mm mm The finest e x mple of family range making known to the art. If you buy a range because it is low priced you take long chances which you cannot afford to take. You take no chances with the Round Oak. It is right and our guarantee goes with it F. L. McOmber THE WEST SIDE HAREWARE Joint Service Bell Telephone and ...Western Union Telegraph... EVERY BOX TELETBONE A TELEGRAPH STATION Effective February i, 1911 If you are a subscriber to the Bell Telephone Sys tem and wish to send a Telegram, a Night J^etter or a Cablegram, use your Telephone. Say "Telegram" to the operator and you will be con nected with a Western Union office from which your message will be sent and charged in your monthly account. At night, on Sunday or holidays, when the local tol- egraph office may be closed, you will be connected with an open Western Union office without additional charge. Telegrams and Cablegrams may also be sent from our Public Pay Stations. The arrangements vary at different classes of stations, but as rapidly as possible we shall eauio them with full directions. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KINO WOOD. Calvin Coates and bride of Harvard visited his aunt, Mrs. C. Smith, Tues day. Warren Foss was in Chicago buying goods Tuesday. Dr. Ward of Richmond was in town Friday on professional business. John McLaughlin's baby boy, who was quite sick last week, is better. Mrs. H. W. Allen spent Saturday with her mother at North Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant visited the former's parents at Woodstock Sunday. Lewis Bell of Spring Grove spent Sunday with his grandmother. Mrs. Mary Hell. Mrs. Mary Hutson and daughter of Dorr township visited at William Kel- ley s Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Smith andv little son, Sumner, of Friendship, Wis., are visit ing at A. W. and S. W. Smith's. Mrs. Lewis Shrader was quite sick last week and Mrs. Maud Merrell of Solon spent part of the week with her. William and Charles Harrison of Nimda township with their fumilijes visited theii sister, Mis. ,1. r. Ladd. Sunday. Harry l'eet and two little daughters of WtKHlsU^jyr spent Sunday with his father, The lat terdoes not improve as his irfany friends would wish. •1. K. Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., and Willis Kittle of North Crystal Lake were here Tuesday looking after the sale of Mi's. Marsh's household goods. If troubled with indigestion, consti pation, no appetite or feel bilious give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will l>e pleased with the result.. These tablets invig orate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold hv all d e a l e r s . Another 014 S«ldi*r Gone. Ciiandiler .1. Smith was liorn Jan. JnHNSBCBGH. Mi's. H.Thelen visited among friends in McHenry Monday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Mueller were callers at McHenry Sunday.. Henry Tony an and family were Ring- wood callers Tuesday. Jos. Wagner of Spring Grove was a caller in town Monday. Ed. Debrecht was a guest in the home of Math Lay Sunday. N Mrs. Mathias Bauer visited with her mother, Mi's. Brits, Sundav. Ben Sehoewer and Vernon Jones of McHenry were visitors here Sunday. Dr. Nye and Nick Huffbauer were callers in this vicinity last Saturday. Mesdames Juhu Niesc-n and Maggie Freund were McHenry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Klein visited one day recently with Jos. Klein and fani- ily. Wm. Hay and George Schaefer of Spring Grove were seen in town Tues- day. Misses Josephine and Lena 1'itzen of Volo made a pleasant visit here Mon day. Mr. and Mr*. Jacob M day ir. the home of .!(>>. Henry. Mrs. F r e t ! , I l i s t e n of spen t Sunday w i t h h e r Kate May. