-^t--*-** * ^r > J ^.•s ,;:?: H ^tr-T^T*" *j; -jry^g^^^ ^..^^^^.^.....v,, ^ rr7rr^-,^«^^,TTa llllJiili laSMilaftLilllMI IS > :"""LU m/V-l-!' W| '•.̂ ! <&- t -- £gg|.*viirt« ""kiuT^J?0! #fN A m»'W «MLSA^IMMf .£>1A01JL •%. S 3*^ -.. ' 'ga^yg JZ'S^ s*, '«!. jmS^ 'Wr-iA. ^iiWiiMhi^"vfix A clean stable floor is a big help to animal health. A Marquette Con crete stable floor is easily kept clean --no,'filth to contaminate contents of the milk pails--etiery ounce of manure on the fields where it will do good, not on the stable floor where it will Dreed disease and do harm. Floor-making is the simplest kind of concrete work. Do it yourself. We'll gladly send you details for making a stable floor with MARQUETTF ft " I. PORTLAND CElVtEIM IM The Farmer's Cement Handbook* free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, 111. Ckic*f Offict: Mmrwm*tu BUg.. CUtm*. 10. Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors. /Z' .OUR LINE OF MESS« is now very complete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard . .» .«» r toe to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at. .. 39c per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors . Our l ine of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date. Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: , :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED GIVE A LOOK! If you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, Sand, Gravel, Cement and Poultry Food, and every thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on ALBERT E-TXEIM-lHi mw (Q*t MAB OFFICE AND YAW) OPPOSITE BONSLtTT'5 MILL ' WEST HcHENRY. ILL. Want Column. All fc.lT.TtiB.-in. iits iiiserteM) under thU at tha (olluwingrates: KlveItnet' or lenn, 86 cento for flr»i iMfrtiun, U oenU for each nubMnjuent JiiHertlon., More tluui dretintwl5o«nteB line for Itmt InetjrUoii, Ml s uenta a line (or addition I tii»er«<m*. • llil, WANTED--At the McHenry House, [ McHfuty, HI. •p*OR SALE--A milk wagon in good (joudl- *- tlon. Iuqulreof or write U.W. BKt*MCY, )Vest McHenry, 111. 51-tf tOTANTEl> -Farm baud. For further in- " fofiuution CHII 'PLMMIE 7i2 or Write Uico. HAYEB, Plstakee Bay. lii. SO 2t* F" OR SALE-- North and South Dakota laud: fl;» to$2f» per acre. Also farms iu Minne- 2P*S; ..or fur"l|or information apply or write B. W. HOWK. McHenry. III. 20-tf •pV)R SALE--A furnished or unfurnished T at GHswold Lake. One of the tisliltijr resorts In the statu. An Ideal pnM'e to pass the summer. Inquire of or write THB I'I.AINDKAI^*, McHenry, III. 51-tf I"\AHLIA8 The time has again arrived when dahlia tubers may bejieourod from ny choice collection. Any varleCy. anv color fj type. 15c to 25c each; ilJW to ©.50 per doi. Cfll daturaMV eveningor Sunday. Stock mav b» had uiitii May 30. F. K. UOOOVAN. TjVjR' SALE OH KENT-- file Lake Zurich * feed mill. beautifully situated near the banks of Lake Zurich,-in the heart of one of the richest farming couuties iu the state. M1U is sill lined and ready for operation. A splendid opportunity for man who 1m willing to hustle. This is by far oue of the best ynouey makiug opportunities that t be nvtW affords. No comi.etltion. Everything your own way. Uon't delay, but write THK I'I.AIK- UEAI.EH at once for further information. 4#-tf Chicago & North-Western. Effective May S2, 1910. VIM DAT TRAINS. L«fcTe --AM.o«rk»Tm» ArriVB Chicago. BOBTHBOUHD McHenry *7.W am ViaEUIn 10.14am *8.45 am Via Das I'lalnes 10.14 a m *12.30 p m Via Elgin 2.45 p in +1.00 p m Via De.-> I'laines t.20 p u> «Lv Crystal Ute 2.40 Ar. McHenry. .2.55 *3.45 p 19 Via Des Plained .4.45pm *a.25 p m Via Eiffin./. 6.45 pm *9.12 p m Via lies Plalnes 4.45 p m BINTDAT TRAINS. 8.00 a m Via l>es 1'lalues 9.8T a m 7.40a m Vi;» Elgin 10.18am »0»iam Via Des Plalnns M.18 am 8.05 p m Via SlRla 446 p m WBKK DAT T«AIM. McHenry. -OUTHBOUKD. m.Wani Via Des I'laines 8.15 a in *7.10 am.. .. Via Des I'laines #.08 a ui *7.10a m M.OOam •s.3Sa m via lies I'laines 9.35a m 58.10 p ni To Crystal Lake -- Ar 3.90jp m *4.40 p m Via' l>es I'laines U& p m *4.40 p m Via Elgin ..7J5 p m *6.87 pm Via Des I'laines.,/ .. 