,3»sss» , ; / , ' • : • - X' ** « A. 1 *,*4^. ' /r/-'^ r - 1 " W-::* ^ Sl^Jt ' f.-u.'.t --jA)giv -.-a„.».. ,•••• v..wf>«i>f«"Su !?#.'"«!'.jli«'S1-Jl.S"ivi.:-. • mi SKi • gif ff CMIC&& : n:*'- RwKers, Bedste«fs, Davenports. ciri Tilles, Dining TiMes. Office Office Dinis$ CBiirv Writing Desis, ' lifiriry Tables, (ftina CatwieU Music Cabinets Dressing Cdses Parlor Cabinets, ftc o UR line of Furniture is al* ways kept complete and up- to-date. There isn't a piece of Furniture made that we can not furnish the trade and at prices, too, that just fit the workingman's purse. Besides being in the furniture business we also do undertaking and embalming. Calls of this na ture always receive our very best attention. We respond to calls promptly at any and aU times, day or night. :: :: '&• Jacob J usten 4 r ifc- We do not Claim 'ir • , • * that ow "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST J& THE WORLD, but we do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour IS EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which-we are proud and we rec ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper - nickle Flour, all of which rank in the very highest West McHenry flour and feed Mills west Mchenry, Illinois JOHN SPENCER. Prop. ;ENTERVILLE Grocery and Flarket \ Always a fresh and com- ' plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: • • it t- 'V: | CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. Ruy Your Stoves at Home Don't be deceived by extravagant claims Of far away, unknown makers who claiui to sell good stoves at a price that doeft not eve n pay for the cost of good material ajlone. A little use quickly shows their' "built to sell" character, the light cast ings will firecrack, warp or burn out. The seams will open, oven will fail t$> bake, grates cannot be operated, doors iail to close and the hundred and one 'Other features of cheaply made and care lessly constructed stoves will show them4- ,'selves in their proper light. Our stove# Sire of the reliable make and sold under a positive guarantee. Call and see them and get our prices. :: P. L. iTIcOmber THE * x * • - ^ WEST w SI SIDE HARDWARE. • . . *0 rue McHenry MtMeiler PUBLISHED BVEKY THURSDAY BY F. a. SCH REINER, 0«c«in Bank Salldint. Telephone, No.3W. TERMS Of SUBSOmPTIONi Oneyear . M.60 Six months. 75 eta. Three month*. 40ott. Thursday, February 34, 1910. i f I I f i 1 1 « liini. I I' FOR COLLKCTGR, 1nerefiy announce my candidacy for collector for the township of McHenry, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary. Thanking my all friends for past support, I am. Yours truly, . John Niesen. FOB HIGHWAY COMM1SSIOXKR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the com ing town primary, and will be thankful for the support of my friends. 86 tf James L Oonway, ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision, of the voters at the pri maries. jfcSTHUR A. ORISSEY, 33 tf Marengo, 111. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for eounty offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 Charles Wandrack. 'f~~ A More Mint. The young man bad married tfce Hch man's daughter and wasn't killing himself with work to support her. One day the old man took him to task. ••Look here," he said emphatically, ••why doe't you go te> work?" "I dont have to," the son-in-law re plied, with braien effrontery. "Well, you will hare to." • "Why will ir "Because, air, I cannot live always to rapport you." "But you will la*!* us something?" "Not much I wont. There won't -be anything to leave." i ' v The son-in-law was alarmed., 1 "Guest Jtapiterr he exclaimed "Toe don't mean to tell me you bave noth ing?" "That's about the size of It." The son-in-law devoted himself to profound thought for several seconds. MI have a suggestion to off or," he •aid in a businesslike manner. "What Is i t?" asked the old gent. "Well, 1 suggest that you take out, «ay, £25,000 life assurance on yourself to save wear and tear on my mind."-- Illustrated Bits. THE OBt^AOO MAIL ORDER HOUSES. This is the time of year that the Chi cago mail order houses are working overtime in flooding the surrounding country with their annual catalogues. These catalogues at this time are going out by the car loads, and we dare say that this locality has not been forgotten by these' 'generous" Chicago merchants. The Plaindealer wishes at this time to remind its readers that too much confi dence should not be placed in these big fellows. Thru various courts it has been found that these large concerns do not always do business "on the square," in fact, it has been proven beyond the least possible doubt that they are "crooked." Misrepresentation of their goods to their customers via the cata logue route is one of their chief traits. The Plaindealer has just recently shown its readers where one house was