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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1910, p. 10

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H. M. Turner, cha rman. W. li. ward, JL. E. Mentch. E. I'. Jewett, J. B. Richardson, Jolin Baidock. « I lie committee on relief of blind, made. tlje following report, wh.cii ;v;is adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman find Gentlemen of the Board of Superv ise s: Your c MMmittct' (o winmu was referred 'he appl cation of Margaret Sas«map for rel.ef* as a blin i person. would l>eg leave to sub­ mit the following r p rt on tlie matters before them: We find from the report <>f thu ineiiicul examiner that the sa d Margaret. Sassman is entitled to relief under the law as a Mind person and we would recommend that a p ns on be granted iier to dale irom Julv 1. l'HO. Vouv eommittee would report that ap- propra 1 ions heretofore made und r 'h1 law for lelief of bl'nd pTsom was ex­ haust..1 on July 1. 191ti, that di.ri g th • .Near two persons who were dr.iw ng sucli n lief nave d'eri viz: ti. H. Oak­ ley and .Susanna l'lem ng. We' wou'd further r romme'd that the sum of *15u. pa\£ibio quarterly com­ mencing' July l, and payable Oct. 1, l'lio; Januarj 1, 1|11, and Apr 1 I, 1MI1. and ^uly 1, l:)li. be appropri it- ed for each one of the following named persons who are now entitled to relfef as blind parsons under the law, to- w t: <; o. I). Will ams, J harma R Li, Frank W. Miller JMen Boyl»>, John O. Be'erlen Mary Murnii.i. (ieo. C. Hun- son, .'f'hn Frisby. Mrs. E. L,. I'omp- kns, Mary J. H zlep, Mary Fr ekel Hosea Li. Woodari' find Margret Sa.cs mail, making a total appropr ation of $1950. All of which is respectfully submitted. C. YV. Thompson, Chairman. I>. ivl. Wright. H. E. Whtpp'e. H. M. Turner, Stephen H. Frsund The committee on public buildings, made J.he following report, wh'ch was adopt el, to-wit: M". Chairman and Gentlemen of thf Board of Mupervis rsr: Your commit tee on public bui'd ngs to whom was referred the ius all rig of a new steam heating plant v ̂ nliiating* systeffi and hot wat r supply system and erect ne.v stroke stack In the court house p.nd ja'l wou'd beg leave to .subfn t tlie fa'lowing report on the matters b?for> lh»m: Your commute m«t an 1 adapted pla >s and specifteations for said work at the court -house Aug. 2nd, 1410 and adver tts^ei for bldj for installing a heating plant according to the sa'd plans, and specifications. On the 16th day of September, 1"10 your committee again met at ibe curt hous^ ai'd lev the contract to Jos-ph S. Eosee for $4~i71.00 to be completed In fco djays. According to the terms of sa d con­ tract Mr. Eosee to be paid in in­ stallments as follows- Fifty per cent of cenn tract price when mat r'al Is on the ground; thirty-five per cent of con- trad price wlin bo'ler Is set; f'f'een p r cent or the balance of cn'ract price thirty dayc from date" of comple­ tion. We therefore recommend th^t the c-iun'y cle>-|< be authorized to draw war rants on the county treasurer n fav< r of J. S. i-osee for said amounts upcm the proper esrtificution of the super vising architect. r All of which Is respectfully submitted E. E. M ntch, cha rman. F. i). J'erklns. H. F. He'r.err.ann I). AI. Wright, L>. B. Covell. J. E. Williams, Vv. H. Warci, The report of the committee on roads and bridges, made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman an 1 Gent'emen of the Board of Supoi'vit>ord: Your committer to whom was referred the various road warrants returned from the town of Hebron and the highway commission­ ers' certificate of tax levy from sa'd town \jould l"\e leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined all road war rants returned to th" county clerk and would roidinm1 nd that the