$ :r*/ f v *;r •' % y t f tH" \ A -. - . * COOPER'S SALES r: I ARE ENORMOUS It Growing CARTER'S UTTLE LIVER PILLS SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PKICB GENUINE mat bear signature; WESTEMMMM Mhmt Osvtner Pmn, of Styt About Iti m* (5 DiBMB.otIUiMli, osmsa moot land .bl Saskatchewan. 0»nih, He hm mid ia an lottmsi; . "A* u Amerieia I w dellzhted to m* the tp. mu&abio sroiKM of Wwtom Ouuida. Oar MoplltNlooUaiMnM tbs. boandary in thoa- --nds. and I hav* not yet Mt on* who admitted m bad nail* a mlste.kf>, n«j (M all dotna ceil, W«tm States thai b«s not a MprawmtatlTa In Msntlu^a, Saskatchewan or Alberta," 125 urn** Sash* of Whet* fe im TAFT'S MEASURE FOR THI h JU* LATION OF CORPORATION! ***. TO -CONQRCMofy*,^** . BELIEVES IT COURT PROOF Act Represents Combined Work of Pmldent and lawyers «f«£glgr A dtioiiR AlMl - i*-. V? l*f|» Corporations Af| Opposed to It. and pra-oinpUona of ISO acres P' M.OC «i acre. Railway and I*ndOo, >anlas ha«a taad for sal® STX act to satiable Incnttoa - gettlenf rate, apply to ' - j -- - " - t s w a . Agent. nmlgMfan „ Canadian Gov' «. t. RnvUMsUIImkuhimHitil md*..*-*****,!*.! W.DLB«c«ra, Mim Traction Tflmlnll Bl%. MM., A. Hall, IWU8t IsdlsaspotUi "I have been using Cascarets for In somnia, with which'I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Cas carets have given me more relief than any other remedy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recommend them to my frUsnds SS being all that they are represented." Thos. Gil lard, Elgin, 111.,. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Goo®, Do Good. Never Sicken,'Weaken or Grip#. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed ter •• care or your money back. 921 S e l d o m S e e a big kneeliko this, but yonr horsemay huv« a bunch or bruise on his Anklet liock, Stifle, Knew or Throat. £J}S0RBINE? lean them off without 1st I eg the •, ; up. No blister, no ti ir^M. \.deilt Rr.OO per bottle. Hook H E fret*. AB90BB1NE. .lit., for mankind, tl and IS. will liofor. After burse lip. i ii i'ji •; iv>i tui uiniiaittu, vi Removes Painful Sw llings, Kriianzed Glands, Goitre, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins. Varicosities, OidSores. Allays rain. Your druggist can supply •and give references. Will toll you mure If yott write. Hook t ret*. Manufactured only l y W. ». XOUKtt, r.D.F., 310 Taapio Kt. OLD SORES CURED jaien'aljicertnei&lTeeiiresChroniclJIctfr&tlion© WHY NOT MAKE MONEY? how 1 operate counts for my clients, trading in standard stocks onlv. No get-rleh-<ju>ck humbug. Plain business uroiKisition. showing good returns with small risks. No protlts, no pay. JOHN I- BRAND, Box 9855, Boston, Mas*. PUftWTLESSS um. For Steel and Wood Frames, r,'i> aad ap. Write us before you bay. We save you money. Alia Pumps and Wind Mills. SSCKJIAS uu.ua., UMSIUH, la. r>OBALT SILVER MINES paid 18,000,(WO In V* dividends during 1M0SI and produced more silver than any other camp in the world. Write to us tor list of stocks paying 12 to2fi& per annum ou iuopur invested. We ouy and sell on commission Mtf. ~».,lSKir-- ™* A. K. Osier & Co., ing St. W., Toronto, Ont. fIREAT INVESTMENT. Northwestern to W dustrial & Mining Investment Co., Box Ms, McClood. Calif., 1 share, particulars &0c, not Inter ested, invest 1 share, don't write, act quick. n, D C. liooksfree. Illch- Best nealtfc PATENTS "r"0"""""""""" PATENT Book and Advice FREE. ISMS, tVawiek A Uwroaw., Washington. 1>.C. Kat. in yra. Bent references. MtEAh ESTATE. S O U T H T E X A S in Austin County, near Houston, Texas, wo can sell you fine, rich farm lands that grow corn, cotton, allaifa. oranges, grapes, melons and all sorts of vegetables. RICH LANDS--LOW PRICES--EASY TERMS Good railroads, good churches, fine schools. Rain- fall <5indies. Our lands are rapidly Incresslngln value. IjOt us tell you about them. Only £0.00 per acre, some places well improved. 1. a. SHOOK*CO.. 711 Haw York U* Bide., Kaasaaaty, •*, 6IVEN AWAY WITHOUT COST i -.t!ilVrmit'« sii-i-atest monthly paper, "CAUFORNIA i>il. FUiLltet."' WeoireraslxasoBtlnsalNmipttoii mS8 to ttie first thouMtm! people anawerSrig- this advertise ment. California its tne Golden 8tate of opportunity, as well an the State of sunshine and flower*. Every body Hho iid be po«t«d oa the weuderfui opportunities tlmt ("«lif«rnia Oil land pre--nte to ti.