cquiring of beautiful home surroundings does not necessarily mean a large outlay of money at one time, but you \may surround yourself with a beautiful home slowly and surely if you will but use the proper care in se lecting your furniture so that each piece you buy from time to time is an addition that will lend to the hatmony and attractiveness of what you already , have. The quality of furniture that comes from our store will never become shabby, so if you trade with us you have the assurance that in time you will have a home that you may well be proud of. Our line of Rugs, Linoleums and Lace Curtains is also complete and up to date and the prices that are attached thereto should command your attention. „ JACOB JUSTfN, M( THE FURNITURE MAN J ft c> "JUST GRAND" That is the unanimous verdict of every housewife who is using our "Early Riser" Flour. Once used, always. A better or purer Flour is not manufactured. Don't let your dealer spring the 4 just as good" kind on you but insist upon "Early Riser," the quality Flour. ^55 WEST McHENRY. ILUNOI5 JOHN SPENCER, Prop. =^S --PROPRIETOR McHENRY ILLINOIS CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :* :: P A I N T S We sell paints. All kinds of paints. Brushes of all kinds. Permalac and Japalac. Varnishes of many kinds. Enamels of several shades. Paints for all kinds of work. Alabastine, wall sizeing and glue. CROWN COTTAGE COLORS is guaranteed to be an absolutely pure paint,--the best HOUSE PAINT it is possible to manufacture. CROWN FLOOR PAINT is made to walk on, and when walked on stays on. CROWN BUGGY PAINT makes the old buggy look lik§ new and wears like iron. Anyone can supply it with success. These paints cost no more than is asked for much poorer paint in many other places. It costs less to paint right than to paint wrong. Bradley & Vroo- man Paint is full value. It permits of a perfect job at considerable less than the cost of ordinary paints. Now, if you want anything in the paint line it is up to to you to call on Yours truly, P. L. McOMBER, HARDWARE Flie McHenry PlaiHuler PUBLISHED BVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 971. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! One year H.60 Six months, 76 eta. Three months. 40eta. SWING8 TO COPLEY. Waa Supporting Snapp Till He Withdrew from the BM*. Thursday, August 4, 1910. FOR COUNTY CLKKK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Repnblican domination for the office of county clerk of McHenry county, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the primaries. lirv E. ANNOI'SCKItt KNT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri maries. ARTHUR A CRISSEY, 83 tf Marengo, 111. KOK COl'M'V SlI h-iti FF, I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Repnblican voters at the primaries Sept 15. (tKOKCK ECKF.RT, SI Woodstock, 111. KOK COUNTY SHKKIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry connty, subject to the decision of all Republican voters »t the primaries Sept. 15. ANDREW H. HKXDKUSON, SR., 51 Crystal Lake, 111. ANNOUNCES! KNT. I desire to announce to the voters of McHenry county that I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge and respectfully solicit your vote af; the Primaries to be held September 15, 1910. V S. LUMLEY. KOK COUNTY TREASl'KKK, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, vvlieu held fur the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county officee, to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 35 CHARLES WAMDRACK. A NNOUNCKM KNT. As everybody already knows, I am a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the office of County Clerk of this connty, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held on Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. 1 hereby make a formal announcement of that fact and solicit the votes of my friends and others, who think I am entitled to that office. GKOKUE W. LKMMERS. 52 VOTE FOR |x| Thos. F. Burns For Representative in the Ueneral Assembly. PLATFORM as published in the BelvijJere Daily Re publican of April 2(i, 1910; "I favor the economical expenditure of public moneys and the immediate abolition of old time extravagant meth ods. I favor laws that will be beneficial to the farmers, dairymen and stock- raisern of thin great commonwealth, the municipal control of gas, electric and water systems, the establishment ol good roads, and an economical system of expenditure for their permanent maintenance, convict labor to be used as far as possible. 1 favor the passage of laws that protect the members of fraternal insurance organizations against the eucroachments of powerful old line insurance companies. I am op posed to any deep waterway legislation by this state until such time as the Fed eral Government assures its financial support of the project. I am for the rigid enforcement of laws governing the practice of medicine and surgery, and the enactment of such laws as will protect the people against unscrupulous practitioners. I believe there should be just and equitable measures of protec tion to employer aud employee, the con servation of all our natural resources, the encouragement, support e.nd ad vancement of all our public, educational and charitable institutions, in order that they may be placed on the highest plane of efficiency." Mi-( 'lt'1 U;(i, c ( 3 A Id rli h. p 2 "'cot t. t-'nd b 1 (ir.ini, c 2 Wruy. 1st 1) 2 Hutch, r f 1 !