OF k FtRSGsAL NATURE ®s*m WHOM <>}**:; 7977' r • 1' r v j . K" I', ' ft " » '• ̂ :• IV*' 1". W, : W: Sr., IvT-ji- » can be saved by buying ready made Suits or Overcoats from us, which are better than made to order or Tailor Made because the cloth is thoroughly shrunk before the garment is made up and there fore It keeps its Shape Better and warranted by the makers. JOS. W. FREUND I i WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. F* S) ..Horse Sense.. tells you that your horses need a variety of foods the same as man. Here is a well balanced feed. ^ W O , Made from crushed corn, oats and barley, mixed in just the right proportions to keep your horse in the best working condition. Conveniently put up in 100bags. A trial sack will convince you of its merits. WILBUR LUflBER CO. WEST McHENRY - - TELEPHONE 651 4 f* ;ENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . Ip4, * . . . 1 suggests plowing. We have in stock a full line of Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows, all guaranteed A No. 1; Farm Trucks, Milk Wagons, Surrys. A complete and up- to-date line of Buggies, and a large assort ment to select from--no picture business. Fuller & Johnson Pump Engines, Silos for 1911 something every farmer is interested in; Bolster Springs, Wheelbarrows, Axle Grease, Twine, Machine Bolts, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Clover Leaf Spreaders, fQtc. Always at your service, .STOFFEL Phones: REsloBfJZI^rp,. M.-jp*9H WE £N7E«TAiM WHERE WE QO. WcHenry Knt«rt«lna ft Lsif* Oomyui «f Visitors Oarlnf tht WMIC--Whom IT# Knl«fteln. Robert Ayl ward of Elfin visited in McHenry Wednesday. Ctias, Sternberg of Dundee was a Mc Henry visitor Sunday. G. W. Besley waa a business visitor iQ thd wiudjr city Tuesday. Everett Hnnter was among the Cfai- iHirift nuannffara WmlnMday. Frank SieruuniK of Eiitiu ftmS a Mo- | Henry caller Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Michael Just en passed Monday in the metropolitan city. Mesdatnes Jacob Jnsten and Nick Bohr were Chicago visitors Monday. L. E. Nordstrom was a business visit or in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Chris. Norager attended to matters of * business nature in Chicago Wednes day. M. M. Niesen attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tues day. Misses Kathryn Haimer and Anna Miller were guests of Chicago friends Sunday. .Leonard Phillips came oat from Chi- ! cago Saturday evening to spend Sunday with home folks. Mrs. S. P. Colby of Chicago was en tertained in the home of her mother and sister Sunday. Alford Pouse of Chicago visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse, Sunday. Oscar E. Schuster of Chicago was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Qerhard Wege ner of Lily Lake Sunday. Misses Margaret Ward and LaNette Whiting spent Saturday and Sunday as flrnaofa nt Phio&ffA friavtrla Miss C. S. Newman of New York City passed Saturday, Sunday and Monday as the guest of Miss Myrtilla Stewart. Mathias Rothermel of Kenosha, Wis., is spending the week at the home of hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uothermel. Mesdames Almira Brown and Hattie Caffery of Englevale, N D., were guests at che home of Mrs. F. K Granger last week. Mr. and Mrs O. C. Colby of North Crystal Lake were guests of the for mer's sister, Mrs. Sherburne, one day last week. m- Mrs Albert P-shm dren of Fremont Center were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Wegener of Lily Lake Sunday. Miss Cristine Belle Miller bad as her guests last Sunday her mother, Mrs. Mary Ritchie Miller, and brother, George Ritchie Miller, both of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, John Claxton, E. W. Howe, Henry Miller, M. J. Walsh, Cas per Bickler, Nick Jnsten. Lewis Bishop and Mrs. P. H. Weber were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Among those from a distance who at tended the funeral of Mrs. Guy Clemens here Wednesday were the following: August Nordquist of GeyBer, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs Asahel Stevens of Wauke- gan, Mrs. George Smith of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell, Mrs. John I. Story, Mrs. Lavern Thompson, Mrs. Frank Anderson, Edwin Bennett of Chi cago; Mr. and Mrs.Ney Lambof Gurnee, Ralph Childs of Wilmette, B. H. Fay of Solon, Wm. Stevens and daughter, Let- tie, of Richmond, Miss Lois Whiting of Woodstock, Miss Elizabeth Whiting of North Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk of West Fremont. Wf. REPORT OF THE CONDITION M. Fltulmmoni Snioul; Injnred. Woodstock Sentinel: M. Fitzsim- mons, living five miles east of Wood, stock, was seriously injured Wednes day