« fortuoaui in vestor. Head of t he many opportunities. Seme day you uiav visit California. A postal eard mailed today, will secure this paper for six months FREE,providing you arc nn« of the flint thousand to wrifo. SAQAR A LOOliib CO., Chelan Bid4e.,8aa Fwnrtsco, CaL Washington.--With the Introduction of the federal incorporation bill in the house and senate Monday, President Taft has now before the country his comprehensive plans for putting into effective force the Roosevelt policies. With the interstate commerce bills already introduced and the federal in corporation bill all enacted into laws the president believes there will be at hand adequate facilities for regelating the corporations, not only in the pub lic interests but for the legitimate benefit of the corporations themselves. ' It is not the intention of the presi dent at this time to press the federal incorporation bill to passage. This bill simply outlines his plans and rounds out his scheme for corporation con trol. But as it is not one of the meas ures pledged in the Republican nation al platform he will not make it a part of his legislative program at this time, though he will not be averse to the passage of the law at the present ses sion of congress if that can be brought about. Before the expiration of his term, however, he will do his utmost to have the federal incorporation bill placed on the statute books. At pres ent he feels that he has taken a for ward step in placing the bill before congress and the country, and, what ever opinion may be expressed about it now, the president believes that as the bill is studied its provisions will appeal to the people. In the shape it was introduced it represents the combined work of the president, as well as of Attorney Gen eral Wickersham, Secretaries Knox, Dickinson, Nagel and the other law yers of the cabinet. These eminent legal minds have brought to bear all of the legal learning that they possess In making it supreme court proof, and it is understood that the president and the official advisers feel that there is but one point upon which it may be attacked, and that is as to its consti tutionality. The bill takes all such corporations as avail themselves of the right of a federal charter out of the jurisdiction of the indivdual states and makes them amenable to federal law alone. In the matter of taxation, the corporations will still be subject to state law, but there is in the presi- 's mind the thought that in the event of the passage of the bill con gress will make some such provision with regard to the corporations and the separate states as is embraced in the national banking laws, whereby there can be no greater taxation than that to which private property is sub jected. Even on this point of constitution ality the president believes that the supreme court will eventually uphold the law. ' It is learned that the president has already heard from the corporations on the subject of the bill. They are opposed to it. Definite information to this effect has been conveyed to the president by George W. Perkins, part ner of J, P. Morgan, and Frank Van- derlip, president of the National City bank. "It does not relieve us from the bur dens, of the Sherman anti-trust law," is the plaint of the corporations. But as it was not the purpose of the president, in formulating the pro posed law, to lessen ^ny way the rigors of the Sherman «ti-trust law, he is not impressed by. this plea. At the same time, the president believes that even the corporations will eventu ally come around to an attitude in favor of the measure. MADRIZ IS IH BAD PLIGHT Has But Six Hundred Soldiers to D* -- ••fSMl Managua--Rebels WHJMn k Ffrty Miles of City. ,V(,. TEtKWA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Stanlln* 1 profit* to be made from cheap lots. Telkwa Is > H pri_ the largest and best town between Prince Kupert aioiuf the font* Of Railway. Telkwa 1st and mitiera! roj natural trading • country. The ooa for western division of the railwa: ton and rand Trunk He center of tho ttohest coal and mineral region of BnUtll ConUatolat also the point for a pnlendW agricultural ,1 n^ldsatlNrtkwa will furnish fuel on of the railway. Telkwa h natura l location for the largest city In Cantral the ri t- ish Columbia. Bvery lot parehased tpOay will be A. very valuable when the lallway l> Snisbed. Write «v -.for full information. Nortb OoMt iABiilk, U4, " Winch Building, Vancouver, B. C. : Rich land is the basta _ hts last Territory settlement in this country. Clad is not waklrg any TEXAS PANHANDLE. a of all wealth. This lajlhti last for Bverythin* "grows here, better wheat i. Tour wife, children and stock will not freeie. The speculator will Make his fortune, the home-seeker realize ins life's dream. Swisher Co Is the garden spot and "Pride of the Plains." Best watered, richest level land, no clearing, no floods or cyclones. Both wheat and oats awarded first prise at Ivauonal Cora Exposition. Omaha. Nebraska. Write for free booklet. Jainei Vcye, 8e» I'BIS--r- cial Club, Tulia, Texas. FARWN0 LMDS partnership. 