A ! s£tfi>?J ^_jfe 6 v ; •T • i'l f//.? /; ; nr»» tm >*.*•*%*• »"a.r=-^ inn uciiuiiNb ^11 8! II NEIGHBORING NE IPS AS CHRONICLED B Y *6 OUR ABIE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS is the best made and most successful Heating Stove in the world and vou mav ^>T^T>a>TX*/^ T>UU \\TAnrr>TT iti y upuu viu i. lliiu a ijiiw t t v /IV i. XI t \ T7> Wl? EVERY DOLLAR You PUT INTO ONE. It not only heats up with any kind of fuel but it does its work to suit vou. :-: :-: :-; •-; VV hen a LOW PRICE is the principal argument used in selling a stove and sav ing you 40 to 60 per cent looms up many times in the talk, make up your mind that QUALITY, DURABILITY AND MANY OTHER ESSENTIALS have been left out to make cheap prices. TAKE NO CHANCES. GET THE GOOD, THE DEPENDABLE ROUND OAK OF WEST SIDE HARDWARE. wmrm Iwm *sW if * f ;.»U ill Half the Regular Fuel Supply .equired Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. 20,1910. WBBK DAT TRAINS Uh?cV£. NORTHBOUND MoHe'iTry *7.ON H m Via Elgin 10 ON p in *8.30 am Via I>es IMalnes .. io 0M a in 6LV Crystal l-aUe . .2.W Ar. Mrllenry 2 R5 *3.40 pm Via Des Pl&ines ft.00 u ai *3.25 p m Via Elotin. #.42 i> m *5.12 pm Via Des Plalnes . 8. 4 - p tr •ITKDAT TUAIKS. 8.80am Via Pes I 'lainos ;i; in, 7 10 a. m Via Elgin.. >.• :> i > m. t.OApm Via Elgin .. mi |. ,r wm DAT TRAINS. McHenry. SOOTHBOUND *7.10 a m . .. Via Des Fittings :< i»h ri, *7.10 a ni Via Elgin. .. lO.tClatn *S.lt»am Via Des Plalnes vr>aui *4.36 p in Via Des I'luluen n re *4.3Bpn VlaEl(ttn. ;.5pm SCNDAT THAI NX. 7.10 am Via CphPIhIik's ^ ..in, 7.10am ViaKlgin. i" i *. ,t m 5.00 pm yia Des Plainl y i, ic p m 5.00pm Via El«in i.u. •Dally exccpt Sunday Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater, on account of the patented air-tight and gas-tight construction and patented hot blast combustion, gives perfect control over the fire. Build Only One Fire a Winter It is so perfect in construction that fire keepq all night--* It saves the gases wasted with other stoves, The cost of the stove is saved in fuel, $5.00 w-.ith of soft coal, hard coal or lignite, or a $1,50 ton of slack or screenings will do the work of twice the amount of fuel in other stoves. It is guaranteed to remain always air-tight, which means that it is always a fire-keeper. Examine Cole's Original Hot Blast before you buy-- Avoid imitations which only look like the genuine. The Inanr with a repatatlon. J. J. VYdTAL, M Mm I12.C0 •nd upward 80fik>rtf!ng f« size am. Rave Handy Real A hot water bottle is of cotlrse needed in every home; more than one can often be used to advantage. In sickness they are a necessity in reliev ing pain, in keeping up the bodily temper ature and other ways. They are handy for cold feet any time. Our stock is large and fresh and consists of the most reliable goods made. n. fi. Petescb Druggist. « Cel. 274 When You Want the Very Best Cough Cure i^et our White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup. We would not recommend this remedy did we not know it to be unusually effective. We do know this because we have been making and selling it for many years. It is pleasant, safe and prompt and thoro in results Equally good for chil dren or adults. Price, 25 cents. N. H. Petesch, Druggist. - Tel* 274 <?' PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THB SALJC OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This iB the oldest house on the street. Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FPF£ Stall 1 A 3, Fulton St. Wbocaale Market TNICAGO, ILLINOIS. T«|iU Nick Sfnith of Chicago is visiting j with relative* here. i Will Pannill made h bus iness t r ip to Spring Grove Saturday I£atie Frost in spHndiug H ,'Vw lisys , with relative* in Chicago Elsie Walton and Katit> Fros t were ' McHenry callers Thursday. j Clara and Mamie Rowing of Hound ; Lake were Volo callers Satqrday. Mr. aqd Mrs. Chan Haa^ht npeDt Sunday with relatives in Waukegan Mrs. Harry Nichollsand (ifoigf and Edith were MoHenr> visitor* Saturday, i i Mary Fuller and B«a t r i c f Kimbal l o f , Wauconda called on f r i ends he r^ Sn tur - ! i (Jay" | Mrs E>1 Lask and Anns K **ntt-h- j I er speut Wednesday with liieuds in ' Eluin. i Jatnee Helpkin nnd Arthnr Dillon are i vi«*irinir a f«w day« with fri> n<<>« and , relatives io Waukevan Mr. and Mrs. Hylventer Wegener and I children and Mrs 8sb«*l spent Snndsy j j with Mr. and Mrs Theodore Wiukel j I in McHenry. j Croup is most prevalent during thf> dry cold weather of the early winter ) months. Parents of young childreu should be prepared for it All that in ! needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's : Coagh Remedy Many mothers are never j ' without it in their homes and it has J never disappointed them Sold by all j (^ealprs. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn be j foi-e Robert Madsen of West Burling ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in | the hospital, four of the best physicians I i gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric 1 I Bitters. |Tor. after eight monihtj of 1 | frightfnl sufferiDt? fro^i liyer l»x»uble I j and yellow gutting no htlp j i from other remedies or doctors, five j bottles of thla matchless medicine com i | pletely cared him. It's positively gnar- ! an teed for Stomach, Liver or I^idftey ; troubles imd never di^ppointi). Only I 50c at N. tl Pdteeoh 's and F. Masque j let'a. j S«w Postal Uw. I Beginuitig December lauevv i;vtliqg I wUI go into eijeot In the ^stct^ces of I jhe coq^try. ^oye^^g the retwrn of sin ] palled for ^eUe^•I^. where tb© envelopes : bear a rftu»« card. After that date all i j letters qndeJiveretV after flvp days will j be returned to tbe writer, irrespective i of the time apecified in the return card. Hitherto, where no time was specified such lett#rs have been held for thirty day*, before betug sent hack. It is be lieved that tbia new rule will tend to do away with many complaints of delayed delivery or loss. SixMea Klltiea* and Ailment*. | In a grave emergency, *ler- 1 vice is indispensably. J^t^t st^p to youv B«9 ^l^phopp. Cull Up th» doctor or drngaist, state the case and act on the ! advice which yon receive. Should you j need something which is pot in the local j stores, the Bell" telephone will I anybody in any place at <N>,vtr-of thi j | day or nlg^t- U^it^go. T^l^phone Com P«»y Have a chaptesa winter: use Benzo Cream, 25c, at Petesch's. BlliUKFlEUl. Wilbur Levey went to Chicago Satur day. Mrs. Allen was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield went to Bar- ingtou Saturday. Herman Wille, wife and son went to Crystal Lake Saturday. H. Nelson called on hi* family physi cian in the city Saturday. "" ^ Miss Elsie Johnson and infant son are visiting relatives at Batavia. F. W. Hart in an was a caller at Crys tal Lake Wednesday forenoon John Hinman of Milton Junction was •A liiMCMWi oallrT urtn Monday. A Stephenson was a business caller at Crystal Lake one day last week W T. Fick of Crystal Lake was a Ridjfefield business caller Saturday. Mrs E. Smith viuited her brother, R E Olmstead, at Woodstock Wednesday Mrs I. G Hart man au<l Mrs R L Dufield wpm (Crystal Lake ̂ alters S«tnr da v Mr. and Mrs E. E Lock wood and daughter, Cora, were Woodstock callers Saturday E C.idwnilader of Terra Cntta visited with his sister, Mri R L Dufield. and family Snnday. Mrs. E E. KnilniiH and daughter. Rhoda, were Woodstock shippers Wed nesday. Rod KnilattM »n<1 Ijovd Held took in the moving pictures -<t Woodstock Sat urday evening Rev and Mrs Gicsselbrecht and little daughter spent a part of Friday and Saturdsv at Woodstock. Mr and Mr* George Wheeler enter tained their nixfer. Mies Rose Barden, of (Chicago nver Sunday Mrs J B Lvnch visited "'"hnraday and Fridav with her daughter, Mrs. Blanche I'onertv. in Chicago M r* Henry R--ed visited her children, Vlrs PloreiKv Waterninn and .-sidoey Ree-I and families Saturday. W F Salow, C Davidson, L Held Mini (' Bu'lock wer«' Pi^'skee Bay call ^rs Sundav The gentlemen rode over in Mr S'ilow's «nti> M rs. W Jordy of Oakalooaa, la , <pent Snndav evening and Monday niorniutf with her aunt, Mr« E Smith. Mrs .lords went to Woodstock from hnre Mrs W K.pike, Rev (jiesaelbrecbt Hinl wife. Miss Genevieve Ootldard and Miss Mni).<lt<iip atteudeil thu Christian Hndearoi . invention nt Woodstock Sat urday The 1,'vin s of the <'ei^etery association wul nu wnh Mrs (,'lark L>ckwood at "2 p hi Thursday. Dec. 1. It is request ed that all members coupe early as it is a business mwetiug. The L idles Aid society will hold Its unnuai bemaar and social in the church parlors Dec. 0 A chicken pie supper will be served for $5c. Everyone come aud coiue early Don't forget the date. OSTKND. \lr H ooper of Hartland was a busi ness caller in this viciuity Thursday. Mrs. Alma Thouivs and daughter, Ella, were Woodstock shoppers Wed nesday. Miss Merle Hollathush of Woodstock is visiting with Mr and Mrs Alva Hol- larbnsh Mr and Mrs Edgar