IPfpjl 0̂* |yM %s-$£ - -i S* V ••• I ^ttitertty Clotkes Your choice of a style is most important,--one that will fit your age as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you to make a selection. Call for a style book. :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Before You Build Timbers Dimension Plank O S h i n g l e s Siding F l o o r i n g It will pay you to call and see us before placing your order for building- material. We not only have a well selected stock of high grade lumber, but we can also quote you low prices and save yoti money. :: :: " - - Oar carefal attention and prompt s«rvice are features worth noting. WILBUR LUriRERCO. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. X: J) of every description at honest prices. F. L. McOMBER, ISSI ̂ >* P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPBCLA.L ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF i Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLO STORAUE FREE »t*ii i a a. Poiton st. WkNHk Market. CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. GIVE A LOOK! If you want the prices right on Hard and Soft Coal, Sarid, Gravel, Cement and Poultry Food, and every thing weighed with a typewriting, registering beam Fairbanks Scale, full weight guaranteed, why, call on ETTEN THE HEW COAL MAW OFFICE AND YARD OPPOSITE BONSLETT'-. MILL WEST HcHENRY, ILL. OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND WHERE THEY GO. A Grist of Parsonal News Gathered Up bjr the Wayside by The Plalndealer Repre sentative* H. E. Price Chicagoed Tuesday. John A. Worts was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan passed Thurs day last in Elgin. Chas. J. Heimer was the gnest of Elgin friends Sunday. O. B. Gilbert passed a recent day in tha mafyApAH fon pj {y Dr. D. G. Wells was a county seat visitor Monday morning. W. P. Kinns was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. C. H. Ressner of Chicago spent Toes- day with his daughter here. Miss Agnes Frisby is spending the week with relatives iu Elgin. Miss Julia Peck low of Chicago "is vis. iting with Miss May Reasner. G. W. Besley was a business trans actor in the windy city Wednesday. Carl Barry and Robert Costello of Elgin are here for a two weeks' visit. M. A. and Patrick Conway were Chi cago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. Robert Scuie&sle was auiong the i Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Max Zimmemiano was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wend^s- F. E. Block of Elgin is spending a week's vacation among McHenry rela tives. Victor Meyers passed Satnrday and Sunday as the guest of friends at North Chicago. Station Agent J. B. Buss was a busi ness visitor in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Bernard Harrison was among these to board the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Jos. N. Miller attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Wednesday. F. L. McOmber and daughter, Cora- belle, boarded the Chicago train Tues day morning. H. M. Chubaroff of Hammond, Ind., passed Sunday with his wife and other relatives here. Misses Anna Blake, Regina Huff and Mary Meyers spent Sunday afternoon iu Woodstock. Miss Anna Miller is enjoying a week's vacation from her duties at the F. A. Boh lander store. Miss Kathryu Kristan of North Chi cago was a guest at the home of Geo. Meyers last week. Mr. Schilling of Chicago was a guest one day recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Merriman. Chas. F. Hayes of Harvard was shak ing hands with his many friends in town last week Friday- Miss Kathryn Heimer is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties at the store of Block & Bethke. Joseph Nett of JohnBburgh was among the Chicago passengers from this station Wednesday morning. Mathias Rothermel of Kenosha, Wis., spent Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rothermel. Editor J. V. Beatty and Marshal An drew Henderson of North Crystal Lake were visitors in town last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Warnekeand chil dren of Chicago passed Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boh Under, Miss Mary Frisby has gone to Austin, 111., where she will spend a month at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. P. Port- man. Chas. G. Buss came out from Chicago Saturday afternoon to Bpeod Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Misses Anna Blake and Regina Huff of Spring Grove passed several days last week as the guests of Miss Mary Meyers. Mrs. Thos. Crowley and children re turned to Chicago Monday morning after a two weeks' visit at the home of Wm. Bacon. Miss Alice Willner returned to he* home in Chicago last Sunday evening after a week's visit at the home of F. Steinsdoerfer. Miss Cecelia Geary returned to her home in Wauconda Tuesday afternoon after a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Miss Barbara Steinsdoerfer returned to Chicago last Sunday evening after an extended visit at the home of her greats, Mr. aDd Mrs. F. Steinsdoerfer. Mrs. Frank Rothermel and children of Chicago are enjoying a pleasant visit among relatives and friends in McHen ry. Mr. Rothermel was out over Sun day. Richard B. Walsh came out from Chi cago last Saturday morning to pass the balance of the day and Sunday as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Misses Rose Hill and Rose Simon of Green Bay, Wis., and Miss Amanda Simon of Milwaukee, Wis., passed a couple of days last week at the home of John Simon. Health Officer Adolph Fischer of El gin is taking his annual vacation and with his family will enjoy an outing in McHenry, at Fox Lake and the lakes of lower Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Wegener of Lily Lake entertained <J% A. Herbes and O. E Schuster of Chicago, Mr and Mrs, Nick Baurof Volo and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Herbes of McHenry last Sunday. Mathias N. Freund went to Chloago Wednesday morning and was accom panied home by his wife, who has been confined to a hospital in that city for some time. Mrs. Frennd's health is very much improved. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and yoo feel dull, bilious, consti pated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight be fore retiring and you will feel all right in the morning. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. Anderson and son, Charles, of Chicago are guests of the former's sis ter, Mrs. L. H. Wrede. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and son, Charlie, were guests of Chicago relatives from Friday until Monday. Misses Esther and Matie Selgmelr of North Crystal Lake are passing the week at the home of A. L. Ward. Mr and Mrs. A. Bernhold and son, Edward, of Chicago are visiting at the home of M. L. Worts and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kleist and children of Chicago were recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Worts. Alfred and Miss Leora Stauffer of Revanna, Mich., have been guests at the home ot E B. Perkins the past two weeks, leaving last Monday for a visit with relatives in Chicago before return ing t) their home. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially rec ommended for coughs. coMh and whoop ing cough. Sold by all dealers. Geo. Mix of Chicago passed a few days last week at the home of John Miller, where his wife and family $re passing several weeks. Both the Mix and Miller families enjoyed a trip to the lotus beds one day last week. Thos. F. Burns of Belvidt»vfi was in town last Sunday and attended the pic nic. In a short, but well worded, ad dress he told his audience that he was a Democratic candidate for a seat in the general assembly of this district. When the digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is » natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know- that you need a dose of ChamoerlainV Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Sold by all dealers. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brey and chil dren, Mr. ai^d Mrs. William Frenk and children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Block and Frank Sternberg and daughter, Florence, all of Dundee, passed Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. T. H Bethke. The entire party also made s trip to the lotus beds in Block & Beth ke's launch during the day. HlOuKFIEL.lJ. Wilbur Levey is painting at Barring- ton. F. Wille was in Crystal Lake Satur day. J. Oakroot was a Woodstock caller Monday. Mrs. D. (). Kline was in Woodstock Monday. Walter Cobb left Sunday for a visit in New York. Mrs. W. L. Yanke is visiting in Chi cago this week. Ray Lynch was in Woodstock on business Tuesday. Mrs. A. Jacobs was a Crystal Lake visitor Thursday. Mrs. A. Hansen and sons were in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Rushton spent Saturday with friends in Woodstock. Miss Pearl Hanghawout was a Crys tal Lake visitor Thursday. Mrs. S. Thayer and daughter were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mrs. Sullivan of Peoria is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. G. Hartman. Mr. Hanghawout was taking in the Bights at Aurora last Thursday. W. L. Yanke visited with Will Jaynes and family in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. French of McHenry is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Stephenson. Miss Audrey Quinn of Woodstock visited at F. W. Hartman's Friday. Ed Cadwallader of Terra Cotta visit- bis sister, Mrs. R. L. Dufield, Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Arthur, returned Saturday from their western trip. A. F. Davis visited with his daughter, Lura, at St. Luke's hospital, Chicago, Friday. F. M. Risley was called to Janesville Monday by a telegram that Agnes was very low. Mrs. S. War nock and daughters of Chicago are visiting at the home of D. L Gibson. The remains of Mrs. Elmer Letsler of McHenry were brought here for burial Wednesday. Roger and Margaret Sillars of Eliza beth are visiting their many friends here this week. Mr. O'Neill of Woodstock moved his household goods into W. H. Monroe's TkuiMds Em Kidney Trouble and Refer Snspeei I. Wem Te* WlsA o«t« Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a brick dust sedi- > - - " ment, or settling, .'i_JfWV? stringy.or milky !%'swiMw' V i' Y f appearance often indicates an un healthy condi- I F JEtW/' H tion of the kid neys; too fre- ZbLI quent desire to i-'-* •*' n in pass it or pain in the back «fp also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. What TO Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and. to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the bif ? e ' he- cause of its remark a ble health restoring prop erties. If you ne« <1 s medicine you shonlcl have the best. Solcl Ivy druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sampl< •! < f fre*: by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N, Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, BinghamtOP, N. Y., on every bottle. house last week. Mrs. A. Stepherifeon ajid daughter, Edna, visited relatives in McHenry Fri day and Saturday. Miss Arh'ne Stephenson entertained her friend, Miss Helen Rogers, of Crys- tal l^ake last wesk. Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby and children and Mr. and Mrs. Barber picniced at Crystal Lake Sunday. Station Agent Lynch left Tuesday for a visit with his mother and other rela tives at Green Lake, Win. Mrs. Norton and daughter of( Rich mond are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hesselgrfive Miss Hilda Smith of Chicago visited her sister, Hattie, at Mrs Josepbenson's home Friday and Saturday M rs. W. Madsen entertained the Dan ish Ladies' Aid society Thursday after noon. About fifty were present. M rs H. Wilson, two children and mother of Harvard visited at A. Joseph- enson's part of Saturday aud Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jenseu uf Wood stock spent a part of last week with the latter's parents, Mr. aud Mrs A. Peter son. Robert Knilans, Charles Ortusby and Misses Rhoda Knilans aud Glenys Jac obs went by auto to Delavan lake Sat urday, returning Wednesday. Mrs. Haughawont and daughters, Mrs. Elsie Johnson and son, aud Mrs. Lilly Foydendall, visited with Mrs. F. E. Fay in Ringwood Thursday. The Best hour of Life is when you do some great deed or did cover some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. R. Pitt, of Rocky Mt., N. C. when he was suffering intensely, as he says," from the worst cold I ever had. I then proved to my great satisfaction, what a wonderful Cold and Congh enre Dr. King's New Discovery is, for after taking one bottle, I was entirely cured. Yon can't say anything too good of a medicine like that." It's the surest and best remedv for diseased lungs, Hemor rhages, LaGrippc, Asthma, Hay Fever any Throat or lung Trouble 50c $1 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F Masqoel»fc MIDSUMMER nf Tort fflinoo onrl Avfrvr/1 q AIca VA JL U/XA f^AAWl^ WMVt VAiVlUOl AiOV all odds and ends in Sujnmer G-oods, Lawns, etc. The largest and best selected stock of Goods to be found in McHenry county. The house of quality. :: :: F. A. BOH LANDER. J PROBATE NEWS • .M.HM MMWH WMM [Furnished by McHenry County Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Abstract Office In Ar nold Hlock. east, side public s<|u:ire. Ab stracts of t i t le and conveyancing Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 90:t and 911.] REAL ESTATE TKANSFKRS. Caroline Krauseetal to .lolin K. Lapp. Its 20 & 21 Orchard Beach, McHenry .f 1.00 John R. Lapp to Frederick William Krausv, same 1.00 Benjumiil Gilbert & w to Tlieo. Sehies- sle. Its k& 10, blk U, West McHenry.. 32C0.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred E. Conn, 22 Harvard Hattie Schultz, 19. " F o l e y K i d n e y PIIIh. Tonic in quality and action, quick in results. For backache, headache, dizzi ness, nervousness, nrinary irregularities and rheumatism. F. Masquelet. T T W i l lUIUll Capital Stock, $25,000. . ..THE LIST OF. Depositors of this bank includes the names of many of the most successful business men in the community. THEIR FAITH in the Bank is not a matter of sen- timerit, but of good, hard sense. They know the ample resources of the bank and its able management. Prove your good judgment by having your account here also. Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. OFFICERS: C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Dinner Sets and Table Ware White and Gold Dinner Set, 70 pieces, in latest shapes $7.50 100-piece Dinner Sets, in latest shapes, fancy floral decorations, edges and handles traced in gold $12.50, $13.50, $14.50 We also carry a large assortment of Queensware, Glass ware, Water Sets, Berry Sets, Etc. :: :: :: Horseshoe brand Table Tumblers, at each 2c ..JOHN STOFFEL.. WEST McHENRY. - - - TEL. 301. Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with ioc cash purchase OXFORD SALE! Here is the biggest value ever offered by us and our prices are always lower than the lowest. We have taken our en tire stock of Ladies' Oxfords and made them so low that the sizes will soon be broken, so get your pick early. La dies' Patent, Tan and Gun Metal Pumps and Oxfords sold at $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 now choice of lot pet* pair $1.85 Men's Oxfords! The well known Thompson line for style, tit and wear. There are none better. Come in Oxblood, Tan, Gun Metal,--every shoe a dandy, none sold for less than $4.00, now, choice $2.95 LADIES' WAISTS! Don't fail to see the wonder bargains found in this line of waists worth up to $2.00. Good sheer material, neatly trimmed and tailored, your choice while they last $1.00 DRESS MATERIAL! We have made a big cut in all summer lawns and batiste, fancy steer material in a variety of shades, sold at 15c, now on|y 10c Lawn Tissues and Plaxon now selling at 23c Space will not permit us to quote you the reduction on all goods, but come and see for yourself. DRESSING SACQUESI In fine Persian trimmed effect, to close, each 50c Petticoats! Petticoats! Made of good quality gingham, ruffled and Hounced. skirts worth up to $1.00, the lot at each .. 50c One lot of odds and ends in Waists ; . . . . 2 5 c if Ladies Vests' at 15c, jsc /