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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1910, p. 5

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i ibi I Nilhi 'U'i'l Mills SANTftR tEEUNG-finORS LA3A1XE. **BU jptB- MASOf A Marquette Concrete feeding floor will pay for itself. It saves an enormous amount of fodder and is easily kept clean. During spring rains, when animals keep themselves poor, floundering around in the mire of the ordinary barnyard, the Marquette Concrete floor is a real health-maker. You can lay one yourself--this is the simplest kind of concrete work. Write us to tell you how to make concrete floors with Marquette Cement. We'll gladly send you details for making a concrete feeding floor with M « JJOTTTTTi- The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, III. Chicago Qfitt: MartuMtt BUi., Ckicmg*. Ill Wilbur Lumber Co. , McHenry Dis tr ibutors , "The Old Reliable Kingsbury •HAT is the way one of our customers described the piano he bought from us--and he is a musician--a man who knows what a good instrument is. When we tell you that jnore than 1(X),000 Kings- burys have been sold, you will realize that it is a piano with a repu- tion for high merit and you will feel sure of getting the best value for your money, if you buy one. Then bear in mind that the man­ ufacturer's written warranty good ^ for ten years is given with every one of these instruments. The makers guar­ antee satisfaction to ev^ry purchaser. Bteautiful tone--fine construction-- artistic de­ sign--splendid finish. All these features you will find in the Kingsbury. We have a collection of these pianos on exhibition at Cable Piano Co. Store, Woodstock and at the stores of Roy Warner, Crystal Lake Charles Otto, Richmond J. C. Burkart, Harvard L. F. Nordstrom, West McHenry affd we invite you to see them, fisy terms if yM My. If you now have a piaito let our tuuer look it over. He Is in totvn every month Leare RU order for him to call. * EXPERT TUNING: Cable Piano Company, Chicago L. LEWENTMAL, Special KeprcMntitlvi Ten men to go to North Dakota, Tuesday, August 2, 1910, to in­ vestigate a good thing. If inter­ ested write me for literature about farm lands in the Dakotas for sale or exchange. :: :: THEY ARE WEALTH PRIMERS One crop frequently pays for the land. Address n C. W. HART, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •tl>UKFIKUi. Crips Hoy wu a botinem visitor in Elgin Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Risley is visiting itb relatives in Beloit. Mrs. A. Jacob* nu a McHenry vis itor from Friday till Sunday. Wither Moffatt spnut a few days last week among Chicago friends. Rev. Wright of Crystal Lake is paint­ ing the two Baldwin cottages. Mrs. P. B. Hangbawoatand little son were Bataria visitor Friday laat. Mrs. A. Levey and sister. Miss Irish, were business callers in Woodstock Fri- daf E. S. Olmst^ad and ilanghter, Mrs. E. B. Smith, were Crystal Lake visitors Friday. Miss Arline Stephenson entertained Miss Alida Ryd<jui.-t of Crystal Lake Sunday. Marvin Keeler of Elgin i* spending & few days with his grandmother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Art Pearson of Elgin were Sunday visitors at the ho»ue of S M. Sim aloes. Mioses Mildred and H^len Wbvte of Crystal Lake were Riitgetifld callers Satnrday niorniug. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Csstle and chil­ dren left the Unst of the week for the northern part of Michigan R L Dotield and daughter. Mrs Green, of Washington vicited with Cary friends last week WtniuewlHy. E Cadwalleder drove over from Terra Cotta and spent Snnday with his sister, Mrs R L Dntield, and family. Mrs. Elsie Johnson visited with her anut, Mrs. F. E. Fay, HIH) family in Ringwood Wednesday of Inst week. Chas. Bsfgstraut} and «ou, Eiiuer, of Dundee visited with the former 's sister, Mrs. H. Nelson, and family Huuday. Mr. and Mrs. E Senne and son of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Senne'a pareuts, Mr, and F. Wille, Son- day. The Misses Minnie Moor and Hattie Spooner and Lad Forney of Chicago spent Satnrday and Sunday with Miss Lizzie Forney. / Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No med icine can do Aiore. Mae Henise of McHenry and Effie Magoon of Anrora visited with their nncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Albert Jacobs, the first of the week. Rev. and Mrs. Qieeselhrecht and little daughter visited with Mrs. Oiessel- brecht'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mnr- phy, the latter part of last week. Andrew Nelsoustarted for Muskegon, Mich , Monday morning. He left for the city on his ,w!ieel and will cross the lake by boat He expects to spend a week. Ruth England of Chicago, who visit­ ed with her friend, Edikh Nelson, re­ cently, returned to her home Snnday, Miss Edith accompanying her for a week's visit. The Lidies' Aid society will give a lawn social At the home of Sam Sim IUODS Thursday evening, July 28. Ice cream and cake will be served. Every­ one is cordially invited, rain or shine. Misses Ella Baker, Sadie Ormsby, Hazel Baker, Ada Andrus, Mae Rose. Niua Johnson, Agnes Dnfield, Clara L)oten and Floreuce Simmons are send­ ing a week at Mrs. Ford's cottage at Crystal Lake. Soreness of the mnscles, whether in­ duced by violent exercise or injury, it quickly relieved by the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment. This lini­ ment is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. F. M. Risley and son, Kenneth, returned Friday from Ft. Atkinson, where she had been caring for heF sick daughter, Mi a Agnes. They'returned to JauesvUle Friday evening, where Agnes was taken to the hospital. It is hoped she may fully recover her health. Teethiug children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by- giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is neces­ sary is to giye the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then cantor oil to dense the system. It is safe and sure. Soh^by all dealers. fKKRA COTTA. Eii#ear U'iwwr of Chicago spent Sun­ day with hoiwe folks Frank P«ek and wife of Chicago spent Sunday H. McMillan's. Mr. ant Mrs. T. R. Anderson were Richi on I callers Sunday evening. Miss M<iry Oibbs of biuerald Park spent Thursday at M. A. Conway s. Miss Floreuce Leianer of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks at her home here. Mieses Frances Knox and Annie Burs were goeet# of McHenry relatives last week. Mr. and Mra. Jay Doherty of Ilul- combyille called on relatives here Sun­ day afternoon. Misses Glenys and Sylvia Anderson spent a few days last week with Rich­ mond relatives. Miss Vera Bulger of Woodstock vis ited at the feoiu# of J. M. Phalin a few days last we&k. Misses Delia «nd Emma Cop way of Elgin were visiting relatives here Sun­ day and Mctqdqy, Mr. and Mrs. Eld. KQOX of Emerald Park and Mrs. Wqj. Wall of Chicago called at M. Knot 's Tuesday evening. Mr. and MUs. Frank Peck of Chicago, Henry McMillan and MrsT B F. Peck called on Holcombville relatives Sun day. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets geBttjr itiMPulate the Liver and bowefe- to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the.ajwtem. cure constipation and »iek Sold by atl dealer*. -KMKRAI.n PARK. M rs. T. F. Hayes of HarvartT visited relatives here Sunday. W m Blum of Chicago Sundayed with his family at the Park. W. K. Burns of Chicago spent Son- day with his family here. M iss Mamie Deady of Chicago is vis- itiUR this week aft Ed. Knox s. Mix* Helen Moran is visiting with relatives in Chicago this week, j Mr. and Mrs. H. Berkircher enter­ tained relatives from Chicago last week. Harper Watrouse of Chicago was a guest of Miss Eva Armstrong Sunday. Miss Gertrude Bluu) of Chicago spent Saturday and Snnday at the Blum COt- taKH. Messrs. Chas. Malefyt and Ed. Armit of Chicago spent Sunday at their cot tage. Mrs, J. B. Heaney returned to the Park Tuesday after a week spent in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Will Wall of Chicago spent a couple of days the first of the week with relatives here. Mrs Geo Scrirneraud fatuity of Chi­ cago are spending a few weeks at L. Hnck's cottage. Walter Blum returned to the city Mouday after spending a month's vaca­ tion at the Park Mrs. Ed Comiskeyand Mrs. Margaret McLaoghliu of Chicago spent Monday with friends here. Mr and Mrs. D. H Corr and family of Woodstock spent a few days recently with relatives here. Messrs Jas., Paul and John Armstrong of River Forest s|»ent Sunday with their families at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Chicago