A... BUT NOT MOST HERE. AFTER YOU WEAR Sincerity Clothes you'll wpndfir why the -p&m.ijHl't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be cause both cloth and canvas are reshunk by the London process --can't sag or stretch. Sincer ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones in oiir new showing. JOS. W. FREUND tyCTetNi WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. (F WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 301 This Week's Grocery Bargains Peas, Early Jane, doss $l;can.9c Cora, es standard, dz 95c; es..$C Strawberries, in eyrnp, oan..|$C Blaeberries, 15c value........ICC Tomatoes, can. 10c Mapleine, bottle. 27C Upton Tea, lib package*.... ,27c Defiance Starch, package..... .$€ Celluloid Starch, package... - It 38c bottle Salad Dre«ttf»f , ,Vf >I9( Our Pie, package. .. Fruit Preserves v.-.... 13C Boiled Cider,quart bottle... .2$C Yellow Egg Plnms, can .... ,15c ...FANCY CHINA EOR GIFTS,.. To facilitate easy selection of Christmas Gifts, we have arranged a large and well selected display of beautiful decorations in useful and ornamental China at prices you will be pleased to pay. 19c and up. Come in and look them over. ^ :: :: C & 1 w By Using Iniversdt Heaters & Cook Stoves ¥ ,*r They are the best and most economical. I Ask others who have them. A full line ~ of sundries--Stove Pipe, Elbows, Mica, Stove Polish, Nickel Polish, Oil Cloths, Zincs, Coal Hods, and a full line of all fcjpisof supplies ' v J. J. VTCITAL* '• Centorvill© Hardware. V McHenry, if Lf; • y-J'- in need r/4 Wagons, Sleighs, Gasoline Engines, ^ Batteries, JfJIFeed Mills, , Belting, ^readers, f., h ? W Shoveling Boards, Bolster Springfi |"i Tank Heaters, Wheelbarrows, Lightning Rods, Cup&WafcouUr<sase • ^jre arid Tornado Insurance " fy •> if 1 SEE- • • * -mm : i m WM. STOFFEt, - McHENRY LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINOEAUER REPORTERS. Item of Iatarwt Picked Up About Oor Bwy IdttUi Bur* That M«y Conoero You or Your Friend*. According to a recent issue of the El gin Courier, town clerks will be obliged to ran for their respective offices again next spring, despite the fact that the last legislature passed a law making the term of office two years instead of one. The law did not go into effect until July 1, and for that reason does not apply to the officers elected last spring. The little city of Carthage has a Com mercial club, *nd *s * practical result of its organization it has hired a man by the month with two male teams to keep the roads leading to that city in good condition. One of his dnties is to see that all ditches are kept open. They begin to see what good roads mean. Perhaps by and by we shall understand what the people in the old country found out long ago, chat one 8f the conditions of prosperity is to uiain tain good roads. It Should be known to everybody in these days of gasoline lamps and stoves that gasoline will not explode until its fumes have been mixed with at least six parts ot air. Gasoline will oatch fire es quickly as any liquid known, bat let it alone and it barns oat, doing no damage and leaving no scar or sign of 'fire. Mixed with air in the proportions mentioned it is far more dangerons than dynamite. No receptacle of this liquid should be left uncorked, for to do so is to make the room where it is kept far worse than a powder magazine. This matter of safely handling gasoline is very easy and no one should be ignorant of how it is done. « FOUR CARLOADS CAfiP FOR>l. V, Convene & Company flan Ridding Round Lake of the Cannibal Fi»k« y Stoughton, Wis., Nov. 27.^ftfter hauling in 70,000 pounds of^carp ftHMn Lake Kegonsa, the firm of Converse & Hadsee of Fox Lake, III., have ceased its work for the year. Ever since August 19, when the first haul was made, a crew of fourteen men, has been engaged in seining the lake for the rough fish. About four carloads have been shipped east to New York. These are sold for 24 to 8 cents cents a pound. A 3,000 foot net averaging sixteen feet in depth was used. A bond of $200 will be returned to the firm. This was demanded to insure the seizure of rough fish only. Monday was the last day for making hauls. In thRthanl 700 fr»h were taken, which are being packed in MM)-pound boxes and will be shipped the latter part of (he week. Altogether aboht forty hauls have been made this season. A feature about the work has been that not over 150 bass or over twenty-five pickerel were caught in the < nets, ac cording to Mr. Converse. By the end of the week it is planned to have the equipment shipped to Long Lake, 111., where a few days' work is to be done. This is a lake about a mile long and about half that width. From there he will go to Fox Lake, the head quarters, where considerable seining is going on. While at Kegonsa the party camped in a large canvas