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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1910, p. 4

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nf P I i f * * * * " * mma I I U U U U McHenry s 1^^« • «->Z H v riuoii/ IAUU^V PIANOS! • • PIANOS! Home can never be complete without a Piano and you cannot be with­ out one at the prices that we are quoting them. We handle the Schuman- Schultz, Conover and Lyon & Healy makes and a guarantee goes with each and every one that leaves our establishment. We also have a line of slightly used pianos that we are renting by the month or year at a very reasonable rental fee. If you can­ not afford to pur­ chase one of these i n s t r u m e n t s f o r your home, you surely c#n afford to rent one. Call and let us explain the merits of the different makes. Prices on our Pi­ anos range from rw AND TIE LASTING IMPRINT OF QUALITY. As Jewelers, we must tell you tKat it is ~ ^ QUALITY ^rather than price which should be considered in buying a watch. When we sell you a ROCKFORD WATCH, we know we have given you the highest possible value for your money, even if it is a trifle more than you might pay for an inferior watch at some department store, or mail order house. s Paiveway sewing machines We want the women of McHenry and vi­ cinity to see and inspect the Paveway Sewing Machine. This machine is not only one of the best sewing machines on the market today, but is also one of the cheapest, not in con­ struction, but in price. We also handle the White, Wheeler & Wilson and the Singer makes. Let us talk with you on this subject. We are placing the Paveway, drawers drop head machine, on sale at $14.75 N. A. Huemann, WEST McHENKV, ILLINOIS. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMISSlON MERCHANT 4PKGIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE HAI.B OF" Dressed Beet, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This to the oldest house on the street. Tags and price list* furnished on umHfifttton. COLD STORAQE FREE Mail i * |, PiHie St. Whcesele Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Want Adv. He Ndieiry PUiMulN roaumse grant mum? pt . F. O. SCH REINER. toe la Beak Building. Telephone, No.W*. TIRMa OP SUBSCRIPTION I neyear |LW i months. TOots. Three ooalbi. Mate. Thursday, November 10,1919. KIDNAPER8 ARE FOILED. tn Awarded SIO.OOO DamagM by Illi­ nois Court Trapped In Indiana, The following account was clipped >m last Saturday's Hammond (Ind.) mes. Tbe figures, $50,000, are wrong, veare unable to say whether or not If MB article is correct. Another and a : rrect account of tbe suit appears else- 1 here in this issue: The West Hammond police foiled a | kidnaping plot yesterday involving a I J ),000 judgment in Judge Kavanangh's irt in Chicago and in restoring O. R. >ore, tbe oripplein whose favor tbe (judgment had bean secured, to bis . ; ?yer in time for him to appear in j court it is believed that one of the rankest conspiracies in which a coua- 1 puny was ever involved was uncovered. O. R. Moore, who lives ia McHenry, HI., was injured in an accident while he was employed by a construction com- p.any in Cook county, In this accident he lost &if eye, a leg and part of one hand. The case was tried in court and tbe plaintiff was awarded $50,000 damages. If tbe man had been killed not more than ten thousand dollars could have been col­ lected, but being very much alive and terribly maimed an enormous judgment against tbe company was secured. It was necessary that Moore appear in Judge Kavanaugh's court yesterday. It is said that the superintendent of the construction company, realising that $50,000 was at stake, planned and car­ ried out the kidnaping plot. In some manner Moore was drugged and hustled into an automobile. He was taken to West Hammond, where plans were to be made for taking him out of the jurisdiction of the oourt un­ til the judgment should have been for­ feited. In the automobile were three men, the driver and the crippled Moore. The plans of the trio might have carried had it not been for tbe fact that tbe auto­ mobile broke down in West Hammond st tbrea o'clock in the morning. A member of the party went to Ed­ ward Donley's saloon in West Ham­ mond and called up a Chicago party. Be explained that he had had an acci­ dent with the automobile and tbe con­ versation led Dunley to believe that the cripple in the car had been kid­ naped. Tbe saloonkeeper oouid not under­ stand why three men would want to kidnap a cripple, but