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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1910, p. 8

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Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. School books, tablets and penoilq at Petesch 'a. SI ft* f* '< LuuALii£W^(lf MHliiEV A8 SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALCR REPORTERS MID* of Iuter«A« Picked Up About Oar Ba«y Llltl« Bare Thkt MOT Concern Yon or Your friend*. Peteech's for drain. jitLtr, I \ z [^tnccrtly Clotlm f • * M ,,* Your choice of a style is! most important,--one that will fit your age as well as figure. If you want to think it over at home, and see the season's styles, get a SINCERITY STYLE BOOK. It will help you to make a selection. Call for a style book. :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. & =^v All Our Lumber Is Thoroughly Seasoned. Poorly seasoned iauj'wer, uo matter now good tins raw material may have been, is always unsatisfactory. Yon may have bonght some at one time and can still remember the tronble it cansed. When yon want good lumber we can fnrnish it for you. We hare an ex­ cellent stock of White and Yellow Pine Finish, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Casing, Base, Etc. We take the best of care of our stock aiiu handle our orders with a promptness and despatch that will please you immensely. We also carry a full line of Red Cedar Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Lime, Cement, Roofing, Coal, Feed, Etc. WILBUR LUHBER CO. WEST McHENRY - - TELEPHONE 651 \ lard ware of every description at honest prices. F. L. McOMBER,WEST S,DE HARDWARE P $ <> P: CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :* :: CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. Misses' hate from $2.60 np at the Lo­ tus millinery. Alabastine and kalkomo at Vycital's Centerville hardware. Smart bats for smart dressers at the Lotus millinery. See them. Abont twenty from this place attend­ ed the ball game at Richmond last Sun­ day. WANTEI> -A team of driving horses, weight about 1100 pounds. J, N. Miller, McHenry, 111. According to Hicks, the weather prophet, the month of October is to be one of storms. There will be no nats this fall, the icicles of last April having pat a dam­ per oc the crop for this year. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not. better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. The harness shop occupied by Robt. Patzke on the West Side has been beau­ tified thru the addition of a coat of paint, Mrs. Robert Patzke entertained the Larkin club at her home last Friday afternoon. A fine time was had by all present. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E.~ church will meet with Mrs. C. E. Lam- phere Friday afternoon of this week No refreshments to be served. Both foreign and American designs in the very latest hats may be seen by calling at the Lotus. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to the ladies at all times. The bricklayers have started work on the Schumacher building in Center­ ville. The walls of the building, bar­ ring accidents and with favorable weath­ er, will be up before November 1. Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contain just the ingredients sscssss-ry to tcso strengthen and regulate the kidneys and bladder, and to cure backache. F. Mas quelet. NOTICE--Came into my inclosnre Sept. 19, four head of yearlings--three heifers and one bull. Owner can have them by paying for this notice and keep of cattle. W. E. Walker, Ringwood, Illinois. Oct. 13. Hoarseness in a child snbject to croup a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold by all dealers. Peter B. Freund will construct an elegant new business house on his lot on Main street on the West Side. The building will be gf brick with all modern conveniences. This, as well as the Matthews building, will be constructed this fall, and both gentlemen hope to have them ready for occupancy by the first of the year. It is in time of sudden mishap or acci­ dent that Chamberlain's .Liniment can be relied upon to take the place of the family doctor, who cannot always be found at the moment. Then it is that Chamberlain's Liniment is never found wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Lin­ iment takes out the soreness and drives away the pain. Sold by all dealers. Chicago Heights (111.) Signal, Jan. 11, 1910: Last Thursday night Prof. Nye, the impersonator, humorist, poet and monologist, gave a recital at Elks' hall. This man is a genius. His rich voice, charming manner, life like impersona­ tions, did not fail to delight his audi­ ence. He is considered one of the moet finished readers before the public.