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schniitt vis- it«'d Tuesday at the home of Stephen M. Schniitt. Lew Althotl of lVilatine spent Sun day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. AltholT. Mi's. Stephen H. Schniitt passed Sun day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Metterinann. Mr. and Mis. Nick Weber of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Jos. F. Schniitt last Sunday. John Freund passed Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin S. Freund, near McHenry. Joe Adams, Nick Klein and Leonard i\ spent >1111- Justen at Mc- I ' i s t a k e e B mother. Mi lit, 1*40. at North Adam*, Mass.. and , Miehels of Spring, i n n ..passed Sundav du d at his home in Ringwood Feb. 10. in th(, i r n.S|M, (. t ivhoint s h). iv. 1U11, aged 71 yeai-s and '27 days, lie grew to manhood in his native town Mr. ami Mrs. W illiam Adams of Fox Lake spent Saturda\ afternoon and and enlisted as a soldier in the Civil j SuniTax with Johns!,urgh relatives and friends. war June Lt), 1 Htil to serve three years. Juue'JH, 1S,»4, he was discharged, his term having expired and his health being impaired by the hardships en dured. He then came to McHenry county, Illinois, June Lit. lfS7ll He was Jacob Justen and family and Jacob Miller and family were entertained in the home of Jos. Miller near McHenry Tuesday. Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Hettermann mail ied ^o Mary A. Halderman and a, l t] children were Sunday guests at settled in McHenry, where he worked at his trade of tinsmith. One son, Clifford, was born to them. For the past three years they have lived in Ringwood. The funeral services were held in the M. W. A. hall Sunday . Rev. Collins of the M. E. church offici ating. He sjioke well. Mrs. Tuttle and son, Clarence, sang three fine selections. The bereaved onps have our sympathy in %the loss of a kind husband and father, a good neighbor and friend. The remains were laid to rest in the Ringwood cemetery. What is nicer than a well furnished home? What makes a home more cheerful and invit ing than neatly furnished apartments? A neatly furnished home mav be had by every family in McHenry if they will only consult us'on this question. Our line of household furniture is not only in keeping with the times, but our prices thereon generally catch the eye and suggest a purchase. When 30U are ready to add a piece or two of furniture to your home come and see us. The prices that we quote you will be entirely satisfactory. ..Jacob Justen.. the home of the former's brother, Jos. Hettermann. and w ife. While it is often impossible to pre vent an accident, it is never^iuipossiblo to be prepared- it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 2.~> cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like injuries. So|d by all dealers. K M K K A I. I * PA KK. John 1. Sutton of Elgin spent the week end with home folks. James Haxton of Chicago spent the week end at his cottage here. QSTJSKD. Clarence Whiting of Ringwood was Mrs. Alma Thomas was a McHenry ^ recent visitor at Ed. Knox's. caller last Saturday. Miss Marine Knox spent Thursday Mrs. Belle Richardson of Woodstock ' ' i l s t week with Woodstock relatives, is visiting relatives here. I Miss Mabel Bowel's of Elgin spent Kmil Thomas was absent from school j Sunday with R. J. Sutton and family. three days on account of sickness. Miss Alice Richardson spent several days last week with relatives in Chi cago. Miss Susie Thomson sperU Saturday and Sunday with Misses Hettie and Flossie Randall. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the sale of Thomas Bros, at (J recti wood last Saturday. Mrs. Mary Archibald spent one day last week with relatives at Janesv ille, Wi«- Miss Julia Mattoon of Chicago spent a few days the past week at her cottage hepo. Miss Lola Boyle of West McHenry spent Tuesday with Miss Florence Welch. Mr. and Mrs. John R.Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bassett spent j Joseph, spent Tuesday with relatives Sundav at the home of their son. E. E. I near Volo. Bassett. in West McHenry. Mrs. Ida King returned to Chicago Satin-day after a three weeks' visit with relative-- in this vicinity. Mis. \V. F. Bashett went to Hins dale last Saturday to visit Mrs. Carl Ma goon, who is re|»orted no letter. Mrs. Ben Smith and little son of Friendship, Wis., and Mi's. Jessie Smith of Ringwood were guests of Mrs. Frank Martin last Thursday. A f e w minutes' delay in treating some eases of cmup. even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor, often proves dangei*ous. The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house and at the tii-st indication of cr< i u p the I'h i Ki a ili 1 