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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1910, p. 5

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dpi! 11% MR. ?» «3f>I DRESSER: It's time to I order that new Suit and Top Coat. * Our uejfr Spring Samples await your inspection. The very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to your own measure in any STYLE YOU ^1 CHOOSE. A nice line of Shoes: Hats, Shirts, Collars and Ties to - ^ select from, Call and see them. *If, Yoiirs truly, M, J. WALSH WEST /icHENRY. PHONE 483 $ l6 .00 and up. J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. -«V The Big Stick Is useful in its place, It does not matter wheth­ er you want one &ig stick or enough lumber to build a house or barn--you can get what you want when you want It if you come to us. We have one of the most complete stocks of lumber carried by any retail yard. White and Yellow Pine lumber, Hemlock, Hardwoods, Shingles and Lath, Mouldings, Interior Finish, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Come in and look over our stock whether you want to buy anything now or not. You are always welcome here. v Win WOT (0 ttt Telephone 651 •M WEST McHENRY, ILL. Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED «SM This Bank receives deposits, pay* 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all conrtesiee consist­ ent with good bo&oess principles and does a GENERAL MHKIM BVSMSS respectfully solicting pnblic pat* ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil- I lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on na. Abstracts ordered. < INSURANCE in First Ctaaa ml the lowest rate* Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Bud Tli* Plaiadeaiar "wmt" ad* BMOIMIL Opening same at Jobnnbnrgh base- bull park ou Sunday, May 1, Johnsburgh Blues vs. Woodstock A. C. This being the first regular game of the season for both teams they will have to scramble for superiority and the players will play with all the gingar end speed that May weather will permit. Now turn out and root for the team yon have picked as your favorite for the year. The old grounds at Johnsbnrgh have been made larger, and this will make it better for players and spectators, especially spec­ tators, as a fine driveway for autos and carriages has also been secured. There­ fore, come one, come all, and see this K<une. If it satisfies, or even if it do*s not satisfy, then /come and be satisfied by witnessing the next game, May 3, II §10, Round Lake vs. Johnsbargh Blues. General admission, 15c; ladies and chil­ dren, 5o, Yankee Doodle QlrL" Next Sunday evening. May L, the "Yankee Doodle" Stock company will appear at the Central open; house in a big double bill, a pretty sentimental playet, "The Gambler's Wife," to be followed by the funniest of all fun plays, "The Yankee Doodle Girl," which in described as a "ginger" comedy ctraek full of life and action, a continual langh from beginning to end. aiugiuu, d*ue ing and musical numbers are a featnre of the bill, so everybody will be assured a pleasant and profitable evening Seat* now on sale at Petesch's. Bead Xhs Piaiurtealw. ,ATEI£HBORWG mWS AS CJlRON/CLf-h »7] OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORHnSPONDENTS f «ae» Henry Geary wasaHc Friday. • WU! Frast has joat purchased a very fine dog. , •' Mrs. John Myer of Waueobda was in town last week. ' " M rs. Sophia Raasch of Chicago is vis­ iting friends here. Hubert. Casper of Ingleaide was a Volo caller recently. Mrs. Mary Potter of Chicago is visit­ ing relatives near Volo. ' Mrs, Chas. Raught spent a few days last week in Wankegan. Frank Roney of Waucoada was a Volo caller last Wednesday. Mrs. John Brown, Jr., of Wauconda called on friends here Friday. Claude Richardson of Elgin visited relatives here part of last week. .