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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1910, p. 5

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y% ME$ pmssm: #8 -m, fax* =•* V4. order th^t new Suit and Top Coat. Our new Spring Samples awaiit yoijr inspection/ ' The very latest Foreign arid Domestic Cloths made to your own measure in any STYLE? YOU CHOOSE. A nice line * of * Shots, Hats, Shirts, Collars and Ties to select from. Call and see them. :: Yours trplj, M I W A I < i ! ' F WEST ncHENRY. - « PHONE 483 L, _ ^ . NEIGHBORING Nil WS AS CHRONICLED-B Y DUR ABLE , CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS iMtWMNMIl 1 Y 1 ^TT* U i i ̂ js*. OO and up. J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. A T i r to you, Mr. Coal Consumer. Read that old fable about the "penny wise and pound foolish," but don't let it apply to you. Don't look at PRICE alone when buying coal. The QUAL­ ITY is what you will look at next winter. That is when you put it to test, and if it does not stand up under that test, you are up against it. ^ Come and look at our Scranton Hard Coal and you will be sure to place your order with us, and you may rest assured that it WILL STAND THK TEST. Rescreened at dock, rescreened from car, delivered to your bin clean and bright. You get RIGHT prices, RIGHT quality and the WILBUR SKRVICE, and that's RIGHT. Mt - WEST McHENRY, ILL. •M Telephone 651 r Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all conrtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solieting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real eetot. and other fint nfess security. REAL ESTATE farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Banker*. Baad Til* PliifldMlir Want Column.' All inwi-teil under this li-ad at the following rales: Klve lines or ieiw, *6 cents for flrat lnttertiun. 15 rents for e*ch subsequent insertion. Store than live lines, 5 cents a line for ttrnt insertion, nd 3 cent, a line for additionl Insertions. Tj*OR SALE -Blaok mare, eight years old* wtsltfht 1200 lbs. Will make excellent farm horsfr. Wii.buk Litmbkh Co,, McHeury, 111. IJU>U SALE-- Domestic scwlug machlue, good r as new, in perfect order. Price only $10. Inquire at Kinusub* Uousb, Pistakee Bay. ytTANTED-- Board for a teu months old *" baby f;»r summer. Inquire or write Mks. Koukks, West McHenry, 111. Telephone No. 871. T^Olt RENT--Pasturage and l*n acres of -1- hind bordering on mill pond In village of McHeury. For further information apply to H:mk of McHenry. T^OR SALE--North and South Dakota land: SI5 to $35 per acre. Aluo farms iu Minne­ sota. For further In formation, apply or write E. W. Howk, McHenry. III. 30-tf PASTl'RAOE--Have pasture for fifty cattle for season on my farm at Lily Lake. Plenty of fresh water and beat of feeding, l-'or further information address or apply to J. E. Gainer. Wauconda, III. Tel. 178. 4o-;it* •piAHLIAS--The time has again arrived when duhlia tubers may bp swuref" fron. my choice collection. Any variety, any color, any type, 15c to 25c each; ft.50 to jS.ftO perdoz fall Saturday evening or Sunday. Stock may be had until May 30. F. R. Uoodman. 43-4't ttvoR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rock eggs I from pri*e winners at Great Mid-West show. Chicago, and McHenry coutaty fair Either cockerel or pullet mating. fS.OC U- £V00 per setting. Whitwokth Bahrbo Roch Fa km. Woodstock, III. 4<i-4t "CVJK SALE OR RENT--The Lake Zurich " teed mill, beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich, in the heart of one of t he richest farming counties in the state Mill is all fitted and ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man who is willing to hustle. This is by far otic of the best mouey making opportunities that the section affords. No competition. Everything youi owu way. Don't delay, but write Thk Plain dealer at once for further Information. , WUlA I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. iaet'yonr far iu with I* F Quintan. Mss Ti'Sutfu mi Terra Miiia factory. Christina Roos is vi«iHngfriend* here. Jot? Baas of Waaconda was in town one day last week. , ^ Alabastine and kalUomo Oenterville hardware. . \ f' Frank