7.57 pm TDVDAT TRAIDS. 7.10am Via Elgin 18.15 am 7.0c p m Via Des Piaines 8JR p m 7.35 pm Via Des I'laines #.15 p m 7.35 pm Via Elgin. ... 10.25 p m "Daily except Suadpy. •Saturday only. tMonday only. UteUjF, 'GHBGR1NG NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY f OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENT^ KllMiKFlSXll. * P. B. Hooghawout was a city visitor Monday. C v' MT*. W. it. V•uka\*reat to tha city Ttsesdav morning. I. E. Mttnon and little ROD were in the city the firs'; of the week- EL CadwalUder of Terra Gotta wu a niuR«&eiu caiier Sunday. The Ladies * Aid met with. Mrs. Ohaa. Dnfield Thursday, Jnnn J. Mrs. Fr«l R-eed was a piea>»ut t-aiier at Crystal Lake Thursday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman wnnt to Wooiil- stock Tuesday morning. The Missionary society will meet with Mrs. D O. Klise June 14. Mrs. Ric.hard Raed was a bttffiMM caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Irwin Kenneda of Cfciuaffo is sprnd1- isg A few days with Ear Lynefe. Mrs. Frank Reed and two* sons re tamed to the city Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Giea«eibr*«cht «cd little daugh ter were Woodstock visitors Taesd»v. Mrs. W. £. Dike attended the faneral of Uoaaette Sufford in Chicago Snttday. L»at« Geddard of Wocrlstock spent Sunday with h>s mother and sister, atao iwst girL Miss Nina Johnson's father of Crys tal Lake was a Ridgefield caller last Thursday afternoon. Mr aud Mrs E. Jacobs and brother, Howard, of Terra Cotta visited witb their parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs attended the fCuefai of Mr. Jacobs' brother. Vol- aey, At Crystal Lake Wednesday. W. 8. Jaynes of Woodstock attended the memorial services of the Royal Neighbors of America here Sanuay. R Skinner and family, Arthur Skin ner and cousin. Fred Green, of Wood stock epent Sunday at R. L. Dnfield's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wille entertained their eon, Herman, and Mr. aud Mrs. E. Senne and son of Woodstock Sunday. W. S Jaynes and family of Wood stock and D O Kline and family spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L Yanke, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Barber enter tained Mr. and Mrs S L Slerrard, Mrs. M«-Kellar and JUiss Kliue Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Bodie and little daughter of Elgin were guests of her uucle, R. L Dufield, a part of Wednesday and Thursday. Willie French, who is employed in the Oliver Typewriter factory, is at his home here, slowly recovering from an uttnck of Detch --ssslis. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson and son. Clarence, of Elgin are sp^uding a few dsys with Mrs. Thompson's siAter, Mrs. A Jacuhs, and family. Wilber Levey visited His sister in the Chicago hospital Snnday. Miss Etta is reported to be slowly recovering after, operation for an enlargement of the thyroid glands * Mrs Anna H-u®t «f Elgin visited with her nncle, R. L. Dnfield, and family a few days last week, returning home Satmday Hex cousin, Mrs. F. M. Green, accompanied her. Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to cbildreu with admirable results ft dOes away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after ibeasles and scarlet fever. F. Maeqnelet. While st play on the school gronnd George Peterson Injured his ankle, re quiring the care of a physician. It is hoped by his school companions that he may soon recover the use of it. SCHOOL NOT EH. Ha*old and Edward Lucas visited school Tuesday. Township egerciMm at the Ridgefteld church Thursday evening. School wjH close June 1$. Our school picnic will be held that day. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. The eighth grade has purchased a picture and a school pennant. The sev enth grade has purchased a bust of Lin coln. ^ Tha CaonervatloM at N«l«r#'» HcM«r«n Applies a£ well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Bndlong, Washington, R. I , realised his condi tion and took warning before it was top late. H| says: "I suffered severely from kidney trouble, the disease being hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroly cured. This should be a warning to tell not to* negleot taking Folejr'a Kidney Remedy until it is too late." F. Masqnelet. TEKKA COTTA. M. Knox waa a Chicago visitor Mon- d*y. Miss Ella Newman of McH^ary vis ited stthool Tuesday. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond vis ited relatives here Saturday. Eugene Leisner of Ohio is a guest at the home of his parents here. Mrs. Fred Powers of Holcombville visited at J. M. Pbalin's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter spent Sunday at Richmond. Miss Frances Welch of Griewold Lake spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Martin. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox and brother, John, of Mctlenry called at M. Knox's Friday evening. Misses Georgia and Jennie Thompson of Elgin are visiting at the homes of Heary and Prank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner and son, Eugene, attended the funeral of G. P. Bay at Crystal Lake Saturday. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gnu, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mauds prompt treatment witb Buck len's Arnica Salve to prevent blopd poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, snrest healer for all such wounds, as al so for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Ernp tions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 26c at N. H. Petesch's and F MAENUVLET'S. KNKKAI.lt PAKK. Petaach1* for drugo. Tank heaters at Win. Stouel's. rien wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs. Bid. Knox was a reoent Chicago visitor. ) James Costello of Elgin visited at Chas. Gibbe' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibba visited at Ed. Comisky's Sunday. John Schaffer of McHenry was a re cent visitor at the Park. Ed. C'omisky spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. Robt. E. Sutton of Chicago wan a re cent guest at his home here. •I. Frank Walsh of Harrisburg, S. D., returned to his home here Friday. Miss Mayiue Knox is spending a week at W. E. Heaney's at Forest Park Meedatnes D Whiting and Jas, Kane of Ringwood visited Mrs. E Walsh Fri day. Miss Alice McManaman of Chicago is spending her vacation with relatives here. Mist! Viola Martin of Chicago spent last week "with her sister, Jlrs. L. E. Walmsley. Mrs. P. Coatello and eon, Jaineo, of Elgin are spending »few weeks at Mrs. Ella Walsh's. Mrs. Tbns. Hayes and daughter, Mar garet, of Harvard visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. aud Mis. James Armstrong of May wood s|>ent a few days last week at their cottage. Mrs. D. H. Corr and son. Raphael, of Woodstock visited W Bolger and family the first of the week Miss Margaret Sutton returned from Chicago last Thursday after visiting relatives a few days. Mrs. W E. Heaney of Forest Park visited at Ed. Knox's a few days the latter part of last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hoelscher and ID tie son of Chicago visited a few days last week at R. J. Sutton's. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby and Phil Aylward of McHenry were callers here last Thursday evening. Misses Jenette and Gertrude Plum and Ruth Armstrong of River Forest spent a few days last week at the Park. •W. E Heaney, who a few years ago wak^a jiuuimer resident at this park, is now cashier at Forest Park amusement park. Messrs. Wui Plum and son and Paul Armstrong and sons of River Forest were at their cottages a few days last week. Misses Florence, Maude and Fanny Granger of McHenry and Miss Martha Hatfield of Osborn. Kan , spent a recent evening at R J. Suttou's. .i Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. M D. Strong, Miss Grace Burns and Jack A l ieu of Chicago were recent guests at the Burns cottage. Miss Elisabeth Norrissey of Chicago visited Misses Sutton over Sunday and was a guest at the McHenry High School Alumni banquet Saturday evening. W. K. Burns aud sou, Kenneth, of Chicago spent Suuday at the Park. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Burns and Miss Mae Burns, who have •pent the past month here. James H ax ton and tieorge Fraaier of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. The latter enjoyed several good swims, but says the water was not as tine and warm as it was two months a *o. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that if you are not sat isfied after using two thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will be refunded. It is np to yon to try. Sold by all dealers. M. A- Sutton is the proud possessor of a beautiful new launch which he pnr- obased from H. Berkircher who built the boa£. It was launched the last of the week and many enjoyed rides io it Sunday. Mac has not decided on a name for it yet. A Woman's Great Idea is bow to make herself attractive. But, without health, it is bard for her to be lovely in face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and Irrit able. Constipation and Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin erup tions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health. Try them. 50c at N. H. Peteech's and F. Masqnelet "s. OSTKNO. Elbert Thomas transacted business at Woodstock Monday. Wm. Thomas, Jr., of Chicago is vis iting relatives in this vicinity. C E. Gaylord returned home from a business trip in Indiana last Sunday. George Gritnoldby returned to his home in Omaha, Neb., last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wairen Thomas, Jr., and children visited at C. R. Draper's Snnday. Quite a number from this vicinity at tended the play at Woodstock last Tues day evening. C. E Jecks made a business trip to Kansas City, Mo., last Friday, return ing home Sunday evening. Mrs Elisa Burr returned to her home in David City, la., Thursday morning after an extended visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Grant Randall. O Brass, Mr. and Mrs. E E Bassett, Mrs Ida King, Mrs. Jenuie Haver and Mrs. Elisa Bnrr were Snnday visitors with W. F. Bassett- A representative of the Anti-saloon league will speak at tiro M. E. cbnrch next Sunday at the usnal hour of ser vice, U a. m., explaining and repre senting the work of that association. A cordial invitation is extended to all, «pacUi!ly thoas who an interested in this work. VOIA mwn wssini« iern COtta factory. Will Frost spent Sunday with friends la Chicago. Henry Krueger was a Wauconda vis itor Tuesday. Mrs. John Brown of Wanconila wis a caller in town Monday. Frank Rooney of Wancoada was a caller in town Tneeday. . Mrs. Harry Nicholls passed Tuesday of this week in Wauconda. Hiram Lnsk of Libertyville called on friends here Sunday afternoon. C. G, Hueon of Libertyville transact ed business here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'T. Wink*} of McHenry visited at the Wagner home Friday Mr. and Mrs. Levi Waite of Wauke- gan were in Volo Tuesday of last week. O. Hook of Rolliiie and Fred Converse of West Fremont were in town Satur day. Bike gear, auto top, brass trimmed-- the latest creation in buggies at Wm. Stoffel 'a, Mesdames E. Lnsk, P. L Stadtfeld and Miss Elsie Walton spent Tuesday In Chicago. Messrs. Esse and Thomas Fisher were business visitors in Wankegan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Dsiuiein of Libertyville were Sunday guests of Mrs. F. Weingart. Miss Martha Rossdentscher of Round Lake is spending a week a$ the guest of her parents here. Mrs. Ritter and son, Ralph, and Mrs. Frank Dowell of Marengo are passing a few days at the home of Ben Hiller. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter tained Mr, and Mrs. George Kuebler and son of Palatine Saturday and Sunday. Viola Wagner, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Wagner, is quite sick. Dr. Mneller of McHenry is attending her. Dr. Robertsou and a friend from Des Moines, Iowa, were gneets of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huson Friday and Satur day. Harry Lnsk of Grayslake and Miss Katherine Dowell of West Fremont called on friends here Sunday after noon. • Messrs. and M$sd nines George Ben- well and WiHiAu) Dillon attended the funeralj>f Richard Smith at North Crys tal Lake Tuesday. Marvelous Discoveries mark the wonderful progress of the age. Air flights on heavy machines, 'tele grams withont wires, terrible war in ventions to kill men, and that wonder of wonders--Dr. King's New Discovery --to save life when threatened by ccsghs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis, hemorrhages, hay fever and whooping cough or lung trouble Fpr all bronchial affections it has no equal It relieves iustautly. It's the surest cure. James M. Black of Asheville, N. C., R. R. No. 4, writes it cured him of an obstinate cough after all other rem- iaies railed. 