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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1910, p. 2

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£1K f\. ****!, t 1 ' " 5 ' "' 'V i| » •>•«'* * • r* ." -ir*. : /*"*. r •*...• Tie McHenry Plalndealcr PTfini/ rinii nunrn ujuun nnin IWIULU PuMUhtJ Py F. O. 8CHREINER. Mchenry. illtnois. The sky man is the man of the cen­ taury. Aviation 1b, after all, less dangerous than football. Tbe freak hat Is doomed, we are told. Ah, but which freak hat? Dou'l keen your xtijuui ojiea when looking at airships. It is a bad habit. Ballooning Is somewhat tike tobog­ ganing, but the walk back Is more fatiguing. It Is Just as fatal to he killed in a | football game as iu an aeroplans , catastrophe. ] Perhaps tbe hobble skirt Is the j cause for the new fashion of large j pedal extremities. The man-bird should not attempt at this stage of the game too many shines in the air. When a man Jives in a boarding house be iets somebody else worry about the price of "coal. Aerial wonders top one another un­ til the general public Is beginning to be surprised by nothing. According to reports, the govern­ ment will soon have to set aside res­ ervations to prevent the Yankees from becoming extinct The Chinese may adopt a compro­ mise. When they stop pinching the feet of their girls they may put on them uouuie bKirts. A German banker spent eight months In America and did not mar­ ry. He is rich, so there must be tome other reason. Dunning by postal card has been forbidden by the post office depart­ ment. Hereafter the dunners must use two-cent stamps. A Russian military balloon went up urer 20,000 feet the other day. That Is enough to get out of range of any ordinary Japanese fleet. WeTave grown as a people this year 5,275,000,000 bushels of corn, oats, wheat, barley and potatoes, and no one should go hungry. One woman of the "400" paid $11,» 000 In duties on her gowns recently. The *400" has ceased to practise smug­ gling except at odd times. FEDERAL OFFICER8 INVADED BURR BROTHERS' OFFICES IN NfcW YORK CITY. NATION-WIDE FRAUD CHARGE Post Office Officials Claim Concern Have Defrauded Investors Out of Forty to Fifty Millions In Saie of Stocks. | New York.--Federal officials Monday I raided the quarters of Burr Bros., a 1 corporation dealing in stocks and I other securities, with offices in Chi­ cago and other cities. I The raid was made on warrants j charging use of the mails to defraud I investors. Post office officials said j j the concern had sold to investors at | ! par value between $40,000,000 and • $50,000,000 of stock in various com- j panies, most of which had gone out cf ! existence or become bankrupt. Officers of the corporation were ar- | rested and its books and papers seized. j The raid was planned by Post Oflfica j Inspector Warren W. Dickson. Post- t ) master General Frank H. Hitchcock ! and Robert S. Sharpe, chief post office I inspector, who. came from Washings I ton to see that it was carried out sue ! cessfully. | The officers arrested were Sheldon i , C. Burr, president; Frank H. Tobey, I i vice-president, and Eugene H. Burr, ! secretary and treasurer. ! The three officials were arraigned | before Commissioner Shields and held | in $20,000 bail each. Pending the furnishing of bail the officials of the company were placed in the prisoners' J pen. | Arrests are expected to be made in J Cleveland, Chicago, Los Angeles and J San Francisco, where the corporation has extensive offices. I Post office officials had been work­ ing on the case for months. Hun­ dreds of complaints had been made against the corporation by investors who charged they had been swindled through false representations con­ cerning the profits being realized by those who put money into the vari­ ous oil, timber, copper, lead, zinc and gold ventures. After the raid Postmaster General Hitchcock gave out an official memo- rafautnn ^concerningTHE BUTT Bros., which was organized several years ago, and in 1907 was incorporated with a capital of $100,000, later in­ creased to $300,000. The memoran­ dum says that' among other companies the Burr brothers were selling the stock of the Buick Oil company, a concern with $5,000,000 capital. :• 3 IM! Good luck likes to visit people wfco [ are not expecting it Mr#. Wtaislaw«i fjofrtnjnjj Porehlldron teething, gattensU.10 gutxss. 1l_ mwmMion.»il*78t>n,ln,cnre&wiadcolic. XwabotU* It Isn't every ball playor Who cm$ mike a kit on the stage. J Wi»»t Mnrln« toiam Hjfts is to Ref resh, Oeaasc, Strengthen and 8tlnw- »to Circulation. Promoting Normal Conditions. Try Marin# In jour ayes. How would you like an unbossed an4 lobbyless legislature for a change? Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate sua invigorate stomach, Hver and bowels, bugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to tike AD Cindw, 1 When a girl exchanges photographs with a young man she nearly always gets the worst of the trade. Pneumonia and Consumption are al­ ways preceded by an ordinary cold. Ham­ lin* Wizard Oil rubbed into the chest draws out the inflammation, breaks up the cold and prevents all serious trouble. Not a Harmless Sport. Friend---You fought bareheaded? French Duelist--Yes, and got a fine sunstroke.