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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1910, p. 1

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k m m ¥ VOLUME XXXVI. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. NUMBER 35 HP 1 DCDCr .iiii IliTlipC W• n • kiif ivn • viii* ANOTHER BIG TREAT. PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY GO. AND Third Number of Lmnrs Coarse S«»t .Sktardijr Evening. A Grist of Pernoual News Gathered Up bjr the Wnjrtld* by The Plalodeal*r BBpr»- •eutatlvea Mrs. W. P. Bassett «w R Chicago visitor Tuesday. M. L Worts WH« a Chicago passenger Tuesday morning. G. W Besley was a Chicago visitor Friday oJf last week W. F. Bassett and SOP, E. E. Burnett, were 8olon visitors Sunday. E. W. VDOQ RHiOSg the Chicago passengers Monday morning. G. W. Besley was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord were Sharon, Wis., visitors Tuesday. Miss Ethel Owen was a Chicago pas­ senger this (Thursday > morning. Icving Watson of Chicago was the j guest of McHenry friends Sunday- John J. Bach passed a couple of days last week in the metropolitan city. Edward Thompson of Woodstock passed a day last week in McHenry. MLM Lucie Carey waa the gaest of Elgin friends Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler were over from the county seat one day last week. Gilbert McOmber of Chicago pawed Sonday at the home of his parents here. Miss Elfreida Berner of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett were the guests of Elgin relatives last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Bickler and son, Carlie, were Chicago visitors Wednes­ day. Everett Hunter was a business trans­ actor in the metropolitan city Wednes­ day. Everett Hunter attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Mon­ day. "Sunny" Steilen of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry rela­ tives. Victor Meyers of West Chicago passed a recent day as the guest of bis parents here. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt passed Sun day as the guests of North Crystal Lake relatives. Mrs. R (i. Chamberlin was among the Chicago passengers last Friday morning. A. M. Whit ten of Chicago passed sev­ eral days last week at the home of G. W. Besley. Mrs. H. C. Colby and son, Sam, passed a recent day as the guests of Lake Gen­ eva friends. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to business matters in the metropolitan oity Tuesday. C. G. Berner attended to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan oity Tuesday. Miss Hatue Welch of Woodstock was the guest of McHenry relatives and friends Sunday. Henry Pauly of Chanhessan, Minn., is the guest of his COUSIUH, the Barbian boys, this week. W. F. Burke and sou, James, of Chi. oago passed Sunday as the guest of Mc Heury relatives. Alford Pouse came out from Chicago Saturday evening to be the guest 01 his parents Sunday. Miss Alice Marshall of Lake Geneva, Wis , spent * recent day as the guest of McHenry friends. Mrs. Ella Lamphere of Elgin was a guest at the home of her son, C. E. Lamphere, Sunday. Louis McDonald, Mathia# Lauree and Emery Hartlette were over from the county seat Sunday. Mrs. Anton Weber spent last week as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Miller, at Zenda, W is. Miss Elizabeth Thelen was in Chicago Tuesday purchasing new goods for the Lotus millinery parlors. S. J. Mellin closed hie hotel at Pista kee Bay last Friday and returned to his winter home in Chicago. Miss Maude Granger of Elgin passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of ber grandmother and sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Karge* were guests of Kenosha, Wis., relatives sev­ eral days the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James N. Sayler of Silverlake, Wis., passed Sunday at the home of the latter's mother. Mrs. E S. W heeler. Mr. and Mrs James Waters of Dwight, 111., passed a few days the latter part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scbuabel here. Frank Martiu, Dr. R G. Chamberlin, F. O. Gans, William Smith aud F. H. Wattles left Tuesday uioruing on a pleasnre trip to Florida. They expect to be gone about two weeks. While the trip was origiually intended for pleas­ ure, a purchase or two of land may be made. Chas. Cromer. Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, Geo. A. Hanly of Chicago, Jos. Ademack of Elgin, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hanly of Peoria, and Mrs. O. S. Ramsey of Delavan, W is., were among those from a distance who attended the funeral of Samuel Benson Hanly here Tuesday of last week. Misses Katie Knox, Lucile Byrd, Mary Ann Doherty, Florence Howe, Nellie Newman, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting, Walter Bolger and daughter, Anna, Ed­ ward Sutton and Walter Walsh were among the McHenryites who attended tb« farmers' and teachers' meeting at Woofetook last Saturday. Neit Saturday evening, December 10, the third number of the local lecture and entertainment conrse will take place at the Central opera house. Those who have attended the two previous uGuibvio of tuis wuiBO sfo loud in their praise for the high class entertainment that has been furnished and we feel sure that Geo. E. Colby, the cartoonist and lecturer, who will appear here next Saturday evening, will not disappoint any one. Thru years of splendid training and experience before the public, Mr. Col­ by has perfected it most remarkable talent as a cartoonist. He has a pleas ant personality, and draws with aston­ ishing rapidity and ease, accompanying his work on the easel with an almost continuous flow of entertaining, humor­ ous and instructive commeut The rapid transformations and changing scenes he portrays by a few simple strokes of his crayon, keeps his audience divided between wonder and applause. He usee many large sheets of paper, bringing out a large number and variety of subjects. Many of these clever drawings are used as wall decorations. Mr. Colby gives an unique and inter­ esting entertainment. In speaking of Mr. Colby's work the Chicago Daily News says: "George E. Colby, artist and lecturer, is the man who transfers a variety of conceptions from his imaginative brain to the con­ crete form of crayon pictures executed before his audience. This form of en certainment has proved to be a most satisfactory one in the lecture field, and Mr. Colby is in the front rank of snt-b entertainers. His pict uree cover a range of serious studies in landscapes, marine views and other color effects, and such absurdities as caricatures of public men or even pictures made purely to provoke amusement." This promisee to be one big treat and those who have missed the first two en­ tertainments should be on hand next Saturday night. Goancll Proceeding*. The board of trustees met in regular meeting with President Wattles presid­ ing. Trustees present: Chamberlin, Stof- fel, Freund, Meyers, Nickels and Web er. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and ap­ proved by finance committee: Doleee & Sheperd, stone, ...... $970.00 C. &NW. Ry., fgt on stone 103.96 Albert Etten, coal 10.00 Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline 36.00 North Shore Elec. Co., st lgt... 95:00 Frank Maequeiet, formaldehyde. 10 37 Frank Kimball, lbr on st 4 75 Math Freund, repair work 2 50 John Walsh, police service .°»o 00 " " 142.10 28 00 20 25 11 50 50 00 47 80 22 50 4 50 cvnuiunc wiuiinnuL. nt r a ass&sno I COUNTY prim-roy ASSCC!AT!ON uLcnninuo.1 ~ -- I 1« Ktiridfrt at Woodstock on Tumd»j HAPPENINQ8 IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES. AND Krening LMI . A MIMSIUMVIU Axaortineul of Mews itaisa Hi (k>ad*u»eu f\#ru» For Coilv«u~ teaevi ot ttusy f eoulv. According to present plans Lake county id soon to have a mammoth miik pasteurization plant. D. F. Quinlan, ine Woodstock real estate man, has opened a general mer­ chandise store at Crystal L«ae. Adam S, Jacason, a well suown Rich i uiond farmer, has been adjudged lusane <*7iC* «9 ISOvr uoinjj wwirij at liiv IWYJAUI. Fire, the origin of which is doubtful. u*#t Tnursday night destroyer the Knickerbocker loe company storehouse lu Elgin at a loss of about $6,000. Oaring the deer hunting reason, open i<ig Nov. 10 and closing Nov. itt), mere have been iorty-aix nnuting accideuts in tne Upper