McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1910, p. 8

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'ip^swpspwnipp'sp'pppp BUT NOT MOST HERE. AFTER YOU WEAR Sincerity Clothes • you'll wonder wfiy the price isn't hfig'her. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- lhey never lose , their shape, be- • fi'S %tt$e both cloth and canvas are reshim^pbythe Liondon process *#-cant ^ag or stretdh. • Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by the makers^' the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones in oar,new shoeing. :: *0»1ty Clot Copyright JOS. w. WEST McHE^RY, FREUND ILLINOIS. OF A FiRSONAL MATUIE Cr WHONf WE ENTEftTAj* WHERE W€ GO. AN|> Bininas tape fruit JOHN STOfFEL WEST McNBNRY. TELEPHONE 301 K.C urn Powttr 25c cm careful delightful ...DRINK GOOD TEA... M k Sanborn's E A S.. Make a Delicious Drink DRINK (HASESANBORN'S COFFEE and you will be sure of having a cheering and healthful drink. There is no other "just as good" for the reason that Chase <fc Sanborn are the larg­ est direct importers of Private Growth Coffees and Teas in the country; their goods have that uniform quality that sat­ isfies. No one who has ever tried their goods is willing to return to other brands. if4 •zC Kitchen Utensils We have an ass^^ o{ Kitchen Utensus that are bijij* for service. Our line of Violet iftfee-coated Granite Ware is a beauty and mauds your attention. On your next to our store ask us to show you our display and j|t the same time we will explain the merits of every article. Our Coffee and Tea Pots that sell at frok». , 40c to 75c Iff* dandier Also par Tea Kettles at from... ^ • j . • « • - • » • • • • . * ̂ * + • • • t o $ I • Our line of Wash Boilers are marked at prices -ysiK ' 1 j * ranging from. 75c to $3.50 JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERVILLE HARDWARE MAN. 'V To increase the feeding capaci­ ty of your farm 50 per cent and the flow of milk the same, in­ stall an INDI­ ANA SILO. :: WM. STOFFEL, - AGENT ' Pllonss: Meftmry Knt«rtaft>a » Urf« fl«»pkoir mt VUitorn During; tM W««k-Whom W« Knt«rtata. Heary Bach spent Saturday last in Chicago. Mrs. Nina N. Sherman spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Peter J. Bowers called on Mrs. John D. Lodie wa|a Cryital Lake visitor Tuesday. Mike J listen last, week. Miss Mabel Granger passed the Sab» bath with Elgin relatives Mrs. Lora Brown of Ringwood was a MoHenry visitor Monday. Theo. H. Bethke attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. E. Jenks of Wanconda was a caller in town Wednesday afternoon. John P. Weber boarded the Chicago train Saturday morning last. Miss Addie Overton of Solon Saturday last with relatives here. Peter B. Frennd and son, Edward, passed Tuesday in the metropolitan oity. H. E. Martin of Wanconda attended to business matters in McHenry Wed­ nesday. Mrs. May me Lamphere and son, George, were guests of relatives in Elgin Monday. ' f *' Mrs. F. £i iBohlander attended to business matters in the windy city Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Thelen is in Chicago today selecting her new stock of Easter millinery. S, H. Frennd attended a meeting of the board of supervisors connty seat Tuesday. N. E. Barbian and J. H. ivm.rr are attending to business matters at the county seat today. Alvin Kimball of Wanconda was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evanson Sunday. C. M. Adams of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station this (Thursday) morning. Miss Emma Bugner of Johnsburgh is spending the week as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Miller here. Jack Davis of St. Louis passed Sun­ day as the guest of Roy Bohlander and Gilbert McOmber here. «.-• i Mrs. Edith Frasier of Elgin was the guest of her uncle, Mr. Merrimagi, from Saturday last until Monday. Miss Lizzie Lay of Johnsburgh was among the Chicago passengers from this station this (Thursday) morning. Chas. G. Frett, T. J. Walsh and L. F. Block made a visit to the Terra Cq ta factory this (ThursdRyK„_ fcrM an^JSr***5^5oT^Bethke and • ™*^Mis« Marie Block passed 6 ^feobath with Dundee relatives. ". and Mrs. Wm. Amann and chil- ren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jnsten a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simes spent Sun" day at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. P. Johnson, at North Crystal Lake. Will Stoffel, Jr., went to Elgin yester day (Wednesday) morning for a few days' visit at the home of his brother, M. J. Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. John Sabel and son, Willie, of Chicago passed several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo.: Winkle. Carl North of Wanconda was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Cafl is now employed in the printshop of the Wanconda Leader. Lewis Miller and Miss Sdna Wicksof Woodstock were guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Miller, Sunday. Mrs. Mayme Overton of this place and Miss Agnes Carey of Ringwood went to Elgin last Friday evening, re­ maining the guests of relatives and friends in that city until Sunday even­ ing. . • • ' Danief Heminway, former telegraph operator at the Northwestern depot here, but now agent for the Northwest­ ern company at South Elgin, is confined to hie bed and threatened with typhoid fever. Mrs. H./H. Fay and son returned to their Chicago home Tuesday morning after a week's visit