The Acquiring of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one tifhe, but you may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the harmony and attractiveness of what you already have. The quality of furniture that comes from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us yon have the assurance that in time you will have a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Rugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should , command your attention. :: JACOBJUSIEl McHenry; Illinois THE FURNITURE MAN We do not Claim that our "Early Riser" Flour is THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD, but we do claim and back every word of it when we say that our "Early Riser" Flour is EQUAL TO THE VERY BEST MANUFAC TURED. Our sales on this product during the past year is sufficient evidence to convince the public that we have a Flour of which we are proud and we rec ommend it to the housewives of McHenry and vicin ity. Besides this we also manufacture Graham Flour, Breakfast Food, Corn Meal, Rye Flour and Pumper-, nickle Flour, all class. :: of which rank in the very highest West McHenry flour and feed Mills WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop. p -CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com- plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: • • CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . F. L. ricOmber tAt 4 •• .General Hardware... m- 'if The McHenry Plainteajw \ PUBLISHED ,EVEKY THURSDAY^Y F. Q. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No.MS. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION! Oneyear v..., .,.11.60 Six months. 75eW three months. 40 eta. Thursday, March 31, 1910. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry connty, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri maries. ARTHUR A. CRISSEY, 33 tf Marengo, 111. FOB VILLAGE TRUSTEES. We, the undersigned, hereby an- nonnce ourselves candidates for the offices of Village Trustees, subject to the decision of the legal voters at the ness. coming village caucus. WM. STOPFEL,' GEO. MEYERS, MATH. WEBBR. FOR VILLAGE CLERK, I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election for the office of Vil lage Clerk, subject to the decision of the coming caucus. Thanking the legal voters for the support they have given me and any they may tender me, I am, Very respectfully yours, 40 H. E. PRICE Clover seed at Wilbur's, Millet and Hungarian at Wilbur's. your lawn. Now is the time to (3%t the se^d at Wilbur's. VILLAGE CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that tbe annual Village Caucus of the Village of Mc Henry will be held in the village hall on Saturday, April 2, 1910, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for three Trustees and one Village Clerk. Polls will be open from 1 to 5 p. m. H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 CHARLES WANDRACK. ANNUAL TOWNSHIl' MEETING AND ELECTION. Notice is hereby given to«the legal voters of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, tbat the annual township meeting and election of said Town will take place Tuesday, the 5th day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The election will begin at the hour of 7 a. m. and close at 5 p. m. in the places designated as follows: Precinct No. 1--Woodman half. Ring- wood, Illinois. ^Precinct No. 2--Village hall, McHen ry, Illinois. The officers to be elected are: One Town Clerk, one Assessor, one Collect or, one Commissioner of Highways. The town meeting will open in the village hall, McHenry, Illinois, at the hour of 2 p. in., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to he&r and con sider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Town, and to deliberate and de cide on Buch measures as may, in pur suance of law, come before the meeting. Oiven under my band this 28rd day of March, A. D. 1910. CHAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. "They Loved a Lassie." Manager C. E. Jones begs to announce to the people of this vicinity that he has secured B. C. Whitney's famous musical play, "They Loved a LasBie," for a one night engagement at tbe Woodstock opera house on Tuesday, April 5. This is the original cast and production which has just finished a five months' run at the Whitney thea tre in Chicago. The company is headed by Charles E. Evans and Alice Yorke and many other noted people, including the famous beauty chorus. Sale of seats begins Friday, April 1, at 7:30 p. m. Mail orders promptly attended to. LOW COLONIST RATES . TO PACIFIC COAST Uutil April 15. •For daily and personally conducted tours, via the Chicago, UnionPacific & North Western Line. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars leave Chicago every Tuesday and Thursday. Double berth from Chicago to the Coast $7.00. For full particulars write S. A Hutchinson, Mgr. Tours Dept. 212 Clark St., Chicago, or apply to ticket agqnt North Western Line. 3fM)t An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions will be as short, if you use Bncklin's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by it. Best for Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands Chilblains and Piles. It gives instant relief. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Masquelet's. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelope® at tbe store ? Bay the celebrated Wisconsin grown Russian White Seed Oats, f^rmtua- tion lest 95 per cent. For salf si Wil bur's. NORTH CRYSTAL LAKE ITEMS, Mr. St. Clair, who is now in Califor nia, will return about May 1. No storm whatever for the month of March. Every day a fine one. The auditing committee of the town ship books met Tuesday, March 29. Mr. Miller has sold his home to Mrs. Magoon. We did not learn the price. Guy Prickett has sold his house and lot to C. L. Teckler. Consideration, $4,000.00. R. G. Smith is quite low at the pres ent writing. Mr. Smith has been very sick nearly all winter. Colby & Son are still at the auto busi- txpto the present time they have sold sixteen machines. Etta J. Kittle has purchased the Wm. P. St. Clair property--two lots, house aud barn. Price, $3,500.00. Farmers of this vicinity are very busy getting ready for spring work. Many are still getting their corn out. The local option meeting at the Clem ens school house, tho not very well at tended, was a good one and Mr, Pate spoke well and to the point. Fred Powers seems to know how to find March pigs. He reports 101 from eleven sows, otae being so kind as to give him a family or fifteen healthy pigs. This sounds well, with pork at $11 per cwt. A Mr. Peterson became somewhat in sane and jumped from a window onto porch roof and then rolled off onto the sidewalk, injuring himself so badly that he had to be taken to a hospital in Chi cago, where he died a few days later. The Easter exercises at the M. E. church were very fine and well attend ed, the house being nearly full. Mrs. Pate is deserving of much praise for the way in which she trained the little folks and they deserve much praise for the way they responded. The meeting at Barreville Snnday afternoon was a fine one, there being about eighty present. The singing was fine. Mr. Weaver, Mr. Pate and the other speakers improved the time and were well received. This meeting was held in connection with the regular Sunday school session that is held there every Sunday. Mr. Garrison and the people of this neighborhood are to be praised for the masterful way they are taking hold of the Sunday school at this place. We understand they have a usual attendance of about sixty-five. Death has been very busy here, the past week claiming seven victims in as many davs. Mrs. Powell, who was very sick last week, passed away on Wednes day evening. On Saturday, about 10 'clock, our local drayman, Carl Jurs, was instantly killed by a freight engine. Mr. Jurs crossed over to get some papers from a conductor on a southbound freight and after getting them stepped back immediately in front of a north bound freight engine. Mr. Jars had been the local drayman here for aboat eighteen years and was a very much respected and well liked man. The local option people are making a mighty effort to carry the day next Tuesday, April 5, and we wish for them a rousing success. They are to have a mass meeting on Sunday evening, April in Concordia hall, with two rousing speakers, Mr. FTF. -Half, a merchant of Dundee, and Hon. I. M. Western, a leading lawyer of Illinois. This meet ing is to be followed by a follow-up rally on Monday night at the same place, with Hon./ Charles H. Musgrave as the speaker. All of these men are practical men and understand what they are about.' Sunday night meeting at 7:30 m. and the Monday night meeting at 8 p.m. Let all who can hear these men. MRS. MARY E. POWELL. Mary Elizabeth England was born at lthlingboro, Northamptonshire, Eng., Sept. 22, 1846, and died at her home in North Crystal Lake, 111., March 23, 1910. She, with her parents, came to this country in 1859, settling in DeKalb county, where they resided until 1866, when they moved to McHenry county. On the oth day of September, 1869, she was united in marriage to Isaac N. Powell. Three years later they located at* North Crystal Lake, then Nunda, where she has since resided. She united with the M. E. church in the early seventies and was one of its most faithful and efficient members. As steward, member of the Ladies' Aid, treasurer of the W. F. M. 8. and Snn day school teacher she discharged every duty with scrupulous fidelity. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning, March 26, 1910, in charge of her pastor, the Rev. R. H. Pate, assist ed by a quartette consisting of Messrs. Bucholz and Raue, Mrs. Sherburne and May Rose. At their close the casket was borne to the silent city of the dead, and amid the quiet hush of nature, in tbe beautiful cemetery at McHenry, her mortal remains were tenderly laid to rest by tbe side of her husband. Air cooled, double exhaust^--some thing new-^-our pump engine. Better see it at Wm. Htoffel's. Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every c ase conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food L»aw. Yfe want you as ope of our customers. M. n. NIESEN v^. TELEPHONE flcHenry, NU. O94 Illinois. furs! fiiis! Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de scription. Bring* them to us. Tel ephone No. 222. tl Howard & Son McHENRY, ILLINOIS rill LOOK OVER, WE t)ON'T Want you to look over jthe slightest fault or defect you can find in any photograph we make of yon, in fact we shall con sider it " a favor if yon will point out any you may (its cover. -v. - PERFECT* PHOTOGRAPHS are what we aim to produce and we want to supply them just as earn estly as you want to have them. A sitting will test our sincerity, / fr E G G S For Hatching! Single Comb White Leghorns and White Wyandottes, bred to lay, $1.00 ptr setting* Single Comb Brown Leghorns ' 50c per 13 ? $3.50 per 100 Also agent for Cypher's Incu bators and Brooders. All orders promptly attended to. PEPPING POULTRY FARM McHENRY, - R. F. I). No. 3 - ILL. M Photo Studio West McHenry, Illinois. Phone 3 2 2 LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A8 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up Aboat Oar Rttiy Little Bars That May Concern Too or Your Friend*. Petesch's for drain. Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor Mow often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will prob ably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. Follow his advice. He knows. /. C. Ayer Co .Lowell, 'Mom. 'I Im. hi A f uk of health-- L>aiiy movement *ti the bomtk." A*k your this f» not so. Then him about Ayer's Pills. 