found guilty of misrepresenting its gasoline engines. This is only one of the numer ous charges brought against mail order houses where they were found guilty of crookedness. Those of our readers who were for tunate (or should we say unfortunate?) enough to receive one or more of these catalogues will, no doubt, look over the hundreds of pages very carefully in search of bargains. The thousands of quotations at first glance appeal to the average reader. So much so that "a trial order" soon finds its way to the hands of the millionaire owners of the big establishments. Often times these orders run into many dollars. In this way the country people are assisting the big fellows to heap up the millions and preventing the smaller merchant from making even a comfortable living. This, we say, is anything but fair. Let every one of The Plaindealer read ers who has received one of these cata logues give the home dealers the first chance. The home dealer is the man who should get this money, as it is he who is called upon to assist every cause that comes up for the betterment of the community in which he resides. Here in McHenry there isn't a bust ness man who is not willing to do this, but in return he asks to be given some consideration when anything in his line is wanted. Our advice to those who have been in the habit of patronising mail order houses is this: When you receive a cat- alogue go over its pages with the great est care possible. Look up the things that you wish to purchase, mark theiu and then jot down the quoted prices. Go to your home merchant, tell him what you want and if he doesn't meet the mail order house prices (quality of goods considered) or in many cases go 'am one better, bring the catalogue to as and we will eat it. That is just exactly how much confi dence we placd in McHenry's business men and heartily believe that every other fair minded person should have in his home dealers. Again we say. Give the horn* merchant Arst chance at your trade, then if you are satisfied that you can do better in Chicago, go thers. Re member, however, the home merchant first, by all means. A Dsar Dish. "Learning by experience In New Tork Is expensive business,** said an out of town man. "Last night a les son cost me just $8.50 and was cheap at that. You see, I had a little dinner for a few friends in a private room at one of the best restaurants. Every thing was just right, and I was mighty well pleased. One thing was especial ly pretty, and that was the dish of spun sugar in which the fruit was served. It had all sorts of little flowers and bowknots sticking out from It, and every one of the crowd broke off a piece to nibble on. When I went to pay the bill one item surprised me. 'Bight dollars and a half for a dish' was something I didn't understand. What's it for?" I asked, pointing to this item. And It was then and there explained to me that a dish of spun sugar was Just as much the property of the establishment as one of cut glass or silver, and any damages must be paid for. It was all right enough, but it was new to me."--New Tork Overplayed HI* Hand. "Sir," began the bumptious appli cant tor a job, "I hare been told that you are looking for a clerk." "So I am," answered the man at the desk. "I suppose you want ar person who neither smokes, drinks nor swears and never engages in games of chance; one whose character Is the best; one who Is honest, Industrious and thoroughly capable; one who will stop at nothing, consistent with his principles, to fur ther the interests of his employer. In short, a brisk, intelligent all around man who knows business from A to Z and will never be caught napping? If SO, I am the individual you are look ing for." "You will pardon my diffidence, I hope," said the man at the desk. "If you are half as competent as you claim to be I feel myself unworthy of becoming your boss. Good morning!" --Birmingham Age-Herald. Fooled Him. When Tommy was taking papa bis dinner he stopped for a moment to watch a workman emptying a sewer. "That," remarked Tommy interest* edly, "is the grate my brother lost a shilling down." The workman's eyes Ut up. ^ « "Well, young man," ha saM, with a show of carelessness, "you'd better get forward with that dinner before Ifs cold." In about half aa hour Tommy re turned to find the man still at the same grate. "Are you quite som it was this grata the shilling waa lost In?" said the workman. "I am certain," replied Tommy, *T9e- cause I aaw my father get It oof- London Answers. VMgfcM's 1111 5EED Catalog from the Great Central Market is a business book; only straight talk about the best kittSt of vegetables and flowers that eipert growers in America and Ear ope can raise for as. The Book is Tree. Write today. Enclose IO cents in coin and receive 800 seed* of Vaiurban'S Giant Pan tiles--world beaters la aize