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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1910, p. 2

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<fc\ w . « v *• • - *•*» ,">; %>v»', The McHcnry Plaindealci Q. SCHREI tish»d by tAS (THABOE " sav { ' m, If an-'• iff CHSNRY 'nal ^t^ctons Are your «f. al!!S 9 Supreme iderPeti- ifiM When t f Gwertiit«i e Avo ftoosevelt a . bid l>ge brings experii^ce. Vftle sometimes works b&ckwarda^' Say good-by soon t<S : tratoft met, for It is on its way. ^ Boston 'baa not become excitHl as^ y«t over the price of beans. ' ^ fa it comMg tt tbe point where a . dancer cannot b<f grac^hri^ tp clothes-? Washington?; --, , >.. ^ ^ ihg tbe"1 wit&« Sometimes it does not |Miker^De*finger-Pfawhoi ultimate speed to take life faateat a statement; rri t train. ,. w * givlng^i^ .stiW at th# \ityk " ftuaiSop *l:oiiniy ii£ dicfttnent in ^Tfera^pjCit^ Fti^K;:eh&|^;i jing cfllnqjnal ^ns'ptracy In'-restW&tf :' " *" ' "J of tr^kde, tbe he^vi^t yet^ stftiok against th« ;t>ee| triist I>y-WM. :ot jpun- ? &hmen)f Jfofv aj^feltrarily . $»© "Kprffee of t^&at jpad poultry wi Isf^redf:^ iV^V ,• ,, ,coipofipji8i, #lp!i ft»e ij& [parent;' • .wg^niaatiol^lw^'^NatiOBtal- ^ Pac^lfcg 0omp^iy-:/an^ 21> 1adivi|l<a®^ dilators, ^wc^ar-'- iiarn^ in ' the ^ eon "jfracy cbarg&m., ' . a. ." % n« Thiat Atte tWiTS* .-jLTnleli8 ecent ust Route Frei0*lf ft Lowest- Cost. The U^nois rallroai a^ w^rehous#' mfihiwa)£fC11' a r decision promutl- •te£, n?aiesUt the dtyty of railroads whfea\accept£nj^i,freight td too route lt;that it will be carried fl^t; the low- «st%pos^le coslt/^^ ahippifer.t This Hie -itoapi. are c^nM^with doing, re- gardless ef whetHe|®|H^ receive from the abjpi»i,;: a. s$ecifl£^evjeft fiwr » short fig., Tfee lilcialoif wasJi?ii||$« case Of Bregman jfe Cp^ age!«s| th^ Chicago •<k ,«^thweste^<ra1Wg#dly,'white-h.: j*as' mm ieaM Fria* Dacisidn Be ' Ineffectual--8t«»rf^ ' & Co. bim^a Ofer - Evanston to "Ke- ...sentA,by way of ^ belng $1.4# a ton. they had directed There is -ti' great difference between SK j>eanut. farmer and - • peanut poli­ tician. • Mos^'bf :tj>e InliEj^^ls/'Sl^lCt^ •esideat mtWjlltoiiii*es «^'.Chlcatdy;..l|Sfi1'*"' ^aT^^^y^y'^oHPreslclfej*1 Ballinjifer' A Grand Rapids man was filled by ft ibil of print paper. A single copy suffices in some cases. 1 • ^ • *' A Brooklyn widow advertises for a husband with a million. Skt mast^ mean a million of faults. ^ The earth travels nearly three mil­ lion miles a day, and we ar^ all of us more traveled than we had SH®posed. The sensible man will take care of the grip, and pneumonia will take care of itself. /X Too bad that the woi; building on |ifars should done by British astronomera. ---- § $ How wpdld you like\to be a perf ly inoffensive comet and Jb& blamed for all the hafd luck eyeryi^iere?'1 c Hie fellow who designed this ^ea^ son's neckties apparently ^-etp» OQ motto: When ^ doybt, use purpli V The postcard business!1 ls^a^ great one. According to the overworked post-office employs^ rther4' are mil­ lions in it ^ ^ . So Lathi ^ of 3,600 feet 1^ his aerafclaiie? a long drop that would make if any­ thing happened!** u reached aft>ittttude ^ ;et Iff his aero|>lai^e? W%©t ' ^"Frenchman is reported-to risen 3.300 feet In the ^ air. ave or& hange^ r^iaa qhanj ±-/ i "farthest north" the cry to "farthest up." Vi I'he per capita money off the coun­ try is $34.83. But the ultiihate con- aomer still appears tp hjt*e mor^ ap­ petite than money.. One of the troubles a boat gett along without meajt is that t^ere ar •o few other things to eat, if on doasn't like pruned, Loss of characte? i^always d^jor- •hle, but it would be the tip to^Rf of good luck for sorie men if they could lose their reputation, 4 A Jeraeyman^won't permi^any hf- tag over 1^ property. T^is may go for aviators,, but who iai to make the losquitoes observe it? * 1 y A Texas man has traded 10C acres of land for 100.000 gallons whisky. Simply sa„,matter of exchang­ ing acres for hea<£achei*. ̂ Ohio paper complains because Ives' livers cost 25 .agnts a'-potffi^i. Why not logk op> the. right side? No caifg liver wjigfas pounds. A French avi^tc^p is