at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howe. Mr. Fay was out over Sunday. H. H. has secured a good position with the National Pickle & Canning Co., and will act as one of the company's Chica* go salesmen. He began work Wednes­ day mornitig of this week. 6apt. Bogardu* Again Hit* the Ball's Ky«. This world famous rifle shot who holds the champj^nship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lin­ coln, III. Recently interviewed, he says:--"I have suffered a longtime with kidney and bladder trouble and have used several well known kidney medi­ cines, all of which gave me no relief un­ til I started taking Foley 's Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley's Kidney Pills I was subjected to severe backache and pains in my kidneys with suppression and oftentimes a eloudy voiding. While upon arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley's Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my own self. All this I owe solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and always teoommend them t1 my fellow sufferers." Frank Masque " let. ____ Three Bojra In On* Week. Three boys were born in MoHenry and vicinity since ©«r last publication, as follows : A boy to Mr. and Mrs. John Klenk lust Saturdry, February 28. A boy to Mr. and Mrs. Math. Glossen on Wednesday, March 2. A boy to Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Granger on Monday. February 28. Air cooled, double exhaust--aome i ability a. V .SHFSFflBWPH Y4" V-Vvi'Tj Uniformity MILLS Si • PORTLAND ^ CEMENT J STRENGTH- ALIr of these qualities in EACH ONE of them. ANY ONE of them will meet the require­ ments of the MOST EXAOTINCT. Oareful buyers look at these things as well as the price. If you are thinking of using cement in any quantity, from a sack to a carload, give us your order ,a»d we will take care of you. No order too small to receive our attention, none too large for us to handle. If you want a GOOD ceatight, do not fail to specify one of THESE THREE. We also handle one of the cheaper brands. i: :: -WILBUR LUMB Telephone 65I. West McHenry, III. M ey To make room for our Spring Goods. Feb. 18 to March 5. CHILDREN'S BEAR SKIN COAT® lii Red, Green, Blue, drey end Tin $2.75 for Coats that sold at ;..; $8.50 $2.60 for Coats that sold at ... 18.26 $2.25 for Coats that sold at $3.00 $2.00 for Coats that sold at $2.50 and $3.7$ LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS $9.00 for Ladies' Muff and Scarf that sold at $12.50 $4.50 for Ladies' Muff and Scarf that sold at $6.25, $6.90 J.75 for Ladies' Scarfs that sold at. 2.50 for Ladies' Scarfs tttet sold at. $1.25 for Ladies' Scarf.s thatt sold at...... 90c for Ladies' Scarfs that^old at $1.25 for Ladies' Muff that sold at * $2.00 for Children's Fur Set that sold at $2.25 for Children's Fur Set that sold at. $1.50 for Children'8 Fur Set that sold at., fl .15 for Children's Fur Set that sold at:. $5 50 ...$8.25 ...$1.65 ...$1.2» ...$1.75 ...$2.75 ...$8.25 ...$1.98 .. $1,49 MEN'S AND BOYS'JCAPS 79c for all Caps that sold at. .$100 89c for all Caps that sold at 50c 19c for all Caps that Sold at 25c GLOVES AND MITTENS 79f for all Gloves and Mittens, lined, that sold at $1.00 39c for all Gloves and Mittens, lined, that sold at. .50c f. A. BOHL . McHEHRY. is the foundation upon wMcl^pp? future success in life depends. Ambition and Ability are often powerless te succeed without Capital! ' , What are your chances? j ^'dollar or two weekly deposited regularly with Our Savings Department will, in less time than you think, with three per cent interest added, give you capital for most any business. , Start your account today, - WEST MCHENRY STATE BANK Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase ..SPRING GOODS.: Spring Goods! In what line?- Dress Goods, "of course." Our shelves are stocked full to the top with the most complete, up-to-the-minute line of Satin Taffetas, Cashmeres, Serges, Fancy Suitings, in black and colors; new Danish Cloth, Henriettas, Nuifls Veiling, Ginghams, Linene Suiting, Percales, Cheviots, Zephyrs and Calicoes. Never before have we been able to show the buying public such values. SILK SUITINGS.--The creation for spring *jvear is a one-piece gown, and we can fill the wants olf the most critical in Shansi Soir, Maxine Siftr, all Linen, in all . shades, Pekin novelties, fancy Tisststg and Ginghams, and at prices we invite you to compare with, same class of merchandise sold elsewhere. SPECIAL CLOSING RRICEZS ODDS AND ENDS lv Metns extra heaty fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, sold at 50c each..;... }$t MenVA.ll WoOTt?nd^r^ar at'. 75Ct $1»00» $I.1S ' Ladies| Ribbed Fleeced Shirta and Pante sold at 00c garment now ea.... 3Sc Ladies' ixtra heavy Fleece Lined and Wool Heee, colors gray, blue and black, jpo values, now 15c per pair or. 2 pair# for 2$€ Children \ heavy fleeced ribbed hoee, specialnow at 16c, 2 for, 2§C We have tall^n from our shelves a great many pieces of Dreee Materials nuhl »t 15c to 86c per yard ftptd Q)«d« on* gseat 1«H of It to close on^ at per yard...... .i Ladies' fast black Hose, 10c, S patrs foT..^ . 2Sc Men 's fast black Hose, 10c, 8 pairs for..«.£. Extra wide Fancy Ribbon, per yard.... ,;V. j»L«». u* All Warm Footwear at less than cost. at Every item is a bargain. I • ' j* V$-, V' **s- ^ " * t ? ̂ ' 1'.. 4 "V kJ f" :s»i t'PMi V. ~ vf.\" 'war* ? -L

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