k>; as we have closed an agency contract fbr these models. Now if you intend buy ing a car, place your order early, get early delivery and enjoy the use of your car before the season is half over. After having looked the situation over for months, it is our judgment that the E-M-F 30 and Studebafeer Flanders 20 offer more value for the money than any other car on the market. But if you desire one of these exceptional values order ear|y.jfwr €-3f- McHENRY; ILLINOI i : •I & For Men and Women We are showing the finest line of All Wool Samples for Men's Suits and Overcoats in the latest weaves, in domestic and im ported fabric*, luade to yoar individual measure by the Inter national Tailoring Co. of Chicago, IB. A perfect lit guaran teed. Call and look thai Ladies' Tailoring Department plea, showing all the latest effects in plain and fancy Wool Dress Goods, from the plain staple colors to the daintiest clothB, suitable for Suits, Skirts, Cloaks and Jackets, to be made to yoar individaal measure, instating a perfect fit. JQnr prices are lower ihau the ready-to wear goods, which give you trouble in altering to make tbem fit Call and inspect our lines. We wiirsave you money and time. We require about ten days to fiH ordflrs. •'i •i GOODS DELIVERED If »PMONE No. 483 Tfie Ml Benefit life low (0. ;WARK, NEW JERSEY. Leading Annual Dividend Company fc, * , . ' V Ms*"' Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $268,298,648 95 Assets Jao, ̂1909, $121,200,086.3 ̂ ?i Siirpiii* $5,628,15117 No company ha* accomplished better result* for its policyholder* CARL. W. STENGER, Agent. i¥; • P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH* SAUt O* i- f *•"" Dressed Beef, nutton, Hogs, Veal, ^ If ides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price 1Mb* furnished on application. G9U> STORAGE FftjBB Stall 1 * 3. Pntt#a e». Wl>ltiilt Market, CHICAQO, TLLINOIS. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Ctaarhs Tegtmeir was in Woodstock Monday , f James ^Thyto was a Crystal Lake caller Monday., Mrs. Hesselgrave and daughter went to Chicago Monday. * Dan Kline drove to Crystal L*ke with the bakery basket Monday. Fred Drier was a business caller in Woodstock the firf-t of the week. Airs. A. Levey and Miss Pearl Haugh- awont were Crystal Lake shoppers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. White are re joicing over the arrival of a little daugh ter at their home Thursday, Jan. 18. Miss Montgomery of Chicago spent a few days with her frieud, Miss Sehoof, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anners last week. Harry Cooper and wife returned to their home in McHenry Tuesday after a few days spent with the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille. The Thursday evening papei not delivered until Ft iday morning it of the blockade, the pap< arriving at 11 p. m. Thursday, Mrs, D. O. Kline will be leader of the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. Rev. A. Sellars is leader of the weekly prayer and praise meeting. Rev. A. Sellars supplied for the Pres byterian church at Harvard Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Oliver Stephenson of Chicago occupied the the past u.ontti: Grades, Rosie Peter son: grade 6. Emma Wieland; grade 7, Helen Wbyte; grade 8, Olive iieaseK ; - & ' *"-• few- ' L Beer boarded the train for Chicago a McHebry raller unday with home a McHenry visit- Foley 's Kidney Remedy will cure any 1 of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. It invigorates the entire system and strengthens the kidneys so they elimi nate the impurities from the blood. Backache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles are all cured by this great medicine. Frank Masquelet. The M. W. A. held their installation and oyster supper in the parlors of the Presbyterian chnrch Jan. 11, Geo. W. Wheeler acting as installing officer and Wm. Yfcuke, ceremonial marshal. Of fleers for 1910: Past Consul--G. W. Wheeler. V. Consul--J. B. Lynch. \ W. Adviser--James Whyte. .Clerk--W. F. Hartman. Banker--B. F. Peck. t -* ^ j * •* Escort-r-Ed. Ford. * ,4% Sent«-y--Howard Jacobs. Watchman--Reuben He: Board of Managers--C. H. Duield, Wm. Wieland and 8. A. Merchant Physicians--Drs. E. Windmuellerand H. D.Hull. SCHOOL, NOTES. Agnes Risley received the highest in physiology. "" Rev. Stephenson of Chicago made us a call Monday. Our attendance has been good daring the bad weather. Olive Hesselgrave and Helen Whyte received the highest standing on the ex amination in grammar. Tha iijiluvsmj£ "wil" r«nta^ fnr , ,5Tt v" J. C. Debrecht wai Tuesday. Lon Althoff spent folks here. Miss Celia Nell wa or Tuesday. : ' Jacob Fremiti of town Friday. " Miss Martha Niesen visited tier Mrs John Miller, Tuesday. Misses Mayme and Katie Frett left Saturday morning for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Freund of Mc Henry drove thru here Sunday. Mrs. M. M. Schaefer was a Spri Grove caller last week Thursday. Misses Eva and Lizzie Miller sp< Sunday with friends in McHenry. Mrs. John P. Schaefer spent Wedn day at the home of John M. Hehmitt. A baby girl arrived at the home of Stephen H, Schmitt here Monday even ing Mise Auoa Oeffling i. spending the week with relatives and friends in Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May passed Sua day with the former's mother, Mrs. Kate May. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonian of Solon visited Tuesday at the home of Stephen H. Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling visited Tuesday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stilling. Mathiasaud Emma Smith returned this week from a month's stay with rel atives at Winona, Wis, Mrs. J. E, Freund of McHenry spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, here. Mr. and Mrs- Peter Wagner of Volo were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, last Sunday. Miss Lena Hetteriuann entertained last Sunday afternoon a number of her friends. Those present were: Misses Kate Althoff, Rose Althoff. Barbara Althoff, Lena Schmitt, Clara mud Miss Colby. ^ ^ XDRRA com. B. Cnsick Bpent a recent day In Mc Henry. H. Shales spent Saturday in Mc Henry. W. H. Grant was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mrs. H. McMillan wa§ a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mrs. M. Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Miss Florence Leisner of Cbioago spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. C. E. Martin visited her grand parents in McHenry Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. H. R. Robisou and daughter, Hazel, spent Saturday with relativesin Crystal fifl-fcp-•fjT* rrr.- DR. DAVID ROBERTS, 1906-7-8 Dr. David Roberts is the best known practical veterinarian and veterinary author in the country. You can get his book "Practical Home Veterinarian*** $oth bound and illustrated, FREE. You can get a high class live stock paper FREE for * year. Ask about these offers at * ; • THE Centervllle Druggist. Disap- polntment la a word unknown to McHenry, 'Phone Mrs. Mat Miller is on the sick list „ Mrs. George Huson transacted busi ness in Waukegan last week. Miss Kate Frost spent with friends at Round Lake. Misses Millie and Frances MilleV spent one day last week in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer of Mc Henry passed thru Volo Sunday after- /?" S5S Buy Your Stoves nt Home Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller have gone to Wisconsin for a visit with rela tives. Miss Edith Darby of Aoimd Lake waa the guest of Miss Naomi Vasey Satur day apd Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Huson was the guest of relatives at Kenosha from Friday until Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and sons and Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were Volo callers last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raught were called to Waukegan last week by the illness of the letter's father, Henry Rogers. It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and expels the poisonous germs, thus preventing pneumonia and consumption, Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Hon ey and Tar in yellow packages. Frank Maequelet •$$$& KNEKALI) PAj&K. f;, > John Gibbs, Jr., went to Etffhi the first of the week. Thos. McDonald of Ostend was a caller in this vicinity Sunday. L. Huck came out from Chicago and spent a few days with his folks. R. H. Corr of Woodstock spent Mon day wjth relatives and friends here. Walter Walsh spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Woodstock. Miss Nancy Frisby went to Elgin Weduesday to remain the rest of the week. * Miss Mayme Knox was unable to teach school Wednesday on account of f)on*t be deceived by extravagant claims r<pf far away, unknown makers who claim sell good stoves at a price that d >t even pay for the cost of good materia one. A little use quickly shows thei built to sell" character, the light cast V;'!lng& will firecrack, warp or burn out , The seams will open, oven will fail t ? bake, grates cannot be operated, doora lail to close and the hundred and on«j§ other features of cheaply made and careig lessly constructed stoves will show themlj pelves in their proper light. Our stoves|f lire of the reliable make and sold undetf at positive guaranty Call and get our prices. , ; :xx "t h I, m % . t. WEST £106 HARDWARE. illness. Miss Mary Gibbs visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Powers at Sherman's Bill Sunday. H. Berkircher, who has been spending a few weeks with friends in Chicago, returned Monday. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox went to Elgin Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives at that place. Miss Irene Frisby and Messrs. Walter Warner of Elgin, Ed. SuttolV Walter Walsh and Floyd Thompmi visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. «**. 1. W. William* TmUUm. i 41 : > • n' t i&f* 5**^' v" Re*. L W. Williams, Huntington m ^ Va., writes us as follows; "This is to / ' certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem- . edy for nervous exhaustion and kidney ^ ^ trouble and am free to say that Foley *• • ; Kidney Remedy will do all that ^uu 1 claim for it." Frank Masquelet -m. The Clover Leaf manure like hot cakes. Only a few left Wat. Stoffel. , For cold In the head or a ca*e> of tfe# grippe take Petee^h s Pink 0>ld TaUsta 4*' * ;