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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1911, p. 5

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Gr" in your . - /br you a working agent of extraordinary ver­ satility whose assistance speedily becomes in­ dispensable and as to the expense is a liny in MIK tat (MI One kilow&tt hour of electricity used in the home will do many things For instance it will beep a 16 candle-power carbon lamp lighted 20 hours, or a 32 candle-power tung­ sten lamp25hour8. It will warm your curling tongs every day in the year for three minutes and twice on Sunday, or it wiiyaeat your shaving water every morning for 3 months. It will boil 9 kettles each holding 2 pints of water, or it will cook 15 chops in 15 minutes. It will keep your breakfast warm for five hours, and carry your dinner upstairs every day in the week. It will keep three domes­ tic flat irons in use for an hour, or run a sewing machine 21 hours. It will give y-ou a fire in your bod room for an hour while you are dressing, or it will warm all of the beds in the house by warming pans for a couple of weeks. THE SIME API1T OF ELECTRICITY OSED FOR POWER Will saw 300 feet of timber, cloen 5,000 knives, clean 75 pairk of boots, clip 5 horses,, run a plate polishing machine for 21 hours, iron 30 silk hats, light 3,000 cigars, knead 8 sacks of flour into dough, fill and cork 250 dozen pint bottles, pump 3,000 gallons of water or liquor to a height of 25 feet, lift 34 tons 75 feet in 4 minutes, run a large ventilating fan for 6 hours, carry you 30 times from the bottom of the house to the top 80 feet each^ourney. The expense of Introducing electric service in your bouse, fixtures included, may be met in 24 pionthly payments. No interest. Let us explain the plan. We sell everything electrical at our display rooms at the lowest prices «r s The finest example of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WESF SIOE HAREWARE CALIFORNIA O* H*m Comfort train* which rival the best hjStels and insure you every modern travel comfort. The 8an Franpjscp ^'Overland Limited," {he Los A^eles Limited, and the i 'hina Japan Fast Mail ftre all luxuriously equipped- lie su^e yqur tickets read Chicago & North Western Hy. Apply to ticket agents for par­ ticulars. , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a danger­ ously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. Sold by all dealers. pxpcyTOft'8 NPT?CE. Mullen & Hoy, Attorneys. Estate of Amos O. Vasey, llefeased. The undersigned Inlying fo< en appointed Executor of the hist Will and Testament of AmosQ. Vai>ey. deceased, late of the Comity i»f McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of VScHenry County, at the Court House in WoodsUK'k, at trie March Term, on the flrst Monday In March next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of havinp the same ad­ justed. All pet-sous Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to tbe undersigned. ' I>ated this 3rd day of January, A. D. lttil. «Mt Job K. Vasky, Executor. E. Hunter, F. A. Boh lander, Theo. Schiessle, M. J. Walsh, Fred Wille and son, Robbie, and N. A. Huemann were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KlbuKFIKUi. W. Oobb visited iff the city Thurs­ day. Miss Florence Simmons left Thurs­ day for the city. A. F. Salow was in Woodstock Tues­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler were city shoppers Friday. Rev. Giesselbrecht was a recent busi­ ness visitor in Sharon. Mr 0«krcei a. Crystal Lake business caller Thursday. Mrs. Ellsworth of Woodstock visited with Mrs. A. Levey Sunday. N. J. Garrison of Woodstock was a Ridgefu-ld caller Monday. Miss Rachel Spaar of Woodstock vis­ ited with Miss Clara Salow Sunday. Toll r> TKninncnn # I irjjlipsoij, v, *,v. ou\i viuiu ui Seneca were at Mr. Brown's Sunday. Mrs. Lynch was a Woodstock and Janesville visitor one day last week. Rev. and Mrs. Giesselbrecht and lit­ tle daughter were citv visitors recent­ ly. Grandma Hutson of McIIenry visited with relatives here the latter part of last week. Mrs. P. B. Hougfiawout \4sited her sister, Mrs. Fay. and family the first of the week. Mrs. O. Baldwin of Crystal Lake and niece of St. Charles were Ridgetield callers recently. Mrs. 1). L. G il>si m visited with Woodstock relatives a part of Wednes­ day and Thursday. A party of young folks enjoyed the skating on Lily lake Monday evening. The ice was prime. Arthur Skinner, Ed Pearson and Louis Goddai'd of Woodstock visited at their homes here Sunday. The Misses Lucy Benson. Mabel Skinner and Rachel French were pleas­ ant callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. W. Weiland entertained her sisters. Misses Emma and Martha Hoppner, of Chicago over Sunday. Mi's. W. R. McGraw and daughter. Miss Ethel, were Woodstock and Har­ rington callers the last of the week. .1. C. Button and sister, Mrs. 1\ Hodgkinson. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Minor Lock wood at dinner one day recently. E. E. Knilans, who has suffered for some time with j>oor health, went to ! Delavan Friday for medical advice and I treatment. | M rs. A. Peterson had a part ial st roke \ of paralysis Monday morning. R. L. 1 Dutield is slowly recovering from a ! similar attack. ! Mrs. Myron Jacobs and daughter, | With, of Neillsville, Wis., visited with] Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobs Tuesday and Wednesday. George flutson and brother, Claude, of McHenry drove over Saturday and took dinner with their sister. Mrs. C. F, French, and family. The Ladies' Missionary society will meet in the church parlors the second Tuesday in February. All interested in,the work are cordially invited to attend. < >n Feb. f) the Young People's soci' el \ will observe the anniversary of the organization of the V. P. S. C. E. ill an interesting and appropriate man­ ner. Everyone is invited to thfcse ser­ vices. RINOWOOD. J. D. Smith left last Thursday for a visit to Oregon. Miss Agnes Bigelow is spending this week in Richmond. E. C. Haw ley was a, Chicago passen­ ger Monday morning. Charles Bycler is home from Mil­ waukee for a few days. Mrs. Libbie Simpson returned from Chicago Friday evening. Miss Elnra Thompson of Chicago is visiting Mr%.E. T. Chase. Frank Hawley of Chicago was a Sunday guest of his parents. Mrs. McLaughlin of McHenry is visiting her son, John, at this place, C. W. Harrison and son were Wood­ stock visitors Thursday of last week. Mrs. Robert Turner of Solon visited at John McLaughlin's last Thursday. Oliver Lawrence of Harvard spent a few days of last week with his par­ ents. • Mrs. Nellie Woods of Lake Geneva spent Thursday night at James Con­ way's. Mrs. Jessie T r o w o f Tryon's Orove spen t Sunda \ w i th h e r da i ig lne i* . M r s . Shrader. Thomas Thompson o f B u r r e v i l l e J spen t Sunday wi th h i s s i f t e r . L i b b i e Simpson. Mi's. E. (•. Hawiey went to Elgin Monday to see her brother, Andrew, who is in p»>or health. Mi's. James Cannon went to Che­ mung to see Miss Pearl Woods, w ho was taken suddenly sick. The W. C. T. I", meeting at Mi's. Bucklnnd's was well attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves. The lecture given by Rev. Hinds o n " I r e l and" a t t he M. K. chu rch l a s t Thursday even ing w a s very g o o d . The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever \ on require their aid. These tablets change weakness into strength, listlessuess into energy, gloominess into joyousness. Their action is so gentle one doesn't realize they have t aken a pu rga t ive . So ld t i y all dealers. OPERA HOUSE Sunday (i s K«KK« l.l» »*A KK. J as. -'Has ton spent Suiulax at the Park. H. Felmeten is spending this week with Chicago friends. Leo Smith and Law rence lluck. Jr., spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Lucy Sutton visited the Misses Frisby in McHenry Sunday. Lawrence lluck, Sr.. attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Florence Welch visited Miss ! Anna McGee in McHenry Sunday. | R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity Tiles- day. j W. J. Walsh spent Sunday after- n«H>n with the Misses Whit ing at Ring- ' wood. I Richard Aylward of Elgin visited ! Ed. Knox and family the tirst of the week. | Misses Miivine and (Catherine Knox i visited the Misses Whiting at Ring- wood Sunday. I The skating has been very good on ADniSSION, IOC We insist Si that you grivc us a trial if you have not alreadydonu s o . W o j ? u a r a n t o o o u r «*rooories to be fresh and rijrht up to tho minute and the prices that we quote upon them should encourage a .. purchase. Try us and bo convinced. M. H. NIESEN TELEPHONE NO. 694 Hchenry, - Illinois. LJ PROBA TE NEWS the river here the past few w e e k s and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thayer and Mr. I the Covers of that s|*>rt have been tak- and Min. W. S. Jaynes of Woodstock ' ing advantage