county clerk be insti noted to spread all unpaid roid tax of the severe.) warrants on the collector's books for the year l'i)0. We would further recommend that the cfr tiflcate of tax levy for road and bridge tax of the highway comm'ssejuers of said li.wn of Hebron and before tlvs boaril by H. M. Turner, supervisor of said town be approved, and that the coupty clerk be directed to extend a road and bridge tax for saiel town am­ ounting to twenty-five huovlred (12500* dollars, the same being less than 26 cents on the JUKI valuation of said town for the year 1909: in accordance with the certificate of said highway commis stoners. • All of which is rr s^c'fully submitted. L. B. Covell, chairman. John Bnldoclc. J. K. Will'anis, JN. Brotiman. Chicago, October 6. 1110. Won. G. F. Kushton, County Clerk, Woodstock, ill. Dear Sir: We acknowledge re-ce'pt of your letter of Oct. 5. containing draft No. 128f>75 on the State Bank of Woodstetok, 111., payable to us for 1412.60 on account of county's share of bridge built by us In Riley township. We thank you very much for your promptness in remitting. Yours truly, Continental Bridge Co. George F. He>a.g. Chicago, Oct. 4, 1310. Mr. G. F. Rushton, County Clerk, Woodstock, 111. Dear Sir: 'We enclose you written acceptance of bridge work just complet­ ed by us irf R'ley township, si&ned by the Special Bridge Comnrttee, author­ izing you to issue a county order for four hundred twelve and 50.100 (412.50) dollars. Will you kindly have a Chi­ cago draft or treasurer's check mailed to us for this amount oy return mail. Thanking you In advance, we remain YoUrs truly, Continent!).! Brielge Co. G orge F. H. ag, Riley Twp„ Oct. 3 1.10. Hon. G. F. Rushton, County Clerk, Wooeistock, ill. Dear Sir: We the und rsigned. c m- mittee of three suporv sor.i, appointed by the chairman of the c >unty board to act in conjunction with the comm s- sloners of highways of It ley town- sh p f< r the purpose of building a br.dge ajid concrete abutments in tlie sa d town woulel respectfully advise that we met on the above date at the site of the safel bridge In the said township in conjunction with the comnrs.-doncrs of highwajs of said R ley towns].' p and inspected the brieige and concrete merits, all of which wer ' cons' r; ict< d by the Continental Bridge ' ompiny of Chicago, llliino s, and fou"d the sime completed according to cun'ruct anei specife alioiia and iogeUier wi li 'tie com mssioners of highways of said iov\n jointly accepted the we>rk and hereby authorize yon to draw an order ;>n ,ne county treasurer in fav r of th - Cun tinental Brieige Company for the s m of $412..V. four h"ii; red t'.v lve and .rU ltXl dollars, being one half the cost of the brieige and abutments, or the county's siiarw of the same. Kesoectfully submitted H. E. Whipple, cha'rm n. John Balelock, O. M. Wright, County ('ommittee. The special eximmlttee on the Alden bridge maele the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Clia rman and Gent'em. n of th° Board i-f Superv'sors: Your e-omm'ttee to vvlu-tn wan referred the petition of the township e>f ^Alden for cou,n'y a d in huileiing a brlage e ver the K shwau- kee creek where the same is cr ssed by the highway 1 ading from H.irvard to Maplewood creator;., in said town­ ship, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: TPhat said commutes met at the location of Kr.'d brieige together wtli the highway commi!