and color*. V AUGHAN*S SEED STORE 84-86 Randolph Street. CHICAGO w 25 Barclay St., New York Bcrtm Emniert Expert Fitter of Glasses for all EyeTroubles AtBesley's Drug: Store Wanted Papa to Enjoy It. Vvancls, aged four and a half, had annoyed his father until that Individ ual finally lost patience. He was try ing to do some varnishing. Thinking to get rid of him for a few minutes, ha said, "Hurry, son, to the window and watch the parade." The lad ran to the window and climbed upon a chair, while the father smiled at the success of his little lie. The smile was still on his face when a tug at his coat and a "Hurry, papa, quick!" caused him to start toward the window. "What la the matter?" ho aaked. "Come and sea the elephant In the parade P*--Delineator. Wednesday, Mar, 9 April 13 flay 11 June S July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 1a Nov. 9 Dec. 14 m OF A PERSONAL NATURE Jjjiotograplis of the children^ •^petwres for theif friends, pijjk; litres for your family and yog^. Wife's, pictures for you and Children both to look upon la ; Mature years and bring back the eftiklliood days again. We talf*; j|em, and take them so weM fhat they catch all the charm! g|d preserve them for yon. :.' ""HHP . PHOTO - SUTDIfS* West McHenry, Illinois. Phone 432. WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE QO. AND Perfectly Equipped. When the large and healthy looking Individual who has asked at tha door tor "a little aomething to eat" was told that he might hare It if ho wotild work awhile at the wood pOe ha ahook Ma bead mournfully. "I've got the ague," he explained, "and my hand la that unstlddy I couldn't hit more'n ona stick in seven." "All right!" exclaimed the mistress of the house. "Go out In tbo back yard and shako those ashes for mk" Took All His Money, Cfttefi all a man earns goes to at {JOT medicines, to cure a Stomach, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly curs at slight cost. Seat for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Biliousness, .Constipation, Jaun dice, Malaria and Debility. 25c at N. H. Peteach's and Frank MasqseleJ;'®, Tank heaters at Wm. Stoffel 'e. Experts at Oofonixing. Tha only two countries which draw pome benefit fron} their colonies and jknderstand how to manage tham are England and Holland--two countries which have many national character- istica in common.--Amsterdam Han- 4aisblad. A Poor Remedy. notice a man who had a colli te Als head has committed suicide." "Poor fellow! Now what fool aould have advised htm to try tint ramedy?"--Philadelphia Ledger. 4 I1L4 o p s AYER'S HAIR VIGOR a i l i n g H a i r kyer'a Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, qulnin, sodhnn chlorid, capsicum, **&< alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single ariou* ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor if this is not ao. fcfio* his advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. falling checks HAIR VIGOR Docs not Color the McHenry Entertains a Large Company of Visitors Darlnjr the Week--Whom We (Entertain. G. C. McLain was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Nick Buhr. was a Terra Gotta visitor Wednesday. Mrs. John E. Freund" was |a windy city visitor Wednesday. Jacob Jnsten was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Everett Hunter transacted business in the windy city Tuesday. Miss Mayme Clark of Elgin was a re cent guest of McHenry friends. . Mrs. Susie Smith was the guest of relatives in Chicago Wednesday. F. L. McOmber was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Friday. • Mr . and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth were guests of Wauconda relatives Tuesday. Gilbert McOmber has gone to Chica go, where he has secured employment. Mrs. Jos. Heimer was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Evanson were among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and son, Harold, visited Mr. wad Mrs. Merrhnan last Tuesday. N. A. Huemann attended to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Tuesday, Miss Anna Blake of Spring Grove spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Henry Meyers. Charles Colby of Des Moines, lit,, was calling on his aunt, Mrs. S. Shferbnrne, one day last week. C. M. Adams of Jobnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station this (Thursday) morning. J. C. Debrecht of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train from this station Wednesday morning. Emil Laech of Chicago was in Mc Henry the first of the week looking after his interests here. Miss Get trade Steilen returned to Chicago last Friday morning after a few days' visit with friends here. Mrs. Dwelly of Ringwood spent Sat urday night and Sunday with her sis ters, Mrs. Button and Mrs. Merriman. Mrs. Henry Randall returned to her home in Marengo last Saturday, after