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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1910, p. 6

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*-r& ? x*,* ' •" -^4^- nT?*"*T"r " •;• '• ^ ;• - ^-5f> '-'• *i» „^ «*#*•".i-8*.* "^' *: -':: ' " ' '""*'• V. *> * *'"* " - ' 1 "7 , , .• ' ' '* " >*" --1 ed by P. Q. SCKREINER. ILLINOIS Menelik is dead--again the Hookworm •prlng. The ••wanderlust" Tlie shoe man smiles. *'71 »* <•. "~*"" s, ~i~'"f » 28®^3&s VV," f ¥ % "i << "" M ^*<.3^.. Tt ^r-*T * ,' T- „ % ^ VV- sis» J < - > '. •' ' * •** -1 • -' -Ji.'-rSL - _ " "V, * * <: ^•fPs f^f.a>r»g.o; &.*# PACKET MISSISSIPPI B- '1 • "4'A txwi:- p:h f IrV-J i. tv-i. at at latt. grows fat te flu Kty *Va>>tt'o|w Ati |KoJ proposed tela-; PlMt from Scotiaun to Paris* - > A coffee and sinker breakfast oftsA ftiI}o«| • supper on lobster a It |tf«*j but*. Better make a note in your diary about four years ahead that grape crops are finest in comet years. •AU.INGKR EMPLOYE'S CHA'RfeE CREATES BIG SENSATION AT •^.-wfcitOT «MMK« £, It SiVQLVK THE PRESÎ f Stenographer Declares Assistant At­ torney General Lawler Drafted Letter Exonerating Secretary of irv- tiriof Prom Glavis Charges. King Ifenelik, rested by his recent decease, 1s taking hold of bis public datSes with renewed seat and vigor. A Chicago man has asked a divorce because bis wife drank two eas#s «f beer a day, What she wants Is ft pipe Mao. . It Is atlH pretty hard to getany* aiHi5 fees than the kidnaping 6? a millionaire's child Into the daJlv j^ress. *' St Louis man swears that his sub­ conscious self was in control when he get married. Sound* much lite the majority of ease*. A Russian prince is named as co­ respondent in the divorce suit of ft turpentine king. "Heavy lies the head that wears a crown." iv In Kansas men will not go to tho forms while the moving picture •bows are in ooeration with a dailv change of programme. w'-f «*sr •jjjUf s Tbe movement to teach girts bow to cook pie has been greeted, wtth great pleasure by the many men who £fV have heretofore dreaded marriage. fe&- f.h :M: e ,' I - *Hk 1 New York cafe that arbitrarily mafaed Its patrons to wear evening drees baa been closed, thus striking another blow for freedom of action. You can step on the grass in New York now. But somehow there art other things we'd rather do while pay* lag UdM MBa at tbe rate of $8 a mia- ate. tv/ -*•*$ *.•• *-5f••/.. ; *': f> •'/§?' ' y&: wlr. A filng Sing prisoner complains that he was given an ammonia bath. Probably some improvement installed since they started calling tbe place Osslnfng. I,,?*-} I I' ' • i : • • Chicago docto? says that a man j* ss dd s« his *?!©od vwmi^l The men fe St.. ?««! slw toan!!? are about the same age as their hones, nerves and other paraphernalia. '• &/?• : V : • Professor Lowell, now in Eatfaad. Mte Britons that the inhabitants of liars are intelligent organisms, but not at all like men. " But he did not await this as a slur on humaa beings. Friends of <he art league in Chi­ cago are urging- the p«,k boaM tp abandon the word "boulevard" and to call the highways connecting the park systems "drives,' or "roads," or "park­ ways." The people of Chicago are rapidly becoming purists. It will bo remembered that Eugene Field prophe­ sied that if Chicago ever got inter­ ested in culture, Chisago would sulture bum. Washington.--President Taft's let­ ter of last September ordering the dis­ missal of L. A. Glavis from the land office service and exonerating Secre­ tary Bailinger from the charges pre­ ferred by Glavis was based upon and iu part directly quoted rrom a draft of a letter written by Oscar Lawler, assistant attorney general of tbe in­ terior department. The Lawler letter was drafted in such form that it might have been adopted verbatim and signed by the president. . The draft by Mr. Lawler was deliv­ ered to the Ballinger-PiRchot commit- Suhirdfty ar^_ ord?f6d gnrftoH ttnn*\ the records of the Investigation. Care­ ful comparison of the I^owler draft with the letter shows that Mr. Taft did in fact adopt practically verbatim two short paragraphs of Mr. Lawler's language. The substance of the two documents is otherwise widely dis­ similar. The thing came to a head in the publication of a statement attributed to Frederick M. Kerby, orite of the stenographers in the office of Secre­ tary Bailinger, in which Kerby related at length the circumstances under which he alleged the Lawler draft to The ballooning fatalities fit " ile*. many should serve as a warning to amateur aeronauts everywhere, at the opening of the season for aerial flights. The ascension with the Pom- mem, which ended in the Baltic sea, Was undertaken when a high wind pre- vaOed, and when professional aero­ nauts would have considered it rash to start. Tbe second fatality revealed tbe dangers of descent triads are blowing. 5 •mti/imJ'-' t"W m. Tba young Lochinvar ot tba twen­ tieth century has to be up-to-date, or else no wedding bells for him. There may be "racing and chasing on Canon- He Lee," or wherever he makes bis getaway with a willing and adoring Sweetheart, but it will not be after the charger Which has stood conveniently near. The elopers hustle off in an automobile, and the pursuers follow In the fastest motor cars that can ba requisitioned. And then the hunt i» Jaot always aucceSsfuL A youthful pair ran away in that fashion at San Diego, Cal., anil so far as baard from have not been captured. ' ' * r" i Tfee rage for changing aaAea some- ftmes runs up against a snag. Some­ one succeeded in rechristening Tot- tenville, down on Staten Island, and substituting the title of BeaUey Manor. Now the descendants of the Huguenots who settled in that quarter bare risen ip protest and want the Old same back. 8o do the Daughters of the American Revolution^ whose pa­ triotic spirit naturally revolts at the fact, as alleged, that, the new name is that of a man who was a Tory in tbe Revolution. Sometimes the adoption W a new name for a town la by more baste than discretion. Kerby asserts further that all of the preliminary drafts used in the prepara­ tion of the letter were burned in a grate in the interior department at the suggestion and under the supervision of Don if. Oarr, Mr. Ballinger*a pri­ vate secretary. Kerby drew tbe inference that tba Lawler draft had been adopted by the president essentially as his own; that Mr. Bailinger and his legal adviser therefore virtually had prepared the exoneration which Mr. Taft had issued over his own signature. Almost simultaneously with tbe pub­ lication of the Kerby statement Attor­ ney General Wickersham sent to the Ballinger-Pinchot investigating com­ mittee, then in session, a copy of the Lawler draft, accompanied by a letter to Chairman Nelson in which Mr. Wiekershaiii declared the document had been overlooked intending the paper* requisitioned by tUe committee at the behest of Attorney Brandeis. The publication of the Kerby state­ ment evoked from the White House a statement declaring there was "abso­ lutely no foundation" for the state­ ment "that the president's letter of September 13, 1909, was substantially prepared for the president's signature by Assistant Attorney General La#- ler" and asserting unequivocally that "the president dictated his letter per­ sonally as tbe result of his own inves­ tigation of the records and considera­ tion of documents and papers in Us possession at the time and upon the report of the attorney general." It was further pointed out, both at the White House and by Attorney Gen­ eral Wickersham himself, that a com­ parison of the Lawler draft and the president's letter would show that the Inferences of the': KefTby statement, were unwarranted. Mr. Wickersham alluded to the prac- • tise common In the government <& p&rtments of subordinates preparing letters and documents for the consid­ eration of their superiors and their use by them In whole or In part as they might see fit. In a letter to Senator Nelson 8u»- wheh strong { day President Taft assumes aft td- sponsibility for Ballinger's exonera­ tion, saying he directed Lawler 'to prepare an opinion as if he were the president," but did not think it wt*e to adopt the criticism contained there­ in of Mr. Glavis and Mr. Pinchot ' TAFT CONFERS WITH SOLONS PraaMeifit 4avites Western Republican Sanators, Excepting "InMiraanta," to White House Conferenea. Washington.