mm# NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS No fires when the barn is built of Marquette Concrete. It is absolutely fire-proof. Conditions are ideal for animal health the year ? round in a Marquette Concrete barn--warm in winter--cool in summer and easily kept clean all the time. The struc ture is as handsome and everlasting as granite. Expense is comparatively small. We'll gladly send you de tails for making a barn with ji * M PORTLAND CEMENT The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office aad Works: La Salle, III. Ckictt. Ofict: Mmrtmttt* Bldg., Ckicmf. IU. Wilbur Lumber Co. , Mcl lvnry Distr ibutors . "The Old Reliable Kingsbury" THAT is the way one of our customers described the piano he bought from us--and he is a musician ---a man who knows what a good instrument is. When we tell you that more than 100,000 Kings- burys have been sold, you will realize that it is a piano with a repu- tion for high merit and you will feel sure of getting the best value for your money, if you buy one. Then bear in mind that the man ufacturer's written warranty good for ten years is given with every one of these instruments. The makers guar antee satisfaction to every purchaser. Beautiful tone--tine construction-- artistic do sign--splendid finish. All these features you will find in the Kingsbury. ^ We have a.collection of these pianos on exhibition at Cable Piano Co. Store, Woodstock and at the stores of Roy Warner, Crystal Lake' Charles Otto, Richmond J. C. Burkart, Harvard L. F. Nordstrom, West McHenry and we invite you to see them, fisy terms Minted i! yOU tXiy. If you now liuve 11 piano let our tuner look It over, lie is in town every month. Lesive au order for him U> cull. ' EXPERT TUNING: Cable Piano Company, Chicago L. LEWENTHAL, Special Representative Congo is the only Ready Roof ing carrying the National Surety Co.'* bond. It cames with it terms uij conditions that make it especially at- ifacm to anyone who must consider the tooling question. or 10 yean you can rest easy about yous' roofs it coveted with 3-ply Congo, d we know that it is probable you will Mm laager scrvtce out of k. The Surety Company is issuing these bonds, and back of them is their two million dollars of assets. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. Write to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Remember, that with eorry roll of Congo you get a genuine Swnty Bond. Albert Etten Coal Co. i EN I i I..J .1 Nils lNEdllKETY ARANTEE IS* EACH ROLL OF mo* i** PLY D ON l"° J Jb indup HELP THE POOR by paying your subscription KMMbifcfc'lBlOSw J . 04kr» -t in Cryotal Lake Fri- lay. Mrs. (' ii. Dnttelil watt veiling in 3hiea«n rra-rtuUy OouiMia<>i<iu swrvue* will be bel<1 next landr> morning Mii-4 M«b«-ll»* Skinner riaited fcw nis- i6r ill WimmIkUk-.W Siiuilny. jmibh Ariinn .Stepiieuxtm visited frieddB at Crystal li<tkn Ijtut week. .1 Joi'KeuMin of Phicagn visited at F. R-ed'rt SnrnnlHy and Sunday Earl aud R«>y Sktiiurr visited tlieii sivter, Mal»«*lle, here Monday. Mr. Oliurtt«a<] <>l Ellyu visited with VVilliar Moffalt. IdHt week. Mr aud Mrs. A. G Levey and dang*) ter were Crystal ljuk« chIIhc* Tharwday. A Jacob* 8ud daughter, Glrnye, were CJryetal l^ake caller* Saturday evening. M Kite Miller ditd Mrn Smith aud son. l\ml, vvt*re iu Wo unlock Satnr- day Mis P B Hang* awuvtt «nd twn cfiti ilren were Crystnl l^ake Satar- (1 :1 V Mrs. (\ O/lesby eutnrtaincd h«»r sfa- t< rn »»<1 frinud* fruui VViKMl^t.w k Kri < IrS V Louis (ioddurd and Willie Frem-h via ited frieuds iu Chicago the that of ti e week -M r and M rs Miuor Lock wood of Wo<idr«t«M'.k vinited at C K l^M'kwiKid s Friday. Mrs F French and children spent a part of last week with relatives in Mc Henrv Mr and Mrs W. L Yalike are enter tainiutc two youuK ladies from Chicago t hi* wmmW Mr and Mrs A Mnrpby and dan^h ter of Woodstock were callers at the manse Sunday The C. E society will fcive an Ice cream social ou the chnrch lawn Thurs day evening. An#. 