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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1910, p. 8

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*t^ * • i' > *• *1 -* - •'.?"'•*' ,!>1' {« * f s~; FALL 1010 t i I $5.00 can be saved by buying ready made Suits or Overcoats from us, which are better than made to order or Taiior Made because the cloth is thoroughly s h r u n k before the garment i s made u p a n d t h e r e ­ fore it keeps its Shape Better and warranted by the makers. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. ^r--* ..Horse Sense.. tells you that your horses need a variety of foods the same as man. Here is a well balanced feed. Made from crushed corn, oats and barley, m i x e d in jus t the r ight proport ions to keep your horse i n the bes t working condi t ion . Convenient ly put u p in 1001b bags . A tr ia l sack wi l l convince y o u o f its merits. WILBUR LUflBER CO. WEST McHENRY - - TELEPHONE 651 CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket CHAS. G. FRETT --PROPRIETOR McHENRY ILLINOIS Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. AC A smmUM UATllUE WI If I Mivwnnh nn« WHOM WE ENTERTAIN AND WHERE WE GO. W«Bnrjp Ritortetai • Larft Ottariay of Visitor* Dnrlni th* WMk-Wkaw XVm Bntortitln. Jr £ 'Jsr » Chicago vie- suggests plowing. We have in stock a f u l l line of Walking, Sulky and Gang Plows, all guaranteed A No. 1; Farm Trucks, Mi lk Wagons , Surrys , A complete and u p - to-date line of Buggies, and a large assort­ ment to select from--no picture business. Ful ler & Johnson Pump Engines , S i los f o r 1911--something every farmer is interested in; Bols ter Spr ings , Wheelbarrows , A x l e Grea&e, Twine, Machine Bolts, Batteries, Spark Plugs, Clover Leaf Spreaders, Etc. Always at your service, r- WM.STOFFEL Phones* OPFICE-77a. ruuues. RESIDENCK-791. Geo rare Meyers, visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Will Krauae WM itor Wednesday. Wm. Stoffel transacted business Chicago Wednesday. F. J. Herbes was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. «.uoy Oiaxton uiade her nsnal trip to Sharon last Saturday. Jos. W. Frennd was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Chris Norager boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Everett Hunter was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. John F. Miller has returned froui her visit with New York relatives. 0. T. Eidredge vras among the Chica­ go passengers Wednesday morning. Tfieo. Schiessle was among the Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday morning. Theo H. Bethke atteuded to business matters in the metropolitan city Tues­ day Peter B. Frennd attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Wed nesday. A. R. Fryer of Doiand, S. D., is spend­ ing the week with his sister, Mrs. J. F. Claxton. 'Ws Miss Anna Wolff of Elgin is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs Angus ta Wolff. Jacob Ju6ten attended to matters of a bnsiness nature in the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. Charles McArthnr of Elgin is a ajnest at the home of her mother, Mrs. A XXJ -v! fV Nick Weber went to Chicago Wed aesday morning for a few days' visit among relatives. Mias Mary Knox of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs John Knox. Rev. and Mrs. Cross will eat Thanks giving dinner with their children in Rockford, leaving their home in Crys tal Lake Friday and retnrning the last of the week. Mrs. Charles Waters of Dwight, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe and Miss Lucie McCabe of Chicago and Miss Altie Smith 01 Pittsburg, Kan., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schna bel School Note*. Some of the high school pupils attend* ed the basket social al the Dublin school house Friday evening. What about the girls' basket ball game Thursday afternoon? "Ansges- pielt'aa usual. Come, people, don't say the school is asleep. The scholars will entertain yon at the opera house Wednesday even­ ing and at the school house any day you will come. Oar pupils seem to take every advan­ tage for a good time. The basket socials given by the pupils of the Burton's Bridge and Ring wood schools Friday evening attracted many of our pleasure seekers. Everyone turn out Wednesday even­ ing and attend the operetta, "On Ply­ mouth Rock." The play will be over iu plenty of time for yon to attend the dance. The ice on the mill pond afforded fine amusement for many of the small boys last week. BASKET BALL. Friday evening, Nov. 25, the Cary basket ball team will meet the McHen- ry basket ball team in the city hall. McHenry defeated