leas- Sold by ant to t a k e a n d a l « a y s cut a l l d e a l e r s . RAISE PICKLES. See F. A. Boh lander for contracts. National Fickle «V Canning Co. May 4 Master Earl Walsh of West McHenry visited his aunt. Mrs. Cha». \V. Cilibs, a few days this week. Mrs M. IV Henise and Miss tCtfie Magoon spent a few days recently with relatives at Hinsdale, 111. r Misses Margaret and Lucy Sutton entertained a number of friends Tues day evening at a Valentine whist party. After several games of pro gressive whist were played hearts being trump during the entire evening it was found that Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs and John W. Gibbs carried off head favoi-s while Miss Florence Welch and Ray Conway were awarded consolations. This was followed by a dainty luncheon which was enjoyed by all. Dining the evening Carl Hoff man of Chicago favored the guests with several beauf i ful v iol in select ions. Another feature of the evening's pro gram was a valentine IMIX which of fered no little amusement. OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MOVING PICTURES ILLUSTRATED SONGS a rERf-ORNANCE TO START AT 8:15 10 Cents to All 0 YOUR MORNING VJf* IT* O A, *0 • U l V / t U U \W mean coffee, of course. Not any coffee, but a pure blend which is appetizing, stimulating and healthful. We have the identical arti cle. We have heard many g o o d t h i n g s s a i d o f o u r coffees; said, too, by house keepers who have gone the rounds and who came back. Then we know at least a little bit about coffee our selves,--have learned from that best of all teachers, EX PERIENCE. And putting what we have often been told together with what we have learned, we ask lovers of a good cup of coffee to trust us to sup ply them. PRICES, - • 22, 25, 30, 35 You Warvt Our Dpuqs and SERVICE The valuable element in drugs and drug store service is reliability. No one questions but that our customers get reliable service; few stores have earned so widespread a reputation in this regard. You can 't put a money value on such service, it is beyond price. And yet it costs you nothing extra. When you want drugs or have a prescription to be filled bear this in mind. You can trade here with a feel ing of absolute security and feel just as cer tain that the price will be right. :: if N. H. PETESCH Druggist. Tel. 274. HcHenry "THE REASON" We were told by one of our progressive farmers one day recently, "My wife asked me to pur chase some other brand of flour aside from the McHenry product because the family eats so much more of the bread made from the 'Early Riser* brand." That rich 'flavor is what gets 'em all and for this reason said farmer could not accommodate his wife, and the family is still using the "Early Riser" brand. If you haven't given the McHenry product a fair trial do so at once. :: :: :: John Stoffel West McHenry, : 111. WEST McHBNRY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER. Prop. NEW SND HAND ELECTRIC HOWS Altimatln| uri Diract Ctrmt PRICE8 RIGHT LOCKE CTHERIDGE, EDISON PARK, ILL Want Column. All ftdvertlsemonts iamrted under tliia head At the following Five linen or lens, 46 cent* for fln( insertion, 16 reiitu for each subsequent im»ertU>&- HonUi*n live lined, 6 cento * line for tlmt nd 3 vents a line for addition! tntftertloa*. Foil SALE-Khut gui MRS Hejirjf. 111. w IIHIUUU. ron-u shelter, two unci a KriucUtanti. Apply to SHOT KUIIS NO or write MftS KO&CKT SoHlBSSLa, West Mc- Hft-tf EM>K SALE A fvw uxoellcnt Kinglet Harted *• liui'k cHM'kKlvU and pullets. Tl»»»y most Ktx. 1 ntM-ti lltv room. tCicus lu seasou. W. 11. J|oi(i>KN«lTT, UlllKWiKxl, 111. FOK KKNT--A !**veu-ruoni house, located south side o( park. McHenry For fur ther hi for" nil ou write or apply to B. II. 1'KKITND, Mc Henry, 111. 35-tf nvj|{ KENT -Thirty acres of excellent plow *• laud, located ou tlin Volo road oue-half mile nast of llie Fox river bridge. For further Information apply U> or write MH8. HKNHY KILNNKHKCK, McHeury, III. 35-tf CHIKPALE Property known as the Osteud r creamery, located In the towushlu af (irccnwood. For full information address the < >8TICND CHEAMKHV Co.. YVoodsUtck, III. • WMt SALE The Dr. O. H. Keeers, Jr., real- 1 deuce aud uruperty In McHeury. For furt her lnfurmiUiou apply to or address T. J. \\ M-*it, McHenry, 111 ie-tf EHilt KENT FOK t'ASH-A 186 acre farm 1 situated i>n the Crystal Lake road a)>out uf a mile from the Bordon milk factory. Twenty-two acres of this farui was seeded for alfalfa three years ago aud has been liriiiKiuK forth three excellent crous each year. For further Information apply to or write tltco. 