10,000 acrea tor sal* to Sontk _ Dakota to cloftt * partnership. 10,000 acrea In five countries, from BO scvea to 040 aer**, at bargain pries*. Write for printed i iat. JOHNSON BROTHERS LAND CO.. SIMM City, I MM. U, .. fHOICK FARM LANDS In Central Brttiefe 'fc i ol,Salong the roata of the Grand Trunk l*aciilo Railway. Prices cheapand terms very easy. •'??- Soil is remarkably fertile and climate excellent, I PURE IIUMMMS air and water. Write for booklet, f ^North CoattlaadOasapany, bML, M0-4U-411 WUidi : f. ^ Build>o«, Vaiicouver, Cc. itanagua.--Gens. Mena and Cham- orro of the revolutionary rfrmy have reorganized their forces and Monday were only 40 miles east of Managua. The reports of government suc cesses, it is now feared, are all "doc tored" by the government authorities, and the plight of President Madris* army is believed td be far worse than the early dispatches indicated. Late dispatches throw a different light on the reported defeat of the rev olutionary " army at Santo Tomas. Gen. Mena Buffered an initial reverse at Santo Tomas, but in the real en gagement at Lagarlta, near the heights of Santo Tomas, the revolutionary army was victorious. The government is .making fraptic efforts to organize an efficient fighting force to defend Managua, but there are not more than 600 soldiers available. A11 foreigners have been warned to seek safety in the legations. Wade H. Ellis Resigns. Washington.--After several confer ences at the White House Monday, Wade H. Ellis of Ohio resigned his position as assistant to the attorney general in the department of justice to accept the chairmanship of the Re publican executive committee of Ohio. Railroad Clerksf Pay increased. Boston.--Five hnndred clerks em ployed in the general offices in Bos ton of the Boston 4b Maine railroad received notice Monday of a Urn per cent, raise in wages. «>axea suburban tracts. (Spokane, Washington. Sherwood immigration Oo, •( j'Mskja.'X' BARGAINS. Farask, timber m«ao~ UKlfttt* frOR SALE IMS aerea. Improves aad u: F proved 1kmth Dakota farm lands. At p ranging fIMPernoteap. For information .MsuKweU Land Co., Aberteea, 8. i). " * -ji x, ***• Nine Firemen Hurt. Mew York.^Nine firemen were hurt at a fire Monday which destroyed wholesale stores and an ice plant at 283 Broadway. Williamsburg. Chem icals caused several explosions. Dep- uty Chief Langdon was among the ifr Jured, being badly cut. Women Artists In 8how>.. Farfs.--Ainbaseador and Mre.-BtLUii on Monday opened an interesting exhi bition'of paintings by American women artists, givfn under tfcw ampisss of Holy Trinity lodae. - Champaign.--According to a de clslon of the United States court oi appeals in Chicago, Miss Annie Kelley. a former school teacher at Tokmo convicted of inflicting great bodily harm on the person of Michael Burke, will be required either to pay a fliie of 1600 or serve a jail sentence. With Sherman Cass, another teacher, Miss Kelley, about two years ago adminis tered a sound beating to an unruly lad named Burke. Asserting that t^e Burke boy received permanent injur ies as a result, the father of the toy obtained a Joint judgment bf $1,200 against the two teachers. Refusing to pay his share of the money, Sherman Cass spent several months in jail with Mr. Burke paying his board each, week, a requirement of the law. Finally Mr. Cass* stepfather came to his rescue and paid his line. Miss Kelley, how- aver, went to the district court of the United States and was adjudged a bankrupt, thus hoping to avoid paying her part of the fine. Judge Wright of the Danville court upheld her conten tion that she was free from further prosecution, but the higher court now rules that she must pay her fine or serve the Jail sentence. . i ; Chicago.