta* keep Sutu'i Uuiuitat. Price* 25c., 50c.. 4 $1.00. Best for Children P iso-S nt ttsr mmt m Girve« instant relief when little throats are irritated and sore. Contains no opiates and is at pleasant to lake as it is effective. All Diun«utt 28 casta. A FLORIDA TRUCK FARM Our proposition consists of Ten Thou­ sand ACres Surrounding Davenport The lands are all high, dry, rolling lands except 2,000 acres Muck or Celery land. It is sub-divided into five-acre tracts. Our price is $25 per acre, payable one dollar down and two dollars per acre monthly until paid. You g«t immediate possession if desired. We plant Orange Grove for you and you reimburse us for actual cost, plus 10%. This is the cleanest proposition ever offered in Florida land. Our Com- READ pany has the strongest en­ dorsement from Ex-Gov­ ernor Hoke Smith, of Georgia (who is planting a grove on land in the Colony); Senator Fletcher, and many prominent people who know this land personally. Florida I» more in the limelight to<la.v than ever. Values are iucreasing'. People are making fortunes on small ai-reape. raising fruits and vegetables. Buy Florida lauds. Get below (he frost line. Buy in the beauti­ ful, healthy lake section of Polk County, where investments can't help but pay large dividends. Don't grind your life awayiyou.'.ve only one) Oet where you ran enjoy life and double your earnings Send us an order at once for at least a flve-aere tract. You 'will never regxet it- Do it Unlay. Our acre­ age Is small It can't last long, as people are finding out the value of Florida lands. THE BEST INVESTMENT TODAY TESTIMONIALS Km.--. Fla., Not.S, 19U#t Tkt Florida Devnlopmint Co. Gentlemen:--Your favor of recent date to band, and will say that. I have been all over the land of the Florida Development Co., and can frankly say it Is thoroughly adapted to oranges, grape fruit and vegetables, etc. Having no ex­ perience in pecan growing, could not say as to Its adaptability. I have had twenty years experience In orange " vegetable growing in the state and am thor­ oughly convinced the high rolling lands of the lake region is fry far the most prnferable land for orange growing; as the fruit grown on this high.sandy soil have a thin, tough skin and will ship much better than fruit crown on the "flat woods' or "hummock" lands of the state, lours truly ,T. A. Ct'KKIB. MM Davenport. Fla.. Not., 10, W- Florida Development Oo.. 306 A 30* Boyee Bldg., Chicago. Gentlemen: -- Twenty -seven years ago 1 landed here with two dollars In mv pocket and three weeks rations and nine children, have raised them all and never had a doctor In my house for any of them. My land is the same as you have here and I bav« raised with great success all kinds of tables. including water melons, eanteloupes. po­ tatoes, bijans. egg plant, pine apples, bananas, sugar car.e, strawberries, tomatoes, and others. One year I planted in tX'tober one eighth of an acre in tomatoes and made three huadreu netting me |1 .."ill per crate. This land is especially adapted to Sgm, or­ anges, grape fruit, lemons, times, etc., etc. I consider this the easiest place in the state to make a living as well as tne healthiest, goo4 watar, and absolutely free from malaria. Tours very truly, J. K. BOVTKX. FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT CO, Desk X Chicago I WenrW. L. Douglas comfort­ able, easy walking, common sense shoes. A trial will convince any one that W. L. Douglas shoes hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes. They are made upon honor, of the best leathers, by the most skilled workmen, in all. the latest fashions, shoes in every style and shape to suit men In ati walks of life. PillTinil i S*auiii<s bave W. L. (jJtU I lull . Douglas name and prim •temped oi. bottom, vhieh guarantee* foil value and protect* tie wearer sniut high pnc»» and inlttriur alio TAK£ mo SUBSTITUTE. BOYS SHOES $ZQfi &IZ.5P Wherever you live, W. JL. Doug/as shoes ar* within your reach. H your deafer cannot fit you. write for Mai! Order Catalog. W. L Douglas, Brockton, Mass, \

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