Thomas and chil dren of Woodstock visited Sunday with Win Thomas and family. Frank Thompson attended the funeral of nis gr-t dmother. Mrs. Jane Thomp son, at Woodstock Monday. Mrs Belle Richardson returned, to her home in Woodstock Sunday after spend ing several weeks with her son, R. H. Ricbardsou. Mr aud Mrs Benry Hobart and daughter, Sadie, aud Mise Am.uieand Warien Francisco attended the birth day party of Myron Francisc.o pe%^ Wauconda. Mrs .lane 'tiup.soQ, ao okl and high iy respected citiseu, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Matt. Car. iu Dun dee last Friday morning. She was at one time a resideut of this vicinity. Will Promote Bea^y Women desiring b^au^y nek wonder ful help froyj \\uoalew's Arnica Sal?#, ^t b»iv»bi»i piiuplea, skiu ernptlons, »ud b'ils It makes the skin soft and velvety. It gloriflee the face. Cares sore eyes, cold sores, cracked Hp*, chapped hands/ Best for burt?.^ scalds, f;ev«r sores, cuts, brt^Uwi# <^*id piles. 2/5c at N H an<^ Masqnelet's. School books, tablets and pencils at Pe teach's. RlNOWOOl). Clyde Hayford of Elgin visited at Clark Hall's Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon and Starr Brink drove to Delevan, Wis., Monday. A very good house witnessed the play given by the Solon people Saturday evening. Mr:;. Nellie Dodge aud .Mrs. Grace McCannon were in Elgin Thursday of last w*ek. The Ladies' Aid will meet Friday of this week with Mrs. Leroy Peet to sew for the bazaar. The W. C T I* will n^eet Saturday of this week with Mrs Ellen Wilson. I reader. Mrs Mary Do ige. The Mystic Workers had an oyster supper ami social time at the M. W. A. hall last Thursday evening. Mrs Eva Wagner of West McHenry visitvd her parents. Mr and Mrs. A. Lawreuce, Wednesday of last week. Gilbert H, >WE wit'a and two grssd sons left Tuesday for their new home just recently purchased near Kalama zoo, Mich. Mise Agnes Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs Allen and J. V Buckland attended th"? funeral of Mrs Guy Clemens, near Mc Henry, last Wednesday. Mrs. Stacia Knox spent Sunday with her sister iu McHenry and attended church. Mrs Libbie Simpson cared for Mrs Carr duriug her abseuce J. Buckland was looking much pleased over the arrival of a little grand- niece at the home of Mr. aud Mrs Lloyd Gratton, near Greenwood, last week Wednesday. When a cold becomes settled in the system it will take several days treat ment to cure it and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It will cure quicker th^n any other aud also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. Sold by all dealers TF.RHA < OTTA_ M. A. Conway was an Elgin visitor Sunday. Mrs T. R Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs P. H. Conway spent Snnday with Elgin relatives. Mrs «i. Conway and son, Ray, called at Crystal Lake Saturday. Miss Florence Welch was a guest at the home of C E. Martin Sunday. Miss Edua Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Dilley of Crystal Lake vistled at S. B Leisner's Wednesday. M. Hoffman of Spring Grove was the guest of his daughters a few days last week. Mrs Stella La Plant and son, Orris, spent Sunday with Crystal Lake rela tives. Mrs Henry McMillan and Mrs. Frank McMillan were Chicago visitors Wed nesday. Misses Anna McGee and Anna Frisby and Phil Alyward of McHenry called at C. E. Martin's Sunday. Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis., says Foley's Honey and Tar is still more than the best. He writes us, "AH those that bought it think it is the best for coughs and colds they ever bad and 1 think it is still move than the best. Our baby had a had cold and it cured him in one day. Please accept thanks." F. Masqaelet. HOI.COM BV1LLK. Miss Lucile Byrd visited at Jay ppk erty's Friday •evening Mrs. Jay apent Thursday witlj McH^Qry relatives. Miss Gertrude La Sage is visiting rel atives in Chicago this week. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Guy Clemens. James E. Doherty attended a basket social at the Dublin school S>iday even ihg Mr. M»*- David Powers and son visited Sunday afternoon at Will Doh- erty's. Mrs. George W his ton and Miaa Helen O'Donald spent Saturday afternoon at T. L. Flanders'. Miss Gertrwle La Sage entertained several oi her friends at a cinch party last friday evening. Mrs. L. Look wood and daughters, Haael and Beatrice, visited at T. L. Flanders' Saturday. Shall Wwroen Vote? If tb^y did., millions woald vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women For baui&hittK doll, fagged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, diapeUiftgcolds, imparting appe tite aiod toning up the system, they're nneqoaled. Kasy. safe, sure. 35c at N H. Peteech'sand F. Masqaelet s. ,n" Patcaeb's for drags Beauty and Utility Combine In Household Electrical Appliances The taste of the artist is employed in the adoyuti&ent of the work of the inventor and engineer in, their construc tion. Thus the long list of appli<a,i¥se& oontains many suggestions timely to the approaching season of giving and receiving presents* A&k your neighbor who pos sesses a ru£ o$ a sewing machine motor, or a wash^g Qf an electrical iron, toaster, chafing toilet appliance, or anything else operated by current, what a convenience and what a labor saver it bg ajid you will straightway itsten to one of tb<^ best advertisements--the. testimonial of a user. We sell everything in our show rooms at Antioch, ('rLqke, Park Ridge, Highland Jttrk, Kvafiston, Lagrange, Harvey, Chicago Heightsy includ ing household appliances at the lowest poic«*s. Electric Co. In your Home We know all about other sewing machines, from treadle to spool p;n; v»e know them aii, the cheapest and il,e highest pru ?. Wc have investigated them all--Everyone of them has been found lacking some real essential; every one of them has had some g'armji faults--but in which you hear and read so much about, we offer a machine that is p^rjetUd, absolutely perfect, a machine in which not the detail can be improved. And in order to get you to realize this superiority is we do we have three thing* J ' ••«*« Fr j t that we cannot afford to advertise its low pnce--TOU wwlM ima^-ne that v. MI could get *O perfect a machine for so little money To its puce, you must come to the store and see the machine first we u,|| offer you the chance to test The FREE, from treadle to nMol pin HI >,,UR own home. The best way tor you to become enthusiastic over itjooe pomt t., •li'inmnrv alter another is to actually tew on The FREE for 30 days We w :r>: to kerp it in your home--to sew on it as if it were your own--to |"M it ia arv way you choose -to compare it with any other sewing machine vou know «.t ni.,1 then make your decision. Unless you are fully satisffed--more than satis;.((i >?nd it hack to us--it will not cost you a cent, we wiii refund aii vou have (ni it. ' ov,. r 1! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " »»«on» why v<>u will want to keep The FREE vkea the 30 tie irr br.mry of iis French-leg de- * Jipanned finish which never 1 of Bilt-fleirinf, <rh!ch -Tcere is the Shuttle Elector, the Automatic Locking Drawer,, the Rot*ry Spool Pi». tfc* Improved Head Latch, I" sion Release, the Automatic I forced Shuttle which never belt which never come, off. t 5 year Insurance Policy against i_. and everything ei?e yon co«M & I y a 'he "Kotnscillr" movement-- invention which makes The i " the Rotary and ->e simplest tliuttle. u. cxper.o e x\\ of these thmft >Tur»eJf #«r tkint dtdum ia to - p I to KRFK by offering it (o you'at your own terns as low as a WeeK Kaymeitts Come and *.-e 1 he FREE tomorrow and take it home for amonth's trial. Jacob Justen, McHenry. is obtainable only from good Flour. It matters not how well versed you may be in the art of baking, kind housewife, your very best efforts are bound to ter minate into a disappointment just as long as you are nsing an inferior grade of Floor. We suggest purchasing a sack of our "EARLY RISER" Flour, the Flour that never fails you. If you are not using our brand, try it, and be convinced that it's the only Flour. West McHenry flour and Feed Mills WEST McHENkY, ILLINOIS JVFHN SPHNTCK. Prep. ...SWEATER.... FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all grades from $1.00- $4.50. Each to fit all sizesffrom baby to grandpa in pop ular shades and combination colors. :: :: A complete line of Underwear in all wool and fleece lined goods--white, gray, tan and blue. :: :: :: :: Our line of Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton goods is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: :: Outing Flannel, good heavy fleeced, at 10c per yard. Other grades at 8c, 11c, li^c up to 20c per yard. :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Gun Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and cloth top, new shades. :: i- Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: :: M. J. WALSH PHONE 343 GOODS DELIVERED Read This Paper FOR ALL THE NEWS.