--Peter Ales; ft dealer at 7252 Wentwortfi avenue,' died in the squad room of the Fiftieth street station a short time after he had been found in a dazed condition on the side walk in front of 5001 South State street by Patrolman Michael Fitzgerald. Heart disease was given as the cause of his death. His body was taken to Mclnerney's undertaking rooms, and the coroner was notified. Alex was unable to make a coherent statement when found on the sidewalk, and the police say he was taken to the station f o r s a f e k e e p i n g . A f e w m i n u t e s a f t e r he sat down in a chair in the squad room the desk sergeont heard a tail and found him on the floor. He was dead when a doctor arrived. The po lice say he had suffered no Injury. Chicago.--Two little girls, whe began life together at the same hour several years ago, after be ing separated for a short time by death, were by the same means reunited., Mildred Isabel and Miriam Louise Parmele, each aged seven years seven months and 12 days, died within a few hours of each other at the residence of their parents, 4025 North Forty-fourth avenue in Irving Park. Miriam was the first to be taken sick, some weeks ago. Recently Mil dred became ill from pneumonia. She grew worse rapidly and died. Miriam, who had been suffering from grip and bronchitis, lived only a few hours longer and did not know of her sister death. Chicago.--Two hundred guests at the Revere house,, North Clark and Illinois streets, were called from their rooms by fire in the building They rushed to the lobby of the hotel, stopping only long enough to throw on outer wraps that were at hand. The fire was in the loft above the elevator shaft. It was seen by Clarence Rock- enbach, elevator operator. He report ed to the office, from which an alarm was reported. Bells and messengers were utilized at once to rouse the guests, who were told to hasten from their rooms. In a few minutes it was apparent there was no danger of the building burning. Joliet.--When Gertrude Eib John son, 17 years old, appeared at the county clerk's office and asked for a license to marry John Buckholdt it was refused, as the girl was under age, but when she stated that she had been married once before and was divorced the situation became complicated. The girl finally appeared with her father, who gave his consent and the license was issued. The girl's maiden name was Eib and she was divorced from her first husband, Johnson, in 1908 on the grounds of cruelty. Chicago.--"Meat's too high. You fellows don't get any of this," were the last words of Goff Peller, uttered a few momeiits before he choked to death on a piece of steak. Peller, with three com panions, was eating supper in a base ment at 963 Milwaukee avenue. He had put the steak between two large slices of bread and had eaten nearly half of It when he choked. Dr. T. Z. Zelowski was called, but arrived after Peller had died. Peller was 29 years old. Duquoin.--In a dream Mrs. Got- terich Bauer saw the body of her husband, who has been missing since New Year's day, lying at t ie bottom Of an abandoned well. As soon as daylight came she aroused lier neigh bors and told them of the vision. The body was found in the well as she had dreamed. The well was uncovered and it is supposed that Bauer fell into it in the darkness. Anna.T--Joe and Floyd Harding, aged 16 and 18, respectively, brothers, of Miles, la., were arrested after confes sing to having robbed a store in Ullin. The chief of police recovered |160 worth of stolen articles. Champaign. -- The Illinois Live Stock Breeders' association took charge of the program of the Illinoit Corn Growers and Stockmen's convtn Uon, which has been in session at the university the last ten days. Th» feature was the sale of Berkshire swine offered by 20 prominent swine breeders of Illinois. The prices ranged from $30 to $62. Alpha.--Martin Pierson, 25 yeart old and unmarried, Was foufflc dead in a barn loft four miles north o New Windsor. He had beau ahoi whether by himself or some othe person is not known. <» Spring Valley.--Edward G. Thomj son. 66 years old, for 25 year a prominent business man of Sprint Valley, died here. He served as post master of this city from 1897 to 19U and was a leader in Republican part: politics in Bureau county. He serve* in the civil war. Cairo.--The Illinois Society l o Engineers and Surveyors, which 1 holding its twenty-fifth annual cor vention in Cairo, made a trip of ir spection over the Illinois Centrr bridge here and then west to Thebt ami i<w?k«d PREPARATIONS LEAPING TOPIC IN OMAHA--CALLER8 AT ' YOUNG MAN'S ItEADQUAft- ' $ TERS INTERVIEWED. * i- Neh, Feb. 9.