GHiasof Kansas is vfeiinir Mr and Mrs. Miks Kraifs. Mr. and M,rs. Peter Miller spent Wed­ nesday at Johnshurgh. '• See the farm pump engine for general purposes. * W in. Stoffel. Mrsb'Pete Miller Hpent Saturday with relatives in Joiinaoargh. John Richardson transauied bngiaen 1 4. fT-IU IIQV xiirMidY, Mr. Raasch of Kansas i» a guest at the home of Essie Fiaher. ^ Dr. and Mrs. Rossdeutcher were Crys­ tal Lake visitors Friday last. Several from here attended the play at McBeary ̂ Sunday evening Got) Worts and wife of Fremont Center were in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 4oe H«rt«l or Frwiaont were Vole, visit-ore Wednesday, Mesd&m^e Dannill and Richardson were in McHenry last Thursday. Mr and Mrs. 8 J. Rnnsell were Mc Henry caliere Saturday afternoon Frank Carr atod Leslie TnrnbnH of Wauuouila were visitors bete Friday. Mr and Mrs. Ueo Richnrdf-ou uf Round Lake were Volo cullers Sat or day. ** Misses Lucy and Nora Koaing uf Round I^iike viniltd friends here Satnr day Mr. and Mrs Craine and Mr« Coftiish iZiu iitfujliitctii) c.r oi/ioit were V nit) callers Friday. Mr. apd Mrs. Will Davis and children of Wanoonda were in town Thursday ifternoon Mr. and Mrs Fred f^onverse qf Went Frsuiont were Volo callers We<fi|^*day Uterinum ^ Fred Doolitfcle, of Downs & ('o . made his UMUiti trip to onr town the latter part of the week. Mrs. Wui liming and Mi-;* Carrie Voj<t of Ronnd Lake attended church here Thursday. Mra. P S. Stadtfeld and Miss (len^* vieve Effinfier were Wanconda visors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs L. V. Lnsk and family of West Fremont were ^newts of rela­ tives here Sunday. Miss Ruth Coinptoir has returned to her home in Elgin after a month's visit at the Rirwan home here. Mrs. Frank Atuaun of Round Lake spent Friday and Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Jack Stadtfeid. Floyd Williams of Das Moines, W, is the guest of Mrs. Fayette Hnson and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hnson. John Molidor and sons, Joe and Herman, spent Wednesday and Thurs­ day last at New Munster, Wis. Mrs. Bnrt Paddock and daughter, Phyllis, and Misa Kate Frost of Fort Hill were Volo visitor* Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter­ tained Mr. and Mrn. George Kuebler and^on of Des Plaines over Sunday. John D. Rockefeller would go broke if he should spend his entire income try­ ing to prepare better medicine than Chambetlain's Colic, Cholera and Di­ arrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen­ tery or bowel complaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it. Sold by all dealers. PAKK. Petesch's for drues. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. List your farm with D. F. Quinlan. rien wanted at Terra i^otta factory. Ohas. A. Cohan of Chicago spent Sat- nrday and Sunday at his cottage. H. Bending of Chicago spent a couple of days the first of the week at the Park. Miss Katherine Knox visited Wood stock .friends last Wednesday evening. Edwin Walsh and Miss Matt son vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uibbs Satur- day. v Miss Glad$«. Matthews of Barreville spent Thursday eveniog with Dorothy Knox. Bike gear, auto top, brass trimmed-- the latest creation in buggies at Wui, Stoffel's. Miss Katherine Knox spent Tuesday evening at Barreville with her pupil, Miss Ethel McDonald. Lawrence Uuck, Jr., securedji posi­ tion with Borden's iu McHenry and be­ gan work Wednesday. Messrs. W. K Burns, Kenneth Burns, D. W. Hill and J as. liaxtou of Chicago Sundayed at the Park. Misses Helen and Mamie Smith and Leo Smith spent Sunday afternoon at T. .Winkers in McHenry. Mr. and Mm. Chas. Malefyt and Miss A, Malefyt of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week at their cottage. Mrs. N. Biggy of Chicago, who has been spending the past two weeks here, is visiting Barreville friends this week Foley Kiduey Pills are antiseptic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularities. Refuse sub •ititutes. F.. Masquelet. Mrs. John Walsh and children of Mc Henry spent a few days the first of the week with Mrs. Chas. Gibbs, who. is suffering from an attack of qninsy sore throat. The High Cunt of LivI uk Increases