Peuinsala ot Mionigau, tweuty ot wnich were fatal, estaoiian ihg a record. Tne Melvuie apple orchard of 60 acres, tf miles from Chippewa Falls, supplies Ean Claire aud Chippewa Falls with summer and fall apples. The annua! income from till* orcUard exceeds that from any dairy or stock larm in the state twice its size. Crystal Lake Herald: By the ex Geo. Meyers, Jr., lbr on st C. E Lamphere, lbr on st John Thelen. lbr on st M Purcell. lbr on st Stephen Justen, police service. Herbes Bros.. lbr on w w.. . . Glen Keller, lbr on St.. Albert Etten, cement Motion by 8toffel, seconded by Cham­ berlin, that bills be paid as read Mo­ tion carried. Motion by Stoffel. seconded by Nick­ els, that the complaints on water bills be laid over until next meeting and meters tested before that time. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Cham­ berlin, that the village attorney prepare a manuscript for the revised ordinances of the village of McHenry. embodying the present ordinances of said village with such additional new sections or chapters as he thinks necessary for the sum of fifty dollars. Motion carried . On motion by Stoffel, seconded by Meyer*, the meeting adjourned. F. H WATTI.BS, President. H E Piut'E, Clerk O. K. S. Kleotlou of Officers. The McHenry chapter Order of East­ ern Star* met at the Masonic hall on Mouday evening of this week and elect­ ed the following officer- for the ensuing year: Worthy Matron--Mrs H E. Price Worthy Patron -C. D Ross. Associate Matron -Mrs. F. C. Row. Secretary Mrs Anna Byrd. Treasurer Mrs. Anna-Mollohan. Conductress--Miss Ethel Owen. Associate Conductress-Mrs. N. Petesch Woodman Election. All members of Valley Camp No M. W. A., are requested to be present at the next regular meetipg to be held on Wednesday evening, December 14. as this will be election night and want every member wbo possibly can to be with ns. OFFICERS VALLEY CAMI*. j The organizers of the McHenry Coun J ty Ponltry association met at the city i hall. Woodstock, 111 , Tuesday evening, | Nov. 29, and elected the following officers: President tal Lake. Vice President Woodstock. 1st Vice President Hnntley. 2nd Vice President r»r>orst' lt>we, Richmond. 8rd Vice President Hebron 4t.h Vice President vard. 5th Vice" President Solon Mills. Secretary FMmnnd I> HmeK Wood­ stock . Treasurer lohn Hov, Woudstock. General Snpt H!.-n F. Thomas, Woodstock Assistant Supt a K Acklev Wood­ stock. Exec utive committee of tiv«> members as follows Oeorge Leniuier*. Fred Bowers Jen* Dr. W. W Lichty, Wiu Brown. The purjM»»e of the organiz Uion is to promote thorobred rmnltry and more of ! tt. There IS to he MI NIHMIHI ponltry SAMUEL BENSON HANLY ! member in the firm of G. L Arnold & i Co , dealers in fancy groceries and cigars 1 Hnd doing bnsineta nt 74 Monrrw WAO p.riRN VJH h M I GUST MhtNHY 18, 1843. ON AU- Enit»g^d in the Ket»tl In Chlrag-o-Wns Hlgtil} Addison M. Sheltou, Crys- -Dr. W. W Lichty, -Edward Cook. Howe. Francis .1 nines, W (' Heed, Har- Robert Smton, ploeiou of ibeeoal gas in a heating stove that abe was working near, j "ho.v under th. dire,-non of th,s organi- liraga, aged 13. was severely burneu, j *'"1 w,,w h wi" wk" »«• the ,h„ I""nn'v Tl l f l Rr , ,t exhibition is the flame* shooting from tbe stove aim scorching her. For a number ot »«>« she was aaable to attend school. After ail mouths of chaos aud the Dundee Wagon Worki. whuu wt-ui into the bauds of a receiver tiait> m viits summer, alter being deuiured oMiiai upi, u« imeli puruiiaaeu uy tne Atuui^oiucty Ward company of Cnicago *uu vsiti oe rebuilt wutt an addition, ui.i^iug iue new plant twtoe the ^ize ot iue pr«»eui shops, and oonduoted under limine .<i tbe Elgin Wagon Woi**. Frauk Kelley, commonly kuowu ua ' Curly" Kelley, is iu me. count) j.«n ai Woodstock, having uoeu uioii- laat week by Deputy aiientt wuHpien from Harvard, wnere in a urtaniig oe fore Justice Wilhauia be pleaded guilty of a number oi ioootri ic-n wiitcii HAV«I occurred in and near ritirvatd iu tlin past. He was oeld huik-i >>.