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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1910, p. 5

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MM f '-fV"-' 1 M f J 11LV--J T 1 ' Ll' ™7l t ' ' "" " H" * --^ - * $ • It's time to 7" ^ order that new Suit and "Top Coat, , Our new Spring Samples await your inspection. The very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to your measure in any S^YMO YOtt '5tfticHOQ§|S. A^mce H*ieof Shoes, Soliars and Ties ttf r j selectvfrete; f Call atid see then*. ,//*; f* K'? M A • "Yours trnljr; WEST flcHENRVi 4&3 yon, Mr. Coal ^Qonsumer. Read that old fable about the "pelly wise and pound foQlish,n Jbut don't let it apply to you. Don't look at '1#RICJB/alone when buying coal. The QUAL­ ITY is what .you will look at next winter ITf hatis when you put it to test, and if it does ] hot stand up under that test, you are up against m, ^ Come and look a$ #ue Scranton Hard Goaf and you will be sure to place your order with is, and you may rest assured that it WILL STAND THE TEST. Rescreened at dock, rescreened from car, delivered to your bin clean *nd bright. You get RIGHT prices, RIGHT quality and the WILBUR SERVICE, and .that's RIGHT. , «#•§ LUMBER (0 tor: 4$ ••• •INephone 6#? r rWEST McHENRY, ILL. -dr Bank of ESTABLISHED 1888 "-N •• TMs Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest ontimedepoe- its, extends all courtfesies consist­ ent with good busineeeprilieiples and does « mmi BANKING BUSINESS respecting acting petir. ronaga. % ̂ X > Honey #to on xeal estate and other first clan Maacity. \ " "f • • "REAL • ESTATE ;*";'S Farm lands, residences and til- Inge property for sale. If yon want to bay or aril, call oana. Abstracts ordered. ' JNSURANCE £•> ,.5.r Jm first Cl&aaCompatuaa^ lowest ratea : Pecr£ & Notary Public. Bankers. 'MmA Thm Flaiwlsolw "eniet Want Column. Ali •ilvcrutu>ment» iu»«rteil umlrr thin bead at the fol lowlier r&toc: Mvp lifitf or U'HH, it* cents Cor ftnrt lu»niu>n, lb cents for insertioB. MorAthau Ave lines, 6 ccntu a Urn- far Hint iniwrUwM, asd Sctnt* * line for addition I iniertiojM. X\f ANTKL)--At Ayt-r's hotel, j til vv niiurau to do eitokiuj;. CiQod Uur^ird, 111., ' WiiKOS. TTMJK 8ALE--Field seed <;oru. Apply to or •£ wriu* HAMlYBitOS., West Mcllenry, HI. •iPhone 871. «-tf "n*<OB BALE--A second-hand ice box In good 1 condltlou. F. A. Uoui.andkr. West Mc- Ht ury, 111. I^OIt f*A LE--Domestic sewing machine, (food x a« now, tn perfect order. Price only itfc ItKjuirciit ICiNiiSLRT Uocsc, Pistakee Buy. 47-at 1*7" A NTED--Bo&rd for a ten moutlis old ** baby for summer. Inquire or write MRg^UoGK88, West McHenry, HI. Telephone "CVJfi KBST--Pasturage and ten acres of J- land bordering: on mill pond in villave of McHenry. For further inforniutlon apply to Bank of McHenry, f , U^Uli SALE North and South Dakota land; •*- |15 u> per acre. Also farms In Mlnne- sota. For further Information apply or write K. W. Howk, MclKuiry. III. »-tf PA8TIIKAGK--Have pasture for fifty for « a-son on my farm at Lily Lake. I'Uiiity of fresh wat-er and l>est. of feeding, i'or fiirther iiifornjution ;utdrass or apply to J. E. Qaikek, Waucouda, 111. Tel. 173. 4S-3t* J30K HALE--Harrcd Plymouth Rock e»rf?> - from prize winners at Oreat Mid-Wt<st show. Chicago, and McHenry county fair. Either cockerel or pullet mating. to f i.00 p» r setting. Wiiitwobtu IUkhcju K«k;k jiitM. Wotxistock, HI. 4«-4t pOB SALE OB RENT--The Ij»ke Zurich feed mill, iteantifully Kltvated near the banks of Lake Zurich, in the heart of one of the richest farming counties in the staw. Mill is all fitted and ready for operation. A splendid opiKtrtiniily for man who is witling to hustle. This is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords. 'No conm«titkM». Everytliinir yotn uiu way. JPou't delay, but write Tus Pjuaik- OBAucKat oaostor fsitterintorBUM'too. «•(( NEIGHBORING. NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY. OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS -^---riliiTMiT-rr I i 11.\ -';NIW FISH LAW IN EFFECT.' Pr«vl«l«M of lUinoIa Statute Im' Smkm! ^ to Pleatortai s^ort, ",'r:. PHONE ' ^1'-,v ̂ *•» n jp^HENI^ ILLINOIS # K"- ' f T - ! *v ^: "" " \-ii ' '• J':-S - •"•••.