50c and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Pet- each aud F. Masqnelet. BINUWOOU. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Frank Lawson of Elgin is visiting Chauncy Harrison. Lnella Stephenson went to Elgin Tuesday afternoon. Miss Wallace of Marengo is visiting Miss Eleanor Hawley. Ksrl Bradley of Harvard spent Sun day here with his parents. Dr. Hepburn and family drove to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. W. Allen spent Friday night with her mother in North Crystal Lake. Mrs. Grace M(-Cannon entertained • yoong lady friend from Elgin over Snn day. Air cooled, double exhaust--some thing new--our pump engine. Better see it at Wm. Stotfel's. Mrs. Eva Wagner of West McHenry spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. C. W. Harrison and Walter Bradley attended the funeral of Mr. Groves in Wauconda Saturday afternoon. E. C. Hawley s mother came up from Elgin Friday morning and returned to her home in Barrington that evening. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J- J- Vycital. P. S. Harrison and family of Alden visited at J. S Brown's Sunday and at- tended'the Woodmen Memorial exer cises. J. S. Brown and wife and C. W. Har rison aud daughter, Ethel, attended a Masonic meeting in Chicago Friday night. Mrs. C. E. H Tuttle's sister and hus band, Mr and Mrs, Norton, and Mr. and Mrs. Dunham were at Mr. Tuttle's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Colby not being able to have the W. C. T I' meeting Saturday of this week, it will be held at Mrs. H. W. Allen's. All cordially invited. Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused by rheumatism ot the muscles and yields quickly to the free applica tion of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effectu al, but in no way disagreeable to use. Sold by all dealers. The Woodmen exercises Snnday were fine. Rev. Brady gave an excellent ad dress. Four have been laid to rest in the Ringwood cemetery since last Deco ration dsy, all but one being at one time members of onr camp. A. L. Francisco was one of the team when he resided here. A number Were present from Greenwood. , \ Sea r»«Ml lato Hotitod HMHII. N, Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfield, 111, wKtes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder, which grew worse nntil I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dnll heavy Headttchee and the action of my bladder was annoying and painfnl. I read of Foley's Kidney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me, the action of my bladder was again normal and I was free of all distress*" F. Masque let. " I . i x-:m , "Shut-in" Folks We have many things that lessen suffering and make sickness more bearable, Invalid Cushions, Sick Feeders, Hoi Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Ice Bags, Bandages, Lints, Cotton, and all sorts of hospital and sick room sup plies. If you can't find what you want else- where, come here. We may have just what you are looking for. Better save time and money by coming here first. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUilUiST McHBNRY TEL. *74 When Looking for V ou r Spri r t gW a n ts Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, • Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WM. STOFFEL Phones: ReslDB^B-7»«. 1 THIS IS THE WW ipai J % The Quality Stove \ We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE JOHN J. VYCITAL, THB CENTERVILLE HARDWARE MAM. -jftil BBHBSS& SUITS $16.00 and up. J. D. LODTZ McHENivV, ILLINOIS