(MR. DRESSERi^^ time to order that new Suit and Top Coat. Our new Spring Samples await your inspection. the very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to your own measure in any STYLE YOU CHOOSE- A nice line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Collars and Ties to select from. Call and see them. :: Yours truly, S? M. J. WALSH WEST HcHENRY. - - PHONE 483 CALL IN and let 11s show you sap^plea of our'^our- piece suits, including pants, coat, belt and cap to match. The very latest thing out --will be all the go during the coming spring and summer. While we are show ing the samples we will at the same time quote you prices that are exceedingly low for the quality of the goods. Order your suit early so as to have it when the balmy breezes blow 4gain. :: :: :: j . d : Lo d t z , McHENRY, ILLINOIS Investigate our methods, our stock of lumber and millwork and our prices. We are confident that it will result in secur ing your business when you need anything from 9. Pos^ to a bill of lumber for a house or barti. •: - :: "The best in quality at the lowest possible price" --is the motto we try to live up to. :: :: Come in and Investigate ••• Telephone 651 1 (0 WEST McHENRY, ILL. A CROSS COUNTER TALK r 'v? Customer: "What constitutes good paint?" Dealer: "Good paint depends on the materials used, thc-)m»r ceases of manufacture, and the skill of the paint maker--no more, no less. *'Sherwin- Williams Paint. Prepared, is good paint--the best paint, in fact, that can be made. No care or detail is lacking in its man ufacture. The malerials employed are of the highest quality and are properly put together by experienced paint makers. The linseed oil--the vital part of paint --used in S.W.P is made especially by The S-W. Co. in their own mill. The pigments are selected with greatest care and scrupulously tested. The tinting colors are products of the Company's own dry color works. And the mills used for grinding and mixing are designed and made in the machine shops of the Company. They embody the most advanced ideas in paint making. With slich high quality materials, such care and attention, S.W.P. must be and is good paint all the way through." NEIGHBORINGNEWS AS OiRONiq&D.*aL\ OUR ABLE CORPS OF (CORRESPONDENTS \ * TOLA*. . Fanny Sexton is visiting with friends here. . ' " r! Lisle bitweiler was ft Volo toller San day evening. George Tweed of Ingleside Witt a re cent caller here. ' Mrs. Charity E*n«ht wfts^ recent McHenry caller. Mr. Brooks of Wanconda was a re cent Volo caller. Mrs. Will Auiann of Fremont was a Volo caller Tuesday. Peter Died rich of McHenry called on relatives here Monday. <> A. J. Raymond spent several days last week in Waakegan Will Frost of phicago visited lit his home here over Snnday. Will Hnson and Katie Frost were Waucuoda callers recently. ~ George Knebler of Palatine was a business visitor here Friday. Rev. Reiupe entertained Mr. Lilly of Chicagoia few days last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henkel, on Tuesday, March 22, a baby girL Messrs H. Stadfeld and Ray Paddock were Wauconda callers Sunday. Mrs. John Myer of Wancouda called on friends in Volo last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wan conda attended church here Sunday. Will and Katie Frost attended ser vices at the Wanconda church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will Molidor of Round Lake attended church here Sunday fore' noon Mrs. I^enry Hogan of Elgin was the guest of relatives here a few days last week. Will Tonyan and son, Alfred, of Ringwood called on friends here Wed nesday. .Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wan conda called on friends here Thursday evening. Oscar Hanson has gone to Stoughton, Wis., where he will remaiu for several months. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stadfeld spent Sunday at the Kretschuier home at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. C Dillon of WanWegan spent Sunday at the home of their son, Win Dillon. Mrs. Henry Do we and Mrs. Will Tonyan of Fox Lake visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Richardson of Grayslake is spending a few days at the hardliner home near town. . ^ Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake visited at the Kirwan home Sunday. Miss Genevieve Eftintrer has returned to Volp after spending the winter with relatives at Burlington, Wis. L. V. Lnsk and son. Raymond, of West Fremont and Harry Lnsk of Grayslake were in town Snnday fore noon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimns and son, Chester, and Mr. and Mrs Phil Flary of Round Lake Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunnill. GET BUSY AND MAKE YOUR OLD HOUSE LOOK LIKE NEW WITH S. & W. PAINT AT PETESCH'S How Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Eliza- bethtown, Ky. "Everywhere I go I rec ommend Electric Bitters, bacauselowe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They never fail to tone the stomnoh. regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run down men and women, re- Htoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50o. Satisfaction is positively guaran teed by N. H. Petesuh and F. Masque- let. ^ KiDuuiiKLU. Elsie Johnson was a Ringwood visitor Friday. Mr. Thornton of Park Ridge spent Wednesday here. Mr. Barber of Chicago wfts ft Bidge- field visitor Wednesday. Miss Nina Johnson spent Tuesday uight with Miss Agnes Dufield. Agnes, Sadie and Henry Risley weht to Beloit Monday to spend a few days. W. R Shelt of Woodstock visited with friends in Ridgefield Saturday last. Mrs. A. Josephenson is nnrsing a sore finger, caused by the falling of a win dow. Miss Genevieve Goddard went to Woodstock Tuesday to spend a 6ouple of days with her sister, Mrs. S. Reed. Miss Ruby Steel of Capron spent the fore part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. 3. 3. Reser, the latter being her cousin. Earl Ormsby attended to business matters and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Ormsby, here one day last week. Mrs. Ellsworth of Woodstock and sister of Nebraska visited with their annt, Mrs. Sarah Wakefield, and Mrs George Irish. . The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. George Baker on Saturday, April 9. An annual dinner \will be served, and there will be an election of officers. Little Virginia Reed of Woodstock, while visiting with her parents at the home of her grandmother here, had ber hand smashed by the falling of a heavy window. Pneumonia follows a cold, bnt ne^fr follows the nse of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cougb, heals the lungs and expels the col<| from the sys tern. Frank Masquelet. A farewell reception was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball Monday evening in the parlor? of the ohurch. A supper of feoffee, cake and sandwiches was served. Mr. Kimball «as presented with a pair of roue goiu enff buttons by his Snnday school class, while the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kim ball presented them with a set of silver tea spoons. §PJE£1MEN BALLOT * ' ».$* KMKKAS.II PARK. B. E. Sutton of t-hif*«Ko visited home folks over Snuday. ' • Lawreuce Hack, Jr., lifts secured a position iu Chicago. Will Geary of Wanconda was ft caller here Monday evening. ' Alabastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Oeuterville hardware. Joe Coiniskey of Chicago spent Snn day with his parents here. Mrs. Coulihan of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Ed • Comiskey this week. Mrs. H. Berkircher went to Chicago Wednesday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin and family of Elgin spent Easter with R J. Sutton. Miss A. Malefytof Chicago and a few friends spent the week end at the Park./ Mrs. L E. Walmsiey returned from Chicago Monday after a few days' visit there. Messrs D. W. Hill and Jos. Haxton of Chicago spent Sunday ftt their cot tages. »• _ Mrs. P. Cos' e to of Elgin visited with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Walsh, over Sunday. Misses Mamie and Katie Knox are attending teachers' institute.ftt Wood stock this week. John Carey of /Ringwood and Mrs. Phalin of McHetiry called at Ellen WhMi's Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. 