-Mrs. Lawrence Miller is entertaining A relative from Silver Lake, Wis. Eloyn Hanson attended the dance at Bound Lake Wednesday evening. Henry Kriseger and Sylvester Wege­ ner were McHenry callers Friday. Geo. Eatinger is having his house re- paiutad by Will Frost and Will Hnson. Mrs. Geo. Ben well and sister, Mrs. John Wilson, were recent Volo callers. Miss flellen Raymond visited with friends at Grayslake Wednesday and Thursday last. / Miss Joeie Berger of New Monster, Wis-, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller. Mrs. John Brown of Wanconda and Mrs. Ed were visitors at the Still ing home near the Bay Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh­ ter. Marion, of Liberty ville called on friends hefe Thursday of last week. Every family and especially those who reeide in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Ltnimeut. There is no telling whe% it may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in all canes of rheumatifui, sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers . On Thursday, April 21, at his home here occurred (he death of Johu Stadt- feld, who had been a resident of Volo for a number of years He has been failing in health for some time, but was not confined to bis bed until about b week previous to his death. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church here Snnday afternoon. Burial in the Volo cemetery. WKt< h For thtt CoiMt, The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring coughs and colds. Careful mothers k.eep Foley's Honey and Tar in the boose. It is the beetaod safest prevention and cure for croup where the need is urgent and immediate relief a vital necessity. Contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse sub- jtltates. Frank Masquelet. KSKHAI.I) PARK. Petesch's for drugs L. Hnck went to Chicago Tuesday. Robt. E. Sat ion of Chicago spent Sun­ day at his home here. .Raphael Corr of Woodstock was a Snnday visitor at Ed Knox's. Robt. Sohns of Chicago spent a few days this week at his cottage. Mrs. John Walsh of McHenry spent Tnesday at Mrs. Ellen Walsh's. Raymond Whiting of Woodstock vis­ ited Miss May me Knox's school Thurs­ day. Miss Ada Carey of McHenry was a gnest of the Misses Knox Sunday after­ noon. The Clover Leaf mannre spreaders gift like hot cakes. Only a few left Wm. Stoffel Thos. Mnmmery of Chicago Is spend­ ing a few days' vacation With Lawrence Hnck, Jr. Mrs. P. Costs!lo and daughter. Mar­ garet, visited at Mrs. Ellen Walsh's Saturday and Sunday. Air cooled, double exhaust--some thintr new--onr tuimn «ngi«M gettsr see it at Wm. Stoffel's. Messrs. H. Bending and son, Harry, Jas. Haxton and D. W. Hill Sundayed at their respective cottages, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and daugh­ ter, Kathryn, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs. Master David Huck and Miss Bessie Hughes were perfect in attendance for the seventh school month, ending April 81. - " Mrs. H. Felmeten returned from Chi­ cago Friday, after having spent several weeks wititter mother, who has been very sick. Mrs. J. Sabel and son, William, of Chicago and Mrs. T. Winkel and son, Leo, of McHenry visited at J. R. Smith's Thursday. Miss Elizabeth Morriasey of Dundee, who is having a week's vacation from work in a Chicago school, spent a couple of days the first of the week with the Misses Sntton. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Malyfit and Miss Anna Malytit of Chicago spent Friday night at their summer home, bnt re­ turned to the city Saturday on account of the snow storm. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all im­ purities out of the system, insuring s free and regular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. PlM* Vonr Order Now. _ tr The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to nse en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business uian, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, is visiting with in the city for a - . . . KIUUKNEIU • A. P. Peck went to Madison Monday. H. P. Barber went to the city Monday. Wiibnr Levey went to Woodstock Sat­ urday. Arthur SkinnW of Woodstock was here Sunday. Howard Jacobs drove over from Terra Cotta Tuesday, Miss Glenys Jacobs is visiting rela­ tives in Aurora. F. Seune and wife visited Palatine relatives Saturday. Lonis Goddard of Woodstock Sun daved iu Ridgefitdd. F. W. Hartinan was a Woodstock business visitor Monday. H. Cooper went to Chicago and his wife to Mcflenry Saturday. Mrs. Allea and daughter were Crys­ tal Lake visitors Friday afternoon. Mrs. I. Ericson and two children vis­ ited with Woodstock relatives recently. Chris Hay -and John Nelson were business callers in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Dora Cooper visited her sister, Mrs. Sophia Senue, at Woodstock Thurs­ day. Mrs. James Whyte of Crystal Lake is caring for the postoliice here for a few days. Mr. Jowphenson and l»oie Johnson were Crystal Lake bnsiness callers re oently. * MINN Agnes Dnfield Mr. and Mrs. Howard few days. Miss Mattel Skinner visited with her sister, Mrs. W. Liudscott, at Woodstock Thursday. George Hutson and Willie French of Woodstock visited the former's parents at McHenry Miss Lizzie Riley of Rarrington visit­ ed a part of Monday and Tuesday with .1. R. Mbgraw and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kalow attended the funeral of Mrs. Salow's sister. Mrs. Bartell, st Huntley lant. week Wednes day. A goodly number of our yonng peo­ ple attended the ball Kivvn in the Emer­ son typewriter factory at. Woodstock last week. Mrs. E. B. Smith entertained J H. Davis of Dixon, III., general missionary of Sdnday school work, part of Thnrs day and Friday. Diarrhoea should ,be en red without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedj^ not only cures promptly but produces no nnpleasant ift^r effects. It never fails and is plea* an't and safe to take. Sold by all dealers Rev. and Mrs Giesselbrecht of Wood­ stock, the former pastor of the Presby­ terian church here, are rejoicing over the arrival of the Btork, April 19, with an eight pound daughter. Mr. Giessel­ brecht will move his family into the manse as soon as his wife and little daughter and the weather will permit. Yonr tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that yonrstom *cb is the trouble. To remove the cause i$ the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealerp. SCHOOL NOTES. Mrs..8. Wakefield and Miss Etta Levey visited school Thursday. The township examination will be held at Woodstock May 0. The seventh and eighth grades will give an entertainment May 18. One number will be a shadow-pantomime. The following pnpils ranked first the past month: Grade 5, Edua Stephen­ son; grade 6, Emma Weiland; grade 7, Rath Kline; grade 8, PearliePeck, Olive Hesselgrave. Worse Than Bullets. Bullets have often caused less suffer­ ing to soldiers than the eczema L. W. •rriumu, Burlington, Me., got in the kriny, and suffered with, forty years "But Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed," he writes. Great est healer for Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises and Piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. TKBKA COTTA- Single harness, an exceptional* value, at Wm. Stoffel's. Charles Gibbs of Emerald Park was a recent caller here. Mrs. F. Bergman of Chicago is visit­ ing relatives here. Paints and brushes of all kinds at the Center ville hardware. G. P. Bay, Jr., of Chicago visited rel­ atives here last week. J. Meir of Crystal Lake was a busi­ ness caller here recently. Misses Katie and Theraea Buss were McHenry callers Monday. J. Courtney of Wauconda was a caller in this vicinity Wednesday. Mrs. Merton Gracy was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday afternoon. Lou Anderson of Richmond spent Sunday and Monday with relatives here. F. Bergman of Chicago spent Thurs­ day and Friday at the .home ofS. B. Leisner. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter, Sylvia, spent Friday last with relatives in Richmond. Dr. Roberts' hard milking outfits and other veterinary remedies. For sale at Petesch's only. Miss Emma Conwayof Elgin is spend ing this week with her parents, Mr. and P. H. Conway. Carl Bergman of Chicago is visiting at the home of bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Good results always follow the use of Foley's Kidney Pills. They give prompt relief in all cases of kidney and blad­ der disorders, are healing, strengthening and anti-septic. Try them. Frank Masquelet. * Opera House Sun, , May I ----IN A B1Q DOUBLE BILL "&/>e Gambler's Wife" AND THE FUNNIEST OF ALL COTtEDIES **15he Yankee Doodle Girl" _ BIG - d Vaudeville Acts 5 INCLUDING CLYDE LONG CURSON SISTERS EVAVS and OSHER SEATS ON SALE AT PETESCH'S Chicago & North-Western. Effective April 3.1910. WBBK DAY TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via F.ljf'm Via lies riaincs... Via Eljtin Via Des I'lulnes Via Elsia Via Des IMatnes... SUNDAY TRAIITO. 7.4© am Via KIrim 10. is a m 9.00am Via Des I'latnes lO.l.s am Lv Crystal Luke. a-K A,r Mclloui-y Leave Chicago. 7.00 a m... l*.00 a m... 12.:S0 p in.. U.40 p m... a,2f> p m... 5.12 pin... Arrive McHenry ....10.24 a m ....10.24 a in .. p in 5.00 p m 6.40 p m . .. 8.40 P M *.(.*> P CD Leave Mc Henry. 7.10 i m . 7.10 a in. 8.10 a in ..Via Elgin. WSJPK DAT THAIMI. BOTJTHBOUNU, . Via lHvs I'l.•lilies...,. Via Elgin .Via Des IMaines .. 4.55 pm Arrive Ohlcajrri . . 9.OH a"M . 10.00 a iu .9.45 a m 3.ft» p iu -- To Crystal Lake Ar 3.S!S p in i.itti p in Via Des IMaines 6.85 pm 4.36pm Via Elgin 7.25pm SUNDAY THA1KS. 7.16am..: Via Elgin.... 10.25am 3.05 p ni... To ('rysfcal Lake.... Ar 3.85 p m 5.00 p m Via Des IMaines fi.W p m 5.00 p NI Via EIRIII 7 85 p M Want Column. All a<tv»rtinein«Dt« InaerttHl umtar thin head at the followingnt««: Klvt1 Hh**k or t«•**, 26 ceuti* for flrnt Insertion, It lor iuiwrtlon. Muiv than Bvc linos. S eenl« a lino for liint intttirtiop, ml Scentii a liiw for addition! insertion*. \X7 ANTED- (llrl for neutral housework and *' to wait o« talile. Inuuliv of Mas. P. II. WEBER, West M. lUnry, III. , ANTED-- Young man with knowledge of bookUwpInK for oftiro work iu Chicago. Addrtjss 11.. The rlalmtealer, Mclietiry, 111. W' "HVJtt fALE -lllack marts eight y*'itrs old. weight 1200 liw. Will make oxc*ell«nt. farm liorst. W II.BDK LUMRKH <O, McHenry, •CVJR SALE--Canadian wheat land. Ix>w prices. LilM'ral terms. First excursion May 3, WiO. Write for particulars. C. E. JACKSON, General Agent, Koekford, III. 12HJU SALE--North and South Dakota laud: -1- $15 to ®8Ti per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. HOWE. McHenry. III. 20-tf tpOKSALE OH KENT--A six room house. together with two lots. For further in­ formation write, phone or apply to THRO. WINKEI.8. McHenry, 111. 'Phone 70S. SALE--500 or tfOO hushels choice Oder- A hrueknr harley, fret! from all foul seed; 7-V per liushel. Apply u> (Jos SATTEM, on the Frank Watt les farm. West McHenry. 37-tf F (Jli SAI,E--Standard bred Plymouth Rock ejjgs for lialcliing. CVn'kerei or pullet mating. $2 per 15; standard per 15. Sires from Truckenbrods famous prize win­ ning strain. TI RNKK liltos.. Mclleury. POK SALE -A cook stove in giHMl condition. A Will he solil very reasonable. If you III'IHI a cook stove now is the time to buy one In flrttt-ehiMK condition at a very small price. JOHN P. SMITH, McHenry, III. M-TF pASTUKAGE --Have pasture for fifty cattle for season on my' farm at Lily Lake. Plenty of fresh water and best of feeding. l'Y>r further Informal ion address or apply to J, E. OAINKU. Wauconda, 111. Tel. 173. 40 3t* rjA 11 LIAS-The time hak again - arrived when dahlia t uhcrs may be secured from my clHilee collect ion. Any variety, any color, any type. 15c to 2f>c each; fl.,r»(i u> S2.50 per doz. Call Saturday evening or Sunday. Stock may lie had unt il May *>. F. it. GOODMAN. 