-«•• • " "3- < -- ' n>iA , P«toRcih'n for drnes. ^Sw uSbiSIb nt ul. ^iaODHI. 4 ilea wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Joe Fitch of Bound Lake mm here Tharsday. .v„ . ...,-v>. Will and Katie Proet went to Ingle- Bfde Snnday. 'N' Mrs. Johnson of MeHenry visited io VoioTa^day. Mrs. Orla Howard ape&t la^tThars- day in Wankegan^ Bra Fisher of Waacontla WMin town Thursday afternoon. r Harold Atnes of Qrayslake visited ' friends here last ttauday.' - ' - ' Will Hason and WtU FtfMi i^ere Waucond» callers Tne^dsy. George Riclwnlmni of Roerad T^»iry was a Oilier here Wednesday. > Mr. and Mrs. Vinoent n»v«ii» Wftnconda were in Volo recently. Fred Hh«rman of Milton, Wis., called on fiiwads here 8atnrday evening. Mw. Ed. Lask and Miw^Ewie Walton spent last Thursday in WankeK«ou | Mrs. Chas. Eanght was the gneat of relatives in Waukegtm last Thursday. Mrs. Win. Hirommiis and son, Ches­ ter, of Ivcuild I^jUce sere in town Thurs­ day. Mils Danaill of Chicago iptt n few days last week with her parents here. s Mrs. ayivester Weg«ner and Mrs. Wm. Dannill were Rotind IiSke visitors Friday, Bike gear, an to top, brass trimmed-- the latest creation In baggies at Wm. Stoffel's. Miss Bessie Cloogh of Wanconda was a gnest at the Raymond borne Saturday ana Monday. Lee Hason and Miss Delia Croker of, Libertyville we recalling on friends here Snnday afternoon. Mrs Lola Avery was a gnest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Panl Avery at Lake Villa Snnday. Don't forget the big opening dance at the Lily Lake dancing pavilion on San day evening, May 29. Mr«. W. M. H".son, Miss Nellie Vaaey and Floyd Williams were in McHenry Wednesday afternoon. -Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daaghter, Mnrl, of Bonnd Lake called at the Kir- wan home here Sunday. • Mrs. Mat Weber died suddenly at her home near Inglesid% Snnday night and was buried here Tuesday. A Harry Luak of Grayslake and^Miss Katherine Dowell of West Fremont were in to^n Saudsy aftsrsoou. Martin and Alfred Eley of Stoughtoiji, Wisv spent Saturday and Snnday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hanson. Mrs. Charity Ranght has gone to Libertyville for a few weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ranght. The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is daily com­ ing to light. No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curia* constitution, sick hendache, biliousness, jaundice and .iofjjgtgttion. Sold by allr dealers. ^ " KlNGVroOD. ^ _ Petescb's for drags. Men^anted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs. Ray Dodge visited her parents i{| Spring Grove last Friday. J. C. Ladd and wife were at their Lake county farm last Thursday. L. D. Todd shipped a carload of cattle from this station to Dundee last Fri­ day. C. W. Harrison and wife from near McHenry Were calling In town last Fri day. Miss Cora Waters of Elgin sprat the inst of the week with her sister, Mrs. 8. C. Hawley. Mrs. Jane Carr has been quite sick and Mrs. Stasia Kno* of McHenry is caripg for her. Bert McCannon and family and H. W. Allen and wife spent Sattda^ with friends in Lake Geneva. t The W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Emma Brown's last Saturday was well attended and enjoyed by all. H. W. 'Allen and wife were in Me Henry Friday afternoon, Mrs. Emma Matthews returning home with them, Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic and restorative and a prompt corrective of all urinary irregularis*. Refuse ftab- stitutes. F. Masquelet. Meporia! exercises wlfl be held in the M. W. A. hail Monday, May 30, at one o'clock p. m. Mrs. Florence Atkins, national organiser and lecturer of the W. C. T. U., will deliver the address. Never hesitate about giving Chamber­ lain 's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confi­ dence. ~ As a quick cure for coughs and colds, to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. . TKKIU COITA. fSeo wanted at Terra CotU \ms> tory. Mrs. Chaa. La Plant has been quite sick the past week, bat Is better now. Mies Emuia Conway of Elgin visited at the home of her parents Sunday. Mis* Mary Burke of McHenry visited at M. Knox 's Friday and Saturday. Miss Hat tie Welch of Woodstock vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. C. E. Martin, don- day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and little son visited relatives at Griswold Lake Sunday. Miss Florence Leisner of Chieago spent Sunday with her parg'iti, Mr. and. Mrs. S. B. Leisner. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck of Holcomb- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Fran^ Peck of Chicago visited their mother, Mrs. B. F. Peck, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMilla* and sons, Glenn and Mark, and Mr. and Mrs. F. McMillan and daughter. gtfintrfT gn@nt Sunday at Spring Grove. ' : SlfMJKratlil. : Men wuteflst Terra Cotta factory. A fishing party of seven spent Sun­ day at the river. / if Mrs. A. Auuers was a Wbodstock caller Wednesday. * Wilier Levey was a businees ealler at Wooslstocb paturday. Floyd D. Morse started for Frank­ fort, Ky.t last We<lne«day. ' Andrew ^elson visite<l with ah'nccle tiid family n,f- Si«Hsnry Suiidsy, Mrs. Stephenson and two* daughters visited McHenry relatives Sunday^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waterman of Huntley spent Snyday at Father Reed's. Mrs. Tegtmire and Mrs. Will© were pleasant caUers at Crystal Lake Mon- ay. Mrs. Carlson and daughter, HeleD, «re callsra stv1rww^i» iast savar- day. Miss Etta IriHh of Rockfiiltf- is vlsit- ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Irish. Mr, Herrsn an) Miss Ross of Chicago visited at J. C. Button's two days Ymt week. . Mr. and Mrs. D, G!bso«i enter tained their son, Lonte, and wife ever Snnday * *' The M. W. JUjseld a bnsineec meet ing in their hall Tuesday evening of last week. Misa Berlin of Crystal Lake visited with her sister, Mrs. Allen, and family recently. Mrs. Fred Wille visited her son, Fred, and family at McHenry last week Wednesday. Misa Mabel Peterson was a Crystal Lake business caller Wednesday of last wee* and Monday or cms wees. Mrs Wm. Wieland and son, Willie, and daughter, Emma, visited with Chi­ cago relative Saturday and Sunday The little people's missionary and sewing society met at the church par lore Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The afternoon was spent by the parents in tying off the quilt which the little people, with patience and sore fingers, have finished. A splendid program was furnished by the children and enjoyed by all. Cake and ice cream were served. The quilt will be sold and the money used for missionary purposes. \ SCHOOL NOTES ^ Lolo Shaw visited school Monday. We have some very pretty plants. The fifth grade has begun diagram­ ming. The eighth grarfs li reviewing per- mntltm a..:' The seventh and eighth grades will give their entertainment May 30 at the church. There will be two pantomimes entitled "The Three Lovers" and "The Courtin'." Mr. Fantham of Woodstotk will play several graphophone selections. The huiuanophone. a new instrument, will be introduced. Besides thene there will be other uiusio and recitations. That oar dear Lord t^ts given. Admission, 13 cents; school children. 10 Tie said the father and mother is happy cants. ^'"' ' * • / ' JotrNStroROH. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory Miss Martha Nieaen was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Brits were Mc­ Henry visitors one day recently. Jacob Frennd of Spring Grove seen in town Tuesday of last week. J. C. Debrecbt and family spent Snn< day with relatives at Spring Grove. C. M. Adams was among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Joe Adams, Joe Freund and Will Her gutt spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecbt boarded the train for Chicago Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund of Volo passed Snnday at the home of Thames Lay. % Mrs Jos. M, Freund of McHenry vis< ited at the home of Frank Schmitt Tuesday. Mrs* Frank Frennd wad Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Gpve were in town last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer of Spring Grove were Sunday guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schaefer. j The Johnsbnrgh Cubs crossed tats last Sunday with the Spring Grove Tigers, defeating tbijfc team by the score of 18 to ft What do jro» know about that? •' ^ KMBK4LU PARK. ilea wanted at Term Cotta factory. J. A.' Farrell of Chicago spent San- day with W. J. Walsh. Clarence Whiting of Woodstock was a Sunday visitor at Ed Knox'a Jack Allen of Chicago was a gnest at the Burns oottage over Snnday. L. Hack spent Monday and Tuesday attending to business in the city. - Misses Mae audi Grace Burns visits# N. Crystal !