--At Stoffel B hall this (Thursday) evening. E. F. Matthews, the popular and enterprising West Side butcher, has purchased the Evanson lot on MaiD street and also the Evanson residence, now occupied by G. W. Besley and family, Mr. Matthews expects to bnild an up-to-date business house on his Main street property and will occupy same with his meat business. The building will be constructed of brick and will be modern in every particular. How quickly you can tell a live town from a dead one by simply looking over its newspapers. A poor skim milk sort of a paper with a few small advertise menti^ and those looking as tho they were run at half price, betokens a dead town just a sure as a corpse indicates a funeral, while a good, lively,, well- printed local newspaper, filled with good, fresh advertisements and locals, shows that the town is prospering and thriving. It never fails. A play should entertain and amuse. We all know that. At the same time there should be depth and strength to it. It should instrnct along some cer­ tain lines. If it lacks this element the players cannot become sufficiently inter­ ested in it to good work--their best work. ^"The Flaming Arrow," which will be played at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, Oct. 9, is one displaying all of the above qnalities and a dramatization including a splendid moral. Notice to Hunters. Notice iB hereby given that punting aud trespassing is strictly prohibited on our premises. JOHN HUFF, PHIUP SCHAEFKR. STEPHEN H. FREUND. JOHN SMITH. PROBATE NEWS MHWHWMMW MW MHWI* [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Offlcfj in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of i vc hufedred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634,903 and ill."] /. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Albert Etten to Clyde B. Zaumbrecker. It 12 Sunnvslde adn. McHenry a 400.00 Almlra M. Brown to John P. Weber, Its' 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 10, It 3 blk 17, McHenry.. 0000.00 Peter P. ltothermel & w to Nicholas & Emma Martin. It 4 blk 5 & it 2 blk 8. McHenry 1700.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Claim day had in the following estate: Mathias Engeln. Final reports filed in the following estate: William S. Starritt. Q Peter Bothermel. Inventory filed. Bernard Harrison. Charles L. Page appointed executor. Bond $8000,00. Decree of heirship entered. EM ward Lawless. Proof of death and petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Roy Freer, 27 Harvard Agnes J. Hutchinson, 25.... . " * John Wilson, 27 Batavia Pearl Hanghawout. 18 Bidgefield Wm. F. H. Waiters, 36 Greenwood Helen Harbmann, 35 Chicago Robert MoCorkle, 21 Woodstock Mary Conner, §8 " Jnstin M. Poor, 28 Du Page Twp Therefa A. Riley, 19 L»ockporfc, 111 Edward Hortei, 28 Huntley Anna Campion, 22. ..... " Albert Fanter, 21 Crystal Lake Louis Schulz, 20 Huntley Wm. L. Ritt, 28. Woodstock Emma C. Dunker, 20 Crystal Lake Wallace J. Wilson, 21 Dows, la. Winifred 8. Wire, 21 Hebron Tb« Catalogue House. [From the Sauk County News.] When the catalogue comes from yonr mail order house, draw an easy chair to the table where the light will shine full on the page ana. put on your glasses that no bargains may escape your eye. What a wonderfnl book it is, to be sure --wonderful for what it does not con tain as well as what it does. We miss some things we wonld be glad to see Where is their offer to pay cash or ex change goods for your wheat, oats, corn, beans, butter, eggs or hay? How much do they pay for cattle, sheep and hogs f. o. b. at your depot? How much tax will they pay to support your schools and educate your children, for improv­ ing roads and bridges, for the support of the county poor and for the expenses of running the business of the township, county or state? On what page is their offer to contribute money to the support of the churches? What line of credit will they extend to you when yonr crops are poor and your money gone when through misfortune or illness you are not able to send "cash with the order" for yonr groceries, clothing, farm tools and crockery ? Where is their offer to contribute to your entertainment next Fourth? In short, will they do any­ thing to provide a market for what yon have to sell and thereby keep up the value of your estate? Will they do anything for social, chnrch, school or government support, or do th<y[ take dollars ont of the community, with no returns except the goods yon buy? Capt. Boi-rdas Agsis Hits the Ball's Eye. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeorife in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently interviewed, he says:--"I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder tronble and used several well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley's Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney PillB I had severe backaches and pains in my kid­ neys with a suppression and a clondy voiding. On arising in the morning 1 would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own self." F. Masquelet. Hear "Rip Van Winkle" at Stoffel's Hall. The entertainment tonight at Stoffel's ball by J. Emerson Nye is under the auspices of the McHenry High School Athletic association. The net receipts are for the benefit of the school. If gou are interested in education, come and help ns ont. School books, tablets and pencils at Petesch's. Auction Sale! F. 6. Clans, Auctioneer The nndersigned will sell at public auction on the farm known -as the Charley Waite farm, situated li miles south of Round Lake, one mile west of Haineeviile and 8| miles east of Volo, on Tuesday, Oct. n commencing?