->The4 pioet interesting feature of the enormous sale of the Cooper preparations, now going on in this city, is what the med* icines are actually accomplishing among the people ok Omaha. At the commencement of his visit here Mr. Cooper prophesied that dur ing the later part of his stay he would- receive hundreds of callers daily who came simply to thank him for what the preparations had done. He also stated that stomach trouble is the, foundation for a great many diseases and that his New Discovery, as it is called, would, prove very effective in all cases of rheumatism simply by getting the stomach in working order. That this prophecy has been fulfilled cannot he doubted after a half-hour apent at the young man's headquar ters listening to what hte callers have to say. A reporter, who watched to ascer tain, if possible, some light on the reasons for the immensity of Coop er's success, interviewed about twenty of his callers yesterday afternoon. The statements made by those seen Indi cate that physicians who claim that Cooper is merely a passing fad, have not looked into the facts. Some of these statements were as follows: W. J. Grant, a popular cigar dealer at &08 South Sixteenth street, upon being questioned, said: "After a most remarkable experience with the Cooper remedies, I cannot refrain from saying that anyone who is suffering in any way from stomach trouble, and who does not give this Cooper medicine a trial, is passing up a golden opportu nity for restoration to good health. "For three years I was troubled with my stomach, and what little I djid eat gave me distress. Nothing tasted right I felt weak and bad near ly all the time. I was nervous and allowed matters of small Importance to worry me. I treated with two differ ent physicians, but received no benefit I; had about reached the conclusion that medical science had not yet pro duced anything that would help me. "'However, a' number of friends urged me to try Cooper's New Dis covery, and they were so persistent that I Anally took ne1# hope and got a bottle of the Cooper tnedicine. After I had begun to take it I wondered why I had not taken It long ago. Its effect was marvelous--brought me right out I regained my appetite, took on new strength--in fact, began to feet like a different man altogether. 1 would not have believed there was a medicine on earth that could do so much in so short a time. I have good reason to be grateful for what Coop er's New Discovery has dime for me, and cannot praise it too highly." The statement of Mr, William Ken nedy, advertising murjaiger of tMJ3eh- nett Company, at ^ Sixteenth and Harney streets, was lis follows: "Long and tedious hours of hard work, and continuous confinement in a stuffy office tended to put my stom ach in a condition that has for many months made my life miserable. There Is no need of my going into detail, for anyone who has ever had stomach trouble knows the suffering to be en* dured. I became weakened and run down, and life began to be a drag. "A personal friend persuaded me to give the Cooper medicine a trial. I procured a bottle of the New Discovery preparation and began taking it. Re lief came quickly, and in a. short time I was feeling like a new man. I de veloped a splendid appetite, could eat anything I wanted with no ill effects, and it all tasted good. My strength returned and once more work became e pleasure. ' "I have taken four bottles, and shall continue its use until I ain fully recovered, which I am confident will not take long. This is a remarkable preparation for any ohe who is 'all in' as a result of close confinement and overwork. I earnestly recom mend it to anyone in this condition." Other statements taken from those who had previously used the medi cines seem to prove that Cooper's success throughout the country is gen- This Contractor got results. - He knew how to feed his men. Some years ago a contractor build ing a railroad i^ a warm climate wf» troubled a great deal by sickn&s among the laborers.' 