afternoon. Mr. Fitzsimmons and wife were diiving to Woodstock and were just ascending Mason's hill when an auto, owned by Genoa Junction parties, rouadtd a sharp corner. The road is very Bteep and narrow at this point. Mr. Fitzsimmon's team became frightened and npset the buggy, throw ing both occupants to the ground. Mrs. Fitzsimmons was somewhat bruised and her husband was thrown against a tele graph pole, sustaining severe cuts and bruises about the head and a fracture of the forearm. Obu-rv«> World'* Temperance Sunday, The McHenry M jjj. oanday school observed the World's temperance Sun day by a temperance program and the organization of a White Shield Tem perance society, forty-two Bigning the White Shield pledge cards, becoming members of the society and receiving the White Shield league pins. Rev. W. A. Cross was appointed president of the league. The Sunday school collection of the day, two dollars and ten cents, was given to the temperance society of the M. E. church. at the close of business Nov. 10,1910: Resources Loans and Discounts .• .$149,114.81 Overdraft ^ 80.29 Bonds and Securities 22,601.68 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,641.69 Cash due from Banks. 32,192.12 $205,630.59 Liabilities Capital Stock (paid in) 25,000.00 Undivided Profits, net 9,489.63 Deposits 171,140.96 $205,630.59 Edwin L. Wagner, Pres. -OFFICERS: c. rt. Fegers, Sr., Vice Pres. Carl W. Stenger, Cashier. Simon Stoffel, Vice Pres. Offlclal Publicntlou Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank at West McHenry. State of Illinois, before the commence ment of business on the lltn day of November, 1910, as made to the Aud itor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law. RK80DBCJC8. ^ Loans: 118.700.00 «6,447.«0 63,967.21 I PROBATE NEWS Loans on real estate Loans on collateral se curity Other loans and dis counts Overdrafts ......... Investments: State, county and mu nicipal bonds 8,041.6* Other bonds, 14,560.00 MISCHIIHneons resources: Furniture and fixture*.. Due from banks: National Cash on hand: Currency 5,200.00 Gold coin 417.80 811 ve* coin 271.51 Mlnnrraitn 46.20 Other cash resources: Checks and other cash Items Total resources.. LIABIUTIKH Capital stock paid in Undivided profits Less current interest, expenses and taxes paid Deposits: Time certificates 10,583.00 Savings, sublect to no tice 94.599.92 Demand, subject to check 64,053.09 Demand certificates.... 1,904 95 Miscellaneous liabilities: $149,114.81 £0.211 22,601.6* 1,641 .W 25,080 2;; 5,935.21 1,176.68 1205,630.59 25,000.00 9,4*9.6:1 171.140.9H 1205,630.59 Total liabilities. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „„ County of McHenry, ) I, CARL W STENGER, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. CAKIJ W. STENGER, Cashier. Not Sorry For Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of con sumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders of Harrodsbnrgh, Ky., "but for years they saw every at tempt to cure a lung racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King'6 New Discov ery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years." This wonderful life saver is an nnrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, la- grippe, asthma, oroup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs, 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. Notion to Ha"tera. Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing on my premises are strictly prohibited on and after this date. Dated at Spring Grove, 111., this 37th day of Ootober, 1010. T. D. COLE, Spring Grove, 111. i»4t# _____ Lame back comes on suddenly and Is extremely painful. It is cansed by rheu matism of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Chamberlain's Lin* iment. Sold by all dealers. i»»w--mn»uitwM> [.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar- nolri Block, cast public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate n^sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower, l'baues t,34. 