4 B Heaney of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week at the Heaney cottage. Staver carriages are the best. Call and let us explain their merits. Math. Frenud, near river bridge. Miss Minnie Knox is having a vaca tiou from school this week and attend ing institute at Woodstock. Mrs. Harry Bacon and sous. Weston and Harold, of Clucagp and Miss Anna Frisby visited the Misses Sutton Wed nesday. Misses Irene Frisby and Maude Ber nard aud Messrs. Walter Warner and Thos McDonald visited at John Hibbs' Suuday. Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Smith, Miss Mar guerite Granger aud Ed. Granger of West McHenry spent a couple of days this week at their cottage here. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sicknesJhor death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, 6f Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors said was consnmp tion. "I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, "that developed a cougb, that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight ran down to 180 pounds. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For Cough8,~~Co1ds, La Grippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Honrseness, Croup, Whooping Cough and tuug trouble, it's supreme. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. TKKKA COTTA. Single harness, an exeeptioual value at Wm. Stoffel's. J. R. Knox of McHenry.called on rel atives here Friday. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunday at Henry McMillan's. S. B. Leisner is spending a fe* days with Chicago relatives. A few doses of Petesch"i cold tablets and you'll have no cold. See the farm pump engine for general purposes. Win. Stoffel. Mrs. A McDowell and Mrs. M Knox were McHenry callers Thursday. Miss Emily Watson of Chicago is a guest at the home of J M. Phalin. Royal Gracy and wife of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Saturday last. Mrs. S. Kuox and Miss Auna Frisby of McHenry called at M. Knox's Friday. The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot cakes. Only a f^w left. Wm. Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter were Spring Grove visitors Sunday. Mioses Edna phalin and Frances Knox spent Friday evening with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Fred Holmes of Dundee, Miss Cora Wilbur of Carpentersville and Miss Myrtle Mat^he^s of Barreville spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. T. B. An derson. ' V We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se cure that sterling paper,' together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of |1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant- age of. Stubborn as Mules are liver and bowels sometimes; seem to balk without cause. Then' there; trouble -Loss of Appetite--Indigestion, Nervousness, Despondency, Headache. But such troubles fly before Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best Storn ach and Liver remedy. So easy. 25c at N. H. Petescn's and F. Masqnelet's. Notice. According to custom as observed last •minmer, our respective offices will be closed Tuesday and Thnrsday afternoon commencing April 5th, nntil further notice. Drts Ciiam Berlin and $oss, Dentists. I • • for Town Clerk, CHAS. B. HARMSEN For Assessor, J. W. KIMBALL For Collector, D (11V J'KT-ITIGN.) For Town Clerk, For Assessor, tX | > H " 'Wf ' :m;k. • JOHN NIESEN •----- For Commissioner of Highways, • JAS. L. CONWAY , For Collector;- - • • BEN J. BREFELD • For Commissioner of Highways, Q V .-ten',* "W. I hereby certify that the above is a true and cofrect specimen ballot to be vote4 at the Annual Town Election, in the town of ^ yy " McHenry, McHenry County and State of f lr Illinois, on Tuesday, April 5, 1910. /\j. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- 'iye cents, aud will be discontinued at rhe expiration of that time nnless other wise ordered. Try it. r- Rtftd Tba P •.•Si C e n t r a l Opera House SUN. AM 3 W F MANN PRESENTS-- HISS MAUDESSE DEVERE and MISS MADUE THURSTON IN TEMPEST AND A Dramatization of riary J. Holmes' Famous Novel A beautiful Story of the South before the War NEW SONQS AND MUSICAL NUMBERS PRICES, 35. 