8oU far acarty sixty Have yon seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. .T. Vycital. Foley's Kidney Remedy will enre any case of Kidney or Bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Frank Mas- queiet. Five thousand folders from The Plain- dealer press, describing McHenry and Fox river as a summer resort, were dis- tribnted by Everect Hunter at the Motor Boat show in Chioago this week. The work was accomplished thru the efforts of tbe McHenry Industrial asso ciation. Every loyal citizen of McHen ry should boost our village and river at every opportunity and in this way help advertise our beautiful resort. Thrn Geo. A. Hunt of Woodstock, who paid this office a visit on Monday, we learn that McHenry has an excellent chance to land tbe annual farmers' in stitute this year. All it takes is a little bustling on the part of our business men. The writer will make a canvass of our business men to see whether or not they wabt the institute. All that is expected of our people is to furnish the hall, music and entertainment for speakers. The many friends of Miss Margaret Walsh, sister of Mrs. John Walsh of this place, will nndergo an operation at tbe West Bide hospital in Chicago today (Thursday;. Miss Walsh has been ill the greater part of the winter and on the advice of the attending physician the operation will take place. That tbe operation may be entirely successful and that Miss Walsh will soon be on the road to recovery is the earnest wish of her friends. The special train for which The Plain- dealer and other enterprising business men of McHenry have been boosting for some time past will make its first run between McHenry and Chicago tomor row, (Friday) April 1. The train will leave this station about 6:80 a. m. and return in the evening between the hours of five and six. Thus it will be seen that besides giving onr people better Chicago accommodation, tbe train will a!no carry our working men to and from the Terra Cotta works. The train shonld also serve to induce more Chica go people to move to McHenry. This means a suburban train serv this station and Chicago. Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 ' <r This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call oto ua. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Professional, Society V and Business Cards I>AV1L>G. WELLS M. 1>. pHYSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCUL *• Office and residence comer E'un an Graeta streets, McHenry. Telephone No. til FEGEKS & FEGERS PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. McHenrjpP c 111. Office at Residence. coraerGourtanf^ t; Rim streets Telephone 338. ^ ",.v _--:--'.iVy-su; 'v-'k. " D. T. SMILEY .V •'*T' * jt '- ' ' r-> - • f r ' n,' A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois A All business intrusted to his care will b|. % properly and promptly attended to. . f : j DR. R. a. CHAMBKRLIN DENTIST ' Otflc« over Besley'i Drag StorS. • , Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. ' WIST MOHIINRY. III. Telephone No 6 Office over M. J.Wibh's DR. ARNOLD MUELLER^ Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No 393. SIMON STOPFEL Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companiea. West McHenry, Illinois H. C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT I »Hi now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any caase West McHenry, - 111. icSY THIN. ^ UUICK PREVENTS f(j si, FINE ON IRON OR WOOD If your dealer hasn't it tee John J. Vycital 1 -NORTHWESTERN s, TELEPHONE NO. 362 lenry. This rkwtelwaM Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. THE0.5(tIIESSLE,Prop. WEST McHENRY. WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't, forget to rail on Lambert Q. Sen% 93 Fifth Ave where you will ;i iways be treated courteously and" receive the best' in the market la t he line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FREE West Side Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. Kusi s moot all tr;iius for points on i'i3ta.kee llay and Fox Lake. Team ing of all hinds done promptly. Spe cial attention given to traveling men. Fii'st-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 472. :: Illinois. West rtcHenry, A GOOD BIG RO^ST will be none too mnch when yon once taste our prime, tender, juicy meats. Every rnonthfnl will create a desire for another. BEST MEATS ARE CHEAPEST ae yon will find if yon give oure a trial. There'8 nothing to be saved in buying poor meat, even if the price wure lower than onre. Bnt it inn't. Von won't find more reasonable prices than onrs anywhere. E. F. Matthews WK.vr McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 Plain*) Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have canned to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, ttrging everyone to 08e en velopes with a retnrn card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation shonld have bin name and adrlrefis printed on his envelopes, thna insnring their return to the sender if »nv mistako is made m the Hildress. Call at Tbe Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, '• tor drttg»~ Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else Sails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever aold over a druggist's cc inter. I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cheriA Quality. -For Sale by Leading Dealers Are You perhaps thinking of pnrehaaing a Gasoline Engine? If so, we have a proposition that will in terest yon. Just think of it--a 2 h. p., 4x6 cylinder Gasoline Engine for $75.00! Compare this engine with those rated at 4 h. p. Weight of engine, 600 pounds. Also pumping engine at $37*5f>* Wib. Bacon, • fictleiry PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and th$| paper delivered for one year at onjf> ̂ pric® ***