43-41 L MMMM PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woousiock. Illinois. Ofllcti in Ar­ nold Itlock. east side public square. Ab- .stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten t housand dollars. Time and payments to suit iHirrower. I'hones 034. !*W and 911.1 KKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Lueila Kiintmli & h to William B(Hi- slett. It 3 blk 12 orlg vill West Mc- Henrv ex st rip f C. 11. Fegers to N. .1. Nye. Its 1. 4, 5, «,#, bk 24 McHenry ex strip. .. 9000.00 MA Kill AGE LICENSES. Win. L Krne^er, 88 Barriagton Myrtle May Johnson, 23..... Algonquin James C. Wylie, 23 Cary Bertha L. Znrlinden, *19 " (lust liork, 22 Marengo Mamie Dtiuker, 18 " Daniel W Fitzgerald, 34 Marengo Elizabeth M. Sullivan, 24 " Harold Blomgren, 20 Cary Sigriil Peterson, 22 .Chicago George K. Roberts, 36 Cherokee, la Mabel Christman, 28 Clinton, Wis Walter (JoodselJ, 22 . Bertha Glass, 23 Arthur Crabtree, 21 Leta Thorsen, 18.... Harvard • • T .... Darien, Wis ..Walworth, Wis "TLIE YANKEE DOMTLE GIRL." The original "Yankee Doodle" Stock company will be the attraction at the Central opera house next Snnday even­ ing, May 1, in a doable offering- a dramatic hit, ' The Gambler's Wife," which will be followed by the roaring couiedy. "The Yankee Doodle Girl," a "sizzling," "dazzling," "ginger" play, which is oue continual langh. Singing and dancing specialties are a strong feature of the entertainment, so th© dnll moments will be few and far between. Seats are now on sale at Petesch's. The Call of the Blood for purification, finds voice in pimples, boils, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patche&jind blotches on the skin. - all signs of liVer trouble. Bat Dr King's New Life Pills make rich red blood; give clear skin, roay cheeks, fine complexion, health. Try them. 25cat IJ, Petescb's and F. Masqnel»t'#. Have you seen onr five and tan cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. Vycital. jl-.M.y1' V>?%'&>£¥*> ... • > t'Mlf / "Hiefe may be many motives that might induce you to take prescriptions to a certam store drnj There should be but ^ Are tbe Best Drunt and lllost Accurate Com pounding to be ... 3S'x'if That is the thing to consider. There is no reason that should weigh against it. Price^ should not be considered. Our prices are as low as can be had anywhere, but that is inci­ dental. It is the superiority of our service that we wish to have appeal to you most. N . H . P E T E S C H DRUtKHST McHENRY TEL. 374 The hutudf Life Insuraoce (o. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has daring the past sixty four years paid to policyboldera, $263,296,648.<.)f> Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, <<5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. P H I L I P J A E G E R " ' GENERAL GO/IMISSION MERCHANT , . Ci SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THS 9AX*K Of 3 ̂ Dressed Beef, Jlutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, ' t- Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs - IS ' • This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prioe lists famfaihnd on application. COLD STORAGE FREE # Stall • A 3, Faltoa St. "' hocsale Market. siaii • I W ho*s CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. MM f'tilHil5!!;',!! $iii(mm!U!:; DRY C E L L A R No damp decay--no mould i n the cel­ lar with a Marquette Concrete floor* Malaria and disease start in a damp cellar--a sweet, clean Marquette Concrete floor not only adds to the health of the house's occupants but forms an ideal storage place at all times--warm in winter, cool in sum­ mer and dry the whole year 'round. Simple and ea§y to make--materials are cheap and you can do it your­ self with Marquette Cement. We'll gladly send you details for making floors with P Q RILAN Q CEHEN1 The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, HI. Ckitsf Oyer: BUt.. Gft&sf., /If. Wilbur Lumber Co., West McHenry. Tfle Plitiealef

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