35* 5® SEATS ON SALE AT PET ESCH'S Bertha Emmcrt Expert Fitter of Glasses for all EyeTroubles At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Mar. 9 April 13 Hay 11 June 8 July 13 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 13 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 eery H*»> I-- THE WRONG WAY to select hftrnt'Nh Is lU»> w.iy it Is usually Iniie. Prii'f Is Kcu«TuHy l ilt! Hrst ( - t, tion. If ilmt> v»-ry low «!»• seem i-cKHrtfl.-ss of >|Uahty. Jtuiuo our I In' otlior w»iy itlwuil. Vrifin.lni'Into I !'•'M"ullty of tliis l>arness ttSt The" i». will l-e.seeii that It is worth almost uuv ui-Umj. Hut our prices sire riot f,j°h Vnfue <-.oiisirt«red they are re«ark- alily low . :: :: :: :: Q. A. Barker ricHenry, 111. OUR. PLATFORM We solicit the trade of all those who, when a driig store want arises, dfesire to make sure of getting goods of de pendable quality at a fair price. We treat all customers alike. ' We have but one quality of drugs, the best. We have but one price, the lowest possible for the quality of goods. , V ' Every customer has the kind of atten tion he would have if the existence of the business depended upon his future trade. N. H. PETESCH DRUC1UIST McHENRY TEL. 374 The Motil Benefit Life Iimm (0. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $268,296,648.95 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company |us accomplished better results for Its policyholder* CARL W. STENGER, Agent. •'?> •SM 'sSStl Cr--" P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION UIVKN TO THE SAUC OF Dressed Beef, nutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists forniahed on application. Stall i t ) , Pulton St. Wholesale Market. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Want Column, Ali njvt-rtisement* insvrteU under thin liead kt the following ratea: rive linen or letw, £6 e»nt« (ur ttx«t tnnt-rtloli; IS vuntK fur sulmrquint insertion. More than Ave linen, S oint* a line (or tint Imwrtion, nd 3 cent* a line for addition! Insertions. SALE--A Deoruig huy riike, al- E most new. luquire at this office. iftJ-Ut ITVOK SALE -810 will buy " Heary Couuty Atlas. latent edition M<-- Uox ll>, McHuury. TiVJlt SA1.E -Saltxm buildfnK. 89xfi0; six mln- utes' walk to tlie lake. Inquire of Paul L. Radhot, Orystal Lake. III. April 1 CMJ13N I*-- Blaok uiastilf. Owner may havo sauitt by proving claim and paying fivr this ad. Wilbur LdmbbkCo., McHenry, Hi. CVOR SALE -Black mare, einht years old. weiRht 1300 lbs. Will make excellent farm hors*-. Wii.bok Lumber Co., Mclleury, III. IT^Oli SALE--AtK>ut 30 bushels timothy seed ^ thorolv cleaned froui all foul " " - eft luire of J. C. Cukmenp, West Mel 40-2t.i I Stwl. lli- eury, 111. Full blood libode Island Red For further information ad- Iress or apply to L. E. Walmskisv, McHenry, 111. Also pasture for rent. n>OR SALF> ^ cockerel. n^OR SALE--Nortfi and South Dakota laud: !1 jia u> per acre. Also farms In Minne sota. For further information apply or write E: W. Howe. McHenry. 11U w-tr fpOR SALE OR RENT--A six room bouse. " t<>(ietlier with t wo lots. For furthe^r in formation write, phone or apply to '£*«•©. Wink M.S. McHenry, III. "I'houeTtW. TTViK SALK -500or OHO bushels choice Od«f- brucker iiarley. free from all f*>ul seefl; sr-tt Wc per bushel. Apply to (Jus Saxtkm, on Frank Wattles faru'i, West McHenry. pV>li SALE- e)ft?s for . . - uiatinif. 18 per IS: standard inatiuy. $1 per ». Sirt>s fnim Truckenbrods fatuous pris*' win- Ti'hner Bros., McHenry. -Statu!ard bred Plymouth Rock 1%, iiinK strain. Tj^OK SALE--Twelve-year-old black ma**, P wt. KM* lbs.. driver: also three-yewv old bay driving mare. wt. 1M0 lbs., broke_ift, drive eit her >injsle or double. For further in- fortiiation apply to or address K. J. Han '.Vest Mclleury, 111. 3&-tf T HE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE of CW-cago. 111., wants men to learu barlier trade. They offer splendid inducements a«w a short term completes. They mail fret#* beautiful c:ttal<^cue and ask all our readops send for it. <1-2# NoUM t - " To insure publication in V ' ^ dealer copy must be in the office m later than Wednesday noon of week. Advertise**, eepecially, ar« as^dl ... :r„: to take particular notie to tWa hk