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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1910, p. 5

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Superb Boxed Stationery This is one of tHe Gifts that must, constantly be kept in mind, for it fits in anywhere. Everybody uses stationery and will be sure to be pleased witb a Gift of some of the splendid new papers in our Holiday stock. « f m 41 <M /"Ilf hrnMAm/ F-iflif I rmm laiiv 25c to $1.00 per package There is Noth­ ing better Than Books! iii a vast majority of cases mistakes will be avoided and the satisfac tion of your friends be increased by giving them books at Christmas time. A stock like oars affords endless choice for any class of persons. * S X- ' c or trie Laidifis! Manicure .Sets. Toilet Bets, Hair Brushes. (Jut Glass, Jewel Boxes. Fountain Pens. Fine Box Stationery. Mirrors. Choice Per­ fumes, Post C . i id Albums. 1! or the Men! Cigars and Pipes, Smoking Sets. Shaving Sets, Safety Razors, Razor Strops. Mili­ tary Brushes, Hat Brushes. Playing Cards, Pocket Books, Pocket Knives. Eariy choosing will insure you the pick of the best of my holiday goods, and our low prices will help you to decide. :: :: :: Gifts for the Little Folks! Santa Claus has left a choice assortment of toys with us for the little folks. Iron Toys, Wood­ e n T o y s . M e c h a n i c a l Toys, Flying Machines and Books for boys and girls at prices to suit your pocket book. Christmas Cards and Booklets! Don't fail to ̂ ee oar fine array of imported and domestic Christmas cards and booklets. Make £ list of your friends to whom some slight token of remembrance should be sent and select suit­ able cards or booklets early. Many kinds here you will not find else­ where. :: :: tods, £ for St to lOceKl Mitts, V. to frtnl $ THE GENUINE sail 0 is the best made and most successful Heating Stove in the world and vou muv rely upon GETTING THE \X*>RTU O F E V E R Y D O L L A R Y O U V I ' T INTO ONE. It not only heats u;> with any kind of fuel hut it does it< work to suit you. A7:767//.V >AVA7/ . Y / - I I S . I S C l i K O X J C L F . l ) J i ) " O C X J H U : ( 7 ) A ' f ' S O F C ' O X X J i S / ' O X D X X T S I'AKK. < nicHifo spent Sunday Wetlne-^lHV even When a LOW PRICE is the principal argum e n t u s e d i n s e l l i n g a s t o v e a n < ! l i v ­ i n g y o u 4 0 t o 6 0 p e r c e n t l o o m s t i p m a n v times in the talk, make up your mind that QUALITY, DURABILITY AND MANY OTHJCR l f i S S K X l I .VI . S h a v e b e e n l e f t o u t t o m a k e c h e a p p r i c e s . TAKE NO CHANCES. GET T h h GOOD, THE DEPENDABLE ROUND OAK Oh F. L. McO^BER WEST SIDE HARDWARE. ; I •••••••I t: >i K H * i J a n H x \ m h i H I < i at th.* I'm I-- .low .1 Sn ' 111 iim in T)nliHii M1*- .via (,'hi^v of W^t McHenry thf- Kl i n Thursday Unt. -i (Vi'iiiis i Tur:it-.| S*tnr<l*> ftvui a niitiili. -<.j >nr<i m s.>mh Dakota Mk- Kliifi W!n>my; «•!" liinc"•'>nd vii* • t il, K-i.ix the l«r- of the I I IjM • k \ \ 1 1 i : H ick i- this h s >1 h i fro n'i- in Ctii- '•i; • Hut; vinitwl Vli*M> Klleu inlt-r W*l*h iti Mcftfurv - "ii.'l Aim Frinby M> s A i i i ih i.|p«ry =S\ CAN YOU GUESS Do you know what is near and who is coming? Make a guess. Have you? Well, right or wrong with your guess, come and look over the line of toys, candies and presents Santa Glaus has left at our store. We will be pleased to accommo­ date yon and will as far as lies in our power satisfy your wants. : J. C. Debrecht & Co- Johnsburgh. 111. 'Phone 926. Candies, Nuts, Nov­ elties, Cards a n d F r u i t s . T h e freshest line to he f o u n d i n t o w n . C a l l i n a n d s e e i t w e a r e not right. 1 .: M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 ilcHcnry, - Illinois. AERMOTOR Gasoline Engine The best «<on»trncted and chv«pes*t engine on t.he market. The A«r motor < V» in the first to rednce the price of engine* and the tint to nee thi» moat important improve­ ment without raising price, $37-5° Also have 2 h. p. engine at $75 and 4 h. p. at $125. If yon ue^d liower for any pnrpoee, write or auli n« for information. WM. BACON, AGENT PUMPS, WINDMILLS, ETC THLEPHONE 8 3 1 . - McHENRV, -JLL. Y< >1 H 1H)RTRAIT taken? If yon in tend giving any away daring the holiday** yon ought to avoid the rnnh and have them taken uow. Ap pointniriitH nbould be made ae soon a* j>i mt-ible. F. SCHNABEL, {Successor to J. J. IliHe West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 Mi- M v"i'I nii'1 Mai* I 1" 1111 r-ila \ M A !>!!:•! M •.'<* • • f > ! • I I < I I ! \ V l H ! ! f < | i l.