>00 bjnU.i and seouring no bond^tuau wan oi ought to the county jail to ntvitit uui. The msCoric Uuit«»i >States uiiut aii New Orieaua, about wnioti Htirriug soenew were euacteu during tile Ctvii war, lo to be aOandoutnl luiiutxilately, according to orders received at New Orleans trout tne treasury department, at Waamngton. Ail KOld tmrnou bun o«eu ordered shipped to tile PmiadelphM mint, 'i he reasuii given for diHcomiuu ing the coinage ot mouey at New Or­ leans is tbe great distauce of mat city from the gold supply. Tbe big twelve iuch well for the cou densing factory at Grayslake iu a test running two days has gained on the 2U0 gallou test pump, and tbe prospects are tnat lite well will stand a much more rigid teat. The contract calls for 2(H) gallons a minute, but the pump s capau' ity is a little better than 211 gallons, according to several tests which have been made. The foreman of the drilling crew believes the well would ntand a test of a 400 gallon pump. Seven persons have died of coutagious disease--scarlet fever and diphtheria-- in Elgin this year. Last year there was but one death from oontagious disease. For the first ten months of this year ending Nov. 1, 09 cases of scarlet fever and 20 oaeefl of diphtheria have been reported to tbe health department. Last year Elgin had 34 cases of scarlet fever and 20 oases of diphtheriA The city was free from small pox in both years. Last year no cases of typhoid fever were reported to the health de­ partment, this year 55 cases were re­ corded. After a hundred guests bad assem planned tor .lauiiHry, 1911. and all fancier*, (miners and men are requested to co operate with the organi­ zation to thin show a grand suc­ cess Farmer* sr« enpecially urged to join tbe organintiou for the ndmnce* mant of farm poultry By remitting one ($1 00) dollar to tbe Ke<-retnry von will l>e issued a uienibe*"' ship certificate *hich will entitle you to HII benefits of the Hssocistiou. For further particulars, address E. L. Hsyes Woodstock, III. Symmrr Kenortt-r it Dvkntsiit*. The ladow clipping from the social column of last Sunday's Chicago Inter Ocean will be read with interest by many Plaindealer readers, as the Wilk fsiinly has a beautiful summer home at Pistakee Bay, where they have spent the paxt several summers. Miss Wilk is HII accomplished young woman and has for years been a leader among the yonuger social set at Pistakee: "MUs Ruth Wilk. daughter of Mr. aud Mra. F L. Wilk. 435 Barry av<>nne. will be a debntHnre who will not come out no- til next spring Th*4 reason of choosing the unusual M»nson for being presented to society IH because Miss Wilk, who is an unnsnally olever yonng girl, wished to contiune her studies thru the winter, aud she could not Hud time for both her school aud social duties." It. >' A Klrctlon of Officer*. The local camp of R. N. A. held their annual election of officers at Woodman hall last Saturday evening The newly elected offioern who will serve during the coining yexr are as follows: Oracle--Cora K. Hassett. Vice Oracle--Alice M. Buss. Chancellor--Etta E. Wattles. Recorder - Alice Sitnes. Receiver--Leah Brown. Marshal -Agnes Wentw,orth. Inner Sentinel -- Magdaigna Bohr. Outer Sentinel--Caroline Schreiner. Manager--Emma Mueller. Phvsicians--D. G Wells, A. F. Muel ler. Delegate -Agnes Wentworth. Alternate .Maude Overton. ADAH MATTHEWS, Recorder. Jolly Twelve Meet. The members of the Jolly Twelve cluh held their first meeting of the eranon at the home of Miss Rose Justen ou Friday evening of last week. This is the second season for this club and if our jndgment can be baped upon tbe result of the opening meeting the season of 191ii 1011 will be even more enjoyable and snocessful than tbat of last. The bled at tbe home of Mrs. Joseph Rocque ; evening's h'gh honors went to Miss H. 97, Dr. A. K. Aorloger Dies Suddenly. Dr. A. E. Auringer, a former prac­ titioner at this plaoe, died very suddenly at Mendota, III., on Monday morning of this week. The doctor passed away while at the bedside of a patient. Apo­ plexy is given as tbe cause of his death. He leaves a wife and three children. Basket Hocial. Another basket social, boys and girls, out at Volo school on Friday evening, December 9. Bus will leavs McHenry poetofflce at 7:15 p. m. Come every­ body and have a good time. In