Cary some time ago at Cary, but the score was so close that the Cary team expects to turn the tables here. Come and root for the home team General admission, 15 cents. LEGAL. STATE OF ILLINOIS I COT'NTY OF LAKE > 8 8- In the County Court of Lake County. In the matter of the pet ition of) Colon 11. Ostrander, Guardian ) of Clarencf (J. Ostrander. minor) for leave to sell real estate. ) To t he above named minor and all p^rsorfs whom it may concern: Publication IM hereby given that by virtue of a decretal order made and entered of rec­ ord in said Countv Court of Lake county In t tie above ent it led cause on the 14th day of November, A. 1>. lfllO. the said Guardian will, at t lie hour of one o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, the 20th day of December. A. I). 1910, upon the premises hereinafter described, In the Coun­ ty of Mclii riry and State of Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the right, title, Interest at d estate which the said Clarence G. Ostrander, minor, has In and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots Three (3) and Four (4) In Block Seven (T) in the Village of West McHenry In the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of sale: One-half of the purchase price to be paid on the date of sale and the remainder to be paid upon the delivery of a proper deed or conveyance. No d"ed or (feeds will be delivered to pur­ chaser or purchasers until sale has been re­ ported to and approved by said County Court of Lake County. I>ated November 14, 1910. COLAN H. OSTRANDER, Guardian of Clarence G. Ostrander. Minor. Alum Lime Phosphai I am quite positive that the use of alum baking powder should be condemned, --Prof. Vaughan, University of Michigan, Tn fftnyfnff lmirtwo nmnrii 1/^7 eicanilne ffi® labeTaitd LW a ftrantf sli«iwn te Wm made witii Cream of l^artar. iSM r s 1.1, J[ m • CR « AM A pore, wltaK, reMfe Grape Organs «t TaH$r isMssf %• Hlavni sw* rfsb to oi T>MM> •••••••••••••••••«•*••• | PROBATE NEWS i Auction 5ale! : l c n n < [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of five hundred Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Henry M. Wegener farm, sitnat- Lily Lake echool house, three miles east of McHenry and two miles west of Volo, on REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mark Hoffman to Wm. J. Campbell, pt sH, It 2, swH. sec 19, Burton (Spring Grove) flOOO.O'1 Albert Etten & w to Caroline H. Bear. It 29, Sunnyslde adn, sec 35 & 2ti, Mc­ Henry 175.0" Margeret McCarthy et al to Patrick .1. Cleary. ntt. seM, sec 35 & nH, sw!4, sec 36. w of Fox river. McHenry 5HSO.OO PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of William Powers, final report filed and approved and executor discharged. Susanna Mueller, proof of death and petition for admission of will to probate filed and approved. Hearing set for Dec. 18, 1910. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Anton Anderson, 23 English Prairie Laura Jenson, 18 " " Henry Gnttschow, 22 Walworth Anna Zimmermann, 22 Harvard John Meinke, 28 Harmony Emma Brasch, 19 Hnntley Adrian D. Loomis, 55 McHenry Estella FOBS, 53 Wild Rose, Wis Milo Adelbert Coffee, 23. .. .. Harvard Edna Shufelt, 22 Chemung Twp Edward J. Kuhn, 22 Woodstock Anna Johnson, 22 " William Kaddatz, 25 Woodstock Elizabeth Gorman, 21 James Redmond, 80 Sycamore Mary L. McCaville, 22 Marengo John Samuel Borsberry, 86 ... Belvidere Anna McKeown, 81 Riley Twp Not 5orry For Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of con­ sumption, I might not be alive now," writes D. T. Sanders of Harrodsburgh, Ky., "but for years they saw every at­ tempt to cure a lung racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discov­ ery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the cough and I am now in better health than I have had for years." This wonderful life paver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, la- grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. CALIFORNIA On Home Comfort Train* which rival the best hotels and insure you every modern travel comfort. The 8an Francisco "Overland Limited," the Los Angeles Limited and the China and Japan Fast Mail are all luxuriously equipped. Be sure your tickets read Chicago & North Western Ry. Apply to ticket agents for particnlars. 