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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1910, p. 5

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American National " of Woodstock 1 Statement of condition as made to the Comptroller of the /Currency, at Washington, D. C., at the close' of business* i^anuary 31*1910. RESOURCES " Loans and Discounts, Bonds and Securities * ,$185,482.14 i* ^United States Bonds Due from United Stales VifDue from Banks $61,349.65 Cash in Banklfe16,872.62 .1/-M % v. '.j' , =A£,~ 1 te:~ Capital Stock feurplus Fund^'V? Undivided Profits to pay •4 LIABILITIES s £ ^ 12,500.00;; 12,500.00 625.00 78.222.27 $276,829.44 ational Baniy^otes in circulg^^iff EFOSIT8 . '.£ai " ^-'1 • • ' • • - ' . • : - ' • : & • 1,388.86^ $63,888.86 . . , . . 8 5 4 . 0 0 .12,500.00 .... _ . . 199,586.55 ;> , Total . ' $276,829.41 above statement sliding Capital, Sur­ plus and Undivided Profits amounting to over $63,000.00, we solicit your business. Organized, developed and con- tlucted on the principle of conservative banking along" progressive lines, The American National BankofWood- ,.6tock offers to the people of Woodstock and McHenry fcounty,jMufb|̂ ,. courtesy, adequate,, facilities and perfect • y f: . lis Geo. L. Murphy, Pres. Chas. L. Quinlan, Cashier DIRECTORS Charles H. Donnelly William Haley Henry C. Murphy, ^ George F. Rushtatf f George Ii. Murphy Money to Loan , Savings Department J P o n D e p o s i t s tfi-'x&C" Mil ii 11 mint iiHitmmriiiiiiniwwxMwwwi I FiikI 1 Highest market:*- prices* pa id for furs of every de­ scription. Bring them to us. Tel­ ephone rfb; 222. cs.HowM&soo McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per­ haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom­ ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. n. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 ricHen^y, - Illinois. zzmm THE WRONG WAV to select harness Is 1 he way It is usuatly done. Price Is generally the first consid­ eration. If tliatjs very low the goods peetu attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Exan.iiie Into the qualit y ;of this harness first. Thfcn It will be .seeu t hat it Is worth almost any price. Bat pur prices are opt high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: :: :: G. A. Barker : flcHenry, III. E G G S F o r H a t c h i n g ! Single Comb Wbite Leghorns And White Wyandottes, bred to lay, $1.00 per setting. -Single Comb Br own Ijeghorns / SOc per 13 $3.SO per 100. _ 4L\M> agen*; for Cypher's Incn- , bators and Brooder*. All orders promptly attended to. PfPPIHd POULTRY FARM MCHENRV. R F. O. NO. 3 - ILL. Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under tills head at the following rates: Five lines or lens. 26 cent* for lint insertion, 16 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line (or first Insertion, n<i 3 cents a line far addition! insertion*. T^OKSALE--Stack of slough hajf. -1- of HENRY DBUEN, McHeury, 1 nqulre 34-* tXTANTED-A lady stenographer. For fur- »' ther particulars address or apply at the Hunter-Wee kler lioat. factory, McHenry, III. T^OB SALE--North and South Dakota land: S15 to J25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further lnformatlon apply or write E. W. HOWE, McHenry. III. 30-tf TJ>OR SALE CHEAP--TWO red cows. For further information apply to or write JOHN 1". MILLEB, Kosedale greenhouse, Mc­ Henry, ill. TpOR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rocks. Five " cockerels and twelve pullet* of prise winning quality bred from prize winners. A bargain for some one. Must have room. Eggs In season. TCBNKR BBOS, McHenry, 111." 33-lt* pOK SALE OH RENT--A six room bouse, together with two lots. For further in­ formation write, phone or apply to THSO. WINK.ELS, McHenry, 111. 'Phone F#8. SALE--Very choice Ringlet Barred Hock cockerels and pullets. nod slze'of your stock. Gall and see them. Prices right. W. B. JOHONSOTT, Ring wood. 30-tf T^OR Hock cockerels and ptillets. Large, fine­ ly marked birds that wilj^ |mprove_tne color "CpOR SALE--A model ten Buick roadster A automobile, complete, with lamps and top and driven by a four-cylinder, 20-horse power engine. Machine be_seen apd terms given by applying at West McHenry, c. ETMWM'R, 30-tf "pv()R SALE--Choice eighty acre farm with -1- good inipmvements, g(MKl fences, one mile from good town and lake, only (kYOO per acre. Easy t-erms. Several good farms for rent,. The very best large farm in northern 1 limois for sale on easy terms. 