-l I I <11-It)< \ .M1 « >i;.i v, is Npfnding » few ilnjM with Mr and Mrs David i'owere it H'lli-t iiiliviilf M -! <'r.min ol Al»t'tis(niiu np»*ut m few l ' . v - ' !m l i . - r < • ! t i n t c k W i l l i . ) h h Hiik1i»-m irni txtuilv .lohu i Sutton i*'ttinkiii>; Inn home wi'li.l. P. Kii^by Hud family in Me Hen:--.- * it th^ winter mouths i liii-- W iVikm lier returned from i 'lwtmliut-. li . W t-Untxlrty after rftend nig h !t»»v with miativer) there. | l.iovit-iuf Hui k, .li . wful to Chlirago i Moti^a v to mv-jir n position in the ehip | ping d^pm tmeiit of .lohu A. Tolmati e I whole.-nle gnu ei \ j Will H Snitmi writeH fhnt he ie I spendiuu 14 twenty day vacation from i hiH wi.rk «t W rtiliinKton. L> (.' , in visit j ing N>*w V >rk. H ami ntlier pla<*e» ! ut inifrfiii in the Kaf-r Mrs .lithn i'owers of Elgin writes her , hn>ttu r K .1 Sutton, that »he reached 1 thi" f>niiuv Mnitii lam ThnrndHy. where «1>h if i-iijoyiin: «• ml hwalth .-ihe ex I pert# to tiie winter month* with toKrapbc. They are j her br-oiher. Frank snttou, at Loxley. tnif and well Alabama A xprain^d auk 1p will nanally dieable the injured person for three or fonr week* Tins ih daf to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlains Lini menf is applied a < nre may be effected in ihr**e or four davn. This liniment is <>ne of the and most remarkable preparations in «#•>. Sold by all deal- ADMIRED by fill are our pho posed that they are highly commended by everyone who views them. ^Vhy don't you ii^ve T»l«pb«nc No . SIMON STOFFEL Inaarance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. W»it McHtarf, IHkwIi H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT I urn now prepared to insure ail kind*of prop­ erty jifiiinht Fire. Lightning. Toroados. Kt<- Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stork irifcuriiiK ttftalnst deutli from any caust firs! furs! Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de­ scription. Brinii them to us. Tel­ ephone No. 222. McHENRY, A , ILLINOIS West McHenry, III. Peteeoh s for drogs t-r.-. KIMOWIMU). Dr Ande rsot: of Woodstock was in town Tuesday. H W. Allen wdm bn«ineas visitor in Chicago tWeduei-day Mrs. Sadie Hepbnru was in the city W«»hiesday of last week. M is Ijora Brown spent last Thnraday with her parents at ()«tend Kdith McCaiiuon and son, Lloyd, were in Dundee and McHenry Monday. II 'V, Allen and K C. Hawlej were bu-ioe-s vinitorii in Klein Monday. Mi> Krankle Htepht-nson went to Woodstock Monday to visit her sister. Dr. Hepbnru and }'. D. Flanders were fhii-.«t;i! | avengers Friday ofl»«t week. P. D FUnders and wife visited his mother and sutler in Nunda Hatarday. Starr Brink and wife of Went Mc Heniy speut Sunday at Bert McCan- n<m s. Mi^s Eleanor Hawley went to Elgin Tuesday afternoon for a visit with rela­ tives Warren fr'oss wa# unuibered among the si^K last week, but is again in thw store. .lohu Franclsco and wife of Hebron visited at C. H. Stephenson s the last of the week. Mr and Mrs Todd of Dnndee visited at.l.r Ladd's and f\ E. H. Tnttle's TfeMf^day of laat week. The W. T U dinner at Mrs. Allen's* was well attended and enjoyed by all. The proceeds were #i» lk>, which will be given to the county work. Ends Winter's Tfoubies. To many, wiutar is a season of troub­ le The frost bitten toee and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains cold sores, red and rongh skins, prove thl^ Rut siif-b troubles fly before Bncklen's Arnica Salve. A trial uouvincee. Urea test healer of Barns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25 cents at N H Peteach's and F. M*» qnelet's. RIUUKFIK1U. P. B. Haughawont took the tra'n for RingwtKid Tuesday. The Ladies' Aid bazaar whs a succeng so<*ie.Ilv and financially. Mrs. J. R Mciiraw called on Wood­ stock relatives Tuesday. Miss Clara Salow was a Crystal Lnke imsiness caller Thursday. Mrs. A. J. Murphy of Woodstock was a caller at the manse Friday. D O. Kline and F. M. Ridley were (Christmas «hop|H-rs in the city Friday. The Ladies Missionary society met with Mrs. Albert .Jacobs Tuesday after uoon The younir people are enjoyiug fine skatitiK these moonlight evenings. Tbe ice is iii fine condition Iiev A. R Mettler of Joliet visited with his nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hanghawont, Tnursday. Station Agent Lynch spent Snnday with his daughter, Mrs. Blanche Con- erty, aud fainii\, his son, Rav, aubsti tilting R L Dufield and W. Levey called at the home of Chas Kelts in Cary Thurs day afternoon. Both gectleiueti were accompanied by their violins. Mr