eaae of storm, the event will be held on the fol­ lowing Tuesday night. MIM MAIOABST WARD, Teacher. of Marinette, Wis., Thanksgiviug for tbe weddiug of Mary Louise Gardner of Sycamore, III., Mrs. Rocque's sister, to J Benjamin Nelson of Lena, Wis., Nelson ! failed to appear at the appointed time. Carl Johnson, one of the guests from the bride's home city, stepped forward and offered to take the place of the miss ing man Johnson is a former sweet heart of the bride. His off»«r was ac­ cepted. The ceremony was performed at the scheduled time by Justice Van derberg. Mrs. Johnson says she really liked her present husband better than her missing fiance. The starch mills that for many years was the principal industry of Geneva and a few years ago was removed to Waukegan, is a thing of the past. It has closed indefinitely and thereby many men are out of a job. It was the most important department of the corn products company known as the glu ooee trust.' The Corn Products here­ after will oontine itself to tbe manufac­ ture of glneoee, which has been found to be the most profitable to the com puny. Last week, it is said, the com pany received an order from a London. England, firm for seventy carloads of gluoose, and other orders now on file will be sufficient to keep that part of tbe mill running for some time. This is the first as wall as tbe largest im portant order which tbe plant has been called upen to 011 for a foreign oountry Mabel Granger, who was awarded a gold hat pin. Tbe cuitomary refresh­ ments were served at the close of the card games by the jovial hostess. Will Open Nhop at Cury. Albert Kambolz of this place will soon embark in the blacksmith business in tbe hustling little village of Cary. Mr. Kambolz is a flue mechanic, a hard worker and courteous youug mau, and we can see nothing but success for bim in bis new business venture. A new shop is being built for him and just aa soon as the building is finished Mr. Kamholz will open for business. Miss Kow Miller Entertalim. Miss Rosa Miller very pleaaantly en­ tertained the members of the O. D. O. club at ber home last Thursday even­ ing. Tbe ever fascinating game of pro­ gressive cinch was indnlged in and the evening's high honors went *o the host­ ess. while Miss Rena Nieeencame in for second honors and Miss Tberesa Bar­ bian for tbe booby. Refreshments were served. Card ot Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the help and sympathy ex­ tended during the illness and after the death of our beloved one. MR. AND MRS. E. C. BOLEY. W. P. Kinns left ibis (Thursday) morning for New York state, where his father Hes seriously Hi. W a s K r . r V e i t r x Milk Ru«lne»it Respected. S A . \ i I ' K i . i s K N h i ) . \ H A N L Y Sauinei Benson Hanlv. who pa^ard away at hi* home here on Sundsy morn ins:, November 27, and whose departure we mentioned in list week's issue, was the eld«st son of Alexander and Susanna Hanly. i He wa« horn on the o ld homestead : near thi» villsge ou August 19, 1843 ; Here he grew to manhood and received his ear ly educat ion in the publ ic school Saving inherited tbat good oM patri otic spirit he sought to join the racks of the hoys in bine when the Civil war j b roke ou^. He was denied th is honor . ! however, owing to the fact that H bruised 'eg, caused thru a kick from s horse, prevented him from passing a snccess ful examination. The subject of this sketch. Iicn^ of n most ambitious nature, next entered the bnsiuess college of Bryon A: Stratton in Chicago, where he received his diploms after finishing a succpsslnI hn-inei-s and commercial course. Returning to McHenry he. with hi^ brothers, assisted on the faun and m 1861 went to Chicago for the purpose o! haudling the milk from his father - farm, the senior Mr. Hanlv heing tin first shipper of milk from the McHenn station. He remained in Chicago hut H short time, and soon after his return the Hanly grist mill was built. At tin 1 completion of t |ie mill the deceased ws^ given charge of tbe enterprise and con I ducted the affairs connected thereto to } a marked degree of success He bad j charge of the mill about twelve vear« j It was here that he first bewail to com­ plain of rheumatism His uext business venture wn.