1 He turned his attention at once to their food and found that they were 1 getting full rations of meat and were j drinking water from a stream near by. ; He issued orders to cut down the • •mount of meat and to increase greatly tfie quantity of ftuaker Oat* fed . to the men. " ! He also boiled Quaker Oats an# i mixed the thin oatmeal, water with their drinking water. ' * ' Almost instantly all signnof stomach disorders passed and his men showed ; a decided improvement in strength : and spirits. This contractor had experience thst taught him the great value of gobd oatmeal. *£•. "*8fT! 9<>O DROPS) is A ALCOHOL--3 PER CENT AXfegetebte Preparation ftr A»- similat ing the Food and ReguJa- fiwg the Stomachs and Bowels oC I M W I S ( H I L D K I . N *nf Exploded Thep#. • >, "Do you believe there Is anything In mental suggestion?" " f "Not a thing." «; "Don't you think it Is possible If one person keeps his mind steadily fixed on a certain thing which h« wishes another to do that the?other will be influenced so that he will eventually do it?" . , , "No, I don't believe In the theory at all. I've been wishing for a week that you'd pay me what you owe me without making it necessary for me to ask you for it.**--Sunday Magnztnf of the Cleveland Leader. > , Deafness Cannot Be Cared' by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis eased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused hv an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la inflamed 5011 have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It ts entirely eloml. Deaf ness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to it* normal condi tion, tearing will be destroyed forever; r.ii.e cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing, but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. '• We *111 elve One Hundred Dollars for any case at' Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hs.l's Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free. V. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, a Prdtno£3|)jgestionyCheerful- nessafuf&$£<mtains neither Opium.MOffltiine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC - *r/> ifoid jfrsimm&ms* S--d Mx.Smma £±i'. ^ Jf: - .-if " Ko A perfect Remedy f or Cons Hps* lion. Sour Stomach,D^fftoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. fee Simile Signature &ixtffZSS* i THE CENTAUR Compawt; ̂ NEW YORK. . The Kind You Hap Aiwaysitoaght Beats the Signature For Over A t fc> iri 011 til % oi J 3 5 U o s i s Guaranteed under the Foodasfl Bxact Copy of Wtoajqp* MSTIM •014 br Drugssisu. "5e. fete jttlUFamUy PtOa tor eoaaUpattoo. * " The Cagey Bachelor. '7^*® The woman who wanted the bach elor to come to dinner called him uip at his rooms. "Hello," she said, adding in the irri tating way of women, "do you know who this- is?" The tactful bachelor didn't fcfct was too diplomatic to admit it. - "Hello,1 beautiful lady," he tnade;an swer. :.?~v . Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chtoa» mp, tor 48-page illustrated Eye Book Fve«.> write all about Your Kye Trouble arad they will advise us to thfe 'Proper Appli cation of the Murine Eye Homedies In Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell voti that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50e. Try It in Your Eves and in Baby's Eyes for Spaly Jiyelida and Granulatios^ > 1 »* - ' • * * 1 ) C h e a t i n g t h e ( Man on §hore--I'm going ter hat« you arrested when. you coin# outer thar! "Te--he! I ain't coming out--I'm committing suicide?" (Sinks with a bubbling grin.)--Life. TO CURB A COM) IN ONK DAY Take U ILAXATIVK JiROMO _ Oeioiee refund money if It falls to cure, signature is on sack box. Xo. 1*1 Young man, don't marry a parlor ornament unless you hire a cook.-> * WHEN YOUR .JOINTS AIIK STIFF ' and muKclea sore from cold, rheumutism or neural gia; when von slip, strain or bruise yourself use Ptrrv Ihivii' Patnkilltr. The home remedy "Oyeara. The face that lights up in conversa tion Is not necessarily lantern-Jawed. Mrs. Wlsilaw'i Socthia: SjTsp. For children teething, softens the gums, redueaa ifr Sammattoa.aiiars pain, euros wind colio. asoahottts> Few men put off until to-morrow the meanness they can do Unlay. 1 Tell the Dealer you want a Lewis' Single Binder cigar for its rich, mellow quality. • •• ' " 1 11 r 1 '• . " I • It's a pity that wisdom doesn't grow on a man like whiskers. f Because Alabastine Is better wvwuov and much cheaper r insects than wail paper--does not harbor nor disease germs like wall paper. Alabastine is far better than acy kind of Kalsomiae--kabomine robs . off and flakes off. Alabastino does not. \ BEANIE powder made from pure native alabaster. velvety shades that enable you, at small cost, to decorate your walls la the nomes. style as the handsome city Atabastia* adheraa to tba wall er Jpiite as with kalaomina or wall paper. Anyooa jo»t qrfx it with