his suspicions were aroused and he oalled the police. Officers Kulcbick and Kamp respond­ ed and made an investigation. They found that the cripple had been drugged. They at once took hlin from the car and managed to get him to tell them some­ thing about the trouble be was in. They then communicated with Moore's lawyer in Chicago, Attorney Smiley, and from him learned the facts about the kidnaping and reasons why it was done. They wire instructed to keep a careful watch over Moore and bring him into Chicago tbe next day for trial. It is understood that the of­ ficers were handsomely rewarded for their pains when Moore was taken into Kavanaugh's court yesterday. In the meantime, the men in the car, who should have been arrested on the charge of kidnaping, were allowed to leave the village and were not placed uder arrest. Want Column. * Mil* *»«** aWMWWS«SmtoS: MT« lta«« or 1 em, 85 cents for »rmt jr-"-™' " >»r eacto in*»rtlOR. «<!•»«* Ua® for flmt Insertion, ad 8 eente * line for addition! insertion*. XjK>B SALK-Chester White A HARRISON, Ktogwood, 111. boars. C. W. 17-8t* F EJ'A choice farms on easy pay- urauu. »Or lurfclier particulars inquire of or write BiMOH STOMKL, West McHenry, IU* Ift-tf * I P ® ^ E r 8 - , . 0 * . l e g h o r n s , c o c k e r e l s ; -*• White Wyndottes, cockerels at §1.00 each. Also sow with seven pijrs. farm, McHenry, 111, WAUH, McHenry, 111. Pepping Poultry lts-tf . Jr., resi­ le Henry. For address T. J. tt-tf XjHMi HALE--North and South Dakota land: to m per acre. Also farms in Mlnne- Por further information apply or write B. W. HOWE, McHenry, 111. 20-tf iyCTANTED™Black mare or gelding, weight " about 1400 pounds. Must be absolutely sound and good worker. *" ~ t IIITTUR LDMBEB UO. "pVDR BENT--160 acre farm located about 3 *- miles east of McHenry. Good buildings. J1 or further information apply to or write Mas. FERDINAND PFANNENSTILL, McHenry, Route 1. 21-3t* TjVJUND--Last Thursday, a ladies' purse •*" containing a small sum of money. Own­ er can have same by calling at the home of OHARLKK GIVBMS, proving property and pay­ ing for this ad. LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION To Be Held In Chicago on tbe Data* of Nov. 22 to Bee. 3, Inclusive. TERRA COTTA. Mrs. B. F. Peck is the guest of Chica­ go relatives this week. Miss Nellie Newman was a Wood­ stock visitor Saturday. Edward Knox attended a birthday party in McHenry Tuesday evening. Mrs. Henry McMillan and Mrs. Frank McMillan were McHenry callers Thurs­ day. Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Ed­ na, of Barreville boarded the Elgin train here Monday morning. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, El­ eanor, and Mrs. C. & Martin spent Bun- day afternoon with Miss Julia Matson. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith and child, formerly of Ridgefield but now of Col­ orado, spent a reoent Sunday with reli" tives and friends here. We handle the Round Oak stoves be­ cause we know they are genuinely good. F L. McOmber, These combined exhibitions, which take place at tbe Union Stock Yardsi • icago, on the dates of November 22 to December 8, inclusive, bring together tiii 3 greatest aggregation of live stock i Fiat can be produced in any country in L -a world. The horse show this year occupies the dates of November 22, 28, 25 and 26, and the Live Stock Ex- sition, commencing on tbe same day it the horse show is brought to an end aiid extending to December 8, gives ex- aiturs at both, as well as the general blic, an opportunity of witnessing ese two extraordinary exhibitions thout extra expense or loss of time. Chicago, as the greatest live stock »rket of the world, during the dates i these shows, is the most interesting Ace on this continent to visit while e International Live Stook Exposition in progress, for not only does it bring gether by far the greatest number of ttle, sheep, swine and horses that could possibly be accumulated anywhere else, but it reveals the finest specimens of every breed represented, as well as all the champions of the respective domes­ ticated animals. By attending this ex­ hibition the breeder, feeder, stockman and farmer, as well as others who are interested in the live stook industry, can obtain more information and prac­ tical knowledge of live stock during the thirteen days of its continuance than is possible for them to obtain in any other way. The most renowned judges from old country, and the most expert in this, come together for the purpose of displaying