reported • ^ have fallen from his aeroplane into a tree and escaped injury, 'gftllnds like the twentieth century Baron Munchau- St. Louis butc tfcm to gosrt/^ieat' lamb chops ,3? We had supp factory. -""f >*ip- The girte oftght to rejnejfiber t" y that phJec- sut>stftute for t^eat HflSi purely psychological, ppakftd the less money Yale Kays spend tor rlolets on the occasion of the "junidr prom" the more dtone^they wiU have to buy engagement Ti^psX * • # An unusual marriaga-^toQk place In Gotham when the woman teller -of one of the banks married ltbl> masculine teller of another. Wito boUi tellers thus united the tale of lovl have been well told. should ... 4W be'.jtfŜ siswi fy,pm tWe tsbryick . :TN»e /ij^.foi0«e'{f^n stateniei|t>Sv-as folfowed by a.rca#^c of the former f witness. *"* y statem.%t which' Mr. Pin^hot read with* dramatic elfect outlined the stdry which he expects ta relate in detai? before his testimony is coM; P • ^tor ĵ fa said 3\l^.Tpin£hot w/thoyt raising his joic^ &r ipoicating |hat he Regarded it dt|ier ^^an a merej matter-of-fact preface^ -"and the wilnessepywhom shall a«k Ir6/u to call have b^en heard, Wtfuxpir" ̂ wfize thatNthe iajeresis of ?tKe Tjfe^fjpare,. not" safe Mr% ./Bal- ling-er.'s '^j5Ads/-ari'd that 'th^-'^uillry "fhis ^dpmnaitteef a. \^r- ^ict ln .^pteny*with• tfei ^eneral^lm- ip,^'M§-c«etttfy-,; oif ,,the in- tert&r\Ji|is-«l^^i both to the ;J^lio^Lwfi®s4._., pjfep^irjPf'hfi has ^n- ^a^gifefe^ aiwid thei1 ^B^enti whom •TO ha-#. '{ • •* Pinchot (tPdared he -would Show th&fe^aHing^4 entec§d;oj|ce with .i^be pw'rpqse of overturning the R©os^vlk^polipy j of! safe-guarding ;Njrk- ter<»«9we^^i|esyfnd .spi^ke. & tfe^4jga- •t>e rit! vee ^rtwof • '{getting' rldfOf:^n^drv pu^ic ,s<Srva«t."- «; j-.-.V _ : I " rtf&tp' S»}R»Vv4tioh movement' begyn the Administration of President ^^oseVelt' ,%as:^ic^r^ingVsplen!did^ "ulewt^tho tiiQtjtl^t»'^resident Taft J|»d Secretary. .BalHn^er came iotb office, de?JarM\^^.; .pinchot.'*' ^W'i.olfafgeT t h in%~a^dhth, jper^afte: Secretary llillinger had practically broken^the backboney)f the 1 central idea conservatjkm movement 1>y restoring- pteviWsly wit^xlcawn water .pe^W siteSs^to tW\>public\ domain and haying^thews' jppen\# p'ri vatft appropria­ tion and motfcpo}i|[Uc c»ntrol. "Cr -,, rfestoratipnf by Mr. BalUnger were^mad'ejWithotit ^any inv^sjjgation 0% the "sj^Wnct whatey«r, sa^S~Mr. Pin- <^ot, f&n^Jie^chargf A. - eeci^t'ary with .^hay!ng; y^^bjst^ately Prder^d the Micelte of |he) Reclamation s«fvic^ against their will, £0 recomnjetid that .some of Ih^^restor^Jjqns should be . 1 " . " * CoEpernl^g the Glavis charges" in jtlSe^anriffigtetm coal cases Mjp. Pin- ^.chot "slid: , { v "1 shaltr show you how the fore erflce 4became involved 4n 1 and;' St. ,Loul». llanyX^f tfee »best known in ^ffe packing are*" included in, the cons, charged. - Alt' wiM jbe arrested as qoon as the.^authorities cah locate them unless they surrender*of their'own ac­ cord. They will be extradited to Jer/ sey City and heldQ>n hail for an ©arly trial. ""'"The corporations indicted are: • The National Packing iCompany, Armour has been 4oId^.lk& Co.. Swirt & C</, Morris & Co,, the isr his Hammond Packing Company, the G: H. Hammond Company?5 The individual directors indicted and liable on conviction. to* heavy fine-and imprisonment are: '< J. Ogden Armour, A. Wajtson- Ar- maiir, 'Louis F, Swift, Edward" F. 3wift. Charles H. Swift, JSdward U, Morr Edw E.. Vviison, Thomas J.rConors, f>wler^JL. H. Heyman^klnes, E. 'Bath­ gate, Jr. 5 George H. Edwartfe, fl ,.V. Cooper,, Henry P. Darlington, D. % Hartwell. " p. B^^BetOrson. A." a! Fuller.; "• " V.