a pleasant visit with relatives in this vicinity. Misses Lillian Mentser and Lillian Vosdick of Woodstock Bpent a couple of days the latter part of last week as guests of McHenry friends. Misses Kathryn and Annabelle Hei mer went to Chicago laat Friday morn ing, where they were the guests of friends until Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fay and son, El more, of Chicago are visiting McHenry relatives this week. $Ir. Fay has dis posed of his Chicago grocery fchd inar fcet. ' ' , Place "Sour Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with 9 return card printed jbberqon. Every pian, farmer or person of an.y occupation should have his name aqd address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sander if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, Nobody can stay chapped who appliefe Walters' antiseptic cream. No grease or stickiuess. Twenty-five cents at Pet- Bank of McHenry ' 1 1 mrnmitmm ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a CHERAI BAIIKDN BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first elMs security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and til lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. ̂ INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. -NORTHWESTERN* I nnb pnifti TELEPHONE NO. 362 Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per dav. IHEO.SQIIESSltftip. WEST McHENRY. MEATS That are fresh, juicy and tender are what we sell here.. Also a fine line of Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea son. We know we have just what you want. Will also hafre Fresh Fish on every Friday and Fast Day. E. F. Matthews West McHenry, III, ^ telephone Professional, Society *• and Business Cards TJS* i * 1 :>i0 DAVID G.WELIsS M. P. J OHYS1 CI AN, SURGEON AND OCULIST ^ office and residence corner EUn a«>d Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 se? f FEGEBS * FEGKES OHYB1C1AN8 AND SURGEONS. ,s. , l in. Office at Residence, corner Oonrtaad . Elm streets Telephone 333. ;1 Pi? D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, nUnoU^ -tV All hnaineai Intrusted to Ills care Will o#.s-All boutness Intrusted to Ills care will properly and promptly attended to. V">F' • 1>K. R. U. CHAMBER 141? ^ ,r ^ - /• " ever BMtejr's Oni|r % flour*: 8:oo to 3:30. ; tff g?' ."i «S- DENTIST Wwvr ICOHjbnht. IX,X» TdtplwH N* 6 Office ever M. J. Walsh'# Dk. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS : -- r I ' M ; . ' ~ ' t. Tilcpkm N*. ^ ~ SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. West McHenry. Illlaeia H.C.MEAQ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE if;, > AND INSURANCE AOBNT. ( I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop*#' erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etcj|^ Also have a special line of Insurance on Llvfj.'? Stock insuring against death from any caustfc?; hi-West McHenry, III BUSTY STOVES &( MADE NEW SHINES ITSELF WON'T WASH OFF If your dealer Hasn't it see John J. Vycital WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't forget to call on LMbert 0. Sent 9a Fifth Avei « where you will/ a I ways be treate# courteously unij receive the bes| in the market it the line of Wines^ L iquors & Cigari PARCELS CHECKED FREE. - - V West Side Livery PROP. ; >T> Notice | To insnre publication in The Plain dealer copy mast be in the office no later th$n Wednesday noop of each week, .̂dyeftteere, esppcially, are aaked to take particular notic po this effect. Hot cross bqns every Friday daring Lent at the Mf Henry bakery and B. F. Matthews meat market. 89 « US -wattle. h> .:*C >-> * : . h . .AiLt.. -V.jl. .*•..Al'.(..«£< . •iW'- I s , ' *'* " t e. ' ' r-V.-V ' ,> t • % 'Buses meet all trains for points on IMstakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teaui- lnur of all kinds done promptly. Spe- ciai attention given to traveling mep. b'irst-class rigs with or without driver at>easouable prices. 'Phone 472. ;; Weat flcHenry, - - Illinois, Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they- are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testis r-J. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's ccinter. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gent?emeit who clierisHk Quality -For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- Are You perhaps thinking of purchasing a Gasoline Engine? If so, we have a proposition that will in terest yon. Jnst think of it--«t 2 h. p., 4x6 cylinder Gasoline Engine for $75.00! Compare this engine with those rated at 4 h. p. Weight of engine, 600 pounds. Also pumping engin* at $37*5°. .v Wm. Bacon, • McHenry PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. ' TELEPHONE 831. . MeHENpY, The Weekly Inter-Ocpan apd ^i|j|| pnper delivered fpr one year at onj^ "special deal" priee of fl.?5 for thjl^ ft W « -V- S.