22 2t Frida.y, Dec. 2 coujiuMJfing at elev«n nVlncSs, sharp, the following described property: 34 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 34 consisting of 15 choice uiilk cows, milk­ ers and springers; Holstein bull, 3 Hoi stein heifers, three years old, with calves; 3 Holstein heifers, coming 2 years old, al) well marked 8 HEAD OE HORSES 8 Bay mare, bred, 12 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; black horse, 11 years old, wt. 1300 lbs.; black mare, 11 yesrs old, *>t 900 lbs.; bay mare, 8 years old, wt. 900 lbs ; span bay geldings, 4 and 5 years old, wt. 2200 lbs ; sorrel colt, 18 months old, black sucking colt. HOGS Four Chester White shoats, averaging 165 lbs. HAY, QRAIN AND MACHINERY Eighteen tons choice timothy bay in barn, 400 bu. of corn in crib, large stAck of corn stalks, stack of good, clean oat straw, 2 bp. millet seed, McCormick corn binder, Milwaukee mower, new; Champion bay rake, new; sulky six shovel cultivator, new; spring tooth cultivator, riding tflow, walking plow, Grandetour corn planter, set of drags, Ringwood milk wagon ana new box, small milk wagon, narrow tire lumber wagon, wide tire truck wagon, hay rack, set of heavy work harness, *et of li^ht driving harness, shovels, spades, tools, etc. GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON , --TERHS OF SALE:-- All sums of #10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given ou good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. PAUL W. HTOI/TZKE J . W. FREUND, Clerk. TWO (iKMT ANNUAL KVKNT8 IN CHI­ CAGO. The International Live Stock Exposi­ tion Nov. 26-Dec. 3, and U. 8 Land & Irrigation exposition Nov. 19-Dec. 4. For full particulars apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line. 22 31 Petesch's for drugs for men, women and children. Once worn, always worn. Just the thing for this tim^ of the year. We also want to call your attention to the fact that this fall we have laid in the very largest and best line of Winter Goods of every description ever brought to McHenry. Call and see the assortment. F. A West Mclieory, Illinois, Capital Stock, $25,000. r.mrifl Yniir Italhrf MilUlif | Ulii B/UI1U1J as the old mother tur­ key does her chicks. The littler both the dollars and the chicks the more care they re­ quire to make them grow. The West Mc­ Henry State Bank will guard your money whether the (amount be large or small. Bring what you have and open an account. You will find your increased care in spending and your natural ambition to equal your fellows will increase your balance amazingly. And the more you have the bigger" things you can do and profit by. ' * .. .Safety Deposit Boxes, $3.00 Per Year... fr By Trading here, As Others Are Doing -- A complete line of Groceries of the best Quality at prices that average lower than Chicago prices. :: :: Crockery, Glassware, Jardinieres, Flower Pots and Stone Jars. :: :: WALL PAPER carried in stock. My Coffee and Tea trade is steadily increasing. I have not advanced prices; the same quality at the same price. :: :: :: :: :: ..JOHN STOFFEL.. Wesi Mcirkenry : iciepnuiie 301 Fox Lake Club ID Klectton Wrangle, Officers of the Fox Lake Country club were re elected at a banquet in the La- Salle hotel Wednesday night of last week after a wrangling that continued until midnight. While the men were wrangling, their wives, who were guests of honor at the dinner, peacefully in­ dulged in "bridge" a few doors away. The canse of the trouble, which was be­ hind closed doors, was the endeavor to elect a ticket that had been placed in nomination against the "regulars." Henry Kleine. commodore of the club, constantly was called upon to preserve order and protect speaker^ from abnse and contradiction. The officers are: Commodore--Henry Kleine. Vice Commodore--F. W. Cornish. Hear Commodore and Treasurer--B. L. Schmeckel. Secretary Alfred Schmeckel. Many school children suffer from con­ stipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at leesons. Chamber­ lain's and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation Sold by all dealer* Stephenson Union Suits Outwear All Others We need not describe the Staley Brand Underwear. The public knows it gives more wool, more length, more breadth and more wear for the money than any other un­ derwear for men on the market. We carry them in all sizes in ribbed and flat weave, two piece and union suits Two piece Garments ranging in price from $1.00 up to $2.75 per Garment Union Suits, all sizes, at each $3 Corset Values LADIES--Hav« you had any trouble with your Corset not, wearing as long as you thought it should? If so, conje in and let us show you either the W. II, Nemo or Parisiana--the three leading Corsets on the market today. Value received in every one. :: " - - W. B. at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Nemo at. $H.00. Pari­ siana at $1.00. $1.50, $i!.m, $2.50 and $3.00. Block & Bethke 4

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