\' " • v * The grand jury iti continuing Ito^in­ vestigation jnto ,the Storage of impure food in Jersey City ^rold storage plfmts and a large batch of in^iptments for that * crime will probably bf handed <6p next Tuesday# , . ^Th#Vi--JWstk%e« ..w.i|Qf'ihino^:•"aTV-mfeet- ' lng i|i Cfei<5S^:6^issued an orde^dfrPct- ing that all' further jpro<seedlPgs in <|fe esuRed tn tit' , ' 'HisStatus. ^ . _ ;1 l^Wfll^my littte ^lr-of Chipago and the j^intor pleasantly, ^wtefg|-e,-you^^ "Fmvthe ^by's !'ferpth^*^"wai" .]th genuous reply^-The THth geeker. uiitll t _ ectkred In- %Sril poyce case, which- parol* Tfuid, be siai:e. Of .court. ' r • ... x It also was announced tlia^ the ^de- cisionthe ioyep ca^, shall, nftf; 48 a€t«tt! op as a final judgment* untfT the ^petition for a rehearing" Is disposed of. ThiB means that attempts to cure the release of prisoners in "the state penitentiaries on the theory that the parole law .of1:89d 1& void\wlll be ineffectual until the' supreme pouet is again heard from; '*'• " ft Tha^step taken by ^e ' supremo, cour^justices also means that the sepft&tfdta of ^staie ,em- jyiQy^ frora_ the pay^^hai^ljfen^e- ferrp^ ind^tiltpjyVv^'*. ' ;;1 *- ^ • ^Thi' deeilion-ih JtJEt'e"J%rc#; tiasfe' forth that a_- s^t^te . %ioj£ 6kjHr proafed aja pj^^e of bdar^iiBU^h is the garble board, |»ut ^Isq A^edJt^# corh- peHsation pf its members, is invalid. Thi# con&usioh struck directly at the liiarcl pf .adialBtetration^ state fod|f||«mmiiS|ion^r, state fire iaarshal. 4<r«m$\xefor^to^hoardr^d--.1 /'the ' fiintngp investigating coi&mis- .sion. ' • .'<&/•••[•; ',i Attorney General Stead;' ̂ l^j'was present the * meeting of -the^ mem- for'*; collection charges. Pregm Of ^scrap Ijhpp fr WaneB'iawP.M w? Sterling, the cjm: The shim^r^1 - it be sew b; ^wpston rda4, which would, have' "acfe'the^ate^^centk ; ^ ^ The ranrpad ppmpany; ingfift^i |hat rectlons &|lrfb routing wifere givejgl afilSMt cBntfendM that^'the al>- ^e^ce of sppci^- dlrections,;4t^had a right'lo send th^;|ton^0ver Any r^ute J® saw fit.jT Withp^tf\ discufi!^|the "truth Of the shippers' statementrth^ commission declares It is the duty of railroads- tp route freight javer,tracks .where thef combfh^d, rates are feheap est to shippers. ' " ^The effect of the liecision will be t> abrogate mi/tual agreements by which the railroads favor one another,$and foree all shipments Over the most d! rect routes. • ' (Clubwoman Plan Me«t. - Nineteen hundred t,nd ten meant* much to club-women, for "another bi­ ennial convention, of^the General; Fed­ eration of 'Women's , Clubs, w|th a membership of 800,000, wiU ht held if, Cincinnati, s 4a May, hWngJ % t« gether 'Women with a common ppi& pose from th§, four corners of wl ,wo Wpeft. enWe'TevevisbncMi^ Hteaaehe, Bad Stom*«b, T««thing DlBorder«Becui|tt« the Bow«U and pn6tx»f Wormm. bre»k up coMa in >4 hours., rieaftaafcto tafce, »ntl Ijayqalese «a milk. Th<ej never fall. At aIRDrwjrg-JUM.B, ,85c. ̂ Sample FREE. Address "" ~ ~ Le-Bor, N.V., ' lea 8. Oimsted, IE APPROVAL of the TWOS' EMINENT and its $> To push Exprdsa Prob*. The Illinois railroad and warehouse commission has decided to continue Investigating thp rates charge^ by ex­ press companies, de^pltrf'We failure ot^the sta,te legislature to make thp ^fO.OOO appropriatiop which was asked for the work:^ Although having the ^rgest mileage to ">1111 noIiTcommission fihtf th^ ' graailest ap­ propriation »s>f any state, r^lr^a^ ^01^- missfon. >• , ^ >s. ^ />.• >f ; .iVs 1 * !v The Jnetj^bfrs. pfvt%tS'©7Jfi|lri,:ois "^oipi- caj^fes fend, hdw GliSfis submitted Wets to me. "f believed then,, as 1 believe now, that hp told the truth. , v "is&ub 0<^&ce$ jwsrA as^X^lM whe%. hv/^ame to me, that Glavis was a faitlifuT'public servant and that the. faetgf wttich hie presented prove that Afr. Ballinger has been unfaithful to hfs ti%st da a servant of the people and as guSrdian ©f . public prop- erty jo^fenormous val STRIKE a half interest In the big Valvedere ranch, in Je& Davis county, from Sam Jennings, the cattle king, ,to PrancJis' R. Strong*brfhgs to ligjit an^inter^M- in^ incident in wU^ ̂ StromCw^!) Is H sirsH^er in this^se&tfon,, wai the herb, and llttlfe May Jennings, the six- year-old daughter of Col. Jennings, was the Jiiproine.'