•'. I'rt'und, 88 0 B. Krcimrt, If 0 Nell, lird t) 0 11 10 37 8 3 McllENKY K H P A E Entft'ln, .iril l> 1 0 0 1 1 /.uelsdorf, 2nd b 0 1 3 t 3 N i esc 11, / 1 1 0 0 0 ltosNuiitn. p 0 1 1 8 1 Rents. 1st I) 0 1 8 0 0 Knox, c f 0 1 0 0 0 1'iiKe, I r.. 0 0 1 0 0 Kreund, <• 0 2 X4 3 2 Meyers, i f 0 1 0 0 0 Nickels. 2nd 1) 0 0 0 1 0 2 M 27 15 7 Staggers Skeptics. That a clean, nice, fragrant compound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will instant ly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, wound or piles, staggers septics. Bnt great cure-i prove it's a wonderfu. hea erof the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin ernptions, as also chapped bands, sprains and corns. Try it. 35c at N. H. Petesch'sand F. Masqnelet's. Are Doctors Any Good? Foolish question! Yet some people act as if a medicine could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine in the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently, trust him fully. If we did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds, we would not offer it to you. Ask your doctor. No alcohol in this cough medicine, If we did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Fills for constipation, bihowoe**, tide* would not otier then to yen. Atk your doctor about *PheJoHst News, a strong Rsijtil/Hcan paper, formerly supporting 'Congress man Snapp, joins the Copley forces and says editorially: ' 'It was much of * pleasure At The News office when Mr. Snapp pulled out of the race. We like Snapp personally, but we also like Copley, and the fight was bitter, unfair and disagreeable. "Thus the thing happened that wu jost lovely. Mr. Snapp was lined up with the standpatters, Hopkins, Cannon and other standstillers, and abore all a standstiller is a drag on civilization, a enmberer of the earth. "Mr. Copley since onr acquaintance years ago has been next door to a Popu list, and in this campaign has made a square fight against Cannonism, and 'I am with Roosevelt,' he says, 'and Cnm- mins, Dolliver and LaFollette. * That is good enough for a Republican. He stands where The News stands for a tariff commission and a tariff on luxuries of the rich to a greater extent than upon the necessities of the poor. "He is with ns and Pinchot for the conservation of the national and state resources. "He stands for the inheritance tax and the income tax upon large profits and possessions, increasing in proportion to the swelling of the fortune. "He favors the government regula tion of public service corporations, rail roads, telegraph and telephone lines, gas, water, etc., in the belief that the investments will be protected, the life of workmen also and the rights of the public much more so than now. "Mr. Copley recognized the principle when he agreed to an arbitration clause in the Joliet gas agreement, and believ ing in his sincerity and abilitv. we look for great progress in the next congress. The nation is going ahead. There will be a lot of insurgents in that next house." Council Proceedings. Council Rooms, Ang. 1, 1910. The board of trustees met in regular meeting with President Wattles presid ing- Trustees present; Chamberltn, Stof fel, Freund, Meyers, Nickels and Weber. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and ap proyed by finance committee: P. M. Freund, gravel $ 5 40 Geo. Meyers, Jr., lbr on st 15.00 B. Nordquist, lbr on w w 1.00 W. Davis, lbr on st 75.00 J. B. Frisby, lbr onst 2.50 Herbes Bros., lbr on w w 2<J 05 Wm. Stoffel, sundries 3 20 Jas. B Clow & Sons, fountains.. 853.19 McHenry Plaindealer, printing.. 8.10 Neptune Meter Co., meters 50.40 Standard Oil Co., gasoline 44.50 North Shore Elec. Co., st lgts.... 95.00 Henry Quinn, lbr on w w 6.60 Stephen Justeu. police services.. 50 00 John Walsh, police services 50.00 Wisner & Irwin, sidewalks 478.62 Jas B Clow & Sons, lead pip°... 