--Journal Amusant, DR. M ARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS. Seventeen Years the Standard. Prescribed and recommended for Women's Ailments. A scientifically pre­ pared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and per­ manent For sale at all Drug E tores. Trying to Console. "My son," remarked the stern parent, "when I was your age I had very little time for frivolous diver­ sions." "Well," replied the young man, "you didn't miss much. Believe me, this gay life isn't what it looks to be." ^4 Mf mi\x& ft/'1!! \\ Hi t! 0 fif' 8 CASTOR IA For Infanta and ChiMrsn»- TH® Kinif You Hwe U N C L E S A M "2 GIVe5 THANKS LEO TOLSTOI DIES AGED NOVELIST CLOSES HIS LIFE IN VOLUNTARY EXILE. COUNTESS IS AT BEDSIDE 8inklng Man Fails to Recognize Wife and Passes Away Without Reuain- -Remalned lin­ing Consciousness der the Ban of Church. Everything seems to Indicate that It will be several years yet before the science of aviating can be considered entirely out of Its Infancy. RENEW RIOTING AT PUEBLA One of Yale's professors is afraid America is soon to become a mon­ archy. He probably has nothing else at this time to be afraid of. A trick horse that h&d been stolen shook hands with the rightful owner, to the undoing of the thief. We defy a trick automobile to do that. The pruue supply at a New York hospital was short and boarding house guests will be surprised to hear there is quite a fuss about it. The police have discovered a man leaning against a corner building who had been dead three hours. "All things come to him who waits." As to the consequences, there does not seem to be much to choose be­ tween a woman automobilist turning thief and her machine turning turtle. People hooted at a woman in Colum­ bus, Ga., because she wore a hobble skirt In tbe streets. Can It be possible that the age of southern chivalry is past? Six billion cigarettes were consumed In the United States last year; yet there are in this country a good many young men whose fingers are not stained. In Cranford, N. J., a thief stole a $100 gold watch from the pocket of a police sergeant while that official dozed in the police station. What that policeman needs is a chaperon. The life of the city boy Is indeed hard. No more Fourth of July, no more Hallowe'en and an increase in the number of vacation schools is only matched by a condemnation of moving picture shows. Aviation Is becoming extremely profitable--If not for the country, cer­ tainly for the aviators. But the cash inducements to risk life and limb cause the science of airship building to get a move on. Reported 30 Are Killed--United States Troops Sent to Border to Pro­ tect Americans. Laredo, Tex.--Reports reaching this city from what is considered to be a reliable source are to the effect that rioting was renewed in Puebla, Mex., Monday and that 30 persons were killed in the fighting. It is said on the streets here that the Mexican military authorities are conscripting large numbers of the residents of Nuevo Laredo Into the army for emergency service. United States troops have been sent to the border to be stationed at many points to protect Americans. Washington.--Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Hoyt, commander of the department of Texas, has been Instructed by the war department to hold troops In readiness to meet any call made by the governor of Texas to preserve neutrality on the part of the United States in connection with the revolt in Mexico. Belated telegrams reaching the state department from its officials in Mexico mention various revolutionary disturbances at different points in that country, but all agree in one re­ spect, and that is that the Diaz gov­ ernment is strong enough to repress the revolutionists. A report from Marathon, Tex., states that revolutionists are gathering in Chihuahua State, south of Marafa, and are preparing to attack Chihuahua City. The regions thereabouts are sparsely settled. A report from El Paso, Tex , says that 100 persons had been killed in riots which took place at Zacatecas in the interior of Mexico, opposite Tampico. It Is Wper,tcd that riots have taken place at Alnieze, seventy miles south In Mexico, and several killed there. Eagle Pass, Tex - "General Bernar­ do Reyes is coming." This is the whisper which has gone with telegraphic swiftness up and down the Rio Grande. If it Is true, as many Mexicans assert, it means that the revolutionists have at their head a man superior in military train­ ing to any other man in .Mexico, not even excepting President Diaz him­ self. Astopova.