are spending the week at R J Sutton's. Messrs. J. A. Farreil, M. L Larson and R. E. Sutton of Chicago ^pent Sun­ day at the latter 'a home here. Mr and Mrs. P. Costello and family of Elgin spent a few days the first of the week at Mrs. Elleu Walsh's. Mr. and Mts Donalds returned to the city Saturday after spending a two weeks'vacation at J R Smith's. Mesdauies Heauey and Portman of Chicago spent a few days with relatives iu ibis vicinity the tirat of the week. Miss Myrtle Huck and Lawrence Huck, Jr., retnrned to the Park Satur­ day after s|>endiug aeveral weeks with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Granger and daughters of Mc Henry have entertained several of their friends from McHenry at their summer home here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flarety of El­ gin visited at Mrs. Ellen Walsh's Sun­ day. Mrs. O'Flarety will spend a few weeks with relatives here, A number of boys and girls of the Park and vicinity enjoyed a delightful hay-rack party last Friday evening. They attended the ice cream social which was held at Mrs. Dodge's north of McHenry. Don't forget the pavilion dance at Nell's Columbia park pavilion next Wednesday eveuiug, July 'M, The pa vilion is located within a few feet of Fox river, near the Johnsburgh bridge, and can be reached by boat from any poiut of the river or lakes. Excursion boats will leave McHenry at about 8.30 and return the paasengers to this place after the dance. A Frightful Wreck of train, antomobile or buggy may cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bncklen's Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped bands and Jips, sore eyes or corns, it's supreme. Surest pile care. 25c at N. H. Pe teach'a and f. Marque let's. K|N«WO«p. Katie Krohn visited relatives in Be­ loit, Wis>, last week. Frank Hawley of Chicago is spending a few days with bis parents. George Bacon and family of Antioch are visiting their parents this week. Walter Bradley and wife spent last Thursday with her sister in Woodstock Mrs. Ray Dodge's little nephew from Harvard spent the last of the week with her. Starr Brink and wife of West McHen­ ry spent Sunday with Ringwood rela tives. Grace MrCannon and Mrs. Charles Bacon were in Dundee aud Elgin last Friday. Phil Harrison of Alden was calling on relatives and friends here Saturday morning. Ray Merchant aud Miss Iuga Benson of Greenwood visited at Bert McCau- non 's Sunday. Mary Dodge went to Elgin Friday to speud some little time with her daugh­ ter and family. The pupils of Mrs. Norton gave a musical at the home of Miss Lor a Walk- ington last Wednesday evening. E. C. Hawley's sister and family of Barrington spent Thursday and Friday of last week with him. His motley came up Friday for the d^y. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this weefc With $dith. McCaanon in- ^taadqf Christina Siqith. Election of uQicera. All are requested to be pres­ ent. Work 24 hours m Day. The busiest little things made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain fag into mental (low­ er; curing Constipation. Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 8&o at N. H. Petesch'saud F. Masqaelet'a. Have you seen our five aad ten oent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. Vyoital Opera House Moving Pictures I lustrated Songs . The Lavest Picture.. "life Sitae Far West" .With Many Others.. Anyse*» In the House PASSENGER BOAT makes daily trips between Mc­ Henry and Pistakee Bay, leav ing the Navigator pier, located one block north of the bridge, at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. This schedule, however, is subject to change during lotus season. Take 'Bus to Landing For the accommodation of Mc Henry people Overton's 'bus will carry passengers to the boat landing without extra charge. Call up the Overton livery when you want to go to the Bay on the Navigator and the 'bus will call aud take you down to the pier. 