* She wa^saved from, ^flath beneath an engine, atid Strome" is the man who repcupd t^e child from the railroad tracks. j|s a re#ard for his bravery he is ffaten a half teterest in a property saicf i:o be worth aftjPv |jhere from $700r0i)0 to $1,€00,000. ^ " ^trorn^ "is about , years? old, a Inachinist l)y trade, s^id - for niany^ years a resident of a small tow^ in IlUnoiH. He met" with reverses and/ after the death oJJ.hls' wifef took" t^ drink and had toeefl leading a ^ahift-j' lesk life for several yeaee. He was beathig his way westward trying to make California, and was . hanging around Alpine trying to catch a Vain when .the incident happened that brought him fortune. >-• 100^006 MEN Labor Unions, Vote to Qo Out 8atuiv day in Sympathy ,with Street it was in part ofr- ^ Car Men. Those fourteen California students who have been living on sulphur-cured fruit since "September have gained weight instead of losing it. About* th# only thing proved by such testifc SQ v far, is that the surest waj^tfr^ot fkP *t Is to Join a poison squad. % A big Btohn at sea sometfrnes does unexpected "stunts." ! A"^hip whichN went ashore oi\ Brant Pokt/ during the Christmas gale wa» car­ ried so high and dry that no hope was entertained of getting her, back to the %ater. But the la|pst temnest that swept the^stern New E^gTnd coast generated a high tide 'Which ojar- rled the vessel to ber form^? element, and to everybody's surprise sbe war found substantially uninjured. That appears to have been one of old Nep­ tune's practical Jokes. S A n a i r - c h a m b e r e d t a r g e t t h a t w a s Philadelphia.--One hundred thousand hers of labor unions in this city ^11 go on strike neat Saturday in sympathy with the strtf^t car men. The general strike was ordered Sun­ day by 700 wildly. enthusiastic dele­ gates from 140 locals, who had me^ to dccide the next step in the trolley men's battle, which; for the past two or three days has been goi&g«against them. '* , The only question "at issue at the meeting, it soon developed, was not, whether there would be a strike. That went through with a whoop and a roar. Only a few of the ultra conaer.v atives, spoke against it, words were half-hearted. "The qyes- en shall the strike be^ Vpar. / Pratt, the car men's chief, and otn^rT)ig leaders from out of town who had ei/me to vtew the situation, ior^ coolly and%pinte4 out trike like "this one Is proposed Such a gtrjke aajias ^eldora if been lucteu anywhere-- «.Ba ^fcharacterized "unsinkable" was sent from the Brooklyn navy yard to the Philippine islands, where« it Was promptly sent to the bottom with^ two broadsides from the cruiser Charles- ton's six-inch guns. It cost $15,000 but this is a small item if the exper/T ment will afford light as to methods hjr which ships and targejta mav jbe made absolutely unsinkj^pt The sun is now moving- but it is not doijfg it heita^skelter. Is very cautious and orderl|-. hastily; 'f§^s calmer couneel/ waij accepted, after th| fiy^ blaze orent^usiasm had quieted ..a^b^t; and the date was set fbri: Saturday ^ > . r* T ,.•< There is #till hope that ^fhltrlte^ will come. *-- .(dotorman Paralyzed ii\Post. Cofc^jShu8, O.--Moto^man Joseph FytyerNie&ame paralysed and speech­ less while running a street car ton Higfe street Saturday. - The car^ rkn wild for„thrie Jpiock^ and/the passen­ gers .be^iH'P paaic-Btrickefa, but 'none We hurt, n-f ^ J Mcv4y^^Mf^T Ku|ia 'aris.--Sa^n McVev. theXAm^ Paris.--Sfi^n WcVp^ hejpyw^ight, knoc^ra 16/, 'An |n ttie ^nth s«ysiflon of a .scnedmea' 20-round 0ght "at " the irque ..Ue Par^i Saturday. the**\A.njer ^t A1 Kublak 'Ini w; Because he was cold and hungry a carpenter threw ann Indian •*«»»? through the window of a New Y^l|' restaurant where fashiondWe were dining, it is added th^' he • good warm meal, a little 'at#r, in the police station, but jiungry people eraily should be urged to adoipt some batter ^egns to the desired enda In Halrrm^ad, Sweden, a manufac­ turer is aliout to etajt a spin^ng wheel for making yarhg out of pa­ per; the publishers of the best sslle have been doing this for years. if ^i€hartfs6«t«^rqaey0^ Car •'iJ#. Foy«r, • niaster ^tliaiHc pt t«/e Lake Sh^re & i»aii Southern raflroadia^ahte point, ij$ma(6*>ce«i Friday that the Work%i brpaktog ground .for locomotive and «ar sff&pi to cost will 1x5 Started immediately .,(11 rtB|| cHy; ^ a----m*---i----- • Kins Stockho4iiic drive in an. a>r Friday. Itj^ai ibeen out of Q the operation for appeadtckis y ; . . . . . . . . ' » v TRAMF,: GETS BIO REWARD Saves Rancher's Daughter 'Run Down fey- Tt'a Mithy Wo ' GalvestjE .documpnts rft Baing AMERICA'S TOBACCO TRAPE Uncle Cam . Leads the WqrH as an €xporter of the Wa^Some In. terestlng Figures. , . Washington.