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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1910, p. 4

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SUPER*, A l u r . s INS SUPREME "SENiAT CENTURY kl r\AV3 THE EQUESTRIAN And A Score of Other Daring Raiders TIE WCMDERFUL r£- . -4 . D Sattisfield MINAGI HORSES \ \ ̂ r j N '• /£ __ A me wuiiisitiB nuupc V >?•/ Tobats The Flying Earnests and Troupe a \ I/ A i ( v n \LWS of Acting Elephants including "DUG " the Greatest Trained Elephaxit in the World, and a Hundred Other Mammoth Acts Big Circus Arenas brim full of novelties SWEEPING JNTp THE AIR IM A Bt'^ST>prt PYROTECHNIC i Sft^ENDQR DCITME^BEAUTX' I ' • • *i CLOWNS GALORE gratuitous Doon OpMi One Hour Earlier, During THls Period THE DODE FISK MILITARY BAND, Viulor The Direction of „v> .,w PROF. W. E. WELDON. Will Offer Delltfhtful Concerts. rforman i iy - nd O IVI ively Exhibit Upon Above Day and Date, Rain or y Pi PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHRE1NER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: . neyear 11.50 Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, August 18, 1910. TO VOTKKS OF M ' I I KM I t Y CO! MTV, I am a candidate for county superin­ tendent of schools of McHenry c6nnty, wholly on my record as an eminently successful school teacher aud practical educator. If this meets yonr approval, I shall appreciate any assistance ten­ dered in my behalf, either before or at the primaries Sept. 15, 191U 9 PHII. S HARRISON. FOR COIINTY CI.KKK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of county clerk of McHenry county, sub ject to the* decision of the voters at the primaries. Guv E. STILL. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Repoblican nomination for the office of treasurer of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the pri tnaries. ARTHfu A CRISKEY, 33-tf Marengo, 111. FOB COUNTY SllKKlKF. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voters at the primaries Sept. lfj. t GEOROE ECKKRT, 51 Woodstock, 111. FOB COUNTY SHKKIFF. I hereby announce toy candidacy for he Republican nomination for the office of sheriff of McHenry county, subject to the decision of all Republican voter- at the primaries Sept. 15. ANDREW H. HENDERSON, SR., 81 Crvstal Lake, 111. A N N O U N C E * ! I N T . As everybody already knows, I am candidate for the Republican neim nation for the office of County Clerk u this county, subject to the, decision oi the voters at the primary to be held oi Thursday, Sept. 15, 1910. 1 hereby make a formal announcement of tlia fact and solicit the votes of my frieude find others, who think I am entitled t< that office. GEHROE W. LEMMERS ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to announce to the voters of McHenry county that I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of County Judge and respectfully solicit your vote at the Primaries to be held September 15, 1910. V. S. LVMLKV, FOB COUNTY TBKASUKKK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primaries, when held for the purpose of selecting Republican candidates for county offices to be voted for at the general election in November, 1910. 85 CHARLES WANDRACK. Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback malarin trouble that has brought suffering and leath to thousands The ^erinn cans* :hills. fever and ague, biliousness, jann- lice, lassitude, weakness and genera1 lebility. But Electric Bitters nevar fail to destroy them and cure malaria troub­ les. