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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1910, p. 7

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PIIU£ Salle &Nk v Is ;"-KsC >? r i USES Mmr . mar .<̂ fe»!! Rats and weasels can't get at chickens safely and warmly housed in a Marquette Concrete hen-house. It's easy to keep clean and will add to the health of *your poultry. Requires no repairs, and the many ways in which it will help'the fowls and reduce the labor makes it well worth investigating. We'll gladly send you detailed directions for building a chicken house with The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. / Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, III. Chicagt Ojfttt: Marfutttt Btdg•. CkUmgm, lU. Wilbur Lumber Co., McHenry Distributors. sewajffij 5HeBuF ! - " -iii m GUARANTEE Mill INSIDE EACH ROLL OF' 22 J? R Congo n the only Ready Roof­ ing carrying the National Surety Co.'t bond. It emeries with it terms J condition! that make it especially at- ctire to anyone who must consider the t>(ing question. For 10 yean you can rest easy about ur roofs it covered with 3-ply Congo, d we know thai it is probable you will j eocn longer service out of it. I P The Surety Company is issuing these bonds, and back of them is their two million dollan of aueis. It is a matter of keen satisfaction to us that they were willing to stand behind Congo Roofing. You are immune from any responsibility other than giving the roofing ordinary care. W^ite to-day for samples of Congo and full information. Remember, that with event roll of Goago you get a genuine Surety Bond. bert Etten Coal Co. rtlM Emmert Expert Fitter of Glasses fo« all T At Besley's Drug Store Wednesday, Sept. 14 Oct. la Nov. 9 Dec. 14 3 A ROUND STEAK broiled to a turn is always appetising, at morning, inx>ut>r evening. ROUND STEAKS FROM THIS MARKET are Juicy and tender. They cau't be cut from secoud grade beef--we supply only "Grade One." Phone or leave your order aud we will send you up a steak that will just about melt lu your mouth. E. F. Matthews WEST McHENRY - TELEPHONE 3 CAREFUL COM­ PARISON 4 what pnts to h« te*t the uter t s of "n o w a lays' phntographH WE HAVE A FINESK\LIGHT which is one fac tor id oar favor We know how to pose each individ ual candidate fot V pirtnffe* That, of iteelf is half tbe battle. Again, OUR PHOTO GRAPHS HAVE EXPRESSION That's onr secret and that'* what make* onr finished pictures eo ever popular. Have Home. §»*. CZ# H/XElEI-- I? ucc -ssor to J. J. HilU) West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 I * r : *• 4* S§t j L 1 • ft T'*" xijKi-Mffik Expert Judget at the Fair. Secretary Hunt informs us that he has succeed) d in gecaring the services of tbe following well known judges for tbe McHenry coanty fair at Woodstock, III., Sept. 6 9, 1910: Horses, A. R Ives, DelSiran, Wis .dairy cattle and sheep, Prof. W-C. Coffey, Urbana, III.; beef cattle and hogs, R. E. Roberto, Corliss, Wis.; poultry, Frank Heck, Chicago, 111 ; batter and milk, Prof. Carl E. Lee, Madison, Wis ; farm products, M. V. Sperbeck, Oshkosb, Wis. ' The fact that these men are specialists in their line insures placing the awards where tbey belong, and being men of strict integ­ rity insures a square deal to every e*- hibitor. __________ To keep your health sound; tQ avoid the ills of advancing years; to conserve yonr physical forces for a ripe afid healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. F. Masquelet. Peteeoh's tor drugs. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS' OF CORRESPONDENTS EMKRAI.n PAKK. Robert E. Sutton is enjoying a week's vacation at his borne here. Leo Smith is spending a few days with relatives at Grayslake. Mrs. John Powers is spending this week at Mrs Ellen Frisby's. Miss Edith Whiting of Ri«gwood vis ited tbe Misses Suttou Wednesday. Frank Blum of Chicago spent Satur­ day and Sunday at the win. Biatn cot tage. Joe. J. Sntton and A. Kenneth Barns are spending a few days with Chicago friends. Miss Kathryn Bolder of Chicago was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chae. W. Gibbe Tuesday. fc^rs. Emily Tburlwell and grandson, Eltner Ricb, of Grayslake spent Sunday at J. R. Smith's Messrs Thos A. Friwby and Frank .O'Flarety of Elgin spent Sunday at M«i Ellen Frisby's. Messrs. Ryan and Burke of Chicago were goe«t« of Mr. and Mm Paul Aria- strong over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geoi-t»<> Frisby and fam­ ily of McHenry spent Sunday with the former's mother here. Miss Elizabeth Morrisney returned to Dundee Sunday evening after sp»udiug a week with the Misses Sutton Miss A M Gillespie returned to the city Monday afternoon after enjoying a week's vacation at H Felmeten's. Almond Thnrlwell retained to his home at Grayslake Wednesday after spending a few days with Leo Smith. John Costello rode from Elgin on his pony last Saturday and spent Suuday at the home of his grandmother Mm Ellen Walsh. Mr and Mrs. Geo. E Hoelscher and son, Robert, returned to their home in Ravenswood Monday after a few weeks' visit at R. J. Sutton's. Miss Nancy Frisby had the misfortune to fall and sprain her ankle last Friday evening. At present she is renting easily but will be laid up for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. VanHonsen, Mis-.x Ethel VanHonsen aud Mabel T'owere­ called at R. J. Sutton's Monday <nront» to Elgin from Lake Geneva MI their Hudson machine. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and family and Mr. and Mrs H. J Am str -'ii; drove from River Forest in th»-ii machines Sunday and spent tbe day at the mud met home of John Armstrong. Misses Gertrude ami Janett.- Blum entrrtained about twenty five friends from Chicago; McHenry and the Park at a lawn fete last Saturday nvniuitf A most enjoyable evening WHS spent in games, music ami suiting after which a very dainty luncheon WHS served and greatly enjoyed by all. About thirty of Mr and Mrs Chas W. Gibbs' friends gathered at then home here Tuesday evening aud took them by surprise. The occasion wa* the-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Chas Gibbe. A few very eu- joyable hours were speut on the lawn playiug games after which a delightful luncheon and a graph^phone prog rain was enjoyed. A beautiful, goldeu oak library table was presented to the yonn^ couple by the guests as a memento of tbe occasion. TKKKA COtTA. . AI'<i LTST 16. Lee Lock wood of Barreville was a caller here Monday. James Burke of McHenry gpent Fri Miss Marcella Riley of St. Charles is visiting at her home here. Miss Nellie Newman of McHenry spent Tuesday with friends here. Frances and Harold Knox are visiting McHenry relatives for a few days. Miss Emma Conway of Elgiu visited at her home here Saturday and Sunday Misses Delia, Minnie and Margaret Conway of Elgiu visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs S. Knox and Mine Alice Kuox oi McHenry were gnests of relatives here Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Oliver LaPlant and .children ol Chicago spent Saturday and Suuday al the home of Chas. LaPlaut. Miss Edna Phalin returned to her home here Saturday evening after a pleasant visit with friends in Chicago. AUGUST 23. T. R. Anderson was a Richmond, caller Sunday evening. John Riley is speodiiiK a couple of weeks in North Dakota. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin visited at her home here Suuday Mr. and Mis. A. T. McMillan were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Mrs. Geo P. Bay of Chicago is visit ing at her eister's, Mrs S. B Leisner. James Gibson of Texas was calling on old friends here Monday aud Friday. Mi's L. Lockwood aud children of Barreville called ou frieuda here Tues­ day. M iss Florence Leisner has returned to Chicago after a pleasant visit at her home here. Mrs. S. B. Leisner has returned home after spending several weeks with Chi­ cago relatives. Mrs. N. O. Anderson and sons of Los Angeles, Cal , are guests at the home of tbe former's auut, Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Mrs Jay Doberty and daughters, Nellie and Lillian, of Holcouibville spent Friday with relatives and friends here. n Acuta or Chronic-- Whlch ? No matter if yonr kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Reme­ dy will reach yonr case. Mi. Claude Brown, Reynoldsville. 111., writes ns that be suffered many months with kidney complaint whicb baffled all treatment. At last be tried Foley's Kidney Remedy and a few large bottles effected a complete care. He says, "It has been of inestimable value tome." F Masqoelot, RllJUKFIELXk. Mrs C. Thayer is visiting at George Gorham's. H. P. Barber was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. W. Jaynes of Woodstock visited at W. Yanke's Satnrday. Miss Lizzie Furney wee a Woodstock visitor last Wednesday. Will French and Louis Thayer were at Crystal Lake Monday. M rs. C. Kiltz of Cary visited friends here Friday and Satnrday. f E. L Kimball was in this vicinity Thursday calling on friends. Mrs Geo. Wood of Crystal Lake vis­ ited at R L. Dufield's Wednesday. Mrs. E. EL Knilans entertained her sister froui Wisconsin over Sunday. Ray Lynch visited with Agnes Risley at the hospital in Janesville Thursday. M iss Arline Stephenson is the guest of Mrs. S. Reed at Woodstock this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Senne and son of Woodetrwk visited at Father Wille'g Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ogleshy and sour vis­ ited Mrs Oglesby'n parents at Union Sunday Mrs Johnnie Miller and daughter of Woodstock "visited at Mr. Stratton's home Friday. Rev Giesselhrecht, wife and daugh­ ter are enjoying a two weeks' outing at Winona lake Miss Lois Levey visited her friend, Lois Whyte, in Woodstock from Thurs day until