the combined talents of both, and pronouncing judgment upon the various classes, that Is supreme and be­ yond appeal. The ordinary breeder has his ideas in regard to live stock, but when he stands near and sees the various classes pronounced upon by the best judges and greatest expert* the world can produce, and ia able to ascertain upon the spot why each judgments hn<fe been returned, he will b* the first to Ufi. f. «v>.8v tmvtctu WD ua3 M»1I@U Oil so many occasions, and how easy it is for him to make amends, and turn failure into sucoeea of the most pro­ nounced form, redeem the ground he has lost and make amends in the future that will not only make his name afe a breeder famous, but lengthen his bank account to a degree that hitherto seemed impossible. A pound of practioe is worth a ton of theory, and in no industry can this be turned into more gratifying results than it can in the live stock world. The breeder living at some distance from Chicago may say, "I do not see how I can afford the expense, much as 1 should like to make the trip and great­ ly as I feel its need." Let this good fellow cut down expenses in some other direction and attend tbe show at ail hazards, for it will pay him, and pay him doubly and trebly, for he will go back, not only full of enthusiasm,' but with a practical working knowledge in his head wherewith he can right the wrongs of former methods and start on the straight road to success. FARMERS AND TEACHER8 Will.Hold Annual Meeting In Woodstock on Saturday, November 10. AND- Delicious Pastries Is the Inevitable rMult N you use White 5wan ...Flour... J5S»K>IN/?*>7: B !*!' FOR SALE BY-- Wilbur Lumber Co. West HcHenry N. P. Steilen & Son flcHenry John Richardson Voio William Althoff John*burgh -v Professional, Society > wid, Business Card* DAVID G. WELLS M. B. pHYSlCIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST Office and residence corner Elm and Green street®, McHenry, Telephone No. 311 D. T. SMILEY ATTOKMBY AT LAW, Woodstock, TlltafeMT All business Intrusted to his care will 1)* properly and promptly attended to; DR. R.G. CHAMBER LIN DENTIST Office ever Bestey't Drug Mr*. itssrs: S:sc is 5:30. Wasr MoHaxar. III. TehpbMM No 6 Office ever M. J, Watefc* DR, ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENKY."1LUNOIR DR. N. J. NYE MCHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office boars at Johnsburgh, 111., from7:30 a. m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday and nnnday of each w««k. 'PBOKS, MCHEHKY 33». Telephone Ne >93. SIMON STOFFEJL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies West McHenry. illtaela It certainly looks like a big d ay for Woodstock and tbe farmers of McHenry county. We are referring to Saturday, Nov. 19. Systematic efforts are being put forth by all classes to make this tbe biggest event of tbe kind ever held in the county. Business men are being pressed into the service abd are taking bold vigorously to make the meeting tbe success that it deserves to be. Why should it be otherwise wben we are de­ pending almost entirely on the farmers prosperity for onr own prosperity ? Mc Henry is a rural county and relies npon agricultural pursuits for its very ex­ istence. This fact is becoming so ap­ parent that the Bankers' associations in various parts of the country are begin­ ning to take active steps in co-operating with the farmers' organizations in their efforts to increase tbe output of the farm. In some instances tbey are sap- plying better breeds of seed corn to the farmers in their respective localities. One of the leading bank ers of this coon ty has even gone so far as to suggest that the bankers themselves take tbe initiative in this movement that means so much for every citizen of tbe county. Acting npon this suggestion tbe various members of the executive committee of the county farmers' institute will con­ sult with the bankers and the leading business men of their respective local­ ities and urge them to join in tbe move­ ment. An advertising committee will be appointed in each township *of the county and they will devote a generous amount of time to spreading informa­ tion regarding tbe meeting ASSOCIATION OF BREEDERS. This is a comparatively new organi­ zation in McHenry county and repre­ sents an industry or. phase of dairy farming that is becoming more and more important every year and is in­ cluding a large number of our most progressive farmers. C. W. Harrison of Ring wood is the president and J. H. Turner of