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. "and I've hail good health ever since. " Cure Stomach, Liver and Kid ney Troubles, and prevent Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. Est Tin U I l l lc f -L E xecut r i \ i i f t l i M i l t b i a s E m : e l i of I \ K < I T i > K > N O T I C E . C. L>. HAH.NKS. ATTORN KY. f M a t h i - i s F n g c l n . D e c e a * . e c u i , , j v I Tes t a 111 i l l r i l l e d . | ; , t e o f t l i e i : i v i l i K H i l l a • d . • l i t o f mi l l y M c H e n r y a m i M a t e o f I l l i n o i s , h e r e b y g i \ c s I I I i t i ' a * t h a t s h e w i l l a p p e a r b e f o r e t h e C o u n t y C o u r t o f M i - H e n r y C o u n t y , a t t i n C o u r t H o u s e i n W o o d s t o c k . a t t h e O c t o b e r T e r m , o n t l i e f i r s t M o n d a y i n O c t o b e r n e x t , a t w h i c h t i m e a l l p e r s o n s h a v i n g c l a i m - a g a i h s i s a i d E s t a t < - a n - n o t H i e d a n i l r e q i l e s t e d t o a t t e n d f o r t l i e p u r p o s e o f h a v i n g I l i e s a r i n a d j u s t e d . A l l p e r s o n s i r i d e l i t e d t o s a i d K - t a t ' a r e r e i , \ i e s t e < l t o m a k e i m i l l e d l a t e p a y m e n t t o t i l e u n d e r s i g n e d D a t e d t i n s 1 s t d a y o f A u g u s t . A D. 1 <.1 1 O. T - : j t H AKHAKA K NI>KI .N . I w e c u t l i x . From Slfk i ieH* to "Excel len t Heal th ." So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, 111.: "I found in yonr Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache ajjd kidney trouble which bothered uie for many months. I am now enjoying excellent health which I owe to Folej Kidney Pills. " F. Masqnelet. 70 Years with doughs We have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great con­ fidence in it for coughs, cold.--, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Ask your oun doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. am advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. No alcohol in this cou*>h medicine, j c..\,h • < v.LouelLAfais. "3 VOTE FOR |x| Thos. F. Burns For Representative in the General Assembly. PLATFORM as published in the Belvidere Daily Re­ publican of April 2fi, 1910; "I favor the economical expenditure of public moneys and the immediate abo.ition of old time extravagant meth­ ods. I favor laws that will be beneficial to the farmers, dairymen and stock- raisers of this great commonwealth, the municipal control of gka, electric and water systems, the establishment of good roads, and an economical system of expenditure for their permanent maintenance, convict labor to be used as far as possible- 1 favor the passage of laws that protect the members of fraternal insurance organization# against the encroachmeuts of powerful old line insurance companies. I am op­ posed to any deep waterway legislation by this state until such time as the Fed­ eral Government assures its financial support of the project I am for the rigid enforcement of laws governing the practice of medicine and surgery, and the enactment of snch laws as will protect the people against unscrupulous practitioners. I believe there should be just and equitable measures of protec­ tion to employer and employee, the con­ servation of all our natural resources, the encouragement, snpport f.nd ad­ vancement of all our public, educational and charitable institutions, in order that they may be placed on the highest plane of efficiency. f i i | • pi.---- • i 11.j i • '• James H. Vickers, Mayor of Harvard Be WC& be Strang. You cannot if your bowels are constipated. TIK- best laxative to AW* Pills, all vegetable. Ask your doctor if he agrees with us. Do as he say*. v '̂.. MwmmMmm Candidate for the Republican Nomination for the Legislature. Primaries, Thursday, Sept. 15. I am now and ahvavs have been a Republ i ­ can and be l ieve in s t r ic t par ty- loyal ly . and t .ha t Republ icans should work to car ry oul and make JJOIM I the i r par ty p la t form and par ty p ledges . , I f nominated ;n i ( l e lec ted to t f f f t l eg is la ture . I sha l l a t a l l t imes be loyal to t l i e Republ ican par ty , and wi l l pro fn l« and abide by the de­ c is ion of the Republ ican caucus on speaker and I 'n l ted S ta tes senator , a* I be l ieve i t to be the