--President Taft con­ ferred with Republican senators from states* west of the Mississippi river Saturday upon whom he its depending for votes to put through his legisla­ tive program. Nearly al» of the west­ ern senators were present on tbe In­ vitation of tba president, oaeept- Iba Republican fikaurgeata. They woip not invited. The purpose of the gathering was to get all of the western He publicans in line, including some of those who have appeared lukewarm toward cer­ tain of the administration measures. No effort will be made to influence the "out-and-out Insurgents," according to authoritative statements from some of the participants in the conference. The conference resulted in mutual concessions. ; * A clubwoman wants college girls protected. She fears they think too deeply. WeU, if they didn't think deeply at times how should we know the correct way to make fudge? ' • A . . ' !f you have a bad memory, says one di the "good thing" pages, safeguard it by lotting down In a notebook a tittle memorandum of the promises yon make, j ist as a small reminder. UmJ Very good. Believe, at the same time, somebody could make quite a bit at money by marketing a handy forgettor. ,, ,*3P*f W*. Jk NiDDefi HOCK. •oat. Carrying Fifty-Seven Persons > *v##aa Owm Within ft«iae(i~ *' of |.and. St Louis.--By the sinking of H steamship City of Saltllo in the Mis­ sissippi river at Glen Park, Mo„ Wednesday alght when the boat was hurled against m hidden *mm by the ;awift current, IS persona, seven of whom were ..passengers* iost . their lives. Glen Park Is 24 miles south of St Louis. ' The boat carttsd it passengers, most of Whom were woAen.' and'.chil­ dren, and a crew of 30. She left 8L Louis at seven o'clock, with a heac* cargo, including a number of cat® and live stock, and the voyage mm considered precarious t^ecause of the amount dt driftwood Seating In the river, due to the annual spring Tise. Shortly before reaching Glen Park the Saltillo encountered! a shoreward draw, which was fought frantically by the pilots. The engines were reversed, hut the efforts to prevent the col- iialoit wtsre unavailing. With tbe noise of rccdinj: ttebers and the shrieks of the women anil children pasaeagers, the cries of the crew, and the be!lowing of the cattle, the vesuel struck a hidden rock and sunk in reach of land, at a point where the water was 20 feet deep. Passengers and members of tht drew clung to the timbers, while those more fortunate lent their aid immedi­ ately to the rescue of the helplesa. The majority of the passengers were' in their cabins. The collision came so suddenly they were plunged into the water before they knew what had nappeneu. ( • ? £ "a i in i r j*. * ^ 7B U*-/ " ,ar ' , f' -•.* "Z A Frsnefcinan Sî lgfsta Yhiai the L«dfes H»v« <5/i® TWaate ̂and the •'. V ,v; ' ;.f : Gentlemen the Otbe .̂ ROOSEVELT REACHES LONDON 1* WELCOMED BY KINQ, GEORGE'S » ' SPECIAL AIOS.T ( ,f Celenal Abandons Rote of zan and Becomes Arr<bassador at - Funeral of Edward, . ' v. BANDITS "SHOOT OP" TOWN Rob Mount Pleasant (Mich.) Poet Offte* ofv $3,000 in Cash «id'< Stamps and Eaeap*. Saginaw. Mich.