--Surrounded by his wife, children. Doctor MakOvetsky and the other attending physicians Count Leo Tolstoi passed away peacefully at 6:30 Sunday morning in the lonesome little railway station of the town. Efforts of the church to gather the famous reformer into its folds ef­ fected nothing, as neither side yielded. It was recognized long before he passed away that his case was hope­ less, Several of the physicians were greatly overcome by the approaching death of Russia's great writer. His heart beat its last apparently without a clear moment to enable him to say farewell or cast a forgiv­ ing look upon his wife and children. Tolstoi, accompanied only by Doctor Makovetsky, left his home at Yasnaya Poliana for the purpose of ending his days In solitude, to which he more and more inclined during his later years. His pilgrimage led him to the monastery at Shamardine, in the province of Kaluga, where he re­ mained as the guest of his sister, Marie, who Is a nun in the cloister. Learning that his retreat had beon discovered, he insisted upon proceed­ ing on his journey to the Caucasus, where he hoped to spend his last days close to the Tolstoian colony on the shores of the Black Sea. But during the railroad Journey he was overcome with exhaustion and the cold, and Doctor Makovetsky was compelled to have him transferred to the flag station at Astapova, where he was made as comfortable aa pos­ sible In the rude wooden building. For five days he had lain there suf fering first from bronchitis and later from inflammation of the lungs. Spe­ cialists were called from Moscow and other places, but notwithstanding their utmost efforts, the heart of the great Russian responded but feebly to the restoratives and stimulants. Wireless lighting is now announced by a Danish inventor. Nature's light­ ing has always been wireless, and here mere man only imitates. In St. Louis there Is a robber who Is known as "the candy kid." He prob­ ably got the name owing to his pos­ session of sticky fingers. A western scientist claims to have discovered a chemical which la death and destruction to germs. Is this cen­ tury approaching the climax of a dis- easeless world? Inventor Gets Rich Reward. San Francisco--The first payment of a total of $17,000,000 which is to be turned over to George Gates, a seventy-year-old G. A. R. veteran of San Jose, who invented the concrete railroad tie, is now in escrow in the Crocker National bank. A syndicate of eastern railroads has been formed to buy the patent rights of the San Jose man and $500,000 was given to him when the contract was signed Tuesday and by January 2, 1911. the total of $17,000,000 will bS placed to his account. Aviator Johnstone Killed. Denver, Col.--From ten to fifteen thousand persors saw Ralph John­ stone, the holder of the world's avia­ tion altitude record, plunge in hiB Wriglrt biplane, at Overland Park Thursday, from a height of 800 feet to a terrible death, nearly every bone in his body being fractured. His tragic flight was not without a thrilling struggle with the grim mes- penge;-, for when the daring bird- man realized that the earthward dive might mean the loss of his life, he tried to climb swiftly to the top of his aeroplane, lest the heavy machin­ ery crush out his life. Wilson Speaks of Prices. Chicago.--Secretary Wilson blamed the homesteader of the west In part for the present high cost of living, In an address at the opening here Satur­ day of the United Land and Irrigation exposition. ITH Wars and revolutions "peopleize" 1 geography. We hope the ultnunod- I . ern educators will not insist on such' Object lessons as a regular thing. y-'l Greece, according to the retiring , v premier, is "facing Incredible dangers both .external and Internal." if they we Incredible why bother about them V There ts such a thing as being to© Successful in balloon races, when th? Sir Winning score involves a descent lj ' ; U»e trackless wilderness or the mid* dQe of the deep blue sea. Slays Four of Family. Marwille, Mo--Qda Hubbell, a far­ mer near Barnard, Mo., and his wife and two children were shot and killed at their home Sunday night by an unidentified person, who set fire to their house to conceal the crime. Edgsmont, III., Has $80,000 Fire. East St. Louis, 111.--A fire which de­ stroyed the only business block in Edgemont, 111., half way between East St. I»uls and Belleville, Saturday, caused a loss estimated to be about $80,000 Robbers Overpower a Doctor. Norfolk. Va --Two young men en­ tered tlie office of Dr. L. B. Firey 'Mon­ day and at the point of a pistol bound him hand and foot to a cnair. After taking all the money in the of­ fice the men hastened away. Youthful Football Player Dies. Brooklyn, N. Y.