« that in Chicago, where, with bis brother, Geo H., he entered the wholesale and retail milk business. Tins ventme proved the most successful that he, during life, had nudeitakeu lu spite of the fact that his ailment was causiug him great an­ noyance and discomfoiture during the last few years he was in Chicago, he gamely stuck to it until 1891, when his physical condition forced him to sell out and return to this village. At this time rheumatism had taken such a strong clutch upou him that tor several weeks he was able to walk with the aid of crutches only. He visited all the well known health resorts in this oountry, but on each and every visit he was rewarded with but temporary relief from his sufferings. After recovering from the severe spell of 1891 he rejoined h's brother on the old farm and made himself generally useful about the place up until abont five years ago, when the farm was rented and the two brothers moved to the home where Mr. Haulj passed away. After moving to the village the de ceased's trouble grew steadily worse and it was then found tbat it was be­ ginning to affect bis heart to a serious extent. Last winter bis condition be­ came such that his physicians advised * trip to the sunuy south. As soon as be was able to make che journey a trip was made down into lower Florida. Here after a few weeks his health be­ gan to improve and after returning to this place in the spring of this year a oomplete recovery was looked for A change for the worse took place a short time before bis demise and the end came in a peaceful manner. Dnring all bis illness Mr. Hanly fought bravely to withstand tbe grim reaper, and not nntil the last day or two did he give up his struggle. He was a man of strong personality aud was universally liked. His loss is keenly felt by his living brothers and a multitude of friendB. He leaves but two brothers, George H. and Edward J. One brother, Frank, has preceded him in death, while a MS ter died in infaucv. The funeral services were conducted from the Universalist church on Tues day afternoon of last week with the Rev. A. C. McHenry officiating. luter ment was in Woodland cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for assistance and sympathy extended during the sickness and after the death of our beloved brother G. H. HANLY. E. J. HANLY. ( ASFEK M'OMBEK. Casper McOmber, mention of whose death was made in tbese columns last week, was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McOmber, tbe former now deceased. He was born on a farm with­ in two miles of this village, at that time owned by his grandfather, Esquire John McOmber, on Aug. 14, 1&52. When bnt five years of age hit- par­ ents moved to McHenry to embark in business. He was one of ten children, all of whom were educated in the pub­ lic schools of this place. After reach­ ing bis majority, he, like all young men of bis day, started out into the world to care for himself. He went to Chicago from this place, < where be has ever since made his home and where he spent bis life In mercan­ tile pursuits. For nearly fourteen yearis be was employed in the grocery store of Stanton & Co. Aflsr severing his con nscHons with thac firm he beeamt a at He was next employed by the C Jerome Co. as citfar buyer and manager. From here he became a salesman for Schitn inerharu, the cigar dealer who has num­ erous stores in different parts of Chica- UUK WEEKLY PICK-UPS ITEM8 PICKED UP ABOUT TOVt N DURING THE WEEK.i *l>«t People ere Dolag la Oar Hmmj Uttlf Cltj--New* a*Se*a by tha PlaMaalat RcprcMntatlm, Cap McOmber, as he was familiar-' Batter Market. !y known, in the eyes of those who; Butter was quoted at 29 cents on tha knew him best was always looked npon | Elgin board of trade Monday. as a iiiau of honesty aDd integrity. No j matter whether employed or doing bust- ! C^rista""> booklets »nd post cards at ness for himself, he always exercised j ins kind aud sympathetic disposition, ^ine stationery for Christmas md as an employe was always taitbfol ; presents at Peteech's. in the performance of his duties and Alabaatin"® and kulkomo at VyeftuT* was