903 and 911.1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of John M.Blake, insane, interlocutory report approved, Barbara Schreiner, final report filed and approved and distribution ordered. MARRIAGE LICENSKS. Will Hergott, 33 ... McHenry Christiana Retterath, Mnrer, la Will Burow, 30 Alden Hattie Schults, 18 ..... Walworth, Wis Amil Engle, 24 Union Clara cioueri, 18 ' Richard Eucker, .Jr., 24 .Coral Martha Hart, 21 " John Edward Gleason, 28.. ,Beloit, Wis Lela Mabelle Park, 22.Twin Lakes, Wis LEGAL. STATE OP ILLINOIS i aa COUNTY OF LAKE ( h8- In the County Court of Lake Couuty. In the matter of the petition of) Colon H. Ostrander, Guardian ) of Clarence G. Ostrander, minor) for leave lo sell real estate. ) To the above named minor and all persons whom it may concern: Publication is hereb^ given that by virtue of a decretal order made and entered of rec ord in said County Court of Lake county in the above entitled cause on the 14th day of November, A. D. 1910, the said Guardian will, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, the 20tb day of December, A. D. 1910, upon the premises hereinafter described, in the Coun ty of McHenry and Htate of Illinois, ofTer for *ale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the right, title, interest and estate which the said Clarence G. Ostrander, minor, has in and to the following described, real estate, to-wit: Lots Three (3) and Pour (4) in Block 3even (7) in the Village of West McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Ulinois. Terms of sale: One-half of the purchase price to be paid on the date of sale and the remainder to be paid upon the delivery of a proper deed or conveyance. No deed or deeds will be delivered to pur chaser or purchasers until sale has been re ported to and approved by said County Court of Lake County. Dated November 14, 1910. COLIAN H. OHTRANOIB, Guardian of Clarence G. Ostrander. Minor. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn be fore Robert Madsen of Went Burling ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For. after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, fire bottles of this matchless medicine com pletely cured him. It's positively guar anteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. _ Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. OWBtf lBI A**-- §. r for men, women and children. Once worn, always worn. Just the thing for this time of the year. We also want to caii your attention to the fact that this fall we have laid in the very largest and best line of Winter Goods of every description ever brought to McHenry. Call and see the assortment. it w<, ,# F. A. Roliffinder West McHenry, Illinois. M fSSsj M Capital Stock, $25,000. (,imA Yniir Dnlhrc MUHiU 1 VUI I/UIIUIJ as the old mother tur key does her chicks. The littler both the dollars and the chicks the more care they re quire to make them grow. Tfie West Mc« CM**-- Henry State Bank will guard your money whether the amount be large or small. Bring what you have and open an account. You will find your increased care in spending and your natural ambition to equal your fellows will increase your balance amazingly. And the more you have the bigger things you can do and profit by. ...Safety deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year... 4M ̂'• 4 ^ ® ® By Trading Here, As Others Are Doing A complete line of G-roceries of the best Quality at prices that average lower than Chicago prices. :: :: Crockery, Glassware, Jardinieres, Flower Pots &nd Stone Jars. :: :: WALL PAPER carried in stock. My Coffee and Tea trade is steadily increasing. I have not advanced prices; the game quality at the same price. :: :: :: :: ..JOHN STOFFEL.. West McHenry ? Telephone 301 rS/ Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get wonder ful help from Bnoklen's Arnica 8alve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lipe, chapped hands. Beat for bums, acald*, fever sores, cuts, braises and piles. 2ftc £t N. H. Peteech's and F. Masquelet's. Basket Hoolal. A basket social will be held at the Lincoln school, near Barton's Bridge, on Friday evening, Nov. 18. Every body oordially invited. Ladies come and bring lunch for two. Thoee wish ing to go please be at the McHenry school house at 7 o'clock. FANNY GRANGER, Teacher. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting appe tite and toning np the system, they're nnequaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at JS. S. PetMCh's MM! P. * Stephenson Union Suits rim < m m . t % - . J Outwear All Others UNDERWEA We need not describe the Staley Brand Underwear. Tho public knows it gives more wool, more length, more breadth and more wear for the money than any other un derwear for men on the market. We carry them in all sizes in ribbed and flat weave, two piece and union suits. Two-piece Garments ranging in price from $1.00 »p to $2.75 per Garment. Union Suits, all^izes, at each $3 Corset Values J LADIES--Have you had any trouble with your Corset not wearing as long as you thought it should^ If so, come in and let us show you either the W. B., Nemo or Parisiana--the three leading Corsets on the market today. VaTue received in every one. % :: :: :: " W. LI at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Nemo at $3.00. Pari siana at $ I. (X). $1.50, $2.00, $2.5<» and $3.00. Block & Bethke