duty of every Republ ican house mem­ ber to s tand by h is par ty audi t s pr inc ip les , and not en ter in to b ipar t i san combinat ion: , o rdea ls wi th o ther pol i t ica l par t ies . As t i l l s sena tor ia l d is t r ic t i s devoted la rge ly to t he da i ry ing In teres ts , I sha l l do a l l I can to pro tec t ami he lp the da i ry In teres ts , and I SHALL STAND FIRMLY AOAINST Ti l l ENTIRE LORIMER-MOXLEY CROWD AND THEIR BI ' TT ERIN E INTERESTS* and 1 SHALL ALH) OPPOSE ANV PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO HAVE THE COMPl 'L SORY TESTING OF DAIRY COWS FOR TU BEKCi: LOS IS . I am in favor of keeping our present pr i ­ mary law. but wi l l vo te for any .-IT endn 'u i i t tha t wi l l make i t more per fec t . I be l ieve the proposed deepwat - rvvay wi l l soon become a mat ter of federa l leg is la t ion , and I WILL NOT VOTE IN FAVOR OF ANY STATE LEGISLATION BY WHICH OCR STATE IS TO I t t ' lLD A DEKl 'WATERWAY ATTHK EXPENSE OK THE TAX PAYERS OF THIS STATE. UNLESS IT CAN BE SHOWN TO ME THAT THE BENEFITS TO THE FARMERSANDOTHERTAXPAYERS OF THIS SENATORIAL DISTRICT WILL EQUAL OR EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF ALL TAX FS Ti l EY WILL BE COMPELLED To PAY TOWARD ITS CONSTRUCTION. l .am a merchant and engaged in bus iness a t Harvard , I l l inois , and 1 t t rmly be l ieve tha t bus iness pr inc ip les and bus iness economy should be more c lose ly fo l lowed in t fur iNact - ing t l i e bus iness of the s ta te leg is la ture , and tha t there should be less pol i t ics p layed by the members of the leg is la t u re whi le t rans­ ac t iug t l i e bus iness of the Sta te aud In mak­ ing t he laws tha t a re to govern us . I f nominated aud e lec ted 1 sha l l se rve the people of t h i s d i s t r ic t to the very bes t of my abi l i ty , and sha l l f rom t ime to t ime consul t t hem on a l l mat te rs of leg is la t ion tha t wi l l In any way ef fec t , them, and be guided by what they be l ieve to be for the i r bes t in te res ts . 1 AM WHAT IS CALLED A -PROGRES­ SIVE" REPUBLIt AN AND BELIEVE IN THE POLICIES OF THEODORE ROOSE­ VELT. WHICH INCLUDE A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVERYBODY." . JAMES II VICKERS. Arthur A. Crissey in Plain Talk to the Voters. C E N T R A L SUNDAY, Alia; 31 Great New York Swccess • • " .i * m -- iiW g 1 Professional, Society V 1 and Business Cards { DAVID G. WELLS M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST T Off ice and res idence corner Elm and Green streets. McHenry. Telenhone No. Bli D. T . SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock . I l l inois Al l bus iness in t rus ted to h is care wi l l be roper ly and prompt ly a t tenaed to . DR. R. G. C33AMBERLIN DENTIST Office over Be»ley'« Drag: Stre. Hours: »:oo to 5:3°- WHIST Mcll BNKY . ILU elephone No 6 Office over M. J. W«l»h' « DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 'elephone No ^3. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. Illinois PRICES, 35c, 35C, 50c SEATS ON SALE AT PETESCH'S 2 THE WRONG WAY to se lec t harness i s the way i t I s usual ly done . Pr ice Is genera l ly the f i r s t cons id­ era t ion . I f tha t Is very low the goods seem a t t rac t ive , regard less of qua l i ty . Judge our goods the o ther way about . Examine In to the qual i ty of th is harness f i r s t . Then i t wi l l be seen tha t i t l s wor th a lmost any pr ice . But uur pr ices a re not h igh . Value cons idered they are remark­ ably low • : : : : : : : G. A. Barker Hchenry, III. They Have a Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Pills give a quick relief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Rose Glaser, Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case. "After suf­ fering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that gave me a permanent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall neyer