«&«.«• friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Corr of Wood­ stock visited relatives here Snnday. Thos. Bolger has been confined to his home the past week on account of sick­ ness. The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot cakes. Only a few left. Wm. Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. E. Arihit and Cbsa. Malefyt spent Saturday and Sunday at their cottage. Miss Mayrae Knox's school okwed Monday and the pupils and a law friends enjoyed a picnic. Messrs. D. W. Hill, Jas. Flaxton, H. Bending and Jos. Frey of Chicago Sfent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jiss. Armstrong of May- wood spent a few days the first of the week at their cottage. G. Edwin Walsh returned to Chi' cago Monday morning, after two weeks' vacation spent at hie home here. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, spent the week end at their cottage and were accompanied home by Miss Grace Burns, who is much improved iahsalth after two weeks spent atthi park. The fish law went into effeet recently. - , --«a -««. ok iiue raw and it should be cut ont and read care­ fully by the fishermen, or otherwise there may be trouble for the violators of the law: You must not fish with seinVbetween April 15 and Sept, 1. * ' ~ ' You must not catdi Mac£ bass, pike OT pickerel, or wall-eyed pike, commonly known as jack or yellow salmon, except by hook hjkI line and when>so caught with hook and line such fish shall not be sold or,offered for sale or offered for shipment Itetweep the 1st day of June and the 15th day of September succeeds ing. ^ Yon must nfct ship any fish caught in anyway in Illinois between April If ar| June 1 of each and every y@ar. «!i«11 be unlawful to sell or offer for sile any of the Ssh msntioueu beiowj which are less than the length men­ tioned for each: Black bass, H inches: wall eyed of . pike perch, 16; white Tor striped bass,,' 8; pike or pickerel, 15; pock bass, 8; bnf| alo, 15; black or river croppie, 8; Gerv man carp, 15; white coppie, 8; sunfish, 6^ ytUcRr or risg perch, 6, red-eyed perch, 6; blue or channel cat, IS inches. And further provided, that the pos» session of th$ above named, species of lees length than above designed shall be prima facie evidence of violation of this secoion and subject the paTty or parties having them in their poesenion to the penalty hereinafter mentioned: Any one violating any of the provi* sionsofthis act will be fined not less than $25 nor more than $300. It will be Unlawful to catch fish with any device or means other than a hook and line .witfefeL oT «ajr dam constructed across any of the rivers or creeks or water courses within tM§ jurisdiction of this state. " It is hereby declared to be unlawful to kill or catch or take In way of the rivers, ponds, lakes, sloughs, bayous or other watercourses within the juris­ diction of this state, any fish for any purpose within 400 feet below any dam* between April 15 and Jlone IS, of eacli and every year. For Mom Than Three Deridw Foley 's Honey and Tar has been 0 household favorite for all ailments o# sue throat, chest and lungs. For infants and children it is best and safest as itf contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. None genuine but Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar in the yellow package. Be fuse substitutes. F. Masquelet. in Sympathy. In sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin, whose baby boy died May 10 in Alabama: Oh, grieve not, papaaad mama. And mourning ones*bereft; Your darling finds a happier honae Among the angels blest. Tho hard to part with treasures Who has one child in heaven. What joy awaits dear Georgie As he neara the heavenly throne, Where angels stand to greet Mip, And gjrandpa --gone before. The bliss of that reunion " No earthly voice can tell, . And tho ye bow in sorrow, He doe^i all things well. And ye who prayed for him early ' To kuovr and love his God, * Will also be remembered