Hebron is the secretary. Th« town of Hebron has ten members in this association and some idea of tbt wealth represented in this side of dairy farming can be gained when we realize that today it is not uncommon to see a grade Holstein uow bring more tban a hundred dollars at a public sale. Hol­ stein cows that are registered have been sold in this county for as high as seven hundred dollars, and there are many cows in tbe registered herds of tbe conn ty that cannot be purchased for less tban five hundred dollars a bead. The association intends to invite a large number of their friends among the busi­ ness men as well as tbe farmers to this banquet. The corn contest will be another im­ portant feature of tbe meeting and every farmer is nraed to bring in ten of tbe best ears of corn that he has to the meeting An expert on corn will be present who will not only judge the corn, but will give a talk on different phases of tbe corn question. He will be there to assist tbe practical farmer in obtaining mdre information of a prao tical nature. The cnlinary contest will also be a feature' of tbe day. Representatives from various parts of tbe county from among the ladies of the county who have been active in the work of promot­ ing domestic science will be present at a meeting of the farmers' iustitute cbni mittee and will co operate with them in arranging for the wife's side of the pro­ gram. A tocai committee, composed o! Woodstock ladies, will arrange the matter of local accommodations for the visiting ladies and make arrangements far a piaoe to bold tbe culinary exhibit Bank of McHenry E5TABLI5HED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BARKIM BUSINESS respectfully toileting public pat­ ronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want, to bny or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. Bankers. POSED BY AN ARTIST. The pleasure of having a pleasing l i k e n e s s i n y o u r portrait lies with tbe artistic temper arnent of the art iat. MY EX PERI EN CE in correct posture enables me to pro­ duce excfllent. re­ sults and at no g r e a t e r e x p e n s e tban you wonld pay for ordinary photographs. Ap­ pointments may be made by mail. SCHNABEL, (Suc««Mor te J. J. htlle) West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 H . C . l y i E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOBNT 1 am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West McHenry, 111. WHEN IN CHICAOO Don't forget to call on lanlert 0. Set* 9a Fifth Ave where you will al ways be treated courteously and receive the best In tbe market lu tbe Use of Wines, Liquors & Cigars ^ilfiaCICfip FRBE I/W. HARPER m P- •< WHISKEY for Cfcrificnea wh© dheiiih #naUtji -For Sale by Leading Dealers.-- WestSiieliwry&iiir# E. I. OVERTON. I'TTOPIMWIK. Bibas Mioift all fci-afut. for point® on Plstukttu Bay and Fox Lake. Team- lug or ail Kinds done promptly. Spe­ cial attention given to traveling men. Flrst-cl&B» rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. 'Phone 47a. :: Weet McHenry, III. - Telephone 47a READ UP OUR foKAT. You will find It a meaty subject\r> foe- gin with, and a money making one to end with If you BUY YOUR MEATS HERE It's a good time for lamb. Come In and get a quarter. Ours Is a good place for all kinds of meat. They're properly cured and ready for use. Don't sbop for meat, buy it of ns. E. F. Matthews WEST MctlENRV TELEPHONE 3 Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fail?.. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the beat medicine ever sold over m druggist's cc'inter. AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine Tbe best- constructed and cheapest engine on the market Tbe Aer- motor Co. is the first to reduce the price of engines and the first to UBe this most important improve­ ment without raising price, $37*5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $ias< If yon need power for any purpose, write or ask ns for information. m BACON. - AOINT PUMIPJ*, WINDMILLS, iU'iC. TELEPHONE 831. - McHENRY. ILL. We do not wish to preach a sermon but we do mean to k*>ep that question of Gro­ ceries arid Fruits before you at ail limes and furthermore we want to supply you in these lines. If you are fas­ tidious we know our line of goods will please you. Give us your order over the phone and same vnll have oul* prompt attention. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE N6.' 694 Hchenry, - Illinois. ^ ------ fj

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