tent, even in the re cent cold weather. The Modern Woodmen of-A merle*. The Modern Woodmen of America was instituted twenty-six years ago last January. It has paid to beneficiaries of deceased members $86,000,000. If this sum was all in silver dollars and they were piled one on top of the other it would make a stack of Bilver dollars 127 miles high. The society is now paying death losses at the rate of a little more than $720,000 each month. This means #168,000 a week; ,$34,000 a day; $1,000 an hoar; $16 a minute. Every time one's watch ticks four times, day and night, Sunday included, this great society is dropping a dollar into the lap of an orphan or widow of some deceased member. See what can be done by the co-operation of a million men who love their homes. H . C . MEAD. £ iPhones: rawDKN^E.**!. : .f* . Also a big line of Salesmen's Samples that will be sold at 1-3 to 1-2 Regular selling price. li|.n opportunity of a lifetime! If you want a D. -bargain in a Coat or Suit attend this sale. You will never agaiif have the chance of buying a garment at so low a price as I at this salfiK Rftrnfirnhftr tha ^0 V* £ -•J 1 - Ladies' & Misses' Sample (oats Ail the latest styles .from the befet makers of Ladies' and Mis ses' Coats; a complete line of the well known WOOLTEX GAR MENTS. Ladies' long, black Kersey Coats, made from Chiffon Broadcloth and Kersies, both fitted and semi-fitted. Positively the best values ever offered:---- $5.00 values at.,<4.. ^ $&3.50 $7.50 values • • i $5.00 $10.00 values at;.. i >... i *7.50 $12.00 values at«r^.•*>.. $8.75 $15.00 values at.. $11.00 $18.00 values at ,. . §13.50 $20.00 values at. , $15.00 $25.00 and $30.00 vtil.. $19.00 LADIES' ARD MISSES'COVERT (OATS $7.50 values at $5.00; $8.00.val ues at $6.00; 10.00 values at $7.50; 15.00 values at $10.00, 18 values at $1S.50. 25.00 val $18.50 »8 all the latest noveiti68^??§fcoteh Mixturess Kersies and Bearskins* all newest shades of blue, green, tap and re<3. :: :j: $4.00 values in Children's Sam p l e C o a t s a t . . . . . $5-00 values in Children's Sam p l e C o a t s . . . . . . . t . . "' ^ f ' •' j ' - $6.00 values in Children's Sam p l e . C o a t s a t . . . . . . . $7i$0 values in Children's Sam- - pie Coats at.... .. ̂ ...... :|8^)0 values in Cl?il^r^«'s ^ait^ ^ pi^ Coats at.. * • .» •».«*- >.00 values in pie Coats at m- 50 $ 4 5 0 $5 00. $6.00 $ 7 5 0 100 Ladies' >dnd Misses' Suits at the same sweeping reduction; made from fancy Panamas, Ser- - ges and Broadcloth; colors blue, gt-een, black, gray and burgundy $12.50 values at.. /. $9.75 $15 and $18 values at. $12.00 $20 and $25 values at. .$18.00 $80 and $85 values at.. $23.50 FURSI PURSf h^UR^I We will also offer some remark able values in Choice Fur Sets, Muffs and Neck Pieces. Choice River Mink Sets at $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.00. Black Cana dian Lynx Fur Sets at $15.00 tb $20.00. Neck Pieces at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00. Remember the date and attend this sale. :: ;j.; SMALLPOX EXPENSES HIGH. Conner Board's Committee Holds Illipor- tant Meeting at Marengo. Men's Qifts Are Poor beside this: "I want to go on record as saying that I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest gifts that .God has made co woman," writes Mrs. O. Rhine- •ault, of Vestal Center N. Y. "I can never forget what it has done for me." This glorious medicine gives a woman buoyant spirits, rigor of body and jubi lant health. It quickly cures Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Head ache, Backache, Fainting and Dizzy Spells; soon builds up the weak, ailing and sickly. Try them. 50c. at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masqnelet's and others. John J. Coooey, BoileltoKi.^T': 8TATE OF ILLINOIS 1 „ ' McHenry County f88* 1-v ^ In the Circuit Court of McTleii^y tSVuttty, State of Illinois, Janaary Term, A. D. 1010. Esther P. Doyle, complainant,) fof Johu J. Doyle, defendant, ) ^vorce- Notice is hereby t?tven that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a Riiit which In now pending in naia Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Mieriff of said County return able to the said Court at its Court Koom in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 10th day of January , A. I). W10. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the s$al of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 10th day of November, A. D. 1900. Theo. Hambb, Clerk. ' w«« Looking Une's Best. It's a woman's delight to look her best, but pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils rob life of joy. Listent Buck- len's Arnica Salve cures theui; makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures Pimples, Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Cracked Lips, Chapped Hands. Try it Infallible for Piles. Woodstock Republican: !ffce com mittee consisting of Superintendent L. E. Mentch of Cary, W. H. Ward 9f Harvard, E. C. Jewett of Woodstock, J. B. Richardson of Burton, H. F. Heine- mann of Huntley and D. M. Wright of Marengo appointed by the McHenry county board' of supervisors to meet with the board of health of Marengo, and investigate the bill6 brought before the board at their last meeting by the Marengo physicians for services ren dered during the smallpox epidemic in that city last May, convened in the office of J. T. Beldin last Friday after noon. While no definite action was taken in the matter of allowing the total amount of the bill, which was in the neighbor hood of $4,400, the committee seemed fair in regard to their views, and it is believed an entirely satisfactory settle ment can be arranged at the adjourned meeting of the session, which is to be held in the caorse of a few weeks, or at the regulaqf^uarterly meeting of the board of Bajflrvisors in December. LOW EXCLUSION KATKS. National Corn Exposltlou--Omalia, Neb. Tift Th^nrth Wen tern Liiw, Tickets on ^e Dec. 6, 8, 10, 18 and 15; return limit December 30. For full particulars apply to any ticket agent of The North Western Line. Dec. 4. Auctiofi Sale! Ueo. Vogel, Auctioneer. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the John StoSelN farm, situ ated 2 miles northeast of Void and 5 miles west of McHenry, on Thursday, Dec. 9 commencing at one o'clock p. m., sharp, the following described property: --25 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 35- Bay mare 10 years old, bay horse 9 years old, 10 milch cows, some new milkers and some springers; 8-year-old heifer, close springer; 3-year old bull, 4 heifers qoming 2 years old, 2 yearling calves, big so\y, 300 lbs.; 8 spring pigB, 1 goat, 200 bu. white oats, SO bu. barley, 600 shocks of corn in field, 10 btv potatoes, 5 tons tame hay in barn, 7 tons slough hay in barn, 8 horse pulverizer, 2 horse cultivator, walking plow, set double harness, seeder, 4 boats, and other articles too numerous to mention, - TERMS OF SALE:-- All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 6 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. H. L, Ritter, Prop-^ Wo, Rowing, Clerk. Petesch's for drugs. ^ Shrewd Business mm ' "vV" ~ r Do Not Always invest their sur plus cash in stocks --many , i ndeed , have a Savings eccount with Oui; Savings Department, believing rightly that a part of their surplus, which they term "An Emergency Fund," is better to be earning 3 per cent interest in a Savings Bank, where the principal is safe, than to be risked in stocks paying larger in- k t e r e s t . x : ' ' - • < * . - • : . . You, too. are invited to have your Emergency Fund "svith this bank. Court Seal circuit Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with IOC cash purchase 1. C 7M Wonderful Shoe Offierngs! 3.00 3.00 Nevei- before has our Shoe Department offered* sitch snappy styles as we are showing &>r the winter season and the prices are right, which accounts for the large numbe*; ®l shoes we s^|. 41so for wear th^ can not be equaled any where.x :: :: '* A Ladies' 12 button black velvet top, patent colt, Cuban heel, big value, per L a d i e s ' a l l g u n m e t a l , s n a p p y a n d c o m f o r t a b l e s t y l e s , l a c e o r b u t t o n , p e r p a i r . . . . ; Ladies"patent colt lace shoes, perforated trimmings, dull tops, a handsome shapes foe Ladies' patent colt button shoes, gun metal top, Cuban heel, special, per pair, . Ladies' gun metal button shoe, Cuban heel, medium sole. Here is a value at.. ^ Ladies' fine kid shoes in button and lace, medium and heavy soles, at per pair........... -1|>£.00, $2.25 In Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children's we have a line that will please all and at prices tha t are cheap compared with tfie present market price. Can you look? , ,<#3.00 2.50 2.50 PICK-UR ITEMS! Men's fine Kid Gloves, tan only....... .$1*00 Men's fine Dog Skin Gloves, tan. at... -Si.50 Men's Knit Golf Gloves, pair 5©C Men's ex heavy knit wrist Canvas Glove*. leather tipped fingers, per pair l6c Heavy knit wrist Canvas Gloves, 10c, 8 for2SC BED BLANKETS! Pull size and weight, extra values at. 59. 75. $«.oo, 1*39, '-SO, 1.75, a 00 to 5.00 Ribbon Values--Fancy, extra wide ribbon, just the thing for holiday fancy work and trimmings, regular price per yard 35c, special.. • ittc Don't overlook oar Groceiy Department;fresh goods and good values always. „ CAPSl CAPS1 Children's Caps iu flannel, bearskin and plush at 50paad fl.OO A few Girls' Caps to close at. .. .25 Boys' Caps With pull down, fnr lined .. .25, 50 Men's Corduroy Caps, pull down, fnr lined, at 1 50c, 75c «nd $1.00 Heavy Cloth Caps, fur lined... .,50c, 75c, #1.00 €f 35catNJL MiM. AM Otbfffff \ 'ir \ ' ' \ , y . ... ' & € -•