r And given a like reward. Those prayers we often nttersi In his brief earthly stay Will ever be repeated And gnide ye on the way. Now he is praying, sweetly (ringing, Softly, in an undertone; Pfaying as tho God had taught him, 'Twill be better later on. "O guide my papa and mama to heaven, Dear Father, I pray yoh, hear. And dear little Thomas, my brother, And other loved ones dear. "8ave\heni, dear gaardian angel, From every ganger and sin; And grandprfandl will be waiting In heaven to welcome them in. -Goodby. dear papa, mama and brother, Weep not no more for me; For I am so happy with grandpa, Ajtf we will be praying for ye." MRS. J. B. What Is very body Wants. Everybody desires good health which Is impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first in­ dication of any irregularity, and a seri­ ous illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore yonr kid­ neys and bladder to their normal state and activity. F. Masquelet. OSTKND. ritn wanted at Terra Cotta fac­ tory. Miss Sadie Hobart visited sobool et McHenry one day last weefc. C. E. Gaylord and son, Eb, transacted business in Dundee last Saturday. T. A. Abbott attended to business matters in Woodstock last Thursday. Edgsr Thomas and little son called on relatives in this vicinity last Thurs­ day. Roy Hobart of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart. -- C. E. Jecks returned home from pk- lahomalast Thursday. Be reports ev­ erything fine out there. Bliss Daitty Gaylord returned home last Friday after a two weeks'* visit with relatives in Wisconsin. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Dimon and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin were calling on rela­ tives in thie vicinity last Friday even- ing One dollar a year for The Weekly, Sib ter-Ocean; $t.50 a year for The Plain- dealer- Or both by our recent special arrangement, $L?5 for fifty-two Trtrtrs of genuine news from far and near. mi as tHEMAR lifrri p§§ is a money-waster* It falls down on the one big ice-box requirementdoesn't keep the in. Moit of them are hail and it soon starts to decay--repair expense quickly follows. The heat stays out and the cold stays /», in a Marquette Concrete ice-box. Damp­ ness, which destroys wood and rusts iron, hardens Marquette Concrete Xhe -Marquette Ussiest1 icc-bos: will far outlast your time, without one cent's worth of. repairs. It's easily made withmrski/led\zbot and materials are inexpensive. We'll gladly send you details for making an ice-box with t im, TTP ̂ TLANO v 5^' The" Farmer's dement Handbook frpp^nr acti rrwr rnp ocvinnp lie vvruujf* Marquette Cement Mfg; Ca. General Office and Works: 1a S^te, U. Ck*cmf 0 M i n w t H BUg.. CUeJf, IB. Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors, vty; and A dfuggist who takes pride in his profession will invarW; ably consider quality before profit. He simply cannot dispense drugs that lie knows wilt fall short of what is expected of them. -j We consider that our \store is run for public " welfare as well as for olJrncmn living. What you purchase here, whether drugS^or other goods, will prove exactly as represented. We stand behind every . article sold over «our counters and refund price if anything proves unsatisfactory, | May we have your trade under these conditions?; You will find here^everything carried in ?i first- class drug store--pure d|rugs, patent medicines, the best grades of rubber goods, stationery and fountain pens* A fine assortment of post cards. N. H.PETESCH DRUUOIST McHENRV .TEU *?4 Wi : .. Mk NEWARK, NEW JERSEY^ \ -- » The Leading Annual Dividend , Company " Ebis during the past sixty-four years paid ^o poMey I Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.ea : Surpltis, $5,628,151.17 No com|>any tm accomplished better resislta for tts poUcyMSee# STENGER, Agent Si :'J0 i 1 >cif «S -V'\. -mm P H 11 I Dp ̂ I a m I I I % l ii m-if VJi 1% GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT Hi-eased Beef, Hatton, Hogs, V-- ̂ Hidu, Etc., Butter ami Eggi - ... . This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and priee Ifete application. C^U) FREE ,y K . 1 i r . ILLINOIS Stell • * 3. PadtM S| Wfcomh Mmijkmt. x Y < ^ - ^ •

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