11. Mifs Eu ih ih Nelson r e tu rned Satur day evening from a two weeks' visit with relatives iu Michigan. Mr aud Mrs Leroy Sluuueraud son Wesley, of Woodstock spoilt Saturday ami Snuday at R L Dufield 's. Miss Helen Santo <1 of Woodstock visited with Rev. and Mrs. Hiexsel brecht Friday, Satniday and Sunday. Mrs Dora (Jreeue returned to her father's home Saturday eveuiu^ after au extended visit with friends iu Elgin. Arthur Skinner and mother, Mrs It L Dufield, left Sunday morning for a two weeks'visit with frieuds in Iowa. Mrs E. Hesselgrave and daughter, Addie, are spending th« week with the former's mother and relatives at Anti- oc,h. Misses Myrtle and Virginia Brown of itraud Rapids, Mien , were guests at th« home of Mr. and Mrs (J H. Orins- liy the past week. Mrs J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad aleue, and the former's mother, Mrs Harriet Fanning, are visiting numerous relatives at Ureen Lake, Cadott and Berlin, Wis. A young man of our little village ou pleasure bent borrowed a bicycle last Thursday evening. If you waut to know how he arrived home ask Walter eed, he will inform yon. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. Wheu this is lacking you may kuow that yon need a dose of ChamoerIain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive urgaus, Improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Sold by all dealers. PAKK. J. W. Schaffer of McHenry was a re cent visitor at the Park. Misses Belle and Ada Carey of Mc Henry spent Friday with Misses Knox. Miss Ella Heaney of Chicago is spend ing this week at J. B. Heaney s cottage. Daniel O'Shea of Chicago visited at R. J. Sutton's Saturday aud Sunday. Miss Gertrude Blum of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday witb her parents here. Salvator Rouiauo of Chicago is spend ing a few days with his mother at Oak Villa cottage. 'Miss Mary Romano and brother, Frank, spent a few days the last of the week in Chicago. Met-srs. Johu Oibba and Ray and Ed ' Jonway spent a few days the first of the peek in Chiaago. Messrs. ft. E. Sutton and M. C. Lar- en of Chicago spent 8nnday at the for mer's home here. Mrs. Geo. Frisby and children of Mc- lenry spent Monday witb Mrs Ellen 'risby aud family. Messrs. W. Blum, Waiter Blnin and larry Rosburg of Chicago speut the reek end at the Park. Messrs. Chas. Malefyt and F.d. Armit f Chicago spent the week end with heir families here. Miss Julia Matteon returned to Mrs. iUen Walsh's Wednesday after two reeks spent at Ringwood. Miss Grace Burns and friend. Jack illen, of Chicago Bpent Sunday with ,lr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns. Messrs. James, Paul and John Arm- trong of River Forest spent Saturday nd Sunday with their families here Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Armstrong, Miss iSlsie Wat rouse and Geo. Armstrong of Chicago drove out in their auto aud spent Sunday witb John Armstrong and family Mr. and Mrs. Chas W. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs Daniel O'Shea, Misses Bleanor Kelly, Margaret Sutton and Benlah Larkin and Mac Sutton made up a boat party to the beautiful lotus beds Sun vlay afternoon. In bnying a congb medicine, don 't be afraid to getChauiberiain'sCough Rein jdy. There is no danger from it, aud relief is sure to follow. Especially rec ommended for coughs, colds and whoop ing cougb. Bold by all daaten. K1NGWOOD. Leon Dodge wou a scholarship in the eighth grade contest. The railroad bridge at' W. ADodge's burned last Friday night. W. B. Walker. J. S. Brown and J as Green were in Woodstock Monday Mrs. Nellie Prickett left Monday morning for tier home in Nebraska. Miss Agnea Dodge will teach the school in the Creek district the coming year. Mrs. Robert McLean and daughter of Woodstock are visiting Mrs. C. H Ste phenson. Mrs. Johonnott and sister of Solon spent last Friday in Ringwood with her two sons. Charles Westlake of Solon spent Mon day afternoon with his sister, Mrs. J as. McCannon. H. W. Allen aud wife and Miss Agnes Bigelow drove to Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Emma Matthews visited her consin, Msry Pierce, in Harvard last Wednwuiuy J. C. Ladd and wife and Mrs Nellie Prickett and sou a pent Saturday iu Spring Grove Eleanor Bawlev and Lora Walking- ton returned froui their visit to Elgin Send ay morning. Mrs. Eli Brink of Woodstock and Mrs Eiuma Brink of West McHenry visited at H. W. Allen's Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs John W. Bell visited their children at Spriug Grove Their son. Duaue, Waukegau was out Irving Merchant, wife and son, Floyd, of Woodstock are spending part of their vacation with her brothers, Bert and W'.HiSui MiA'nuooti Miss Ethel Bryant, brother, Panl, and Miss Irene Allen of Woodstock are spending a few days at 11. W. Allen's and Bert McCaiiuon's. It is with great »adnesa that we re ceive the uews of the death of Mrs. Ger trude Straub Hall iu Cuba The obilu sry will ap|>eur in this paper. Mrs. Mary Dodge entertained her nieces, Mrs. Mary Sonlhwick of Will iams Bay, Mrs Nellie Prick tt of Fair field, Neb., Mrs. Carrie Smith aud Mrs. Libhie lisdil, of this place last Friday. If your liver is sluggish and out of toiif, and von feel dull, bilious, consti pated. take a dose of Chamtwrlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight be fore retiring and you will feel all right iu the luoruiiig. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. .laiues Couway aud daughter, Flossie, speut Friday afternoon aud Hat urday witb Mr aud Mrs Thos Tbotup son at Lake Vincfeut, Wis Mr. Conway weut uji Saturday eveuing aud ate a fish supper with them aud they re turned home with him. Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber lain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with yon when starting on your trip thin xnoiuier. It cannot be obtained on ktoarri the trains or steam ers. Changes of water and climate of ten cause sudileu attacks of diarrhoea, and it is best to be prepared. Sold by all dealers. THE GREAT HOLt'ONHVILLK. Henry Poiurening spent Snuday at his home here. Wui. Zeuk and son, Willie, were Chi cago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrison were Ringwood callers Sunday- Mrs Jay Doherty spent Thursday with her sisters in McHenry. Miss Mary Farrell of Chicago visited at Jay Doherty's Saturday. Edsou Gilbert of Chicago visited rel atives here several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Elgin visited at J. C. Clemens' last week. Misses Irene Davoll aud Eleanor Pha- liu were Crystal Lake callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutsonand little daughter called at W. B. Gilbert's Son- day. Miss Gertrude Farrell of Chicago vis ited several days last week with rela tives here. Miss Eleanor Phaliu of Terra Cotta visited last week with her aunt, Mrs. F. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Relihan at Emerald Park. Mrs. F. lugalls and daughter, Edith, of Elgin, visited Snuday and Monday at J. C. Clemens'. Mr and Mrs. David Powers and son, William, called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMilian-at Terra Cotta Sunday. Let^pr Doran went to Elgin Monday •sfter spending several weeks at the home of W. B Gilbert. He will spend a short time in Elgin before returning to his home in St. Psal. Dysentery is a daugerons disease but can be cured. (Thaiuberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been successfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail It is equally valuable for chil iren and adults, and when reduced witb water and sweetened, it is pleasant to ta'te. Sold by all dealers. Last Thursday eveuing twenty-five young friends of Raymond and Will Powers gathered at their beautiful home to surprise them. They certainly did, and after the first shock the "boys" set to work to entertain their guests. Games were played, both ont doors and in, and a fine time was enjoyed by all. At about the Jliiduight hour refresh ments were served and soon afterward the merry guests departed for their homes, wishrag that parties came often- er. ... Struck a Rich nine. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., says he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. King's New Life Pills for they cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after 12 years of suffering. They are the best pills on earth for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dyspepsia, Debility. 35c at N. H. Patesub s and F. Maeqoelat's. flovirig Pictures Illustrated Songs The «hov<» company is the same that plays Woodstock during: tht> week. :: :: PRICES: Adults aoc Children IOC (F The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C b lit Mast OelMbie But m Ttt» Witers In again in coin mission aud iiiiikinii dully trips along Fo* River. Plxtak** Be.y. Platake* Lak*. Nipper sink Lake, Fox Lake. Grass Lake. La.k« Marls. Lake Bluff. Channel Lake and Lake C»!h- (vrlrto. Tlit'lmai also tuakes l rips to Cary aud Algonquin, III., and W'lluiot. Wis On these trips It follows list course ro* river. The Lot\is Beds in Orass Lukt> are now In full 1 jI<khii and trips are made to this beautiful and far famed spot whenever a sufficient numlx'r of passengers may he obtained. In vlte some i'it.y friends, (jet up your party and enjoy the l>eautiful sitfbt. Round Trip only 75c from McHenry Sixty Mile Ride For $1 Tl»e lM>nt will make trips, by appoint ment, startlim from either cud of the trip, betweeu McHenry and W'lluiot. '>Vls., tak ing in the beautiful Chain of Lakes, Ko.