held in the highest esteem by those Centerville hardware. with whom he came in contact, either in a social or business way Have a bottle of Walters Be&SO Mr McOmber was twice married and cre*m handy aod B*ve y°nr At Petesch's. leaves two children by his present wife. Mis remains were brought to McHenry uxl laid to rest in Woodland cemetery. School Notes. Mnuuai training bas been Introduced nto the school. This will Interest the A boy baby arrived at tha bona of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vydtal on Thsttha- giving morning. The Willing Workers will mWt with Mrs James B. Perry Thursday after­ noon of next week. Genevieve Knox anil Lora Smith talk- t ! l ou ennent events Monday moruing. 1 'ou t forget the basket ball games Kridav night Dundee boys and girls vs. McHenry boys and girls. Harry Stephenson attended the Fat >tock show Friday Ethel Harrison spent Thursday Friday of last week iu Chicago. , B<?rtha Emmert. tbe well known op- Eleanor Whiting of Ring wood visited t i cAl ,pecialigt, will be at Bealey's drag -chool last Wednesday. e tore Wedneeday> J4 A ^ ro£ A number of the high school pupils: R00d KlaegeB mRkes . f l ae Ch? i£ t present, Have yon seen onr five and ten ant counter ? If not, better call in nva money. J. J. Vycital. The Empire Stock company of lfc- Henry, under the anepioee ot tha F. O. E., will put on a minstrel show. Tha and : d*te will be annonnced later. it tended the basket social at the Gris- *v<ild Lake school last Saturday evening. A l inuiU r of young people f rom Mr- Henry aud vic in i ty wi tnessed the bas­ ket ba l l game and opening of the uew Hymuasiuuj a t Dundee Fr iday evening Al l repor t a t ine t ime. So far, it looks very much as though the McHenry basket ball teams, tbt The largest as well as moat beantifbl assortment of Christmas and New Yaar post cards and booklets may be fonnd at W. A. Fisher's. Don't bay unfil yon have seen this beautiful display. Mies Mae Beebe, eldest daughter of Dr. H. F. Beebe of Antioch, a f os" riser l>oys' team, especially, may have a prat'titioner here, was married io Albert Heinecke of Lewistown, Montana, oa October 29. Her friends here wish her happiness. chance of wiuuiuu: the championship of the county. Let us hope so, M'HKNKY WINS AUA1N. On last Friday night the McHenry high school boys' basket ball team went to Dundee nnd defeated the Dundee hoys by the score of 23 to 14. The Dun dee boys played a much better game than they did last year, but they could uot accomplish the almost impossible, hy defeating the McHenry boys. The cbief feature of the game was the all arouud good playing of Thomas, McHenry'a star center. Be alone scored 18 of the 23 points made by McHenry, euongb to defeat Dundee by a margin of four points. He also played the en tire^ame without having a fonl called on him. On next Friday evening, Dec. tt, both the boys' and girls' basket ball teaniB of Dundee are coming to McHenry, where they will meet the boys' and gir!s' teams of the McHenry high school at the city nail. This will be the first public game in which the McHenry girls will play and they are confident of defeating the Dun dee girls. As for the McHenry boys, they know they will have to play a team seeking revenge, but they also are con tideut of winning, as they have wou tour games so far this season and have not >et been defeated. • The McHenry team had the honor of being tbe first team to play and defeat Dundee in their new gymnasium. Tbe treatment given tbe Mctlenry boys wa*. tirst class and Dundee proved themselves royal entertainers.3 The line-up wa« as follows Schnltz L F Nickels Norton RF ..Bolge* Grant LG Knox Rausoh RG Martin Fay C Thomas Field throws Scbultz, 2 ; Norton, 1; Fay, 1: Thomas, 5; Knox, 1. Fouls--j Dundee. 