--As a result of the Injuries sufTered a week ago while playing football, thirteen year old John Fisher died In his home Thursday. He was a member of the football team of a public school. WOOLEN DUTY LEAK IMMENSE IT IS ASSERTED FRAUDS WILL EXCEED $10,000,000. Government Attorneys Declare Losses Are Far Greater Than Those In Sugar Swindle. New York. -- Assistant United States Attorney Whitney declares that the woolen duties frauds against which Collector William Loeb, Jr., has ireg,uu a campaign wiii pfove the most stupendous swindle- yet disclosed at this port since the government be­ gan its investigation into customs leaks. It Is said that the losses in duties claimed by the government will amount to upward of $10,000,000. In the sugar cases, which previous­ ly held first place In the amount of money Involved, the full extent of the frauds was never ascertained, but the government obtained restitution of more than $2,000,000 from the import­ ers. The government seeks to recover all the money claimed to be lost In the last five years by alleged false In­ voices for importations made by Jo­ seph Brooks & Co., manufacturers of woolens, worsteds and linings, of Bradford, England, and this city. As­ sistant Attorney Whitney said: "This is the biggest case of the kind the government has ever had. The frauds involve spveral woolen manufacturing firms in England. The total amount of the duties which the government has lost through these im­ portation frauds is much greater than in the sugar underweighiug cases." DISTEMPER In all its forms among all ages of horses, we!! #• drnra oured and otTiprs in mmt •table prevented from having the disease with SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles Bold last year $.50 and $1.00. Any 5ood druggist, or send to manufacturers, igents wanted. Spohn Medioal Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Made Him Ridiculous. Joseph Letter, in an Interview on his yacht Chantecler, said, with a smile: "Please quote me accurately. In an interview, you know, the slightest In­ accuracy can make a man ridiculous. It 1b like the Frenchman, who thought he had a very fair knowledge of Eng­ lish, nevertheless, said to a father: " 'Aha! Your son, he resemble yon. • chip off the old blockhead, heln?"* --Exchange. A3 IT 8EEMED TO HIM. AMERICAN FLEET IN ENGLAND British Warships 8alute United States Battleships and Latter Reply In Kind. Portland, England.--The first di­ vision of the American battleship cruising fleet, which includes Rear Admiral Schroeder's flagship, the Connecticut, arrived here Wednesday. While coming from Tor bay the American warships passed the second division of the British home fleet, which was passing out. Salutes were exchanged. The visiting vessels also made the customary salutes when they entered Portland harbor. Vice-Admiral Sir William Henry May, commander of the home fleet, entertained the American admiral and captains on his flagship, the Dreadnought, Wednesday evening. The mayor and the corporation will give a banquet to the American offi­ cers, while a fancy ball and other en­ tertainments for the American and British bluejackets have been ar­ ranged. The men of the visiting fleet will have all the privileges of the naval canteen at Portland and of the sailors' home in Weymouth harbor. This is a courtesy never before granted to men of foreign ships. The naval recrea­ tion grounds have been placed at the disposal of the Americans and rowing and sailing matches between crews of American and British seamen have been planned. Critic--Thinks says he always doea his best writing on an empty stom­ ach. Reader--H'm! It reads more like a*i empty head. similating fhe Food and Regula-1 Poqm fliA fUr* Sfor""Jk'. n • •' • •WttlO • bUv latoie Promotes Digestion,,Cheerful­ ness and Rest Con fains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Marc otic ^ j| Ffopt *f OldDrSAMUELPfTEffER MxStnun - foehtUt Safts * $t*2 ' fkpptrininl - .W« • irm Sttd - Cui«M S\tfr- Timkjymi Aperfed Remedy forConsftpa- !iou. Sour S to sr.acb, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions .Feverish* ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature For Thirt* ¥Rsr$ rartfeed under the Copy of wrapper I WMsih » #11 Hester When clothes can't be hung outside, and must be dried in a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly does the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec­ tion Oil Heater, open the dam top, and the heat rises and quic does the clothes per Uy Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any, with hot air from a Msouaety much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless It aim fust and smokeless. It has m aafoniatie-locXcXHfi flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and Is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, (be­ cause of i new device in construction, and can always oe easily unscrewed for rewicking. An indicator shows ijie amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap does'not need to be screwed down* bus w put in nice a cork in a bottle, and is attached to tbf ront by & chain. Finished in japan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, built tor service and yet light urad ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top*1 Dmkrt Bmymkm. It not et yourt, writ* far duaifttm tMahr 4* Iht ntarrst, STOMACH MISERY VANISHES McVey Knocks Out Battling Johnson. Paris.--Sam McVey, the colored heavyweight, Saturday knocked out Battling Jim Johnson in the twenty- first round of a light for the cham pionship of Europe. Many American bluejackets saw the fight. Moody Quits Bench. Washington.--The resignation of Associate Justice William H. Moody of the Supreme court of the United States became effecUve Monday, re­ ducing the number of members on the bench to seven. Roosevelt's Classmate Drops Dead. Cincinnati.