--More" thajj 'one billion dollars' wofth ' Of tobacco a0d manufactures;^^ tobacco have passed^ through the porta" of the Uhi^d^ States since 1899, the« .value -\pt the export frocft the country. dur-\ lng that period having' aggregate^ 1646,000,000 and the imports into thee country, $386,000,000. These figures are exclusive •ol.^tradp passing be­ tween the United States'and its non- 'contiguous territories, which .showed in 1909 alone cigars and other to­ bacco brought in from Porto, Rico val­ ued at $5,7E>0^)00 and shipments* of to* bacqp to Alaska, Hawaii and POrth' Rico valued at nearly $2,000,000. r . The United States leads -the world as an exporter of taiiacc^. having sup­ plied over $41,000,060 worth in H total.' of approximately $150,00p,000 worth bers of the Supreme ct the following, steiementj * =""1 presented tt^th'e to| courts a petitioiF for lffedfc as for a stay or gave out ?rs of .the and ordier *»s granted slgn^tf f^fsevei^ membe: of the eq,u'rt! ht^eir j pro­ vides thar all turther p»bceedinga in '"tranS^rring ^the Joyce j^jge^Be stay^ until the and theii* "Of tobacco and manufactures .which entered International L markets -iast SHOOTS IRAN 1N« COURTROOM . 5 ;- Diedrichson Probably Pat^> nds John £arr)Pas'ResiilV of Political Feud. )uis--John (Bad Jack) shot, probably feitalU, Reichi^ann's c6urq*«ij^ip by Henry L..« Diedrich^on, ijthe ' clferk. Dledri|A^»n dlaimf BarryA had a> knife open in higf hand and, had stArfted toward him sayit^: \!^ow I'm goinir to' kill you as I ought to Henry Justice ^ 4xave done^a long w^ile ago." ^(•Soldier to Hang Ainsworth-' JvTeb.--«p; tpi ir MUrder. Lrict Judge Haifrington Saturday Sentenced Wal- ter Rief^jibera/ convicted ot the hiur-KiefQjiberg/ of Jose^i •^**v. der of Jtose D^vis, to Jbe hanged June 17. Riefenbeitg was (formerly a aioldier^n the regular ara& * ^ _ HP' &dnty «f Timber Fraud. < BoCse Jdah<^---WlUiai»v',.'^.j^%Cette# baugh, George H. K^jfter Sna William Dwyer^i on atrial dti a charge pf- con­ spiracy to deh-ftud the government1"ol praluable latids, weTe Saturday found ^Ant guilty hy the jury. ^ v t Waft ^lls oii U niveritf/ "Men.: • f^Minne^a^-Mlijtt':~A' Pf, \Vard' h?hf| a- huii^ijiiff of the statetinl- varsity r^cen^ly'dWt^yedtthy fire, wa& blown\down Friday ahd Prof: Itfopre aAd^six students juried under it. They were rescind Brother stutlihte. 8 ? vAj^estori»Miarger jpio^templatsd^ ^ Denver, Col.--Deals are being nego- (Infetav ^Lpril terni <5f^tK^ supreme conrt and that' the jft^gment rendered iri the *Joycer <5ase; sbalr not acted v&i as a final Judgment until ssrtfl petttion for rehearing disposed of, •s'Tn nay opinion this order means tjh&fira rehearing..will 1^&*. grarited: In the Joyce case when the supreme ,«wirt,: ccdvenSe^ in ApriL V^liat-' the ripftl' ,;'Pf'^|^h.parlng • bp, 4 of oo^rsp:^ I .pa^Sot rt«ay. • The; mfetabers tff the* cou^t were -p'leifj^.^ the opin­ ion, .fiind they^d^d not fesftate emphat­ ically tik' express it' to tfiffeir confer^ encer that pelsop}.. cfcifVicted and sen­ tenced under the la^ of 1899 are not entitled to **rits of fiabeas corpus, un­ der 'the recent- ^oyce- decision, and that the only remedy isv by. writ of terror. .. .'"' "v . "In view of the <®rtler (psued by the members of the supremiv ctxui;t and Ch« wise policy which has been- adopt­ ed tfy the judgps In COok county, there 4s very'little^ danger; th&tr ariy'^of th% convicts-now'serving sentences; tinker the law of 18?^ will be Released before the Joyoe. eajsje has beei^recd^sidered and the<' question relating to/pur parole system finally de^rmine^^^ 1 . ' <• In his petition for a rehearing, filed with the clettj" d'f Jtro. 