--Bandits, masked and mounted, Thursday blew the post office safe at Mount Pleasant, a city of 8,000, securing $3,000 in stamps and money and terrorizing the entire town. The robbers, numbering seven or eight, are believed to have halted near the south limits until their plans were complete, when they rode through tho main street Ih old-time border fash­ ion, shooting and shouting. Secret service men. took up the trail and it la1 believed that arrests are imminent. The post office often contains as high as $10,000 in cash and stamps. > The police believe the post offlca* safe had been blown and rifled before the robbers began shooting and thafr they- would have made their escape less spectacularly had It not been fop the noise made by the explosion of nitroglycerin. This caused several) men to start an investigation and ad soon as they appeared the reign of terror began. , The fusillade of s^ots fired by. tba men as they endeavored to cover their escape so confused those in authority that It waa subsequently impossible to discover whether the bandits had turned their horses loose outside the town and escaped on the train that passed half an hour aft^f the explo­ sion, or whether they rode aWay on their own mounts. . < HAYTI SHAKEN BYQUAKE Many Persons Reported Killed arid Doming*. San Jose, Costa Rica.--Heavy earth­ quakes were felt here - Wednesday. Thousands of persons are leaving the city in alarm. Santo Domingo^-A aevera earth­ quake shock was felt here Wednesday. There was no loas of life nor damage to property in the pity. Puerta Plata San Domingo.--Ah earthquake which, caused a p«ui« among residents here Wednesday is reported to have resulted in heavy loss of life and damage to property in towns in the Interior. Many persons are reported, to bava been killed and many more injured. Only vague reports have come in BO ffir, but it Is feared the casualty Half nrlll prove a long one. The shocks were' felt here about 3 a. m. and were so severe that the people were aroused from sleep and fled terror-stricken into the street*. < London. -- Colonel Roosevelt aban- 2csc2 tho rtsis zi priests cStlsss "whsa be arrived here Monday morning and was accorded the honors dne tbe special American ambassador to the funeral of King Edward VII. He was met at the station by Lord Dundon- ald and Commander Charles & F. Cunninghame Graham, special aids- de-camp appointed by King George V. to attend the ambassador during bis stay in London. Both men are promi­ nent is the service of the crown. The aids met Mr. Roosevelt at Queensborough and accompanied him to this city. Awaiting the former president at the Victoria station were one of the king's ^querriea, a repre- aeatatlve of the British foreign oflkx. , Kills Husband Who Beat Her«, ,5 Aabtabula, O.--'Smarting under the humiliation at blows her young hus­ band had rained upon her in a quar­ rel, Mrs. John Delarber, aged twenty- four, met him on the doorstep of their home Saturday night and with a rifle abot him dead. »• The Yakima preacher who asked his eongregation tu whistle the hymns 1» still a few laps behind the Pennsyl­ vania coal region preacher who uses m whistle instead of a bell on his ^burch to call the faithful to prayer. , t 'V A Jersey City minister tells his con­ gregation that baldness forces him out Of tho. ministry; he cannot wear his feat la the pulpit, and If he preaches baldheaded he rnt'-*>*u fin ha r». tiro*. Thus a new column la added to the -fif pt jtb# J. W. Van Cleave Dies. St. Louis.--J. W. Van Cleave, the stove manufacturer, died Sunday at his home here of heart disease. He had been ailing about three weeka of organic heart trouble. MfttE BUST 136 MEN W#rft of Rescue of Entombed Minora In English Shaft is Hampered by Gases. Manchester, England.--An explosion in the Wellington coal mine at White­ haven Thursday cut off the exit from, the 136 miners ( who were working bo>. low the surface. Rescue parties suc­ ceeded in saving four men who had been working at the bottom of the shaft. They were prevented by the gas from penetrating to a point where the main body of men is imprisoned. Ends Rogues' Gallery Abuea. Boston.