24: McHenry, 14. Free throws j made by Dundee, rt; by McHenry, 9 I Referee, Covalt, umpire, Pinckney. j Time of halves, twenty miuutes j l*rl*e W Inner*. A report of the prizes won at tbe bankers premium corn contest held at Woodstock Saturday, Dec 3, 1910 Townsbip^prizes, each: Riley, C W. Coltou, Mareugo; Grafton, Chas. Con ley, Huntley; Hartland, Wm. Desmond. Woodstock, Dorr, C W. Putbreese, Woodstock; Seneca, J. H. Marvin, Woodstock; Aldeu, A D Cornue, Heb ron; Richmond, W. H. Gardner, Rich­ mond ; Greenwood. M. J. Wright, Wood stock; Hebron, James Turner, Hebron. McHenry. C. W Harrison, Ringwood; Algonquin, Louis Smith, Cary. The sweepstakes prize of JL1) was WJD by C W. Colton of Marengo, and the #5 prize offered for the best single ear exhibited was won by A D Cornue of Hebron. A prize furnished by Snpt. G. W. Conn was won by the Evergreen school, district 10f>, taught by Miss Sarah Neaiin. George Jones of North Crystal Lake, who last year was employed by L. D. Jacobs here, recently underwent a very serious operation in a Chicago hoapital. George has many friends here who will be pleased to learn that he is now on tha road to recovery. The members of the J. O. B. ctfcb were entertained by Miss Katie Blake at ber home last Saturday evening. First prize was won by Miss Anna M. Weber, second. Miss Vera Barbian; oor* solation, Miss Grace Heimer. usual refreshments were served. Tha oaa ha Many persons find themselves i with a persistent congh after a of influenza. As this congh promptly cored by the nee of Chamber* Iain's Congh Remedy, it should not ba allowed to ran on until it becoinee troublesome. Sold by all dealerf. The supper and sale given by tha ladies of tbe Universalist chnroh laat Thursday evening was well attended and bronght tbe society aboat |50 far its efforts. The supper served was fine. Tbe girls of the Sunday school added $3.50 to the treasury thru a tempting display of home made candy and pop corn. If yon are suffering from biliousness, constipation, indigestion, chronic head* •tche. invest one cent in a postal card, send to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dee Moines, Iowa, with yonr name and ad- dress plainly on the back, and they will forward yon a free sample of Chamber* Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Sold | by all d alers. j The corn pickers and corn shredder* | are reaping their annnal harvest of I mangled fingers and bands and acci­ dents of this nature seem to be mora numerous this fall than in past seasons. The man wbo can invent an appliance for tbese machines to give tbe operatop better protection will have a fortune in bis pocket in a few years. Persons sending ont mail during the coming holiday season who wfeh to pat Christmas seals npon their mail sbottlft put them on the back of their letters or packages, as many foreign countriea refuse to accept such mail with tbe seali on the face of the package. Local mail -- that is in this country -may bear tha seals on tbe face pf the mail R<1. Larkin Kri'iiroi Orocery Location. Elgin Courier, Wednesday, Dec. 7: Ed Lackin of 306 South Liberty street will take charge of the Oilman store on Center street after the holidays. Tbe building and fixtures were sold yester­ day to R. J. Sutton of McHenry for $3.b00. Mr. Sutton has turned over tbe property to his son iu law. Mr Larkin. it is the plan of Mr. Larkin to put in a uew stock of groceries. He hae many friends and patrons who wish him con­ tinued success iu business. H. E. Price, Tbeo Schiessle and "Gos- sie" Sohoel were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday; morning. Bruce Starritt, wbo has been treatment at Janesville, Wis., and wh* at one time was thought to ba improv­ ing, was found to be in a serfeooa condi­ tion last week and was taken to a Chi* cago hospital, where ha underwent aa operation. His many fsismds axe sorry to learn of this and all hope that hia recovery may be speedy aad sava. Tbe outlook now is that the tax booha for the various oollectors of McHenry county will be ready earlier than unoal this year. County Clark Ruahton baa received from the secretary of state a statement to tbe effect that the state board of equalisation made no changjaa in the McHenry county assessment, aa tbat the force in the county cletfcli office can at once proceed to compiia tbe books with a great deal .lass labipr than for many years. Walter and Robert Frieby Ml for tbeir home at Havana* N. IX, ysate*" day after a weak** «Wt with relattvfi aad trieads. /•

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