of it. and Howaixi Jacobs of i erra t otta at- j Have you a weak throat? ff so, you tended the Roval Neighlwrs' installa- ' ^ ^ . , . . ' , . i> A 11 'iv,^ .,!., ; cannot be too careful. \ou cannot lion at Ridgetield 1 uesda\ evening, lan j- ' l>egiu treatment too early. Each cold Next Sunday there will be an illus- • makes you more liable to another and tinted lecture on Korea, using stere-j the last is always the hardest to cure, jpticon slides that have been made by jf vy( I wj |] take <'hamberlain's Cough Presby terian missionaries on the lield. The morning services w ill be of a mis­ sionary character also. The friends of Miss Kmma Nelson, who went to St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, are pleased to learn that the operation for appendicitis was success­ ful. Her mot her is helping to care for her. l>r. Windinueller ot Woodstock | w 'as necessary to call it oil. has her in charge. TIMM Job vasey of McHenry was in town Sunday. Leslie Turnbull of Wauconda was in town Friday afternoon. Mrs. Dick Denlien of Libertyville \i>iUu relatives hi re last week. Win. Dillon transacted business in Elgin the lore part of last week. Karl arid Jennie Potter spent Sun- da* with relatives in Wauconda. Remedy at the outset you w ill be saved much trouble. Sold by all dealei-s. A number of the skaters of this vicinity planned a skating party for Wednesday evening, but owing to the interference of the weather man it Instead. the crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs, when' a very pleasant evening was spent at cards and other games, followed by a very delicious luncheon served by the hostess. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE may not result from the work of tire- bugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Hucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for I turns, woiuids, bruises, lioils, sores. mil (I. l-'i ula\ M a t h . B a u r o f I ' i s t a k e i Y o l o c a l l e r W e d n e s d a y Bay f o r e - L . V . L u s k a n i l w e r e i n Y o l o sons of West Sunday after- >f his Mcllenr\ callers one day last, week. Clyde Wright spent Sunday with his parents at their home near Waucon­ da. Mrs. ( h a s . I l a u g h t s p e n t T u e s d a y of l a s t w e e k w i t h l v l a t h e s i n \ \ a u k e - gan. Mesdames J . Richardson Huson were Chicago visitoi last. Mi was noon Mi Fremont noon. George Huson was the guest uncle at Mendota last \\ ednesday and Thursday. Little Arthur Dillon is n u m b e r e d with ^he sick. Dr. I>. G. W ells of Mc­ Henry is attending him. Lee Huson has resigned bis jiosition at Waukegan and is assisting bib father w ith the farm work here. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester' Wagner and children and Mrs. C, Sabel spent last Thursday with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Harry Nicholls and daughter, Lovina, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Nicholls at their honi«- in Chi­ cago, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not a common, every-day cough mixture. It is a meritorious remedy for all the Woublesome and dangerous compli­ cations resulting from cold in the head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold by all dealers. Mr. and Mi's. ( has. Baught w e r e 11 sul>dues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 2.V at N. 11. Petesch's and K. Masquelet's. TKHKA (OTTA. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry visit­ ed relatives here the latter part of the week. Miss Harrief Welch of Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Bertha Swan of Woodstock was 1 guest in the home of C. E. Martin Sunday. Misses Minnie and Emma Conway of Elgin spent Saturday at the latter's hutne here- M('. and Mrs. W. J. \Vulch and daughter, Helen, called in this vicin­ ity Wednesday. M iss Hazel Robisun of McHenry vis­ ited at }. M. Phalin'a Thursday even­ ing. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago was the guest of lu r parents and sister here Sunday. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Monday with his daughters here. OLD SOLDIER TORTURED. "For years I suffered unspeakable tort ire from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble,' ' wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They're simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 25c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. M Don't forget the moving pictures at the opera house Sunday, Jan. 29. IKurnlslieil by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold liliM'k, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title iiikI conveyiiiiciujK. Money to lomi on real estate in sums of five hundred t<> ten tliousimd dollars. Time and payments 1,0 suit borrower. IMioucm (134, MKi anil #11.1 4'ROHATK pkocekdinus. Estate of Henry P. Allen, proof of death and petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. MAKR1AUE LICENSES. Aimer Aavang, 21 .Greenwood Lillie E. F. Sehi*oeder, 20 " Edw ard Frederick, 21. . . Sharon Ethel Market, 20 " Ray Merchant. 21 Greenwood Inga Benson, 20 . . . Fred Huff, 21 Spring Grove liosa Justen. 21 McHenry Albert Thurow, .'10 Seneca Twp Anna Zechur, 29 . _ Seneca William A. Stewart, 2"> Richmond Mary i\rumj>en, " SLWPIN GOES TO TEXAS. FORMER McHENRY MAN TAKE8 MANAGE­ MENT OF SOUTHERN CAS COMPANY. Charles D. Slimpin, former ohlef clerk in the office of the Western I'nited Gas and Electric Co. at Elgin, but for the past year manager of the DuOuoin Light. Heat and Power Co., at DuQuoin, 111., has re signed his posi­ tion w ith that company. He has ac­ cepted a similar position at? Abilene, Texas. According to the DuQuoin papers, t l ie gas company has prospered under Sliiupin's management, and the ser­ vice was bettered. An excerpt from one ol the articles follows: "Since coming here Mr. Slimpin and his esteemable w ife have made many warm friends, who will regret much to have them leave. He has made many improvements for the company which he represented and at the pres­ ent time no city in southern Illinois has a gas plant as complete as the one heve.'" Sliuipln has been associated with gas interests for eight years. He worked as a gas fitter for an Elgin company and worked up to the posi­ tion of chief clerk, which position he held for two years before going to Du­ Quoin. His wife was formerly Miss Ida Harmeling of Elgin. 80LVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bot­ tom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for the won­ derful double benefit I got from Elec­ tric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the syste n of kid­ ney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Everv bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's andr. Masquelet's. Petesch's for drags. Progressive and Progressing- Pharmacy We endeavor to^ conduct a drug store that is fully up to the times, or a little ahead of the times, if possible. This requires constant effort on our part to make improvements or additions to our stock and equipment, and we never hesitate to do so when the interests of \ « our customers will be promoted to the slight­ est degree. We have what people want, we give them what they ask for, ^ and provide high quality of goods and service, whether it is asked for or not. :: :: N. H.PETESCH Druggist, McHenry - Telephone 274 r "THE REASON" We vverp told by one of our progressive farmers one day recently, "My wife asked me to pur­ chase some other brand of flour aside from the McHenry product because the family eats so much more of the bread made from the 'Early Riser* brand." That rich 'flavor is what gets 'em all and for this reason said farmer could not accommodate his wife, and the family is still using the "Early Riser" brand. If you haven't given the McHenry product a fair trial do so at once. :: m '•'> - West Ndlenrv Flu and feed lb WEST MctlENKY, JOHN Prop. What is nicer than a weft furnished home? What makes a home more cheerful and invit­ ing than neatly furnished apartments? A neatly furnished home may be had by every family in McHenry if they will only consult us"on this question. Our lit\e of household furniture is not only in keeping with the times, but our prices thereon generally catch the eye and suggest a purchase. When you are ready to add a piece/>r two of furniture to your home come and see us. The prices that we quote you will be entirely satisfactory. ..Jacob Justen.. Winter IS HERE in earnest and to protect the hody from the wintery blasts one must be dressed comfortably and warm. We have a good assortment of COLD WEATHER (iOODS which it would pay you to look over. Our well selected stock comprises Men's, Ladies' and Children's warm Shoes, Overshoes, Ruhbers, Mittens, Sweater Coats, Mufflers and, in fact, anything in the line of winter goods. - - - m. 3. ttlalsb WEST McHENRY, ILL.

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