Tuesday. Miss Hallie Barl»er returned Tuesday evening from an extended visit with relativMM in Genevieve Goddanl aud friend, Mar garet Sillars. visited at J Whyte's part of Saturday and Sunday. Mrs R Goddard returned Tuesday from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs Daniel Thomas and chil­ dren of Englewood visited their cousin, Mis* Lizzie Fnruev. over Sunday. Ainos Keeier, wife and daughter of B irriugton and Marvin K» eler of Elgin visited Sunday with Mrs S Wakefield. Mrs. L A Walt up will entertain the Lid ies' Aid society and serve ice creaui anil cake on the lawn Thilraday evening of this week Mr and Mrs J. B Lynch, son, Ray, and daughter, Mndalene, are taking in the sights in ('hicago this week; also 0 trip kcross Lake Michigan. A Stepheuson is agaiu at his post as night WHt- hnian at the Borden factory •Iter an absence of two weeks sj>ent will) relauve* in Iowa and Minnesota. Staggers Skeptics. That a i le»u. nice, fragrant compound like Ituckleii's Arnica Salve will instant ly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, wound >r piles, staggers skeptics But great cures prove it's a wonderful healer of the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema -<kin eruptious, as also chapped bauds, ••praiiis and corns Try it 25c at N. H. Petesch'sand F Masquelet's. Rl N(IWOOI). W. Foss was quite ill last week Mr. and Mrs Ward Blows of Kenosha, Wis , are visiting at H. W. Allen^s Mr. and Mrs. Thos Thompson of Chi c*ago spent Sunday at James Conway's. Mrs. Maliel Beck left last week for Nebraska to visit her sisters and broth ors. Mr and Mrs. William Harrison went to Huntley last {Saturday to visit rels tives. Mrs. Westlake of -Solon is spending a few da>s with her daughter, Mrs. James McCannou. Mr. and Mrs George Bacon and little daughter of Autioch spent last week with their parents Mr. and Mrs. L A. McCannon of Greeuwood spent last Thursday with their sou, James, here. Messrs aud Mesdames Leon Wilcox and Lloyd Gratton of Greenwood ware in town last Thursday. The Mystic Workers took in two new members last Wednesday evening. Ice cream and cake was served. Mrs. Martha Potter, daughter and grandchild arrived here last week from Fairfield, Neb., to visit their numerous relatives Our school begins next giouday, Ang ust 29, with William Jobounott as priu cipal 'and Agnes Carey as primary teacher, which means a good school. Mr. aud Mrs. August Walters and mother, Mrs. Dwelly, came over from Woodstock last Satnrday. Mrs Dwelly remained for a visit here and at Mc Henry. Tbe W C. T. U met last Wednesday with Mrs Hattie Buckland and elected their officers for tbe comiug year. Tbe first meeting will be held with Mrs Mary Carey, September 3 Leader, Mrs. Emma Brown. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially rec­ ommended for coughs, c6ids and whoop­ ing cough. Sold by all dealers. Miss Edith Tuttle aud mother were at Marengo and Garden Prairie part of last week. Ou Sunday they were joined by Mr. Tattle and Bert McCannon and family. The entire party attended the camp meeting at the latter place. Struck a Rich nine. S. W. Bends, of Coal City, A la., says he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. King's New Life Pills for they cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after 12 years of suffering. They are the best pills on earth for Constipation, Malaria, Headache. Dyspepsia, Debility. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. A social dance will take place at Stof- fel's ball on Satnrday evening, Sept. 8. Sherman's foor-pieoe orchestra of Wood­ stock will fnrnuh the music. imii sal leii infect It ' How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with yonr water and let it stand twenty-four hoars; pcCi, a brick dust sedi­ ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys ; too fre­ quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are oat of order and need attention. What To Do, There is comfort in tlie jftiowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and ever j part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get np many times during the night. The snild and immediate effect of Swasnp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause ot its remarkable health restoring prop­ erties. If you need a medicine you should have the l»est Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. h«». - You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Bing- hatnton, N. V. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. \\t on every battle. , : UOI.COMHVILLt. C. H. Harrison was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Mrs. P H. Hunt called on Miss Grace Doberty Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison of Elgin visit­ ed et C H. Harrises'5 Miss Mary G. Doberty of McHenry called on relatives here Wednesday. Joseph and Rosella Evanson of Chica­ go are spending a few weeks at Jay Do berty's. Mrs. Jay Doherty and daughters, Nel­ lie and Lillian, visited at M. Knox's at Terra Cotta Friday. Miss Gertrude LaSage returned to her uome here after a two weeks' visit with friends in Indiana and Chicago. Mrs. Fred Powers and Misses Frances Welch and Irene Davol) called at WiM and Jay Doherty s Wednesday evening Mr. and Mra. W. B. Gilbert, Howard aud Allen Conley, Mr. aud Mrs. David Powers aud son an toed to Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson and dangh ter, Alice, of Wanconda visited the for iner's sister, Mrs. F. Da vol 1, one day re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heffevon of Cbica go visited at A. P. Peck's and F. Da- voll's last week. Mrs. Hefferon was formerly Miss Ruby Peck. Mr. aud Mra. T. L Flanders and ciiiiureu, Mrs. E. Fianders, Mr. and Mrs. George Whiston attended a picnic at McCollnm's lake Sunday. Mr. Giltson of Texas was shaking hands with old friends here last week. This is bis first visit to Illinois since he moved to Texas twenty five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Getter and daughter, Olive, returned to their home in Chicago last Saturday after spending a week at the home of Mrs. Getter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaSage. When tbe digestion is all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know that you need a dose of ChainDerlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Tbey strengthen tbe digestive organs, improve tbe appetite aud regulate tbe bowels. Sold by all dealers. VUMfc Mrs. John Brown of Waucoiida was in town oue day last week. Alfred Nicbolls of Chicago spent Snn day at the home of his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon of Waukegan are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Dillon were Mc­ Henry callers Wednesday of last week. Mr. Ford and son, John, of Chicago are visiting relatives in and around Volo. , Mesdames Jackson aud O Boyle of Ingleside were in town Thursday aftar- noon. Miss Anna Coinpton has returned to Volo after a few weeks' stay with Elgin friends. Mesdames L V. Lusk abd Archie Brewer of West Fremont wete in town Sunday. Henry Kreger attended the fuueral of a relative at Long Grove Monday of tbiB week. Mr. aud Mrs. Link Lusk of Liberty- ville were guests at tbe Edward Lnsk home Weduesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Avery of Lake Villa were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Paddock home. Arthur Sutherland of Waakegan is spending this week at the home of his uncle, Chas. Raught. Mrs Frank Zuelsdorf and children of McHenry spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank Hironimns. Mesdames Quentin and Ziinmer of Queutin's Corners Bpent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner. Miss Armilda Brown retarned to her home in Libertyville Monday after sev­ eral weeks' visit with Mr. aud Mrs. Ed­ ward Lusk. Life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback-malaria trouble that has brought suffering and death to thousands. Tbe germs cause chills, fever and agne, biliousness, jaun­ dice, lassitude, weakness and general debility. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troub­ les. "Three bottles completely cared me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretweil, of Luoama, N. C., "and I've bad good health ever since." Cure Stomach, Liver and Kid­ ney Troubles, and prevent Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by N. H. Peteech and F. Masqaelet. , _ ... I : IS <• / No matter whether yon are -especially interested in either quality or price of goods or in both, we can meet every require­ ment. W h i l e w e e m p h a s i z e quality in every depart- ment of our business, we also protect yonr interests in the matter of price-- we afford the real econo­ my that consists of get­ ting the best goods at the lowest possible cost. DRUGGIST TEL. 274 When Looking for Vol I ^ * ^f^81 Ill<& '"Wants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines. Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WM.STOFF nu -c. nFPifP.jjj rilUUCS. RESID6NCB-79I. L I (?• -ON Kerosene and Gasoline STOVES! This is the opportunity that you have been looking for. We do not intend to carry a single Kerosene or Gasoline Stove over until next season. For this rea­ son we are closing them out at ten per cent dis­ count under our regular low selling price. Don't put off buying until to­ morrow but come today as the stock is limited. We handle the Perfec­ tion. :: :: :: THE CENTERVILLE HARDWARE MAN. (r Our new fall liae of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Motal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sandals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: :: SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 - GOODS DELIVERED

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