\ Kl ver and the World Famed l/ot iis Beds in UraKs Lake. Beautiful soeuery all the way. wn. KOEPPE, CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, riclienry 8n OSTEND. V. E. Jeckfl trausacted hnniliens in Chicago Friday. Mies Sunie Thouipaou in visiting witb relatives in Delevan. Mr. aud Mrs. Heury Hobart and fain ily spent Snnday iu Elgin. B. H. Richardson and danghters vis ited with relatives iu Woodstock last Satnrday. Misses Hettie and Flossie Randall left Tuesday evening for au exteuded visit in the East. Mrs. (J. E. (iaylord anil daughter, Mildred, were gnestM of relatives at Williams Bay last week. An eight ponnd girl arrived at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Ray L. Tboniss Friday morning, Jnly 29. The A. I. R< ><>t company, Medina, O,, offers six yearly subscriptions to "Glean ings In Bee Culture" as special pre miums for exhibits of honey at the Mc Henry county fair. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Randall enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brass and children, Harold Florida, Brownie Brown and O N. Brass of Nebraska and Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Joonrad and children of Woodstock last Saturday. About fifty relatives gathered at the home of William and Warren Thomas last Sunday in honor of their birthdays. At the noon hour a Dounteous dinner was served on the lawn. At a late hour the various families departed for their homes, wishing them many more happy birthday*. TKKKA COTTA. Thomas Church was a Chic&go visitor Tuesday. Mrs. T. R Anderson was a McHenry caller Saturday. Miss Eleanor Plialiu visited Holcomb- ville relatives last week. Miss Emma Couway of Elgin visited home folks Saturday aud Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago is vis iting at the home of S. B. Leisner. Miss Miunie Kuox of McHenry visit ed her brother aud family here Friday. Miss Frances Welch of (iriswold Lake was the guest of relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughters speut Snnday evening in Richmond. Mrs. M. J Walsh and children of Mc- Henry are spending a few days at the home of M. Kuox. Mrs Beatty and brother, Mr. Brough- ton, of Dwight, 111., are gneets at the home of J. H. (Jracy. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and little son of Holcouibville called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan Sunday. Misses Mamie Dead) of Chicago and Marguerite Knox of Emerald Park called on Florence and Frances Knox Wednesday. The Farmer's Voice, of Chicago. 111., edited by A. J Bill, one of the beet agricultural writers in the state of Illi nois, offers six yearly subscriptions as special premiums for exhibit* of batter and milk at the McHenry county fair. Foley Kidutjr Pill*. Tonic in quality and action, quick in results. For backache, headache, dizzi ness, nervousness, nrinary irregularities and rheumatism. F. Masqaelet. % Drugs that you know are ri\ Every item that leaves our store is guaranteed. This guarantee is as 'broad as a customer may wish to interpret it. On our part it means that we insure absolute satisfaction :: :: :: If a customer is not satisfied in every particular we want to know it, because he is entitled to entire satis faction. :: :: :: :: We are ready to take back "roods, refund money or do anything else necessary to show that our guarantee is a valid one and that it represents a straightfor ward policy which we enforce in every department of our business. :: :: :: :: N. H. Petesch DRUOtHST McHENRY TEL. a74 When Looking for I U U I O J J I 1 f t 11 7 vv an Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: Phnneo <>FFice-77». fllUllCd. HESIDENCE-791 I t 9 4 i A 9 * n 11 it »0 'P ia la ol 63 M lA !w 05 Perfect / i At Prices to #*38 ali» The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. 1 11 !%[' 1 ______ lHt CCNTERVILLE HARDWARE MAN. Our new fall line 01 Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally gocx line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in th* dull or bright finish and cloth top We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: :: SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Coflfe in and look. . :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PHONE 483 n 3td-Ci «xUi