" 1 iiS ' . ( L E A K N WATt I> -Tlir si! \t .UC Y^fV <T. r ?, "" r" *!•" Sv,# Water-Troughs made of Marquette Cement never leak--never require repairs and are always sweet and clean. They are easy to make and the materials are inexpensive--you can do it yourself with Mar quette Portland Cement. A good cement trough, in field or barn, means never-ending satisfaction. 11' s as everlastings granite. We'll gladlv send vnu details for making water troughs with JM a PORTLAND CEMENT 1M The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. General Office and Work*: LaSaii*, *" Chicago Office: Marqumttm Bldg. Wilbur Lumber Co . , McHenry D i s t r i bu tor s . r THE HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY secures to those living in it a LIGHT superior to all other artificial illuminants at a cost for operation no greater than others and POWER to run a great variety o f appliances that do the work usually done by human hands. WIRING A HOUSE means modernizing i t and adding to its value. It is neither expensive nor inconvenient to the occupants. Let us explain our plan of doing the work at cost, fixtures included, no inter est,and twenty-four months to pay. TiiP miif lui jbnprif i ifp Intiinnrp (n 1 i iuiuui l/lllllll Lilt IIIJUIUIIvl VUt NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has during the past sixty four years paid t<> policyholder^ $2<W, 29(1,648.1)5 Assets Jan. 1, 1901), $1"21,200,(»M>h'.» : {Surplus, $5,028,151.17 No company has accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W. STENGER, Agent. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPKCIAL, ATTKNTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest lions* on the street. Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i ft Fulton St. Whotult Market. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS U-~ TEKKA COTTA. Men wanted af Terra Cotta factory. Miss Mae Ames is visiting her sister in Blgin. Mrs. Norrie was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. t Mrs. Frank McMillan was a McHenry oaller Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Welch of Griswol(fLake was a recent visitor here. Miss Emma Couway of Elgin spent Suudaj at u6F home here. Mr. and Mrs. P. Conway were Wil- uaot, Wis , visitors Sundav. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin visited relatives here Snnday. Mrs. S. Knox and Miss Minnie Knox visited at M. Knox's Thursday. Mrs. J. Gibbs and Mrs M.A.Con way called on relatives here recently. Mrs. A. T. McMillan and Miss Marion Shales spent Thursday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powers of Mc Henry called on relatives here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Brantiughaui of Chica go were guests of relatives here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John Carey of Ring- woo^ called at Jv M. Phalin's and M. A. Conway's. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buns aro spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Bur lington, Wis. Misses Hattie and Florence Welch of Griswold .Lake spent last Snnday at C E. Martin's Mrs. E. Frisby and Miss Anna Cleary of Emerald Park visited friends here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. P. Bay of Chicago was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. S.< K. L/eisner, last wees. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil dren of McHenry called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and son and Miss Grace Doherty of Holcouib- ville were recent callers here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, were guests of rela tives at Spring Grove Snnday. Mrs. T. L. Flanders auu (laughters and Miss Irene Da vol 1 of Holcombvillr called at H. McMillan s Thnrsdny. Mrs. Brantingham and son*. Frauk and Raymond, returned to thrir Chica go home Monday, after spending sev eral weeks at the Bay cottage Chausberlain's Cough Remedy has be come famous for its cures ot coughs, colds, croup and influenza Try it when in need. It contains no hivruiful substance and always gives prompt re lief. Sold by all dealers HOLCOM K v 11.1. K. Bert La Sage is home for a short visit. Mr. Davoll is attending the state fair this week. Charles Pomrening was a recent vie itor at Powers Lake. La Sages are entertaining company from Ohio this week. Miss Hazel Lock wood of Bnrreville visited at T. L. Flanders' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Bassett spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W B liilbert. Miss Anna Powers of McHenry spent Saturday with relatives in this viciu ity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolger and daughter visited at Jay Doherty'H Sun day. School was closed Thursday aud Fri day while a new beating plant was in stalled. Mr. and Mrs P. Weher and children spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. David Powers. Mrp. Johnson went to Wancondx Snn day to visit for a time with relatives and friends Misses Iren® Davoll and Gertrude La Sage called on Miss Grace Doherty Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Claude Hntson and daughter and Mrs, Charles Harrison were Crystal Lake callers Friday. Mrs T. L. Flanders and daughters and Misses Irsn« and Eva Davoii called at Henry McMillan's in Terra Cotta Thursday. Your cough annoys you. Keep on hacking and tearing the delicate mem branes of your throat if you want to be annoyed. But if you want relief, want to be rnred, take Dr. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. READ THE . Plaindealer. SllNiKmUH Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. /Mrs. Rush ton visited Woodstock friends Saturday. Herman Wille visited at Rockford the first of the week. Mrs, p. O. Kline was a Crystal Lake caller one day last week. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs E E Knilang Oct. 13. A. Murphy and wife of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon at the manse. Miss Jennie Hesselgrave is assisting in the dining room at Todd seminary. Mrs S. Thayer and little daughter of Woodstock called on friends here Sat urday. Mrs. H. Wille and son and Miss Ethel Thayer were McHenry visitors Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Chappel of Harvard visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephenson froui Wednesday until Sunday. Beginuing Oct. 23 a special series of evangelistic meetings will be he!d in the chnreh in charge of Dr C. E, Hayes, synodical evangelist Dr. Hayes comes well recommended as a success ful worker and it is hoj»ed that tuurh good will resnlt from the efforts pnt forth by the chnrch and those in charge. On next Suuday the Presbyterian chnrch will have special exercises both morning and evening, with reference to the ingathering of the harvest The services should be of special interest to everyone in the community, as a means and method of returning thanks to God as the provider of all our needs Special music and decorations will be features. On Friday evening of this week the Presbyterian chnrch choir will give a concert in the Ridgefield church. This is a repetition of the concert which was splendidly rendered in Woodstock as a benefit, for the Sunday school. The conc-ert will be givnn under the anspices of the Christian En leavor society and rlie proceeds will be used for the pnr- i lrnse ot new song hooks. Admisssion, l.r)cents for adults, 10 cents for chil • Iren. SCHOOL, NOTRS Adaline McGraw has been absent, owing to nickuess. The first report cards of the year were given out the fii>t of the week. The fourth grade has just completed the st idy of "The Colonial Children. " Assistant county superintendent of schools, E F. Booth, visited school last Thursday The eighth grade has just finished the stndy of Longfellow's • Mjies Standish " The seventh grade is studying "Evan- eline " Those who were neither tardy nor absent for the month were Mabel Kline, Emma and Willie Weiland, Burton, Edwin Hnd Vernon Collen, Ellen and Katie McGraw, Edna and Florence 8a- low, Evelyn Allen and Christina Eric- son. OSTKND. Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs Belle Richardson is veiling rela tives in this vicinity. Iva Woodford visited Hettie and Flossie Randall Saturday and Snnday. Mr and Mrs C E. Gay lord were gnests of relatives iu Delavan the first of the week. Miss Mianie Rusmussen of Greenwood was the guest of Hazel Thomas several days last week. Guy Harrison and daughter, Helen, spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart aud daughter, Sadie, were shopping iu V^oodstocK Saturday Mrs W. Mann aud son, Earl, and Mrs Edgar Thwinaa were visiting friends iu this vicinity one d;iy last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Harness aud Mrs. Harriet Overton visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Win Thomas last Wed nesday R >y Hobart, has again resumed his duties at school work iu Elgin after spending his summer vacation with his parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Hobart. Ill view of the overwhelming miii of evidence antagonistic to alum, it is recommended that its use in baking powders be prohibited by law.--Vmtei States Senate Committee Report. H <=L fv* M«to from Grapes Approved toy piiysiciana* ami, towii «ktltclals» both Slate «u*d National. Awarded highest honors by the great World's Expositions, and proved ot superior strength aDM£ parity by the official tests. BISOWOOD. «• Men wanted at Terra Cotta factory. Mrs. Stscia Knox is again with Mrs. Carr. Warren Fosa was a business vial tor in Chicago Friday last. Mrs. Westlake of Solon spent last week her daughter, Mrs. James Mc Cannon William Coates and grandson, Floyd Foss, called on Spring Grove relatives last Friday. William Allen of Greenwood spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. Thomas Walkington. Mrs. Geo. Harrison left on Tuesday of last week for a visit with her ipother at Trenton, Mo. Mrs Win Brown visiLed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, at Oe tend last Friday Mr. and Mr» Jay Hauver aud children of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Tuesday at H. W. Allen's. Mrs. Chas. Stephenson went to Chica go Monday morning for a few days' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison of North Crystal Lake visited at the home of J. C. Ladd Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Carr has been entertain ing her mother, Mrs. Lib bis Robert#, of Genoa, II)., the past few weeks. Mr. and M rs. Oscar Tabor were call ers at the home of Mrs. Bernard Har rison at Ostend Snnday afternoon. James Bell and family of Spring Grove spent the Sabbath with the for iner's grandmother. Mrs. Mary