hesitate to recom- J mend them " F. Masquelet. To the Voters of McHenry County: I t l ias been s ta ted by cer ta in persons in th is county tha t i f e lec ted to the off ice of county t reasurer , 1 would not g ive the off ice my personal a t ten t ion , but would ins tead appoin t a deputy to t i l l my p lace as such off ic ia l . In rep ly to t h i s I wish to say to t he voters of the county tha t , such s ta tements a re not t rue , and tha t i f e lec ted to the t reasurer ' s of f ice I wi l l be county t reasurer in fac t as wel l as In mime, and tha t I wi l l g i ve the off ice my personal a t ten t ion . For a per iod of l ive years I se rved as a member of a commit tee appoin ted by the chai rman of the hoaf t l of supervisors whose duty I t was to make annual se t t lements wi t l i the county t reasurer . and through my con­ nect ion wi th sa id commit tee 1 l iecame fami l ­ ia r wi th the dut ies of the t reasurer ' s of f ice , aud I know i t requi res much In t r ica te , c le r i ­ ca l work in addi t ion to the respons ib i l i t les assumed. The law makes the cOunty t reasurer cus to d lan of the s ta te and county funds col lec ted in the county , which , for the year 11109 amounted to*about . the sum of $110, (100. The county t reasurer i s a l so ex-ofHcio co l lec tor of the inher i tance tax in the county and sup­ erv isor of assessments , and I t i s h is du ty to advise wi th the d i f ferent township assessors regard ing the i r dut ies and to furn ish them wi th informal ion re la t ing to <- i ia i ine» lu the revenue laws of the s ta te . The county t reas­ urer Is a l so col lec tor of a l l the ra i l road , te le ­ graph and te lephone taxes and a l l de l inquent re turned by township col lec tors , and the col ­ lec t ion and d is t r ibut ion of these funds in proper propor t ions among the many school d is t r ic t s , townships and munic ipa l bodies of the county . I have never so s ta ted nor never in tended to conduct , the off ice through a deputy In case t he voters of the county In t rus ted the Im­ por tant bus iness of the t reasurer ' s Off ice in my hands . I f e lec ted , I fee l tha t the respon­ s ib i l i t ies of the off ice and my obl iga t ion* to the county and to my bondsmen demand tha t the off ice should rece ive my personal a t ten­ t ion . 1 have served as a member of the McHenry county board of supervisors wi th a major i ty of the board as now cons t i tu ted and any vou; r can eas i ly ascer ta in f rom the super­ visor , o r I l l s p redecessor , of the town In which he res ides as to my qual i f ica t ions to d is ­ charge the dut ies of the county t reasurer ' s of f ice . I am ent i re ly wi l l ing to teave the ques t ion of my qual i f ica t ions to the voters of the county to dec ide , bu t I fee l tha t i t . would l>e unfa i r to both the voters an«l mysel f to remain s i len t and permi t these fa lse s ta te ­ ments to Inf luence the i r dec is ion . I des i re to go on record as emphat ica l ly denying t l ie s ta tements be ing c i rcula ted , In­ tended to in jure me in my canvass , and again repea t tha t i f e lec ted t reasurer of McHenry county , I wi l l g ive the off ice my personal a t ­ ten t ion and my bes t e f for t s to d ischarge the dut ies of the off iee In a sa t i s fac tory manner . Respect fu l ly , AKTHCK A. CR1S8BY. Marengo, I I I . For ^julck Kellef K roin Hay Fever. Asthma and summer bronchitis, take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly re­ lieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air pas­ sages of the head, throat and bronchial tubas. It contains no opiates and no harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes. Frank Masquelet. Staggers Skeptics. That a clean, nice, fragrant compound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will instant­ ly relieve a bad burn, cut. scald, wound or piles, staggers skeptics. But great cures prove it's a wonderful healer of the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin eruptions, as also chapped bands, sprains and corns. Try it. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Ma?quelet's. Want Column. Ail a ih » r i iHcntent t i inser ted under th is head a t the fo l lowing raUt t ; F ive l ines or lent* , 26 cent» tor f i r* t inser t ion , 15 centB for each Kubaequent inser t ion . Mure Uuui h ve l in . h , 6 cento a l iue for t ins t inser t ion , nd 3 cent* a Air . t < addi t ion I inaer t iona . S \ i„K Al l my household furn i ture . JSi .ax ZiMMhtoiANN, McHenry , I I I . I t fcKM k , .> lc . . r /o i t sAi . r . COCKCiels . p ly to | |M. i . i - .> III.. R. D. House wi th barn and three lo ts , condi t ion . Inqui re of U. G. n ry . l l l 8-5 t* b iood whi te Wyandot t i nL.s each . Wri te or ap- i .AVMoNl) , Round Lake . 7-'21 CM>R SALE-Cheap i f t aken a t once , a 1 room house oi l » ia in s t ree t . West McHen­ ry . For fur ther par t icu lars apply to C. E l-AMl'lliiiih. West .ucilenry. III. PV)R SALE--North and South Dakota land: - 1 - £1 ."> t ' o per acre . Also fa rms lu Minne­ so ta . I 'o r fur ther informat ion apply or wr i te E. \V. Howie . McHenry . I I I . 20- t , f v* , 'ANTED A congenia l lady of agreeable > v Uispos i t .on n i l . I .oulu S . ia re I iome a i .d no-HI] I -or fur ther i n formal , i HI appi , to < . wr i te Miss F . l l l l .LEBHANU, McHenry , I I I LM)H S.IL K A la rge quant i ty of imuschoUl *- goods and furn i ture , garden lools and Ii u l id- reds i i f o ther smal l a r t ic les . Every C ng > e . .11 yon r ow n p r i c e Ca l l u touce . I ' .T K I I i . i . CKKM. iv lc l lenr \ . I l l S i f u " i i ;vk I . number of s ingle comb, fu11 L blood, i lm s l s l r . ib l of breeding , b lack in inoiva cockere ls rnce , #2.00 each . Apply o i n r i le Ggo. I V1 I L , L , B . K . ca re Kiugs iey House , I ' l s takee Bay, 111. i i t f L 'OI( SALE OR UE.NT The Lake Zur ich feed mi l l beaut i fu l ly s i tua ted near the banks of Lake Zur ich , in the hear t , o f one of (he r iches t fa rming count ies in the s ta te . Mil l i s a l l f i t ted and ready for opera t ion . A sp lendi i l oppor tuni ty for man who is wi l l ing to hus t le . This Is by fa r one of the bes t money making oppor tuni t ies tha t the sec t ion af fords . No compet i t ion . Everyth ing your ow: i way. Don ' t de lay , hut wr i te THK PLAIN OKAI.KU a t once for fur ther informat ion . 4«- t f kVIR PA LE Tl ie beaut i fu l houseboat "Lara- IK-I ie ." This boat was bui l t for the own­ er ' s pr iva te use and is thoroly equipped and furn ished comple te for the accommodat ion of s ix persons . The ha l l and k i tchen are cov­ ered wi th heavy l inoleum. The l iv ing room has a sani ta ry couch, ex tens ion tab le , hand­ some rug anu rr I ss iou cha i rs ; the woodwork i s f in ished in fores t , g reen and the ce i l ing i s covered in gresn bur lap; bur lap por t ie res to I jedrooms and ha l l , suspended f rom brass rods ; sash cur ta ins on a i l windows, wi th brass rod t r immings ; a l l windows and doors a re screened. The boat contains five rooms-twu bedrooms, a l iv ing or d in ing room, k i tcheu and s tore room or pant ry . Tne cook s tove i s the la tes t , improved se l f genera t ing gasol ine s tove , used only one season; re f r igera tor in pant ry , comple te se t of f ine d ishes , cookl i iK u tens i l s of every descr ip t ion , f ine s i lver ser ­ vice , whi te enamel be ' I s , comple te tab le and bed l inen . In fac t . , the boat Is furn ished in every de ta i l . I have Jus t put . In a gas p lant , and every room Is p iped for gas In f ine work­ ing order . Has to i le t room (a t tached) , roomy tore and af t decks ; i s 33 fee t long and 12 fee t beam. For fur ther par t icu lars apply to I 'KTKK P. ROTH HUM KL. McHenry , 111. (3. W. Ed wards, owner. lltf Miss Elsie Jeffery visited at Charles Abbott's auveral days last week. Mrs Ray Thomas and little son visit­ ed relatives in McHenry this week. R H Richardson and F B. Thomp son dro\e to Harvard last Thursday. Elbert Thomas transacted business in Woodstock last Wednesday and Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas visited the former's sister at Genoa Junction recently. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and son, Loren, visited in Elgin Inst Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Warren Thomas, Jr., entertained relatives from Evansville, Wis., last week. Henry Hobart had the misfortune to have bis hand crushed by being hit with a maul while building a fence He is getting along as well as can be expected While Miss Hazel Thomas was re turning home from McHenry she met a motor cycle, which frightened the horse and caused her to ran. In leaving the road the buggy became upset and was badly smashed, bat Basel was oot seri­ ously hart. DR. N. J. NYE MCHENRY, ILLINOIS JHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Off ice hours a t .Tohnsburgh, Ti l . , f rom 7: : ;0 a . m. to 11: ' .0 . m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. ' P H O N K , M C I I K N K Y H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT I am now prepared to insure a l l k inds of prop­ er ty agains t F i re , Llghtu iug . Tornados , Etc Also have a spec ia l Hue of Insurance on Live Stock Insur ing agains t dea th f rom any cause West McHenry, i l l WHEN IN CHICAGO Don' t , forge t to ca l l on iimbert Q. Seng 93 Fifth Ave vhere you wi l l ; i lways be t rea ted cour teous ly and ece ive the bes t n the market In .he l ine of Wines , L iquors & Cigars PARCELS CHECKED FREE •lift WestSideLivery&Oarage R. I. OVERTON. PR :TOR. rv . - Pistakee Bay anu Fox Lake, learn­ ing of all Kinds done promptly. Spe­ c ia l a t ten t ion g iven to t rave l ing men. F i rs t -c lass r igs wi th or wi thout dr iver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. West McHenry, III. - Telephone 473 Succeed when everything else Sails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it Is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc "inter. AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine Tlie best constructed and cheapest engine on the market today. Is now furnished with magneto, re­ quiring 110 batteries. The Aer- motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to use this most important improve­ ment. without raising price, $37*5<> Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p, at $125. If yon need power for any purpose, write or ask us for information. ,B A(i HUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY, ILL. The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " The Most Reliable Boat on These Waters I s aga in in commiss ion and making da i ly trips along Fox Rlvor, Plst&koo B».y, Pistakee Lake. Nlpperstnk Lake. Fox L&ke, Grass Lake, Marie. Lake Bluff. Channel L&ke and Lake Cath­ er ine . The boat a l so makes t r ips to v a ry and Algonquin , I I I . , and Wllmrf t , \ \ i s Ou these t r ips i t fo l lows the course of Fut* r iver . The Lotxis Beds in Grass Lake are now In fu l l b loom and t r ips a re made to th is h^iHi t i fn l unr l f>ir f . ' in ipd mui t ur l i^nnvoV u suf f ic ien t number of passengers may be obta ined . Invi te some c i ty f r iends , ge t up your par ty and enjoy the beaut i fu l s ight . Round Trip only 75c from McHenry Sixty Mile Ride For $i The "Al ice" wi l l run to WW mot . Wis . , and take in the famous Lotus Beds In Grass Lake next Wednesday, August 34, the day of the McHenry Power I toa t . c lub ' s basket p icnic . Round t r ip only 11.00 . Boat leaves Buch ' s p ier a t S;30 a . m. wn. KOEPPE, CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, ricHenry 831

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