'supi^mV court. Attorney Qeneral Stead ^I'aisP^v three points--that the joourt ^'rpd ^|n its definition of the term ^provide:t% that the constitutionality of the parole law- was not attacked in tHe lower courts and therefore npt properly before the supreme court; "an^that the^ourt has sustained the acts, of 18&5 and 1887, wlrich. do. not differ m&terially from the aftt ^ts^O^hpld^ tn^lld.. It was learriMifV^" membfer of the" parole board that upon discover­ ing the vulnerable point in the? parole law one of the counsel for Joyce de­ livered an' ultimatum - that. |f Joyce, were granted.parole the subjeof woiild b^ forgotten; otherwise -the ppin? would be pushed, with Its widespread^ possibilities.,» The parole"' board re* fusPd to bargain on the subject,.Vith' the reS|Ult tha|. Joyce, still is incar- (Wated, while coBfusioh" relgh^ in „the criminal cjaiurtCVj^t^ ,, . v- Canal Vacancy Filled. - Two appointments t were? sutmiitted to the senate by «Gpv. peneen M fol­ lows} • "... " Member IlMnoi^and Michigan canal coixniiissloDlWCharles 1 'Ij^^^rSoibi PrincetoHk". : 't* " *• ' M e m b e r " " C o p l t ' ^ S » f " ' ' C l a t i r i s -- C ^ ' Kennedy, pe^talb. •„ *»'• 'A," ^ Mr. An de%on kJHI's- " thgp' .-Mcan%^ ra lh« canaJ ,oc%|^lasion' causej^by the resignation 0/ (^larence^E. - Snlvely of .Canton. ^ fi. 4 * ' \-fV' Mr. Kennedy goes u£u>n the court of claims to succeed '0 J., Spares V Rock Island, &ecentljS>resigned. He is a former state> attorney x>f iDeija\|>. PrlmSty ^BfJIs Oo to 6ene*sri.'w*^""- Direct primary legislation was fiped on Its way to Gov. Deri^ih for signa­ ture when the senate, by a vo£e"t\i 33 td 3, concurred ins the housesamegid^ 'ments to.'the Gibao^^'little", bill cpvjir- ing the npmlnatlon of cftnditiates. for «|fe legislature. Th€£ main biil^the "tt^Bpilton-Staymates measure, "pi^vid- tjrtg^ directf prlmaries on^ offices othe*/ than assei^lymen wlH*1be put in the handff'of the governors as soon as the grossing clesrl^ ^ "through yith their task of writing :ht "but in long han^,.. .r;. ;-v.-Aa1* V*'*" - panies. ^The apiiroprlartoh tor jihe Pf- fice expenses of thp ^ommfeaifii^^J^- only $4,000 annu»Slf,!ivhile $6,'00d ISL appropriated for instituting or defend^ suit^and making investigation^! J s t,he commission succeeds ill gathering' mbre s^pcific^ IpfOrinatJoti from ̂ the^ express v comjj^nj®?*? stated, that body*Vtll <have nV re- ^•SR(^"VsP*cept; to decide tlie case on LeXevidenPPk j^res^gpli by Ihe^sbJp- ijs, who# charge -that the. ra&feg are by the •WELL-INFORMED. BECAUSE IES COMPONENT PARTS ARE, KNOWN TO BE MOST "WHOLESOME AND TRUIY BENEFICIAL IN EF- HAVE GIVEN TO ELIXIR "of SENTiA 1RST PdsiTION 1ILY1AXATTVES AM) HAVE TO ITS GENERAL USAGE •WITH iffi HOST UNIVERSAL ' "•r When & yolith oat« it ii time for thrashing machine 1 1 IS MANUFACTURED SaJTerfng frpM appendici^ Adit. %en. France S. TMckson, who waft In command of tl^» :• HlinStei vJSfa'fional sr^iard t^lpops .'at Cairo, ^as brought h^p to Sprif^fiel^ on '-a" ipe^iafSt rain and tak^n-to tjie Springfield-hospital, Groce Ls^prenee, rfeentijt^; wher^! "he was operated om. The oper-.^preeident of the Iljaitp^l 3®he Workfe "J-"-- * ' " ' ' * "-vrenee's philippic fc flttipifi was supc||#Iuh it Js announced. Ge,n. if>ifkson ha^,"saffered^ two other atuc^s Q^ appendicitis. It- Is thought v Mb ckj^ attehtioti to daty ^nd the» constant straJnr,o^jis duties ^V^airp were factor# Mat^^g* 8eit^ Fnrtjerf. tbwnshi^^EirSPsoii -counsty. A, large number of cases of hydrophobia are reported existing and,, flye coW» and one honse have died from the; effects.- of bites suffered from dogs thus ms-^ eased. Many head of stock; have4 beeji? bitten, not only in McClellan -township but in pther township near by, and fear Yis e*pre8^&, Jor the safe­ ty of children and rpsideft^ general of the vicinity. A few #e;rsona ,h been bitten. - ^ The state board of health at oikde ordered that all dogs be muzzledj or •confined and that the authorities, who find dogs running loose ..shoot them 6r kill them otherwise. It is hoped thus to. eradicate\the disease./ f he mem­ bers of the township/hoard reporting the condition of affairs are J. M. .Ru­ therford; M. C. I^rbwn'and Isaac Lambert. >' „ . fridge bulletins Ready. s 4re attrs An unusually atwactive little t)u tin about highway Jsridgps--hSsjust been issupd by the state highway com^ mission. Its title,• "Modern Bridges for Illinois Highways," is Suggestive •as the reader yill find who will look oveKjtJ^e excellent cuts with which the bulletin is profusely illustrated. In faej the whole story" is told graph­ ically ,by the pictures. There 0te 26 pages of illustrations ana but-ftvey<pf text, so that if ^0^0' ^11 give but 16 or 20 r^inut^s the entire bulletin may b$\T#&d.