--N. H. Davis, president of the Central Trust and Safe Deposit company, dropped dead of heart dis­ ease here Thursday. He was fifty-two years old aud a classmate of Theodore Roosevelt. Fear Ocean Steamship Is Lost. Baltimore, Md.--Anxiety for the safety of the British steamship Tron- gate was expressed Friday by the agents of the vessel here. The Tron- gate sailed from Boston for BalUmore November 10. Five Seamen Are Drowned. 8an Francisco.--Five seamen lost their lives Friday when a BrlUsh tramp steamer, the Oreytown Castle, ran into and sank the tug Sea Prince, Inside the entrance to .the Uol<je» Oate. Indigestion, Qas, 8ourness and Dys­ pepsia Qo and Your 8tomach Feels Fine In Five Minutes. If your meals don't tempt you, or what litUe you do eat seems to flU you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy Btomach, that Is a sign of Indigestion Ask your Pharmacist for a 60-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln and take a little Just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, Nau- Bea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi­ ness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and besides, there will be no undigested food left over In the stom­ ach to poison your breath with nause­ ous odor£. Pape's DIapepsin is certain cure for out-of-order 6tomachs, because it pre­ vents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests it just the 6ame as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stom­ ach misery Is waiting for you at any drug store here in town. These large 60-cent cases of Pace's DIapepsin contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure any case of Dys­ pepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any other stomach disturbance. Will Your Harness soft: as a gl©vei tough as a wire' black as a coal by Deaton Kv*rywtrar* Precautionary. The Millionaire--Doctor, Is it abso­ lutely necessary to remove my ap­ pendix? "Not absolutely, but It is safer to begin with some simple operation like that."--Life. STANDARD OH COMPANY (Incorporated) W . L . D G U C L A S 31 '3.50 & '-~i ShoLS """" BOY8' SHotsu, *2 OO, »2.SO * S3.G0 W. W.OO, mi, BO mttS $4.00 mh, w ifm ftt, thus mrm «»#«* mhomm tea" tiw #y th» bmmt mmdm mmti mmst pop- 'fhsm In Antumsvhm, mm mfr# WOMEN Bear in rue WORL; no y V retii Ire tb tV> • Ov fciiiii 1 f4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the U.S., and that DOLL/t OH DOLLAR, I GUARAMTKE MY SHOES to hold their shape, )o«. and fit better, and wear longer than any other $3.00, $3.50 or $4.00 shcoi you can buy r (JuaUtv counts, it bos made my show THii; i .k.A imi. OF THE WORLD. You will be pleased when yoti bay my shoe« because of th« v ^ fit and appearance, and whea It comes time for yon to purchase t/J' M, " r" another pair, von will be more than pleased becaus* the last f Ones wort no well, and gave you so much comfort. CAUTION! name anrl price sUuuued on the bottom. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE If yow «taaWi cannot inpnlf you with W. U Douglas Shoes, write for Mail Order Catalog. . W. JL,. IHIUSLAS. l«d ttixu-k St., BrockMi. Mail. iV'-M Man Itwyifcwi Hoitsahold Lubricant THE ALL AKounD OIL m THSE t¥«b>Y ¥IN OILER Is specially selected for any need In th# home. Saves tools from rusting- Can caw- not break. Does not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMI*ANY (I«oorporm*«d) When You Think Of the pain whtoh maay women experience with every month it islfss tbe featleaeM and kio4aeu always aeeoei- Kted vrith womanhood to be almoat a Miracle. While in general no womaa rebels a^aiost what she re­ gards us a natural necessity there is no woman who would not gladly be free from this recurring period ot pain. Dr. Plmrom'm Far or It e Prescription nalres weatr womea atroat and alctt womcot wit, mod flirw them freedom from pain. It e*tai»/lmhem regularity, mobdaes Inflam­ mation, beat* ulceration und cores mat# weakneaa. Sick women are invited to ooaanlt m by letter, frt*. All correspondence striody private and sacredly con­ fidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Me* ioal Association, R. V. Fieroe, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, snd how to cure them at home, send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing only, and we will send you a frt* copy of Dr. Pieroe's gres thousand paje illustrated OisBmon Sense Medical Adviser--revised, up-to date edition in handsome French eloth binding. ' Constipation-- Neartj Mmty Om Gets 1$ The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarei taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick feeling. ^ Ten cent box, week's treatmset. All drug stores. Birgest seller In the world -million buses a montlL PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM liusfil bcauti/Leg U.C kdil Pioajolcsi n, liiauriAul to Heelcre llaiv to iti- Youthful Colofe <>*** --lF S. fsJiiak ; Thompson's £y« Wator Sr *»*/ -r '

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