-nie>ners of sa d town ship und been me satlsf'ed tint saiet brieve was necessary; that the ship of Alden ha el complied with all the requirements of law and were entitlM to countv aid, that tin y toge'her w til said h ghway commissioners advirLsed for bleis for the construction erf a bridge 16 ft.xT; ft. That said comm't- tee me t at Woods'ock on ^ct. :'M h. 1909, to receive bids; tliut two bids were received: H. S. Wgthere'l, $1115, / nnd oliet Bridge and Iron Co.. 410-4H; that neither of said bids were accepted and the meeting adjourned for one wtek. * oat said committee agn'n met on Nov. oth, liHN, when one b d was rece.ved from the Continental Bridge Co. of *10fi8, 4 The/ 'Hemld fur'her r' port 111 t all said bids wer-? rejeeted and an agree­ ment enlered into to purchase the ste I and build the brieige by day labor which was do.'e under the sup rv sjon of this committee at a cost ejf oOi.'-l iher«»y saving 3". Your commit­ tee wou'd furth r report that they m t and accepted said bridge on July 1st, l'lio. an) that there is now due the township of A'd n l'reini this county the sum of Wi 64. and we recommend that an oider be drawn Upon tht> county treausrer for sa ei amount payable to treasurer of highway commiss oners of saiel town. (All of which is re.spfcffully submitted. H. E. Whipple, Chairman. F. L>. 1'erklns. '1'he special committee on the Coral bridge made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of 'the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petit on of the ceimmissloners of highways of th" town of Coral for county aid in bu.ld ing a bridge . 'Cross the Kishwauhee iin said town would beg leave to submit th« following report on the matt' rs be fore th«-m: Your committee met wth the commiss'oners of highwajs of ihe» towii of Coral. Me Henry county, Illi­ nois, on the 2Sth day of July X' >10. at the site of the said bridge in said town, and having duly eons dered sa'd petition and the needs of a new bridge, and having fcund that the commit on­ ers of saiel town had complied with the law li oil respects, and were entitled to county aid. and that a new bridge was necessary, your committee in con­ junction with the highway comnrs^lon r s advertised for bids for a new bridge and O B I the Hth day of August , 1't lO. met and let the contract to the Continental Bridge Co. for building said bridge for the sum of $10!K).00. We therefore recommend that at the completion of said bridge the county clerk be authorize*! to draw a warrant on the county treasurer in favor of the Continental Bridge Co. for $">i5 00 one half of the e ost of said bridge and a warrant in favor of the coinmiss on­ ers of highways of the town of Coral for one-half the cost of appreiach s und superintending the construction of said br'dge. All of which is respectfully submitted. 1j. E. Mentch chairman. W. H. Ward, 1-.. B. Covell. The special committee on Algonquin bridge, made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr Chairman an 1 Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to who was referred the petition for aid in building a bridge over Spring Creek, where the same is crossed by the highway leadit g from Barrington to Algonquin in said township, would beg leave to submit the following re­ port <>n the matters before them. That on April 26th, lost, being the day ad­ vertised for the opening of bids, they j 50 met at Barrington, Illinois, the place advertised for the opening of said t>ids; that 11. F. Wc-chereli. bein^ the lovtfest re.sponf inie bidet.-r the e-ontract for the construction of said bridge was let to him for the sum qf $4155.00. 