25-tf SIMON STOFFKL. West McHenry, III. If yoa have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any ot her bit of news that may be of general imereflt, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. The Platndealer -will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other VU1A Mrs. Laura Huson is reported to be on the sick list. Jim Carney of Ronnd Lake called on friends here Sunday. Lisle Lit wilier of Round Lake was to town one dpy last week. George Richardson of Ronnd Lake was a recent Volo visitor. Bad Ford of Wauconda was the gnest of Miss Kate Frost Bnnday. Will Frost of Chicago spent Sunday night with his parents here. * Arthur Frost hags gone to Chicago, where he has secured employment. Miss Lydia Nicholls has been sick for some time, but is better at present. Henry Stadttield returned Saturday from a few months' trip thru Colorado. Miss Maude Eatinger was the gnest of friends at Liberty ville one day last week. Miss Frances Rosing was the guest of Round Lake relatives Saturday and Sunday. » -^ - Mr. Mid Mrs. Thos. Fisher enter­ tained a niece, Siiss Myrtle Wright, of Wauconda last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Mesdamee Stadtfield and Lusk were in Chicago Monday of this week. Misses Flossie Sjnith, Phyllis Paddock and Dell Converse of West Fremont were in town Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Coinpton has gone to Round Lake, where she wilj spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Cossman. A card party took place at the home of J. Pitzen in Volo Thursday evening, Feb. 3. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdamee J. Pitzen, B. Hiller, R. Vogt, W. Vanderbootn, Mesdauies J. Molidor, F. Dowell; Meesrs. Math. Schaefer, J. Schaefer, Jos. Nett, Wm. Hansen, Peter May, Peter Schaefer. Micheal Pitsen, George Miller, Oscar Hansen, Leslie Paddock, Lew Brewer, Henry Stoffnl, Nick Molidor, Owen Pad­ dock, Otto Molidor, Alvin Stenser, Joe. Pitzen, Daniel Walsh, Peter Oeffling, Henry Coesmann, Levi Waite, Charlie Itossdeutcher, Dewey Nichols, Andrew Amann, Ralph Ritter; Misses Anna Molidor, Anna Oefflmg, Josie Schaefer, Martha M'ertes, Frances Rosing, Katie Pitzen, Clara Rosing, Clara Molidor, Josie Pitzen, Mary Schaefer, Phyllis Paddock, Georgians Waite, Carrie Amann, Frances Miller, Elizabeth Mol­ idor, Mary Steinsterfer., Mary Pitzen and Lena Pitzen. Refreshments were served at twelve o'clock. Four prices were given. All report a good time. Took All̂ fis Money. Often all a man earns goes to doctors or for medicines, to cure a Stomach, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly cure at slight cost. Best for Dyspepsia, Indi­ gestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Jaun­ dice, Malaria and Debility. 35c at N. H. Petesch's and Frank Masquelet's. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. ^NEIGHBORING news as chronicled by m/R̂ CORPS QF CORRESPONDENTS jroHNSRrKGH. FEBRUARY 8. Wm. Adams of Fox Lake was a caller here Tuesday. u M. Adams transacted business in Cbi<»go Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff were Mc­ Henry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund were McHenry callers one day recently. Mrs. Wm. OefHing and daughter, Anna, were McHenry visitors Monday. George Wirfs and family spent Mon­ day in Ingleside^with Will Klein and family. John Karl*, Joe Adams and Nick Klein of Spring Grove were Sunday callers here. Mrs. Anton Schtteitter of McHenry visited her sister, Mire. Mat. Steffes," here Tuesday. * Quite a number from here attended the masquerade dance at Spring Grove Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Adams visited Thursday afternooa with Mr. and Mrs Kasper Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Diedrich of McHefi- ry visited at the home of Kasper Adams here Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Jasten of Pistakee Bay spent Wednesday 'at the home of her mother, Mrs. K. May, here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Tonian and daugh­ ter, Maggie, of Spring Grove spent Sun­ day at the home of S. H. Smith. Mrs. John Frennd of McHenry spent Tuesday and Weduesday at the home of her pareeits, Mr. and Mt#"j@.'; M. Adams. v* Mr. and Mrs. .Toh"b*P Lay and Mr. and Mrs. John Frett visited Tuesday at the home of Martin Freund and family in Volo. Mr. tand Mrs. Mat. J. Milter enter tained a number of relatives and friends on Saturday, who came to help them cel­ ebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary. Mr and Mrs. Johu King entertained the following Monday afternoon and evening: Meesrs. aud Mesdames Joseph Michels, Win. Meyers, Dr. Nye, Nick Burbian, John Miller of McHenry, and Mrs. Anna Bagner and daughter. Miss Emina. More people are taking Foley's Kid­ ney Remedy every year. It is consid­ ered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladdei* troubles that medi­ cal science cau devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost vitality. Frank Masquelet. Rftad The Plafndea'**. Lake X v® . J.'Xl , KM KRA I.Ik PARK. Walsh spent Saturday last at North Crystal Lake. D. W. Hill of Chica«o *4r alibis summer resort Sunday. Miss Ada Carey of West McHenry viHited the Misses Knox Sunday. Chris. Smith spent Sunday at the home of his brother. J. R., and family. Ed. Larkin and