86.30 J. J. Vycital, sundries 2 85 On motion by Chamberlin, seconded by Meyers, the bills were ordered paid. On- motion by Stoffel, seconded by Weber, the boqd of N. H. Petesch with J. Justen as surety was approved. On motion by Meyers, seconded by Nickels, the bond of G. W. Besley with f. Masquelet as surety was approved. On motion by Stoffel, seconded by kleyers, the bond of F. Masquelet with W. Besley as surety was approved. On motion by Nickels, seconded by Stoffel, the meeting adjourned. F. H. WATTLES, Pres. H. E. PRICE Clerk. McHenty Team Loses. With five Richmond players in the line up, the Johnsburgh team on Sun day afternoon last defeated the locals in a very much one-sided contest by the overwhelming score of 11 to 2. That the Richmond players were pretty near ly the whole show is evidenced from the box score given below. The McHenry boys take their defeat with good grace, but claim that the honors of victory rightfully belong to Richmond and not Johnsburgh. The Johnsburgh boys contributed bnt one score, one hit and two put-outs to the afternoon's bill, while the Richmond boys did the rest, as the score plainly shows. The at tendance was very poo'r. In fact the gate receipts weren't sufficient to pay the visiting team's expenses. The score: •loll NSlU j UCill R Want Column. All advertUemoiiU liuerteil under tfcln bead at t h e following;rates; Fire lines or 'sets, St cent* for first WKiil";; 16 eents for ench subsequent insertion, •ore than five lioea, ft cent* a line far ftrst irnwrt nd 3 MDU a line for addition! insertion*. fJ.IHL WANTED--For general housework at ^ Plstakee Bay. Apply at this ofice. OIRL WANTED--At Northwestern hols ^ Injuireof MRS. P. H. WEBBH, West V Henry, 111. TiHJR SALE--Young Doroc Jersey and Berk- x shire boars. Apply to or write Qao. J. HAYEK, Pistakee Bar, ill. TfOR SALE--Full blood white Wyandotte -*- cockerels. 75 cents each. Write or ap ply to HEIXKN E. RAYMOND, Round Lake, III., B. D. 7-St T3X)R SALE--Cheap If taken at once, a 7 x room house on Main street, West McHen ry. For further particulars apply to O. E. LAMPHIRB, West McHenry, III. T OST--Between Crystal Lake and McHenry --' uu oiiuuay worsiMS, July 31, & ladles* straw hat and gray sweater. Suitable-reward If returned to this office. "EM)RSALE--North and South Dakota land: x $13 to 125 per acre. Also farms in Minne sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Hows, McHenry. 111. 20-tf T7VORSALE--A 18-foot launch with a 6 h. p. Gray motor 1910 model, leather cushions and canopy, seating 8 to 10 persons. Price, $100.00 cash. Address 8. E. SMITH, 565 Doug las avenue, Elgin, 111. TjMJK SALE--A 1908 Reo touring car, (former- ^ ly owaed by F. A. Bohlander, West Mc Henry, III.) recently overhauled and repaint ed, and now in A No. 1 condition. Address J. J. UILMC. 4856 Byron St., Irving Park, Chica go, III. FOK SALE OR RENT--The Lake Zurich feed mill, beautifully situated near the hanks of Lake Zurich, in the heart of one of the rirhest farming counties in the state. Aljl! Is all fitted and reatfy for opeiailou. A splendid opportunity for man who is willing to hustle. This Is by far one of the best money making opportunities that the section affords. No competition. Everything your own way. Don't uelay, but write THK PLAIN- DBALEH at once for further Information. 4tV-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY. Estate of Mathias Engeln, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Mathias Rngeln, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the October Term, on the first Monday in October next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are norincu ituii to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 1st day of August, A. D. 1910. 7-3t BAHBAKA ENGELN, Executrix. They Have a. Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Pills give a quick relief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Rose Glaser, Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case. "After suf fering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that Rave me a permanent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall neyer hesitate to recom mend them." F. Masquelet. VOUJi List your farm with D. F Quintan. Mike Worts of McHenry was in town Wednesday. Nick Frost of Kenosha spent Satur day night in Volo. Joe Hertel of Fremont attended church here Sunday. Genevieve Effinger of Ingle«ide spent Sunday with |g^atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in Volo. Mrs. Albert Behrn and son of Fre mont were Volo callers Tuesday. Mr. Buckland of Ringwood made a business trip to our town Thursday. Miss Edith Nicholls was the guest of McHenry relatives Friday of last week. Miss Edyth Petesch of McHenry is spending a few days with Reba Hueon Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son, Ches ter, of Round Lake spent Friday iu Volo. Miss Armilda Lusk of Libertyville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Lusk for a week. Mrs. Lou Hendee of Hainesville spent Monday with her sister, Mrs Charles Parker Bob Gorman of Chicago was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon Friday and Saturday. Misses Reba Hnson and Phyllis Pad dock were Grayslake callers Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kretschmer of Grayslake were Sunday guests at the Stadtfeld home. Arthur Frost has returned to hiB home in Kenosha after a few weeks' stay with his grandparents here. Miss Kate Rosing of Chicago and Miss Frances Rosing of Round Lake were Volo callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon and chil dren and Mrs. John Walton visited in Waakegan Saturday and Sunday. pfrs. Joe Davi9 of Round Lake and Mrs. Chat. Thompson of Fort Hill were Volo callers