aud Mrs. R. L. Dufield spent Sauday, their twenty-first wedding an niversary, with their son, LeRoy Skin­ ner. and family iu Woodstock. Mr and Mrs H M. Reser and daugh­ ter, Dorothy, of Hebron speut a couple of days last week with the formar's brother, J. J. Rseer, and family If you are suffering from biliouBuesa, constipation, indigestion, chronic head­ ache, invest one cent in a postal card, seud to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Deis Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad dress plainly on the back, and they will forward you a free sample of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Sold by all dealers. OSTBND. Miss Daisy (Jaylord is visiting friends in this ficinity. Roy Hobart of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Earl Mann of Woodstock spent Snn­ day with friends iu this vicinity. Misses Iva Waterford and Flossie Randall spent Sunday at C, W. Thomp son's. Misses Fanny Granger and Hazel Thomas visited Flossie Randall's school last Friday. Mrs. W. F. Bassett and Mrs Wm. Thomas were Chicago passengers last Wednesday. A number from this vicinity attended the basket ball games at McHenry Fri­ day evening. Miss Ella Thomas and sister, Mrs. James Rainey, were shopping in Wood- j stock last Thursday. Mrs. Flora Miller and daughter, I Rntb, of Sturgis, Mich., are visiting j her grandpareNts, Mr and Mrs. W. F. ' Basse tt | Many persons find themselves affected j with a persistent cough after an attack | of iniluenia As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by all dealers. HOLCOMBVILLK. Miss Anna Powers is spending a few days in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Flanders called at T. L. Flandera Saturday. Miss Edna Foley of Clevelsnd. O., is \ isiting at Fred Powers this week Mr. and Mrs A. P. Peck are enjoying a visit with relatives in Louisiana Mr. and Mrs. David Powers are tbe happy parents of a baby boy, born Dec 1 2 . Misses Ireue Davoll and Gertrude La Sage called on Miss Vera Doherty Tnesday afternoon. Mrs. Frances Doran of St. Paul, Minn , visited relatives here a few days last week. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs E Flanders. The greatest danger from influenza is of it.s resulting in pneumonia This can be obviated by using Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, as it not only cures in flnenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. Have yon seen our five and ten cent counter? If not. better call in and save money. J* J- Vycital. We Were Ri j ht when we told you that our Flour was as good as any manufactured today. This fact can be tes­ tified to by the hundreds of housewives who are today using the "EARLY RISER0 brand. That's the brand that we manufacture and are proud to say that we consider it an honor to have our name attached to same. Besides the "EARLY RISER," we are also turning out several other makes, including Buckwheat, which at this time of year is relished by all of us. If you are not using the McHenry product give it a trial. We will appreciate it. :: :: West McHenry flour mi1 feed Mills WEST MchRNttY, «i..l,tNO!5 JOHN 5PHNCEK, Prop, ....SWEATER.... FOR THE COOL DAYS We have all grades from $1.00- $4.50. Each to fit all sizesffrom baby to grandpa in pop: ular shades and combination colors. :: :: :: A complete line of Underwear in all wool and tieecelimed jsfoods-- white, gray, tan and blue. :: :: :: :: Our line of Dress Goods in silk, wool and cotton goods is complete in the new colorings and weaves. :: :: Outing Flannel, good heavy fleeced, at 10c per yard. Other grades at 8c, 11c, 12£c up to 20c per yard. , :: :: Our line of Shoes is the finest we have ever shown. Gun Metal Kid and Patent Colt Leather and cloth top, new shades. :: ;; Leave your order for Groceries, Canned Goods, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, etc. :: :: :: H. J. WALSH PHONE 343 GOODS DELIVERED M ^ . 3 'i 4 m m Each Year Furniture is in greater demand for FURNITURE is becoming much improved in de­sign and far better in quality and nothing makes a more sensible and pleasing Gift than that which is artistic and useful as well. The large stock displayed in this establishment offers great oppor­ tunity for selection. There are hundreds of fine chairs, rockers and other odd pieces of Furniture which for beauty of design and variety of style can­ not be excelled. Our display for the little people is also larger and more beautiful than ever before. Jacob Justen. »•• •a"? & v ^

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