--Prisoners muAt hereafter be convicted of the crimes charged against them before their pictures can be placed in the rogues' gallery, ac­ cording to an order issued Saturday by tbe police department St. (Louie Aviation Meat. St Louis--The first national avia­ tion meet ever held in this country for novices will take place in St. Louis, beginning June SO awfl COS' tinulng to June 25, under the iitplfiHi of the Aero club of St Louis. Deputies Held for Murder. "Grooftsburg, Pa.- Eighteen deputy sheriffs who were employed to guard mine property at Yukon were Satur­ day held for court ed tj^e charg^ of murdsr in connection/With the riot at tbe mine* May 8, "*... Five Perish In a Fire. Faribault. Minn.--Bert Sparry, hie three children and their grandmother were burned to death Friday ip g «r« which destroyed their home In this city. Mrs, Sporty awl two shlldrea vam-aavodt " Oas Explosion Injures Seven. New York.--Escaped gaa exploded on the fourth floor of a tenement house in East One Hundred -and Thir­ teenth street Thursday, injuring seven persons, two of them children. Tbe S5 families in the building fled la a paaia to the fire escapes and the roof. Big Sawmill it Burned. Winnipeg, Man.--Burrows' big eaw mil! at Qrandview, Manitoba, with » large quantity of stock, was destroyed by fire Thursday. Tho loao la Ma- mated at 1100.000. . • ̂ Ambassador Retd» ' ' . r i, ,, .. ... . . Ambassador Reld and the staff df tltr American embassy, with their wives. The welcome to the special ambassa­ dor was very Cordial and a large crowd of people was at the station to witness his arrival, Tbe general mourning, acted aa a damper «u the dathusiasm, of the people, but their greeting was none the less sincere. Mr. Roosevelt was escorted to Dorchester houae, where he will re­ main until after the funeral of King Edward. It is expected that he w|ll spend the end of the week at West Park, although tbe invitations to meet lArt Roosevelt, which-bad been Issued by Ambassador Reld. have beea eaa- celed. SENATE VOTES ON RATE BILL LonS and .fhort Haul Provision. gf Railroad Measure la • by Senate. . r. " tevt:..' Washington.--By a vote of 5T to iff the senate Friday adopted a modified form of the Dixon long and short haul amendment to tbe railroad bill. > The amendment represents tho com­ bined efforts of Republican, Demo­ cratic and Insurgent leaders, and it is significant that Senator Aldrich de­ fended it on the floor and cast his vote in its favor. The consensus of opinion is that tbe amendment is con­ tradictory in' its terms and defeats lis own purpose, or, if this is not so, that it burdens the interstate cdmmefcp commission with an impossible t*0k. Miss Roosevelt Is Wedded. New York.--Miss Lorraine Roose- Volt, daughter of Mrs., J. West Roose­ velt, a couaip of the formeir preskleut, was married at Oyster Bay, L. i., to Langdon Warmer of Boston. , " Demands White Slave Sultt. ' Seattle, Wash.--"Between 700 ifed S00 men to Seattle live o« the rev­ enues of white slave traffic, and al­ most all could be reached by the state courts," said United States District Attorney Elmer E. Todd Friday. He asked th« state authorities to , |li S. Aalca Cuba'a P l̂t.?^-. Washington.---The state department Friday begun negotiationa with the government of Cuba ior.i»erinlM|ou. t^> raise the wreck M - ti* fcaiUaship Maine. PRISON TERM FOR GRAFTERS Six Men Reeeive Sentenoe at Pitts- • burfl . on ̂ Charge of. BHbOQf.. 4ind Conaplraoy. w y PiT-- Ten prominent men of affairs of Pittsburg, Inclu­ ding bankers, physicians and for­ mer leading politicians, faced Judge Robert S. Frazer In the criminal court t« rsoflfyfi thelp &<>nt<^nr>aa nn vitHrttlS charges of bribery and conspiracy In connection with councilmanlc corrup­ tion recently exposed.