11. HANLY. YV«st McHenry, III. a*-tf Advertise it in Plairvdealer SOME BARGAINS FOR THE "RED TAG" SALE: LADIES' LACE SHOES Fleece-lined, regular price §1.65. now 91.30 Fleece-lined, regular price S2 00, now 91.38 Black Shoes, regular price 92.00, now 91.98 Tau Shoes, regular price 12.75, now.. . YG QQ INT ANT BUTTON SHOES--Black, three pair size 3H aud two pair slae 3, regular price HOc. now BED BLANKETS TO CLOSE OUT AS FOLLOWS: 11-4 Blankets, regular price $2.25, now _ 91.98 11-4 Blankets, regular price 12.00. now 91.78 11-4 Blankets, regplar price 11.U0, now 91.38 11 4 Blankets, regular price 11.25, now 91.08 #-4 Blankets, regular price 75c, now ggg HEN'S UNDERWEAR-Men's Shirts, sUes 40,42, 44,46; HOD'S Drawers, ) sizes 34. 40. 42, 44. regular price 50c, now OUTING FLANNELS--2 pieces, colors brown and gray, 10c yard, now 91-2e Oue piece, color red, regular price 10c, now.. gg Two pieces, color pink, striped, regular price per yard lie, now 11-Se One piece, color white, regular price per yard 8c, now 8c F1&ANNELLETTE DRESS GOODS--One piece gray with black 6gure, 1 piece black with white figure, one piece red with black dots, reg ular price per yard #Hc, now gg Our line of Valentines and Posi Cards is complete. We ask you to come and look It over and sec for yourself. J. C. Debrecht & Co. Johnsburgh. 111. :: 'Phone 26. P H I L I P J A E G E R QBNERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, hogs. Veal, Poultry, tildes, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STOKAUE FREE CHIC AGO, ILLINOIS. Stall A 3. Pulton St. WkMitlt Market. i , ; l( ii n i s i Makes Home baking Easy. Gives nicer, better food than baker's. There is no baking powder like it for hot biscuit, hot breads and cake. Made from Pure Grape Cream of Tartar. PRE-LENT DANCE. The last dance until afttr Lent to take place at Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, will be held of Monday evening, Feb ruary 27. As this is the last opportu nity ^hat the youn^f people of Johns- burjfh and vicinity will have to trip the light fantastic until the Easter dance it is up to them to get in on this event. The manager wishes to im press upon the minds of the dance- loving public that he is going to exert himself just a trifle on this occasion and will do everything within reason and power to make things pleasant as well as lively for those who turn out. Mr. Smith has never yet fallen down on any of his promises and you can take it from him that there will be something doing. Dance tickets only 50 cents. The music for the event will be furnished by Nett's orchestra. A cordial invitation is extended to all. "The best ever" is what the people say that see the moving pictures at the Central. Will be here again Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 18 and 19. Chicago & North-Western. Effective Feb. 12. mi. VIII OAT TRAUM. Leave Arrtr* Olitcaico. NORTHBOUND McHeur* •7.00 a in Via F.lgin lo.2s a •tt.00 a in Via I>es I'laines a ak SLv Crystal l^iice 2.40 Ar. McHenry .2.53 •3.40 p m Via Ites l'hiiu«s 5.00 pai •3 15 p m . Via KiKin, gJJt p '4 50 p m Via lies I'lames.. SUNDAY TWAINS, H 00 a m Via IHjs 1'Uiues 9.45 a n 7 10 a. in Via Eljriu 9.45 a. «. ».0T> p m Via Elgin 6.06 PM •-Sip I L*>av® anmHinnm ArtlT* McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chicago *7.10 a m Via l>es I'himes s».mt\ou *7.10 am Via F.ljriu HUV> a at *s>.li»a m Via Des Plalu«s m •4.m! p m Via IHw PlaiuiM 6.25 pBB '4.JU p ai Via Elgin. T.~> p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.10 am Via tV<ttPlaim>s. IMS a m 7.10 a m ViaElgiu 16- IS * n 5.00 p m Via IVws Plalnes liW p m 5.00 pm Via Blffta TJBpm * Dally except Sunday. Sacred concerts at St. Mary Cath olic church on Saturday and Sunday evenings of this week. The first con certs of this kiml ever attempted to, ; McHenry. Everybody invited. -•£$