\ ' As stated in th|| introduction, the object of the bulletinJfo to encourage" the building of better bridges. The state highway commission, as many know,: offers without charge, to the township and dkmnty 'officials plans, estimate and supervision of the eolh Struction of^hlghway bridgps.fe '• * Diphtheria on Decrease. ^ 3g*|e t^e state bpard of heqltl^'•'ihf October, 1^07, began the distribution of antitoxin free fof th«|,^treatment of, diphther^ ahd for" the inrotectlon ,0#, those persons exposed to Thjs disease, there have been approximately ^,000 case^of diphtheria reported <,to the board in w^ich antitoxin was used. The distribution wks made tp^ich and poor aliktj without^ distinc|4on. Jn the pre^ntitox^n day| thp> death ^te from diphtheria was a?boiity60 per cent, of all cases. U&der Ihp&prtesent sero-therapyv however, the records of the" statg.-hoard of health show a rg- ducti cjnt. evenness is shown by the board's sta­ tistics. TO GET ITS MANUFACTURED bt/THE CALIFORNIA F1GMIP Ca PORSALE BTALLL OMJt Slf e ONLY, ReOULAR fRIC^ SOT ME* M> St. Jacobs Oil goes after pain, pain couldn't v f - f . - : be' - after • Good for Rheumatfem, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Chest Colds, etc. it on the affected parts. The pajja may resist a dozen treat­ ments--but It can't t Jacobs Oil ' > * PRICE 2Sc. AND 80c IT CONQUERS PUN SL Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore, COLT DISTEMPER IOUM handled Terr asalty. Th« nick ar« enred. and all otbe*e m • atable, no matter how expoi . TOR UINS SPOHN<S LIQUID tongue, or la feed. Act*, on I arm* of dictemper. Bestremed bottle guaranteed f« core one oaoD ofdrn^Klstaaad haraeea Terr eaalty. The nick are enred. and all otbe*e m •ame atable, no matter how "e»po»ed." kept froi baling the dls-Me,tor TUIUAR SFOHH<S U^MSIKRASFBARNDAB. OIT« O& 'the tonsne. or In feed. Act*, on tbe blood and expel* germ* of rm* or distemper. Beet remedy erer known tot maree 1B (< " One bottle guaranteed to core one caaa. COoan^(tabottleiM« lll<OMBOfdninbl*aod bameee dealfra. crsmt expreM paid manufacturers. Booklet girm erery Local airente waabxL ] ir|i<» eiilllm horecremedylaMl«tunoe Iwelreyeara. •POMN MlPIOAIi CO.«Cfc«drt,«edi»u<*i Ilium*. Oos»i@n, tndM U.S.Ae WESTERN CANADA What 1.1. Hfll, the Qiwt R#«mI Ihciiri^ Pewiri KOW-KURE is not a '/food"---it is a medicine, and the onlymediciae in the world for cows only, Made {Or theeow anil, as its name indicates, A COW CURB. Barrenness, retained after- birtK, aboction, scours, caked udder, and ail similar affections positively and quickly •cured* No one, >vho keeps cow s, whether mauy or fejv, afford to be withoud|COW- K U R E. It is m&.de especial ly to lteep cows healtHj. Our book "Cow Money" nent FHEE. A«k your local dealer for KO^KtTKE or^md to the manufaeturtrrfl. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. <u Say* About ft* WhMrt<Pro4uclns ' iw neateet need of il»i® fountfy (UnitedBiatesi iu uiioiiiur ct>nera< tion or two will be the pro­viding of homee for its people and producing sufficient for tfiam. The duye of our prominence as a wheat exixHTttng country are gom-. Cut-a<la is to Ix* the great Wheat country." Thin«rxnt railroad, mag' nate ie taking advantage of the situation by el-tnulT* railway bulld-lnr to the wheat fields of Western Canada, Upwards of 128 Million Bushols of Whsiitf Were harvested In 1909. Average of tbe three province* of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will be upward*of S3 tmahele per acre. Free homesteads of 160 a<: LymJonvllle, VI. statp.-board 01 neaitn snow a r@- iwl'of fatalities to alx^it six per That the delith rate should be UTAIITrn Men and women to Semite Httlofrrap^ VVHIV I CU or Haptd LetterCV>pyir^IViok. tbeorlg-inaiiiiitl standard duplicitting Letter l<t>v^. I.eftok' and copy at on.- writing. Bvef jr business man oitriy. Iiw on corrospo'iidmHw requires It, O<«od profits for agents. Write for particulars. *. 