# ... Six were given terms In Jail and fined and sentence of four waa de­ ferred. j Of tho ten men who appeared In court all except one have already pleaded no defense to ladletmenta al­ leging tbe giving and receiving of bribe money. ^Sentences were imposed aa follows: A. A. Vilsack, former cashier Ger­ man National bank; eight months in the county jail and a fine of $5,000. •Charles Stewart,,former select coun­ cilman; eight months to the couxity jail and a flue of $500. Hugh Ferguson, former common councilman; eight months {n the coun­ ty jail and a fine of $500. . Dr, W H. Weber, former aelect councilman; six months in tbe county jail and a fine of $500. P. B. Kearn*. former aelect council­ man; four months 1n the county jail and a fine of $250. Morris Einstein, former select coun­ cilman ; six months to the county Jail and a fine of 12,500. •%% , • - 'i'% 7 * - "A DRIVING WITH ROCKEFELLER Pleasant Recreation Provided for Peo­ ple of Tarrytown by TK^Ir l̂ lsmeus ' Fellow Townaman. i ̂ LOMAX, G. P. A. » ̂ • Union Pacific R. R. Cot , • • Om&ha, Nebraska Tarrytown, N. Y., May .--Totake a drive with Jobn D. Rockefeller has beccme a regular recreation this spring for a great many of the triends and neighbors of that famous resident of Tarrytown, and he has increased thereby hiB popularity among the peo­ ple of the little city. Not a pleasant day goes by without the oil king in­ viting some of them, men, women and children, to ride with him to automo­ bile or carriage, and it is safe to say that the invitations are seldom de­ clined, for his vehicles are the beBt to be had, and the drlv;»s around Tarr/t town are beautiful. Mr. Rockefeller, before starting for a ride, always dons a paper vest, de­ claring, it to be a great protection against colds, and be insists that his guests do the same. After tbe ride he refuses, to -take back the garment, and consequently in nearly every home to Tarrytown may be lound a paper vest preserved as a squvenir of a delightful ri^e with the multi-millionaire. EIGHT SCHOOL PUPILS OROftN Accident Results From Attempt to tf frighten Girls by Rockttif «<. Boat by ,B$ya. Wilkesbarre, Pa.--Rocking the boat to frighten tbe girls caused tbe drowning of six girls and two boys out of a party of 12 on an old mill dam a:t Huntington Mlila, a country village 15 miles from here Thursday. The four who escaped are boys and they got to the shore exhausted after a vain effort to ssive the girls. All of tbe party were members of the high school at Huntington Mills, and were out lor a frolic during tho lunch b6uh They were all between tbe aces Of sixteen and eighteen. Insane Woman Kills Child and Self. Syracuse, N. Y.--Mrs. Eamta Chap­ man, wife of tike chief of police of BaWwinsville, N. shot and killed her flfteen-year-old daughter. Hazel, and then killed herself while insane. r..'t , Shot Dead by Policeman. » Philadelphia.--A victim of unfc** tunate circumstances, John Galloa, forty-six years old, died to a hospital here Thursday from & bullet wsssd inflicted unknowingly by a policeman who was pursuing thieves to Wast Philadelphia. Tbe policeman shot sev­ eral times ft. the .robbers of the bullets struck a troMoy pole» glanced j and entered tho bt*apt of Gallon Ybo policeman coottouod to# chase, not knowing that anyone had been totffoA, ami anraMaA of tho thieve*.1 ) t'#V' Chinese Threaten Misalon. • ^^pektaNg.--Advices from Chaag^Sbe, the capital of the disturbed Province of Hunan, Sunday state that the Yale mission in that city has been pla­ carded for destruction by Are, but that the plot of the natives has not boon executed. -'"7^ 1 '̂ 600,060 Eggf Art "Hold New York.--Fifty thousand dosen "canned" eggs from Chicago are be­ ing held by the food inspectors in Brooklyn as the result of a raid on re­ frigerating plants there. Btorm Damages Crops In South. . Gulverton, G*.--Cotton and com crops in this vicinity were practically destroyed and the peach crop severely dsn*aged by a hail and wind storm Friday. In Culverton several house* were bftwn from their pillars, and others uaroofed. Crush Sweep* Lottheft Off .f ̂t Paris, France.