'ihey woukl further report that after the letting of sak'. contract it was found that spiles of greater length than those shown In &pe<itieatioes were nec­ essary, occasion'ng an additional cost of $1'J8.00, which additional cost was au­ thorized by them. , We would ther tore recommrnd that upon the comp etion and acceptance of said bridge, that said contractor file w.ih the e-lerk of this board of superv s- ors his sworn bill for the proper pro­ portion of the cost of said br di^e for which McHeriry e.ovmly is liable and tliat same be audited by tlie fall board at its September meeting. i Ail of which is respectfully submitted. N. Brejtzman. Chairman. S. H. Freund. The committee on labon, fees, and suppl es. made the following report, which was ade>pted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman an] Gentlemen of th1 Board of Supervisors: Your committee on labor, fe>iS and supply claims, would beg leave to report that they have ex­ am n d all claims present d to Uiern, anei recommend the payment of the following, ar.ti that the cK-rlc be di­ rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the s v- eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- wit: P. F. Pettibone & Co., supplies for Co officers. J 421 0W Cal.aghan & Co., 111. App. Rep. Vol. 14S Monroe & HoJthworth. supplies ^ • for Sts. Ally-- % 17 50 Mational Office Supply Co.. sup. for Co otf 2 45 W. F. G;a%ier, sarn^ 6 50 J. V. Beatty, same 1C 00 Harvard Heralel Co., suppl es f r board of review 11 25 Manl^y Hardware Co., mdse. for courL house .. 17 19 Continental Bridge Co., br dge at Seneca county share 1450 00 Chas. Jiickur, labor at Seneca, county share 2i UO A. F. F eld, coal, court housj.. 219 40 Hall S- Eckert, sa ne 107 57 Chicago Tel. Co., rfental 3S 25 City of Woodstock, light and water 4-15 H. C. Doling, window shades.. 10 UU The Nor-West Mfg. Co., dlsin- fee:turu 20 00 The Worrell Mig. Co , same 15 00 J. T. Bower, merober Board of Review 3f0 00 Wm. I'mnow, same 300 00 John Desmond, clerk board of r view liO 0U Wm. L*esmond, member board of re i' e w .. 300 Oil John Rafter, services. Janitor Juoe 50 0<i Same, July 50 00 Sime, Aug 50 00 E. F. Booth, s »rviftea > assistant stipi. June 91 66 Sam -, July 91 66 Sam.i, Aug 91 66 M. I. Wandrnck. servic s bail ff attend. Joe Horcck 12 60 Albert Joortelz, sarru 12 00 Hebron Tribune, pub. pro. and call fot el£e 26 15 Woodstock Sentinel Co , printing and stamped envelopes Co. Off. 34 25 D. R. Joslyn, state's attorney, expanses, money advanced 410 76 A. B. Uie k Co.. sup. Kupt. Si hs. 1C0 M. »V. Welch Mfg. Co., same.. 7 00 Same, jjame 'II 95 C. M. Barker, same 2u 0" H. • M. Turner, committee work 9 00 1). M. Wright, saniTv 25 70 B'rth renorts <54 f0 Death r ports 38 25 C. W. Thomnson, committee wi rk 8 50 M. N. Gardner, canvassing el c- tlon returns 5 00 Emit Arnold, same 5 00 G. F. Rushton, exp. ('eliv. bnl.. 10 00 S. H. .i'>eund, committee work.. 4 50 G. W. Conn. exp. as supt. of scnools 16 30 D. M. Wrigl.t. co'imittee work. 4 511 1^ 3. Covell same 40 L'O John Baldeck, same 10 80 W. li. Ward, same 3^ 40 E. C. Jewett. same , 14 1(1 F. 1J. Perkins, sane 14 50 H. F. Heineinann, same 16 H) Ben rhroop, same... lo 10 H. E. Wh ppie same 2 ' r0 N. Hrotzman. same 9 60 J. E. Williams, same 17 60 Li. E. Mentch. sam" 7 80 All of which is respectfully submitt'^d. N. Urotsman, F. 1) I'erkns, Ben Throop H. E. Whipple. L. B. Covell, The committee on county poor made the following report, which was ad­ opted, to-wlt; Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and lecom- mend the payment of the foil >w ng, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the ts veral amounts al­ lowed, as follows, to-wit: Kankakee S'ate h> spital, exp. of Anna Wollert $ «(. Peor'a S'ate hospital, expense countv patients 3G 65 Hartland--E. V. Anderson, eiare of paupers 5 00 Senee a- J I. Werchain. same-- 86 10 McHenry--M. J. Wahih. nvlse. for paupers I, f; McHenry, Anton Schneider, same 7 14 Hebron--H. M Turner, expense ^ of paupers - Hebron, W. E. Brown, dig. grav« for pauper... • • • •" 500 Hebron--T. M. Shoudy, casket & robe for pauper 80 00 Dorr--B. S. Ausin, mdse for pau­ pers 25 00 Oorr-- S. Li. Hart, same 10 00 Dorr- -A. F. Field, coal for paup­ ers 6 25 Dorr--C. F. Gaulke & Son, meat for puapers 6 tlS Dorr--Walters & Burger, coal for