8. NcIHUSALU tW»*V, 1IU Irrte* Park Blvd., (Ideate \ Commission »Sl on #nag. " /The commission form of "govern­ ment bill goes a joint conference committee. The senate refused to re­ cede from its amendments, wfcteh the house rejected, making a conference neceeSary.^ The senate passed a hi# originally providing that a |>e- tition signed by 25 per fcent?. & the voters should be eufflc^nt to re­ quire a vojte on the recall of ari^offlc^r. The house bil^ boosted the v|requi/e^ number of sigpatureftfto 75 p«sr cehtf' Later the sehate ayj^nded the house >urang in 4for 'pift *«&C0r >**"?• Jhill,p Hits at Mininjj #oard. •o>. . 'i. Gross unfairness and an attempt whitewash 4. iacoiaapeti$nt . Venal hire-v llrifes are s^rtfe ol the sensational charges made f&al9st the state min­ ing h«^rd In a atatejiient issued by Groce La^enee, rffcentij^^elected vifee» of Jllinoia. l>a lowed the hoar PATENTS l»ATlNTS*s Wtti»a IE. Coleman,Washj !ngt«n, O.C. Booksfrve. High^ est reCpfeaoos. Best reeulta. 71 Schools convenient, climate cceifont, soli the very best, . illnrt closa at hand, bvild Ins lumber cheap, fu<l COST to d wtasonabM In price, easily procured? mlsea nraung .a a access. Write u to best, piaoe for ripttiement. setttcre' low railway rate*, descnrtptlve iilTie-trated"list Best Wes«,'72*at free on applScatiom. fend otlitn- ii»fkirnia> tlon, to Hup't of ImnilxrlttUm. Ottawa., Caa.;<k>r to the Canadian Qoverujueut Aaeat. ) W.'M.'Begets, M«"» Tr*«tlua MM) BISGF 1MU|UISP«U>I Ut-o, 1 Bali; 1MN S«./*l»»»ak«fcWI». • 0se addrees nearest yonX Advice FREE. •> . .wnmtr, Washington, ^•s. Best refereixiea pAppCD B>kM•llltoaalm. Buy Yertactea BbIIImCamper, burrcn Tour investment guaranteed by collateral gold bonds. Bend for prospectus. J.*.kaoi,B»rk*kl»,!ttT. If afflicted with 'r sore ere*, use ( Thompson'* Eft Wa!«r MEAL, ESTATE*- ffjron IAOK oxTHE MAP at a point ml*. * ifay between the Ked and 8talpbur nfvers you will notice ten railway linos running from every point of the ixiuipass and consenting toward a little city on the border line of AtvahisBs., 'feirJWi and Lousiana ealliHi Ttyt-ark-aaa; "The Farmers' Para­dise." 'I'hese roads traverse the rieliest" tarminyf Sand tr> the wurlii. whefff every« table mud roav stsas. out <>t rh<~ year. Mucli of this land ib AMade of Comfort aad Coaveuktuja NO STROPPING _ NO HONING - G i : i . * 4 -4 C iiC KNOWN TH6 WORLD OVEH D O Y O U K E E P A D O G * ? state am! enri be piinchasedat prices that would ap pear redlculuiiiiy low to the su " " -- farmer, could he but sqelt. Adi snow bouid noftbern ss Boosters Ulab, If so his general heaitk au4 condition should omn-mand your attention. Polk Miller'* new b<K»k on " DtB- easag of iJow* »nd Tk*lr "eatiueut win aid voa etWLOKAJiO--WrJ te for tl V«aurd< n and poultry tract the Ureal Abtesx) Irri 'surest and safest, Inve fre.r is the tuarief-in t. t r a M i l d piy f<ir themsfcU sold in the pH.itoinonth t>f 14)0 w lio ll;»v« the tioveropr, t-_-- .. - _ 211) Idem! Bldg.v^fenver, k..ol wofc Firtitt, •»4JblnisiK Mgnrvr. tlon Sysf*»i. The jeiyt on i lW nittfiet. .. ,,wa*kl. Iu sad* the sasy liayroent otar, 'WiK 1 wojrtb give, vi ;bt. for referetjc«. Indorsed by ou t CQ. In a tew jiearte snth.s. Wi a lOgbt. for refe r to Lxtnkb 3 Msirveiou* yloMvf". -- - .. , tML. i fnats -oweeut pr'*«:s -everywli««>. H«(ali tsabltal ne WorMera needed. Uiiek HUC.'.'SS for the induetrmus. Ooing , .ii fast. Kootenay-Uhfean Kruit , l^lJitCCt, Kelson, awpence S philippic fo^ j Brttisb Columbia. Cana^. 'd%^act? • w ln^cqulfting iSpeci Tteomas IJtttle, tn ̂ ^Cior at^the j 2,200^nifoh*in 80*Sr rel Rid^coalWe at Herrln, in w%h J Tiitie, lives operation.ror ,appe^iB.-= of^^srg^or nefte^ .kv** '-v i ̂ rV'y*'V>jr - f \ • _ >• , f l .i J* n AiS ifs .jJl -i J f si» 7? were loet i'qi au e» cbargf of tieglect of itffmf " " i • , . r f - • BuMJuu st' A. I'wperty.Oftickly tor cash ai) y w kereWe^k< 11 i«f«>relt(ners. Cash • • • a. Wiijin'. iMi. ft, WAVA r*»aw »**v* •***v ivgfs "Jslssfc&f8 a««i «««l °S*tsis« "PIrkIFF L HAIR BALSAM |gww» MbA. Waattms tbejM |r*oaxatae s iaxariaat. grawft. Vbey tn&j mlth.

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