--Former PrtawOnt Loubet, while walking acroaa tht P»t Neuf in th«, crush of the noon hour Friday was knocked down. Ha wat only alighly Ignliad, however. tbeae o3 atovea are wcmderfiol, U only women koew csm&at limy are, they would all have " one. 1 spoke aboat a? Move to a Jot 0f my Mmdm end th ̂ a*fet»- Wwwfc They thought there wee smell end smoke firomaaoil stove,imd that it heated aroom just like any other stove. I told them of my experience ̂ and one after another ther got one. ami «w, not one of them would gtve htsa apfor five timeslta cost"* The ledy who said th^ had 1 an oil ttove eraa all right for beating milk for a baby, or bourne a kettle of water, car to make col otiieklv fat the tmynaiiur. ta| bHs bmw Jieamed of usiaak fTfe difficult '©r heavy cooking. Now-~^>e knows. ̂ Do rra nMdlv vpraeiate what a tUrn more com to e«rry. no more eoanlnc to tbe dlttacr table *o tired out that vwcotwt lest Mght a Psrfectlea Smwc «ndte»m*dia.t«ly the keatfirwa aa Interne bhae 6un« sbcots tptotbe bettom of eet, kettle or «««s. Bat the room teat h«et«d. Tb«re to no Smoke, no •eil, ao ooudde Heet, bo la tbe * * - "l Wfewre one td sh^« «tawe« :1s wmL m P^ynrT • It hat a CaMnet Top wssh a shelf for keeping plates and food feet. . akkel fnisht with the bslght blue of the chimsscys, makes the stove omamentaf^'- ^aad attractive, Made with 1, 3 and-3 burnwrej tibo S and A-burnss - .«fta be 'had with or without Cs®>toefc. . Vl, ' • ®VB«T desist evein^Mre • If not et yeois, witefer DssCtftHvoOMMlat ,'UI. .. , ta® iHiirtft iftocy ®f thf Standard Oil Conpany _ "l (KaMMepesrated) ^ j m Ifo on* am say he has Men thewwld Sntil he has seen "Colorado." VX""- Wfittlor the ioob tM • j 1 V L ' picture and descfilb« it Mock signals--dining CM- service "Best in the World" . v.i- W® DH ' Ml leiormettoe, pdu** sle ̂aitfeaag - f/r'f• • • - ' " • 7. • : : . . • A'- f j. • ' •••••w-'AA-al. ANOUTRAQE. Mrs, Bugg--You rude thing, to stand to my presence with your hat on and 9 pipe in your mouth. Dbn't you know I'm a lady-bug? ; Mr. Adee to Europe. Second Assistant Secretary Adet of tlbe state department Is on bis ancaal vacation in Europe. In company with Mr. Thackera, United States consul general at Berlin, and Mrs. Thackera, he will devote about six weeks to a bicycle tour of southern France. Ho expects to return to Washingt^p abQUt tba middle of June. i: Gut of the Raeo. Because of the general scrapping match between tbe various cities as to who shall have the honor of tho National or international Congress of Aviators, Washington and Baltimore have both withdrawn from tho whole business. Loomis' Face Again. - Hank Johnson had long enjoyed Hp distinction of being the homeliest matt in Canyonville, so it was somewaat of a shock to him when Steve Billing* came into the Tourist's Retreat and announced: "Boys., there's a homo- lier 'man than Hank ever at the depot Feller by the name of Charlea BatlMI Loomis that gives lectures." , Without, a word Hank ;.«tar|Mi across tiki *oaa';iw was gone soma time. •/ . "Waal;" Steve said whoa Hank tP- turned, "d'ye give up?" ( "Heck!" Hank replied, with taprewt disgust. "He's a profeisiohal.'*- cess MAgasteo. '" One Type of Religion. many people," said CMrles F. Aked at a luncheon IB fork, "regard their religion at did Hp little boy in the jam closet. , "Hi® mother pounced on him sad- denly. He stood on tiptoe, ladling j*» with both hands from the |am pot to his mouth. «' 'Oh, Jacky!' hta mother aritif "And last ntght you prayed to ba mtit a saint!' ' '** *' .•••'• •' "T'" "His face. an expressionless of jam, turned towards her. " 'Yea, but not till after I'm explained." Ctuse of the Rush. fflad, sad, to see humanity gaged in a ma/T rush for wealth." "Ferget It. Them fellers is oa •way to thrall park." ; -. No mtn can love evil for ovtt't adit' as he can love goodness'for goodnepsf sake.---Schiller. ,r * r: ' Pottum Limited Yon may bo sBnred : -'A *•. . v-- ̂ yon via toicflr wliat a dainty/ tempt­ ing food you have been missing. • * *"" Every iSrfiof a faiend-- At ""Popipir pkf- 1*° UP: 4ol4 by Grocotf. Poatum Cereal 1 .'"•>* . i. lemoryLiiwers • Ltd., Battle Creak, Mich. If mm Mi

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