cold water and apply with * flat wsdl brash. on ^ paekasre. In redecoratimc, just put a naw coat oner. tfea d)4- Hat «--»• * lot of work, troubia and money. Its own ewneroas Our Astounding Free (Mf« to Mai l Th is coupon Today Wl» will s«d Free, a aanpiebe color walls of your bona Ws will ft stcndla to helpyw--H We will send van aS«Be% m*. a home decorattas. saanisa of effeeta. and twmnleto vaHnhl* l«#orBasties to •A help you make your bo«us choerl'ul, cieaa h&&dsoifi6. To iat all thla. ••Mai aiwdl •« AUhmMdne Company J Alabsstis* Ca., • 782- Oraadvlll# Avtw, • r CSraod Rapids. MUk. I W At i & At no cost to nv stina book and 1 offers. ^ ma, plaaaa md yotar ' toil me about roor i « ^ "'4 sis**# e 1 i • '.tufas' P.O...... I . . . "%/ . For Shame, Mr. Staggers. "Our splendid cook left to-day and 1 had to take her place," said Mrs. Stag gers. "i hope I shall be successful in imitating her." "I certainly hope you will be suc cessful In following in her footsteps," suggestively remarked old man Stag- j gers as he chewed on a crisp-boiled j potato. .. Ownm tip. . .. j "Toung man, I began life-am, ! ary of four dollars a week." "And lived with your father a while, *Um--well, yes, I did." - y>^T:r - -yv w :: 1, w'. IrXf'M "'W S U N B E R R Y -- T h e I m p r o v e d W o n d e r b e r r y ' ,r!™" ™"». Mien < it una Mai was. Sold by all druggists. 26c, 60c and tl.00 bottles It's a hard, hard world, and nobody knows it better than the aviator^ / PT1JBS CFRKD IN E TO 14 NSAA PAZO OINl'MKNT! s (foaranteed t6 can jsjtchln*. Blind. Bleeding: or I'rotradlaZpfiasTia flto 1* days or money refunded. Ho, w *• Some local celebrities are aad some are notorious. 8mokers like Lewis' Single Binder elgar tor its rich, mellow quality. The average man ia always paid av erage wages. THE SUNBKRRY ia an improved form of the Wonderberry 1 Introduced axclttaively laat year and which proved eo «Kitihf% ia greatly sopertor to the ori«iusa ty p«,«nd I alone h irenaiix SSKD 20o per pkt. j 3 pkts.foraOc| /forSl.OO. LUTHER AUSBANK'S GREATEST CREATION, A Luscious Berry morning in Three KIoaHui fWaa SEED 20 CTS. PER PACKET. 3 PACKETS FOR SO CTS. POSTPAID This Is positively the GREATEST new Fruit and the best NOVELTY of modern times. These are facts which sooat csa get away from. The proofs are overwhelming in number and conclusive in character. Grown last year by 359.M9 people. Vrnit bine-black like an enormous rich blueberry in looks and taste. Unsurpassed for eating: raw, cooked, canned or preserved iu any form. This frreat garden fruit is equally valuable in hot, dry, cold or wet cli mates. Easiest plant in the world to grow, succeeding anywhere and yielding great iuas»et» of rich fruit all Bummer and fail. The greatest boon to the family garden ever known. Leaves and branches are also used for gret-uH and are superb. Kverybody can and will grow it. Luther Burbank, of California, the world famous plant wisard,or iginated the Wouderberry and turned it over to me to introduce. He says of it: "This absolutely new berry plant is of great interest and •alue as it bears the most delicious, wholesome and healthful berries in utmost profusion and always comes true from seed." R E A D M Y C A T A L O G U E , p a g e s * a n d 3 , f o r f u l l d e s c r i p t i o n , culture, uses, etc. (Also Colored Plate.) With scores of testimonials from well-known and reputable people all over the country the "Pirns of the Wwritorbrn y With every packet of see4 I send a booklet giving' lOO Recipe* for- using the fruit, raw, cooked,eamie<!, preserved, jellied, t-pk-cd, pickled, . jam, syrup, wiut, greena. etc. It Is aaperu-r for any of these ti '.cs. Also a copy of my 162-page Catalogue with evert- order-- which t«Bs . AND OFFERS, AGENTS wurrca MV GREAT CATALOGUC of Vtowrra and Vegetable Bvlba, Plants, and Rare and New Fmlta FREE to all who a[tply. l."3 pagasw 600 illustrations and colored pistes. I have been ia the buainea* - 35 years and liave half a. miilktn customers all over the eoootry. Complete satisfaction guaranteed to everyone. X>o not fail to nee UM - maiiy great Novelties I aia offering thla jrear oi wkisk Jfaa,StW-- BERRY Is tba greatest ever known. P. «, THs Address JOHN LEW 18 OHILD8, Floral Park, N. Y. his otfsr wffl not appear s«aia. Writs for Substrr seed asd Cstato--a at oaca. Ds mot a>«tart es f )' C H E W AN D 5 M • K E imrr 1 - - / TTuT i f 1 ! ! i n T O B A C C O 3 o fx?- • ,» •* ' uy„ *• 'tit j-V*- trl'jiiii >\ ,3