pauper 11 50 Dorr --Kennedy & Kappler, mclSd. for j-aupers i 10 00 Dorr -I. E. Mason, care puapers bo 00 Dorr--S. C. Jewett, supr. exp. for pauper 47 62 Dr. H. D. Hull, coinrn ssioner Anna Derkum trial 5 00 Dr. E. V. Anderse>n, same 5 00 Richmond--1.. B. Covell, sup. ex- , pens^ of paupers 4 39 20 Algonquin--ivter Bros., merchan­ dise lor paupers 34 59 Same, Ben Throop, 9 00 Same, Meier Bros., same 16 0/ Samj, Kroeger & Jaster. same.. 15 21 Same, 1>. E. Mentch, sup. exp. for paupers 66 b7 Sanie. John Buehier. mdse. for paupers 33 37 Nund.i- - \V. J. Hopkins, exp. gro. for paupers 16 67 Nun da--Ben Throop, exp. of pau­ pers 19 68 Nunda Dr. A. Mueller, tjare of paupers 16 25 Nunda--H. D. Hull, care of pau­ pers 44 75 Chemung--Huhb%l & Putnam, fu­ neral expenses of pauper 60 <0 Chemung--Dr. H. J. Sehmid, pro- f<?9s!on scr. fnr pauper 12 50 Chemung-H. J. Sehmid, care of pauper.: 24 00 Sam.->, same . 1!> 00 Chemung, Harvard Dairy, exp. of paupe rs X 00 Same, Barragnn & Baird. same.. 3 :»i Same, D. Hereley & Sons, mdse. for paupers.,.. .. €71 Same. P. W. Blancharel, care of _ paupers 5 00 Same, J. J. Shie'ds, mdse. for paupers 5 6X Same, W I. Richardson same.. V *0 Same*, Mr gran & Webster, same 40 0!> Same. A. C. Strain groceries few- paupers 8 7"? Same, Geo. I. Walker, same .-0 . ame, A. J. MciCartv, same 37 li lUarengo, Thompson & Brau, milk 5 2X Same, F. G. Hackley, gro.. j... 4 50 Same, H. G. Otis & Son, gro.... 3 hi Same, Otto Krutzner. rent 12 »>» Same, Dr. J. 1. Wernham, serv.. 20 <10 Same, J. E. Heath, rent 12 <*' Same, C. H. Pease rent 10 00 McHenry--Dr. A. Muller, serv for paupers 22 60 Dr. Richardson, services 23 65 McHenry--Dr. D. J. Weils, s°rv. 66 00 Pi"hm"nd--W. E. Poster, sarv.. 2 rn Chemung--W. H. Ward, cash adv M) :i't McHenry--Chas. G. Frett. groc.. 2 50 Greenwood--L T Hoy. fum'gat- Ing 11 <i5 Dunham--H. E. Whippl", cash ad­ vanced • 21 12 Chemung--Chas. C. Peck, medical services 74 50 A;I of which is respectfully submitted. E. C. Jewett, chairman 1*. E. Mentcii. H. F. He'nemann. J. B. Richardson. W. H. Ward. On motion of Sup. Brotzman. beard adjourned until 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. 1 o'clock P. M. Board met pursuant to ad'ournment. All supervisors pr -sent. The clerk pres^ntel a commun'ca- tlon from th£ o? th6 cornm't- tee appointed to Investigate the tub<r- eulln test, asking for an approrpr'a- tion. On motiein of Sup. Mentch, duly sec­ onded, $300.00 was anpropriated subject to favorable report of D. R. Joslyn, state's attorney, said money, If drawn to be placed in hands of the comm t- teemen from the county, and to be paid only In proportion to amounts appro­ priated by other counties. On motion of Sup. Whipple, duly sec­ onded, it was ordered that the clerk of this county draw an order for $412.50 on O. K. of committee on Riley bridge. Sup. Mentch presented matter of ex­ cessive tq.x paid by Anna Fick and on Ins motion it was ordered that the < x- eessive amount of $10.14 be returnee! to lier by the county treasurer and that he deduct same from the tax of 191'). Purchasing committee was direct eel to consult with Mr. l.osee.willi regcrd to coal for use In new heating sys em, and buy accordingly. Petition signed by various newspa­ pers In the county was preset.ted. ask­ ing that amount paid for publishing proceedings be Increased to $50 p r an­ num. On motion of Sup. Brotzman, same was laid on Uible. Annual Jury list wa* selected. Thereupon tb« board adjourned. WM. DESMOND, Chairman. G. F. RUSHTON, Clerk. Discipline. "So you are living at a hotel?" "Yea," replied Mrs. Crosslots. "The cook got so haughty and domineering that we decided to simply walk out of the house and show her that we could be as independent as anybody." ,

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