'Phone 472 f. A. Belle The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " Tbe Most Reliable Bodt on These Wtters is atfiiln In coiniuisMon ami inakiiiK daily along Fox River, Plstako* Buy, Plitakae Lake, Nlpperstnk Lake, Fox L*k«, Grass Lake, L*.k« Mo.rlo, Lake Bluff, Channel Lak* and Lake Cath- fe,rlr\o. Tin- bout ulso makes trips to C'ary ami Al(iiiii(|iilu. III.. itfi(l Wilmol, Wis. On these trip* it follows Hit? course of Kox r4 ver, excursions are rur. to and from auy ol the above Rlvt 11 points at any time u suf ticlent nutiibcr of passeuxttrs may be ob­ tained to make It au object far tbe cap­ tain to make tbe tHp. TUe boat will car­ ry sixteen pa^souiferx very comfortably- Sixty Mile Ride For $i The bout will make trips, by appoint­ ment. starling from either t>ud of tbe trip, Ijetween McHenry and Wtliuot, Wis., tak­ ing iu the. Iieuutifut Chain of Lakes, Fox Kiveraud tike World Famed Lotus Beds lu Ura&k Lakt>. beautiful scenery all the way, wn. KOEPPE, :: CAPT. Long Dlitance Telephone, JlcHenry 8JI Want Column. Atl Imwited under tliie head at tbe followingr*u-B hvt-Uuve or len*. 86 cento for Ant lUMettioit; 16 ceuitt fur each subsequent insertion. Mart ihiin riv* UueH, & et»uu a line fur tir»t Insertion, 1)4 line for addtttoni Insertions. TJH)U HALE A Ibum-bred Jer- -P sey hull. SAYKH S STOCK FARM , I'tstaUee Bay, HI. 4-3t* CMJK HALF Sprint? chlckeus^ Apply to or ' write i . sTfXJKJiANN, near St. Mary's church, Mchenry, III. t7M)K SA LF. YOUIIK Duroc Jersey and Berk- shire hoars. Apply t HAVKK. I'istukee Hay. 111. to or write UEO J. FOKSALK .North aud South Dakota laud: $1."> to #15 per acre. Also farms iu Minne­ sota. For further iuformatiOu apply or write E. W. HOWK. McHenry. 111. LOST Somewhere on road betwetju Molleu-ry and liebrou on Friday, July a purse containing railroad passes au4 about thirty dollars in niouey. Fluder will receive very liberal reward by retur<Uotf same to this office. W' ANTED - Farmer (married) must bo re lialiln and thorousbiy uuderstaud ail branches of farming. Must jtlsti be a (food i;ker. To Hie right man a good position is ^Jerea. JOSKPH F. HASH, Hotiema Farm, Pis­ takee Bay, McHenry* 1H. nMJK SALK OK KKNT •T fee^ 1^1*1, Iwiautifuliy situated near the The Lake iuricli --\ i-i^»ui'nuiijr situated near the baak>ol Lake Zurich, lu tbe heart of one of richest farmlUK counties lu tbe state. Mill is all fitted and ready for operation, A splendid opportunity for uian who Is willing to hustle. Tltis Is by far oue of the best money luttklutf opportunities that tbe section afftirtls. No cttfnuetiUou. Everything your owu way- Um't delay, but write THE PLAIN- UMAI.EH at ouce for further information. «-tf Bay yoar binding twine at Math. Freond'a. near river bridge. Be handles the Bic Deering standard twine. Moviug pictures at the Central San- day, Jnly 24th. Notice is hereby gtven to members of the O. E. S. that no more meetings will be held an til Monday, Sept. 4. Drugs that you know are right Every item that leaves our store is guaranteed. This guarantee is as broad as a customer may wish to interpret it. On our part it means that we insS^e absolute satisfaction. :: :: :: :: If a customer is not satisfied in every particular we want to know it, because he is entitled to entire satis­ faction. We are ready to take back goods, refund money or do anything else necessary to show that our guarantee is a valid one and that it represents a straightfor­ ward policy which we enforce in every department of our business. :: ;; :• N. H. Petesch DRIXKJiST MeHENRY TEL. 374 % »$' ' . -A . s . >:$ » 4 *' . .* $1?' & **' '-XJ :: •: - f m " 4 : V (F When Looking for Your Spring Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Gbod goods, right prices* fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: ;; WM.STOFFEL (Phnnpc 0FFICE-77J. *rnuncs. RBSIOBNCB^ 9 I . •"A -TH|> IS THE- Perfection ^4 • v Ik The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. JOHN J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERVILLE HARDWARE NAM. f - l i j *r I • & ...OUR LINE OF » DBfSS « is now very complete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging in price from, per yard IOC to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at. . .39c per yard AH the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date. Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan, and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro­ ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 GOODS DELIVERED ; m $ 'f *1 •< Cfi • >4 * h: 'i *. S3sft - A\ *- ! '9, ' • ® Vv mk 'J

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