the price of many ueccessi . iee without improving the quality. Fo- ey's Honey and Tar maintains its high standard of excellence and its great cur »tive qualities without any increase in •ost. It is the best remedy for coughs, olds, croup, whooping cough and all til men ts of the throat, chest, and lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Aeluse substitutes. F. Masquelet The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot cake& Only a few left. Win itoffel. KlUUKFilKllI, /*" I sell farms. D F. Quinlan. * iWt your farm with D. F Quinlan. flen wanted at Terra Cotta factory. C. Oglesby was in Crystal Lake Thurs­ day. Miss Agnes Dnfield returned from the ^ity Friday. i A. P. Peclf -fof Madison Sundayed with his fatuity. T" " C. F. French waa a caller in Wood­ stock Wednesday. H P Barber was a business caller in Chicago Thursday, The Royal Neighbors cleared $10 at their social last week. Earl Skinner called on his sister, Miss Mabel, Sunday afternoon. Grace Doolittlg of Chicago visited her girl friends here last week Mrs. D. O Kline led the Christian Endeavor Sunday evening. Chauncey Stephenson has recently purchased a horse and new carriage. Miss Emma Norton of Woodstock spent Thursday with Mrs. E. 8. Smith. Mrs. W. J. Bncholtz and son called oti Mrs. .J. B. Lynch Snnday afteruoou. Mrs. A. Hanson and sons, Tony and Earl, vinited Woodstock relatives Sat urday. The Woman's Missionary society met with Mrs. P. Hodgkinson Tuesday aft emoon. * Mr. and Mrs Byron Waterman of Woodstock Sundayed with Ridgefieid relstiv&s. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simmons enter­ tained relatives from the city the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. IV. L. <Gibson vifited with Mrs Gibson's father, 1. Kline, at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. P. B. Houghawout and littl&jon visited her sister, Mrs F. E Fay, at Ringwood Saturday. Messrs. J. .J Barl»er, (' Oglesby ami brother. Frank, N Nelsou and wife spent Sunday iu the city Mr. and Mrs W R .laynes and fam­ ily of Woodstock took dinner with Mr. and Mrs W. L Yanke Sunday. Mrs S Wakefield visited her sister,, Mrs. Letumers, at Woodstock Saturday. She is having her house repainted. The stork has again visited Ridge- field. Mr. and Mrs P. Benson wel­ comed a little son Saturday, May 7. J. (' Button and sister, Mrs. P. Hodg- kinson. entertained Mrs M. Lock wood and Mrs. Watson of Woodstock Friday. Arthur Skinner, Clifford Vance and Fred Greene of Woodstock s[»ei)t a part of Stiuday with Mr. and Mrs R. L. Dnfield. Mrs. Rose Goddard received a box of wintergreen berries from relatives iv Jackson county. Wisconsin, the first of last week. The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. W. E. Dike last Thursday. Strawber­ ries aud cream were Herved with other refreshments. Mrs. 4. Shaw aud two children, Lolo and Stanley, of Ft. Atkinsou visited from Saturday until Monday with her sister, Mrs F M. Risley, and family. Foley Kidney Pills contain in concen­ trated form ingredients ol established therapeutic value for the relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ailments. F Masquelet. * R Reed won the pair of socks in the guessing contest at D. O. Kline's store Monday. The lowest guess was 500 yards, the highest being 12.000 yards. Mr Reed's guess was 1800 yards. The number of yards of knitting cotton con­ tained in a pair of socks was found to be 1801. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily coip ing to light. No such grand remedy for liver and bowel tronbles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick headache, biliousness, jaundice and iodigestion. Sold by all Healers. TKBKA COTTA. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. List your farm with D. F. Quinlan. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. T. R Anderson was a Richmond vis­ itor Saturday. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a recent Chicago visitor. Single harness, an exceptional value, at Win. Stoffel's. Mrs T. R. Anderson wa« A Crystal Lake visitor Tuesday. T. J. Walsh of McHenry was a busi­ ness visitor here Friday. . Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Florence,' spent Saturday in Elgin. I. Courtney of Wauc<,nda was a busi­ ness caller here Thursday. A. T. McMillan ami Mrs. H. McMil­ lan were Crystal Laku callers Monday. Mr. Burr of Crystal Lake was taking the census thru here the lint of the week. * Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and son, Eddie, visited at J. Doherty Vat Holcombville Snnday. ' ' Mrs. J Buss and daughter, Katie, went to Burlington, Wis , Monday to attend the funeral of a relative. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear tbe sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inducing good di­ gestion. Sold by all dealers. UniverMlUt Services at 10:45. The Rev. A. C. McHenry will preach at the Universalist church next Sunday morning at 10:4ft. All are invited. TOhnt IS very body Wanta. Everybody desires goodlieaith which is impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first in­ dication of any irregularity, and a seri­ ous illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kid­ neys aud bladder to their , normal state and activity. F. Masquelet. List your farm with Quinlan. a* Right now--to-day--their are a hundred places on your farm where Marquette Concrete work will not only save you money, but shorten the day's work. Replace fast decaying, v inflaniimable wood with everlasting Marquette Concrete an<j make your farm a land-mark for generations to come. The 3ip||| greater part of the work you can do yourself and the materials are cheap--it will cost you nothing to learn the yS* many uses of Marquette Cement. We'll gladly send you details for using •C-; 11* PORTLAND CEMENT. «r The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today* Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. ^ f General Office and Works: La Salle, ILL r ^ JL* ---...a- nt I T ill* Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors. PROBA TE NEWS Harvard .. Woodstock Belleville, Wis Chicago [Kui-nlsiio<l by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to lo:in ;iti real estii'o in silnis of five huutfred to ten ilioiisiind dollars. Time and payments to suit >Mirrower. I'bones 634, 9o;i and 011.1 RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Richard I. Overton & w to Charles W. Cropley. Its *, 5 Overton's 1st adn, Solon Mills #1235.(10 AIIm»M Ktten \ w to Wlltljim Koeppe, lit It 1 Suniiystdi', seo tol. McHenry, , r 8 iMVOO Jotin J. lieliner et. al to F.verett Hunt­ er, M.Kl a in swV» sec '£S. same .. 2800.00 lacoli .lacolison & w to Mary .1. I'eltou, It U County i'lk's plat , seo 20. Mc­ Henry. r asoo.oo PROllATE P1U1CEKDINUS. Gistate of Allen P. Colby. Inventory filed and approved. Claim day was had in the following estates: Frederick Block, Robert H. Sherburne. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Thomas H. Chapin, 2b Harvard Elizabeth H. Howard, ^5.. Eluier*E. Crisp, 34. .Chamberlain, S. D. Amy C. Nieman, 28 Harvard Frank C. Struwiug, 27 Algonquin Cecelia C. Berkley, 21. HugoO Rodde, 20 Jessie Baphford, 26... Arthur Berg, 21 Hazel Harmon, 20. ... Roy S Thompson, 2.r» Jessie E Wakeley.26 Harvard Joseph B. Hettermana, 22. . Johnsburgh Lena Smith Johnsburgh Commander .IiiI I iih A s I'ratt I'wtt No. 143, I>t |>t. Ill . (1. A. K. Mr. Isaac Cook, Commander of above Post, Kewanee, 111 , writes: "For a long time I was bothered with backache and pains- across my kidneys. About two months a«o 1 Htarted taking Foley Kidney Pills ami »oou saw they were doing just as claimed. I kept on taking them aud now 1 am free from backache, and the painful hlarlder misery is all gone I like Foley Kidney Pills so well that I have told many of my friends and comrades abont them and shall recom­ mend them at every opportunity.," F. Masqnelet. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, c. I'. HAHNKS, ATTOKNCY. Estate of AIN-n I'. Culby. Deceased. The undersigned. Kx-Officio Administrator of the Estate of Allen 1'. Colby. Deceased, late of the County of McHenry aud State of Illinois, hereby irives notice that he will ap- near before 1 lie County Court of McHenry County, at the court House iu Woodstock, at the June Term, on l lie first Monday in June next, at which 11me all persons having claims auainsl said estate are notified and request­ ed to attend for the purpose of bavltiK the sanie adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are nsiuested to make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Dated this I It h day of April. A. D. 1910. WM. H. Habbison. Jurn' - I.x-Officio Administrator. A Man Wants To Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. But Dr King's New Life Pills expel poi­ sons from the system; bring hope and courage; enre all Liver, Stomach and Kidney tronbles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. . Council Proceedings. Council Rooms, May 5, 1910. The board of trustees met in special meeting for the purpose of approving treasurer's bond. Full board present. Meeting calbd to order by President Wattles. Motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Frennd, that the board serve this meet­ ing gratis Motion carried. CXn motion hy Frennd, seconded by Chauiberlin, the bond of Carl W. Steng- er as principal, with George Hanly and C. II. Fevers as sureties, was approved. On motion by Meyers, seconded by Chamberlin, the meeting adjourned. F. H. Wattles, President. H. E. P rice, Clerk. Kur More Than Threa D««d«l Foley's Houey and Tar has been a household favorite for all ailments of the throat, chest and longs. For infants and children it is best and safeat as it contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. None genuine but Poley'-s Hon* ey and Tar in the yellow package. Re fuse substitutes. F. Masquelet, t'ride A druggist who takes pride in his profession will invari- uSltUL cons^er quality before profit. He simply cannot dispense drugs that he knows will fall short of what is expected of them. We consider that our store is run for public welfare as well as for our oWu living. What you purchase here, whether drugs or other goods, will prove exactly as represented. We stand behind every article sold over our counters and refund price if anything proves unsatisfactory^ May we have your trade under these conditions? You will find here everything carried in a lirst-. class drug store--pure drugs, £atenfev medicines, the best grades of rubber goods, stationery and: fountain pens. A fine assortment of post cards. N. H. PETESCH DRUtKJtST McHENRY TEL. >74 ^ - J * .-.rV J > 14 % > 4 J Emfil liif iiuurite (o. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The [leading Annual Dividend Company Has during the past sixty four years paid to policyholders. Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for Its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THK SALS OP Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and prioe lMff furnished on application. COLO STORAUE FREE CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. , T#", Stall i ft 3, Fultoa St. W koMib Market. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. I sell farms. I sell farms. I sell farms. tenia of Inter*»t Plckwl lip About Oar Baijr Little Bars That May Concern Yon or Your Vrtondiu o I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. D. F. Quinlan. D. F. Quinlan. D. F. Quinlan. List your farm with D. F. Qniulan. List your farm with D. F. Qiuulau. rien wanted at Terra Cotta fac­ tory. Boost is the word. Tank heaters at Wui. Stoffel's. m Join the boosters aud help McHenry "grow. Pat down your hammer and join the boosters. Chicago 6c North-wester*. Le&re Chicago. T.ttO am t'.OO a m 1 1S.30 pll.... 3.40 p m v» m 3.12 p B> Effective April 3, JW0. wm hat tiuin. HUKTHBOCXD Via Elitia -- Via rl;ilues. via Elgin ...Via l*e» t'lalBW. VS» RIKIb... Via DwPlttaiw IVNDA r TKAIBS. 7.40 n m Via Eluia . .. CAW a di Via D«'s ri;un<« Lv Crystal Lake..2.X> 1.05pm... "" " Ar McHenry.. .. U>pa Leave McHonry. T. 10 a iu... 7.10 a ui M H n i . . . . it.Ofi p ni. 4.% put.. . apa- r.ioam.... :».U6p nt.. tS.tOpai.. 5 0*) p m -- Via Elgin... waaa dat tuih. SOirrHBOtTXB. omSS .... Via i >v> l'U4u«s ».0S a m .ViaKkia fMSaai Via l>«t» l'itUn«a » 45 a « .To Ory>tal Lake....Ar UBj M • ....Via Ofs I'lalaw a»p,a» Vis KSjtia TJBfa 8CKDAY THAIKS. Vis EJ«ta W.35aa« ToCrr tal l.:»ke..:.4r 3.23 a m . ...VlalK^ WaWmu. vi.» k.'ku. 7asp« '.s Read The Plaiadaalei. \

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