* t ten o'clock a.m., sharp. the foiiowifig -isstribed property, to-wit: 66 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 66 consisting of --17 Choiffi Milk Cows 17-- Three new milkers, balance close springers; 2-year-old Holstein bull, five 8-year-old heifers with calves, four 2- year-old heifers, four spring calves, Holstein bnlL three months old; bay horse, 8 years old, wt. 1800 lbs.; bay horse, ten years old, wt. 1260 lbs.; sorrel mare, 5 years old, wt. 1100 lbs.; black hor se, 12 years old, wt. 900 lbs.; two sucking colta, two Chester White brood sows, Chester White boar, twenty-five choice shoats, averaging about 125 lbs.; 200 chickens, thirty-two Toulouse geeee. HAY; GRAIN, MACHINERY, ETC Thirty-five tons timothy hay in barn, large stack of straw, twenty acres of extra fins corn, all in shock; ten aersvs of standing corn, 800 bu. oats, 200 be. barley, 100 be. wheat, grain binder, corn binder, mower, snlky cultivator, diamond tooth cultivator, pulverizer, sulky plow, steel frame lever drag, feed grinder, two truck wagons, lumber wagon, milk wagon, two hay racks, hog rack, bob sleds, surrey, two heavy sets of work harness, light driving harness, single harness, tank heater, grind stone, log chains, ice box, shovels, spades, forks, etc. GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON ibllllS VI Sums of $10 and ander, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. FRANK HIRONIMUS. R. W. CHURCHILL, Clerk. FofCvd to Lssvs Moms Every year a.large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained forty- seven pounds in weight. It s surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Colds, Conghs, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup--all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at N. H. Pet- esch's and F. Masquelet's. Big Offering at the Central. "The Flaming Arrow, "one of those plays by the popular author, Lincoln J. Carter, exceedingly well conceived and intensely dramatic, is considered one of the best efforts of Mr. Carter and is be­ ing well received by the theatre goers this season. There are " thrills," strik­ ing dramatic situations and pictures that are consistent, bright, clean, natu­ ral and full of character. The charm of this play is the pretty story, the nat­ ural element and the freedom from the blood and thunder that pervades the average drama that has a uielo dramatic atmosphere. This will be the offering at the Central opera house on Sunday evening next, October 9. "It Heat* All." This is quoted from a letter of M. Stockwell, Hannibal, Mo. "I recently used Foley's Honey and Tar for the first time. To say I am pleased does not half express my feelings. It beats all the remedies I ever need. I contracted a bad cold and was threatened with pneumonia. The first doses gave great relief and one bottle completely enred me." Contains no opiates. F. Masque- let. No Hunting or Trespaitslng. Notice is hereby given that hutting and trespassing on my premises on and after this date are prohibited. Viola­ tors of this notice will be prosecuted. Dated this twenty-first day of Septem­ ber, 1910. STEPHEN F. SCHMITT. Sweater for men, women and children^ Once worn, always worn. Just the thing for this time of the year. We also want to call your attention to the fact that this fall we have laid in the very largest and best line of Winter Goods of every description ever brought to McHenry. Call and see the assortment. il F. A®' Br»!i 1binder w A JMk W AhxrfV -m-.. -m ml. ,w.. J | g West McHenry, Illinois. j| p li a m ' I! *45= 1,1 c Capital Stock, $25,000. IF \ !KI l'!'.K out the best Savings Bank in-the town you will have selected ours because we enjoy the greatest patronage on account of our well known solidity and high reputation for liberal treatment of our de­ positors. Suppose you start a savings account 1 with us? :: :: :: OFFICERS: Edwin L. "Wagner, Pres. C. H. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Sttenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Crockery &na Glassware During October we are offering Tableware in China, Porcelain and Glassware at greatly reduced prices. We have too many items to list them separately here, but we can assure the housewife that if in need of anything in this line we can show a substantial saving on her purchase. 100-piece Dinner Set, latest shape and decoration, worth $13.50, a bargain at $11.48 70-piece Dinner Set, latest shape, white and gold decorations, worth $7.50, sale price $5.88 JARDINIERES AT 1-4 OFF.-- ..JOHN STOFFEL.. WEST MkfilllBNIiY. ... TEL. 301. Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. f* One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase ficre Tt TS"Sce Cut Every woman knows that man tailored garments are not only the most stylish, most appropriate and brin^ out to the best advantage every perfection of form and figure, but experience has proven also that such gar­ ments are most comfortable and most durable. A trained measure taker is connected with our store and is at your service. UNHEARD OF PRICES--STUDY THE RANGE Made to measure Tailored Suits up from $13 50 Made to measure Tailored Skirts up from. . . . $5.00 Made to measure Tailored Coats up troui. . . .$>10.00 Made to measure Tailored Dresses up from. - .^1^.00 Made to measure Tailored Capes up from <|!7.£>0 SPECIAL OFFERING Qroken lines of Ladies' $3.00» $2 75, $2.50, S2.25 and $2.00 Shoes all in one grand /lot to close at the low price of J 51.50 1̂

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