son, Robert, of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of R. J. Sut­ ton. Henry Berkireher leftSnnday evening for a visit with relatives at Crestaline, Ohio. Miss Nancy Frisby spent Tueeday and Wedneeday at the home of her brother, George. B. Martin of Wauconda visited at the home of his sister. Mrs. L E. Walmsley, Sunday. Miss Margaret Walsh, who has been quite ill tbe past week, is improving at this writing. Miss Lilah Peterson of' Columbia, Wis., visited at J. R. Smith's a few days recently. Miss Anna Cleary went to Elgin Fri day last to visit relatives and friends for a few days. Messrs. H. Felmeten and Charles Berkireher spent > several days the past week in Chicago. Mrs. Lee Lock wood and sister, Mies Edna Colby, of Barrevil)e*spent Sunday at J. R. Smith's. Miss Anna Cleary is spending this week at the home of her uncle, George Frisby, west of town. R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake was calling on friends in this vicinity Monday and Tuesday. Messrs. Thos. McDonald and Earl Mo Andrews of Cherry Valley were callers in this vicinity recently. Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidere, 111., writes us: "I am an ex engineer with years active service to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were affect­ ed so that I had to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed in­ flammation of the bladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley 's Kidney Pills that I tried, so ben­ efited me that I bought more. I contin­ ued to take them until now I can safely testify they have made me a soqjgtg* aad "jell man.", Frank Masqueletf '/ OSTENIX C. E. Jeoks was a business Visitor in Chicago last Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison and chil­ dren spent Tuesday in Woodstoqk. C. E. Gay lord returned home last Sat­ urday from a business trip In Minne­ sota- F. E. Martin went to Chicago Monday as a delegate to the Milk Producers' Protective association. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and Mrs. Wm. Thomas visited the former's sister, Mrs. Eliza Draper , last Wednes­ day. In response to invitations sent out by Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Sherman, about thirty-five gathered at their beautiful home las*; Saturday evening. Cards proved the evening's chief amusement. After the usual number of games had been played tbe hostess served her guests with delieious refreshments. « Petesch 's for drugs. . f • " • RliW*iFh5l,U. • : Howard Jacobs was a Crystal caller Monday. Miss Mabel Skinner was a Woodstock caller Monday. Herman Irish of Harvard was a Ridge- f&ld visitor Sunday. Mrs. A. Josephenson visited with rel­ atives in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. Hesselgrave went to Crystal Lake Wednesday of last week. , A. Stephenson and C. H. Ormsby were Woodstock business callers Mon­ day- Mrs. Kline and daughter, Mabel, were business callers at Crystal Lake Satur­ day. Harold Mason went to Wisconsin tin latter part of the week to purchase cattle. Mrs. James Whyte and daughter, Ruth, Were callers at Crystal Lake Sat­ urday. Mrs. John F. White and son, Josiah, were business callers at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Frank Beardsley of Crystal Lake called on her brother and family last week Thursday. Mrs. C. Kelts of Gary visited with Mr. Buskirk and Mrs. R. L. Dufield and family recently. Mrs. Allen and daughter, Evelyn, vis­ ited with Crystal Lake relatives Satur­ day and Sunday. W. F. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball were Woodstock business callers Saturday. J Miss Levey of Rockford spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Irish, recently. The Ladies' Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. E. B. Smith Tues­ day, the subject being "China." , Henry Wilson, wife and two children of Harvard visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Josephenson, the first of the week. W. Levey was a pleasant Woodstock caller Friday. Mr. Levey is fond of fire. Accidents will happen to the beet of people sometimes. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Smith and son of Chicago visited with Mrs. Smith'* father, J. C. Button, and aunt, Mrs. P. Hodgkinson, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Hannah Smith and daughter, Rosie, of Indiana are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson and family. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Peterson are sisters. R. L. Dufield spent Monday afternoon and night with Mr. and Mrs. Keltz at Gary. The gentlemen took the train Tuesday morning for a pleasure and business visit to the city. The C. E. society held a business meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball one night recently. Rev. A. Sillars filled the vacancy here Sunday. His sermon Sunday morning was on the King James version of the Bible. Mrs. Williams will give an in­ teresting talk next Sunday, Feb. 18, in place of our UBUSI sermon, on "Mission­ ary Work in Africa." SCHOOL NOTES. . Mr. Benson visited school Thurs^Tftf! Hellen Whyte has been promoted to the eighth grade. Do not discourage your children by allowing them to be absent nnnecessar- ily. Tbe seventh and eighth grades will take their third examination in gram­ mar Tuesday. Won't Need a Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor­ nelius, N. C., bruised his leg badly, it started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proved worthless. Then Buok- leu's Arnica Salve healed it thoroughly. Nothing so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruibes, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Frank Masquelet's. TKKKA COTTA. i* M. Knox spent Monday in Chicago. Eugene Leianer was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. B. Cusick was a caller at Pistakee Bay Sunday. Ray McMillan is able to be irat again after several days' illness. Wm. Simes of McHenry was M busi­ ness caller here last week. Mrs. B. Cusick visited relatives fan Elgin a few days last week. A. L. McClure of Chicago spent a few days last week at M. Knox's. Louis McDonald of Woodstock was a caller at T. R. Anderson's Saturday evening. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake visited her sister, Mrs. C. E. Mar­ tin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M A. Conway enter­ tained a few friends at their home one evening last week. Misses Ruby Claxtonand Mary Burke of McHenry were guests at M. Knox's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Martin Conway and children of Mctienry spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Buss. LaGrippe pains that pervade the en­ tire system, LaGrippe coughs that raok and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is inidly laxative, safe and certain in results. Frank Masque­ let. Tbe basket social held at the Terra Cotta" school house Saturday evening by Miss Newman and pupils was a com­ plete success, both socially and finan­ cially, |45.95 being realized from the baskets. A fine program was given by the pupils and a fine time was enjoyed by all present Hoarse Cough*, Stuffy Colds, pain in chest and sore lungs, are symp­ toms that quickly develop into a danger­ ous illness if the cold is not cured. Foley's Honev and Tar stops tbe cough, heals and eases the congested parts, and brings q nick relief. Frank Masquelet. *1 This paper and The Weekly Inter Ooean--fl.75 for one year's subscription T-he custom of sending valentines is centuries old K and was never so generally observed as riow. Thei* ^ quality of valentines has steadily improved until > 'S* jjtiow it is possible to . gather'a realty remarkable stock", such as we are now showing, Choose Valentines Now ^nd thus get your choice of all the mw aad beaft* |iful ones. We have Card Mounts, Fancy Drops, Comic and tncy Post Cards, Booklets, Cut*!f >uts, Scenic and Lace Goods, ^ if#i^gand a, lot of oddities :;l." Sj new this: season.' . These valentines come from the leading foreign and American makers and are worth seeing. Prtcea rangefromonecent to three dollars % "M * J> * fa? fj r. DRUGGIST MfcHENRY, fUU 'l **-r ; jm WPR': • y- <' Our stock of Winter Merchandise is too ; large and must be sold, " We will make special low prices on all warm goods until s .i, 10 percent discount FOR CASH, QI Sweater Coats, Under- wear, Heavy Mittens, Caps, Hats, Heavy Uriaed Coats, Heavy Wool Pants, Felt Boot Combinations, Cravenette Coats, Blankets, Knit Goods, Outing Flannels, Dress Goods, Etc. Shoes, Shoes! Do not fail to lay in. your supply and save the 10 per cent. :: :: * ,{ Complete stock of fresh, pure Groceries at lowest prices for good quality. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: s; fMv .f " ' -XiTi jfVL. 75c per bu. for Pickles i to 4 inches.! *\ 25c per bu. for Pickles 4 to 5 inches. % . ' - ' i r . Delivered at our factories at McHenry • j. a and Crystal Lake. Contract now with F. A. Bohlander or Block & Bethke. r * He Mutudl Benefit life InsiiraiKe (0. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. / ./'.-"v.• The Leading Annual dividend Company . ̂ :'4 Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, *363.296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1,.1909, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.1? No company has accomplished better results for tt$ policy holders CAR04M. ©TEISIGER, AgeHt <4/ P H I L I P J A E G E R .. .GENERAL COflMlSSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL, ATTENTION GIVEN TO THIS SAXJS OF », M?- V'Sri: .-i'm Dftised Beef, riuttoB, Hegs^ VmI, Poultf|,; .. ^ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price llali famished oik application, f '1 \ ; >, -j *- mo STORAOB FREE 1 • 7 *J*T CHICAOO,' ILLINOIS. Stall i & j, Fulloa Si' WlwlcMWMirM. • r v 5 " < -

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