Bell. Mr. and Mrs Leo Bruuswick and children visited at the home of Wm. Toyuton at Geuoa Junction, Wis., Snn day. The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be with Mrs. Nellie Dodge instead of Mrs. Hobart, October 15. All are in vited. Carl Bradley, who 9pent the past snmmer at Harvard, is now at home and is assisting in the store of Bradley & Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dodge are now nicely settled in the Bert Bell tenant house and are now at home to their friends. Mesdames Ray Dodge and Clarence Tuttle attended the Tony an-Watts wed ding at Spring Grove on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Thompson and fam ily were Snnday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Strnble returned last week from Hantley where «he has been spending several weeks visiting her friend, Mrs. Mabel Cruikshanks. Miss Lora Harrison of Wanconda spent Thursday night of last week with Ring wood relatives. Her mother re turned home with her Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Berne Bell and family of Spring Grove were pleasant guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. Ed. Bell Sun day. H. W. Allen, Bert McCannon and Al va Hoage celebrated their birthdays to gether by inviting a few relatives to eat dinner with them on Sunday at the home of H. W. Allen. John Miller has moved his family to McHenry whert he has secured a good position in a blacksmith shop. Louis Schroeder and family will occupy the house vacated by the Miller family. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen and Edith McCannon attended the funeral of Mrs. Lorain Church at Woodstock Monday afternoon. She was one of the pioneer residents of this connty, having resided in Woodstock over sixty years. The pleasant purgative effect exper ienced by all who nse Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel joy ful. Sold by all dealers. The M. E church sociable dinner held at the home of Mrs. Lena Peet on Thursday last was well attended. The next meeting and dinner will be held at Mrs. Ada Dodge's on Thursday, October 18. All are cordially invited to attend. Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigor ous body and a keen brain. Without health there is no success. But Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, livef, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones aud invigorates the whole system aud enables you to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M Sherman of Cushing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man. " 50c at N. H. I'etesch's aud F. Masque let's. "Tli« Flaming Arrow." This play will te the attraction at the Central opera house on Sunday evening uext, October 9. The story is one in which the emotional interest is intense, the comedy element unnsnally strong and the sensational features make it equally attractive to the gallery and the parquet. The story centers around "White Eagle." an Indian brave, and the "White Lily," a beautiful daugh ter of Col. Fremont of the U. S. Army. The scene is cast at Ft. Reno in the frontier days and is historically correct in every detail. EXKUl'TOK'S NOTICE. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys. Kstate of Bernard Harrison, Deceased. The undersigned haying been appointed Executor of I he last Will and Testumeut of Bernard Harrison, deceased, late of the Coun ty of McHenry and Htate of Illinois, hereby (fives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the December Term, on the llrst Monday in December next, at which time all persons having claims uKaiust said Kstate are notified and request ed to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Eutate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 3rd day of October, A. D. 1910. 18-4t CKABL.ES L. PAGO . Executor. For More Than Thr«« De«adm. \ Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for cooghs, colds and ailments of the throat, chest and longs. Contains no opiates. F. Masquelet. Men wasted at Terra Cotta factory. A cold is a threat against life; pneumonia, throat trouble or consumption lurk in its shadow. Colds are now easy to cure; our Laxa Quinine Cold Tablets relieve in an hour and cure in a day. Money back it they fail. Twenty-five cents. :: N H PFTF^i'H l • 11 • r i i 11 DRUGGIST :: :: TELEPHONE 374 3 When Looking for YourSpringWants Remember we have Emerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our motto. See us for Indi ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WMSTOFFEL Phones: RES!DEN2E-7OI. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. '15: I • ,.,,1^ -Iv5' mm / John J. Vycital THE CENTERVILLC HARDWARE NAN. for Summer & fall Our new fall line of Shoes is now ready for your inspection. We have an exceptionally good line in Gun Metal, Kid and Patent Colt in the dull or bright finish and cloth top At Prices to Suit all Purses We are making special low prices on all Summer Goods to close out this month. We have many lines of Oxfords, Strap Sandals, Pumps and Roman Sartdals to close at reduced price. Lawns, Dimities, Percales, Silks and all Summer Dress Goods at Slaughter Prices. :: :: SUITS MADE TO YOUR HEASURE--Our new fall and winter samples are now ready. Come in and look. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 483 GOODS DELIVERED