one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter tained Mrs. George Kuebler and son, Clark, of Des Plaines over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sabel and son, Leo, of Chicago called at the Wagner home in Volo Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Ely and children of Stonghton, Wis., are visiting the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake spent Saturday night and Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Richard Compton, and sister, Mrs. Jas. I^irwan. To keep your health sound; to avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve your physical forces for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. F. Masquelet. Special Sunday Kvmln«. The people of McHenry are promised a very good entertainment at the opera house Sunday evening. The services of Prof. Deldas, the hypnotist, who has been creating such a sensation all over this pa# of the state, has been engaged to entertain for Sunday evening only. This is considered one of the best com edy shows of the season and is a laugh from start to finish. This show usually gets higher prices for admission, but is at the present playing at 10 and 20 cts. Notice. All those knowing themselves to be Indebted to me will kindly call and set tle their accounts at their earliest possi ble convenience. Respectfully, ANTOVT "I1" MEET THIS QUESTION as if you were face to face with us. OUR PHOTOS are the kind that all sorts of people like to see. We know how a person should be posed to look the best. Some people Hay they do not take a good photograph, but tbose people have not been here and followed our advice Let tak> yonr photograph and your fact* will please. F. SCHIM ABEL, <Su(xe*»or to J. J. Hille) West McHenry, (II. - Phone 971 I Professional, Society ̂ and Business Cards OAV1D G. WELLS M. D. OHYlttOIAN, SUBOEON AND UOULI0T *- Office and residence corner Elm aud Green streets. McHenry. Telenhonft No. 811 D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care wil l OP properly and promptly attenued to. DR. R. G. CHAM13ERLLN DENTIST Office «ver Beil«y'« Drug Str*. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST Mt;II KNRY. III. f eleplione No 6 Offlcc over M, J, Walsh's DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, llllnoU *l£»v THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it is usually done. Price is generally the first, consid eration. If that is very low the (foods si:em attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the otner way about. Examine into the quality of this harness first.. Then It will be seen that ltls worth almost any price. But our prices sire not high. Value considered they are remark ably low •: :: :: : : G. A. Barker HcHenry, III. WHEN IN CillCAtiO Don't forget to call on Lambert Q. Sent 92 Fifth Ave where you will a.l ways be treated courteously and receive the best iu the market In the liue of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FREE Expert Fitter of (Jlasses for all Eye T roubles At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, June 8 July 13 Aus. 10 Sept. 14 Oct. 12 Nov. 9 Dec. 14 R I OVERTON. PKOPinETOR •«if I 'lstakee Bay and Fox Lake. Team ing of all tiinds done promptly, spe cial attention given to traveling men. Flrst-cliiss rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 472. West McHenry, III. - Telephone 47a Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AMD STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. iffllSC Li -IS THE KING OF ARTI FICIAL LIGHT and costs no more than other ilium- inants. :: :: !••• Electric (onpy I.W. - T f T t w r t j " W ' f i Hl&KEY tor Ci'entkemcn who cherish Vwality. --For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The best constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. Is now famished with magneto, re quiring no batteries. The Aer motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to use this most important improve ment without raising price, $37-5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $125. If yon need power for any purpose, write or ask us for information. WM. BACON, Mini PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY. ILL. A NICE BIG ROAST of beef, lamb or mutton Is really one of the best hot w<>ather meats. For It is, Just as good cold as hot, so you ran bav> sev eral meals with only one cooking. TELL US TO SEND ONE for Sunday dinner. Make it a big one, for our meats are so choice t hat only a big one will have enough left t<> cut up cold. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - tf TELEPHONE 3 Let Us Answer that GROCERY QUESTION for you. Per haps you are not aware of it, but it's a fact that our Groceries are becom ing the talk of the town. It's only natural that they should as we handle only the very best and in each and every case conform to the regulations set aside by the Pure Food Law. We want you as one of our customers. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 Hchenry, - Illinois.